The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 20, 1939, Page 14, Image 14

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, October 20, 1935
i f
Zontians Have
Guests for
Members of the Salem Zonta
S(D(Bntty o o MIunsn o o LFdd(iI1
MAXINE BUREN Women't Editor-
club entertained guests at lunch- Dlpr? airi(X npu
eon at the Quelle yesterday noon. 'CXxgHJg iiCW
Mrs. Belle Niles Brown, president Q-f-1irJni-c rt
o- the local club presided ant" to- ulUUCiita 11
troduced Dr. Helen Pearce who O-.-.-.-IVfsc
ottlined briefly the organization CiUiUi I Li
and objects ot the International .,",
Zonta club which will celebrate its Members of Delta Tau Gamma
20th birthday on November 4. Dr. on Willamette campus beld pledge
Pearce heads the international services for a group of girls at
club which has branches in Can- igan,,,, han at 4 o'clock yes-
ada and Scandi'.ayian countries. M, V(,.
Mrs. Brown , also introduced terday ernoon. Miss Virginia
Rev. Irvln Williams, who gave a Bendlcksen, president was in
talk on "Highways to Happiness." charge.
Individual birthday cakes each New pledges are: The Misses
centered with a candle, were Florence Elsaffer, Lola Rae. Mary
served to honor the birthday of jane Smith, Ruth Ann Wedge,
Dr. Pearce. Lois Elaine Baldwin, Kathryn
Guests fof the luncheon were Rempell, Miriam Jensen, Jennette
Miss Josephine Gray, Mrs. James Fulmer, Louann Green, Lois Ma-
E. - Monroe, Mrs. Lila Peterson, bry, Cecelia Mormon, Margaret
Mrs. H. V. Carson, Mrs. Ira Fitts, Ann Collins, Frances Gorsuch,
Miss C. Genevieve Morgan, Mrs. Muriel Smithson, Harriet Monroe,
Nova Young, Miss Perle Olsen, Margaret Freese, Patricia Short,
Miss Edith Brookmiller, Miss Shirley Caufield. Virginia Smith
Elisabeth Carey, Miss Helen Ab- and Frances Tatro.
bott, Mrs. Marie Ling, Mrs. Agnes The local chapter of Delta Tau
lschopp; Mrs. W. L. Allen, Miss Gamma will be hostess group at
Lela Delmar. Miss Maxine Buren national convention to be held
and Rev. Williams. here. Miss Virginia Bendlcksen
... . ,i2 is also national president.
Members present were Miss
Barbara Barnes, Miss Lillian Mc
Donald, Mrs. C. W. Stacey, Miss
Helen Tockey, Dr. Helen Pearce,
Miss Dorothy Pearce, Mrs. Belle
Niles Brown. Miss Helen Bocker,
Miss Doris Riches, Miss Kathryn
Gunnell, Miss Helen Barrett, Mrs.
Ora F. Mclntyre, Miss Mabel Sav
age, Miss Nellie Schwab.
A striking arrangement of large
xinnais of varied colors, in a low
pottery bowl with greenery cen
tered the speaker's table.
Mrs. Crawford Invites
Club Members
r Mrs. Lee Crawford will be host
ess today at a dessert luncheon
tor members of her club. Mari
golds and chrysanthemums will be
used as decoration.
i Members are Mrs. D. W. Bur
roughs, Mrs. Hal Desart, Mrs.
Harold Donsmoor, Mrs. Leo Grab
er, Mrs. Carl G. Steeltaammer,
Mrs. Harold Gross, Mrs. Ernest
Knapp, Mrs. Stephen Mergler,
Mrs. M. D. Vinyard, Mrs. Karl
iWenger, Mtb. Ernest Wolfe and
Mrs. Lee Crawford.
The West Central Circle. of the
First Methodist church met at
the home of Mrs. N. LaRaut Wed
nesday afternoon for a business
and social meeting. Mrs. G. V. El
lis gave two readings on the pro
gram. Assisting the hostess were
J. O. Russell, Mrs. Effie W. Dun
lap and Mrs. LaRaut's grand
daughter, Miss LaRaut.
Friday, October 20
Hal Hit bard auxiliary no
host lunch, 12:30 with Mrs.
Holden, rou e box 129.
W o m a n's Auxiliary to St.
Paul's Episcopal church, cov
ered dish luncheon, 1 p. m.
Unitarian Woman's Alliance,
with Mrs. Roy Burton, 2:30
p. m.
Loyalty class. First Baptist
church, with Mr. and Mrs. Do
lan Hatifield, Garden Road, Box
124, 8 p. m.
The Ann Judson Circle of the
First Baptist church with Mrs.
Estella Teel, 1011 South Liber
ty street, 7:30 p. m.
Kingwood American Legion
with Mrs. Roy Lacey, Kingwood
Heights at 2 p. m.
American Legion auxiliary,
membership commUtee, 8 p. m.,
with Mrs. A. H. Wilson, 175
West Owens street.
The Past Matrons association
of OES with Godfrey's for din
ner meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Neighbors of Woodcraft pep
meeting at the Fraternal tem
ple. The Degree of Honor at the
Knights of Pythias hall, 8 p. m.,
Saturday, October 21
Women's Relief Corps at Mil
ler's hall, 2 p. m.
Monday, October 23
Oregon State Nurses associa
tion, district 3 will meet at the
Salem General hospital, 8 p. m.
Drsnrsnss ? s s o m a a t a a e ."s a ft a a a a a'a'awv aramnrs?
Caviar .. Breast of Pheasant
..and JellWell, Dinakl
THE Van Cas1unore treat money like cntw
ing gum wrappers. And when Mrs. Van C.
orclert meals for the family, cash remitters ting in
three counties. For ituttt you might expect Bomoe
Glace, Bated Aluka, Crepe tSuzettes or torn
imported tidbit recommended by the International
Gourmet Society.
But Air. Van Culunore Lu one outitanding
favorite Extra Flavor Jell-veil at about lc per
sernng. AndL ecan t under
stand this ridiculously low
price. 'Serve it in our gold
dick, he says,and who'll
know the difference?'
He likes the way Jell
well's rich, appetizing color
sparkles in the candlelight
and tie way Dinah nettles a red cherry in
snowy ring of whipped cream right on top.
In fact, lie lometimei incakj out to watch Jtli
well'e quid trip frcm package to ice tox...ia now
matter in the zippiag technique of the patented
Easy-Opening box. He knows why Jell-well is so
good for tie children and Las even been heard to
recite the 8 delightful flavor in his sleep.
i Perhaps Air. Van C.
carries this thing too far.
But tie fact remains that
your family will love Jell
well' '$ Extra Flavor.:. and -you'll
like it lecause it jells .
so well. Hurry to your gro
cer's before tie Van Cash-
snores buy him out. vut
look for tic bright red Easy-Opening box.
And look fot Jell-well Pudding ijemrt, too...
atircly different
lut iuit as ood
. . . Chocolate,
Vanilla, Butter
scotcl ... smooth,
delicious . . . end
rid in lealtlful
Dextrose. '
s -
v; f!
Study Club to
Members of the Monday study
club will entertain their husbands
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Braun on Saturday night. A
buffet dinner will be followed by
an evening of bridge. Bright Jeru
salem cherries win supplement
autumn leaves and flowers to
form the decoration for the table
and rooms.
Club members and their, hus
bands are Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Erown Mr. and Mrs. William
Braun, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O.
Berg, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Wood
row, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Benson,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pratt, Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Adolphson, Dr.
and Mrs. Laban Steeves, Mr. and
. Mrs. Elmer Wooten, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Tomlinson, Dr. and Mrs.
Fredercik Hill Thompson and Mr.
and Mrs. B. E. Owens.
Bridge Club Meets at
P'olds Allen's
CHAIRMAN of the Junior Woman's club's fashion
scheduled for next Tuesday is Mrs. Jack Carlon.
Miss Oveross Hostess
At Bridge Party
Pringle Group Meets
At Wiltsey's
Tuesday night Miss Ruth Over- Mrs. F. Wiltsey and Mrs. A.,
oss entertained at a bridge party Carnegie were Joint hostesses
honoring a group of friends. Bou- wrnAA . . .
quets of xinnias were used to ednefidav members of the
decorate the rooms. High hon- Pringle Women's club at the
ors of the evening went to Mrs. Wiltsey home. Mrs. Bowman pre-
Leone Taylor and Mrs. B. L. Van sided at the business meeting and
Blaricom. At the supper hour the remainder of the afternoon
the hostess was assisted by Mrs. was spent socially.
Mardon Oveross. Mrs- Davis has invited the
The guests were: Miss Manrine members to meet with her at the
Carmichal, Miss Ruth Moore, next meeting, November 1, with
Miss Patsy Lee, Miss Helen Rose- Mrs. Naslin and Mrs. Hetzler as-
braugb. Miss Molly Schwabbauer, sisting hostesses.
Mrs. Leone Taylor, Mrs. Rena Members present were Mes-
Rush, Mrs. Gordon Skinner, Mrs. dames H. C. Stapleton, M. Mel-
Mardon Oveross, Mrs. E. L. Van chert, A. Bonney, C. Spurlin, E.
Blaricom and Mrs. Robert C. Coates, O. T. Sealey, O. E. Hoge,
Barrett. E. Klinger, L. Lorentz, S. Kot-
tek, P. Gurgurich, Fabry, sr..
William Schendel, E. Ramey, C.
W. Grabenhorst, S. Emery, T.
Wells, G. Adams, P. O. Bowman,
J. Naslin, R. Kottek and the host
esses, Mrs. F. Wiltsey and Mrs.
A.. Carnegie. Guests of the club
Thursday afternoon Mrs. Rev-
bridge nolds Allen invited the members
of her contract club to dessert
luncheon and an afternoon of
Members Include: Mrs. Werner
Brown, Mrs. Thomas de Beck
Livesley, Mrs. Homer Goulet, Jr.,
Mrs. Robert Herrall, Miss Mira
Belt, Miss Bernice Healy and
Mrs. Charles Heltzel.
Mrs. Arch M. Jerman enter
tained Wednesday with a lunch
eon at her country home In com-
! pUment to the members of the
Town and Country club and sev-
; eral additional guests. Tables
were made 'up for bridge follow
ing the luncheon.
The members are: Mrs. T. A,
Livesley, Mrs. Frederick Lamport,
Mrs. Homer Goulet, Sr., Mrs. Earl
Snell, Mrs. Romeo Goulet, Mrs.
William McGIlchrist. Jr., Mr.
Margaret LeFurgy, Mrs. Homer
Smith. Jr., Mrs. George A. White,
Mrs. Clarence Keene and Mrs.
Jack Curry of Silverton.
KCKT Club Guests of
r-. Hattie Given
Mrs. Hattie Given was host
ess yesterday afternoon to mem
bers of the KCKT club. Hal
lowe'en decorations and fall
flowers were used in the rooms.
At the tea hour Mrs. Given was
assisted by Mrs. Ray Clark and
Miss Maxine Clark.
Special guests were Mrs. R. E.
iClark, Mrs. Richard Erickson,
Mrs. Fred Prince and Miss Max
ine Clark.
Members present were: Mrs.
Roy Wassam, Mrs. .E. J. Donnell,
Mrs. Fred Barker, Mrs. A. A.
Graber, Mrs. Hattie Given, Mrs.
Nellie Knox, Mrs. Clifton Ross,
Mrs. Delia Schellberg, Mrs. Ralph
Thompson, Mrs. Lena Townsend,
Mrs. Richard Van Pelt and Mrs.
Roy Clark.
Today the Oregon FederaUon
of Women's clubs program over
KOAC at 2 o'clock will present Mr.
Fred S. Finsley who will speak on
crime prevention and control.
Tiprn ji rap (New)
LsJ 1 it 1 & Recj. 94.50
ppi? n tp
lsj taiLl Reg. 55.00
325 Court Street
AAUW Meeting Planned
For Saturday
Members .of AAUW will meet
i me iuanuu uui ooiuiuajr were Mesdames A. E. Lyons W.
D. Gardner. G. Wiltsev and son
Gene, C. Fairley, G. Wright,, and
O. E.. Borden.
for the regular luncheon meeting
at 1 o'clock. Members are to
bring books for the opening day
of the book exchange.
Miss Constance Fowler, of thet
art department of Willamette uni- JJgfa Chis Have
versity, will display a group of
woodcuts, the thesis for her mas- Meeting
ter's degree. The subjects for
these woodcuts were found within Miss June Gaines and Miss
a radius of 27 miles of Salem Lila Cation were Joint hostesses
and are of historic spots. Miss on Wednesday night for members
Fowler will bring tools and dem- or me Beta uni alumnae as-
onstrate the methods of produc
ing woodcuts.
Bridge Played Today
At Campbell's
Present were the Misses Paul
ine Winslow, Helen Boardman,
Eleanor Trindle, Melva Savage,
Margaret Gillette, June Aashelm,
Phyllis Pythian, Hattie Ramp,
Mrs. Garlen Simpson, Mrs. Clar
ence Emmons, Mrs. Russell Mef-
Mrs. Charles Campbell will be 'ord Mrs- Merrill Ohling, Mrs.
hostess for two tables of bridge Kenneth Potts, Mrs. George
this afternoon. She will use Scales and the hostesses, Miss
autumn leaves to decorate the Cation and Miss Gaines,
Bidden are Mrs. Elmer O. Berg,
Mrs. Russell Pratt, Mrs. Ralph Mrs. De Witt Will Be
Worth, Mrs. Hugh Adams, Mrs.
Kimball Page, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. ea Hostess
Bruce Titus and Mrs. Marion
Moore. Mrs. O. K. DeWitt will enter-
tain lnformaMy at tea 4 o'clock
this afternoon for Mrs. Frank J.
The Daughters of Veterans of Arnold of Fullerton, Nebraska,
the Civil war will entertain Tues- Mrs. Arnold is here to talk at
day honoring the members who the banquet at the Marion hotel
have birthdays in the months of tonight.
September and October at the
home of Mrs. O. H. Horning. The
committee In charge of the affair Mrs. William P. Ellis was a
is Mrs. May Bacb, Mrs. Melissa luncheon hostess to members of
Persons and Miss Francis Entress. her club at her home on Wednes-
day. Present were: Mrs. Alice
Mr. and Mrs. Will May have Mazzeo of Los Angeles, a special
just returned from the coast, guest, Mrs. Earl Canfield, Mrs.
where they have spent a week. The Claudie Lester, Mrs. Edward Ga-
last few days of the time was at briel, Mrs. Floyd Headrick and the
Yachats fishing. hostess, Mrs. William P. Ellis.
s. u 4
; I nr-tm4hlck with dwice I
myrw-extra-thkk with dwice
IN garden vegetables extra
rich in hearty beef stock, Heina
Vegetable Soup is a dish you're
sure to enjoy! Like all the famous
23 Heinz Home-style Soups, it'a
slowly, deftly brewed in email
batches. Serve this delicious,
nourishing soup often. Children
love it for luncheoti grown-ups
at any meal!
two coMvoewi sms
Arthur Biers
New! Yards and yards of fall and winter silks and
rayons go on sale this morning at nine! Fabrics
you'll be proud to wear . ; . fabrics worth all the
finest detail of pattern and making. Blacks in plen
tiful array . . . browns, greens, navy blue, wines and
reds, and many other shades popularized by the new
season. The fact that these fabrics are so well known
should prompt you to make your selections and an
ticipate your future needs because this low price
may not be obtainable for some time. Excellent for
formals, street frocks, Bints, house and hostess
coats, blouses, etc.
Leather Takes a Stroll All the
Way Down the Avenue"
VAN RAALTE week begins
today! And you should see
all the smart new gloves Van
Raalte has to make your fall
costumes look their very best.
Come and try on these new
fabric and leather gloves in
all the new fall and winter
shades. Take your choice of
the entire showing for only
l tHJ
Sealer Bargains
"Sun Flame
Salem, Oregon
V1 1
ft 1! it