The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 06, 1939, Page 15, Image 15

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    Broiler Meals
Practical in .v.r
Broiled dinner possibilities are
far from fully appreciated In most
households. Broiling a complete
menu on, one platter is a simple
way of preparing a very attractive
meal. ;
Many housewives confine them
selves entirely to broiling meats
bat the same heat can be utilised
to cook other portions of the meal
with just as much "ease and as
good results. ;
Canned vegetables and leftovers
take on fine flavor when ' the
broiler pan, or' a platter that will
stand heat, is made to hold the
food for broiling.
Fresh vegetables should be pre
cooked, that's why the method Is
so practical for canned;-ones.
Canned peas are one of the most
popular of foods to use "with meat
and potatoes for the broiler meal.
Fresh tomato halves, onion
slices, musnroom caps, pineapple
rings, spiced fruits and bananas
make fine contrast to the pre
cooked vegetables in the broiler
- Tomatoes, dipped in a mixture
ot crumps and parsley have good
appearance when broiled. Bananas
mal be dipped in crumbs or In
finely chopped nuts for food fla
vor, a little sugar Improves apple
slices and even nineaonle rinrs
are improved with a coating ot
fine breadcrumbs.
Some cooks like to put part of
the food in the lower section of
the broiler pan first, and after al
lowing to heat well through, to
place the meat on the broiler rack
above, so drippings season the
food underneath.
Among the combinations for
broiled dinners are:
Chicken with egg noodles with
grated cheese, and buttered
breadcrumbs and butterejl fresh
mushroom caps.
; Broiled ham with slices ot sweet
potatoes, apples ana buttered
canned peas.
Broiled steak, cauliflower
flowerets, . tomato halves and
whipped potatoes. After steak is
, done, spread with Roquefort
! cheese to which a dash ot Wor
cestershire sauce has been added.
Pork or lamb chops, with pine
apple rings, canned corn with pre
cooked beans and ripe olives.
Apricot Nectar Begins
Waffle Sauce
I'M ' -
. i Apricot flavor takes well to
the taste ot Sunday morning waf
fles or hotcakes, makes a good
topping for desserts when slight
ly thicker. :
1 Vt cups apricot nectar, canned
: 4 cup honey or light ocrn syrup
.,'Few grains-salt. ..-. - .
Bring apricot nectar-' lo boiling
temperature and allow to boll for
Bout 3 minutes. Add honey and
salt and reduce temperature to
permit slow boiling for 12 to 15
minutes or until it reaches de-
" '
ft;? T CyC$pT r- , .
i'" V
BROILED DINNER is easy on the time and inviting to the eye.
Here we see canned peas as the center with slices of sweet potatoes
and apples to form a vegetable-fruit arrangement. Use maple syrup
to flavor potatoes and apples.
Manufacturers Recipes
Manufacturers have again of
fered reaipes for home use. Here
are some tested in their kitchens:
4 to 6 loin pork chops
3 large potatoes, sliced
2 small onions, sliced
1 can Heinz vegetable soup
1 cup water.
Dust chops with salt and pep
per and flour lightly. Fry until
brown. In a baking dish arrange
potatoes and onions in layers and 1nS trays
season. Put chops on top, add
soup, and water and bake covered
at 350 degrees for an hour until
potatoes are done. Uncover and
1 tall can evaporated milk,
1 teaspoon vanilla.
Bring sugar and coffee slowly
to a boil. Boil rapidly until syrup
spins a thread. Add salt to egg
whites and beat until stiff but
not dry. Pour syrup slowly Into
egg whites, beating constantly.
Chill Whip milk very stiff. Fold
fci the egg white mixture and va
nilla. Pour at once into cold trees-
Yield: 3 pints.
2 cups Fisher's Blend flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
2H tablespoons sugar
Vt teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons fat
Vx cup raisins
cup milk.
Mix as usual, roll out and cut
in wedge shapes. Bake 15 minutes
at 450 degrees. Fill with jam
when serving.
Cut and Quarter unpeeled
quinces. Put in kettle and just
cover with water. Let cook until
tender. Press through a sieve,
measure and add as much
White Satin sugar as pulp. Cook
this slowly until quite stiff, stir
ring frequently to avoid burning.
Pack into clean, hot jars. Seal
An old-fashioned dish is:
3 tablespoons butter
1 large sliced onion
1 diced onion
2 cups tomatoes
1 cup string beans
1 quart water
2 teaspoons salt .
2 cups H. O. oats.
Melt butter, add onion and car
rot and cook until brown. Add
other ingredients except oats and
boil slowly for half an hour. Add
quick cooking oats and boil until
1 package orange Jell-Well
V cup sugar
cup lemon juice
2 ripe bananas, mashed
1 cups orange juice.
Heat orange juice, dissolve
gelatine in it. Add sugar and lem
on and cool. When beginning to
congeal, fold in the banana and
freeze in refrigerator. Serves 6.
Fourth Hi-Y Clulf
Is Talked Here
Group May Be Organized
to Take in Those
not Elected
The three clubs of the Salem
HI-Y chose 46 high school boys as
new members at a meeting Wed
nesday night. About 80 prospects
were present, seeking to fill the
places left open by high school
1 Those who were not selected for
membership have been asked to
meet at the YMCA Monday night
at 7:30. to discuss the formation
ot a fourth organization. Gus
Moore, boys' work secretary, said
that all who wished to join would
be given the opportunity.
New additions to the Abel Gregg
club, whose president Is Don Bur
ton, are David Nelson, Dick Stob-
ber, Brent Dietrick, Elvon Hoi
man, Jim Smith, Les Pearmlne,
Vernon Sheldon, Kenneth Lena
burg, Bill Bowes, Pete Houser,
Otis Wilson, Scott Wilson, Gordon
Hoffstetter, Clifford Tucker. Bud
Turner, Ronald Bird, Cameron
McDonald and Ben Gifford.
12 for Arthur Cotton
Coming into the Arthur Cotton
group, headed by Reed Nelson,
will be Bob Sederstrom. Joe Bow
ersox, Daryl Drobrough, Dorane
Humphrey. Bob Hill, Bud Hul ten-
berg, Rollie Hagg, Bob Burns,
Donald Eland,. Bob Sullivan, Cy
Williams and Bob Irish.
The Harrison Elliott club, with
Ward Miles as leader, will gain
Thomas Branter, Russell Hackett,
Bob Woodburn, Frank Miles, Bob
Gardner, Harlan Moorman, Ray
Yocom, Glen Clark, Fabian Nel
son, John Moses, Milton Freeman,
Dale Harden, Harold Holt, Jack
White, Bob Smith and Warren
sired syrup consistency. Serve as done. May be browned in a cas-
a topping for waffles or hot cakes serole before serving.
or as a sauce: for light puddings.
Substitute peach-nectarine, pear,
plum or peach nectar of the whole
fruit variety for the apricot nec
tar of the recipe. Makes approxi
mately 1 cups.
Vx cup sugar
cup strong clear M.
2 egg whites
Pinch salt
J. B.
e&oEiiaii Subscription
during month of October
IBy Mail XDme Yeai
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Cityind SutH
Dally aadSaaA Dally Oaly ' SaadayOalT
V ; - .
..!"" f """" .. - - - . . . . - .
Grandma Roosevelt and Grandson
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Albany Residents
To Honor Ralston
ALBANY The late Joe H. Ral
ston will be honored by Albany
residents with a memorial in
honor of the part he played In
getting the South Santiam high
way built.
Ralston started on the project
many years ago, and it was a
dream ot his as long as he lived
to have this highway from Linn
county into eastern Oregon com
pleted. He did not live to see the
completion ot the road for which
he had worked so bard, as he died
some three years ago.
Through tbe Albany chamber
ot commerce, plans are being
made for placing a stone
marker at some strategic point on
the highway. A bronze plaque will
be placed in the stone and the
marker will be dedicated when
completed, with a fitting cere
mony. Frank Wood of Albany is
doing the work.
Tliis is the first picture of Mrs. Franklin D; Roosevelt with the most
recent Roosevelt grandchild, John Roosevelt Boettiger. six months.
They are shown together at Seattle where the first lady visited
her daughter, Mrs. John Boettiger. Sirs. Roosevelt was to spend a
day in San Francisco before flying on to Los Angeles to visit her
son, James and his family. (AP photo).
Plaque of Martin
For Capitol Here
A bronze plaque of ex-Governor
Charles M. Martin arrived in
Salem Thursday and will be
placed on the lower floor of the
state capitol building along with
plaques ot a number of other
prominent Oregon citizens.
The plaque was purchased by a
number ot close friends of the ex-
governor. It is inscribed:
"Governor Martin, Citizen, Sol
dier. Member ot Congress and
Governor of Oregon."
raiSKUS I First choice with Western
dog owners. Proved by years of test
ingt Nothing else heed be fed with
this complete dog food. Experiments
prove it costs leu per day to feedl
rdri 9 la "ft f
bii vvru ; . iou .an uepena on
mi" rim ;:? - H
Oakview School
Elects Officers
school held its student body meet
ing Monday. Election of officers
resulted in the following: Presi
dent, Arlene MacDonald; vice
president, Shirley Gilkey; secretary-treasurer,
Kathleen Ambro
sek; sergeant-atarms, Billy Goar;
librarian, Clo Light
A 4H'health club was also be
gun. Officers elected were presi
dent, Kathleen Ambrosek; vice
president, Letta Mae Bolman; sec
retary, Arlene MacDonald. Plans
are being made to form a SewiDg
Two new pupils entered the
Oakview school this week, John
Payton and Alice Martin,' both in
the third grade.
Aid's Silver Tea
Is Friday, Turner
TURNER The Methodist Aid
silver tea will be held at the home
ot Mrs. Fred Dierks Friday after
noon at 2 o'clock.
The Methodist Sunday school
will observe rally day next Sun
day, October 8.
Men's Nv
Union Suits
it- The buy of a life- A
time! Stock up now 1
we will not have it "
r3enxs Cotton
Union Suits
12-lb. Unlonsuits from fine
long fiber cotton, soft and
warm. A bargain price.
Boyxs Cotton
Union Suits
Fine, soft, warm cotton suits.
Short sleeves and: long legs.
Protect you boys these chilly
r.lens Shirts
and Shorts
They're .New! They're Warm!
They're Smart! Heavy cotton V
rayon shirts k. shorts. Jnst the
thing for this football weather.
Maybe you would have fewer
colds if you wore these.
49C Ea.
Boys sizes SOc earb
r2cnxs Cotton
Heavy fleeced cotton coat
sweaters swell for work and,
boy, they're warm. They'll
wash, too! Tan and grey col
ors. Buy yours this week!
Men's Felt
Call them work hats if you
want to but they're plenty
good looking! New snappy
styles anS new tall shades.
den's Melton
The buy of the town! Heavy
Melton Jackets in colorfal
plaids zipper front They will
keep you warm and dry. Plain
color. Navy Blue 2.40. .
Make a New World of Your Home
A It' here, folk! Our big twlc-a-yr
M 7 bargain festival! Plana monUi iH
"V in advance. Penney Days bring you fi II
til A thinsra van want m nrlest vm II
HBIHHEBEWBH V want a niv I Unrr tn Pannaw'a II
. - . m mm
X Semi-Anniukl Tnnej Says' f II
- Bmrgmlntt S II
Don't Miss These New
Ready to hang
tnerpensive .curtains to
pefk np yoixr windows!
Crisp," pin dot marquisette,
with wide ruffles! 58 In.
24 yards long!
Sash Curtains
Dainty! Crisp! Colorful! A
welcome Inexpensive Im
provement for any home. A
large assortment to pick
from. .
Extra Special
Imagine It! New ruffled
Priscillas at this low price.
Why wash the old ones?
These new ones will cost
you less.
These will go fast! New
colors and patterns. Think
what you can do about your
home 1 with these marqui
settes at this price.
Handsome Drapery
New colors! Good quality!
See how little it will cost
to make handsome draperies
it you use this 50" damask!
Ready to Hang
Ready-to-Hang! An Inex
pensive "beauty treatment"
for your windows! Smart A
bargain If there ever was
Decorative colors! Value
priced! It's yarn dyed to as
sure you that the fabric
will keep its lovely colors!
Rich designs!
For bedroom use. They will
give that soft, quiet, sooth
ing effect and make your
bedrooms lovely.
Sequined Panels
Color! Lustre! Their beau
ty is new bright, sparkling.
All with ready to hang
one loop top features. Four
glowing colors. Five highly
styled, distinctive patterns.
Sash Curtains
Heavy oil silk In new fall
patterns and colors. No
kitchen or bathroom should
be without oil silk.
Shower Curtains
A heavy shower curtain
washes easily! No mildew!
Bargain prices tor this
weight. .
Make your own curtains the
inexpensive way. Cuts and
sews so easily. New colors
and patterns. Make your
own combinations. Now!
Very New! Spun Rayon
I Finely Tailored!
The attractively bordered
open mesh it very popular.
Double loon top!, 41"xS0.
Big Value!
Sunf ast ! Tub fast New
Good Quality!
19c Yd.
You'd guess their price to be
much more! A wide selec
tion of handsome, new de
signs in bold and conserva
tive patterns! Fast colors
brilliant or soft! : .'
Crisp Marquisette
90C Pr.
With Chenille Figures!
Dainty colored marquisette
with big. fluffy chenille fig
ures! SO" tide! 4 " ruf
fles; tie-backs! '
. ' - Women's Turkish
Soft rayon & cotton vests and
panties smooth fitting. No
bulkiness snug and warm.
Priced so low, too!
Women's Part Wool! '
Union Suits
25 Wool smooth, soft ft
warm high, wide Dutch neck,
low neck, long or short sleeves
ft legs. There is a world of
value In these suits. .Sizes 36
to 4 6.
Women's Cotton
Union Suits
They're all fine comb cottons,
soft and warm. Low neck and
knee length. A value saving.
Sizes 36 to 50.
Women's Rayon
Hurray for these Bargains!
Values to shopt about! Lovely,
dainty styles! Buy all you 1
, Children's
Waist Suits
One ot onr most popular! Cold
weather protection! All style
la cream or flesh color. Sizes
2 to 12.
Vest & Panties
Protect her health now! Win
ter weight Tests, panties , and
bloomers. Imagine them priced
so low!
Women's Part Wool
Rayon plaited, T over y 100
wool backing yarn,' fine gauge
mercerized rib top hose. Nicely
styled new fall shades. A
PHONE 6622