Biia---E& PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, October 4, 1939 Chicago Wheat Sodden 1 Burst of Selling I Upsets Market ; Close Is Down 3 Cents t CHICAGO, , Oct. i 2-(JPA-den burst ot Belling upset the wheat market: in the final hour today, tumbling prices as much as 3 cents a bushel to the lowest level in a month. ' t ' " December , wheat sold down to 80 M or : below last Friday's bottom Quotations. It was the first time this contract had been below . 81 cents since September 2, the second day of German Polish hostilities. - ! ' The reason -for liquidation of "such TOlume - could not be de termined definitely although pit ' brokers pointed out' that moder ate selling encountered little! buy lng support and when this was disclosed the falling market at tracted' heary stop loss liqulda tlon. ! Some drderswere ' understood to have originated with a j lead- - ing international grain' house in France, which brokers said may . hare been associated with hedg in goperations here against, pur chases of Canadian wheat,. Lend ing support to this explanation was the fact that Winnipeg prices were fairly steady, being off only about - cent at the close. Wheat closed 2-2 cents lower than yesterday, or 3-3 below early highs, with December at 80-, May 81-. Meliama Women's Club Will Meet MEHAMA The Menama Wom en's clnb will open meetings this fall at the home of Mrs. Keith Phillips on Wednesday, October 4, at 1:30 p. m. Meetings have been postponed during the sum mer months and will now be re sumed. . Mr. and Mrs. Roy PhUippi, left here Wednesday of last week on a three weeks vacation trip. They are going as far as Detroit, Mich-, by train where they will get a new car. From there they will visit New York City and Washington, DC. Mrs. Philippi's mother, Mrs. Roy King, of Union Hill, is car ing for Bruce Philippl during their trip. . "Stocks and Bonds Salem Market Quotations CBajtns Fiieas ITha Hcaa balaw aosolia. fry grocer and isdlcativs f tbt daily prim paid is growers bf Balta bat ar ao ruaraat4 T Tha niaa Baaaaaa. in. stait , Hsads Grapca. Calif., aa-lsa ..." . Grapefruit, Calif. , . Urnem, crata Oranfta. crata 1.S0 ta ATOcaaot, true Csataloapss. crata WataraMlona, lb. . a local narkot ayora Stats .0 1.1S 9.75 .75 4.00 i.eo 1.10 .01 ! VEGETABLES i (Bsyis. Pricss) Benar fTcn. Beats. . Cabbaea. Ik. Carrnla. local. dot. Caoiiilower local .. Calcr. Ttah. 90s; local, crata. Uora. Pea. Cacoabcra. outdoor Lcttsco Oniona. 80 .lbs Orcca anions, doa. Radishes, doi. Pass, coast, lb. Peppers, green Paraloi Potatoes, loral ewt 50 lb. bars Spinach, Seattle, box Turoipa. do Squash, doi. Tomatoes, Dalles, hit; 03 , . .15 - .Oltt .00 1.00 JO 1 AO "" .75 .10 55 JO .03 , . - .40 . Vo. 1 150 . .50 .80 - .15 .35 .35 1939. lb. 1938. HOPS (Baying, Prices) . .5 to .40 J 5 WOOL AMD MOHAIB (Baying Prices) Wool, median), lb. .85 Coarse, lb. .. J 5 Lambs, lb. .29 llobair. lb. -85 EGOS AND P0OXT1T (Boyins Prices ot Andresea's) Grade A force, dox .7 3 Grade B large dox. - .10 Grade A medium, do J PulleU JO Colored fry a . i 44 White Lecbonia, aeay Jl Wbita Let-horn fry - ,, ,, JS White Leghorn, light JO Old Roosters . 45 Heavy hena. lib JS MARIOS CBXAMBBT BarUg Prleaa Butterfat. first quality .SOU Butterfat, teeend qnality J8 Botterfat, preraiam M Grade B raw 4 per cent milk, Dairy Co-op price to distributors, $1052. . Butterfat, No. 1, SOKc; No. 2, 28 He; premium, 82c. "A trade print, 84c; B grade, 83c; quarters, 85c Logbora kens - Leghorn fry era, i iba. Colored byara. S I Iba. Colored hena Stare " ., Old roottera No. 3 grade So per pound lee a. EGGS Grade A large, dot Grade A medium - Grade B large Grade B medians .OS as . ai . JOS 44 Lndergradea and ehez Pulleta 23 as .19 J J3 JO GRAIN. HA! AHD SEEDS Wheat. Ru No. 1 recleaned .15 to SO Oats, ton , ,. MM seed barley, ton 82.00 Clover Hay, ton 13 00 Alfalfa ton ; 15.00 to 16.00 Egg mash. No. 1 grade, 80 lb. bag 1.75 Dairy feed, 80 lb. bag 1.40 Hen stretch feed , 1.85 Crack fd corn ..,,,.. 1.80 Wheat 1.60 to 1.70 Flax, per ba. 1.86 LIVESTOCK (Baying prices tot Ho. 1 stock, baaed on conditioua and aalea reported np to 4 p.m. Lambs, 1939, tops 7.25 Lambs, yearlings 4.00 to 4.60 Ewet 1.50 to 3.50 Hogs, top , - 6.85 130-150 lbs. 250 300 lbs. Sows Beef cows ... Balla Heifers 6.10 to 6.85 6.10 to 6.35 4.50 to 5.00 5.00 to 6.50 5.50 to 6.00 5.00 to 5.50 4.00 to 5.00 JSVs Dairy type cows Dressed veal, lb. HUTS (Pries paid by Independent Packing plant to grower) Barcelona, orchard run, lie; jumboa. 14; Ige 12e; fancy lie; babiaa 10e, Dnchilly and Brlx nuts le higher. (Co-on Prices to Wholesalers) Filberts Duehiily, jombo 18c; largo 16c; fancy lie. Brix not, Jambo, He; large 15 e Barcelona, Jumbo, 17c; largo 14He; fancy, baby. 13c Quotations at Portland PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 8. (AP) Produce exchange: Butter: Extras 81; standard! 89e; prime firsts 27 H ; firsts 26. Botterfat 81 Sltte. Eggst Large extras 25; largo standards 21; medium extras 18; medium stand ards 16; small extras 18; email stand ards 12. Cheese: Triplets 15V&: loaf 16. Portland Grain October 3 STOCK AVEEAGES Compiled by Tbe Associated Proas 80 15 Indue Soils Hot Cog. D .6 D .4 Tuesday 74.4 22.7 Pre-ioua day 75.0 23.1 Month ago 73.5 19.6 Tear ago 73.2 19.4 1089 high 77.0 23.8 .030 low 48.8 15.7 15 TJtil D .1 88.7 88.S 87.1 83.1 40.6 83.7 60 Stocks D 5 62.3 52.8 50.3 49.5 68.5 41.6 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Kails Indus Util Forgn Net Chg. D . D .1 A .1 A .1 Tuesday 62.3 07.8 93.5 46.6 Pre-ioua day 62.5 97.9 93.4 46.5 Month ago 55.9 95.9 90.4 49.0 Year ago 57.9 98.8 92.7 64.4 1989 high 64.0 100.8 97.5 64.0 1939 low 63.4 95.8 90.4 41.7 WALNUT AND FILBERT GROWERS See Ca First Before Selling Tour Filberts Also Wal nuts and Not Meats. We Fay Highest Cash Price MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 280 S. High Sc. Ph. 7633 J POBTLA"D, Oct. 3. (AP) Wheat: Open High Low Close December 78 79 H 70 70 Cash Gram: Oats, So. 2, 88-lb. white, 25.00. Barley, No. 2. 45-lb. BW. 23.00. Corn, No. 2, EY shipments, 25.00. Flax. No. 1, 1.82. Cash Wheat Bid: Soft white 77: west ern red 77. Hard red winter: ordinary 75: 11 ner cent 75: 13 ver cent 78: 18 per cent 81; 14 per cent 84. Hard white Baart: ordinary 83; 12 per cent 83; 13 per cen. 86; 14 per cent 89. Today's Car Receipts: Wheat 85; flour 5; oats 9; millfeed 3. Portland Prodnce PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct. 3. (AP) Country Meats Selling price to retail ers : Country-killed hogs, best butchers, 125-150 lbs.. 9-10c lb.; -ealers, fancy, 14 -15c; light-thin, 10-13c; heavy, 9 11c lb.: spring lambs. 15-15tte lb year ling lambs, 1012c lb ; ewes, 5-7e lb.; cutter cows, 8c lb.; canner cows, 8-8 c lb.; bulls, 9-10c lb. Live Poultry Buying prises : Leghorn broilers 14-lfc; fryers, under 8 lbs, 14c lb.; do, 3 to 4 lbs., 14c lb.; roasters, over 4 lbs., 14c lb.; do, 2 lbs. and over, 14 15c lb.; Leghorn hens, over 8 lbs, 10 10 Uc lb.: do. under 3 lbs.. 9-9 a lb.; colored hens to 4 lbs., 14c; do, over 6 lbs., 14c; o. 2 grade, 5c less. Turkeys Sellinr price: New-crop hens. 22 23c lb.; toms, 21 22o lb. Potatoes TaVima Gems, 1.40-1.50; Deschutes, 1.50; Klamath, 1.40 per ewV; local Whites. 95c-1.15 orange box; Scap poose Burbanks, 1.15-1.25 cental. Onions Oregon, 40-60c; Yakima, 40c tack; Oregon Bermudas, 3-3 e lb. Hay Selling price to retailers: Alfal fa, No. 1, 16.00 ton; oat vetch, 13.00 ton; clover, 11.00 ton; timothy, eastern Oregon, 19.00; valley timothy, 13.00 14.00 ton, Portland. Wool Eastern Oregon, fine, 25-26e lb.; crossed, zs -9c lb.; Willamette vai ley, 12 month, 29c lb.; lamb, 20e lb. Mohair 12 month, 35c lb.; fall, 29e. Cascsra 1939 peel. 4c lb. Hops Oregon, 1939, 35-40c lb.; 1938, nominal. Domestic Flour Sellinr nrtca. eltv da livery 1 to 25 bbl. lots; family patents, 49s, 6.95-7.55; bakers' hard wheat, net, 4.555.80; bakers' bluestem, 6.05-5.35; IFfilllbeirte Maimftedl - Highest CASH Prices Paid! KELLEY-FARQUHAR & CO. , Front & Norway Phone 8841 blended wheat flour, 5.10-5.45; soft wheat 4.85-4.90; graham, 49s, 6.90; whole wsost. 48S, 0 , Portland LWestock POBTLAXD, Ore- Oct 8. (CSDA) Hora 850. Market than Monday's average. Barrows and gilts, gd-ch. 120-140 lbs 86 do gd ch, 140 180 Iba 6. do gd eh, 160-180 Iba . 6. do gd-ch, 180-200 lbs 6. do gd-ch, 200-220 lbs 6. do gd-ch, 220-240 lbs 6. do gd-ch, 240-270 lba 6. do gd-ch, 270-300 lbs . do gd ch, 800-830 lbs 6. do gd-ch, 830-360 lbs . 5. do med. 160-200 lbs. 6. Feeder tigs, gd-ch, 70-120., 6. (AP) 10 lower .25 85 (y 60 .90 0 75 35 25 10 00 85(g) 85$ 50 6.50 7.00 7.15 7.15 7.15 6.75 6.50 6.85 6.26 6.10 6.80 7.85 Cattle 100; calves 35. Slow, steady with late Monday. Steers, good, 900-1100 lbl.. 8.25 9.85 do med, 750-1100 Ibs 7.50(a) .S(I do med. 1100-1300 lbs 7.000 8.00 Heifers, med, 500-900 lbs- 5.25 6.80 do com, 500-900 lbs 5.25 6.15 Cows, choice, all wta 6.500 6.60 do good, all wta 4.500 5. SO do med, all wts S.75 4.60 do cutter-com, all wta 3.50 (2 440 Bulls (ylgs ezc), beef, gd. all wts 6.2563 6.60 do aautage, gd, all wta 6.00 Q 6.50 do med, all wta 6.50 6.S5 do cut-corn,- all wts- 4.75 540 Vealers, gd-ch, all wts 9.00010.00 do com med, all wts 5.50(g) u.ou do cull, all wta 4.50 5.80 Calves, gd-ch, 400 lbs down 7.50 9.00 do com-med, 400 lbs dn 6.00 (fl) 7.SO do cu'l, 400 lbs. down.... 4.00 540 Sheen 100. Spring lambs, gd-ch do medium ana gooa do common Yearling wethers, gd do medium ,, . Ewes, gd-ch do corn-medium 7.75 7.00 6.-00 5.250 4.75 2.50 1.00 8.00 746 6.76 640 5 36 3.86 240 Wool in Boston BOSTON. Oct. 3 CAP) (USDA) A moderate volume of business waa being transacted in domestic wools on the Boa- tor, market today. Several buyers were out of the market, but others were occa sionally taking their quantities of wool. While bids were mostly nnder the max imum prices of last week, moat sales re? ported were within last week's ranges of selling prices. Average to short French combing lengths fine territory wools, in original bags, have been sold this week at 31 to 81-05, scoured basis, domestic wools of three-eighths and quarter blood grades vere slow, but Sooth American wools of comparable grades were receiT ing a fairly good demand. Birthday Club's Meeting Changed -WEST STAYTON The Birth day club meeting will be beld at the Mrs. Merle Crane home Wed nesday afternoon instead ot the McClellan hall as was first plan ned. Mrs. Fred Comstock and Mrs. Ed Clark will be the host esses. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bone hare left recently for Tennessee to spend the winter. This is Mrs. Bone's home state. INCREASED Tv2AREET ahily HM tihe STATESMAN! In a community noted for having a wide variety of farming products, reliable, first-hand infor mation about the daily markets is of vital in terest to every farmer. Local markets are care fully covered each day and their daily nps and downs noted by The Statesman and tie in formation put into the hands of rural readers in the next morning's issue. Latest developments in Portland and other market centers are brought daily to The Statesman by the Asso ciated Fress. ME ESM STATESMAN : Fcr Timely; Accurate Market Reports! Rally Attempt In Stocks Fails Pace ' Exceeds Yesterday but Leaders Fall, Average Down NEW YORK, Oct. J-(P)-The stock market tried to rally a bit today but there -were too many offerings and not enough bidders and leaders fell fractions to around 2 points. . The recovery effort came early in the session, adding as much as & point to values, but it didn't last long. Throughout the pro ceedings seemed slow in compari son with recent war markets. There was some Improvement to ward the close. The day's pace was a little fast er than yesterday's and transfers totaled 1,002,750 shares compar ed with 837,890 on Monday. The Associated Press average of 60 representative stocks dropped .5 of a point at 52.3. Stocks down at the finish in cluded US steel, Bethlehem, Chry sler, Goodyear, Douglas Aircraft, Santa Fe, Chesapeake & Ohio. American Telephone, Texas Corp.. Westinghouse Electric, Du Pont, Union Carbide, American Smelt ing, Western Union, J. I. Case and International Harvester. Gardeners' Mart PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 8. UP) (OSDA) Produce priees: Apples O r e g e n red Oelieioas, place paca, i.ia-j.oj urueya, combination ex tra fancy and Uncj, 81.15; 0 grade, 65e; Kiofs. loose 0 65c: Baldwins 65e: Win ter Bsasnss. face and fi!L0 65e: Wash Jonathans, comb es fey and fey. piace pace, ioe-i.ou; Kcd tt tar king Ucii ciona. combination extra, fane? and faner 1.50-1.75; place pack, l.CO-1.75; extra lancy wrapped 1.75-1.80; fancy 1.401.50 Artichokes 4 5 doa. boxea 2.75-8 00 dos. 70e. ATocados California Qneen, Bharpiesa. oenix.; otnere, Vl.O3-l.B0. Bananas Per bunch, 5e per lb.; sand cot or small lots. 6c. Beana Oregon Kentuekrs, 3H-3e; B'oa Lakes. 3tt-8c; fount, -6e lb Oro con Giants 5e: Shell Lamas. BO BOa luc. Berries Oregon huckleberries, 1118c oonno. Brussels Sprout 13-eop flats, 75-90. Cabbage Local, 90 pound, new era tea. medium aiie, 75-85c: per sack 50-60c. Cantaloupes Washington, all sizes, 50 70c; Oregon Spears, 85e-1.00; The Dalles 5-T5e; DOlards, 85e-1.00; Junction City, I 10-1.39. - - , k Caoiiilower ieai jus. x, 76-90c: Ho. Celery Oregon Utah, T5 90e; waits, 85e-1.00; bearta, 65-75c --.. Citrus Fruit CaUf. sranefrnit. fancy. 3 50-3.75; choice 3.00-3.60. Coconott a.OO per cwt. Cora Oregon. Washington. 1-8 dosen boxes, 85C-1.00; fair, 60-65c; poor, 40 60c. Cranberries Oregtn, Washington, 35 lb. boxes, early blacks, 8.85-3.50. Cucnmbera Oregon, flats, S0-B5e; BiekJcra. . caerkius BOc-l.OO: No. 1. 40- 45e; Ko. 2, 85 40c; No. 3, 30-85c Dill 2H -8C per lb. Egrplsnt Local, flats, 80-60; fs 85c: dosen large in crate, 60 7 Sc. i Ff California white, flats, best, 40 50e. ' ' -, Garlic Local, sew, 8-lOe lb.; string. 12-I5c per lb. i Grains Calif. lugs, seedless. 1.10 1.25: Ladr. Fingers, 1.1515: Malaras. 1.15: Tokays. 95c-1.10; Ri biers, 1.10 1.33; Cor- nichons, l.xa; Washington and Oregon Concords and Early Uoore, lugs, best, 5-40e ; Muscat. 1.25. Lemons Fancy.- all aises. 8.60-5.75. choice 75o leae. Lettote Local, dry sack 8 or 4 doten (est, 85e-1.00; Washington topped, 1.85- 140; cam., icea, z.8d--.o. Limes- CUf. flats. 150a. 9.50: display eartoaa. WOc; doa. 2 0-2 5c. Mushrooms VnltiTated, 1-lb. cartons, 5-te; H lb. canons, 18 20e. - Onioia Washington, 50-lb. sack a. Wal la Walla Spanish, med, 45 5Sc; white ball globes 1.15-1 25; Ore. yellows, med, 10 lb. aaeka 1415c, Ko. 1, 60-60e; Oregon pick Is onions, large lots 6-5 e; small lots 6e. ; Oranges Talencias. larpe. 4.85-5.15; med, 8.05-4.50; amall, 2.85 3.75; choice SOe less, ; Peaches Washington Hales 55 60c, lngs 75c; Oregon Muirs 50-60c; Oregon Bales 60-70c; Orange Clings, 50-55c; Salways 65-75c; Krnmmels 55c. Peppers Oregon flats, green, 85 40c; orange boxes, - 70-80c flats 65-75c. Pears Washington extra fancy Bart letts, 1.90; combination extra fancy and fancy 1.50 1.60; loose, orchard run, 65 75e; Bose, loose, 50-75c; Anjoos, .loose 50-75c. Peas Oregon coast, bashel bskts, 2 00 9.35; poorer 1.50-1.60; Oregon 25 1b. boxes, best 3.00, poorer 1.40-1.50. Plums Oregon italions, 20 25c per 20 Ib lug; Tamsona, 80-40c; fiangarian, 40 60c Potatoes Market steady, Oregon, local Long Whites and Rnssets. CS Ko. 1, 100 1b. sacka, $1.25 1.80; No. 2, 50-lb. sacks, 45-50e; Klamath Rnssets, US No. 1, 100 lb. sacks 1.40-1.50; Washington Rnssete, US Ko. 1, 100-lb. sseks, 1.40-1.50; 85 lb. sacks, 40-5e; Ko. 2, 50-55c. Quince Oregon loose, culls out, 2-8 He per lb. Spinach Local orange boxes. 40-60c. Squ-sh Orange flat Zncchini, 85-40c; Scallop and Crookneeks, 85 40c; Danish, large crates, 65-70e; logs, 85c; Mar blehead, 1-1 hie; Hubbard, 1 -2 c ; pump kins, le pet lb. Sweet Potatoes California Jerseys. 50-lb. crate. 1.55-1.65. Melons Watermelons, Oregon, Klon dike and stripes, 90e-1.00 per cwt., cratea extra; Casaba, loose, 14-1 lb. eratea 70-80c; Ice Cream, hi -2c lb.; Santa Clans, flat crates, 75c; Honey dew, crates 85c-1.00. Tomatoes Oregon, local, best, 50c; lo cal and Washington', unclassified 30-40c. Bnncbed Vegetables Per dosen, par sley 20-25e- radishes 15-20c; turnips 40 50c; green onions 15-20e; beets 12H-15c; carrots 17 -20c; dill weed 4-5c per lb.; endive 50 65c: broccoli 85 40c; kohl rant SOe; celery root 60-60e; chard 20-25c; chicory 40c. Root Vegetables Per 100 lb. aacks. Pastor on Trial 4 CP I . The Rev. Walter Dworeckl Pastor of the Polish Baptist church in Camden, N. J., the Rev. Walter Dworecki, above, now is on trial there on charges of having purchased the murder of his 18-year-old daughter, Wanda, found dead in a "lover's lane," Aug. 8 Keizer Community Club Will Convene KEIZER The first community club for the school year will con vene at the grange hall Friday night at 8 o'clock with Mrs. Al bert MInturn, the newly elected president, in charge. The Keizer band will furnish music. A reception will be given the teachers of Keizer school. Doa Douris will be guest speakef. rutabagas, 1.25 1.50: tnrnips 1.35 1.50; beets 1.00-1.25: carrots 60-75e. Tomatoes Oregon local best 50-60e; local and Washington, nnrlassified, 80 40c: California iuga 1.00 1.15. Quotations 1 NEW YORK. Oct, Al Chem it Dye. 185 Allied Stores .. Amcr lean Can. 11 Amer For Power 2 Am Power & Lt 5 Am Rad Std San 10 Amer Roll mius -w-s An. 3mtf A Ret 55 Am Tel Tel. . 160 Amer Tobacco ..- Am Water Wks 13 Anaconda ..... ,33 ' Armour 111 . 'vi Atchison ...... 3i Barnsdall ..... 1 Bait & Ohio .... " Bendix Avia ... 28 Bethlehem Steel 88 Boeing Air . ... .26 Borere Warner . z t "H Budd Mfg ..... ' Calif Pack. . ... 25 Callahan Z-L . . 2 Palnmct Hpff... " 8 ' Canadian Pacific 5 J I Case ...... 8 Caterpil Tractor 61 Celanese z. Certain-Teed ... 7 Ches & Ohio ... 43 Chrysler ...... 89" Comwlth & Sou. Consol Eaison afrtTtall Oil Corn Products Dairy-Prod tWa.a Bv...-. - 1x K.tlonal Dlst .. 30 - Natl Power & Lt i 8 Northern Pacific it 9 ix. tarkard Motors Corn P"ac '4 qil jj Penney Curtiss Wright . J H J C J . reLeef ilVcmJ 40 SfUay Stores. TSes'l Sou Cal Edison. rrfortS 31" Southern Pacific HulsonS:! b Standard Brands fnt Paner &P Pf 47 Timk Roll Bear. mi 't.' ... tr on far hide . iiSt" " 40 Unl Aircraft. SKSF ;i 4 47 United Airlines. US Myers B . 1 96 US Robber ... . rtoew's . . . . 32 ?s US Steel Monty Ward . . . 63 Walworth . . .. . Nash Kelvinatori 7 Western Union . National Biscuit 22 White Motors . . National Cash .16 Wool worth 23 8' 11. 45 15: 38' 38 W, 41 76 14' 254: 17 6 29 48 8H 3 49 89 42' 10 42? 75 H 33 12 38 Royal Neighbors Plan Activities LAKE LABISH A covered dish luncheon and general social time was enjoyed at the Clyde Harris home In Brooks cn Sep tember 28. At this time plans were completed for autumn work for the Royal Neighbor lodge. Present were: Georgia Mat this. Pearl Harris, Ada Faist, Margaret Campbell, Myrtle Beckner, Bertha StreeW, Katie Sturgis Margaret Means. 4 Two guests were present, MM. Frank Duffus and Mrs. C. Keiaer both f New Sharon, Iowa. BotH are guests here to meet the young; son $f Mr. and Mrs. Carlson K, Duffus. The baby arrived Sep tember 26 and has been named Stephen Frank Duffus. Fregbmen Are Initiated dXytON The freshman clagi of the Dayton union high school was initiated by the senior class at the high school building Fri day jiight. There were 12 visi tors besides the classes. HI 1 I 11 rilall ."---- i - In A Hurry" STATE FINANCE CO. A Home-Otcned Institution (Childs &l Miller's Office) 344 State St., Salem, Ore. Phone 0261 Lie No. S-216 M-222 POLLY AND HER PALS Putting a Bee in Paw's Bonnet! By CLIFF STERRETB j Sff-T OUR CLUB WlMMlN EAhTeACH " "C-SS f OH. I'LL. JESS '-HCAM fLTYWT I IS PRESENT1N' A ( ONE OF US IS L jVUH 1Q mS WEARrvrV Xv(DMV' Trfl 7fi Pioneer paeant ) gonna wear LsyfiE wot-er JzSp ever-vkatO ,W'Sv ffl -i PARADE, PAW. COSTUMES LIKE ) ? MDU WEARlN' - - --- - S 'V1 V m ' ' ' em u f,,, fa. i.w,CTi.iw IQH MICKEY MOUSE Magic Misunderstanding! By WALT DlfcNEX if THE IDEA! TALKING ABOUT BOtLIN PFnPLP IKl on I WHY, THAT IT'S AWFUL: " I I IT'S FOR GOOD 1 J I If Tuitjr,; i iLic il f WHO SHOULD BE J.hT 1 f V ' I BOILED IN OIL I V V L J V . WHAT'S THE USE OF YJ SllZVs II I (0--. ( AMA6IC LAMP TuA Aff7 V LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Prospecting for a new Grubstake By BRANDON WALSH YOUR PLACfc VaAS A 6WCU. HIDEOUT FC3R THE ' GAKU3 RIGHT NEAR THE BORDER THE L-W-DOGS NEVER SUSPECTED AMVTHWG THEY KNEW "VCXiK HONEST. Birr now- V5 Z TELLVOUBOS S, I DIDN'T KNOW THEY WAS COMiW MY OLD WOMAN SAID HER SISTER WAe HEADED FOR THE POORHOUSE IF SHE HAD MONEY SHE COULD vierruseuDOFNiy SISTER GOT MONEY THE (MOHEY? I HOW MUCH 77. X OONT KNOW BUT MABE ENOUGH FDR GRUBSTAKE FOR (JS I'LL PIDE HOME. ANf A UTTUZ PROSPECTIN MAYBE TOMORROW TU- BE BACK WITH A RACK- HORSE LOADED WITH PRO- kWOOA gOW J 1 -v I I I atLir. lC -r m sC.'HS-' I rmr lUNUtn-c mntiiupmi- ,vs TIMES HE ACTS AND TALKS SORT ROUGH UNL DU( UNLcSS HE'S ANGRY HE r NEVER MAKES AMY RCALTROUBUi I TOOTS AND CASPER An Unexpected "Reunion" By JIMMY UURInS TOOTS,! TOLD VWSO "1 fTT VDURff TO 11 sREAT SCOTTt Y WOWlE 1 f 1 MOLLV WILL NEVER FOPZlf s --.ll JUUE TO STAY WITH ILADJO OCCUPY THE J (THANK 1 INVITED AU I AND HERE tVE U5FOR USuALA VutZl "roN TOR9? 5si A5f B3SSi. Whl BkSSoM J c SKIDDER TO A BROUGHT HIS OULlE TOISr Aa? I "sSL? J T0WN S -TWet? J 7 j; DEAR dr ( ?27flil0ttPER' WITH US f EX-WIFE TO SHELL SWEAR WE FRAMED A iJoWl CL THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popcyt Gear Sailing, if the Sea Were Soup! f BHIM, (ATTER