The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 22, 1939, Page 10, Image 10

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    - f f - - -. - - , , -
. but. . . have you noticed how good look
ing the men are in their new brown tuits. No
longer are poor males restricted to somber
gray; or navy, they blossom out m elegant
browns, and don't they love themselves
for it! '
Not forgotten . . . Two graduates of Wil
lamette university are doing nicely, thank
you. Winifred and Carol Gardner are living
in Berkley. Winifred has an executive posi
tion with a large canning concern and is tak
ing work at the University. Carol is going to
school full time, working for a degree for
teaching. .
Long trip . . . is planned by the Frank
Duroms wfco left a week ago Saturday for
: - two months. They will go to Washington,
S I pi TTT) D.C. then pick up a car, motor into Mexico,
peake'r i bliows rrints Ssj ? ' f?t for.Lo? inc'e? ?
IT p home. Less extensive is the trip of daugh-
rv i TV O ters Mrs. Dolph Craig and Mrs. Frank Chap-
d Iff rlOlTlPPr lintQ man' who with their husbands went to Call-
JL JL lUllCCl UpUlQ fornia on Thursday and will remain for 10
Near Salem Cut short was the j-j- Emotrs va.
V Ui KJ W l XsJLJLJL catiQn tQ CaIifornja They m Log An-
Cplpo a n r? Ron Dianrn a-H-a-nrlaA (! t
Miss Constance Fowler, of the art department of Willam- Calif nmi cam in Son Pro,;,nn I,.. c"
ette umversity proved an mteresting speaker at the luncheon urday, saw the exposition on Sunday and
mwg0f mo'e'can Associabonof Umver- Monday and then received word to come
sity Women m the Marion hotel on Saturday afternoon home. They arrived m on Wedne
Miss Fowler discussed and lay aena of woodeats several days short of their two-weeks ho
of spots of historical interest pnor to 1872 and located within dav v-"cC.a nun
: Oj radius of 27 miles of Salem. The ' . .
woodcuts were made by Miss Fow- oorta sentimental ... Mr. and Mrs. John
ding anniversary on the day they assist at
the wedding of Marcelle DeMytt and Carle
ton Roth on November 4. Mr. Cattrall will
be best man, Mrs. Cattrall soloist.
Ring on her finger ... Gail Burnett has
been wearing a diamond given her by Dr.
Louis Schoel since she announced their en
gagement last week at an informal little
party at Godfrey's.
Sales talk . . was given by Jeannie, very
young daughter of the Hoer Smiths jr, when
she assisted her mother in serving luncheon
guests the other day. "The rolls are verv
good," she said, "and they are hot too."
All that glitters . . . the bright golden
persimmon which apeared this week in shops
is to be looked at and not enjoyed. Wait until
it's a bit more on the brunette side, because
like other good lookers we know, it improves
with age.
Smart in more ways than one ... were
AAUW members yesterday at the Marion
hotel. President Francis Virginie Melton
(who 1 am told is a gracious and well poised
president) was charming in a navy blue
sheer ensemble with blue hat and little veil
trim. Mrs. Custer Ross looked stunning in
all-black with felt hat. Blonde Charlotte Kal
lander wore a white chiffon blouse over a
very full black chiffon skirt. Her black po
stillion hat set off the charming outfit,
which included a black sealskin coat.
All the earmarks . . . Mrs. Wheeler R.
English visited the office, leaving behind her
irx wuuucuio were uiue xkiisb row- Diuimraiuu ... an . anu jiirg, donn a lew Seen and Hearriq fnr th lncf iom
Dinners Given tow,rd m"ttr CMaa be a first wed. uSSSE Heard8 tor ' "S Iws
The speaker admitted a growing
interest in pioneer things, the ir-
Before Dance
Several informal dinners were
ristible charm of which she said,
"gets into the blood of every resi
dent of Salem after he has been
here awhile. And to me it smacks
of romantic adventure."
Miss Fowler discussed a revival
giyen before the Monday night f certain media in art expression
dancing club's affair last night, since 1920, among which are wood
the first dance given by the club engravings and woodcuts. She ex-
thia vear ' pressed herself as feeling that
A group of 'members attended a these two best express the Amer-
no-host affair at the Spa just be- ican 1 fe because of the intimate
for the dance possibilities in their execution.
Gnests wer? Mr and Mrs Wil- She "Pained the difference in
llaS TonZ Hamilfon. m": and d engraving, and wood cuts.
Mrs. Claire Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Fowler first sketches her
V. E. Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs. Robert subject in color in the field, then
Bprague, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Pick- Palntf tom a reflection of the or
tt and Dr. and ; Mrs. Ernest A. ifinal In a mirror, this reverses
Miller tne Picture- She paints, she ex
Mr." and .Mrs G. F. Chambers Plained, in India ink and show
were hosts at an Informal dinner. S" 0. JL
last night in their home on North "55
ou? uvo au a. a at-aou jm niuciiau
13th street preceding the club's
Guests were: Mr, and Mrs. Wil
liam Busick, Mr.; and Mrs. Henry
V. Compton, Mri and Mrs. Her
bert Stiff, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Page,
Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander.
Catholic Daughters
Have Convention
boxwood, or fruit woods.
Her i ntention is to print her
woodcuts in a book, with a 400
word description of each,
The cuts are: the Willamette
river at Wheatland; the back of
the house at 960 Broadway, which
was Jason Lee's home and where
plans were formulated for found
ing Willamette university; Waller
hall, 1864-67; Jason Lee ceme
tery; Eola school; Brunk's cor-
- Danghters of America, was well 1846, the oldest standing Cath-
represented In Eugene last Sun- olic church; oldest Presbyterian
day, when Court Oregon celebra- church four and one-half miles
ted its 30th anniversary and hon- east of .Turner, 1856; Bethany
ored Mrs. . Nellie Franzwa, the Christian church; Ablqua Cliff;
"Mother of the Courts West of the Dayton blockhouse; Champoeg;
early days In starting the order in churns and things from an old
Oregon and its progress in the last Turner museum; furniture from
30 years. I the Case home built. in 1857 near
A luncheon was served In the Champoeg; Conger place in Jeffer-
parish rectory for the visitors from son, Patton home built In 1872,
Portland, Salem, f Jit. Angel and back yard of the Wade home on
Klamath Falls, Rev. P. P. Leipzig Broadway street,
presided. A large class of candi- Miss Frances Virginia Melton
dates was received into the order presided at the AAUW business
at a 6:30 banquet. An interesting meeting and called for lntroduc-
program was givtt under the di- tion of the 36 new members pres-
recUon of Rev. D. P. Curley. ent. Mrs. Phillip Barrett reported
i Speakers were Mrs. Mary Costello, on the elnding library for raising
grand regent of court Oregon; funds for the Fellowship fund.
the Catholic Daughters of yester
day; Mrs. Clare Brabec, state re- "VFW Distrirt Alw-tinir
gent, who outlined the activities vrw lslrlcl meeting
: of the Catholic Daughters of to- Tn Sil vprtnn
day. Music was furnished bv St. "vcrion
Mary's string ensemble, harp so- The district meeting of the
los by Mr. Charles Granxer, with Veterans of Foreign Wars ; uxil- Eastern Star Benefit
T0SL 0 Mri V16 Cc,,ey- . lary in Sllverton Wed- neilt
.t 8 motoring from saiem to ne8day. Planned Tuesday
attend the celebration were Mrs. -., .. . , J
Clare Brabec, state grand regent. 'Those attending from Salem Chadwlck cbapter, Order of
Mrs. Maude Rocqhe. grand regent were Mr8' Hansen. Mrs. Eastern star win have a benefit
f court Capital CitV: Mrs. Anne Jacobsen. Mrs. Clyde Craw- mI' tnmi mmi oi.
Merten, Mrs. Matgwet Diemler. Mrs. Onas Olson, Mrs. Ber- on TuJudS atteraooi at
Mrs. Frances Mahula, Mrs. Marl Clark, Mrs. Elvina Beard. SSonS t2S BottSteait
Tnn..i ut.. ni tt Mm v.tna riarir xtra M.n pi... saasonic lempie. uotn contract
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w nEif BRAES f,?THDA.T Mrs. Peter Phillippe who finds pleasure in doing needlepoint for all
her 80 years. Mrs. Philhppe celebrated her birthday last week. (Jesten Miller photo.)
The second of a series of
speech-making contests, sponsor
ed by the Woman's Christian
Temperance union, tls being given
lomgni at six thirty o'colck, in
the Nazarene church. Those par
ticipating are the IMisses Arlene
Hicks, Lenora Mann, Lucille Bare
Florence Garner, Ava May Davis
aad Carolyn Campbell.
Fashions to
Appear at
One of the most important
events of the week is the Jun-
! Preferential Dinners Are
. At Sorority Houses
For new Girls
The formal preferential dinners at the three sororities
last night climaxed an exciting rush week on the Willamette
university campus. Informal dinners were held the first of
the week with co-eds accepting bids for the preferential din
ners Friday night. This morning girls will be pledged at for-
iriai services ai tne cnapter nouses, and breakfast will f oHow:
wim me groups aiienamg """n
in a body. .
Beta Chi L.- g Jl
At the Beta Chi house a mod- -- -FX Llctllil
Weds Salem
BRIDE OF A WEEK Mrs. Frank Stacey, the the former Jean Pound, is pictured with her attend
ants, Miss Norma Jean Gllbertson (left) and Miss Patience Harland of Juneau. She was married at a
church ceremony last Sunday. (Photo by Jesten-Mlller.)
Music Teachers Meet
lor Woman's club's fasion bridsre ernistic arrangement of miniature
being given at the Salem Woman's trylon and perisphere and chry
clubhouse on Tuesday night. santhemums guarded by candles'"
Modeling for the fashion re- a11 in wnlte and gold centered the
vue will be Miss Carolyn Braden. long doubl T-shaped tables. The
Miss Velma May, Miss Jessie Coo- cards nd menus carried out the
Per. Miss Patricia Noonan, Miss same niodernistic scheme. Miss
Lm Rvnn Miap Usrt oi..,. Ina Bennett Played several Piano
leff, Mrs. j. Deane Patterson and selections and accompanied Miss -.A.1 ceremony held in th
m..' V on a Marina Rnttnn hn nr f, Piedmont Presbyterian rhnrrh i
noiii . waters. p.ij - .
Just preceding the revue, Miss Pieasr oz tne guests. Sigma Tau w7;i"V , " 8 V 0 locK'
Hel Shutt will sing a gVonn of Podges served during the dinner. ",s Marie Pekar became
nuinberg and will be accompanied M,ss Jul,a Foglesong had charge fhe bride of Mr. Vernon G. Bill-
iby Miss Ruth Bedford f JoS of tne a,falr and wa9 as8isted T lgB ?ortland- Th Mde Is
ZSwR.., Miss Delia Willard. Miss Patricia Mr. and Mrs.
tutor for th totup anH mi.. Schramm and Miss Marjorie Wa- jard A. Pekar of Salem and
6i ct iiiunie win piay. , , 4 ....
Players are asked to bring their ,Speall.gue8ls attend'? wTere:
own table accessories. The com- Mi" Barb"a, Be"on,' tMisTl T,m
mtttee for the party includes Mrs ?ehler and M,ss Charloe Kallen-
Jatik Parlnn rh.lrm.n. Via. der.
Jorle Weum, Miss Dorene Davis Guests who will become pledges Wltn 11 8ne wore black access
Miss Helen Boardman, Miss Hat- thlB morning were: Miss Nancy orte. Mrs. E. Axtel attended ber
tte Bratzel. Mrs. Verne Rnhh. Ann uoies or uena, Miss Irene "B gownea in Diacfc. Mr.
groom Is the son nl Mr an
Mrs. Riley Billings of Portland.
Rev, Willis Bergen officiated.
The bride wore a era da colnri
costume suit of sheer wool and
Here This Week
, w U A O, 1 VJ U Urn " . .
The musle section of the State M'- Clinton Standish, Mrs. John Christie of St. Helens, Miss Lois AxeI attended Mr. Billings
Friends of Wendell Robertson,
i. ... Gdplerud. Mrs. Frank Kraur Gladden of White Salmon, Wash- . A"er a trip to the
in.rMrr""" w!" Mrs. Ralph Steele and Mr. i.! ington . Miss Shirley Caufield of eacnes, the couple
SaVoT; of u7"""7 "Ph. Tompkins. Mis. Margaret Oregon City. Miss Beulah Brlggs.
Shurtleff, Mrs. C. F. Anderson, Montana, Miss Jean Longley of
will be at
On Friday night's program Dr. Mrs. F. B. Kahler. Mrs Sumner Bremerton, Washington, Miss Pau-
garet Innocentl, Miss blga Hungs Mrs. Etfle Clark. Mrs. Mary Ring- TJT Jl PhilUja Krechter and warld Mrs. Zoe McCormlck. Mrs. litory 2" Z? "TV Theodore Kratt, new dean of mU: Wetrlch, Mrs j c Llndley Mrs lln ol'ltakT Mis. Birthday Party for
MiirT - WjliaS?r-T1,'3r S ZlUh' J1 M DmaS,' for the Christmas fund SVf PUpU .f rf- E; ,c at th University of Oregon. Ray RhoTen,' Mrs JamS' S Marian Jensen of Hood River, Mis. n. , T
nSSSJiJS KAwt"' SZi WM"d Tables have already been re- iJTSZ who wiU speak. Melvin Geist. dean dali, Mrs. GeorgttSer Tnd Mll d re d William, of Montana, D,ck Reeves
m, Tn;."; w;-V; , r. " " ' ' ,r "r aerved by Mrs. Mem Pearce. Mrs. " "iT" .I- 7,LZL :.-: university, Mrs. Claude Matthis
! nn Mr. 1tr nal. MM Ir Mr' Lynn M. Purvine, nationwide hooknn on R,,nrt .f.
vw. vwvao. euu .uii, mT TAwt4 T1T1V VC- TTa.Ia VI "
m m w au iv a iquv aaaa oa w va iv -4'
will sing "Odel mio amato ben,'
by Donandy, "0 Liebliche Wan-
ReserTations Made
D.isrh,.r.r asrsy&ss-j'is's &csrpnrzj;-
r -
V(P vnmr- if
'V ,
' .T . ' the group of seven musicians
i j viawiuiU ails
X. Beechler, Mrs. J. A. Brownson
and Mrs. Claude Glenn. . . . 4. , .
On the cnmmittPft in 1i.h of lUB concert ai willam
Miss Marv Jann Cutler. Minn Patri
cia Cormany, Miss Barbara Kester, Mr- and Mrs. G. H. Reeves
Miss Dorean Symes, all of Port- were hoBts n Saturday to honor
land, Miss Harriett Crawford, Miss the "eventh birthday of their son,
Genevieve Doud, Miss Phyllis Dlc at their home near Jefter-
Fisher, Miss Audrey Fehler, Miss OI Games and a weiner roast
Patricia Hutchenson, Miss Vera 0Ter an open fire occupied the
T - 1 1 n . . . - i au iLia IlUltUCllSUU.
rawfoMrs. A. H. Huffy, wich has rd maVyompu! HoUensted. Mrs. Roy Stewart. Mrs, Kenneth MtaJ 17. Mta MariorTe rVfbmM " wT1
n TI, v m mentary reviews by eminent T , gn rn001 f v i vJ . r . . PrIce. Mlss Beryl Seacat, Miss Je- long table decorated with Hal
ay. Mrs. B. B. Flack. Mrs. B. land, will give a demonstration of LaVerne J. Yong, Mrs. Merritt anno Ren-af ,La narw r in..'.. ."5 Hal
high school chorus procedure. Traux, Mrs. Kfenneth Murdock, ton. Miss Ernalee Thomnson. MIr. t. "
Luncheon will be served at noon Mr. Warren Baker, Mrs. L. D Beth Siewert Mis . Jane Staaon f W v. , Tfr,! Herman Bil0
at trio Mrinn hntoi and uiu. iiiita Howell. Mrs J. Tean Pattro f fS11..?.1' . M . T n SI.sion of Oakland, California. Bettv
th T benefit e: Mrs? Arthur fjte on Thursday night, the Allan 5arby ol KUmat Falls, prlsWent Mrs. Ralph KInzer, Mrs. GeoVge fern " " S.," tnd Bobby ad DoT
Moore. Mrs. Albert Smith. Mrs. "ou ?IUJ?r""on an oaa of the sUte association, will pre- cnier, Mrs. Kiony Smith, Mrs. Deb. pw partv Zl lm Eunice and ve-
Charles Gabriel. Mrs. Rex Davis, !ne-ne !celUs &W side.
Mrs. James Jennings, Mrs. Fred
Lang .and Miss Constance Kant-aer.
Mrs. Pomeroy Hostess
For Miss Read
a millionaire who likes science
and music, and indulges both. He
has endowed a foundation for sci- pofo
entlfic research on the University ueStS Entertained
of California campus. No mean At Car A Partv
foundation is this, it contains rany
three floors, a vast collection of Mrs. John Henderickson enter-
Tyler Brown. Mrs. Hal Cuffel. wMt Zwlr Jl J. White, Oraalee Binkley. Mar-
Tnn,:nWiibarVPaKe,Mrs- Loula ative scheme used at the Delta EeS-i RaVS"' PoV83Land
Lorenz, Mrs. Verne Gllmore, Mrs. Phf sorority dinner last nieht at cKee Bwbara Blackwell Leoa
Panl Lee, Mrs. H. M Boesch, Stiil Dnald MI,ler' a11
Mrs. Saul Jans, Mrs Carl Soos. ion table was centered with beau- "Vwf.??
MiT; ,mer ,Berg' M"- Dwight tiful arrangements of white glad- ial nests were Mrs. Alice
Lear, Mrs. Clarence ; Pike. Mrs. iolus and silver leaves. Mr. God- T,bomPf,on1 ' Oakland, California.
vicvifio rtsuu, mrs. nerman frpv T.aPlnnt amir spvoral Tni. -. iou ueerei OI sa em. Ir.
data collected on expeditions on tained on Friday with an evening Jochlmsen, ber8 accompanied by Mr. Clayton ame,L. Blackwe11 . jr., Mrs. Ar-
c.uincr, veiero in ana or caras in nonor or ner guests, nuicumu, r. wheeler. The Alpha Psi pledges ' nu oiiss lois Hauin-
Mrs. Charles Pomeroy will en- emPloyes many scientists In Its Mrs. Regina Jarvis of Fargo, w Roberts, Mrs. Joseph served the dinner. Mrs. Don Up- ton a11 ' . Jeferson.
terUln for Miss Betty Read on laboratories. North Dakota, and Mr. Vernon IS?'. M. William Dick, Mrs. j0hn, president of the mothers
Monday night. Miss Read will To indulge his hobbies Captain Bantner of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. " f 57,cr ao8ePD club and Mrs. Marion Moore, rep- t-
marry Mr. Robert r Cannon next Hancock and his ensemble travel Prizes were won by Mrs. Jack "1111 resenting the alumnae association, .lown-Gown Club Will
eaturaay nignt. arouna, giving free concerts fol- Gortmaker and Mr. Vernon Bant- Mrs Ha7oii ltadTk Mr. n d w ifl-.ywi.ii mbimi. Hnl1 ATaa;,
Mrs. Pomeroy has invited: Miss lowed by showing of f Urns on sci- ner. Prw.S ck' Mrs-J1- H- abeth james, president of the noI Meeting
ticaA xi r. w t.ji t Ani .v " ' Prtncehouse, Jr., Mrs. H. H. hnniw war tiustmiatreu
Kathryn Read, Mrs. C, C. cinnon. delight, the audience enUrely too .JTvZ; w w-i-,' Jr'' J"8-, Hrry General chairman for "the affair . Town and Gown will hold it.
Mrs. Frank Shafer. Miss Harie noisy. t0 f i J.M J!.?!vB.anfa' 2llW! M:CbarI.e B er- was Miss BettyStarr who was as- ol the son ca
Patton, Mis. Josephine MeGil-
ehrist. Mis. Mary beth Rumsey,
Mis. Helen Wiedmer, Mis. Maxine Werfrli ncr Irkl;J
Rnmsey, Miss Helen .m.m-aan-3 . em5 Solemnized
McKiiiop, Mrs. j. s. Lockhead, At Kantner Home
Mrs. Carl G. Collins, Mrs. Glen
Wilbur, Miss Isobel George, Miss At the residence of the officiat-
Mrs. Margaret Gortmaker. Mr. Mrs. Donald Wiley Poole, Mrs. sisted by Miss Esther Mae DeVore. Thursday at Lausanne Hall hon.
and Mrs. Lester Gutherie Mr.r and Joseph Felton, Mrs. Delbert Ml ChloA Andor.nn ar,H vti.l oring the mother. f v
Mrs. O. U Donaldson Mr. and Schwabbauer, Mrs. Lyle Page, Helen Dean. men studenU with Mm p.-i
Mrs. Charles Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Hannah Martin, Mrs. R. New pledges honored were- Wallace presiding.
Jack Gortmaker, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Kenneth Boyle, Miss Elaine Bittle of Hollywood. Mrs. William Kirk and Mrs r
Walter Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Hn- Miss Helen Cummin Mina VnA
' . T wioa uvwao uivav VI UlCBUflm. eaa-; ft UA UUDr T fha
Mrs. Frank
r. and Mrs. Gob- ananas, hiss Hattle Ramp, Mis. Mis. Iri. McCurdy of Oreron Cltv. hour. Dr. Helen p. 7.
Vlra Halt Mica TWIa Ttr..A VI.. Inrmlniafar Ti. to rT r ler, aiisa.ueceim uuuier, air. uu " . Ja nuns Mils Beuy ftaCKei.1 OI StaytOn. " me present day careers fn
S.elt1"J)"f 7:512- S Ja.5"if"' Mrs. Leo Lepley and Mr. and Mrs. Suamm.. .M" Nova Bates. Mrs. Miss Mary Jane Smith of Cottage women. 7 career"
BaivorsenV " - " .t wUeT&Kte. ort. Sii'iS. S'"! Jobn Henderickson. , ?Vara"r,'. .1" F'c.k: Gr07c- .M1" Barbara Ferguson ef The hostesses are
ara became the bride of Mr. Ralph
Franklya Teater. Only the imme
diate families were present. A re-
c.r" L?.e Birthday Party
. ' vl,; , ' '"'ueuce oi mo - - im nuu . MeuoH, nui wyn-.jean liuiiian, miss x.lvy Fredrick- rena Jack anH twu. ti', "
Mrs. M. C. FindleT left n bride'i parents. . w tr thia DeLano. Mis. Marr Whit. n an f PnrtiaT,., xri.. Jac,t and Mls Helen Bock.
r - iUl. v ., , - - - m - . w woe ultima fjr
Thursday night for a trip to Call- . Mr. and Mrs. Teater will be at tained Saturday afternoon for. her Miss Gwen ,Hunt. Miss Marjorie Crammer, Miss Edythe Davis, Miss
xornia wnere sue wm visit ner oome at corvallis where both of son. Dickie who celebrated i his f. ' ww oauerssig, miss Margaret iswing, miss Betty Anne
- i miiiv a m w wwaa va. f TAflAnlifvtA T).. 1ft.- w w a n a
To Attend Convention
In California
Mrs. Fortmiller Has
it?." t "tr "IW Sleppy, Miss Sunland. California, Miss Zoo Erickson, Mm. Uoyd BeU mTT
iile LeValley, Miss Maxine Ro- Frett. Miss Vivian Lucas, Miss J. A. Mills, Mrs. I Marcus xilt
iuxaa miis voomier. alia, unrotn v a a a a e . Mica j... n n cmiv w ,
Jean Freeberg. Mia. Vera Co- Chambers, Mis. Sally Anderson Mr.; A UtleV. Mri Mort'J
ward, Mls.Jnabelle Creech, Miss. Hazel Bunnell. Miss Billle Peck. Miss Olive Dahl m-
.Rna M1800' Mlas Cyn- JeanGIllilan, Miss Elvy Fredrick- rena Jk and Mi.vSliiii?'
daughter Edith, Mra. P. H. Bry- them are connected with the Ore- fifth birthday. Luncheon was Jjwephlne Bross, Miss Mildred Kellar, Miss Francis Kells, Miss
don and family and will continue gon. State college. served and the afternoon .pent Steyens Mis. Dorothy Page and Llla Murray, Miss Florence Up- the Gaiety Hill Garden -rink
playing games. S " OI John, miss Eioise winn. Mis. Joan ner home Monday TtnnZ.
. pjin . , Mra. George Fletcher. Miss Ber- DnRette. Misa Georrla Cook Ml.. Mmh-r. f..i!v". i. arteI?0.on'
odety convention; - - tt.--- -. r Xl "aTr L?av Mia. MoHy Schwab- Eleanor Bailey. Mis. Elaine Eber- Smith. Mrs. Lee' CaTf?, !f
, vi. .:.."r.iruafer.. .V.Airr, "Br' M- 0De" Iy and Miss Merle Kyle all of Sa- Elizabeth Lord. Mis. I7h'b.?:
to Pasadena to attend the Nation
al Woman's Foreign Missionary
v i a a.- ..:. " w. j. inainrer or
kItMM'' gnesta of Mrs. Rogers, Ann and Jackie Forristel, Miss Coleni Menni Ub, rt.Mi2 .2
a a . .-- MS MVUtVl U B.W VUll. UCf B11JII BUn , BWm. . A 1 . ' m " n - a - - ' v w -
.f." STJCUiJAX--Mr. Vernon G. Billmgs, the former family, Dr. and Mrs. Dwight Find- wVTv , a daughter, wtty Mosher. Miss June Lochridge, Alpha Phi Alpha Hostesses
Asuia rciiij uiuiiur sr. Hri. Hiiiawit m w ai. . . . . .
June Marie Pekar. daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. Millard A. pkar. who . l-y. she will be
. luaiAivi ui V4 uua u Hiuvir aigBb tesien-jimer pn0tO.' dayft.
Gale lervd.
Elizabeth Lord. Miss Edith
If- William Phillips. Mra,
B?,t"Co?:, Mr- E. M. -Hof7:
nt. - V. . v 6 " ' T,: t..' vr-. til' V. nr,e a.pna Aipna xiowessea Chester Cox. Mrs. w M - tri
gone about 19 w-.k Mr. :Z?'V.la9aJ?: ..""mSr-.-. .7 7Ti ir uoer, rs. aona cop- arrangement of nell, Mra, Allan Carn Vr t'
oia,v .... iuiw, -bronze cnrvsantiiemnms and an. iw n.kA. , ...
many-yeara agd.- - r- . ' Von: --Hi JITut to WgollreoL!) (Turn to race 11. coL-lV - p-r - ,rgaret
(Turn to page 1 1, coL 1 )
r ,