The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 20, 1939, Page 7, Image 7

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morningj October 20, 1939
OCE Hears Talk
On Creative Arts
MONMOUTH Professor S.
Stephenson Smith, now on leave
from the University of Oregon
where he la professor of English,
pent Monday on the campus here.
He lectured and held conferences
in regard to the furtherance of
activities in the creative arts.
Professor Smith is making a
first-hand Inquiry Into regional
and campus work now going on
In creative arts, in order to ad
Tlse the society how it may aid
1 forwarding this work.
"A Critical Approach to the
Cinema and Radio" was the topic
of his address to the student as
sembly Monday morning. His
message to the students was to
urge them to be more critical
and selective In their choices of
All communities should try to
build within their activities a
place for community, drama, sing
ing and whatever artistic possi
bilities can be fostered, he 'said.
Aurora Woman's
Club Has Meeting
I r
AURORA The Aurora Wom
an's el ub met Wednesday At the
home of Mrs. W. O. Fry with Mrs.
N. E. Manock assisting. Twenty
nine members were present, Mrs.
N. IE. Manock was appointed to
handle Red Cross seal sales.
Mrs. Hanson, knitting teacher,
will again hold classes over the old
post office, beginning Tuesday
from 1 o'clock to 4.
," Guest speaker was Mrs. Barnett,
past-president of the Oregon City
Woman's club, whose topic was
"Style Your Personality."
The next meeting of the club
will be at (he home of Mrs. F. C.
Renfrew, .November 1.
. Grangers
grange will hold initiation Octo
ber 26 for the 14 new members.
Rlckreall initiation team will put
on the work of the first and sec
ond degrees. The third and fourth
degrees will be given later. On
October 28 county Pomona grange
will meet in West Salem at the
city hall. That night the West
Salem grange will have a "hard
time" dance, to which all grangers
are invited.
cuits and honey will be served at
the Friday night meeting of the
grange. Members are being asked
to bring butter to the meeting.
A program is being prepared by
the lecturer, Hilda Sacker.
RICKREALL Forty members
and guests were present for the
no-host sapper preceeding grange
last Friday night.
During the business session the
grange went on record as oppos
ing the Pennsylvania plan and did
not nominate names for state
grange officers.
Birthday Observed
At Fox Valley
Johnston gave a dinner Tuesday
night honoring her mother, Mrs.
Ethol Thayer on her birthday an
niversary. Those present were, the
honor guest, Mrs. Thayer, Law
rence and Kenneth Thayer, Mr.
and Mrs. Errol Klntz and Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Johnston.
The Ladles Aid society which
was to have met at the George
Huffman home Tuesday, met at
the club rooms instead.
Howard to Speak
To Youth Council
DALLAS The Polk County
Christian Youth Council, an In
dependent movement among the
various denominations In the
county to promote Christian ideals
and activities, will meet In the
auditorium at the Oregon College
of Education at Monmouth on
Sunday, October 22, at 6:30 p.
m. Dr. C. A. Howard, president
of the College, will be the prin
cipal speaker.
The meeting, opening with
group singing, short devotions
and musical numbers, and elec
tion of officers, will also feature
a discussion on the topic,
"Wanted: Action in Facing the
Problems of Youth," led by T.
Vernon Merrick of Spring Valley.
Following this the regular Sun
day evening service will be held
beginning with a sacred concert
and followed by an address by Dr.
C. A. Howard.
Scotts Mills Boy
Breaks Leg Again;
Fourteenth Time
Shepherd is in the Shriners hos
pital again with a broken leg. It
is the 14th time he has broken a
leg. At one time both legs were
in a cast at the same time.
Ray Zack, an Indian attending
Northwestern Christian college at
Eugene, will be at the Christian
church Sunday night, November
The Good Time 600 club was
entertained Sunday night by Marie
and Gersina Plas at their home.
Mrs. George Helvey, Hugh Magee
and John Plas received prizes.
The club will meet November 5
at the M. Mielenberg home.
Pickei, Ho. 10 Bag
Lumber Jack
Special Demonstration Sal
Friday and Saturday
Cane and Maple Syrup
lb. tin
lb. tin ....
Kellogg's Corn Flakes
Reg. Size Pkg. only VQ
P and G Soap
Giant Size Bars
4 for 2,
U I Tissue
Close Out Price
1000 Sheet Rolls. Reg. 3 for 25c
4 for
3 ,or 10c
Extra Special Full
Pound Bag Sunshine Iced
Lunch Cakes f
Per lb. 13C
saoKnoG 53c 21c
5-lb. Tin
;Hd 3 ,or 18C
2 for 19c 22c
; polling Onions
IMtBag in
Each . . . 4UC
. tope IFruM
New Extra Low Prices
Casile Brand
Montana Hardwheat 43-lb Sk.
Kilchen Queen $
4Mb. Bag ..
Bed While and Bine $
43-lb. Bag ;.
Milled of Choice Blue Stem Wheal
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Crown, Fishers Blend
Drilled Snow $
4Mb. Bag
137 So.
Union Nfews
Golden Yesl, per lb. tin . . . .25c
Airmail lb. 15c, 3 lbs. . ,. . . 43c
Homing Star, lb. 23c, 2 lbs. 45c
snow run sodas . . . white satin stjgai . . . maplqre . . . pnisirjirs norm . . . mi's nos.
ST. LOUIS The Fairfield
Farmers' Union local, will meet
next Friday night, October 20, in
the Fairfield Cooperative hall.
This is the first regular monthly
meeting. A short program has
been arranged.
Herwick, Sellars
Named, '90 and 9'
DALLAS A meeting of the
PoTk county "Ninety and Nine"
organization of the Christian
c h a r c h was held at the First
Christian church here Monday
night, with Frank Doernhecker,
county Tice-president, in charge.
A dinner was served in the
church dining room with places
laid for about 35. Frank Rose,
president of the local group, acted
as toastmaster at thp dinner. Fol
lowing the dinner t i group en
joyed a talk by Itev. Loyal H.
Vickers, pastor of the local Chris
tian and Missionary Alliance
A business meeting was held
and officers elected for the county
organization as follows: vice-president,
Mr. Herwick of Falls City.
and secretary - treasurer, Albert
Sellars of Dallas.
Hazel Green Qub
To Meet Tonight
HAZEL GREEN The date of
the community club was changed
from the last Friday of the month
to October 20. Ward Miles
is chairman of the program com
mittee. The Keizer band under
the leadership of J. C. Hassen-
Btab of Salem, will furnish music.
Superintendent Frank Bennett
will give an address, "Where
From Here?" Harold Ha mm of
Kingwood Heights, a senior Sa
lem high, will give a number cf
readings. The student body will
have a candy sale to raise money
to have the names of the team
engraved on the trophy won in
the softball contest in division B
of Marion county.
The refreshment committee is
Mrs. Ralph Gilbert, Mrs. Andrew
Zahara. Mrs. Archie McCqrckle,
Mrs. Charles Kobow and! Mrs.
Ralph Wordcn.
Slielburn Store,
Station Is Sold
SCIO Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Pangle this week took possession
of the Shelbum store and service
station, purchasing the property
from Mrs. Bess Ransom.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Shanks will
operate the business for the pres
ent, pending arrival about Janu
ary 1 of the Pangles. Pangle
is a professional football player
with a Los Angeles team. The
Pangles also plan to have charge
of the fourth class Shelburn post
office, of which Mrs. Fred Stuber,
daughter of Mrs. Ransom has
been master for two years.
Mrs. Ranom, who. with her
husband, the late J. J. Ransom,
operated the store for about 20
years, plans to make her. home
in Albany with her Bon-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Hayesville Club
Meets Tonight
HAYESVILLE The first meet
ing of the Hayesville community
club will be held in the Hayesville
school Friday night.
Ray Moor, president, announces
there will be a program. Women
are asked to bring apple pies.
Legal Notice
that I will, on Saturday, Novem
ber 4, 1939, at 10:00 o'clock in
the forenoon of said day, at the
west door of the Marion County
Court House, in Salem, Oregon,
seB at public auction in the man
ner provided by law for the sale
of real property on executidn, the
following described real premises,
Lots 6, 6 and 7, Block 10,
Englewood Addition to the City
of Salem, Marion County, Oregon.
Said sale will be bv virtue of
an execution issued out of the
Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Marion County in that
suit heretofore Dendine therein In
which City of Salem, a municipal
corporation, is plaintiff and M. A
Reed and Mamie E. Reed, his
wife, Marion County, a body
politic, and Walter R. Ransom
and Marion Ransom, his wife, are
defendants; the same being
Clerk's Register No. 27872.
Dated and first published Oc
tober 6, 1939.
Sheriff of Marion County.
By Kenneth L. Randall.
Deputy. O.6-1S-20-27. N.l,
Sunday School
Will Add Class
vanced class for intermediate boys
will be formed at the Sunday
school, it was voted at the month
ly business meeting Wednesday
night at the home of Mrs. Emma
Whealdon. A home department
will be organized under the su
pervision of Mrs. P. F. Stolzheise.
Maxine Gowan was elected sec
retary to replace Mary Skelton,
who resigned.
Appointments included: Miss
Lydia Hunt, flower and sick
chairman; Mrs. Cotton, temper
ance chairman; Mrs, Peterson,
Mr. Doerksen and Mr. Skelton,
to arrange for the six week terms
of superintendent of the school,
subject to selection by the execu
tive board.
4H Sewing Starts
At Salem Heights
Bewing work has been' started
with Mrs. Ben Rathjen as leader
of sewing II and Dorothy Rathjen,
president; Dorothy Saul, vice-
president; Erla Mae Davenport,
secretary and Mary Lois Cotton,
song and yell leader. Mrs. H. Pe
terson assisted by Mrs. J. Harns
berger will have charge of sewing
I classes.
Mrs. Charlotte Jones has organ
ized a large class In harmonica.
The Douglas family have moved
back from Flora, and Donald and
Bruce have entered school.
Funeral Is Today
For Munsell Baby
LEBANON Funeral services
will be held at 1:30 Friday for
Michael 'Andrew Munsell, infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mun
sell who passed away 3:15 a. m.
Thursday at Sweet Home. Services
will be at the Harry Howe funeral
home with interment at the Gilli
land cemetery near Sweet Home.
He was born April 27, 1939.
Surviving are his parents, two sis
ters, Richie Ann and Joyce Lois,
one brother. Junior, a grandfath
er, George Munsell of Washington
and a grandmother, Mrs. M. M.
Westfall of Lebanon.
Waldo Hills Card
Parties to Start
WALDO HILLS Card parties
at the Waldo Hills community
house will start out Fitfday night
and continue through the winter.
In charge of arrangements are
Mrs. Jake Doerfler, Mrs. Robert
Morton and Mrs. John Godknecht.
. The first dance of the seasoa
has been set for November 4 with
the committee to make the ar
rangements including Dudley Mor
ton, Theodore Riches, Raph Egan,
Karl Haberly and John God
knecht. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton
are expecting their son and
daughter-in-law here for a visit
with them. The younger Mortons
were expected to leave the Ha
waiian islands, where they make
their home, on Friday of last
Charley Night Is
Planned by Lions
SILVERTON The Lion's club
charter nht has been set for
November 6, according to reports
made at the Tuesday night din
ner meeting held at Tony's. Dale
Lamar is chairman of arrange
ments. Definite pians will be
ready for an announcement at
the October 24 meeting of the
club. ,' t
Dr. A. L. V. Smith, club presi
dent announced that plans were
progressing for the second edu
cational meeting on the public
utility district Question. The club
recently sponsored a meeting
favoring the PUD. A meeting is
now being arranged whereby
those opposing such districts will
be given an opportunity to ex
press their arguments.
Following their own meeting,
members attended the planning
council where city manager form
of government was discussed.
GT Women's Club
Meets at Roberts
ROBERTS The Q T women's
club met at the home of Mrs. Al
ice C o o 1 i d g e with Mrs. Kate
Woodward and Ms. Mary John
son, assisting. Mrs. Coolldge was
the inspiration of a handkerchief
shower in honor of her birthday.
Contest prizes went to Mrs.
E. A. Goodrich, Mrs. Albert Blank
enship and Mrs. Forest Edwards.
The club will meet at the home
of Mrs. S. C. Davenport October
Carsner Funeral
Held at Lebanon
LEBANON Funeral services
were held Thursday afternoon for
Albert Gallatin Carsner, 91, who
died Tuesday at his home on Rose
and Williams streets. 1
He was born April 6, 1848, in
Iowa. He is survived by his
widow, Arrie; one daughter, Mrs.
Grace Williams of Sweet Home.
Rev. Lawrence M. Bixler, pas
tor of the Church of Christ, of
ficiated at the funeral. Interment
was in the Masonic cemetery.
Chester Blum, jr.
Is Mehaina Caller f
MEHAMA Chester Blum, jr.,
and Pritchard Miller of Glendale,
Calif., stopped to visit Chester
Blum, sr., while on their way to
Seattle. Both boys had been at
tending a school of aeronautics in
Glendale and have now completed
their courses.
Merlin Dake of Van Nuys, Calif.,
accompanied the other two boys
here and will spend the winter
here with his parents, the Frank
Dake family. Merlin Dake had
been employed in Van Nuya.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wolfkiel re
ceived word Saturday of the sud
den death of Mr. Wolfkiel's
mother, Mrs.' Sarah Wolfkiel of
Oakland, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Wolfkiel left Sunday for Oakland
to be gone about a week to at-
tend the funeral and visit. The'
Wolfkiels lived there before com
ing here several years ago.
that I will, on Saturday, Novem
ber 4, 1939, at 10:00 o'clock in
the forenoon of said day, at the
west door of the Marion County
Court House, In Salem, Oregon,
sell at public auction in the man
ner provided by law for the sale
of real property on execution, the
following described real premises,
Lot 5, Block 4, Brooklyn Addi
tion to the City of Salem, Mar
lon County, Oregon. j
Said sale will be by virtue of
an execution Issued out of the
Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Marion County in, that
suit heretofore pending therein in
which City of Salem, a municipal
corporation, is plaintiff and Unit
ed Building Investment Company,
a corporation, Marlon County, a
body politic; also all other per
sons or parties unknown claiming
any right, title, estate. Hen or in
terest in the real property herein
described, are defendants; the
same being Clerk's Register No.
Dated and first published Oc
tober 6, 1939.
Sheriff of Marion County,
By Kenneth L. Randall,
Deputy. 0. 6-1 3-2 0-27; N.3.
It's Good Beef Time
at Salem s Leading Ilk!.
171 S. Commercial
Phone 8757
BELIEVE IT OR NOT . . . but if you are looking for meats
that have good food value, flavor and still want to economise
. . . Well, you check this list and see for yourself. In fact,
we know you'll try McDowell's Market eventually. You can
always be sure of the prices being right.
Smoked Hams, lb .... 18c and 20c
Sugar Cnrd and Smofcd with Oak Wood :
Bacon Backs, heavy, 15c and 18c
Pork to Boast, no shanks lb. 13c
Bacon Squares, oar own make... .10c
Out choice cut of Prime Rib Rolls are tender and good. The
price? Just 17c per pound, and you will find them Juicy and
rich In food value. '
Pore Pork Sausage,
none better, "tf f?
lb. A? V
Ribs, lb.
12 15c
Veal Stew,
Pork Backbones or
Pigs' Feet, lb.
Hamburger or
Ground Beef, lb..
Sirloin Steak,
Beef Pot Roast,
Fresh Side or
Salt Pork, lb
Liver, beef or
pork, sliced, lb
Pure Lard, kettle fCtn
rendered, 3 lbs... 3
Loin Pork Chops and Loin Veal Chops, lb 20c
We have a complete showcase at prices to fit all budgets . . v
Now Is the time to shop at Salem's Lea dine; Market . . . Don't
Wait! - - . . i
171 S. Commercial St. ' Phone 8757!
UJAjzaji, &ci dewe. asa& Va&f )
This store is open from 7:SO
A. M. to 10 P. M. every day. In
cluding Sundays and Holidays.
Low Cut Prices on Nationally Advertised Products . . . Shotcing You a
Substantial Savings ... We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities
Vicks Vapo Rub
35c Vaporub..... 27c
75c Vaporub 59c
30c Nose Drops 24c
50c Nose Drops 39c
Bromo Seltzer
30c Bottle ..25c
60c Bottle ...........49c
$1.20 Bottle . .95c
$2.00 Bottle 1 $1.58
Super D Upjohns
8-oz. Bottle 79c
Pt. Bottle $1.19
Bottle 30 Perles 86c
Bottle 100 perles $2.31
50c Heads Pablum ... 43c 1 75c Dexiri-IIaliose ... 63c
PL Rubbing Alcohol . . 9c j H D Toilet Tissue 3 , on, 25c
Toiletries at Low Cut Prices
$1.00 Drejie Shampoo... ..79c
55c Ponds Face Creams ......39c
$1.00 Angeles Lip Stick 79c
55c Lady Esther Face Powder.. ..39c
35c Cutex Nail Preps ........31c
50c Santiseptic Lotion.... 45c
$1.00 Pacquins Hand Cream ..79c
60c Angeles Rouge..... 43c
$1.00 Tangee Lip Stick 79c
75c Fitches D. R. Shampoo 59c
Coty Rouge or Lip Stick 50c
25c Lovalon Rinse 19c
55c Ponds Face Powder 43c
$1.60 Lucky Tiger Tonic 79c
Lowest Cut Prices
Genuine Eastman Films
Fresh, Complete Stocks
Save on Photo Work
Any 6 or 8-exposure roll devel
oped and printed tA
for ..... Ov
A Free Enlargement Coupon
with Each Roll
Kolex reg. Us.. 2 for 39c LifeBnoy Soap... 2 for He
Kleenex 500-shet Pkg. .... 28c Oxydol or Binso . . Ige. 19c
Remedies at Low Cut Prices
35c Bromo-Quinine 27c
200 Squihb Aspirin Tablet8........59c
$1.25 Petrolagar 89c
10c Turns 3 for 25c
75c Balm Bengay ...53c
$1.25 Absorbine Jr 89c
$1.00 Miles Nervine ,.83c
$1.25 Saraka 98c
100 Caroid & Bile Tablets... 89c
25c Carters Liver Pills 19c
60c Alka-Seltzer 49c
60c Jaynes Vermifuge ......49c
Pt. Meads CLO & Percomorph $2.67
250 Squibbs Yeast Tablets 89c
Camel Flats 50s, 2 for 60c
Van Dyck or White Owls 10 for 45c
2 for 25c Cigarettes carton $1.19
15c Prince Albert or Big Ben ... 10c
10c Days Work or Beechnut 3 for 25c
15c Sir Walter Raleigh. 2 for 25c
10c Model or Union Leader, 3 for 25c
5c Durham or Gold. Grain, 6 for 25c
lib. tin Geo. Washington .......57c
60c Italian Balm ...47c
50c Chamberlains Lotion. .....42c
75c Oriental Cream ......69c
Lge. Colgates Tooth Paste.. ...33c
50c Aqua Velva ...39c
Yardleys Shaving Bowl ... ..$1.00
40c Squibbs Tooth Paste. ..33c
Let Us Fill Your Prescriptions Our Service Is Accurate and Economical
Nestles Hot Chocolate, Wafers ...10c
Olive and Egg Sandwich 10c
Fresh Crispy Salads..-. 10c
Silex Coffee & Donuts , 10c
Campbells Soups to order 10c
Fruit Salad Sundae 15c
Jumbo Milk Shakes 10c
Sandwiches, plain or toasted 10c
Ponds Tissues,, 500 Sheet pkg 23c
50c Burma Shave......... 39c
40c Iodent Tooth Paste.... 33c
$1.00 Kreml Hair Tonic. 79c
Lge. Vaseline Hair Tonic 63c
Cotys Talcums!... 50c
83c Lady Esther Cream...... ......59c