PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Safest, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, October 24, 1939 Chicago Wheat Prices Lower Snows Strength Early, Then Takes Tumble; Spreaders Sell ; CHICAGO, Oct. ; S3.-(ff)-AIter in earl display of strength had added ax much as . cent to quo tations, wheat prices tumbled more than a cent from the highs today and closed fractionally low sr than Saturday. '! Selling came ' from spreaders who ' apparently were buying . wheat at other markets and from dealers influenced by the unset tled securities market and the fall- are of buying power here , to ex pandas much as they thought un ' favorable eron renortm from the winter wheat belt warranted. ' , Minneapolis i and Kansas City wheat closed unchanged to only slightly lower- than Saturday. Traders had anticipated some sup port for Chicago wheat through lifting of hedges against govern ment purchasing of flour for re lief ' distribution but only small buying here was credited to milts. ... At Kansas Ctly, however, mill buying was reported substantial. Thomson and McKinnon, grain house, had a report indicating that possibly 730,000 barrels of government flour had been book ed with orders scattered among many millers. Chicago wheat closed low er than Saturday, December 84 ,May Statesman Policy Pays , Mrs.V. E. Schafer for Auto Accident injuries Mrs. Violet E. Schafer, Salem route eight, yesterday received a check for 1 16 5 in payment tor compensation to which she be came entitled under an accident Insurance policy she obtained in connection with her subscription to The Oregon Statesman. ' ' Injuries Mrs. Shafer suffered in ah automobile accident rendered her totally disabled for 15 weeks, under terms of the policy, which naid $150 In disabilitv benefits. la addition she received f 15 extra because she was required to spend two weeks in a hospital. Gardeners' Mart POETLAKD, Ore.. Oct. 23. (APJ . Apple, Oregon: Bad Oelieioos, place pick, 1.00-1.10; Winter Butui, toee nd fill, 0-65c; WMhinston: Jonatbaas, eombiattion extra fancy and fancy, place ioaa, wrapped, large extra lancy, 1.60 105; fancy, 1.40-1.60. Artichekea four to &-doien boxes, 16O-S.00; dozen, 75 80c. Tocadoa California Qnecn, Sharpleaa Benik, 2.10-8.20; others, 1.90-2.06; faer ies 3.6S. ' . c. Bananaa Per lunch, 6c; hands cat off r email iota, 6e. Beans Oregon Kentucky Wonder and Blue Lakes, 6-0e; Umaa, 76-SQe per ins;: Shell, 5-75e per tag. Brussels Sprouts 12 cup flats, 75-S5c; Cabbage Local, 90 pound, - new crates tedium site, 75-80e; old crates, eo-S5e; per aack, 40-60cj red, 2 pound. Cantaloupe Waahiogton, all siies, 10 S5e; Oregon Spears, 90c-1.00; ethers, 15-OOc Cauliflower Local No. 1, 60-75c; Ko. S, 85-40C Celery Ortgon Utah, 75-90e; white, 5O-1.10; hearts, 65-75c. CitroaolTrnit Arizona grapefruit, fan ey 100a, 2.00; 80c and larger 2.40; choice 15e less: Texas pinks 3.75-4.50; JTlonda 4.25-4.75; California 2.00-2.40. Cocoanute 4.75-6. QO per aack of 100. Com Oregon, Washington, 6-6 dosea Soxes, best 90e 1.00; poorer, lower. Cranberries Oregon, Washington, S5- Eond boxes. Centennial Mammoth and ei'arlin. S 00-3.25. Cucumbers Oregon, slicing flats. 65- TOe; picklers, all sites, S6-40c Dill 2 8c pound. Eggplant Local, flats 65-75c; dosea large in crate 90e-l 00. Gsrlic Local. 12-15s lb - rin 15- 18c lb. ' Orapea California Cornichona 1.25; Eibiers, 1.40; afalagaa, 1.00-1.10; To kays, 80e-1.00; Oregon Concords, togs, 5-45c; Tokays 75 85e; Malagas 60-5e. Huckleberries Waahington, 10-lb. boxes 1.25. Lemone fancy, all sixes 5.50-6.00: choice, 60-75o less. Limes California, flats, 150s, 2.60; display cartons. 80e: dosen. 20-25& Lettuce Local, dry packp 8-4 dosea, best 1.00-1.10; fair 60-7 5; Washington topped ijc-ijt. - Melons Honeydews. erstes 75e-1.00: Caaabaa loose ltt-le lb.; crates Tak- ima 70-SOe, Boseburg 1.10-1.25; Ice Cream He per lb.; Santa Clans flat crates 05-75e. ' Mushrooms Cultirated, one-pound rar- I... . A Q on. - Oniona Washington,' 60-ponnd sacks, Spaniah, medium 45-65c; 10-lb. sacks, la. 12e;- Oregon Yellows, medium, 50-60c; , 10-lb. sacks, 1415c; Orejon pickle en- ion s, largo lots, b-Vks; small lota, 6-0 He, Oranna Valeaeias. - larce 4.00-4.60: Bsdiam 2.75 3.75; small S.OO-2.25; choice ou. Peaches Oregon. Krummels 60-60e. Peppers Oregon fists, jreen, 85-40e; ranee boxes. 60-75e: red flats 60-60e. Fear Washington, Bose and Anjona, mom m sm; wrappeo, extra fancy l.OO 1.25. ' i Peas Oregon, 25 lb. boxes, best 2.25 150; No. 2s, 1.60-1.75. Plums Oregon Itallana, 20-25e per 10-pouod rag; Pamaona 80-40c - Potatoes Market ateady, Oregon local Long Whites and, Bussets. US Kot 1. 100- lb. sacks, 1.25-L80; Ko. 2, 60 lb. sacks 45-50e, Klamath and Deschutes Bussets, CS No. 1. 100-lb. sacks. 1.85 1.45: Waah ington Rusiets, CS Ko. 1, 100-lb. sacks 1.25-1.35; 25-lb. sacks 40c; Mo. 2, 60 65c. Quince Oregon loose, culls out, 2-3 Hs lb. Spinach Local, oranco boxes 4O-60O. Sqnaah Orange flat Zucchini, 80-S5c; Scallop and Crooknecka, 25 85e; Danish, large crates, 65-70c; lugs, 85-45c; Mar tleheads, 1-1 He lb. ;' Hubbard, MHs; Bohemiaa, crates oo-voe; pumpkins, 1 IHe per lb. Sweet PoUtoes California. 60-lb. rates, Jerseys 1.60-1.70; rams 1.75-LI0. Tomstoes Oretoa, locsl, best 45-60 ; local and Washington, unclassified, 30- ue; ao. xs, xa-aoe. Baacbed Vegetables Per dosoa, pars ley, 20-2 5c; radishes 15-20e; turnips, 66 5e; pm enions 20-25c; beets 15-lTHe: carrots 17H-20e: dill weed, 4-Se lb.; ar diTo 40-45e; broccoli 86-40o; kohlrabi. ue; oeiorT root, sa-soo; caaro, xo-aoo; hieory d0. i Koot Vsretables Par 100-lb. sacks, ntabagas. 1.25-1.60; turnips 12.6-160; beets, 60s-1.00; carrots, 1.00-1-25; lags. 4-0c; parsnips, tugs, 45-60e. Wanted Walnuts and Walnut Meat s Ecllcy Farqniar Front and Norway Bis. "i Salem ' ' War Affects " - - in '--X -I- " - I r ? I j iiiiiiiililliii iiiiiiii' v Ml It s not so long until Christmas, 'and despite the war British Santa Clauses are putting the finishing touches on toys of all sorts. Most popular of all are anti-aircraft guns, air raid shelters, army lorries and even toy barrage balloons as shown above in a London shop. Quotations PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 23. (API Produce exchange: Butter: Extras 81; standards 28 Hi prime firsts 27 H; firsts 26. Butterfst 29H 0. Errs: Large extras 28: standards 22: medium extras 20; standards 18; small extras 15; standards 13. Cheese: Triplets is; lost ltn. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore. Oct. 23. (API- Wheat : Open High Low Close December 81H "H S1H LH Cash Grain: Oats. Ko. 2. 881b. white. 26.00. Barley, No. 2, 45-lb. BW 24.00. Corn. Ko. 2. ET shipments 25.50. Flax, Korl, 1.76. Cash Wheat Bid: Soft white SO tt: western white 80 H; western red 80. Bard red winter: ordinary 80; 11 per cent 80; 12 per cent 82H; 13 per cent 85H; Id per cent 88H. Bard white Baart: ordinary 85H; 12 per cent 85H; 13 per cent 88 H; 14 per cent 91 H. Today' a Car Receipts: Wheat 62; bar ley 4: floor 18: corn 6: oata 7: hay 6 mill eed 5. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 23. (AP) Country Masts Soiling price to retail t: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 125-150 lbs., 0-9 He; lb.; Testers, fancy, 14H-15e; light and thin, 10-12e; heavy 0 lOe lb.: sprint: lambs. 14V6-15e lb.: sear- ling lambs, unquoted: ewes, S-6e lb.; cutter cows, 8e lb.; csnner cows, 6H-7 lb.: balls, 7-8s lb. Lira Poultry Baying prices: Leghorn broilers. 1 to 1A lbs.. 15c: friers, under 3 lbs.. 14o lb.; do, 8 to 4 lbs, 14e lb.; roasters, over d lbs. 14c: do. 2 lbs. snd over, 14-15e lb.: Leghorn bens, ever 8H lbs., 10-10 He lb.; do, under SH lbs., 9-9 He lb.; colored hens to 4 lbs.. 14c; do, orer 6 lbs 14c; Ko. 2 grsde, 6s less. Turkeys Bcliing pries: New-orep hens. 20c lb.; toms 18c. Buying prices: Ko. 1 hens 18c; toms, 16e lb. Deschutes, 1.36-1.40; Klamath. 1.80-1.40 ewt; local Whites 90o orange box; Scap- pooso tsuroanKS cental. Onions Oregon 40-50e: Tskima 80-S5c sack; Oregon Bermudas. 1-1 He lb. Hay Selling price to retailers: Altai fa.' Ko. 1. 10.00 ton: oat vetch. 12.00 ton: clover. 11.00 ton; timothy, eastern Oregon 18.00: ealley timothy 13.00-14.00 ton. Portland. Wool Eastern Oregon, fine. 23-2 6c lb.; crossed, 28 29c lb.; Willamette val ley. 12 month. 29e lb.; lamb, 20e lb. Monair 12-montn, 85e lb.; tail, sue. Cases ra 1939 peel, 4o lb. Bops Oregon. 1939. S5-40e lb.: 1938. nominal. Domes. Is Flour Bellini Dries, eltv do livery 1 to 25 bbl. lots; family patenta. 49s, 6.95-7.55: bakers' hard wheat, net, 4.60-5.90; bakers' bluestem, 6.20-5.60; blended wheat flour, 6.20-5.55; aoft wheat 4.90-4.95; graham, 5.70; whole wneat 49s, e.ia. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 23 (AP) (USD A ) Hogs : Salable 2250. total 2600; market 25 lower. Barrows and gilts, gd-eh. 120-140 lbs do gd-eh, 140-160 do gd-ch, 180-180 do gd-ch, 180-200 do gd-ch, 200-220 do gd-eh, 220-240 do gd-ch, 340-270 do gd-ch, 270-300 lbs Racketeer in Court 9il St Notorfons ma the New York racket - OTerlord, Louis (Lepke) Bach alter, is ahowB ia this ezclaslTe picture departing; from court . whero he appeared for the op enlag of his trial oa aa Indict ment clutrgtag coasptracy to Tt fjata ths Barroftcs laifc $ 6.00 6.83 lbs- 6.10 675 lbs 6.40 7.00 lbs 6.75 7.00 Iht 6.50 & 7.00 lbs 6.15 6.60 lbs. 6.00 6.50 5.00 6.25 V siyJ 4 ' a XmasToys 6 rf at Portland do gd eh, 300-830 lbs 6.75 6.00 do gd-ch, 830-860 lbs 6.65 6.85 do medium 160-200 lbs 6.65 6.85 Feeder pigs, gd-ch, 70-120 lts 6.10 6.75 Cattle: Salable and total 2300; calves, salable 250, total 275; market slow, gen erally steady. Heifers, med, 600-900 lbs. do common, 600-900 lbs Cows, good, all wts do medium, all wts . do cut-corn, all wta do csnner (low cut) all wts Bulls (ylgs excld.), beef, gd. all wts 8.00 Q 1.60 6.25 6.76 6.25 do sausage, gd, all do med, all wta do cut-corn, all wta 4.80 Vealexs, gd-ch, all do com med. all wts. do eulL all wta Calves, gd-ch, 400 lbs down do ecm-med, 400 lbs dn do cu.'l 400 lbs. down Sbssp: Salable 1500. total 2300: msr- ket steady to stronn. Lambs, gd and ch o med and gd , , . , o common Tear ling wethers. gd-ch do med Iwea, gd ch o eom-med 1.50 S.00 Wool in Boston BOStON. Oct. 33. (AP) (CSDAI lfilla and topmakers were showing very little interest in wools on the Boston mar ket today. Quotations were generally un changed and firm, compared with last week, aa holders were showing no inclina tion to lower prices La aa effort to stim ulate sales. Stocks and Bonds October 23 STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by The Associated Press 80 15 15 60 Indus Rails Unch 23.0 23.0 22.5 S1.8 28.8 15.7 Util Unch 39.9 39.9 38.5 87.3 40.6 83.7 Stocks Dneh 53.4 63.4 52.8 53.3 63.6 41.6 Net Chg. A .1 Monday 75.7 75.6 75.4 77.6 77.0 58.8 Previous day Month ago Tear ago 1939 high 1939 low BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 . 10 Forgo Raila D .1 Indus Unch 99.3 99.2 97.2 8.9 100.8 95.8 Util D .2 95.4 95.6 92.6 94.8 97.5 90.4 Net Chg. A .1 Monday Previous dsy Month sgo Tear ago 1939 high 1939 low 62.0 62.1 61.9 60.6 64.9 53.4 48.0 47.9 44.4 64.6 64.0 41.7 Mills, Canneries Running, Lebanon LEBANON Sawmills are re ported to be running fall time on one shift and are setting a better market due to increased demand. The Spencer Packing company is operating at fall time, day and night shifts, working 44 hoars a week. Tomato canning will last through this month and will be followed by pumpkins. Needle Club Meets DAYTON Mrs. Herb Willard of the Neck district entertained 10 members of the Peninsula Nee dle club at her home Thursday afternoon at their first meeting following the summer racatlon. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Newhctse. WALNUT AND FILBERT GROWERS See Us First Before Selling Tour Filberts Also Wal ants and Nut Meats. We Pay Highest Cash Prices MORRIS KLORFEIN ! PACKING CO. 280 8, High St. Pb: T633 c WHY SUFFER ANY LONGER? WBXM OT-CEIS FAIL I a so onr Chiaosa reaaedte. Aaaaslng BUO CSSS for 6000 yoara fas CHINA. He siatter with what ailment yea are A ITU-T ED disorders, si na cltis. heart, tang. Ivor, kidney, Soaaaek. gaa. ee-attpntkm, aleora. diabotia, rheoasntiaaa, gsl and bladder, favor, skin, femaio cow Slsiata Charlie dtan Chinese Herb Co. S. a foaf, S years' practice la China. Officer boars 9 ta 6 si a, except San- day and Wed aoo csy. B aa 16 a. sa its . Coas'l 8- Saloas, Pro. 6.50 & 8.00 6.25 6.60 6.000 .75 4.75 6.00 8.50 4.75 6.50 6.S6 & 6.76 6.S6 5.00 10.00 8.50 9.00 4.60 6.60 7.60 9.00 6.00 1.60 4.00 6.5P 8.00 8.13 T.25 T.TB 6.00 7.00 6.50 6.60 6.00 6.50 8.00 0 6.33 n Stock Prices Are Irregular War Influence on Market Wanes; Turnover Is Some Higher . NEW YORK, Oct. 23-jF)-Stock market traders today Just about shelred the war as a guying Influ ence and price changes were nar rowly irregular in virtually all de partments. Best performers Included a few utilities, motor trucks, amuse ments, mall orders and special ties. Steels, motors, rails, coppers and rubbers generally finished fractions to a point or so lower. . The Associated Press average of tO issues was unchanged at S3. 4. The stand-off character of the pro ceedings was shown by the fact 307 individual stocks were up, 300 down and 234 ended at Saturday's final quotations. Dealings slackened after a fair ly lively hour when blocks of 1, 000 to 10,000 shares were traded. At that, the turnover for the ses sion amounted to 973,890 shares compared with 786,880 last Fri day. Steels lagged throughout and closed around the day's bottoms. - Forecasts of mounting motor sales in the coming season were offset to some extent by the Chrysler labor stalemate. Sears Roebuck came to life for a gain of 1W at 83 when the company's directors Toted an ex tra dividend of 1.25 a share. Hot Weather Cuts Walnut Tov age Probably tonnage of walnuts has been reduced because of high temperatures during September in all major California walnut pro ducing counties, according to the California Fruit News. The October 1 forecast is 65, 300 tons, as compared with 45,300 tons produced in 1938; (8,000 In 1937; 42,000 In 1936. and 52,000 In 1935. Quality of the crop has also been reduced by unfavorable wea ther, It is believed by growers. POLLY AND HER PALS MICKEY MOUSE rOF ALL THINGS! BRINGING A NASTY OLD TURTLE INTO m HOUSE. JUST FOR A . 77-1 SILLY TRICK ! i HOW Trfi HECK AMV ( I eONNA MANAOS J V,ON ONES MEASLY f PO!-L' DOLT? Jt - DIDNT 1 CHANGE IT I m TV r BACK STOOL IT THAT 'S MY r foot fcVL V iasn IVi. V-k w ---, n tf - a- D F tf . - WMJ LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY BLA6T THTS LEG" STR THE ROC- FOC? AM HOUR SHERIFF GPy3CfS POSSE WS SCAkCMMG nvurjasrriM..Ar TOOTS AND CASPER Ves. CASPER. AND THERE'S NOTUIM M5 TO DO EXCEPT MAKE OK rr BUT NOBODY ELSE WILL EVER TAKE HER PLACE HEART- THIMBLE rUEATOE - WHAT tsvoua WEATHER FOPJECAStA FOR TODAY. OOCTORJ Nazi Plane ft r -v I" i i a -in.,.. V ' .Svn S ' 1 r--S.'j4- y: a ' : Here is one of tte German victims in that Firth of Forth air raid STi7 ml;"- The Plane, disabled, is down in the Firth of Forth, which is off Scotland. The picture is a radiophoto from London. Salem Market Quotations rsuiTs (Baying Prices) (The prices below supplied by grocer and indicative of the daily price" paid to gravers by Salem bat are aot guaranteed by The. man.) Bananaa. 3x oa ! Hands Grapes, Calif, seedless Grapefruit. Calif. a local market buyers States .06 M . -06 1.16 5. T8 6. T6 a oo 1.60 1.60 .oa bemoaa. crate Oranges, erata Avocados, crato ... Cantaloopes, erst Watermelons, lb. .S0 to VBaBTABUSS (Baying Prices) Besns, greet. . , , Beets, dos. Cabbsfe. lb. Carrots, local, doa. ' .68 . J6 Uli i 40 ! so 1.00 J6 M 1.40 .It SO St 40 i I .40 1.60 SO j. ss : AO Caalifloissr local Celery. Ctoh. 90s: local. srsU- Oorn, Dcs. Cucumbers, outdoor Lettuce Unions. 66 lbs. Green omens, dos. Radish aa. dos. Pass, toast, lb. Peppers, greea Parsley Ports toss, local ewt.. Ko. L. 60 lb. bags Spinach. Seattle, box. Turnips, dos Sqnaah, dos. Tomatoes, Dallas, lag HOPS (Bsylag Prlcss) SS to 1019. lb. .60 V OH. OF COURSE! SO IS Vi MEAN TRICK rUUJNU KAtSfcWT S OUT THAT MNP OF NONSENSE TO A AGAIN? BIT T TCI I 'V ' PKOVfc THIS IslOiPPERlkT.' REAL ITS.THE . LAMf P ! - TCXED OUT RATON ) STOP BEEFING VrTSTEfJDA WMU.E. i BETTER TKAM I 1 ' I 1)1. - i . i NECK FPCMTHE LIM80TA COTTOM - r rr xajtokb- WOODTREE.VOALBeAELEI? Jl rojun.aiAoninp 1 I OF W5, i ' AoMP TIME HEALS Lpct Cno -OUT OP SlfrHTOUT OP MlNOi THE BEST I'LL IVs? HIM OVER IT ; SOMEWHAT- AND THEM IN MY tajTtag Popeyt I 'l llM i J I m L Ti? WIFE fSSVXT Ii M VJAh-i&M WO RAtM U NOTADBOkH Down in Forth zr, J Grade B raw 4 per rent milk. Dairy Co-op price to distributors, f 1.74. Botterfat, No. 1, 29c; So. 2, 27c; premium, 30 He A grade print, 84c; B grade, 83c; quarters, 85c 1936. St WOOL ASO MOBAIX (Buying Prices) Wool, medium, lb, .15 Coarse, lb. ' , , , , St Lambs, lb. , .60 Mohair, lb. .88 EQGS AKD POOLTS1 (Boyiag Prices at Jdrese'S) Grsde A large, dos.. .36 Grade B large doa. Grade A medium, dot- JO .18 .13 .14 ao st .01 St fallets Colored frya White Leghorns, heavy , White Leghorn trys White Leghorns, light , Old Boosters -.., 18 lad Heavy bens, lb. .11 and .18 (Baying Prices of Marlon Creamery) Grade A large, dos. .36 Grade A medium Grada-B large .10 .10 .16 as . .06 as Grade B medium Lndercrades and chex Pallets Leghorn hens Laghora fryers. 1 i lbs. Turn About Is Fair Play Throw 'Em a Fish, Minnie! Xittle Pitchers Have big Ears1 A SCXX. LEG IS THATLL SUIT ME HAWGOJG BY TrC ( OH YOU AND A A MATTER I . .x f A "rOUR OLD LAMP.' ) S OF TASTE, V .- rV ! ) T&XFT. THAT'S ALL' . JT 5 PRiFEK f ( BUT IP THAT'S s. TRAINED J THE WAV V .tm SEALS 1 J FEEL""lV T GANG'S HIDEOUT AND SXjCEHXDUP,I LCAO NOW sr ' ICVA Familiar Bill EVERYTHING YOU -SAV TABLETS WILL PDC ME UP? rVE HAD A HEAD-ACHE FOR DAVS AND 1 HAVEN'T SLEPT TIME TO 6TT WATCH ME BECOME HIS AifAlM fi It Mast Be Perspiration! FOR MANY IMPOSSIBLE Rwmbrd IMPOSSIBLE WILL BErVS HAVE BEEN A WEATHER FORECASTER AMD SAY Olored fiyara. S-6 0m. Colored bona .. , Bugs 41 JOS Old reoetars No. S grade a par poand loaav OXAIK, HAT AXS SSXDS Wheat, Ba No. 1 rooleaaod .16 to 80 Oata, ton 23 OO Feed barley, toa -- 28.00 Clover Hey, toa . . . . . ..AH 1- A ill.U. - .13.VV w Egg maab. No. 1 grade. 80 lb. bag 1.76 Dairy feed, 60 lb. bag Baa acrstcb feed r' f ? Cracked rora Wheat ,. i, , 160 to 1.70 riax. per bo. 10 tJTSSTOCX (Baying price fat So. I atock, based as coaditio-ssad sales ropwmdaptos p.m- Lambs, 1939, tops Lambs, yearlings 7. 5.00 Ewes J ' 8.00 Horn, ton 130 150 lbs. 6.00 to 6.7 5 6.15 to 6.40 5.00 6.00 to 6 50 6.00 to 6.76 5.00 to 6.00 S.60 to 4.7S 250-300 lbs. . Sows Beef cows Bulls Heifers Dsiry typo cows Dress ad veaL lb. . HUTS (Price paid by Independent Packing plaai to crowex) ril.BERTS Barcelona, orchard ron, lie; jomhos. 14 He; Ige 12e; fancy tic; babies lOHe. Duchilly and Brii nuts lr higher WALNUTS Franquettes, orchard 6 Ae. ivmbo 18-, large 12c, fancy medium 8e; aoft shell, orchard run run 10c, 5 6c, j umbos 13c, large 11c, fancy He, med turn 7 c. (Co-op Prices to Wholesalers I ril.BERTS Duchilly. jumbo 18c: lg loe; fanrj 16c. Brii nuta, jumDo. lie. large 15 He Barcelona, jumbo. I7e: largf UHe, fancy. 18Ve: baby. 18e. WALNUTS Franquettes. orchard ron. bo 17.c large IS'ie. faney IS He. med iura 12e aoft sheila. Jumbos' 16 He, large 14iHc fancy 12 He, medium Uc; May ettes, large 16c Cascade: Franqoettes. lara-. 12c: faiev 12 He. medium lie: srft shells, large 12e, fancy 11 He, med, lOe. Wheat League Plans Meeting The twelfth annual convention of the Eastern Oregon Wheat league at Condon will be held on Friday and Saturday, December 8 and 9, according to announcement Just made by H. R. Proudfoot, president of the league. Tentative arrangements for the meeting as completed by the executive com mittee indicate that this year's session will be of nation-wide im portance in many respects, says Proudfoot. Delegates from a least half a doen wheat states outside of Ore gon will attend the wheat league meeting this year in connection with the national contest for com pliance with the AAA wheat .pro gram, which was sponsored by the Eastern Oregon Wheat league. Winners in this contest will be announced late in October. I VWiaMT TO GET BACK TO THE. FEUrW SHARE OF I WWTD GET MY SHAPt OF TVE H THE ,-41 FEEL Art SHARE. WI I OFTHCCOtD sL THESE CHANGE. AL. oO OUT OF icij nm i am i 1 1 iii ii YEARS t n -a--- tt Vf 1 1 Hi i i L.ri ft.. V-s ITUPWJ W."TUIVJ -ra x i "- . '111 l THE RAIKIBIRD at. vr r r r r a j jp umujc; 1 1 CS, S J V -IMC. a- IWV 4 zr 1 15 Produce Act i Violators Noted Fifteen violations under th 1939 Oregon produce act were re ported In September by inspectors of the state department of agri culture, which enforces the act. No arrests were made, but violat ors were advised that they mu6t comply with the law. Infractions recorded last month under the act were: Operating es wholesale - dealers without li censes, five; peddling without li cense", four; operating without li censes, two; operating as whole sale dealer on retail peddler li censes, two; peddling oranges without a retail license, licence not posted on. truck and selling other than one's own produce without a license, one each. These violations were found in Portland, Roseba gEgreu.enN 129 Portland, Roseburg. Eugene, Ash land, Grants Pass, Medford, Day ton, Hood River and Klamath Falls. Since the act went into ef fect, the department has issued 194 retail peddler licenses and 271 wholesale produce dealer licenses. ILdDMSi up '300 We don't ask von what f ou- want to use the cash ron borrow for -we don't ask for cosigners! Too get your loan the most convenient way-so why do without immediate funds? STATE Finance Co. A HOME-OWNED INSTITUTION (Childs & Miller's Office) 344 State St., Salem, Ore. rK noAi I.lo " 'a It lf. A." By CLIFF STERRETT T MAOTiA PLAGUE -TAKB TIME OF- IT LAS' WEEK--- ) - NOW IT'S OUK TUNN . ( Jt By WALT DISNEY By BRANDON WALSB By JIMMY MUKPH1 ill GIVE 'EM WHAT THET ASK ) "'d' " fvGW, THATS ENOUGH' X J J YOU'RE CARRYING YOUR A f OLDTRICKS ENTlfY J ' ' yOOBftf ' 1 f I -,rT s P" SAV! THIS BILL WITH " -rue -rnokj rnojco amt a.i SPOT ON IT. THAT X JUST 60T N CHANGE WE SEEM IT BEFORE 1!SURS. IT WAS PART OP THE 3000.S IN MY SAFE THAT MOLLY TOOK WHEN SHE LEFT i C JU mMXS. ME YES.THE CLOUDS AWE. TOO " - lz NOT RIGHT wc ZhHALU HAVE NO RAIN) FOR 48 C3S3 i m. .vr-rw n a