PAGE NINE Salem's Market Place for Buying, '.Selling, - Rentin The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Dregon, Wednesday MoniingrV' October 4, 1939 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion par tin 10e Thre Insertion! per lint 20e Six Insertions per tine S0 On montb per line ft 00 Minimum charge . ,, - a Copy for thtt pelt accepted un"' f : 30 the svsntng before pabllrm tlon for claim! fVa tlon Cepy re Mired erttr this time will be rnr under the' he din "Too lae tr The Stattsman irnniM ne n nan Mai responsibility for error whleK "nay appear 1i advertisements nob tlshed In lt ratomni end in where tnle paper te at fanlt win re print that part of an advertisement In whlcb the typogra phlcal "il stake occur a The Statesman reeerret the rich to relect questionable iidveHlslna It further reserves the Haht tr place ail advertising under the ompet rlaaslflratton A "Blind" Ad an ad eontatnlna a Statesman box number for an ad Areas Is for the protection ef h advertiser and must therefore he answered by letter The Statesman la not at liberty te dlvnlge mrnrma tlon a to the Identity of an adeer User osint a "Blind" ad Li venloclc DEAD AND wmlhles horses, row ricked op free Ph -oiled 8411 Salem Montgomery Rend , Wka FOR SALE Feeder pigs, wt 100 lbs. E. V. Small. 230 Morgan Ave. jeaeaBeeaeaaaaaeaajee HENS. PUL., plga. Walter Frost, Rt J.. Box 4 8 A. ml. N. on river road. Money to Loan Money to Loan For Rent -Apartment I For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Care We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO TIT TOUR fN COOT t R. FURN. APT., lights, water, pri bath. trie. Adults. Ph. 4494. 690 N.I Summer. APTS. OR M. 4 rm. 430 N. Liberty. MOD. 2 RM. apt Prl. bath en- A. A S...A nSSA I - , i usnce. uftras. auiu, iicwi, vic. i X KtiHfhrcnna ln I .nmflkfrfr X Onr l?mflrare tinlV I and reMg. 57 u Street. I 3-R. FURN. apt Prl. bath. Ground RBPAI ANT DAT TO REDUU vosn, jr J.m Garage. Adults. Call 5807. AND LAKlibST Inucriinuiini ,jrj i t ncnu i "un cE.a.wo Mr CE1V88 PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN is made: on For Rent Houses GIGANTIC PRICE REDUCTIONS 1939 Chrysler and Plymouth Cars SAVE! SAVE ! SAVE! General Finance Corp. 1SI So. Commercial St. Lie Ne. S-1II Phone 9168 1 First Door South ot Add Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location FURNISHED AND unfurn. bouses. B. P. GRANT. 39 Court Phone 4744. Auction AUCTIONS - AUCTIONS -AUCTIONS TWO AUCTIONS this week at the T N. Wondrv Auction and Furniture Mart. 110 N Summer St In Hnllv mrnrut ThnrxbT nleht. T :S. large a" sortment of rood hlh rrade furniture and furnishings of 2 Salem homes an other consigners including stornee mer chandise. Aim on Rahirds ef"oo- this week a large assortment of fnrni ture, ruga, tools, trailer. 3 antnmo Wles. machinery, etc. Term, cash Be there at these two We Sales ! F N. and OLF.NN WOOTVRY. Rnlem s Leading Auctioneers. Tf nn want to Buy or Sell. see ns. Phne 5110. Help Wanted t ISO WEEKLY; GROW mushroom cellar, ahed We bur. S5e R World largest company FRFP" RVR Mush rooms -,1111 Second !feattU Wash Help Wanted Tnle WANTED. HANDY man acreage. 184 N. Liberty. on smaU Help Wanted Female WANTED AN exper. maid for een eral heewrk.. no laundry. Call 6617. furtnj"vvrijtrysjv" -fTi'!-''' EXPERIENCED WAITRESS and also good cook 986 S. Com'. i MIDDLE-AGED woman Interested in 'home, for care of 2 children, sm. wage. 2C0 W. Rural. Salem. WANTED RELIABLE bsefcor. for ladv partly disabled with arthritis, and her son . On farm on new highway. Mst be able to drive a car. Harris. Rt 4.1 Box 281. f - ' Situations Wanted For Sale Miscellaneous SPITZ, 80c BOX. Bring boxes. Tou pick. Do not come on sat. kwcii, ttu s. j Box 1S6A. CANNING TOMATOES 60c bu.. H ml. north of Kelser school. D. A. Buss. Rt- 2. Box 79. a BTrrvm.KS. S TRICTCLKS. furni ture, stoves, reas. 1694 N. Commercial. APPLES KINGS, Spltx. Waxens A neltoloua. arnod cookers. 20c Per bx. bring boxes. Earnest Anderson, Orch ard Helxhta Rd.. 1 ml. orr wanace ku ajsVVMMwVwVwVWMVSrVr'w,eAAeTwAe' WD. CIRCITLAT. heater, chim. man- i tel clock, fireplace screen. 333 Water. REPOSSESSED FINANCE Co.. stor age furniture Nash Furniture Co. NASH FURNITURE CO. prices sneak for themselves large stock S I floors. REPOSSESSED FINANCE CO. fur niture. Nash Furniture Co. NASH FURNITURE CO. prices speak for themselves (3 floors) (2 warehouses) new used furniture. "Shop around. It pays. A LE SALE SALE FACTORY OTTARANTEED. Inne- cnrlnsf mattrps famous makes $7 77 & up. Save M to Nash Furni ture Co. The store of friendly service & low prices. STORE-WIDE SALE. Nash Furni ture Co.. large stock. Our prices speak for themselves. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Sprinuer Spaniel pups at a very reasonable price, now six weeks old. Phone 9541 or call 17 o N. 17th Kt Wanted Miscellaneous WANTIC!) IISKH furn I'h ill OI.P WOOl mattreas T.i 1110. WANTED TO buy tor rash. 1st 2nd mortgages real estate contract ft merchandise discount proper. STATE FTNANCB CO 844 State Street Salem Oregon WANTED FOR cash walnuts ft fll berta. Also meats. M. Klorfeln Park ing Co 280 S High. Phone 7633. HUNTERS RTTCKSKIN made from I fleer hides Is finest of garment leather Years of experience. East Salem Tan nery. 2595 Simpson, near 2nth. Salem. NASH FURNITURE CO. nays spot cash for furniture. Phone 9j02. 'RUSS- WOODRY. auctioneer at the Nash Furniture Co. pays cash for fur niture. Ph. 9502. WALNUT DRYING Quick service Frone 133F2. 50ft TTSED SEWINR machines. We pay spot cash no matter how old. Sa lem Auction House. 260 N. High. Wanted Furniture HOUSES FOR rent R. A. FORK-1 NER, 1853 N. Capitol, St 6-RM. FURN. hse, 760 a Coml -w-ii-f-ii-ir-irri-innf- n n n si niniiViV m MOD. COURT cottage. 734 N. Cot SMALL FURN. cottage. 660 N. Cot ArwVwVwVrVVwVVwMeVVMwVweVVwVeV S RM. HSE. Adults. 864 Jefferson. FURN. 5 RM. hse., modern. $25. In quire 1465 Mission. COTTAGES. Low winter rates. 2-mL north of Underpass, HI way 89. Fir Grove Camp. 5-RM. HOUSE for aale or rent 4- rm. bouse for rent Rt 6, Box 67. Joe Becker. So. 12th. across R.R. at Tex aco Oil Tanks. FOR RENT. 17 A., modern house. Partly furnished. Ph. 7126. MODERN 3 ROOM furn. cotUge. $22.50. 255 N. 24th. Tel. 3849. 5 RM. HSE.. 475 & Winter. FURN. 6 R. PHONE 7445. 6 R. MOa ft 4 R. Ph. 4954. SIX ROOM modern dwell In it St ga rage. See owner, 205 Oregon Building. S RM HSES. Furn. large hse a. Percy Ullman. 650 Marion. 5 RM. MODERN, 165 E. Luther. i . i . . ill' rm. moaern at ivss a. izu ol, Kin a oi security neeaea. i hardwood noors. AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Stb FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILD1NO UCENSE NO M-159 FHA LOANS 4V4. aiM priv. loan. Abrams & tnila inc.. Masonic Bldg. PRIVATE MONEY AUTO- AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape Tou will re tain possession of the .hlcie. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAX ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-152 1st Choice From Coast to Coast. Here's Why: Reasonable Terms $ 6.03 mo. repays 8 60 In 12 moa. 8 7.27 mo. repays $100 In 18 moa, $13.09 mo. repays $180 In IS moa. $18.18 mo. repays $250 in IS, moa. No cosigners or special IT ONLY HAPPENS ONCE IN A LIFETIME R FU?N. HOUSE. Fireplace. I a 'blUT.llJJA... V.M. w..i..insAm i rage. $25. Ph. 6744. wv o iwoi lamcu-ut .uiuuiuuiics - ii s ine ivoy nrvsiers and rivmouths BeVstfSsssSxfssesfkaSaBaejpa mm I J Going at Such Savings 5 CARS 5 TO CHOOSE FROM HURRY WHILE THEY LAST SALEM AUTOMOBILE COMPANY m - & , -. . Chrysler 435 N. Commercial Ph-mouth Open Evenings for Your Convenience 5 SPECIALS 1936 Dodge DeL. Tour ing Sedan. Has radio and heater... $525 1934 Ford Tudor Seclan ....$85 1935( Nash Touring Sedan $495 CARTER MOTOR CO. LOT: 540 CENTER PHONE 3734 For Sale Real Estate : RAMSEY ER TRUCK service. Gen eral hauling, reasonable rates. P 8SS DRESSMAK MRS Artaltr Ph 62i DRESSMAKING 7984 2011 S Com DRESRM AK1NO. TATT-ORINO coat rellnlng. 1699 8i Liberty St Paint- Kalatx Reasonable. Ph. 9W. LADY WILL manage ant. house for apt Tel. 8834. 580 N. Liberty. For Sale Miscellaneous Bikes ft Rep . Ramsden 148 lib PERENNIAL FI.OWER3 ft seed White's Greenhouse. 1655 N Summer sWsat'aSMSssssSMSfcSesjslaeaae, REPOSSESSED L. ft H. Electric range-used 4 months. Has ealrod units and thrift cooker. Reg. 139.80. now only $79.50. Good Housekeeping inc. 453 Court St. CASH FOR used furn. Ph. 5110. WASHER SPECIAL this week. New $54.50 Magnetic, now $39.5. Other washers low as $15. Guar. Hogg Bros. COLORED FRYERS. 18c IK P. 6317. r.ATtnv. K17.V. stata Heatrola. stove. Nice dining room table. Like new. 168 K. 12th. i CANNING CORN : 75e sk. Ernest Garrison. S ml. south of Aumavllle. On W. Stayton Road. WTcsTmaHOtrsE junior Cabinet range, fullr antomatlc, $20. Tel. 8282 or Call 1363 S. ComL " yinnrA'ir i " " " "11" -CANNING! TOMATOES, solid meat order now 955 Belmont St. Ph. TT72. : - . t 10-TUBE VICTOR $158.00. 10-TirBE CABINET Model. 'A'-l condition: bal. doe. $27.40. Terms 8$ 00 monthly. See Mr. Jans. EO- g- WILL MUSIC STORB TRAILER HOUSES. $60. $75. $8$ Cash or terms. King. 619 N. Front FRTJ1T BTJYKRS ATTENTION'- HAVE 200 BU.- of assorted- first class winter apples. North river road If.- W. Rulirsrm. Rt. 3. Box 25. DELICIOUS APPLES. 25c S5e pee bo,x. Bring boxes. Ph, 9523. evenings. WANTED FURN. Forgey. P. 7448 eeVwVVVMwVMwayKaVVV Tl 1 1 lie ijuiCKCi juu cfjay i the less the cost. 11 . nnv..n4 . S 1 . rv c appreciate y w w business. FRFR CONSULTATION. IN OUR OF FICE OR AT YOnR HOME WITH- i OUT OBLIGATION. SEE OR PHONE OUR MR. ENOLISH. PERSONAL Fmance Co. Second Floor. New Bligh Bldg. 518 State Street Salem. Oregon State License Numbers S-133 M-16S Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property Before borrowing inquire e Hawkins ft Roberta WANTEP PK1VATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest - W H. GRABENHORST ft Ct REALTORS 134 8. Llbartv Street Phone S4S1 WANT. LOAN from private party. About $500.00. House ft lot as security. 2670 N. Church. Room and Board 2 ROOMS Oct 1. 1547 Court. MELVIN JOHNSON. 725 Court Street S RM UN FURN. house, good loca tion. 1709 Center. Ph. 8821. For Rent Farms FOR RENT 50 A. 8 cows, 6 tur keys, team and Implements. Large house, barn, and chick, house. $369 cash. Ph. 4443. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS, 881 State Street Inquire room 200 Tel 8713. STEAM HEAT. furn. cottages by wis er mo. Also smaller wood-heated cot tages. Washing machine . Lone Star Auto Court I960 N. Capitol. AT 340 N. CHURCH 1-4-room well furnished, ground floor apartment wanted lady to share rent 915.00. ana pay her share of food. Also three 3 R. ground floor apartments. 4 sleeping rooms. 2 single rooms and kitchenette. 20 A, 3 R HOUSE. Good barn. Inq. 59T Statesman street 10 RM. FURN. apt house, close In. 710 N. High. MiewsaaaaMBMMBaKnsBHeaa Wanted to Rent WANTED Unfurn. sleeping with private or semi-private bath, walking distance Center and ComL Box 1118. Statesman. WANTED TO rent a 5 rm. hse.. close in. Box 1123, Statesman. CASH PD. for furniture. Ph. 4517. Miscellaneous Broken Lenses Replaced in Two Hour9 OR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST OPTICAL DEPT. In charge of Dr. Fred Pageler and Dr. W. W. Frazee. Optometrists Adolph Bide.. State A Commercial Phone 8311 PRACTICE PIANOS. $2. H. L Stiff WANTED 1 000 PEOPLE to view "Pajama Girl." at Bush school audi torium this week. For Rrnt Rooms DESIRABLE SLEEPING room, prl entrance. Tel. 8977. HOTEI MARION Rooms. Special weeklv and monthly rate to perm, guests. Marion Coffee 8 hop delicious meals at low prices. WKTL FT7RN sleepfn rooms, steam neat, sot n. commercial. SIFEPINO ROOM. 725 Court St HOTEL BAtaEM. low monthly rate NICE SLEEPING rm.. 865 "D" St NEWLY DECORATED. 161 S. 14th. PLEASANT ROOM for Gentleman. 935 Saginaw St Phone 7828. SLEEPING ROOM, good bed. close in. lei. s&is. RMS. CLOSE-IN. Park. 660 N. Com ROOMS ft GARAGE for rent at 271 N. Zlst St SLEEP. R.. $8 MO. 345 Marion. Room and Board H. K. RM.. also board. 1130 Chem. RM. ft BD. private family near St I 435 Ferry St PROPERTY OWNERS, attention ! Good billboard locations wanted. Phone 3766 or call United Outdoor Adv. Co.. SEE MA BO WEN. 606 N. Liberty, CLOSE IN. warm rm.. 1st class board. Gar. 1130 Marion. Ph. $791. 130. RM.. BD laundry. 4333. Livestock WRECKTNO HOTTSE. 12th and State. Doors, windows, brick. Ibr. Otto Timm 'CIRCULATING OIL heater, large He. almost new. Only $59.50. Teater and Rush. Ph. 4311. ; ""gooIJarden hoseT any length I Phone Salem Ph 5345... i - - , TOR AVON prod"ctsv call Mrs. O. K. SVhuneman. Hotel Marion. . House. Garage. Phqpe 3373. LADY Rm.. $9. With Bd. $20. 7313. For Rent Apartments 3-RM. FURN bath. 1440 Waller. 8 OR 4 R. hse.. apta.. 738 N. Coma SM. FURN. 1 sm. apt. 645 Ferry. 3-ROOM FURN. 1595 Bellevue. iMasstvesMaaaBMMsssssssss' NEW. MOD. APT.. 8 rooms turn. Also garage. Phone 7322. 2 A 3 RM. APTS. Unfurn. and furn. $35 to $40 Roval Court Apta. TeL 3953. ssaWssWMsMM4asestajaaaassw 1 RM. APT. Pullman kttch.. nicely furn. Women or girls only. Will be vacant Oct. 11. 11 is oak st 3-RM. gar lights, water, heat Wash er, 322.69. Adults. 2457 State St. CLOSE IN 4 rm. apt. Private bath. garage. Adults. 1047 S. Commercial. HALIK'S APTS.. 469 N. Front MOD. 1-R. apt Bus. worn. 1853 Court 4-RM. MOD. attractive ant Inquire 1335 State. Phone 7982. COZY FULTJaAN ant Prl. bath. 340 Union. t T irTTWM rtWRSA room Pull kit bath 666 S. Summer. 1 R. FURN. APT. Lights, water. 82.- 25 wk. 1290 Oak. Ph. 5276. PATTON APTS. 832 8tate. ; roe oished Adults only Ph (244 SEE THE Fisher Aeta before Too decide. Large ft Airy. Rockwool In sulated against heat ft cold. Venetian Blinds throughout 8. ComL ft Oak Bts COM FORT A BLE. HOME- UKt reasonable. Hawthorne Court 1080 N anltol St C RM. MODERN apt Close In. In quir 95 N. Liberty. Ph. 559. $8 PER MO.. 355 Bellvue St CLOSE IN modern 3-room unfurn. apt Adults only. Ph. 8490. SMALL PLACE near Salem with electricity and water where I can keep cows, chickens and pigs. Not over $13 per mo. J. . Agan. 40 rn. com l at. WANTED. MODERN 4 or 6 rm. fur aished house, Nov. 1st for two. MELVIN JOHNSON. 725 Court St j For Sale Real Estate WHT RENT when you can buy as1 cheaply a new 5-room modern house! Restricted d strict 1 block from bus line. Owner 6506. Easy terms. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOU want to sell exchange lease, rent see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins ft Roberta. ONE BEAUTIFUL acre on Garden Road, close In. all kinds of fruit and nuts, nice yard with good 6 rm. house. $3500. $1000 down. Phone 5580. LOT BARGAIN LOCATED ON Market St. paved sts.. cement walks. Price $375. Clear tme. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO REALTORS 134 South Liberty REAL BARGAIN 17 A.. 18 A. IN FRUIT ft nuts, bal ance pasture $1750, $250 dn. Ph. 5580. HOME BARGAIN $250 DOWN. BAL. $25 per mo., will buy this 5 R. plastered home, new roof. new paint and new plaster, cor. lot, paved sts., near state bldgs. Price $2.- 160. 1MM.KUIATK POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone $16$. LARGE LOT. good house. S. Com'l. St Owner willing to sacrifice ; easy term3. Also 2 mod. houses in N. Salem. Im- med. poss. Terms like rent See me lor larms & acreages. H. a Shields. Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. 6 RM. HOUSE & 2 lots near Walnut Park. Real snap: $2100. real terms. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd ft Bush Bldg. Ph. 5965. 4 RM. BUNGALOW, just off Center St. EL Salem. $1900. $500 down, or will take acre or two as payment Phone &SSU. $2100.00. A VERY COZY, comfortable 3 room cottage. Just right for a couple. They would like to trade for a larger house in south part or town. $2950.00. Just off Center we have a home with 2 bedrooms, kitch en, nook, living room, bsmt ft furnace. They would like to trade for a smaller house anvwhere. P. H. BELL 419 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 Salem. Oregon FOR SALE Lots owned by City $125. to $800. See any real estate man or call 8632 167 S. High Street 6 ROOM HOME. $1330 OLD RM. home clos In. $1350. $300 down. 820 mo. Phone 5580. ; For Sale Farms DIVERSIFIED FARM: 175 A. 11 miles from Salem. 105 A. in cult with fine soil that produced up to $30.00 per acre In crops this year. 6 rm. plastered house with water piped to kitchen. Barm and other outbuildings. Due to illness of owner, I am offering this t 3Z&.00 per acre, on easy terms. See Mr. couins witri HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC. A GOOD , SMALL FARM or 16 ACRES, excellent soil, one acre young bearing filberts, one acre oeaver dam. 7 room home. barn, ga rage. 6 miles out. Priced at $4250. See jar. Bartlett with CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 844 State St Phone 9261. TEN ACRES ALL PLOW Land, good drilled well. a fine location to build a home, located In Liberty district Price $1600. only IT'S FORD IN FORTY WE MUST CLEAR THE WAY Our Special for Today '38 FORD DELUXE COUPE GOOD TIRES, MOHAIR UPHOLSTERY. THIS IS AN OUTSTANDING BUT SEE IT TODAY $550 VALLEY MOTOR CO "20 TEARS OF FRIENDSHIP" " Used Cai Lot Marion & Liberty Herh Misson - Ben Drager - Art Hanson Exchange Real Estate WISH TO exchange Portland home for Salem prop. 1116. Statesman. Acreage FOR SALE 5 acres with 5 room house, good well, spring, electricity, in Liberty district priced very low for quick sale. Phone 9511 or inquire 1710 N. 17th St ONE ACRE. $300. LOCATED ABOUT one mile east of city limits. fne soil, only $25 down. baL $10 per mo. See, W. H. UKABENHOR8T & CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. 10 A. 2tt ML NORTH, small bldgs. some fruit lights, all yr. creek. $2500 $400 down. 80 A. 60 A. nice oak timber. 19 mL from Salem. 1 mL to paved road, fen ced, easy haul. $2100. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St Phone 3728. Suburban S-RM Lights ft water. Barn. $625. $50 down, $12 a month. Inquire 3160 I $100 down, baL $15 per mo. SEE THIS Livestock 15000 Collect ATTENTION 9 OreftonSlatesnw ADVERTISING Western Adrertlslnf Representatives George 'D. Close. Inc. Saa FVanclaco Loa Angeles. Seattle Eastern Advertising ' . Representatives Bryant Qrtfnta ft Branson. Ine, v - Chicago. New York Detroit. Boston.- Atlanta Bnterid at (fte Poetoftee at oltM Oregon, as 6eeof Class If oiler. Put hiked every morning Monday. BuHne of tie til South Commoroiat fttreet, r Farmers Stock Dealers Butchers Slaughter Houses - WIS! WKTtrc TXITORMED THAT YOTJ WERE HANDICAPPED IN DIS POSING OF YOUR DEAD AND CRIPPLED ANIMALS. ALSO BUTCHER SCRAPS AND SLAUGHTER HOUSE OFF-FALLS BYNOT HAVING DE PENDABLE SERVICE. NOW YOU WILL FIND IT ENTIRELY DIFFER ENT SINCE WE BUILT OUR MODERN FERTILIZER PLANT WHICH IS NOT ONLY A CREDIT TO THb UlTX OK SALEM BUT TO THE SUR ROUNDINQ TERRITORY. OUR INSPECTION REPORT MEETS ALL SAN- WE ARE READY TO SERVE YOU DAY OR NIGHT WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OTJR SALEM PLANT AT 25th AND TURNER ROAD Salem Feitilizer and By-Products Woiks 25th AND TURNER ROAD, SALEM. OREGON Paul Wolf, Manager Phone Salem 5000 Collect Remember: We pay you for your worthless animals accordingly. P. S.: We are not operating in opposition with mink mw . tor.i year tn advancanfj fox prowers. We will butcher and bone your ani- Per cepy 3 cents. Newsstands 5 ceotsJ" V it.!. ?Vttl&Er2 m2& mals for only otMalls. u4 adjacent eounuaa. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rate in Adrano. Within Oregon : Datly and Sunday . Mx 60 eents: a Mo. 8l6r4 Mo. X.i- 1 year 85.00. easewpere eenxs pw N. 6th St COR. LOT. N 17th. 735 N. Com'l. oooommnnnm00mm4no1nmnn CHOICE BUILDING sites, $275 ft op D. B. Kleihcge. 3149 Center. 6 R. MOD. HOME. 3 bedrms. Lge. lot dbL gar.. 450 N. 19th. NEW. MOD. 4 R. house. Unfinished upstairs. 2295 Breyman. KEIZER SCHOOL DISTRICT K A, NEW MODERN 4 rm. home, as nice as any $3000.00 home In Salem. Elec. water system and water heater, neat built-in kitchen. Offered at $2500. $250.00 down, easy monthly payments. See Mr. Collins. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC. TRADE! C1TI property to fans) homes. Opportunities in exchangee. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC SPECIAL GOOD BUY In well located residence 8 rooms ft sleeping porch, can be ar ranged in 4 apta. This will afford a heme and income. Price only 31900. cash $300, baL like rent ANOTHER ONE With Immediate possession of a choice 5 room cottage. East front lot Prica 91950. cash $200. Balance like rent See us for good buys In homes. CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St Phone 9261 FAIRMOUNT HILL BARGAIN THIS ATTRACTIVE 7 rm. Colonial home on cor. lot with trees Is com plete In every detail. Mahogany wood work, fireplace, hardwood firs., library, all nice sized rms. Price .$6500. A REAL HOME. Call R. A. JOHNSON with. W. H. fiHARENHflBST Of 5000 CoUeCt H liberty St - Phone 6468. -HOME NEAR STATE BUILDINGS- THIS 1 RM. homo os cor. lot is only 8 blka. to state bldn. Trees, furnace. oasement. garage, doub. plumbing. race ?ooo. 8500 down. Call R. A. JOHNSON With. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 8. Liberty St Phone 6468. -SEE THIS 33500 HOME FOR $2700- THKEE BEDROOM house In A-l condition, basement furnace. Most Meal location. 3 blocks to new high i scnoo; :ose grade Jr. high, se LOUIS BECHTEL or UABEL NEED- HAM. 341 State. Room 4. 14 ACRES: SO A. INT raltlvstionJ I SVYwwt T sewn .T..llw w I-w bus uvub vciiui x;icvvi4kJi i ter y stem, creek and spring; 4 acres of nice timber. Price $4000. Trade for home In Salem. HOUSE AND 2 lots In West Salem Price $1200. Trade for good late model j car. I APARTMENT HOUSE with 3 apart ments to exchange for small farm. KOSTEIN ft ADOLPH. INC. 110 N. Commercial Street NEW 3 BDRM. home. bsmt. furn.. I garage, on one acre tract on Glenn Crk. Rd. S2S5S. on terms. R. house, bsmt.. corner lot, N. Fourth St, $21B0. $250 down. 60 A. improved farm, best of sou all level 9 mL from Salem $5000. on terms. If you have $1500. 1 can show you an exceptional Investment in the city. PERCY ULLMAN, 650 Marlon Street BARGAIN NOW. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 184 a Liberty St Phone 6468. rVVsVpVaarVVrWMWMwVwVVwVwV SB ACRE FARM LOCATED NEAR Gervais. good soil buildings, nearly all plow land, good road. Price $3500. IMMEDIATE POS- &SS10N. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. BARGAIN. 12 ACRES LOCATED 5 MILES west on Salem- Dallas highway, orchard, small stream. on pavement. Price $1100 cash. IT'S A KAL VALUE. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6483. COUNTRY HOME FINE 7 ROOM house with about XL acre close te city limits east Large shade, fruit ft nut trees city school dist bus past door. This Is a real buy for $4200 with small payment down ml like rent. See it today. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 Business Opportunities A-l INCOME PROP- $9500: $5700 equity; cash $200 mo. income. Owner's time free. Close. Box 1120. Statesman. Personal LONELY T "WORTHWHlLar emt ! heart husband, wife for you. P. a Box it un Angeles JOIN THE Lonesome Corresnond. ence club, P. O. Box 927. Portland. Ore. Business Directory Card la chla direct 017 rata oa moathly basis only. Bate! 91 per line per month. Auto Brake Mike Pa nek 271 South Commercial Salem Brake ft Wheel Alien. Station. 241 Center street Bicycles Phone Salem BICYCLES. NEW and reconditioned Harry W Soott I4T & Coat P 451$ Brushes SMYTH BRUSHES. PHONE 4724. Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4480 R ft Nortbnees CHIMNEY CLEANED PIPES. FURNACES, stoves, gutters Oct ready for winter Ne seol or flirt Ray U Farmer Hdwr. Co. Ph. $008 Chiropractors DR.a L 80OTT PSC Chiropractor 16 H. High. Tel Raa 8818. Excavating KXCAVATINQ OF aB kinds. Pase- meats dam. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt ror sals, saiem Sand and Gravel Co Phone 8408. Florists Brelthaupfa. 447 Court Phone 1904 Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY j THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 263 & High TeL 8186 Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattross cactory. NEW MATTRESS mada tr eroer. eld ramade: eareot etaaarna 'ng : flnft rag weavtnc & istb ft wuonr. let. otto r. zwick ER Est 111 CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 9 Naturopathic Physician OR. W B. ROCKWELL, Nsturopatb 10' PhVSlcian IIS ralrarmnnAa HA TeL 4303. Office Honrs 11 a. m. to 6:34 p. m. ritsif exam a CONSULTA Printing run station kr i cards. pampbJeta prosrama ooecs or any Kind of print tac caB The Ptatesmaa Printing De pertSQcnt 318 S CommaretaL Teto- oaooe list Refinishing rVRNITURB REFIN1SRED Hke new. ft. Brock, $41 Galnoa, Phone 42(1 Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer, stor age burner elL eaS 313L Larmer Traasfer Co. Tracks to Portland dally CITY TRANS Ph 6616. Reaa. ratea, Vacuum Cleaners REBUILT. $S.0fr TJP. Brush rebrirtl Ing. repairs, all makes. 490 S. 21st Ph. e7e. Well Drilling For Sale Wood INVESTIGATE BUDGET plan wood. Ph. 6370. W U Graen. 413 N. ssssMassssjsssMsvsaa SPEC OAK $4.75. ash $5.25. P. 970$ WOOD READY sdIH for cook stove ss cord. Tel. 6700. Bradley. AsS,"jeaVS4aerWSVeyaBeBeesjWsae GD. OLD fir, buzzed knots. P. 8334 16" OLD FIR $5 ft $5.50: 4' 2nd. J4.00. 16" oak. J6.50. Ph. 9.466. 16" ash wood $5.50 Ph. l-F-15. Woo4l Sawing WOOD SAWING. Ed Sproed. P. $$83 WOOD SAWING. TeL 3528. For Sale Used Cars Buy an HONEST VALUE j Used Cax 90-DAY. WRITTEN GUARANTEE. '38 ford DeLuxe Sedan Has radio, lwater. very low mile age 8650.00 '37 Ford DeLuxe Sedan Redan. Model '86, linn radio and heater . $450.00 '35 Terraplane DeLuxe qoupe. overhauled completely $350.00 '34 CheTolet Panel Sedan Delivery ; perfect condi tion ; $250.08 23 MORE NOT .LISTED STATE MOTORS, INC. I HUDSON - PACKARD DEALER High at Chemeketa Phone 8400 Open Evenings , -" - - - - --,--w--vurt,ujvij'A 1934 AUSTIN PANEL. $85. 421 Rosempnt, West Salem. - r 1937 De LUXE LATE SERIES Plymouth Coupe, radio, heater, etc. Hxcellent condition, private owner. Phone idays 6112. eves. 6196. Lost ami Found LOST XYLOPHONE part with met al tube. On road between Turner and Liberty. Reward. Phone 108-F-ll. Transportation GOING TO Los Angeles Sat. morn, rm. for 3 pass. 660 N. Com'l. M. Lust LEGAL NOTICE 50c FOR 16" PHONE 7421. EXECUTRIX NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that th undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marion, as executrix of the last will and testament and estate of Van M. Lowman, deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such executrix; all persons having claims against the estate ot said decedent are hearby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Glover and Lamkin, attorneys, 205 Oregon Building. Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 4th day of October, 1939. EMMA E. LOWMAN, Executrix of the Last Will j and Testament and Estate of Van M. Lowman, Deceased. Glover and Lamkin, Attorneys for Executrix, 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon. O 4-11-18-25 N 1 Cross Word Puzzle IT 15 22 32 36 46 55 5VT 33 WL SM M7 23 27 2B HO 1 60 4 20 2H HI t3 13 16 37 llill VA HI VA 21 2S 35 51 61 17 21 30 HZ 31 MS IO 26. R. A, WEST, rt S, box 441. PB. lltFi. HORIZONTAL 1 Island of the Philippine group ft eoyered wagon " 9 twice 12 convex , molding 13 according to the fashioa 15 wild 16 Chinese , weight 17 aroms 18-collection of literary fragments 19 paradise 21 Hawaiian goddess 22 bargain 24 the sweetoop 26 at home 27 nod the head 29 bristly 32 wooden shoe 35 less wild 36 peaceable 38 armed con flict 89 Hebrew letter -40 sheepfold 42 totrard the month 46 large body of men 49 sharpen 61 soft drink 52 wide- . mouthed jar 63 symbol for erbium 64 mechanical man 66 those who make nails 58 trap 59 place 60 constellation 61 consumer VERTICAL 1 couches 2 genua of grasses 8 ethical 4 win j 6 part assumed In a play 6 personal manservant 7 forms is a row 8 symbol for sodium 9 to presagt by signs 10 worship 11 calmer 14 swab 20 jackdaw 23 yery black 25 bristlt 28 pertaining to the ear SO plant of the arum family 11 mystic ejaculation 32 tubes for drawing liquids S3 small areas about some thing Herewith it the eolation to yes- S4 esut terday'a puzzle. IO-M Average Ubm ot setstleai 24 alasUs. DksrBHrta Bf Klae fafu I 87 atick together 88 protuber ance 41 the human trunk 48 turned down collar 44 lova 45 prevent 47 1 ash 48 Hindu eymbala 60 Scottish -v Gaelic 65 Indian of Tierra del- Fuego 57 Hebrew name for" .God;.; -j.