The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 04, 1939, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem,! Oregon, Wednesday Morning, Octobag 4, 1931
Talbot Man Is
89,Has Party
Family,' Friends Gather
for Dinner, Program
'. at His Home
- TALBOT Joseph Aeml wai
honored with. a birthday-party at
his home Sunday.: He was born
in . SC Gallen. Switzerland. In
1850 and eame . to America in
1880 and to Oregon In 1906.
-'.A buffet dinner was served and
the; following program giren:
eong, Blest Be the Tie"; orig
nal poem, - VMy Dear Grandfa
ther,", by Danny Aerni; Swiss
yodellng by Joseph and J ores a
. Aerni, Mrs. ; Englert, Mrs. Eliza
beth Dlerlckx and Mrs: Mary
Kantz ; solo, Marvin Frey ; read
ing. . Mrs. Elizabeth Dieiichx:
song, Dan, Teddy and Delbert
Aerni; song, Daniel and Olin
Guests Listed
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Josna Aerni and children.
Teddy, Danny, Delbert, , Betty,
veriyn and Mae; Mrs. Leslie Met-
nert and children, Howard and
Agnest, of Albany: Mr. and Mrs.
John Henke and daughter, Clara,
and Norman Anderson, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Frey and children.
Howard, Gladys, Gerald, Geral
dlne, Lawrence, Gilbert and Mar
Tin; Mrs. Elizabeth Clark and
son, Don; Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Schulx and son, Robert; Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Cordova, Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Bochi.
1 Mrs. Lydia Marks, Mrs. Marga
ret Bochi, Mrs. Elizabeth Wets
ler, Leola Knapp, Mr. and Mrs.
Max Maley, all of Portland;. Mrs.
Amelia Pearson and son, Charles;
Joseph Aerni. jr., Mrs. Elizabeth
DIerickx and daughter, Mary;
Mr. and Mrs.: Ulrich Znberhnbler,
Bernlce Zuberhubler and C. A.
Pearson of Trout Lake, Wash.;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane and,,
daughters, Barbara and Phyllis.
of Klamath Falls; Mr. and Mrs,
Henry Huber of Camas, Wash,
j From Washington
I i Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nothiger
and daughters, Carol and Louise,
i of Multnomah; Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Bronleewe and son, Gordon, of
: Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Aerni and son, David, of Kelso,
Wash.; Mrs. Hannah Englert,
;Mrs. Ruth Englert, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Englert andt son, Clin
ton, of Woodlawn, Wash..
t Mrs. Marie Kants of Vancou
; yer, "Wash. ; Mrs. Lydia Wootten.
Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Olin Aerni
and son, Eldon; Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Aerni and sons. Earl and Al
fred; James Duncan, Ernest Aer
ni and Mrs. Martha Smith all of
Jefferson; Thelma Pearson of
Seattle, Wash.
US Envoy in Warsaw Tells of War Horrors
l"vA''. -saw"
-: 9
Safely in Paris after hectic days In war-torn War
saw and subsequent flight from the capital, United
States Ambassador to Poland Anthony J. Drexel
Biddle, Jr., left, tells the Polish ambassador to
later nttiontJ Illustrated News Rsdiophoto
France, Jules Lukasiewicz, and United States Am
bassador to France William C Bullitt of the hor
rors of war. Biddle experienced a bombing' raid
over his residence while in Warsaw.
Ben Simpson Has
Farm Sale, Talbot
Former Mill City
Folks Have Baby
Teacher Added
At Hazel Green
Stetler of Chemawa has been
MILL CITY Mr. and Mrs.
Comber Porter of Portland for
merly of Mill City are the parents
of a daughter born Sunday night.
The PTA and Woman's club I employe to teach first, second
sponsored a reception in honor of I and third grades beginning Mon
day, October X. Mrs. Stetler has
tpnrf th. .nrHnn" f . Ti. pointed Mrs. C. M. Cline chairman vupilB' Mim
Simnson's last week. Simnson i mem Dersmp anve. - iourm un nun
sold his stock and farm machin-1 airs, otto ueerisen ana oaugn-ijirs. Ross Miner has 50 sixth.
ery and grain. He plans to rent ter ciaranei, nave gone to "i- seventh and eighth graders.
his farming land and still live on "main io speuu iu uiiw, wuem
the place. I Mrs. Geertsen has accepted a posl-
Eldon Turnidge left last week tion in the grade school.
for Seattle to enter the Seattle
Eldon Turnidge Leaves
for Pacific College
at Seattle
TALBOT A large crowd at-
Paciflc college again this year.
Virgil Calavan, who has been
visiting friends ' in Takima,
Wash., the past two weeks, re
turned to his home Sunday. Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Austin brought
him home.
Mrs. Chet Myers spent a few
Zena School Has
Thirteen Pupils
The lunch room in the base
ment will be used for a school
room until the southwest corner
ean be remodeled
The student body elected the
following officers: president, An
drew Zahara; vice president.
Henry Toshikal; secretary, Gene
Rutherford: flag custodian, Del
mar Kobow: gardener Yutoka
False Pretense
Case at Dallas
DALLAS Everett W. Romane,
who was arrested recently at In
dependence on a charge of obtain
ing money- under false pretenses,
appeared before the Justice of the
peace at Independence and was
bound over to the Polk county
grand Jury. Bail was set at
Otto Barnecker was arrested by
Deputy Sheriff 'Williams on a
charge of threatening the com
mission of a felony. He was ar
raigned Friday and bound over to
the grand Jury. He was released
on his own recognizance.
Charles McCarter entertained the
home economics club of Brush
College grange, for a 1 o'clock
luncheon Wednesday. Reports
were given on the Polk county
fair, at which the highest score,
SI hi points, was awarded Brush
College grange, on community ex
hibit. The group made plans for the
annual rummage sale October 14,
at the Salem WCTU on South
Commercial : street.
ZENA Zena school opened last I Kyono; librarian, Rosalie Wack
a. v d,iti. week with only 13 pupils enrolled. I en; sergeant at arms, Donald
v., .acrhtai n .nr,.tn.i. if- I a lower attendance than usual. IThurman. These officers serre
,n( if.. t oi ito o-io. nf 'xw. ' i Miss Koneta Nowowlezski Is the I until February
inn Mr Mnn an. vri teacher for her third year. There! Laurence Vice and son, Edgar,
Poqo nt iihonv irc-nt a ocr hunt, are no pupils in the first, third, I have returned from Madera and
In in the Bend countrv. The r eighth grades this year. I Tulare, Calif., where they went
...I, ,f Aaav I Zack Barker, former navy phy-ito pick cotton
Vr an Mr. p. w Pntto am I slcian and well known here since! Mrs. Clem Wolf is ill.
having a small house built for boy, has been called back to
them on Mrs. George Potts, Jr. active service. His home la at
farm a mile north oi Talbot. Mr. San Diego, Calif., but he is to be
and Mrs. Potts have spent several stationed In the recruiting office
months In- Montana visiting their at Portland, as examining physl-
five daughters. They plan to re- I an.
vice urotners iinisnea narvesi-
Detroit Hunters
Bring Back Deer
Eastern . Oregon Attracts
Many; Others 'Hunt
Nearer Home
DETROIT Albert Hansen shot
a large bear Friday In the French I
creek road. ,
Ray Newport and Major
Baughn left Saturday morning for
Vale to hunt pheasants.
Bill Rand, M. J. Snelgrove, sr.,
and son and Bob Sylvester re
turned Sunday from Prairie City
where they had gone hunting.
Each brought back a deer. ,
Mrs, Llnna Rinard has gone to
McMinnville to look after business
Interests there. Mrs. Ruth Wes
terberg is working in the Rinard
unch and grocery ' during Mrs.
Rlnard's absence.
Major Baughn went to Port
land Wednesday and was accom
panied home by his father W. C.
Baughn who plans on visiting
here a few days.
Miss Ethel Allen and Miss Shir
ley Sylvester of Eugene spent the
weekend at the Roy Allen home.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bault vis
ited over the weekend in Tangent
with Mr. Bault's parents, and their
little daughter, Patty, who is
staying with her grandparents and
attending school.
Max Harlan shot a 156-pound 4-
point buck Saturday on the Dome
Rock trail.
Mrs. and Mrs. Don Goodman ac
companied by Miss Pearl DeRoach,
have recently come from San Di
ego, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs- Curtis Wilson ac
companied by Miss Esther Billing
and Mary Lou Neilson visited rela
tives (n Eugene this weekend.
Guy Moore got a nice buck last
week up in the Fumble lake coun
Two-way Trafiic on a Road in Battered Poland
Fair Is Thursday
At North Howell
tlvities this week center around
Thursday, October 6 when the an
nual North Howell grange and
community fair is scheduled.
All committees are busy prepar
ing corn, vegetables, fruit, nuts,
flowers, candy and food for the
dinner to be served from t to 8
A brief program will follow the
dinner and later the usual Jitney
auction will be held.
Turner Librarian
TURNER psMIss Nadine Ellis
hi been chosen librarian for the
Cornelia A. Davis Memorial li
brary in place of Mrs. W. 8
Crockett, who has moved to
Washington. Open hours are 7 to
7:30 each week day night.
v v- ' 4 -
W Ml '
.A V
" v.
- 4
From News oi the Day newsreel
Sanctioned by the German censor, this photo shows i the righl Nazi soldiers move up to the Warsaw
Polish residents departing from war areas while at front
Thirty Year Club
Schedules Meeting
AMITY The Amity Thirty
Tear club will meet Friday, Oc
tober 27 in the auditorium of the
high school building for the an
nual program and banquet Miss
Laura Judy of Amity is president
Mrs. Edith E. Jones of McMinn
ville Is vice president . and Miss
Lillian Schaeffer is secretary
treasurer. Mrs. Sarah E. Briedwell of
Amity, who has been ill in the
McMinnville hospital for the last
month. Is better and was brought
to her home on Tuesday.
Irlvin Tallman and Henry
Bruitke left Thursday for Klam
ath Falls to work during the po
tato digging season.
Mrs. E. Waddell returned
Thursday from Medford where
she has been a guest for two
weeks at the home of her son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Waddell.
Willamette River
Work Progresses
ALBANY Work on the Wil
lamette river project at Harris
burg Is progressing rapidly, with
ground being cleared and a tem
porary bridge across the river to
Ingram island already has been
Rock fox the revetment will
be hauled from the Bond Butte
quarry. Since the completion of
the bridge the trucks hauling the
rock have an almost direct road
to the site of operation. '
There are 50 men being em
ployed at present. The contract
calls for the completion of the
project in 90 days.
Reception Held
For Teachers
TURNER L. A. Edwards,
president of the PTA, presided
Friday night at the reception for
Turner's eight school teachers.
The orchestra led by L. W.
Robertson, gave several numbers
with Fernal Gilstrap piano ac
companist. Rev. W. Y. Douglas
gave the invocation.
Mrs. Agnes Booth, county
school superintendent, was pres
ent and gave a talk. She spent
one year here in primary work
a few years ago. A humorous
reading was composed and deliv
ered by Mrs. James Versteeg. Vo
cal duet numbers by Edith De
lores Boyer, with Mrs. George
Boyer, piano accompanist, and a
piano solo, Betty Peetz, closed
the program.
Townsend Memher
Hear Portlander
LEBANON The Lebanon
Townsend club met Tuesday
night in the social room of the
Church of Christ. Preceding the
meeting there was a no-host din
ner. The principal speaker was
J. K. Haskell. Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ginther
took their daughter, Lois, to Eu
gene last week where she will
enter the University of Oregon,
majoring in music.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Sandera
left Friday for Astoria to visit at
the home of their " son, Homer
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kobou are
moving to the Charlie Clem placa
in the Crowfoot community, hav
ing traded their city property at
1338 Hiatt street for the Clem
Hazel Green School
Meeting Scheduled
board has posted notices for t spe
cial meeting of the district Octo
ber 23 at 8 o'clock p. m. to vote
on! a measure to secure funds to
make the southwest corner of the
basement Into a schoolroom, buy
books and other supplies and to
pay the primary teacher's salary.
turn here as soon as their new
house Is completed.
WEST SALEM Booster night
sponsored by the West Salem
grange was attended by about
60 people. A program was pre
sented, Rlckreall grange present
ing the numbers and Roy Hewitt
of Salem grange giving a short
MA CLEAT The regular
grange meeting will be held Fri
day night
Chadwick Speaks
Delavon Thomas
Fractures Wrist
mas received word from her son,
Delavon, at Ingelwood, Calif., that
he had the misfortune of fractur
ing his right wrist. While he
was changing a tire on his auto
mobile, a car in front of his,
backed into him, causing the ac
cident. He was to begin work in
the North American Airplane fac
t Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKee Te-
X. 1 J . n..tlnni1 C. n
day from a visit at the home of LOUlSa fc-rDSlaiHl
their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Lincoln Waterman.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Benning
hoff and sons, Joe and Paul, spent
Saturday and Sunday visiting at
the home of Mrs. Benninghoif s
parents, Mr
Kee and other relatives.
Funeral services were held Sun-
d ay
cemetery for Louanna Jane, infant
n r n nr x T
Weavill. Elder Dugger of Sweet K" !? Md? L1 l "V
ing filberts In their large orchards
here Thursday. Herman Cress-
rell, manager, reports a good
crop. Walnut picking starts about
the middle of October. The trees
are loaded with good quality nuts.
Mrs. Charles Haines is slowly
recovering from blood poisoning
I in her hand. Mrs. Haines cut her
thumb with a knife and the wound
became infected while she was
picking prunes.
Wayne Henry, Zena; Charles
Peterson, George White, Elmer
Cook, Duane Gibson, all of Sa
lem, and E. W. McElhinney, Stay-
ton, returned this week from a
successful hunting trip near Pais
ley. The group bagged five deer.
Funeral Monday
AURORA Mrs. Louisa Erbs-
land, 83, who died Saturday morn-
and Mrs. J. R. Mc- " -L"'""", V,
1856, coming to Oregon with her
aiieruuuu m tuts cuciouu in . , --n .viij
Funeral services were con-
Home conducted the service. Sur
viving are her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. T. Weavill, sister, Arlona,
and brother, Irvin.
Jefferson Men Go
On Hunting Trip
JEFFERSON Local men leav
ing Monday morning on a deer I
hunting trip in the Murder Creek
reserve included Earl Lynes, Paul
I McKee. Harry McKee. Elmer
Knight, A. B. Hinz and W. L
Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Thurston
and Mrs. W. D. Barnes spent sev
eral days last week vacationing at
Breitenbush springs.
The state highway patching
crew with whom Carl Henderson
has been working, has finished
its work at Tillamook for this sea
son. Carl has returned home and
Ike and Mrs. Henderson are now
visiting at the home of Hender-J
son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Henderson. Other guests Sunday
of Henderson were Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Goin of Oakland.
v ; ttephea F. Cbadwkk i
Retiring' national commander of
the American Legion, Stephen F.
Chadwick, addresses the 21st an
nual convention of that body in
Chicago. The Legion urged an in
crease in United States defense
forces. -
Sirs. Woelke Goes
To Church Conference
ust Woelke left Monday morning
for Tacoma where she will repre
sent the Silverton Christian. Mis
sionary Alliance church as a dele
gate to their yearly prayer confer
At Portland. Mrs. Woelke
Joined Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Mc-
Garvey, who will also attend the
conference. '
A kAM Milililii ta MSm f
Iimm d actor tftia lurat wmw
iMt win U MM ntKK. wall tky Im.
m say Mto rriUas m the BMiMl
MtWM. US Virtk Amm. Kw Tark.
x. t, vv. , ie.
Christ Lutheran church Aurora,
of which Mrs. Erbsland was
member, by Rev. S. A. Golden-
man. Interment was in the Au
rora cemetery under the direction
of W. J. Rigdon and son, Salem.
Ho. -156
has been declared
and paid by the Elec
tric Storage Battery
Manufacturers of
17 1 LI MID
R. D. Voodiou
Center at Church
Phone 9600
TX Tnl1 nmSSL to faco il
I IIXX II I i III I II I h ai-.fl. 9 . I
a i' a aw ju umnuii . om
st si m mm m . wir.w v si m
V'kxut rm nujt; m a, u l .;k
WO--. -A .W. .''A M.- : JL:'.::::::: .:V.::::::'. .-.V. . A.-.ts'. V.-. f V. ",v. K .A-.v .v-- m . M t FM M ,T M X '. f
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3 Si
atting power vs. pitching skill when
gio and "Bucky" Walters meet face
the World Series. But they agree
ng they're both Camel fans!
4 A
"u" v : ?
ft V."
tM i l riirt 1W1 1 Ml I itllll
,va . t.-.-A -v.w. . . .vt -
UAOMO tOTH UA6UES in hitting -diegrauJbeDiMatKlotCaa'ucky"
Walters stop him? Joe's ft tough cus
comer any timc.aa old hand at this
World Series business...bcen in three
World Series...Datting lor an arexage
of 301. And Joe's a stone wall oo the
defense. Whether Joe or "Bucky"
comes out on top, a Came! fan wins
either way. Tm often asked about my
favorite cigarette brand1 Joe says.
"Well; it's Camels. Camels are long,
burning. They give me th economy
of extra smoking per pack real ssr
inf if you're a steady smoker like I
. am-theyre milder, with a hearty fa-'
rot. Td walk mil tor a Camel!"
-auCKT" WAlTUS;:;Nd : I pitcher
of me National League . I I a hitter
likely at any time to win his own ball
game in the brfferV box... It will be
one of me big moments in the history
of baseball when Walters and the Co
cinnati Reds meet Joe DiMaggio and
his New York Yankee team-mates.
Bucky" calls himself a "dyed-in-the-wool
Camel fan." He tsys: Trt nerer
found any other brand-t any price
that giTes me anything like the down
right smoking enjoyment that I get
from Camels. Boy, do they taste good
after a long, hard garnet Camels burn
longer, and that means a nice bonus
of extra smokes in every pack."
More pleasure per puff
more puffs per pack!
Ponny for penny
your best cigarette buy