The OREGON STATESMAN jem, Oregon, Friday Morning October 20, 1939 Salem's i t . 11 i Statesman Classified Ads Can 9101 - Classified Advertiatna' Single Insertion pr tin 16c Hires Insertions per Una lis Sii Insertions per llns 36 On month per Una ; . ft 00 Mlnlmam charge Copy fat this pact iet6 m" :$0 th evening before pabtV. Moa tor eJaaalflcatloa Os rs eelved after i this ttme ertn be nv oadar tbe beading "Too Lste tr CUwIfy." Tho Statesman wmsw oe Am Hal responsibility for errors whk way appear In advertisement poo tshed In tt column and tn ease where this papar la at fa nil will ra print that part of an edverttaemewt la which tha typographical nlstk iccura. Tba 8ta teaman reserves the rtftit ta reject questionable advertising It further reserves tha right tc place all advertising trader the roper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad cootatntne Statesman bos number for an ad dress Is for tha protection af the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter Tha Statesman la not at liberty to dlvnlse Informs tton aa to tha Identity of aa adver tiser ualna a "Blind" ad. Livestock DEAD AND worthless nereee. cow picked op free- Ph collect 1411 Salem Montgomery Reno was N. H. RED A BUFF Orp. breeders J 17. Help Wanted ttt WEICKLT GROW mushroom cellar, shed We buy. 15c lb. World's largest company FREE book. Husn rooms 101 9 Second Seattle wasn. WANTED SUFFERERS fren bleeding, burning -and Itching piles' try our remedy. It s guarantee!. Large dos $1. PO box 708. Salem. Ore. WANTED S OR experienced ep : pie pickers. Puritan Cider Works. West r isaiem. Help Wanted Male SALESMAN TO train for manarer position. Travel necessary. Apply Mr. Moon, 722. State. 1-3 p. m. Situations Wanted ' RA&fSETER TRUCK service. Gen oral hauling, reasonable rates P. Ill 0400i44400040400404 DRESSMAK. MRS Adam Ph Sssaaaaaaaaaaassw,t PAPER. PAINT. L. Johnson. 8188. TARD A GARDEN work. Ph. 4901 0t0t44t004 I : DRESSMAKING CAN go Into the home 2 50 a day. Phone 79R4 Z01I cora'i. j-HSEKPR. WITH child would like yositlon In good home, would consider country ir close to scnooi. box its Balm.- . - I HOUSEWORK. DAT or hour. Phone S377. EXP. GIRLS care children eve.. 4T1 i EXP. BKPR. wishes work. Write I 9060 Hunt St : LADY WISHES work by hour. 7055. :EXP. STEN. wants work. Ph. 5588. r WANTED HOUSEWORK In motb- srless home or hotel wrk. 1245. Statesman. For Sale Miscellaneous Bikes Rep Ramsden 141 a I Jo iaaSswaMSsaaSWkksaaksaakaAAAtfSkaaaasaaba CASH FOR used furn. Fh. 1119. WASHER SPECIAL this week New I 154.50 Harnetlc now S39.S5. Other washers low as SIS Guar. Hogg Bros I .swMMMMe I ' APPLES. VARIETIES. 2Sc op. 1 rnfle Wallace Road. Fit sfii. Pratt a . FRUIT JARS 40c dos. 331 Water, - HOUSE TRAILERS to buy or sell Terms See King. 519 N. Front. SPECIAL SALE on dinette exten Ion sets Including table ft 4 chairs S 12.9 5. Conn Bros.. 305 S. Liberty. CASH REOISTER. Addins machine, Typewriter. Duplicator. Calculator and Scale service. All makes solo, rentea ITr TWr,t" Exchange . 456 Court FURNITURE. 564 N. CHURCH. REG. $79 50 LARGE size davennort ft chair, sample only. $49.95. Cohn Bros. 105 N. Liberty. TVjjuiriji.ri.r,i n r- rLOri rinjLrirui r- TOMATOES ft peppers. L. H. Zlelke. -Roberts Station. Phone 77 r 3. : APPLES. VARIETY. 2315 S. Cottage, GARAGE DOOR, track folding. m0000000000000i00000000000' ty 13 ft . Aitenlnc good condition 955 I Betmont st.. saiim. Belmont St.. Salem. .WH1TPTT. TTHTTRTJ ne.rlvnew m i w s a .t v. t. Tt tftO - rrnr ttqwt vint Ktriwwim m A. A. M . 1 U.J tranttW tttfro a. Kssnh awwiMni f.9S ' VUII1I -. Aa MW .. CUT FLOWERS and flowering plants for alt occasions. Jay Morris, Florist. Fh. 85ST. ahT.v. no rA rT i wmh. clubs. Gardner. Rt 4,. Box 178. Wilt sey Rd. TTrvTiAVtnsyria vw.4 v th full beddlnc comnartments a real UCii-in w S2eA Vn. J I as I i VS iit bargain at $26.75. Cohn Bros. 105 N Liberty. Wanted Fnmitnre CASH PD for fnmltnr Ph 4I1T 1000000000000000000000000 USED FURN. R. Rorgey. Ph. 744$ 000000000000004000000000000000 WANTED. tTSKD furn. Ph. Silt, c C)rtftOtt$tatesmaii ADVERTISING j Western Adtertlslnt j RepressntatlTca Gsorae D. Close. Ino. ' Saa rraactaco. Los Angeles, Saattlr Eaateni Aasertunis v Represenutlrei Bryant Griffith ft Branson. Ina, ; Chicago. New fork Detroit Boeten. Atlanta 1 aTnterstf at ts PoeteZtce st ftsiems Ortpon as ssoowd CUu Uaitrr. Put- Hiked every morulas sscevt sfewaVrs aastsess ffiem ti$ fiosfft Cosiaieroia SUBSCRIPTION RATES: irau ui: Idranos Wltain tiregon ; uany ana ovuaay M& 50 cents: I M $1 59: 6 Ma $1 66 I year 35.00. Elsewhere SO cents per Me or $6.00 for 1 tear to advance Per copy I cents. Newsstands 6 cents I near h. sen I., nice cln.. ouiet home. 676 i By City Carrier: 60 cents a mosttbMN. 15th. Ph. 429L 17.30 year la advance tn ilCitrkM m" adjacent esuntlea. Money to Loan We Lend You Money vrrra bepatment puui arranged to m tour wcoan No Endorsees No Comakers Your Signature Only RCPAI ANT DAf TO RsTDUCB COS1. BORROW FROM 8ALE1TS OLDEST AND LARUK8T INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE TOUR NEEDS RB- CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER 18 MADE. General Finance Corp. Ill 80 Commercial St Lie. rirst Door South of I Add A Bush Bank YOUR VIEWPOINT There Is no Question about It loans the loans that do you tbe most possible really help. People witn moaesi incontes are especially invitea. Don t nesitate ta anolv for a loan here even if you owe a number of bills. Wa do not ex- oeet individuals who want a loan of $500.00 or less to meet tha bum credit requirements as a business man who borrows larger sums. All Inquiries treat ed cODJlaentlaL we mane no inquiries oi UOW RAlba An li CJi a terms i w ntur iuu $ 4.01 per mo. repays $ 40.00 In II mo. $ 4.73 per mo. repays $ 65.00 In It mo. $13.44 per mo. repays $200.00 In 10 mo. Other amounts tn proportion. Feel free to consult us. Ton are under no obligations. PEOPLE'S FINANCE COMPANY Room Ivl. Second Floor. First National Bank Building. Lalem, Oregon Phone 444C Wanted Miscellanons WANTED TO buy tor rash. 1st A Sod mortgages real estate contract A merchandise discount proper. STATE FINANCE CO 144 State Street Salem Oresoa WANTED FOR cash walnuts A fil berts. Also meats M. Klorfeln Pack ing Co. lit 8. High. Phone Till. WALNUT DRTTVG Quick service Frone 151F1. WANTED. It IN. old fir wood, any I amount. Geo. Wlrth. Rt. 1. Box 21. Miscellaneous Broken Lenses Replaced in Two Honrs DR. HARRT SEMLER. DENTIST OPTICAL DEPT. In charge of Dr Fred Pageler and Dr. W. W Frazee. Optometrists Adolob Bide... State A Commercial Phone 1311 PRACTICE PIANOS. 12. H. U Stiff For Rent Rooms DESIRABLE SLEEPING room. prt. entrance. Tel. 5977. HOT El MARION Rooma Snecinl weeklv and monthlv rates to Derm eniests Marlon Corree Shoo delicious meal at low prices WELL FURN aleeplns rooms stesm neat. 07 N CommerclaL SI i Vpi N ROOM ; 725 Court SL "AsWSMaeSaaWMkiaaafaasvaaMSaaaaaakfSaShg HOTEI SAI.EM low monlhlv rates NICE 8LEEFING nu. 8S5 TJ" St STM HTD rms.. kltrh. e(l N. Cot NEWLT FTTRN. haekns. rm A sin. rm, Best location In town. Ph. 7814. MOD. RL for roung man. Walklns distance. 735 N. Capitol. REASN'BLV RMS.. 500 N. Capitol. NICE CLEAN sleep, rm.. 1st floor. I Hskp. possible. Rea. 892 N. Winter Room and Board 8 EE MA BOWEN. 605 N. Liberty. 0000000000000000000000000000 LADT Rm.. $9. With Bd. 110. 7111 RMS. MEN Table bd. C50 Marlon APTS.. BD.. rm. 430 N. Liberty. RM. ft BD. with laundry free. 455 N. Cottaae WANTED: WORKING girls te share home. Inq. 148 N. 15th. BD. ft RM. near P. O. Ph. 6482. For Rent Apartment I-RM. FURM bath. 1440 Waller. aaaaiasaaasaaaaaaaa 3 ft I RM. APTS, Unfurn. and turn. 935 to 140 Royal Court Apta. Tel PA TTON APTS. Ill 8tste. Fur rushed Adults only Ph 6144 8EE THE Fisher Aots before yoo .4 "ve.ian aecioe. Large ft Airy. Rockwool ln- Blinds throughout & Coml. ft Oak St a ,sssaataaata COMFORTABLE. HOME-LIKE. ensnnahle. Hawthorne Court. 1000 N "inltol St FURN.. UNFURN. 469 Front 8201 48ssasskaaaalkAkkaja OLYMPIC APARTMENTS I ROOM FURNISHED. 730 N. Lib erty. .JJtSJVJP.?Rn!i,TnJ room cottaga Edgewater Court . Elec l!l;;,"iw3... I IBVlX HjKiV tpt fO. Blt I aeaSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaatsSSj I runn. lj 13. ii v. rnL, bvilcii. vi , s r. f h 4fasai s-m ssOrn h sr- far mni I "aK"B rm. w. vapnou I " " 00000000000000000000000000m I NICE I RM. apt. 658 Center. I XT A f V V P L,. utM. ft eSa m 1 y"l 00000000000J0000000000000000 4 RM. FURN. aptM lights ft water I fo. Adults only. 398 N. list 1 R. FURN APT. UeMs. water. $!- tl wk. 1190 Oak. Ph. 6176. a-xvji. An. ruuman hucik-ii. ihjttit i m war , I "f?l ."omen or &Tl' on'y xilayf f1: 0000000000000000000000000000I 1-RM. KITCHENETTE. Ill Water. 4 ROOMS, completely furnished. SOltlor mo. Also smaller wood-heated cot- Nebraska. l-RM. NEWLY furn.. heat, water, re frigerator, gar., adults 991 N. Cottage. FURN. APTS.. 410 N. Liberty. 00000000 NEWLY FURN. sots. UtiliUeS osd- Phone 76C4. 22(1 Hasel Ave. 000000004004000000000000000000 GENTLEMEN. FURN. 2-rm. apt. best frigidaire. 255 Center. aaaasaaaaseetaaaaaaaaaa aaasstaSBaWMW FURN. APART. $1 mo. 331 WaUr. 00000000000404000000000000 raSWAACs. V-A-t IOC-1.-M, ClfBn I1UIUTJ. LOVELY NEW 1 rm. furn. PulL kit Em p. lady.' 66$ So. Summer. APART. FOR rent 244 State. ONE AND 1 ROOM furn. aots. Clean. wsrm. Adults 4S Ferrr. FURNISHED 2 ROOM APT. Hot water, lights. $12.50. 1935 Center. ejaa,aaaaJaaaasaaaaaaaJsSi i e-ttdv ti! a i ,h 3 RM. FURN.. orl. bath. ht lights. water, elec. refrig. 1411 State. REAS'N'BL. APTS. 500 N. CapltoL MODERN CABINS, winter rates Schoen's Cot. June 12th ft Pac bwy. I RM.. HOT water heat lights, wa ter, gar., tzi. saa n. capiioi. 1 Rat FURN. spt gar., outside ent. MMsjaa'4Maa IK FURN. APT, $23 8. 14th. Money to Loan AS WELL AS BfFORJO A LOAN Na. 8-111 Phone lilt Con van lent Ground Floor Location arranged from your rlew-oolnt sra rood. See as for a loan service that will inenas or reiawvea. S-211 Slate License M-220 AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Its FLOOR GUARDIAN RUILDlNn LICENSE Na M-Ils THA LOANS iUL i'M nrf. loans. Abrama A Ellis inc. Masonic Bids. AAAwAnAaasMBaaaa4aaa PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AMD TRnnt trlK CONTRACTS REFINANCED ta ra. i dace osvments Money for new or need cars No flelnv or red tape. Too will ra- .'l?rltl,Yl!Sl ' liUY H. SIMMONS lit Sonth Commercial Street Phone lilt Lie. Na M ill Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED en farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins Roberta WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on coed Sal am real ac ta I a Will pay f Interest. W. U OKA BENHORST A CO. REALTORS 124 a Liberty Street Phone H For Rent Houses FURNISHED AND nnfurn. bouses. H. P. URANT US Court. Phone 744 AAAAaaaaaJaaaaBaBakaaaBaaaBiBaa HOUSES FOR rent. R. A- FORK NER. 1853 N. Capitol St. 5 R. HOUSE, adults. 475 S. Winter FURN. 5 R HOUSE. Phone 7445. 17. A., mod. hse.. part turn. Ph. 7125 AaAaflae0aaeaMaaaaaasaleae SMALL HOUSE. 255 Division. NEWLY. FURN. Mod. 8 rm. hse. ExcelL loc. Close-in. Ph. 7814 2 NEW MOD. 4 R. houses at 880 A 864 N. 16th. Inq. 12 to 5 p. m. FOR RENT MODERN 6 ROOM house laree lot with fruit A shade trees. Only $37.50. ALSO 7 room house with 3 room apt. ail for $35. See this. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261. FURN. HOUSE, 760 S.-Com'I. 6406. 00000000000000000000000000 S. EDGE of town, house and 1 A. of land to rent. H. C. SHIELDS. Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. asaasatsaasaa,sasaa FURN. TRAILER house. Rulltlna lights, water, fuel. Cheap. Highway Ave., back of Smith B.Q. 0000000l FURN. HOUSE. 3 rooms, bath. 320 Good 6-room furn. home. $37.50. Furn. apt.. I-rm.. private bath. $25. Good 5-room house, no basement, $25. JO rooms, close state bnildines. $35. C. H. SANDERS. 118 S. High. 5111. NEW S-ROOM mod. house. Ina. S89 N. Liberty. Ph. 3131 or 7529. 00000000000S0S000000000000000 RENT NEW 5-rm. house. 1825 N. , Water. Phone 6429. LOV. FURN. 5 R. close. $45. 7113. 010000000000004000000000000000 ATTRACTIVE 5 R BATH, fire place. Hdw. floor, newly decorated. 2740 S. Commercial Ph. 4506. 4 R. ft BATH, $12.50. Ph. 7479, m000S00000000000000S0 4 RM. HSE. with Earase. 1940 W. Nob Hill. Ph. 6163. $25. FOR RENT. mn1trT. irtihiirbfn I home, 4 R.. 2 bedrooms, fireplace, hard- wood floors, garage. See this today ucytlllSli or ISEEUHAM, 341 State. Rm. 4. 6 R. MOD. HOME. 125. W. G. Krue ger. 147 N. Com'I. Ph. 4728 . BARGAINS IN rentals furnished ft unfurnished. EUDROW-KASHIR REAL ESTATE 13 mdd ft Bush Bldg. Ph. 6965. 1 . For Rent Farms ACREAGE CLOSE in. Tel. 3858. 150 A. sood soil, nmnlnf water, elec trified. Rood house, barn, silos, milk house. Ideal for oulck crop "or cow-hog combination. $600 cash rent. Nancr I as. Johnston Woodburn. Oregon. - - ,-,,-iriririrK'u-Lnju ru-uxr-nj-Lnj-u'i. i'mrtf r ft x'rur 9 a I P'qgB. casn rent. 645 Ferry St. f0M000000000040000000 2 ACREAGE TRACTS. 120 ft $55. O. E. RAE. 1655 N. Cottase. Ph. 6761 For Rent OFF1CB ROOMS 181 State Street inaulre room 100 Tel 1711. STEAM HEAT. furn. cot tares br wk tages Waahlns machine Lone Star Auto court 1160 N. Capitol FOR RENT Store snare. Hollywood o:su. ixhi i doors south Hollywood imeaire. fnone 7015. Wanted to Rent PROPETITY OWNERS attentloal Good billboard location a wanted. Phone iis or call United Outdoor Adr. Co. 41$ Ferry St I W.v XtTtTTt fyitws4t aA to achonL Box 1140. Statesman. WANT TO lease, one to 3 years, mod ern borne with a dining room ft 3 or three bedrooms Must be price. See my I !.vS"ti..l9JJ1 .?'x9"TEi' or MABEL rMnA, v oue, noom a. For Sale Real Estate I WHI KENT when eon ran hav as I cheaply s new 5-room modern house? I neatricted district 1 block from bus I wwner bsuo. cjit lerma WB RAVE THE PROSPECT IT YOU want to seB exchans lease, rent see Mr. Lsrsea or Mr Col lins wltb Hawkins ft Roberta. T RADIO C1T1 oroDerty tor tanr nomea. Opportunllles In exchangee. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS INC m m i j -vjv'virijij'ixJxrtJxriir 1 NEW. MOD. homes. $300 to $500 I dn. Easy monthly payments. See os bs- I forft yoo buy. 8, A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol For Salt; Real Estate -BARGAIN IN FURNISHED HOME- I R. MODERN. CLOSE In. .1199 1 worth of furniture. 14160. Ultra modern saw home. Knalewood disc $4500 1300 dru. $17.00 monthly. I ART MADSEN. Phone Salt R. MOD. HOUSE, basement, gar. t blk. from Safeway St. t47 Saginaw. mSt?!,! fruit Dallas Tel. 7441 JaaaaanjajastajeagjeJaj SPECIAL T ROOM HOUSE with basement fur nacs, fireplace, lota of large shade A aut trees paved at. bus service, city I school dist acre ground. Price .- jt. win take smau bouse aa pan. can Mrs. Kills with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 844 State Street Phone 2C1. B R. NEW OAK floor, alec water I heater, gar.: take late model car or acreage aa down payment Sea me at 215a Mill St. Ph. 4954. 2 BEAUTIFUL new homes. S rooms No finer houses In Salem. You can bay direct from owner and builder for lea than same can be built for today. Phone 4946. Locations 1605 S. Church. 15500. 1790 NO. 19th. $4500. NEW 2-RM. house with bath, on paving. Price 11050; $150 down, IIS per month. New B-rm modern hniiM. hardwood fcV'arcond eVrrbdrooma. hardwoo, floors, laundry trays, North Salem. Price $1400. VOSBURGH-GRANT First Floor Masonic Bide r UK BALE I A two bedroom nlastered house at 1 ?285 Hvde St. Wood ahed and earase. I Full price $810: $150 down payment I balance $15. interest included, per mo J. F. ULRICH CO. 163 State Street Phone 8671 NEW HOME Here Is Tour rha.nce to own a brand new home. Just completed, for $350 1 down and balance like rent Corner I location. In splendid residential diet. Full basement and furnace, larse front ly kitchen with nice buflt-!n and til ll thu HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC FOUR LOTS 60x110 te 72x110 ft. I payed street close to. b-diocks rrom i uaiversiiy ana cayuoi. uaiv ireei, St. liUU to S600. terms. I'hone 88D4. owner. Acreage trade considered. FINE SITE for warehouse or plant I 140x180 ft, paved streets. R. R. sid- lng advantages, near S. P. depot low priced. Phone 8854. owner. WILL BUILD house to suit buyer for $50.00 down. BaL monthly. Full price of 4 rms. ft bath. Including lot approximately $1050.00. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 959 Edgewater Phone 5622. FOR CHOICE locations, see W. G. Krueger. Ph. 4728. Belcrest I $2250 BUYS A 5-ROOM house and garage near Center St on North 20th. W. G. Krueger. 147 N. CommerclaL FOR SALE Lots owned by City $125 to $800. See any real estate man or call 8632 187 S. High Street 1 A..I Rms.. $1400. 6 A.. 6 rms.. chn. Sm. dn. pmt. 172 S. Liberty. Phi 711$. BAL. $23 PER mo.. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 5 rooms, plastered, re conditioned inside and out. cor. lot paved st 3.. ouly 4 blocks from supreme court bhlK.. price $2150. SEE THIS BARGAIN TODAY. W. H. GR A BENHORST ft CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 646S. $25 DOWN 110 PER MONTH will buy this one acre tract located E. of Salem, best of soil. A nice location to build a home. Price ONLY $300. ITS A REAL VALUE. W. H. GRA BENHORST ft CO, REALTORS 114 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. COURT STREET HOME 7 ROOMS. BASEMENT, furnace, aa rage, cor. lot. paved sts, $500 down, bal. $30 per mo., price $3000. A NICE uuuai iu.'m anu a oj u v alu ti. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. v BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE LOCATED SOUTH of city limits on onmart HUI. approximately 7 lots All for $1400, I'.Tcellent view, near school, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. 040J04 BUSINESS BUILDING LOCATED DOWNTOWN, two story brick, present Income $190 per mo. v in consider part trade. See. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 4468 For Sale Farms FARMS FOR rent sale trade. Ore gon Lend Co.. Hwy Woodburn. Or FOR SALE or trade. 72 acres tn Douglaa Co.. Oreson. Extra fine soil. Near s rural high school. Would like i.lace close In. Or will sell reasonably. George A. B.irchard. Corvallis. Oregon 344 S. Fourth St. nt? vitt-c-v e.ti OVEB ioo acres! atrictlv modern rm. home, tenant bouse. Z large barns dhl garage, blacksmith shop, etc. Fully equipped with combine, tractor. all modern machinery This Is a good farm and a beautiful home 20 to 30 tona or grain, several brood sows 50 to 80 pies. 3 cows, evervthlne- ready to go. Trade for well located auto court or city property. Value 127.500. What have you? Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 2(1. 00000044004004k I lift ACRES: 90 acres cultivated. acres In croo. 10 acres of timber. 5-rm house, electricity and water svstem. I (rood serines, about 14 miles from Sa lem. Will trade for a small farm or cltv property. so acres all in cultivation. 5-rm. strictly modern house, good barn, fam ily orchard, paved road. A real good farm. Price $8000. Take part In trade. 9V4 acrea 1 mile from high school, one B-rm. house and one t-rm. house, electricity, water svstem, small creek. A bargain for 11750. ROSTEIN ADOLPH. INC. 11 OH N. Commercial St. Acreage ACREAGES AT A BARGAIN TOU CAN buy an acre wltb east front on oiled hlajhwav at Swexle schL for $400.00. 150.00 down A $10.00 per mo., or $25.00 down A $15.00 per mo. Only B left. Act now. See Mr. Hardy. With HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC FOR SALE or rent 5 sere tract C room house ft bath. Paved road. Price 12400. KRUEGER. 147 N. Coml. Livestock FARMERS STOCKMEN Montgomery Renderinj Works picks up, F of Charge, dead and worthless Horses and Cows anywhere in the Willamette Valley. We Pay Top Prices PHONE US COLLECT $411 SALEV For Sale Used Cars SALEM'S BEST BUYS 1937 Lafayette Touring Sedan $595 nmm nw, neater at overartve, new tires bed. Carries a. 01 4-Door Touring "w yami, upnoisiermg spotless a guaranteea car. 1934 Nash 4-Door Sedan.. ..$350 Completely - .n0Q aii n i lVZo UlClS Sedan 1926 CheTolet Tourins.. MANT MORE TO CHOOSE FROM BANK TERMS TRADES CARTER MOTOR CO. LOT 240 CENTER . -------- - -- -- ' MR. BUYER You Have Been Waiting for These 1934 PLYMOUTH TUDOR SEDAN ..$169 FORD SPORT ROADSTER. 1929 DODGE D.A. SEDAN ORVAL'S USED CARS - . . gri i 1. enter at IJlUrrn "'-'' SPECIALS OQ pVirrl ' DpT, fnp 17 UIU ASCLi. UpC, 34 rOTCl L-Oach ...... 36 Ford DeL. Cch... 395 V JLiLu 1 1UU1UR AJ rjaed Car Lot Marion & Liberty St I ee AO RFWATtD FDR mo S- ail. rwi nf anvon who will hnv or trAiijt for 193g Dodge Sedan, that I must sell Dy next Wednesday. Stan Sparks. 319 N. High St. Salem. Phone 3533, morn ings. Wanted Real Estate DO TOU want a fine car? Will trade low mileage Nash 8 sedan for real e8tate- 1110 N- Capitol, Salem, ore WANT $2000 hse. for cash. Ph. 7111. Business Opportunities STORE BUILDING with basement. 32' front on N. Capitol, 2 entrancea Inq. V. L. Irish. 2054 N. Capitol. GROCERY STORE, good location. stock and equipment 1241 Statesman. For Sale Wood DRY WOOD. Phone 9360. WOOD. Ph. 5370. Ursen. 412 N. 21st WOOD READT split for cook stove. $5 cord. TeL 6700. Bradley. MWWiaaaaasawaSSSeiwi.eea 16" OLD FIR $5 ft $5.50: 4' 2nd. 84.00. If oak. 86.50. Ph. 945B. MwwVVVwVMwVwVVWwAAArwSt ALL KINDS of wood. 6663. Wood Sawing 60c FOR 16" iPHONE 7411. S0044i40000000040000' WOOD SAWING. Ed Sproed. P. 5883. Lost ami Found I BROWN LEATHER key case, sey- erai keys. Reward. A. ONeill. Mon mouth. Ore. I J. I IST RT.ACK nnrtfollo contala. 1 papers marked Masury-Young Co. Ret I to chamber commerce. Salem. Reward, STRAYED TO my place. Jersey hei fer. Ph. 66F1I, R. A. Tansey. Personal LONELY! -WORTH WHUJaT sweet I heart husband, wife for yon. P. a Bos I It Les Angeies JOIN THE l-onesoms Corre8tOB4l- enc club. P. O. Box 27. Portland. Ore aaaaaaaaaaaa,aaaassaJaasi PSYCHOANALYST and spiritual ad visor. C. Francis the man who knows Room 125 Salem hotel. 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Automobiles NOW WRECKING H Ford V-8. '35 Studebsker. '35 I Hudson, '$4 Plymouth. '33 Dodge truck. I Acme Auto at xrucs v recaers. I commercial. I x. r-u-cir oni!TTO Wnitnl A Cm I nrL owner. 17th Market. Ph. 804. Business Cards la UOs directory ma 1 . ... ' oa a monthly basis only. mattresses Rate i ft per line p montn. .,, . - SALEM FLUFF RUCJ and Mattress . ; . factory. NEW MATTRESS saada te AUtO Brakes order eld remade : carpet ateanln. J1,ni flufl rug weaving. & l$tb Mlks Psnek 371. South Commercial fill 1 TT r t1CK Salem Brake a Wheel Align. Station. " , 241 Center street- CAPITOL BEDDING CO. rhowe IMS PlCyCCS Naturopathic Physician BICTCLK& NEW and recoodltkme. " Harry wTSoott. 147 & ComT P. DR W a BOCK WELL. Nstnrooatn - ! PhyslelsB, ITM Fslrgrotrads Rd o TeL 4302 Office Honrs II a. as. tol:Sf Urnsnes rasa exam contolta SMTTH BRUSHES. PHONE 7$4. Chimney Sweep Printing rl.EPHONB 4450 R Horthaesa FOB STATION CRT cards pamphlets '- PT01 J "J kinds? seta. CHIMNEY 01 JE A NED ,n- H Tbe Statesman Printing De- i HrT"&M. agrftim & Comm'rcL t Chiropractors Stove Repairing DR. O. U aprm PSC Chiropractor " l(( N. Hlgra Tel Res Sill. STOVE Repairing. 2(2 Cbemekets. Excavating Transfer EXCAVATING OF sn Binds, Pass- .Mmm menu dun. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt FOR LOCAl ot distant transfer, star- for sale. Salem Sand sod Gravel Os age burner en. eall I ill. Irmer Phone S40I. Trsnafer Co Trneks to Portland daflv Film Developing cm trans ph. i. Ress. rates 20o ROLL. ( pts. PO box 74$. -r : : Vacuum Cleaners FlfJrists 1 , " REBUILT. $1.00 UP. Brush rebrlrtl Brelthaubt's 417 Court. Phone $ lng repairs all makes 490 S. ilst. Ph 0- Laundries . THK NEW 8ALEM LAUNDRT Well nrilling I THB W EIDER LAUNDRT 1ft & Ui-a Tsi Jill & A. WEST, rt , boa 44a. Ph. HOTS. For Sale Used Cars A new paint. Can be made Into a 6 ft cuanstM. Sedan - ...$645 overhauled. ia I -vW $10 PHONE 3714 - - - -. -.-i-i-.-.-yw-irirvuLTLrijuxjt HQ I 69 Phone 4702 A REAL SPECIAL! 1938 V-8 2-Door Sedan. Low mileage and very clean, with trunk and heater $495 A FEW CHEAP CARS TO TRADE FOR WOOD. Hatfield's Used Car Mkt. ... . w Trannnortation EXPERIENCED DRIVER will AV.n..f'.tt 4Pn- w nenti-tatlnn 4a Ifsnaai ces. . Legal Notice SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ill a I 4. will, on ciuuiua, uieiu- ber 18, 1939, at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marion County Court House, in Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction in the man ner provided by law for tbe sale of real property on execution, the fnwin. ilaerihd rp.i nrmi.M ;rj7: 6 ' to-wit: Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, High land Avenue Addition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Uregon. Said sale will be by virtue of an execution Issued out ot the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County In IUB(, BUlk ucicuiuio ycuu'us therein in which City of Salem, a. inuuiciimi curyurauuu, is pim - uii, ana Liuawig ceuer, a a mm - lstrator of the Estate of Julianna oeiB-er, jjeceasea, reramana ttei fter and Jane Doe Betker, his wiie, Maia Jungneit, a widow, Ludwig Betker and Jane Doe Better, bis wife, Matilda Spiess and John Doe Spiess, her hus- band. Alvina Anderson and Erickl M. Anderson, her husband, Ru dolph J. Betkey and Ethel Bet- key, his wife, Msrlon County, a body politic R. Wassam, and all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real prop erty herein described, are de fendants, the same being Clerk's .Register jno. Z8Z39. .Dated and first published Oc tober 20, 1339, A. C. BURK Sheriff of Marlon County, Oregon By Kenneth L. Randall Deputy. O. 20-27, N. 3-10-17 SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday. Novem ber 18. 1939. at 10:00 o'clock in I the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marion County Court House, In Salem, Oregon, f"""- uluuu iu rue man- er provided by law for the sale Directory Legal Notice of real property on execution, the followlnr described real premises, to-wit: Lou 3. 5. 7 and 10. Block 1. New Cherry Addition to the City of SAlem, Marion County, uregon. Said sale will be by Tirtue ot Ian execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State ot Ore- gon tor Marlon County In thaHcutlon, the following described snit heretofore pending therein in wnlca City ot Salem, a municipal corporation, is plaintiff and R. E. Taylor and Jane Doe Taylor, his wife, Marion County, a body po litic, Capital Securities Corpora tion, a corporation, Fischer Flour ing Mills, inc.. a corporation: also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property herein described, are de fendants, the same being; Clerk's Register No. 28185. Dated and first published Oc tober 20, 1939. A. C. BURK Sheriff of Marion County. Oregon By Kenneth L. Randall SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday. Norem- ber 18 1989 at 10:00 o'ock in me lureooon oi saia aay. at me west door of the Marion County Court house. In Salem, Oregon. aeu at public auction In the man ner provided by law for the sale "Prt7 n on. the luuumug aescnoea reai premises. to-wit: Lots 1, 2 and 3. Block 19. Highland Avenue Addition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. Said sale will be by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- fJ "aon Couty l that lult heretofore Dendiner therein I In which City of Salem, a rnu. uicipai corporation, is plaintiff ana Janet Hulin Glenan and John L. Glenan, her husband, and I Marion County, a body politic, are I defendants. tha an ma haln I m n . I Dated and first published Oe tober 20, 1939. A. C. BURK Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon p, Tfonn-M, r Deputy. O. 20-27, N. 3-10-17 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the n,r",ged thas. '"ed 0,n the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Mar- ion her duly verified final ac count, as the . Executrix of . the estate of Jacob Stautfer, de ceased, and that said Court has I fired Tnoedav 51 ot October 193T .T Xe tn nVint M , olJ A , th trm . 7:J Court Room in the County Court HOUSB. at Salpm n Unrlnn County, Oregon, as the place for 1 nearing said final account and 1 ajj objections thereto, 1 , Dated at Salem, Oregon, this - izsth day of September, 1939 I JOSEPHINE STAUFFER, I Executrix of the last well and testament and estate) of Jacob Stauffer. deceased. GLOVER & LAMKIN. Attorneys for Executrix, Salem, Oregon. S. 29, O. 6-13-20-27 Cross Word Puzzle 7" 2 h Z z 7 a" T" TtT 7T" i iizii 21 22 2H 26 27 28 2?30 35 36 37 3S 3f HO HI H2 43 H5 46 47 " 4a 77 o "si H I mr 1 rr I I HORIZONTAL 47 conscious 1 transported 49 affirm 6 hastened 51 symbol for 9 man's name gallium 12 pen-name of 52 climbing Charles stem Lamb 63 article 18 supplication 54 dance step 14 pat 65 card having 15 compete 16 repast 17 game played on horseback 18 within 19 dispatched 20 fanatical 21 bound ' 23 tissue 26 night before a holiday 28 ancient magistratt 2S consolidated snow 80 like 81 become fatigued 83 depression made by striking 85 vart of To Be 87 anecdote 89 begin 42 urchin . 44 bargain 46 fencing . sword single spot 66 above 57 masculine 68 Gaelic sea god 69 market 60 imitates Herewith is the solution to yes terday's puzzle, 10-20 , lcMMhclst3clANlEK Averse Ubm ef Legal Notice SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday, No rember 18, 1939, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marion County Court House, in Salem, Oregon, sell at publie auction in the manner provided by law for. the sale of real property on exe- real premises, to-wit: Lots 11. 12, 13 and 14, Block 14, Highland Avenue Addition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon: Said sale will be by virtue oi ' an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Marlon County in that suit heretofore pending therein in which City of Salem, a muni cipal corporation, is plaintiff and Maude p. Fleming, a widow, is defendant, the same being Clerk's Register No. 28356. Dated and first published Oc tober 20, 1939. A. C. BURK Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon By Kenneth L. Randall Deputy. O. 20-27. N. 3-10-17 SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday, Novem ber 18, 1939, at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marion County Court House, in Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction in the man ner provided by law for the sale of real property on execution, the following described real premises, to-wit: Lot 1, Block 4, Broadway Addition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. Said sale will be by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Marion County in that suit heretofore pending therein in which City of Salem, a municipal corporation, is plaintiff and Lug wig Betker, Administrator of the Estate of Julianna Betker, De ceased, Ferdinand Betker and Jane Doe Betker, his wife. Mala Junghelt and John Doe Jungheit, her husband, Ludwig Betker and Jane Doe Betker; his wife. Ma tilda Spiess and John Doe Spiess, her husband. Alvina Anderson and John Doe Anderson, her hus band, Rudolph J. Betker and Jane Doe Betker, his wife, Mar- Ion County, a body politic, and R. Wassam, are defendants, the same being Clerk's Register No. Z7308. Dated and first published Oc tober 20, 1939. A. C. BURK Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon By Kenneth L. Randall Deputy. O. 20-27. N. 3-10-17 Grand Master Will Speak to Odd Fellows SILVERTON Oren F. Steele of Pendleton, grand master of the Oregon Odd Fellows, will be guest speaker at the Saturday night meeting of the local group. A short business session will be held following which the Re bekahs will be invited to join for the master's talk. A local musical program is also being planned. The committee In charge con sists of George Bush, S. A. Gay, and Everett Wardrip. VERTICAL 1 vilify 2 formed into rank 8 pastry 4 symbol for tantalum 6 exhausted 6 part of a printing e press 7 elongated fish 5 district attorney (abbr.) sun-dried brick 10- pittie 11 dwellings 16 myself 17- ather 19 severed 20 rants 22 little island 24 conducted 27 eradicate 29 penetrate 82 high note of Guido scale 34 light knock 35 kettle-drum 36 spite 38 dick-beetle 40 feast 41 annoys 43 railroad eating-car 45 turn . outward 48 brother of Odin 50 printer's measure 63 the yellow bugle 54 small cone 66 mystic ejaculation 87 mother aahrtWai S3 aUaatas.