I i s ! -5 M t M 'Si' f I J! AGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, October 2f, 1959 (IDnn dOn D0Ba?nnd3 Br DOROTHY THOMPSON i - i CL Lindbergh's Imperialism I Col. Lindbergh's second broad cast Is the most sensational ad dress that has yet been made In the debate over the arms embar go, not excepting h i own first aneech. It de- " mands the most ' V- meticulous an alysis, at greater length than is possible. Intone column. For tt i, so far as I know, the first attempt Datatkt Tp at popularisation by a very popular American of the geo-poHtlcar and "organic-bio-tocical" Ideas of Maj. Gea. Haush ofer, president of the German academy, who is chief theoreti cian . of the new imperialism of the Third Reich. What Col. Lindbergh was doing was to present in American terms, sad applied to us, the picture of the new world order envisaged by the nazis. It would be plain from the two speeches, and especially from the tirst one, if it were, not already a well known attitude, re peatedly expressed by the colonel la private conversations, and con templated with approval, .that he expects the nazis to. win this war. - Jt U also plain from the speech that lie foresees a quite new world order' as a 'result of that victory. What he seems to be recom mending to his fellow citizens is that, we anticipate that victory, eet the iumn on it. as it .were, and prepare to be in on the ground tlnnr when the new order emerges. The fact that this new order rpnresents a radical break with American tradition and American democratic tradition; and Amen can democratic ideas is not em phasfzed. On the contrary, the colonel's nronosals are presented as a clear tendency of American history. "American history indl- 'cates this need. The fact that American history until now has indicated nothing ot the kind, but quite the opposite. Is not" mentioned. Tomorrow, thinks the colonel, it will, because tomorrow the world will be quite different than it is today. I The conclusions: of Col. Lind bergh's: speech are- revolutionary, aid it lis with these conclusions that we should be concerned. rather than with his specific re commendation regarding the arms embargo. There he followed the lead of Mr. Hoover. While, In his previ ous speech, he warned against emotionalism and : sentimentality, saying that we should be "as im personal as a surgeon's knife," In this matter he is sentimental. He does not want to send "of fensive" weapons to Europe, but would sell "defensive" ones. Here he has been adequately answered by Mr. Allen Dulles, Senator Pitt- man, Maj. George! Fielding Eliot Maj. Gen. John F. O'Ryan, and most pointedly, on Tuesday, by waiter LIppmann, who pointed out that weapons have no- life of their own but are offensive or de fensive, depending upon whether the governments that employ them are pursuing an offensive or a defensive policy. The main argument of the colo nel's speech Is much more arrest ing. The Third Reich proposes to replace the world-wide system of free intercourse and freei-or re ciprocal trade, which was! main tained by the Pax Britannica from 1812 to 1914 and with which this nation has collaborated in such policies as the open door 1 in the far east. It would also replace the system of collective security which foundered after the last war on inherent faults in the structure of the League of Nations and our own isolationism, but which, nev ertheless, together withs Great Britain's sytematic reform; of the empire into a commonwealth of sovereign 6tates in loose federa tion indicated the trend toward world federation and freedom with organization. In contrast the Third Reich proposes; to di vide the world into monopolistic areas each to be claimed; as the Lebensraum" (living space) or 'Sphere ot Influence" of a great power, in which it will be? sover eign and dictatorial tne mas ter nation." In this new nazi imperialism all small states are to disappear. or to maintain only a pseudo in dependence." A "union Qf fear,' accordine to Mai. Gen. Haashofer always, historically, works more .efficiently than a "union f love. Thus the Third Reich theoreti cians saw in Britain's placing of the dominions on a status of eaualitv in 1926 only "the most conspicuous surrender of power and a sign of a "flagging will to rule." The nazi doctrine couples this "will of the organically vital strong nations to rule over alien territories and peoples" witn ra cism. which is candidly advanced as "the only basis from which democratic ideas can be ideologic ally combated. Only this basis will provide strength of will and ruth lessness and freedom from all hu manitarian folly." This Is the intellectual back ground of the new world imper ialism of the coming Era German ica. Each master nation Ger many in the first line, of course; Japan. Great Britain, Italy, the United States and now, perhaps, Russia is to hate its living space in which it rules the lesser breeds under a dictatorial system as political and economic fiefs. Great Britain is to have the do minions, which however, will fall away, and should she come along willingly would be offered a trade deal with Germany on colonies. Italy's "Lebensraum" is to be North Africa, with France relegated to the status of a pro tectorate, "freed of all major, po litical responsibilities." And the sphere ot the United States lies in the western hemls phere, though in jost how much of the western hemisphere has never been made plain. In the new world redistribution to be made by the "renovating powers" Italy and Spain must be considered and they, together with the nazis. III have claims on -South America unless the United States frees it- el t ot humanitarian-pacifist ideals and demonstrates its "organic-biological" fitness to rale on national socialist lines. Now it is against this concept of imperialism, of monopolized and controlled areas, that England and France are waging war. At every point this concept comes into conflict with democracy hich presumes fundamental hu man equality and with doctrines of political and national freedom. Only the powerful are to be free in the next nazi era. The weak are to be "protected," in the sense that they, as individuals and nations, are to be s e r f s of the trong. When Col. Lindbergh says, "1 o not believe this is a war for democracy, this is a war over the balance of power," he begs the question. It is a war over whe ther the balance of power will be on the side of the trend toward world organization on the basis of equality, or on the side of the trend toward world organization on the basis of master and slave peoples and nations. To these ideas must be added that of the coming sovereignty of land power over sea power, and of economic monopoly in large-scale reas under state capitalism over free trade and free or partially free economy on a w o r 1 d-wide scale. The first is the new Ger manic concept. The second the Franco-British. Now the important thine abant Col. Lindbergh's speech Js that he advocates openly and clearlT that the United States should desert all the ideals of world order which pjssss&sj iw Nov EXTRA SPECIAL T7EDRW00D IBIS 60 c doz. Too can't afford to miss ont on this fin est of all blue Iris, long stemmed, ear ly blooming. Reg. 1.50 dozen. IT"! liime The fall is the proper time to plant your bulbs for next spring. Here are a few of the many specials in finest Hol land and Domestic bulbs. JULIPS . . . . . 19c io 40c doz. jCDOCOS ....... .20c and up DAFFODILS ana IIABCISSUS. doz. 35 C BEGAL LEYS, each ..... . 10c h Complete assortment of other bulbs at correspond k ingly low prices. Now That Your Fall Garden Flowers Are Gone You'll Really Appreciate the Great Savings on CUT FLOWERS MID POTTED PLANTS ' Fresh Daily from Our Own Greenhouse IIOTE! r. 4-. .- ..-.- 1 tor your convenience, maae ssa sha BBBk Bat Year Fkral Ph:ne . .lust call up and place your order. : W will do the rest and bill you at the end of the month.' o, We do all types of DESIGimiG FL0I1AL at most reasonable prices consistent with fine flowers and artistic- arrangement. ; Lower Level Fred Meyer Toiletry Store 148 N. liberty f Gvil Service Sets Deadline oh Jobs Applications Must Be on File Before 16th of November Several examinations for gov ernment employment have been announced by the US civil service commission for which applications must be on file before November 16. For senior medical officer, pay ing 14600 a year, the applicant mnst be under 53 years old, for medical officer, $3300 a year, be mnst be nnder 45 and for associ ate medical officer, $3200 a year he-must be nnder 40. Places are also open for agri cultural economist, $3 800; princi pal, $5600; senior, $4600; associ ate, $3200; and assistant, $2600 AH employment in these divisions is with the bureau of agricultural economics. For curator of sculpture and as sociate curator in the national gal have historically linked her to the western powers and advocate the new Germanic concept. Nowhere on this soil has the nazi concept of imperialism been so clearly stated as in CoL Lind bergh's second speech. This column has space only to establish the frame of ideas in which the colonel's speech must be considered. The speech itself will be taken up in the next col umn. Copyright, 1939. New York Tri bune, Inc. err ot art, Smithsonian institm- tion, Washington. DC, college ed ucation and experience in connec tion with art work is required. ovrsl (Trades of analyst posi tions are open la the bureau of ec onomic regulation, civil aeronau tics authority. Except for certain substitution, college education and responsible experience involving cost accounting or financial analy sis are required. Jack Hayes to Be Clarion Manager Managership of the Clarion, Salem high publication, will be taken over by Jack Hayes, it was announced yesterday. Hayes was nominated without opposition when ernon and in ton Scott resigned, and will bo elected by the all-school council Monday. He will accompany other members of the Clarion staff, in cluding Editor John Macy, Dan Sellards, Patricia Ryan and Jean Holtzman, to the institute of Ore gon State High School Press as sociation on the University ot Oregon campus today and tomor row. The Clarion will not be en tered in competition at the in stitute. sell at public auction ia the man ner provided by law for the sale of real property on execution, the folio wins described real premises, to-wit:' Lot 2. Block 12. Riverview Park Addition to the City ot Kalem. Marion County, Oregon. baid sale will be by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County In that ult heretofore pending therein in which City of Salem, a mu nicipal corporation, is plaintiff and G. C. Thurman and Florence S. Thurman, his wife, and Mar ion County, a body politic, are defendants, the same being Clerk's Register No. 27923. Dated and first published Oc tober 6. 1939. A. c. BURK, Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By Kenneth L. Randall, Deputy. O. 6-13-20-27. N. 3 LEGAL NOTICE SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday, Novem ber 4, 1939, at 10:00 o'clock, in the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marion County Court House, in Salem, Oregon, Sensational v vS1 Our last coat sale was a complete sell-out! For those who were unable to select a coat at that time ... we have made another sensational pur chase ... to sell for ONE LOW PRICE! May we suggest you come early for best selections . . . You'll find these coats ideal for Fall and Winter wear. See them. Fabrics Booties Fleeces Tear Drop Novelty Fabrics Nubby Stripes Tweeds and Fine Fabrics Junior, 11 to 19' Styles Dressy Reefers Princess Boxy Wrap Arounds Swaggers and Toppers Misses, 12 to 20 Colors Black Nary Royal Rust Wine Brown Green and Mixtores Women, 33 to 44 SUBPIIISE TABLES i nn Children's Farmerettes iiVV io 1.49 Hen's Sport Coals Ties 25c 149 Umbrellas ... .1.69 1C3 Gloria Umbrellas . ; 1.49 1.93 OU Silk Umbrellas . .129 All First Quality, 16 Ribs - Beg. 1.C3 io 1.33 Jewelry Ilovelly Jewelry31' Necklaces- Bracelets Bar Pins - Clips Beg. 5c Handlrerclikk Hen's, TJonen's and CkiWrens lldkfs. 3c SJU1PLE IDIE FDir Deg. $9.33 . Beg. Beg. $15 Deg. $33.. Complete with Lovely Shades of Silk' and Parchment STYLE SHOP-LOWER LEVEL MM LOCALLY QWNEDrtQPFRATED SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday, Novem ber 4. 1939. at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marion County lourt House, in Salem, Oregon ell at publie aucttoa ia the -ner provided by law for the .ale of real property on eKuuu, following aescriDea ret . to-wit: - .. LoU 4. S. d 7. bawu ' rialoa Blocks 18 nd 5. Tew Park Annex to the City ot Sa lem. Marlon County, Oregon. Said sale will he by Tirtu of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Marlon County In that suit heretofore pending therein which City of Salem, a munici pal corporation. Is plaintiff and Frank D. Bligh and Mildred EL BUgh. his wife, and Marion County, a body politic, are de fendants the same being. Clerk's Register No. 28283. Dated and first publication October 6, 1939. A. C. BURK, Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By Kenneth L. Randall, Deputy. O. 6-13-20-27, N. 8 SHl-ltlFPil NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday, Novem- hsr A 1Q2Q nt 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at the west door of the Marion County Cenrt Hems, to Salem, Oregon, sell at public aoctlon in the man ner prorided b7 law for the aale of real property on execution, the following aescrmea 1C1U Ues. to-wit: Beginning at a point v irei south of the northwest corner ot Lot 27 of the Capitol Home Addition to the City of Salem. Marion County, Oregon; thence southerly 100 feet; thence easterly 110 feet: thence north erly 100 feet; thence westerly 110 feet to the place of begin ning, all in the City ot Salem. Marlon County, Oregon. Said sale will be by virtue ol an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State ot Ore gon for Marion County in that suit heretofore pending therein In which City of Salem, a mu nicipal corporation, is plaintiff and Gertrude J. M. Page, unmar ried, and Marion County, a body politic, are defendants, the same beinjr Clerk's Register No. 28188. Dated and first published Oc tober 6. 1939. A. C. BURK, Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By Kenneth L. Randall. Deputy. O. 6-13-20-27, N. 3 Bewitching Beautiful s House Coafts $2.95 Values A brilliant collection of gay festive fash ions, wearable all through the season . . full of originality, bustle effect, slender izing waistlines . . wide flaring skirts. Latest Fall creations. Sizes 14 to 44. See rsucktr Broadcloth Percales 10,000 Pair Selected Silk IHIosDeiry MORE TREAD IN EVERY THREAD Values to $1.00 10,000 pairs of selected aOk hos iery. S and 4-thiead sheers, of our higher priced hosiery. Rein forced cradle foot, deep garter welt. Buy now while assortment is complete. Sizes 8tf -10tf. At W Wtar Scctte VT Y REINFORCED A I HEELS 6 TOES H V lONGERWEAR 50c Men's Reinforced Lin-N-Tread Hose Imported Irish linen and soft Durene have been woven into heel and toes to make these "two strain points stronger and longer wear ing, aires iv-is. At Men' Wear S,ctUn 4 pre. $1.00 Lower Level Fred Heyer's Cleaning Section offers you Additional Savings! If m .. juens o-nece suit, or Ladies' Tailored Suit 1 cleaned and pressed.i59e ' Bring an extra Skirt, j or pair 01 lTpusers..29c Total 88c Ask us how yon can save I and have mr thoroughly cleaned end correctly pressed dtm for only DJC Lower Level Prices Effective Friday thra Monday IOCAU.Y OV;NEDOPRftTEP "ee Pages 4.4 5 for Other Values