The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning, October 13, 1939 PAGE NINE Local News Briefs Building Penults Theodore C. md Era Amend were issued juildlng permits yesterday for tbe erection 4; one-story dwellings at 1527 and 1529 State street, each to cost $1,400. Other per mits: Mrs. W. J. Lee to reroof a dwelling at 1145 South 13th itreet, $35; Frank Millett to re pair a dwelling at 2279 North Church street, $35. Heater Repairing. Zb2 Chemeketa. Gibson Chosen Word has "been received that Victor Gibson, a sophomore at Oregon State col-i lege, has been selected as a mem-! ber of the Oregon State College! glee club. The organization ls under the direction of Professor i Paul Petri. At a recent election J of officers Gibson was chosen sec-1 . retary of the club for the ensuing year. He is active in campus affairs. Presbyterian Church rummage sale, Fri. & Sat., Otto Wilson's Gar. Files In Bankruptcy George E. Manning, Salem, -clerk, oas filed a debtor's petition in the bankruptcy court in Portland, list ing debts at $1,467.99 and assets at $100. Coming Events Oct. fM5-iKational Business and Professional Women's dab week. October 13-15 Christian Endeavor county convention. October 18 Marion county Pomona Grange meeting, Macleay Grange hall, 10 a. Hi. October 27 Missouri club meeting, 246 H North Com mercial street, 7:30 p. m. Faces Forgery Charge-Virgil V. Grout was held at the county jail, yesterday on a warrant from Woodburn Justice court on a charge of forgery. He appeared at the sheriff's office to give himself up of his own volition. Grout is already on parole from a . similar offense in Baker county. . Two Treated The city first aid men yesterday treaiea nay Brooks, 292 South Cottage, after his left foot was pierced by a rusty spike. Mrs. Sd Stortz, 940 Highland, was given first aid after she fell down steps from her back porcb. She received bruises and possible fracture of the right knee. ! HERE'S PROOF THAT 2gj WARDS HAVE THE BEST 8l8j VALUES IN TOWN! ' 0f STYLES YOU'LL SEE JHV AT 19 AND MORE! i w L. ' A " I Coats waist-deep in fnr are loy - I , the fashion! Fur fronts, fur I rv--4 bandings, youthful fur col- Sr2 I lars, fur trimmed muffs!- I Slim waistlines, full skirts, 1 broad shoulders! PIECED I PERSIANS MINK- DTED 1.1 MARMOT, SEAlrDTED CO- , Y NEY AN D FIXE SQUIR- , ' REL. Also coats with elab- Sv orate 'nr 'abric trim! Black, VV DPOwn f' blue! 14 to 18. i Im NEW SPUN RAYONS IDEAL FOR NOW! Sizes 12 to 18 Jt' They not only LOOK like wool but they feel like wool, toot Alive, young styles with full skirts and feminine details! New blues and wines Included! HIGH CROWN AND BUSTLE HATS At Only n 41 0 Easy-to-wear styles you've seem elsewhere at S5-S8! Ever so . flattering! . New, exciting crowns that slant forward! Off the-faee styles, too! Black' Fall colors! . t - - v Lions Feast Venison Balem Lions club members were treated to servings of venison on the main course at their weekly lun cheon meeting at the Marion ho tel yesterday through the cour tesy of Sheriff A. C. Burk. The sheriff bagged a two-year-old doe in the Murderers creek area last week. Visit the Bible and Book Nook. 914 Saginaw. Tel. 474. Hunters Home Don Madison and Dr. Hugh Dx w d are home after a successful hunting trip in eastern Oregon. They brought back two bucks, two does and two antelope. The antelo'pe were killed in Harney county, the bucks in the Steen mountain district, and the does in Grant county near Burns. You could decide tonight to pur sue some useful studies in the night school of the Capital Busi ness college. Nelson, building, which begins nest Monday, Octo ber 16. Office open this evening for consultation and registration. Jack Hayes Speaker Jack Hayes j or. me aiate ire marsoau a omce I will be guest speaker at the weekly meeting of the ' Salem ' T" W 1 .... 1 J i , l Golden Pheasant. His topic will be on fire preventfon in observ ance of fire prevention week. Studetaker lead3 again! Every body loves a winner. From 13th to eighth position in national sales 1940 model Studebakers on dis play now. See for yourself why the big swing is to Studebaker. Bone- steele's, 619 Court street. hut Mrs. Wagers Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Christopher of Minne apolis are visiting Mrs. Christo pher's sister, Mrs. J. I. Wagers, of Middlegrove. Mr. Christopher is a retired Minnesota state grain inspector. Pension Club Will Meet C e n tral Townsend club. No. (, will meet in tbe courthouse tonight a 8 o'clock. There will be a ntusical program. Creditors to Meet Salem Cred it association will meet today noon at the Argo hotel. Discussion of names will take place at 12:35 Obituary Hart At the residence, 1750 North Church street, October 11, Mary Elizabeth Hart, aged 72 years. south Africa, Nabbed as Speeder aunt ot Naomi Hart of Milwau kle, Mrs. Ruth Brau Hatch of Portland, Mrs. Adda Steuer and Eunice Hart of Salem. Funeral services 'will be held from the W. T. Rigdon chapel Friday, Oc tober 13, at 1:30 p. m. inter ment City View cemetery. New York Visitor To Speak Sunday Dr. Douglas Horton of New York, head of the Congregational church in the United States, is a Salem visitor this week and will speak at both Congregational churches here Sunday. At 11 o'clock he will speak at Knight Memorial and at 11:40 at First church. Dr. Horton has recently re turned from a world survey of the Christian movement during which he attended the Madras confer ence. Besides his church activities he is known for his translation from German of Barth's "Tbe Word of God and the Word of Man." Yesterday noon he addressed a group of men from the local Con gregational church, speaking of the church in its relation to world affairs. I Traffic Officer Claims Record Traffic officer Hobart Kigglns is putting in a claim for the record In long distance arrests in against speed law violators. Kigglns yesterday arrested Mrs. J. W. Forsyth, who gave her ad dress as Johannesburg, South Africa, and said she was on her way to catch a boat for home. The car bore a New Jersey license. To save the city the necessity ot sending a bench warrant to Jo hannesburg, Kigglns collected $2.50 ball. Other arrests for violation of basic rule included Delbert R. Downey, 952 South Commercial; Amos C. Well, Albany; Robert O. Volt, Portland; Hardin C. Black the police department's campaign mer. Klanyith Falls; Robert W. Hartly, 30 Beach avenue; Adolph C. Nelson, 241 North Cottaget Wendell W. Weckert, 2190 Mvrtlo street; James F. Williamson, Long Beach; Katie E. Lambert, route seven; Maxine Lank, Portland; Frank E. Carlson, Portland; Rob ert J. Rasmussen, Portland; James E. Berrey, Portland; Harry T. Mason, 1905 Maple street; R. E. Goodfellow, 703 North Cottage street; M. W. FUgg,, 1548 Mill street; James W. Morley, Camp Joy. John M. Lamb, 130 South 24th street, and Edwin P. My thing, 701 with failing to observe arterial tops. Louis R, Fenner, 875 Lib arty, was charged with having de fefiSre brakes, and Francis J. Fox. West Stayton, charged with bail ing garbage without a cover. Edward O. Erickson, Spring field, was arrested oa a charge it driving while drunk. Paulsons Have Daughter WOODBURN A baby girl was born late Tuesday evening to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Paulson. It weighed 6 oeunds and 7 ouncea North Capitol street, were charged and is their first chill. Bayne Mrs. Mary Bayne, 63, late resi dent of 627 North Church street. at a local hospital October 1. Sur vived by son, Albert E. Bayne of Portland; sister, Misa Jeannle Smith of Salem; brothers, James j and Alex Smtth of Salem. Services will be held from the Clough-Bar- rick chapel Friday, October 13.1 at 10:30 a. m. Rev. Robert A. Hutchinson will officiate. Smith Albert A. Sharlene Smith, aged two months, at the home of her parents, 2270 Claude street. Sur vived by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith; sister, Charlotte May Smith. Graveside services will be at IOOF cemetery Friday, Oc tober 13, at 1:30 p. m.. Rev. Wilson officiating. Klinger In this city, Wednesday, Octo ber 11, Mrs. Emma F. Klinger, late resident of 459 State street, resident of Salem for 28 years, widow of the late Ernest Klinger, mother of Maurice Klinger, Sa lem, sister of William and Ben jamin Stickney of Detroit, Mich., half-sister of Mrs. Fred Blevens and Clair Short of Salem and Charles W. Short of Detroit, Mich.; sister-in-law of Mrs. Ber tha Klinger Klett of Salem, niece of Mrs. C. S. Ford of Bakersfield, Calif. Funeral services will be held under the direction of W. T. Rigdon company Saturday, Octo ber 14, at 10 a. m. from St Joseph's Catholic church, corner Chemeketa and Cottage streets. Entombment Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum. Rasmussen Olive L. Rasmussen, 77, at the residence, 1530 North Broadway, October 12. Survived by sons, Herbert and Homer McDonough, both of Salem; sisters, Mrs. Belle Penney of Kingman, Kan., Mrs. Clara Cooley, Mrs. D. B. Cooley, Mrs. Elsie Matlock and Mrs. Elizabeth McMillan, all of Salem; two grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Services will be held from the Walker & Howell chapel Saturday, October 14, at 2 p. m., with interment in City view cemetery. Rev. J. M. Law- son and Rev. J. E. Campbell will I officiate. Graham In this city. October 12, Mabel Graham, aged 10 years, daughter of Richard J. Graham of Fox, Ore. Funeral announcements later by W. T. Rigdon company. Births Wheeler To Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wheeler, Albany, a girl, Bar bara Anne, born October 5, at the Bungalow Maternity Home. Gosnrll To Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Gosnell. Scotts Mills, a boy, Jesse Fred, born October 10, at, the Salem General hospital. Wick wire To Mr. and Mrs.. P. E. Wickwire, Salem, a boy, Den nis Frederick, born October 8, at the Salem General hospital. Herbst To Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Herbst, Salem, a boy, Rollin Gale, born October 4, at the Salem Gen eral hospital. Jvucker To Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Lucker, Salem, a boy, Dennis Elwin, born October 6, at the Salem General hospital. . a. mui, . u., . vntn, M-l. Herbal remedies for ailments of stomach, liver, kidney, skin. blood, glands, & urinary sys tem of men & women. 22, years in service. Naturopathic Physi cians. Ask your neighbors about CHAN LAM. an. ennn bnm CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 393 Court St., corner Liber ty. Office open Tuesday & Sat urday only, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m., 6 to 7 p. m. Consultation, blood pressure & urine tests are free of charge. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER NOW! I 1 ON YOUR 0BEG0IIIAH SUBSCMPTIOIi dazing moBili of October BY II AIL-ONE YEAR Daily and Sunday Daily Only Sunday Only - Ber alar .--$11.50 ... 7.00 5.00 Bsrrala $10.00 $1.50 6.00 1.00 4.50 .50 The Northwest's favotile Newspaper rhe Oregon ion at a special bargain pric is a value that you con't afford io pass by. Consider what you get: (1) A complete newspaper with'full news coverage local, notienol and world-wide. (2) An out standing editorial department so consistently good that Ronald G Collvert, associate editor, was recently awarded the Pulitzer prizt most coveted honor in Americon Journalism. (3) Papular Sunday fea tures, such as Form, Home and Garden; American Weekly and The Oregon ian's own magazine section ... Top alt of this with a spectol offer ond you have the year's best newspoper buy. Subscribe to The Oregonian today and save. This offer is good during October only. See Your OREGONIAN DEALER, or MAIL COUPON TO THE OREGONIAN The Oregotwaa, Portland, Oregon: - Please mad me The Oregoaiea as checked below. Bcloaed find f to cover tbe subscription prica for one year. Nsme ................................ AUrtt ............ i cuy i suu DaJ1y-8sa4a9 ' Daily OaJy 8aa4ay Only I I I 5" i i r rv f"v T n it (LS ii it SAVE 10 TO 60 ON YOUR PURCHASES NOW! yiyi ruu a55- A V BBSSt m mm mm SsssssBsVPT Suite Offered Very Similar to Illustration plus "WaterfaW' Edges. .1 tmm p. 5.00 Down 4 A A Per eleUU Week Save 20.75 3 Pieces Bleached Walnut or Honey .Walnut , Easv Of Terms It's genuine Walnut or Bleached Walnut veneered with the new 'raterfqll' rounded tops Iarge four drawer vanity with the attractive round mirror that is so popu lar today roomy full-sized chest graceful, sturdy bed, all to mach! Easily worth f69.75. This suite is sensa tional at a $49.00 price. Come In today or Saturday (open 'til nine) and see this value! Ill II llll I J 1l I j Reg. 89.50 Reg. 119.50 Bedroom Suite Bedroom Suite 1 Now ...68.88 now ... .99.00 Reg. 57.50 Reg. 99.50 Bedroom Suite Bedroom Suite Now ..37.88 now 78.88 HiOok! and d This List 2or Unusual Values BEDS KEG. Item NOW 11.50 Wooden Poster StylejS 7.88 7.95 1 Simons MetaL. 5l88 1Q.93 Metal, Paner BED SPRINGS RKQ. I Item SOW S 16.73.Double Deck Founda-f 11.88 jtion top. j 12.75 Simmons foundation I 8.88 7.95 Single Deck Coil. 5.88 CEDAR CHEST REG. Item NOW 28.73, Walnat Veneered. 1H.SH CHROME FURNITURE BlvQ. I Item NOW 8 89 JO a pc. Kitchen Set. 28l55 rE5" LINOLEUM (by the foot-6 wide) 1 ' Item I NOVF 49c,Congolenm Gokl geal 29c 89CjPabco . 1.15, Burlap back inlaid 28c .99c OCCASIONAL TABLES HKG. I Item f 19.73 Cocktail . tabic 120 Drnm top tables, Dan- can Phyfe base .. 6.95 Rund coffee Ubles. llOjEnd tables-half'" round XOW 3FTT88 88 3.75 99e CHAIRS REG, j Item S 24.75 Club Chair T XOW -i 148 ieQ, Occasional Chairs ) 13.75 5.QOil4HMer Back Chairs 3.44 - 9.50LeatheTette porch chrs. 7.88 DINING ROOM SETS REG, j Item XOW 8189.50 Duncan Phyfe table, 119.00 sheraton, b n f t e t Jtj Chairs . . 175.(M), Waterfall Uble, buffet 99.00 and 8 chairs 99.50 Modem Credcnza 8-pcj 78.88 FLOOR COVERINGS RKG. Item XOW S 42.50 9 x12 Blohawk (faced rug wool s 248 59.O0 Wilton Weave Chinese rugs, 10 of these... Special Prices On Larger Room Sice Rugs. 48.88 MATTRESSES RKG. I Item XOW S 14.95180 coil total wt. 55 8 &88 lb. Innerspring. 8.75140 lb. semi felt cotton OS 24.50TItome fine quality with 8 ox. ticking guaran. 18.88 DAVENPORT SETS RKG. Item i XOW S 79.50 Velour covered ...;$ 49.00. Balloon cushions, rustj only - ! 119.50i,,Kroehler" rich ve-I 88.88 lour wine cover .. 09.50j"BiItwell" velour cov.j 69.00 lered massive style,! (blue j 149.50;"Kroehler" c h a n el 99.00 . back, kidney front, jmohair wine......... 89.50 English AVing Arm,. 59.00 guaranteed , construe. LAMPS REG7 Item XOW f 24.75jRembrandt, with grn-jS 188 nine Onyx basej I (world's finest )......! 11.50jModern floor lamp 12.50Moonex base with light attractive shades (only 4.88 78 RANGES REO. Item XOW $109.50 Monarch full porce-l 88.88 lain enam. wood range 79UMtFnll porcelain wood) 55.00 ' (range .j 49.50l8emi enamel- wood 33.00 range WOOD CIRCULATORS REG. Item XOW $67UM)Xewest mod-,849.00 era style, f ac-j . tory to yon-H 59.754 or bVroom ' size, fall por : Icelalsi enamel 89.00 ausjsannnjnHssssMsnssnaSBaa ''mr -mm- feiSnQ Pfj fffl fn 1 "SI y7 IgtICB jnjj a y u .1) VY i?wa3 piOf ill m factory to yon 774SO'AU cast heat 548 HENRY r.2EYEtt i ling unit, mod- 1 474 Ferry St. Phone 6622 OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT TIL 9 PHONE 31M ' - ' ' SALEM, OR. v.. I f""p