i . PAGE TWELVE The OREGON STATESMAN, Sale Oregon, Friday onUaft lOctober 23, 1939 Of f icers on Fair Booth Are Picked Given Charge for Pioneer C3nb; Leo Kilger Is Named President FIONEER-Tlie Pioneer com munity held Its regular business meeting at the play shed. Offi cers for the fair booth were chos en. They were Leo Kilger, chair man; Mrs. Roy Black, t!c chair man, and Mrs. Tom Keller, secretary-treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. I R. Keller of Larcosse, Wash., are visiting at the John Keller home. The two Mr. Kellers are brothers. Dinner guests at the Keller home Mon day were Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Kel ler, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bird, Mrs. Gladys Frakes and son, Ray mond, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Nes wold and Mr. and Mrs. John Kel ler, Sr. Mrs. Georg Curtlss, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Domaschofsky and children, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dornbecker and children and Mrs. Ardeth Domaschoriky and Mrs. Bert Cnrtiss and children motored to Portland to visit Mr. Alfred Wells of Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Bird of Dallas called at the Roy Bird home Sunday to help Mr. and Mrs. Bird celebrate their 1 5th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Darel Bird and sons also called. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dorn becker and children have moved to Falk City. Fred la going to high school there and Mary Lou to the fourth grade. Mr. Dornbecker has lived on the farm here In Pioneer since 1907 with the exception of two years overseas during the World war and two or three years in Albany. USV to Co to Eugene ALBANY Camp Phillips, USV and their auxiliary have received invitation to attend the annual homecoming of Camp Lawton of Eugene Sunday. A covered dish dinner will be a feature of the meeting with a program to follow in the afternoon. POTATOES 4 Grade "A" lb. I Grapefruit I for H)(5 Full Cream 51(3 lb. Pancake lour Picket Brand 3c 10 lb. Sack mm AH Pare Brand Case of 48 $3.11 SHHilllllllHBlillllMBJiBlllllllllHBanHHBBJnSBMI mm Small White or Red Mexicans 4 L 24e FEESH HAT SPECIALS Fresh Ciub Link Sausage 161 2c Real Pork Sausages Picnic Style Pork Roast 12Vib. Lean and Tender Shoulder Posh Steaks 15c ib. Fresh Pork 'Neck Hones Ideal with Sauerkraut Swift's llissi iisoi 23c ib. Well Streaked fioor Picket Brand 49 Sack $139 Highest Quality Fully Guaranteed Oleomargarine Golden West lb. Can 3-Ib can 72'C PURKIEI s"w CiUon' Ml Oianqe, Lemon Fine Granulated Raymal Brand ' & , , , rz Fa Peel 10 fts-fw 59c J) Ige Zl2 u) ) rj) cans j) 2&lk 100lbs.gg.89 Seedless Raisins . 4-lb.pkg.23c Spry Shortening . 3-Ib. can 50c Wax Paper , 100-foot roO . . 10c Maraschino Cherries sl2 10c . ' " :. : : r Ilinsof large pkge . . . . . 21c Tomato Sonp vSi 5c CUT HERE AND "SAVE'' . COUPON rSave 6c lb. ; Regular 19 c lb. Golden Cup Coffee si 4S . ; . 1 . 1 ii Afr lb. " " XSlih Conpoit ' Limit 3 Lbs. Void After Oct. 23, 1030 COUPON COUPON Save 10c Regular 23c Dry Onions IleshBag U2 With Coupon No. l's Large Swret Spanish Void After Oct. 23, 1939 1 COUPON SAVE Regular 10c ea. Ctafee Steaks Each I if Wa feUUJIUU Limit 4 Steaks Void After Oct. 23, 1030 COUPON COUPON Free Delivery ca All Orders cf $1.50 or Here Phcas 7323 We Reserve the Right to Limit All Quantities Prices Good Friday thru Monday, Oct; 20, 21, 22,23 ': lift II MAIRIT OUR POLICY We will meet all prices aad wQl always wslatsla highest oaalky at lowest Kniptrraiitw By jack Mcdonald (Continued from pae t) .t.hlaa nalntftd In th EtOO bine and brown, the Whitney colors. Here grooms carrying dqgku, wont ihont looking more like Pullman porters, In splc and span white uniiormB. siia oonii see the floors of the stables. They looked as spotless as a perfect kltcnen. ! thaw nearer tha end of the roadway, Heather saw that the stables were beginning to ioog more and more shabby. Men with stubble beards were sticking their heads out to stare at Heather. nnn't nav anv attention to those roustabouts. Miss," advised Bassitt. "They're just riff raff." No sooner had they arrived at tv. p.nasitt Klahlft than he had a uq - suggestion to make. "What do you say we take your nnit nnt on the track for a little spin, Miss? It'll take the kinks out of his legs arter mat long ride down here. "Oh, let's" Heather answered. There was a delay when they reached the tracK. A battalion of Whitney horses were working en masse. They looked like troops of cavalry tha baekstretch together, ridden by exercise boys in uniform blue jerseys. " Heather watched, visioning a day when she would own a proud battalion of horses like this. Bassitt at length turned to Dimples Draper, his baby-faced rider, saying: "Hy, kid. Take this colt three-eighths and cut him loose. 1 want to see how fast he can run." Heather stood on the track, en tranced as Knight Errant came thundering by her. Stop watches in their hands, a battery of dockers scurried back and forth from a perch at the top of the grandstand to verify the time. T.hree-eighths in 33 1-5! Yes, it was right. They all caught it. "Who's that thing?" they asked each other, excitedly. 'Never seen him before. Might be that good one of Vanderbilt'B." "Boy, is that baby fleet of limb!" Brownie, the clocker purred. "There isn't another 2-year-old on the grounds that can warm him up." "I've clocked 'em all, but I never laid eyes on one with early foot like that," chimed in Carter Hayes. "Who is he?" Moriarity almost guessed it. "Lqpks like the nearest thing to Coronado I ever saw," he ob served. "It might be that get of his, Brownie mused, "I heard about a Coronado colt up north some wheres." But, no, that couldn't be, they agreed, for there was Dimples Draper, Charlie Bassitt's rider, In the saddle and Bassitt wouldn't be having anything to do with the get of one as good as Coro nado. One thing you could make sure of. The newspapers would never get this workout. It would go down in the dock er's little book of "goodies," to be wired around v the country to their exclusive clients the very first time they saw this colt's name bob up in the overnight entries. "Just put him down as 'the Black Demon'," Brownie said. "We'll get his name later." Thirty-three and a fifth! Bas sitt couldn't believe his own stopwatch. The world's record was 33. And just off the van! What would he do when he was legged up? "Got a little speed, Miss," he told Heather deliberately. "Worked just fair. Pretty green colt. Going to have to be a lot of work done with him. A good handler might make something out of him, but I wouldn't get too high on him if I was you until you see him under real fire." "Don't you think he sh.ows promise?" she asked, disap pointed in Bassitt's lack of en thusiasm. The crafty Bassitt hid his ex-! citement with a mild, "Yes." Slim had seen Knight Errant work, had heard the dockers rave over his meteoric speed. Through glasses in the 'grand stand he studied Heather talking with Bassitt. r . "Who are you lamniM. sum the girl or the horse?" Snapper asked. "Neither one," Slim answered. Bits for Breakfast (Continued from page 8) on the farm called Wbiteaker for many years; . . . was a mail of strong intellect and deep ' piety, making of his home the 'open door for the traveling ministers of those early days." (He and his wife were members of Milton Wright's church at Sublimity.) "He was at one time master of the Oregon State Grange; was a I charter member of the Oregon Agricultural Society, sponsorlag the annual state fairs." (Concluded tomorrow.) "I'm wonderinr what that Bas sitt's dolus down there. "I wouldn't let Bassit train a doakev of mine. If that'll wht she's up to," said Snapper. "Bassitt's a good man j with a horse though. Snapper," Slim re plied. 'I know that. I've seen him take over cripples and make 'em do a lot of running." - After a pause, he remarked: "But that girl doesn't know what It's all about I'm going to stroll wr mere- ana iook mings over m , .1... n Slim left the dockers In the grandstand raving oyer Knight Errant's time trial and itrolled down by the ralL There he watched nntil Bassitt left Heath er and saw him walk down the track to talk with Dimplea Draper who waa leading the eolt slowly to cool him out. Then Slim went up to Heather. "Miss Mills." he began, "I'm Slim Maynard." She recognized him at once as the annoying person who had halts li itrtvA nn to - Bant Anita racing office an hoar' be fore. She surveyed him' wtlh surprising coldness. "I that your cojt!" Slim atked, pointing down the track. Heather was polite, but cold. "Yes, that Is Knight Errant, the on of Coronado." Slim stepped closer to her, frowning. k "I'd like to warn . you about iomethlng. Miss Mills. If I were you I'd be very careful who I permitted that colt of yours to be with." He was stopped by the flare In 4ier eyes. (To be continued? Raisins New Crop 4 lbs. F NEW MARKET 1 I Imitation Vanilla 4-Oz. Bottle 8-Oz. Bottle - Both 17c 146 W. Coin'l. St. Phone 4010 F Kitchen Queen, 49,s Sack $1.27 Crown Best Patent $1.68 Large Size T (W Pkg. rliSvS SB2? Wet or Dry Pack Large Size 2 Cans Schilling's Coifee Close-Out 2 lb. A Cans CLOSE-OUT 3 lb. Pail Special in Ken-L-Balion and Eii-E Ration 3 cans .1 t KIX with Cream Pitcher 2pkgs. . . . . .210 Wheaiies . . .. 2 for 21c WHITE MIXING BOWL FREE 20 Ilule Team Products 2 lbs. Borax . . . . 25c Borax Chips . . . 21c Boraxo ... .2 for 25c Tone In to "Death Valley Days KGW Friday P. M. CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP CHIPS lbs 2T FLOUR - Hard Wheat Golden Special 9&c 49s Sack Picket Pancake flour 10s Sack VEG-E-T0LE CarfonSSf milSO LOCKET PI1EIIIUII Florinline Style (Bc Large Size . . , . ti i n nnrrr urge regular iC 2 for 19C WHY SUFFER ANY . LONGER? (9Y3forl8c ' -1 3 lb. CAN llb.CAH SB0mK3!C50c 21c HORMEL Beef Stew and Meat Balls cans 29 3 PURI'LE atoss 1000 sheets. HoIIs 3, WBEa OTBXSB TktLl i ar CI inem rredi. Aatnr BUO CSS for fOVO jemn in CHINA. So auktter with vbit ailment ra r ArFLlCTtU diiordu. i ttsltit, heart, la at. Uer. . kiDcj. atomaeli. f aa, eonatrpatfoa.. alcera, diabrtia, rh iimaMam, ga II aa hladdrr. text, akin, famala torn- plainlt . i Charlie Oian : Chisese Herb Co. 8. B fonit.-S feara" praetlf ia '.Chma. "Offic hour -t t 0 p aa4 exrvpl- 8n day and. Wrdnn da. . as 10 a m MEAT DEPABTHEIIT I'lnllon Roast, lb. . .7c I-Inlton Slew, lb. . . 4c I-lntlon Legsor choi 10c Beei Roast, lb. . . .12c Sirloin or Rib jileaks 15c Ground Dee! . 2 lbs. 25c Svifl's Sliced Lean Bacon, rind off, lb. . . . . . 25c Grapsfrnil ; - Large size. 6 for 19c Cauliflower 5c head ! 49c Crate "Oranges Sweet and juicy. 2dc2.25c Pclafoes , Klamath Falls . U. S.Ko.: 2 Gems Bag 48C lit ST. Ceim'l 81 Ulem, Ore