The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 08, 1939, Page 14, Image 14

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Horning:, October 8, 1939
, Trim Skyliners Boost N&sh Sales .
Cherry Growers
Wheat Sim:
p Over
Are Optimistic
, 'i--C' J t' U-L- :.--" f ' ' - r
' ' "' i F$ "
Clean, trim skyliners contributed much to the styling of new 1040 Nash automobiles, according to
George Walker, noted Industrial designer. Walker, who is shown with one of the new Nash models
(the Nash Ambassador eight two-door sedan), which ho designed in collaboration with Nash engi
neers, says that the principles of aero-dynamic streanftining just beginning to be used by leading
manufacturers today will be the most Important element in automotive body design in the coming de
cade. Exemplified in the new Nashes, this type of design has brought not only a new operating effici
ency to motor vehicles by reducing wind resistance and road noises to a minimum, but has given them
a breath-taking new beauty.
Records Tumble in Epic Stock Car Event
Flashing through the electric eye
tared one of the two 1040 Hudson sedans that recently set 121 new
marks at Bonneville salt flats. Lower photo shows pit crew filling
. Hudson tank with regular Gil more Bed lion gasoline that powered
both record-breaking sedans whose motors were lubricated with
stock lion Head motor oil. .
Economy Champion in 1940 Raiment
-l';i'.f-l.-.-:r i l ij j i1 m awn' i sy s&tsjf--.
' : jv-iZT ::: :::-..:;;:: . . v. x:c :-.-.-.-:v.-:-y-: --
The Stndebaker Champion Coupe for 1040, which has Just made Its
bow In local motor circles. The Champion, a new car for a new
era because of its lack of excess inefficient weight, was able to es
: tabllsh many brilliant endurance and economy records during the
summer of 1030. Auxiliary "opera" seats provide room for two
additional passengers.
Braille Classes
The new class for those wish
ing to learn Braille transcribing
will start Thursday at 2 p. m. at
the new Red Cross headquarters
In the McGilchrlst building.
The class Is under the direction
of Mrs. Inez Klelnke, expert
Brailllst. In spite of the fact that
a sheet of Braille looks undeciph
erable to the average person it is
far easier to learn than short
hand, which it resembles In many
ways, Mrs. Klelnke stated.
There is no expense connected
and anyone Interested Is Invited
to attend as this first meeting Is
merely for the purpose of in
structing. . Anyone unable to at
tend the meeting may get farther
Information by calling the Red
Cross office, 5911. The new of
fices have an attractive room for
inch "work as this.
Oregon Small Seed
Industry Featured
Oregon's $4,000,000 small seed
Industry is being" featured in an
exhibit prepared by the OSC ex
tension service for the Pacific In
ternational Livestock . exposition
which opened in Portland yester
day, v :
The booth for this exhibit is
near the annual "Truth in Meats"
display in which the extension
service also cooperates. Four divi
sions of the small seed Industry
are emphasized, including grass
seed, alfalfa, clover, and the
etch and pea seed enterprise.
Lawrence Jenkins, assistant farm
crops extension specialist is in
charge. .. A"::.rt .
The, Oregon poultry exhibit
shown at the World's Poultry con
gress and the state ' fair is also
at the PI, says U. 8. Burt, in
charge of visual education for the
extension service. ? '.. . '
'We Deliver 5
phone 851S v ,
" West Salem ' "
See ,Vm First' Before Selling
roar . Filberta- Also ; Wal
nuts -.s4.K;HestfU:f-
We Pay Highest Cash Prices
SO I. High 'St. Phi 703S.
To OpenThursday
for a new stock car record, is pic-
Wheat Superior
Fattening Food
Once again wheat as a fattening
feed for lambs has shown its su
periority over both barley and
oats In feeding tests at the east
ern Oregon livestock branch ex
periment station at Union. This
time the tests were made in con
nection with the use of Irrigated
Only a limited number of feed
ing trials have been conducted at
the Union station in fattening
lambs on pasture, but present in
dications are that the lambs will
make much more rapid and econ
omlcal gains when they are fed
grain in addition to good pasture
than when they are fed grain and
alfalfa hay in the usual feed lot
manner, says D. E. Richards, su
perintendent. These tests indicate
that feeding of grain on good
irrigated pasture will be a practi
cal way to fatten early feeder
lambs that do not get fat nursing
the ewes.
unless lambs are given some
kind of grain in addition to pas
tare, tney are inclined to grow
rather than to fatten, making
gains of only about six pounds a
month. The same lambs fed grain
in addition to pasture will gain
twice as fast, or at the rate of
aoout one-nail pound a day, or
15 pounds a month.
Woodward Action
Postponed Again
Case of William Woodward v
Walter F. Pearson, state treas
urer, which was to have been
heard by Judge E. C. Latourette
tomorrow In circuit court, haa
been postponed permission by the
court tor p i a i n 1 1 1 1 to file an
amended complaint by October 13
The case involves action
woodward to restrain the state
treasurer from navine ont ikahat
in connection with the nnhlicatlon
of the IS 40 edition of the Oregon
uoae as authorized by the last
The cases of Cawrse vs. Slrn&t
Oil company and Stiff ler vs. Me-
Manan win do heard next week
circuit court during the week
October 1C. f olio win r whfeh th
cases of Keeney vs. the City of Sa-
lem and Wright vs. Ireland will
be on the docket for th wmV nt
October 13. State vs. Drager and
state vs. Richardson win be heard
In the four weeks after October
30, according to ' Circuit Court
Clerk Harlan Judd.
World Famous
Correctly Fitted
We Guarantee Comfort and
. Security ; ,
405 State, Cor. Libery "
Gevurtz Adds to
Basement Space
Storage Area to Be Made
Over for Sales Floor
as Business Gains
Marking the second of such
moves the firm has made in its
two years in business here, the
Gevurtx Furniture company, W.
D. Gwynn manager, announced it
would remodel and enlarge its
basement to meet the demands
of an expanding business. The
area involved is now used aa stor
age space. When the remodeling
i s complete several hundred
square feet of space for sales de
partments will be available.
"The ' response to our store in
the twd years since Gevurtz op
ened here has been extremely
gratifying and fully justifies this
second expansion move," Gwynn,
who has managed the store since
its start, declared. Gwynn also
stated the store is enjoying a
brisk fall business and additions
have been made to the sales staff
to more adequately serve the pub
Asked how the war had affect
ed the furniture price situation.
Gwynn said In view of the huge
stocks of furniture which the
firm now has on hand present
low prices would be in effect for
some time.
Ex-Portland Bank
Official Sentenced
John L. Ether idee, head of
Morns urotners Banking House
In Portland 15 years ago, was
sentenced to serve one year and
one month in prison and fined
&Q0 In Albanv N. Y.. this week
according to Information received
nere aiuraay oy urmond K.
Bean, state utilities commission
The information came from the,
department of Justice and the se
curities and exchange commission
at Washington.
Etheridee was chareeri with
conspiracy and violation of the
fraud provisions of the securities
act of 1933 and the mail frand
statute in connection with the
sale of certificates of beneficial
interest in Kettleman Hills syn
dicate of North Dome Royal
Jerome L. Bichardson. another
defendant, was fined S 5 00.
jgtneridge and Richardson
pleaded guilty to the conspiracy
cnarge in an eleven-count Indict
ment. It was allereri that the
two defendants consnired to de.
fraud numerous Investors in Al
bany and Utica, N. Y., and Bos-
ion, Mass.
Astoria Chinese
School Children
Figure in Court
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct.
Asiona icnooi records will be used
in federal court here to determine
whether Chinese youngsters cut
classes to picket the Japanese
steamer Norway Marn last Febru
ary. -
Pickets, mostly Chinese, blocked
longsnoremen from the vessel for
eight days after it attempted
load scranlron for Janan.
The Waterfront Employers' as
sociation med suit for 931,812
damages and $5500 attorneys' fees
from the port of Astoria, members
of the nort commission and a
group of Chinese It asserted were
ringleaders In the picketing.
Federal Judge James A. Fee or
dered depositions taken from zl
Chinese and Astoria school rec
ords produced in court.
The vessel finished loading and
left Astoria after pickets agreed
withdraw on . the condition
more scraplron be shipped from
'there. -. - - , -
newed activity In cherry plants
and amall dividends distributed
by the Columbia Fruit Grower
association brought optimism to
mid-Columbia eherry growers to
day. The 1939 cherry crop was sold
on tne fresh fruit market and it
was believed the 1938 croo of
brine cherries would be disposed
of before the 1940 season. Mar
ket-Conditions have improved and
the European war will hare little
effect because the bulk of the
fruit ig moving to eastern out
lets. The $5 a ton dividend was
the first on the 1938 croD.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 7. (AP)
f b'&UA) Product price :
Applet O rif to red Delicioui. Disc
pack, 1.151.80; Ortle;t, combination as
tra fancy and ftnej, SI. 15; O grada, 65c;
Kings, iooaa 60 66c; Baldwins 65c; Win
tar Btiiiu, faca and fill. 6065c:
Wain Jonathans, comb cs fcj and tel.
placa pack, 75c-1.00; Ked SUrkiog Deli
oiona, combination axtra fancy and fancy.
l.aO-1.73 ; placa pack. 1.60-1.75: axtra
fancy wrapped 1.75 1.80; fancy 1.40 1.60.
ArUcnokea 4-5 dot. boxes. 3.50-2.75:
dot.. :pe.
Avocados California Queen. Sbanless.
Benik. 1.35-2.40; others, 1.20-1.80.
bananas Fer bunch. 6c per lb.: hand-
eat or small lota. 6c.
Beans Oregon Kentucky. Blue Lakes.
Wax. 24. -8c lb.: Ycnnt. 4-5o lb Or. iron
Giants, 8-8 He; Shell Limas, 80-90c lug.
Snail 75-BOe per lug.
Barnes Oregoo huckleberries. 1118c
Brussels Sprouts 12-cup flats, 80-95c.
Cabbage liocal. 80 pound, new crates.
medium site, 85c-1.00 ; per sack 60-5ac.
Cantalotres Washington, all sites. 70-
85; Oregon Speart, 85e-1.00; The Dallea
vo-ooe; imiarat, eae-i.uo; junction City,
110 125.
Cauliflower Local Xo. 1, 00-1.00; Ko.
40 60c.
Celery Oregon Utah. 75-90e: white.
85c-1.00; hearts, 65-75c.
Citrus rmit CaUf. rrateiralL fancy.
3.50-B.oo; enoice, do.
Uoconuts 5.00 per cwt.
Corn Oregon. Waahineton. 6-0 dozen
boxes, 85C-1.00; fair, 60 -65c; poor, 40
60e. Cranberries Oreecn. Washington. 5-
lb. boxes, early blacks, 3.85-3.50.
Oncnmbers Oregon, flats. 0-85e:
pleklers, gherkins UOc-1.00; No. 1, 40
45c: Ko. 2, 85-40c; Ko. 3, 80-35c; Ko. 4s,
25 30c.
Dill per lb. Some as high as 6c.
Eggplant Local, flats. 70-80c: dozen
large in crate, 8oc-1.00.
figs California white, flats, best f5-
75c: black 65-75c.
Oarlio ixeal, new. -10a lb.: string.
la-iae per lb.
U rapes Calif, lugs, seedless. 1.10-1.25
Lady Fingers, 1.25-1.40; Malagas 1-1.10;
Toxays, l.oo-l. 10; KiDiers l.uo-1.25 : Cor
nicbons. 1.25: Washington and Oregon
Coneordi and Early Jioora. lugs, belt.
45-50e; Unseats, 1.00-1.15.
Lemons F-.ney. all aizes. 6.60-5.75
choice 75a less.
Lettuce Local, dry pack 8 or d dosan
best, 85c-1.00; Washington topped, 1.85
1.40: calif.: iced. 2.25-2.50.
Limes- Calif, flats, 150s, 3.50; display
cartons. 0c; dos. 20-ZSc.
Mushrooms CoitiTated, 1-lb. cartons.
5 tc; H lb. cartons, 18-20a.
Oniots Washington. 50-lb. tacks. Wsl
la Walla Spanish, med. 45-55c: 10-lb.
tacks ll-12c; white half globes 1.15-1.25;
Oregon yellows, medium, 10 lb
sack 14-15c, No. I, 60-60e; Oregon pick
U onions, large lota t-iUe; amall lota
6.6 He.
Oranges Vtleneias. large. 4.85-5.15:
med, 8.P5-4.50: amall, 2.85 8.75; choice
60c lest.
Peaches Krummcls, 65-75e: Ealways
Peppers Oregon flats, green, 85-40c;
orange boxes, 70-80e flata 45-75c.
rears Watblngton extra fancy Bart
lefts. 1.90: combination extra fancy and
fancy 1.60 1.60: loose, orchard run, 65
75c: Bosc, loose, 50-6 jc; Anjous, loose,
Peas Oregon coast, bushel bskts, 8.25
2.40; Oregon 25 lb. boxes, best 2.00-2.40
flume uregoo Italions. 20 Z5e per so
lb log; Tamsona, 80 40e; Hungarian, 40
Potatoes Market ateady, Oregon, local
Long Whitea and Russets. US No. 1. 100
lb. sacks $1.25 1.80: Ko. 9. 601b. sacks.
45-50c; Klamath Rusets, US No. 1, 100
lb. tacks 1.40-1.55; Washington Russets.
C3 Ko. 1. 100-lb. stcks, 1.40 1.50; 25-
la. sacks, 42 14 -45c: Ko. 3. 60 55c.
Quince Oregon loose, call out, 1-8 He
ftr lb.
Spinach Local, orange boxes, 60 60c.
6qu-ah Orange flat Zucchini. S5-40e
Scallop and Croc necks. 8 5-40 e; Danish,
large crates, 65-70e; lugs, 85ef Mar-
blehesd. 1-lUe: Hubbard. lU-2e;pamp
kins. 1-1 A per lb.
Quince Oregon loose, culls out, 1-Ic
Bweet Fotatoee California JersTa
S0-lb. crate, 1.55-1.70; yams, 1.90-2.00.
llelont Watermelon!. Oregon, avion
dikes and stripes. 85c-1.00 per cwt.
crates extra; Caaaba, loose, 14 -lH lb.
erates, 70-80c; ice cream, l-2e lb.; Santa
Clans, flat crates, 75a; Honey dew, crates
B5C-1.00. .
Ton atoea Ore., local, best 40-50c: lo
cal and Washington, nnclassified 80-40C.
Bunched Vcgetablea Per dosen. Par
sley 20-250' radishes 15-Z0e: turnips 40
50c; green onions 15-20e; beets 12 -15c;
carrots 17H-20e; dill weed 4 5c per lb.
endive 50-55e; broccoli 85 40e; kohl rabt
40e; celery root 50-60c; ebard 20-25e;
chicory 40c
Stocks and
October 7
Compiled by The Associated Press
10 I 15 15 60
Indus Rails Util Stocks
Net Cbg. D .7 D .5 D .8
Saturday 73.5 22.1 88.5
Previous day 74.2 22.6 S8.8
Month ago 78.8 20.6 S7.1
Tear ago 76.4 21.0 84.6
1939 high 77.0 33.8 40.6
1839 low 68.8 .15.7 83.7
20 10 10 10
Rails Indus Util Forgn
Net Chg. D .8 D .1 A .1 A .4
Saturday 62.0 97.9 94.1 47.0
Previous day 62.8 98.0 94.0 46.6
Month ago 58.6 97.8 93.8 50.7
Tear ago 60.4 99.1 94.0 64.9
1939 high 64.9 100.8 97.5 84.0
1939 low 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7
Closing Quotations
NEW YORK, Oct. 7.-fl3)-Today,s closing prices:
Al Chem Dye. 183 Com! Solvent .. 13 Natl Dairy
Allied Stores .. 9 4 Comwlth &
American Can: .119 Consol Edison . 8
Am For Power. 2 Consol Oil .....
Am Power ft Lt 64 Corn Products . 62
Am Rad Std San 9 Curtiss Wright . 67s
Am Roll Mills.. 20 Douglas Aircraft 74
Smelt ft Ret 63 Da Pont de
Tel ft Tel.. 1614 Elec Power
Am Tobacco
7 3 U Erie RR
13 General Electric
32 General Foods .
6 General Motors .
30 Goodyear Tires.
16 Great Northern.
7 Hudson Motors .
28 Illinois Central .
87 Insp Copper . . .
25 Int Harvester ..
27 Int Nickel Can.
Int Paper ft P Pf
24 Int Tel ft Tel ..
2 Johns-Man vllle .
8 Kennecott ....
5 Libbey-O-Ford .
79 Lig ft Myers B..
58 Loew .......
24 Monty -Ward ...
6 Nash Kelvinator
43 National Biscuit
90 Natl Cash
Am Water Wks.
Anaconda .....
Armour 111 ....
Atchison ......
Bait ft Ohio . ...
Bendix Aviation
Bethlehem Steel
Boeing; Air ....
Borge Warner .
Budd Mfg ....
Calif Pack ....
Sallahan Z-L...
Calumet Hec...
Canadian Pacific
J I Case.......
Caterpil Tractor
Celanese ......
Certain-Teed .,
Ches ft Ohio ...
Chrysler ......
Rain Prospect
Starts Selling
Wheat Futures Around 81,
Near Lowest Since
Early September
CHICAGO, Oct, 7-(iP)-Pros-
pects in rain in the winter wneat
belt touched off a wave of sell
ing In the grain pits today and
wheat prices slumped more than
two cents a bushel.
Gains recorded yesterday tola
lowing the Hitler speech were
wiped out and wheat futures
tumbled to around 81 cents, with
in fractions of the lowest levels
since early in September.
Although wheat rallied slight
ly before the final bell, closing
prices were lower than
yesterday, December '81-4,
May 81-81. Corn closed 1
down, December 48, May
51-; oats -l off; rye -
down; soy beans 3-3 lower
and lard 33 to 37 lower.
Scattered showers were pre
dicted for much of the grain
belt including the bard winter
territory. Additional bearish
factors included the unsettled
European political situation, with
peace proposals in the air, and
weakness in securities.
Silt Ground Raises
Good Tomatoes
Mrs. W. L. Nelson wno live on
the old Newbill place on Mesquito
flat, which is partly under water
when the river rises in the winter,
are raising excellent tomatoes this
season on the silt left by receding
waters. Grapes are also of excel
lent quality.
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 7. (AD
Produce exchange:
Butter: Extras 80c; standards 19c;
prime firsts 27 ; firsts 26.
Butterfat 80-ale.
Xggs: Large extras 16: large standards
31; medium extras 18; medium stand
ards 16; small extras 18; email stand
ards 12.
Cheese: Triplets 16; loaf 17.
Portland Grain
PORTLAND. Ore, Oct. 7. (AP)
Wheat: Open High Low Close
Dec. 79 79 78 78
Cash Grain: Oats, No. 2-38 lb. white.
25.60. Barley, No. 1-45 lb, BW, 23.50.
Corn, No. 2. EY shipment, unquoted. No.
1 flax 1.83.
Cash Wheat Bid: Soft white 78; west
ern white 78; western red 76. Hard red
winter: ordinary 75; 11 per cent 76;
12 per cent 79; 13 per cent 82; 14
per cent 85. .Hard wftite-JJaart: ordin
ary 84; 12 per cent 84; 13 per cent 87;
14 per cent o.
Today'a Car Receipts; Wheat 16; bar
ley 8; Hoax 8; com 2; oata 8; mill
feed 8.
Portland Produce
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. T. (AP)
Country Heats Stilling price to retail
ers: Country killed hogs, best butchers,
125-150 lbs., 9-10c lb.; realers, fancy,
14-15e; light thin 1013c; heavy, 9
lle lb.; spring lambs, 14 15c lb.; year
ling lambs, unquoted; ewes, 6-7e lb. ;
cutter cows, 9c lb.; canner cows, 7-7 c
lb.; bulls, 910c lb.
Live Poultry Buying prices: Leghorn
broilers 14-lfe: fryers, under 8 lbs. 14c
lb.; do, 8 to 4 lbs., 14e lb.; roasters, over
4 lbs., 14c lb.; do, S lbs. and over, 14
15a lb.; Leghorn hens, over 8 lbs, 10
10 e lb.; do, under 8 lbs., 8 9e lb.;
colored hens to 4 lbs., 14e; do, ever 6
lbs., 14e; o. 2 grade, 6c less.
Turkeys Selling price: New-crop hent,
19-20e lb.; tomt, 1819c. Buying prices:
No. 1 hens 17-17e; toms 16 16e lb.
Potatoes Ya'xima Gems, 1.40-1.50:
Deschutes, 150-160; Klamath, 1.40 cwt;
local Whites 95c-l.lS orange box; Bcap
poose Bnrbanks, 1.15-1.25 cental.
Onions Oregon, 40 60c: Yakima, 40c
aack; Oregon Bermudas, 2 2 e lb.
Hay Selling price to retailers: Alfal
fa, No. 1. 16.00 ton; oat vetch. 12.00
ton; cVoTer, 11.00 ton; timothy, eastern
Oregon, 19.00; valley timothy, 13.00-14.00
ton. Portland.
Wool Eastern Oregon, fine, S5-26e
Walnut Handling to Start This Week;
Filbert Work Is Past Peak but Will
Continue two Weeks, Say Local Plants
Walnuts, which started coming into local packing plants
the past several days, will really get under way by the middle
of this week, nut handlers say. Peak of the filbert work has
passed but graders will continue running for the next two
A smaller nut crop in Oregon than was anticipated is
indicated. This is especially true
of filberts, which has failed to
show the extreme output expected
when the crop began ripening.
Estimates at that time forecasted
nearly double the crop of last
Quality, however, is exception
ally good. Sizes are small but per
centage of blanks is well under
the average. Better polonization
due to favorable weather probably
Prod 16
Sou . 1
National Dist .. 23
Natl Power ft Lt 8
Northern Pacifle 11
Packard Motors - 4
J C Penney ... 89
Phillips Petrol . 45
Press Steel Car. 14
ft Lt
8 Pub Service NJ. 38
2 Pullman 38
40 Safeway Stores . 42
40 Sears Boebuck . 77
63 Shell Union ... 14
27 Sou Cal Edison. 25
29 Southern Pacific 16
6 Standard Brands 6
14 Standard Oil Cal 29
15 Standard Oil NJ 47
63 Studebaker .... 8
39 Sup Oil 2
45 Tlmk RoU Bear. 48
5 Trans-America . 6
76 Union Carbide . 90
39 United Aircraft. 42
47 United Airlines. 10
96 US Rubber .... 41
34 US Steel ...... 74
53 Walworth ..... 6
6 Western! Union V 31
22 White Motors ..11
1S Woolworth .... 19
Salem Market Quotations
(Burins aMest)
(The Brieea balow tnpplied hy local
grocer and Udieatiya 4 tao daily market
price paid ta grow en by Salem buyers
but ar act guaranteed ey xae eiate
mta. )
Bananas, .b. aa stalk.
.05 H
lirapea. Calif, seedless
Grapefruit, Calif.
lemons, crate
Oranges, crate , ,.
Avocados, crat ,
Cantaloupes, crate
.S0 to
Yi ataxmelona, ID.
(Snylng Prices)
Beans, grea , , ,
Beeta. dot. '. ... , ,
cabbage, lb. -
Carrots, local, dot.
Cauliflower local
Celery. Ctah 90c; local, erste
Corn. Oca ,
. 1 00
Cucumbers, ontdoor
Onions. 60 lbs
Green onions, dos. .
Rsdishes. dot.
Peas coast, lb.
Peppers, green
Pan ley
Potatoes, local cwt.
50 lb. bags
Ko. 1.
Spinaib, Seattle, box
Turnip, doa
Sqnanh. doi., Italics, lu
(Buying Prices)
1939. lb..
.15 to
(Baying Prices)
Wool, medium, lb.
Coarse, lb.
Lambs, lb.
Mohair, lb. -
(Baying Prices of Andreaen't)
Grade A large, dox..
Grade B large doi.
Grade A medium, doi.
Colored f rya
White Leghorns. heaTy
White Leghorn frya
White leghorn. light
Uid Kootters ....
Heavy hens. lb.
Butterfat. first quality .30
Butterfst, second quality .38
Butterfat, premium . .... .82
Grade A large, dos J23
Leghorn hena - ,.. .06
Laghorn fryers, li lbs. .11
at Portland
lb.; crossed, 28 29c lb.; Willamette val
ley, 12 month, 29c lb : lamb, 20c lb.
Mohair 12-month, 85c lb.; fall. 29c.
Caseara 1939 reel. 4c lb.
Hope Oregon, 1939, 85-40c lb.; 1938,
Domestic flour Selling price, city de
livery 1 to 25 bbl. lots; family patents,
49s, 6.75-7.35; bakers' hard wheat, net.
4.55 5.80: bakers blutestem, 5. 05-5. 3d
blended wheat flour, 5.10-5.45; soft wheat
4.85-4.90: graham. 49s, 5.90: whole
wheat. 49s. 6 85.
Portland Livestock
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 7. (AP)
(TJSDA) Hogs: For week, salable 3800.
closed sround 35 below last week's high
time or steady with low time.
Barrows and gilts, gd-ch.
120 140 lbs . 86.25 6.50
do ed eh, 140-180 lbs 6.35 7.00
- do gd-ch, 160-180 lb.. 6.50 w) 7.00
do gd-ch, 180-200 lbs 6.75 7.00
do gd-ch, 200-220 lbs 6.50 7.00
do gd-ch, 220-240 lbs 6.25(a) 6 60
do gd-ch, 240-270 lbs 6.15 6.35
do gd-ch, 370 800 lbs 6.00 6 25
do gd eh, 300-880 lbs. 5.85 6.10
do gd-ch, 830-360 lbs 5.75 6 00
do med, 160-200 lbs 6.25 6.75
Feeder pigs, gd-ch, 70 -120- 6.25 7.00
Cattle: For week, salable 3025; Calves
825, compared last week, market uneven,
steers mostly 2a lower.
Steers, good, V00-1100 lbs. 8
do med, 750-1100 lbs
do med, 1100-1300 lbs..
Heifers, med, 600 900 lbs.,
do com. 500 900 lbs
Cows, choice, all wts
do good, all wts
do med, all wts
do cutter-com, all wts
Bulls (ylga exe), beef, gd,
all wts ; 6 00
do sausage, gd,. all wts 5.75
do med, all wts .....5.25
do ent-eom. all wts.. 4.50
Tealers. gd eh. all wts S.OOfeUO OO
do com med. all wts.. 6.50 9.00
do cull, all wts , 4.50
Calves, gd-ch, 400 lbs down 7.50
do eom-med, 400 lbs dn 8.00
do enM 400 lbs. down. 4.00
Sheep: For week, salable 2230, com
pared week ago: market strong.
Spring lambs, gd-ch , 7.75 8.00
do medium and good 7.00 7.60
do common 6.00 6.75
Yearling wethers, gd ch 5.25 6.50
do medium 4.75 S.25
Bwesf gd-ch , , 1.50 S.25
do com medium 1.00 3.60
accounts for this fact, one dealer
said yesterday.
Demand is greater than expect
ed and sales are heavy. Two cars
were loaded at tbe Nut Growers
Cooperative plant Friday, two
Saturday and three cars have been
ordered for early this week.
Walnut Prices Low
Opening walnut prices are low
and the crop is light. Lack of
buying interest for the new wal
nut crop is partly caused by the
heavy stock of 1938s being held
by distributors. Indications are
that walnuts are well-filled but
some damage by sunburn has
been noted.
The federal department of agri
culture has approved amendments
of the federal marketing agree
ment and order regulating hand
ling of walnuts produced In Ore
gon, Washington and California.
The walnut industry had previ
ously approved the agreement,
which fixes the salable percentage
of merchantable walnuts for the
1939-40 crop at 60 per cent. The
salable percentage daring the
1938-39 crop year was 80 per
Raymond Service Monday
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct 1-W)
Funeral services will be held here
Monday for Marcel Joseph Ray
mond, 91, who died Thursday.
Raymond, son of a French-Canadian
father and an Okanogan In
dian mother, was bora at St. Paul,
Ore., and lived his entire life In
the northwest. Surviving are two
children. Including Mrs. Amanda
Smith, Tacoma.
8 25 9.25
7.50 8.50
7.00 8.00
5.25 6.50
6.25 6.75
5.50 6.50
4.25 5.50
8.25 4.25
2.75 8.25
Grade B raw 4 per real
milk. Dairy Co-op price to
distributors, f 1J53.
. Butterfat) No. 1 , 80y.c;
No. 2, 28 He; premium, 32c
A grade print, 84c: B
trade, 33c; quarters, 35c.
baas .
SS lbs.
Old roosters
No. S grade 6e
par pound leas.
Grade A medium ..
Grade B large
Grade B medium
lndergrdes and chex
1 racleaned 75 to 80
,, 22 00
Wheat, Bu. So.
Oats, ion
Feed barley, ton
82 00
; 12 00
15.00 to 16 00
Clover day, ton
Alfalfa ton
Egg mash. No.
1 grade, 80 lb. bag 1.75
Dairy feed. 80 lb.
bag a-"
1.60 to 1.70
; 1.86
rjen arratcn tee-
Cracked corn ,
Flax, per bu. ..
fBurlnc nrices for No. 1 stock, based
conditions and salts reported up to 4 p.m. t
Lambs, 1939, topa : . 7.50
Lambs, yearlings a.ou to
Ewes 1.60 to 3.50
Bogs, top
250 300
to 6.85
to 6.35
to 5 OO
to 6.50
Beef cows
to 5.75
Heifers .
to &.50
Dairy type eowa
3.50 to 4.75
uressad veal. lb. -.
i . .18 V
(Pries paid by Independent Packing plant
to growari
FILBERTS Barcelona, orchard run,
lie; jumbos, 14 e; lge 12c; fancy 11c;
babies 10 c. Duchilly and Brix nuts lc
ALNUTS Franquettes, archard run.
8c; aoft shell, orchard ran, 6-7e.
tuo-ov mces to n noiesaiersi
FILBERTS Duchilly, jumbo 18c; lge
16c: fancy 15e. Brix ants', jumbo, 17c;
lsrge 15e Barcelona, jumbo. 17c; large
14Vfce: faney. ltte: baby. IBe. .
WALXUTS Franquettes, orchard run,
OB a
In this directory
monthly basis only,
f 1 per lint? per month.
Auto Brakes
alike Pane- 175 South t'omm-r-i
Salem Brako A Wheel Align. Station.
241 Center street
BJCrULES, NEW mod recondlllouea
Harry W Scott 14T 8. ComT P 4MI
Chimney Sweep
IKI.EPHONB 4tjQ R B. Nnrfi.nt
PIPES. fURNACES. atorea. gutters
Get ready for winter. No swot or dirt.
Ray I Fanner Hdwr. Co. Ph. 5005
DR. a I SCOTT PSt Chiropractor
U N High Tel Res IB7I
KXCAVATINU OP all kin da. Pas
menta dag. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt
for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co
Phone 'OS
Rrelthnubt a. 44T Court Phene 6904
1S S. Hbzfe Tel 1a
Cross Word Puzzle
I 2 3H 6 6 7 IOII
15 16 Wll 18
21 22 23 24 25
!!! ;
35 36 - 37
HO HI 42 43 44
"1 1 iH 1 1 1 mM I
1 card game
4 spheres
9 timid
39 stagger
40 odder
42 stinging
45 self
12 beverage
13 overhanging 46 winged
window 48 aecay
14 letter in
15 burdens
17 odor
19 particls
20 box
21 agreements
23 occurs
26 exclamation
of regret
27 dogma
28 exclamation
29 fiber of the
SO lobate
31 a number
32 comparative
33 candle
34 retain
35 cleverer
37 places of
38 musical
49 seat in
60 loaded
Herewith is the solution to Satur
day's puzzle.
J af
S r
Leading Stock
Issues Decline
Offerings Exceed Demand
Chemicals, Aircrafts,
Steels Down
NEW YORK, Oct. 7 -(-Offerings
exceeded demand in today's
stock market and leading Issues
were pushed down fractions to
around 2 points.
Steels, chemicals and aircrafts
were pounded the hardest al
though some of these came back
a little a few minutes before the
Activity was restricted after a;
moderately brisk opening and the.
ticker tape' dawdled at times.
Transfers of 685,770 shares com
pared with 843,340 last Saturday.
Absence of official replies tot
Reichsfuehrer Hitler's peace pro
posals acted to keep traders front
taking positions
On the home front a number ol
items attracted attention. The
maritime commission awarded
contracts for eight cargo Yessels)
to cost 918,216,000 in all, bring
ing the total of its awards to date
to 137 vessels of its 10-year, 500,
ship program.
Wall street learned the British
purchasing mission now in Can
ada . expected to come to this
country after the neutrality bill
debate, with prospects good fop
heavy orders not withstanding the
outcome of the fight.
bo 17.C large 15e, fancy 13e, used
inm 12c; soft shells, jumbos 16 , largS
14 c, fancy 12c. medium lie; May
ettea, large 16c. Cascade: Franqueu-,
largo 12c; faiey 12 c, medium lie; toft
shells, large 12e, fancy lljc, med, 10c',
rLUKK RUU and Mattreas)
r Ti
remade ; caroet eleanlnn
nfl rug wssvlps. S. llth 1
aj. il otto r. zwrcir.
RB Est
aMj-ioi BEDDING CO. Phone 0ff4
Naturopathic Physician
uk M U R(X.-K W BXU Naturopath
to Phjraietan, 17JS ralrgrouada tOu
Tel sJttS. Office fiaorefl , ri Wljjfl
riH trr A TlON eh y cards, panphletts.
prosrama boeka or any kind
in call Tbe Statesrfian tf$
d ox ranu
natl-jr Cm
oartment 111 8. CrnnsereiaL TTajVs
Stove Repairing
STOVB Repairing. 262 Chemeke
MH lAMJAL or distant transfer, at or
ace burner ell eali till. lajrhfet
Transfer Co Trucks to Portland dairy,
Vacuum Cleaners
REBUILT. $5.00 DP. Brush rebrlrtli
Ing. repairs, all makes. 490 S. list. pE,
Well Drilling
R A WEST rt. a. boa 44a. Ph.
51 upward
curving of
a vessel's
1 dance step
2 a wing
8 curative
4 rolls of cloth
5 open space
6 lawsuit
T French
8 spanked
9 account
10 border
11 affirmative
16 specks
18 engrossed
20 more lucid
21 top of the
head (pL)
22 'frighten
23 English poet
24 post at foot
of stair
25 stores
27 tippled
30 pertaining
to the side
31 bank clerks
83 woody plant
84 eharp
36 shaft
37 smeared
with wax
39 repetition
40 fabric
41 grow old
-42 possessed
43 measure of
weight i
44 swine pen .
47 musical not!
aaiatfcmt U