.if",. Ml SB K ?The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, September 23, 1939 PAGE H1NE Sale: ilin .V Market Place for Biiyhng, . Sel sr. Rentier! ! CD' . .. . - Q - A ' Statesman Classified Ads 'Call 9101 . Classified AtfrcrtlttBf Single Insertion per line- -lie Thres Insertions par Hne lo Six Insertions iter tin tOe i 1 One month per line 81 Mlnlmom charge ,,.lie 1 Copy f or thlt pur accepted an :30 th vntng before pabllra. ' tton for dual flrat ton Copy re ceived after thl time erfll be nm onder the heading "Too Late to Classify Tha 8tatr sman assume ne flnan SlaJ reaponatblltty for error whleb eiay appear hi advertisement owb tlshed In ft columns and In whtr thl paper n at fanlt wfll re print that part ef an advertisement In which the typographic mistake occurs .j The Statesman rewire the right to' relect questionable advertising It further reserve the right to place all advertising under the D roper classification A "Wind" Adan ad eontalnlne a Statesmnn box number for an ad dress Is for the prntertlnn ef h advertiser and mnut therefor he answered be latter The Statesman Is not at liberty te divulge Informa tion as lo the Identity of as adver tiser tutrix a "Blind ad. Livestock DEAD AND worthies herea, eowe picked ap fre Ph -!1ert 411 SaWm MonUfnmery Rend wit SALE. GOOTX,mnk. eowa, chean. Rout 7. Bo 411. FOR SALE or trade for livestock. 10 Rr.od Taland Reda. epeelnl mstlne lavlne pullets. C O. Johnaon. rt Dot (29. Aereaa ferry at Independence. Auctions COMMUNITY AUCTION i One mile east of Ma cleay, 9 miles, east of Sa on iTed jAmnld nlace. Mon , Sept. 25, 1:30pm Follow j arrows from Ia clea. - 13 head of cows and heifers. 2 head of horses. Farm implements and household furniture. Many other articles too v"Tierous to mention. RAY HISEL. 'Auctioneer Terms strictly cash unless otherwise stated. TODAY'S "SPECIALS RADIO. "MAJESTIC." 7-tube. beau tiful cabinet. Playing order. Cost $185. todav $4.85. " Washing machine. "Wardway" elee trlc. Runs like new. Excellent condi tion. Today $18.75. JJavenport. taneatry. perfect condi tion. Coat "2.R0. todav $14.75. SALEM AUCTION HOUSE 2(0 Norfh High Street Salem's finest used furniture house. Never Open Saturday Nights. Hop Pickers OUR TRUCKS leave every momln m ei-..it f Vi mmv nt State and Commercial street for the ROBERTS HOP yard. For information ann ar rangements, phone lezi or isms. Help Wanted IIS WEEKLY GROW mushroom. cellar, sbed i We bnv. 85e lb. World- largest company FREE book Mnan rooms SOU Feeend Seattle wasn EX PER. DENTAL assist, and recep tionist. Must be able to do x-ray wora. Dr. Harry Semler, 110 N. ComX Help Wantetl Male SERVICE STATION attendant be tween It and Jl. mechanically inclined. 809 Edgewater St. W. Salem. Help Wanted Female PART-TIME student, bd., wan. Statesman. 1225. rm. A I ' nnnnnf-i mm I GIRL FOR housework, go borne nlehts. TeL Hit. -inrmnnnn ririri-ii-iii- i"i-i --i - - "--- TTNENCUMB. MID. age woman for housework. Ph. 4391 mornings or eve. BaWWWrfeeie WOMAN BETWEEN 80 A 40 for iiniiMwiriL Horn -A small wages. Claude Dean, 102 Burgess St, GranU Pass. Ore. Salesmen Wanted NEED 20 GOOD salespeople. See Mr. Anderson. 520 State St - wwwwwwMWWMwweeeeeeeeee' HOME MODERNIZING salesman with car. Must be hard worker. Com mission basis. Call 1 to 2 p. m. Mathla. 178 8. Commercial. SALESMEN EARN $5.00 a day and up selling service cards. Apply 501 Guardian Bldg. i Sitnations Wanted v a m cirVTrn TRTTfTK service. Oen- ral hauling, reasonable rate P. $$ DRESSMAK MRS Aflsttt m w DRESSMAKING. SOI S. Com DRESSMAKING. TATTERING, eoat rellnlng. 189$ 8. Liberty St ADVERTISING ; Western AdverUslns RepresenuUTes George D Close, toe. Xaa Francisco. Los Angeles, Seattle JBastera Advertising RepresenUUree Bryant Griffith, A Branson, Ina Cnlcage. New xors. uotrou. Boston, Atlanta Knttrti fa PoUoftU t Solest Ortgon, sj Second Clots Hotter. Pae HtAcd every seemlnf eseept Ifendsy. Buttntma eTies til 8otk Cemmereiai ' Afreet. ' r " ' -: ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' Mall Subscription Rates la Advance. Within Oregon ; DaUy and Suntf Mo. 50 cents: S M& $1.50: 0 lie. 88,50 1 year $5.00. Elsewhere 10 cents pet Me. or $8.00 for 1 year ta advance Per copy 8 cents. Newsstands 5 cents "By City Carrier: CO cents month ' 17.20 a year ta advance te Marios and adjacent counties. For Sale Miscellaneous TaromrX ROME lanndrr now being demonstrated at Yeater A Rush Co. til N. Liberty Next To power ce. rrs-WATT w a wvttr TV Lax re-1 frlgarator. $7 50 11.53 down. . net month. TeATER RUSH CO. $55 N. Liberty Next To Power no. pr - ejt sv TtMtrniichbred Spring duaU miu lAmm Ann for hnnt n m- pMMm rail at 1710 N. 17th St. and ierfe vrnir now. FAKCY 1MRfVim Flherts. Hale ate rrewfo.! and Mlr. at orehard r? If. T.WlUtt anrl Son. Wheatland t mtV oorfH WHee Road or River ws n WKMtland Ferrv. t RifrrT.ps noon rendition, reas- 'nnahle. 11a Arsdemv. BORf PERS. 2p lh. TCInr and Spin aimlM Kftr ho M. R. Mitchell, rt. 7 hox 2S. ALFALFA HAT. atmw and rherrv wood. Carl Slettlr. Ph. 104F23. TTKATFR COrtD condition. Bed A anrlnen $48 R Chnrr-h. S AIUBtHFAM TTOTTSK trailer ha renin S5 00. 5SS Marlon. 1J14 WAT.T. TPTMT. 34 fhev. Mas ter TVT.ht Snort S"1an. orfert. ma" offer. J. P. Rnook. R. F. T. 4. Box 5S. TwaM Ave. inn nnj-u i nrr- FOR RALF Colli pupa, rhenn.' If wV.n Sa. or Rnn...2Srd or 24th. Phone RSFS. 1KB Hanaen Ave. S tIorKS wear of South Com'l. St. TCT.FCTRTO wapttkp. eood" condi tion. 21 0. Tne. 14S So. Church. SeMewWwnrfnwWwWiJ"e FOR SALE 30 horaeoower Diesel Hetrae trartor Purchased new one vear ten. haa operated 900 hotira on a farm. Will aell at a ble; reduction. Farm A Tndi'wtHal 1soilTtTient Co. Fifth A Willamette Streets Eugene. Oeron Phone 842 RKnmi.T ANP maranted ah em All mnkea from SIS nn Spec Mav -a 2XS FToaa Bros Of. DBS R" win 110 Phemeketa VWWMMWVMewVWUwAAAVeMAAAAAe R4rci4rfe?dIii 477 Court. Bike A Rep Ra marten 141 Lib VMMWaVWMMUMWMaMwVMaywAAA USET WOOTV-Flertrle and r raneea Prlrefl to aell TFATFR RUSH CO. 255 N. Llhertv Next To Power Co. USED T.FOKARn refrigerator, rnar- pi anteed. $49 CO. Karr terma Good K Inc. 453 Court St PFRFNNTAT. FT.OWFRS seed White Creenhonae. HtSS N Summer 8AV1C tnnn ON new 192f Duo- Therm oil humtmr rlrmlator.. I It I room eanacltv onlv S9 BO Faav term. Hood Hmiaekeeplne Inc. 4S2 Court St ARMT WAI.l tent 225 S. 14th. TASFI fAR need fnm Ph 5110 UNrVERSAI. WOnn ra combin ation r"Pe. fine roMMnn. SS2.50 TEATER A RHSH CO 85 K. Llhertv Next To Power Co OR. PERSTAN kitten. 1195 N. 14th REAL CONCORD A awt. wat irraDee. Stoddard. 1 mllea on Wallace Road. FOR SALE Osvked eees. Marion Creamerv Poultry Co. 20c. TMP. CONCORD ernnea. Rrtng fn- talnera. J. Nesner. Bt. 181. Wallace Rd. FTNE PTANO It bench, a. barraln for cash. 1690 S. Cottaee. REPOSSFPSFD WEfSTIVnwOUSF washer. nothlna: flown $2.52 per month w'tV rour Heht bill. TEATER RUSH CO. 55 N T.lbertv Next To Power Co PIANO ACCORD, reas. priced. 4287. IX ALKKS. KM. nse.. " irtw nnnn i . . . ... I trHieatlon. some beaHrr fruit, timber A pasture. T am too old to farm A will trade for city property. 82500. see mv agent R. A. FORKNER. 185J N. Capitol St Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED nSPTi fnrn Ph 1110 OT.O Wnni mattr Tel 1110 - - -i-i-i-iiif-innrinrirnn nnnnnivr - - - - WANTED TO buy for cash, 1st A 2nd mnrtraae real estate contracts A merrhanfltae dtacount proper. STATE FINANCE CO 144 State Street Salem Oregon WANTED FOR rash, walnut A fil bert. Also meats M. Klorfeln Pack ing Co 20 S Hleh. Phone 70J3. CASH PD. for furniture. Ph. 4517. HUNTERS. WE specialise In taxi dermy and htwkakin tanning. Brlna vour deer hide to East Salem Tan nery. 2595 8lmpen. - nn r n.rLnriirn- r -n- - - - - WANTED. APT. for employed moth er wishing pert time care of school child. Phone 7814. Wantecl Fnrnitnre WANTED FTJRN. Forgey. P. T44I. Miscellaneons Broken Tnpes Replaced in Two Honrs DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST OPTICAL DEPT. In charge of Dr. Fred Pageler and Dr. W. W. Fraxee. Optometrist Adolph Bid State A Commercial Phone 8211 WMMWMMwwMMMMwMMweeeeee PRACTICE PIANOS. $2. H. L Stiff. For Rent Rooms ROOMS. PH. $117. 898 N. Cottage. DESIRABLE SLEEPING room, prl entrance. TeL 5977. WOTFT MARION Aaam. Sruwiat weklv and monthty rate to perm. . meat. Marlon Coffee Shoo dellcloui meal at low nnce WELL FURN. Bleeping rooms, steam heat 807 N. Commercial. SI FKPINO ROOM. 725 Court St WWWWWWVWMwVMerApesVrVwV COMF. RMS.. 181 S. 14th. SLEEPING ROOM. 750 "E" Street. NICE CLEAN sleeping room, close la. Board If desired. 404 N. winter HOTEL SALEM, low monthly rates. PLEAS. RM. close In. Ph. 8229. ROOMS. SCI N. Uth. Ph. 1417 m&0mfmjmM0'mJ'mJ'm0mm1 NICE SLEEPING rm, $85 -D" Bt Room and Board R St B.M090 N. 8urnmr. Ph. 4011. TBL BOARD, exc. food. 850 Marlon aSsMseaSMaMMMaeWMeep R1L, I STUDENTS, $10. Ph. 7318 rfWarfeew EXCL. MEALS. prL home. Ph. 8791. sslwOssWNele,,l BOARD AND room for women. Ph. 7814. 535 N. Winter. ROOM OR room A board, 507 N. 20th St BL, BD laundry. Ph. 4333. For Rent Apartments 8-RM. FURN bath. 1440 Waller. SjslsaSSasasssjsksssssaSSiSBissasstss IOK4B. bml. ants.. 785 N. Ceml, Money to Loan We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN A RHINO ED TO ITT TOUH BfCOSCX NoEndor.eea-NoComaken-TonrSignatnreOBly BaA iw nit ta nimnrfl m. borrow rRMi gALrarg oldcsi RRPlt AN-f DAT TO RffDOCTB COST. AND LAROEST INDEPENDENT COM PANT WHERE TOUR NEEDS RE CEIVE PEKSONAX. ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL A3 BEFORE A LOAM IS MADE. - General Finance Corp. 1S So. Commercial St Lie First Door South of Ladd A Basil Bank AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR .GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-1IS $300 .00 FOR FALL AND WINTER NEEDS REDUCE BURDENSOME IN- STAMMKNTa - RID YOURSELF OF OLD DEBTS. CONSOLIDATE ALL BILLS INTO ONE. GET CASH FOR SCHOOL NEEDS. REDUCE HIGH CAR PAYMENTS.' Our liberal flexible credit require ments mak It a ay to borrow. Our convenient payment plan mak It easy to repay. I A modest salary ta our main reoulrement.) 5 Tou are under no obligation when von call at the offices of te. People's Finance Co. 2nd Floor. First Natl Bank Bids. Salem. Oregon Pbone 444 C S 211 Stat License M-22 FHA LOANS 4H. also priv. loans. Abrams A ElUs. Inc.. Masonic Bide PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape, Tou will re tain possession of the vehicle. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS 12C South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Uc No. M-152 aaeeMMMaaeyeaWSWewee 1st Choice From Coast to Coast. Here's Why: Reasonable Terms $ 8.03 mo. repays $ 80 In 12 mo. $ 7.27 mo. repavs $100 In 18 mos. $13.09 mo. repays $180 In 1$ mos. $18.1$ mo. repavs $250 in 1$ mos. No cosigners or special kind of security needed. The quicker you repay the less the cost. We appreciate your business. FRFK CONSULTATION. IN OUR OF FICE OR AT YOUR HOME WITH OUT OBLIGATION. SEE OR PHONE OUR MR. ENGLISH. PERSONAL Second Floor. New Bllgb Bldg. NIK KtalA NrTMF PlJIlffTTI. I J I f K III -. V , mm Stat uuens iNuraoer. o-i Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing inquire at Hawkins A Roberta WANTED PHIVATE MONET TO LOAN on rood Salem real es tate Will pay 0 Interest W. H. GR A BENHORST 41 COL REALTORS 184 & Liberty Street . Phone 1411 For Rent Apartments SMALL APT. adults;: 770 S. ComT. 'Ii0tm0mftuptmmtm0tmftm0t0tmmitmmmt 1 TO 4-RM apt., cheap. II aw ap Children welcome ill i ' 1 R. K'TCTTNETTE. 250 B. Cottage. VwViwVVVeiwwVwwwWwVVWwwVVVVwV FURN. A UNFURN C88 Ferry, 00mfmf0ltmtmm00ktimktm NICE. FURN 3 R. apt. 590 Union MWwwVwVMwVMWWMwVwVwVwMArVM a RM. r.ABACE lls-hts. water, beat A washer. $22 50. adults. 2455 Stat St PATTON APT8 82$ State. Fo ntshed Adults anly Ph 8244 sWaeMpsmeMaeessWsee S RM. FTTRN. apt- 815. Adults. 4 rm. nlcelv furn. ant. S bedrooms. dec refrig. doss In. pn. ezss. DESTRABLR APT- ras heat Frig- Idalre. prL bath. 1st floor, eutsiae ent. nrare. near sr. high and state capitoi Tel. 6977 1 wwwwAwMwewwMMMWMMees SEE THE Fisher Apt before rev I sulsted against beat i cold. Venetian Blinds throughout & CoraL Oak Sts f WMWaMMSeveAieBAeeeN FURN HEATED apt.. 460 N 13th COMFORTABLE HOME- LIKE reasonable. Hawthorne Court 1000 N Canltnl Rt 2 RM. FURN. apt, 1st fir. 1010 Oak. COTTAGES. MOD., fum.. Shoea Cottages, Junction 12th A. Pae. bwy south. $ OR 4 RM. DUPLEX apt. Adults. 1291 N. Fourth SM. FURN. 1 rm, apt., $45 Ferry. 3-RM. FURN. apt., private bath, nk., gar. Grnd. floor. Adults. Call 6807 2 R. FURN. 1st floor. Flee, w. Gar. 315. 2590 Lee. Ph. 3948. 2 OR 3 RMS at 248H State. VWMVWVVAeVSeVVVWenVweVV VERT LOVELY furnished 8-rm. apt. hot water heat, garage, free laundry. 330. Ph. 8413. CLEAN l-rm. ant Everrthlna fum. including ga. garage. 790 N. ComT CLOSE IN modem 3 room unfurn apt. Adult only. PH. 84SO, CHOICE APT. for single gentleman. first floor. 7M N. Chnrcli. TeL 7101 88 PER Ma 255 Bellevue. 3 R. FURN. APT. Refrig. PrL bath. 839 Center. $12.50 MO.. SMALL act- heat, lights. I he water, ras built-in. 1125 N. 13th st . z nika JS ntgn scnooi. SMALL APT adults, 770 S. ComX For Rent Houses FURNISHED HOUSE. HIT Court St Phone 8928. SjWevMWMWai' 3 RM. HOUSE, unfurn.. good condi tion, gar.. 320. 45 Market TeL 4847 tltM. HOUSE near new high school I --0- wenin 4M- 3 OR 4 ROOM duplex, close In. Will redecorate. Phone after 65825. 4 RM, HOUSE, lao, 400 M. Cottage. Money to Loan BORROW PROM 8ALEJT8 OLD ESI Ne. 8-ltl Phone 91 Convenient Ground Floor Location. For Rent Houses 5 RM. USE. Inq. 388 N. Liberty. SMALL HOUSE, 884 H Jefferson. S ROOM HOUSE. S25. S85 Madrona Ave.. Salem Heights. MOD. FURN. S-room rottatre. E1ire- water court. Elec. rerrla;.. rar. Ph. 84 is. RENT OR lease modern suburban home, close in. SIS N. Winter. FURNISHED AND nnfurn. house. H. P. GRANT. E29 Court. Phone 6744. FURN. 3 R., elec. range. $24. 7111. MOD. 3 BDRM. hae.. S40. 7 R furn.. near state hoiAV... $38. & rm. duplex, wood range. 3 bdrma. $20. Ph. 711$. .FOR RENT MODERN 6 ROOM house S blka. from state bides. Nice A clean. $40. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS $44 State Street Phone 92C1 jeeeaaaeaWarfaSarfaaaMaaM 5 ROOM HOUSE. South Salem. In quire BZa Shipping. 4 ROOMS. MOD., reas. 2485 Laurel. BY THE TEAR. $25 MO. 5 RMS. VERY nice. Located 65T N. 20th St. Vacant at once. H. P. GRANT. 529 Court. Ph. 0744. eeeantessaaaeVaeeeMa $ R. FURN. HOUSE. Fireplace. ga- rage. $25. Ph. C744. IF YOU would be Interested in rent ing a mod. house with A. of land- see me. I have a proposition that you would be interested In. H. C. Shields. Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. $1$ 3 ROOMS. BATH, furnished. 1457 rooms unfurnished. $50 6 rooms furnished. $37.50 New 8 rooms unfurnished. 32505 rooms unfurn.. no base. H. SANDERS 118 S. High 5181. eeesaMaeessMs HOUSES FOR rent. R. A. FORK NER, 1853 N. Capitol St 3 BEDRM. HSE.. $20 ma Ph. 6248. For Rent Farms FOR SALE or rent. 70 acr farm. si w. winter St 23 ACRES. 9 ML N. W. Salem! U ml S. Spring Valley school : 7 rm. mod ern nouse. fine barn, ram re. other bldg. 7 A. prunes, other fruit $225. Other farms. B. A. Kliks, McMlnnvllle 1 m isw"weW'i"yVi'JAJkF'tX 9 ACRES. 2 RM. house, zaracre. 5-A. cultivated. Last house on homestead road. Inq. Grace Poush. 743 Union. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. $$1 State Street Inquire room 200 Tel 8718. HOMES A APARTMENTS. Ph. 8751. Wanted to Rent PRIVATE PARTY wishes to rent farm of about 100 acres with comfort. able living quarters driving distance or saiem to work. Will pay monthly rent Box 1104. Statesman. WANTED TO rent farm, cood land ana running order. Clay Taylor; 2065 irKima. For Sale Real Estate TRADE CITY nronerty for farm homes. Opportunities In exchanges HAWKINS A RORERTS. INC WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOU want te sell exchamr lease, rent e Mr. Laraen or Mr Col lins with Hawkins A Roberta - - i-.-li-ll-irii-ln ii . - - WHY RENT when von can hnr as cheaply a new 8 -room modem house? Restricted district 1 block from hn. line, owner 5506. Easy terms U MP. S R mnJt hnuse au tomatic hot water heat Phone 3992. COR. LOT. N 17th. 725 N. Com'l. NICE 6 R.. CIOSE. 85200. Ph. 5222. -atVmmtmtmfmfmi -ROOM HOUSE. 255 Division. BEAUTIFUL 2 BEDRM. home, fire place, electric range, water heater A re- mwrator. jitdO, $100 down. 520 mo.. 2f0 N. Fifth. VAsVvVsNwVMMM LISTEN TO THIS A FINE OLD home In snlendld con dition on a large lot only 12 blocks irom iaaa Bush Bank. Beautiful trees and shrubs See it Today. The price is only $3000. Terms to suit can Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State St Phone 9261 8200. DOWN AND t20. ner mn wffi buy a neat 6 room plastered house, ga rage, pavea st. bus past door. Full nrice sznso. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS $44 State St Phone 9261 CLOSE IN 15 ACRE TRACT less than two miles from city limits, good sandy, soil V4 acre mixed orchard. 5 room home, on pavement Priced at 34250. See it Today. Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS $44 State St. Phone 9261 5 ROOM MODERN house, oak floors throughout oil furnace, basement en rage. Special price $3250.00, excellent terms. P. H. BELL 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 FOR SALE or trade. 5 A., close In. witn rruit & nun. statesman. HQs. Exchange Real Estate COTTAGES A 2 STORES, trade for house in Salem. Shoen s Cottages, Junc tion 1 2th A Pacific bwy. H. 47 A. CLR. Ex. soil. N.'No bid., for mod. Salem hse. 173 S. Liberty. 7113. A-t 7 R., FOR smaller. Ph. 122$. For Sale Farms DAIRY RANCH for sale, $1000.0$ down payment. Barn room for 1$ cows. 1605 S. E. Washington St. Portland. LOOK LOOK LOOK 35 A dairy and seed farm oirSan- tlsm. Worlds of water for Irrigation. aier lur irriciuuu. Good bid ps, big dairy barn, stock bed, milk bouse. 7-rm. House, city convenience, elec. Stocked and equip. IS cows 130 turkeys. 60 chickens, hogs. 20 tons hay, lots of gram. 5 acres corn. This is a steal. at $9500. See Mr Larsen, - HAWKINS A ROBKRTS. INC. A GOOD SHEEP FARMS 152 acres H In cult. 5 room house, IS miles from Salem. Price $30 per acre. 59 ACRES, about H In culC some Umber and a creek. 11 miles from Sa lem. Price 23200. Will trade. WE HAVE SEVERAL good houses to, trade for small acreage. -, ROSTEIN A ADOLPH. INC. Xi0t N. Commercial Street WHT PAY rent or cltv taxes? FHA approved acre, east front. $200. TeL 7130. For SaleUsed Cart For Sale Used Car - SPECIAL - J936 qj j . o i Original black color. Low Looks and rims like new. a cheap car when you can like this. McKay Chevrolet Co. WALT HOLMAX, JIMillE DAVIS. LAWRENCES FURTHERS 233 CENTER STREET OPEN Automobiles 1 TRUCK- CLOSE Big Savings If You Can Ouantitv $ 34x7-10-PLT GOODYEAR EACH . 3 S2x-10-PLT GOODYEAR EACH 1 2x- 8 PLT GOODYEAR EACH . 3 7.50x20-8-PLT MOHAWK EACH . 1 7.00X20-8-PLT MOHAWK 1 S2x8-8-PLY MOHAWK 1 7.50x20-8-PLY INDIA . 24 6" AND 6 BUDD TRUCK WHEELS AT YOUR PRICE IN REASON. HerraD-Owens Co. DODGE PLYMOUTH 235 SOUTH COMMERCIAL 1937-DeLUXE 85 FORD Sedan, only 18.900 exact miles, runs and looks like new. Price 8475.00. win take cheaper car. Phone owner 94F23. Sunday A evenings or 4311 week days. Acreage FOR SALE 5 acre tract 6 room plastered house, in need of some re pair, good well, electricity, in Liberty district: will sell cheap as is, or will rent to responsible party. Phone 9541 or can 1710 N. 17th St MODERN SUBURBAN HOME- CLOSE IN. built for a home, best of material and workmanship. Should sell for $3800 owing to reverses ana foiced to sell, will take $2800 with a fair payment down, bal. at $20, includ ing int. per month. Hurry and see LOUIS BECHTEL or MABEL NEED HAM. 341 State, R. 4. .ssNSeeiilseeeese 1 1 A. CLOSE TO Salem. Ail In fruit A nuts, 7-rm. house, bath, lights. Garage, chicken house. $22: 8500 dn. 20 A. 2 hi mi. north. 4-rm. house, barn. all cult AU-yr. creek; itoou; su dn. 5 A. close to Kelzer school. All cult Good soil $1000; $100 dn.. 810 mo. 10 A 60 A nice oak timber, 19 ml to saiem. l mt to pavea roaa. Easy to get out 32100. MONET TO LOAN AT 8 MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St Phone 8723. Wanted Real Estate WANT FROM priv. party. 8 bedrm. I house, around $3000.00. Prefer close In. Small down payment Immed. posses sion if possible. 2705 Portland Road. Business Opportunities REALTORS NOTICE Once la a while a real opportunity presents itself. I can buy for 52400. ou a tract or iana that I can subdivide and sell I should be able to realise 340.000.00 gross. 1 will rive a I4SO0 0 mtz. for the 32400. I can pay off the original loan In less than one year. Box 1103. Statesman. WELL. EST. route. Inq. 159S Court. FOR LEASE, store bldg. with liv lng quarters, suitable for grocery or beauty barber snop. in isortn baiem. ROT J. RICE. 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 1411 A GOOD BUY Grocery stock A fix tures. two pumps, living quarters, $1,- 650. 5 rm. hse. with basement, furnace and fireplace, well located in business district. Ideal for home A business com- hlneil. lltono R. A. FORKNER. 186$ N. Capitol St For Sale Wood INVESTIGATE BUDGET plan 01 wood. Ph. 5370. W L Graea 41$ N SI SPEC OAK $5.75. ash $5.25. P. 9703. sssJassWatjaeaSM6 WOOD READY split for cook stove $5 cord. TeL 8700. Bradley. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING. Ed Sproed. P. 68$$. WOOD SAWING, TeL $52$. Business fjards la this directory raa oa monthly basts only. Bates fl pee line per month. Auctioneers RAT HI SEL. 1281 Sixth St. Ph. Tl$l Auto Brakes Mike Panes. 378 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. Soott 141 a ComT P. 4111 Chimney Sweep I TELEPHONE 4450. R B. Norths CHIMNEY CtJCANED Pfpea. -FT7 RNACK3. stove, rotter. Get ready for winter. No seot sr dirt Ray I Farmer Bdwr. Co, Ph. toot. Chiropractors DR. a L SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. i ... ... . .... - a'a- nmm- ' Excavating EXCAVATING OF all kinds, Pase- mcnts dug. , Dirt hauled or moved. Dili for sale. Salon Sand and waves co Pboa $408, Florists BrelthauptV 441 " Court Phene 1101 Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WQDER LAUNDRY 363 & High TeL 8186 &(j $m ' mileage. Locally owned. Why fool around and buy get a Cadillac at a price - EVENINGS PHONE S18J. Automobiles TIRES OUT Use Any of These Sizes. List Sale Price Price $41.00 30.00 22.00 29.00 23.00 20.00 ..$69.80 60.KU 87.60 S.7 S8.95 33.85 43.90 26.00 PHONE 3169 Lost and Found LOST PEKINESE rat -1 e r r 1 e r. brown. 2 white pawe 990 McGilchrist LOST PERSIAN kitten. 144 N, Front Reward. Finder please return. LOST COIN purse at Montgomery Ward's Store. 2445 Cherry Ave. Rwd. LOST IRISH Setter, female, solid red. was wearing round "bird dog" col lar. Ph. 8928i Reward. LOST. BILLFOLD. Paul Rlensche. 837 S. Com'L Service station. Reward. LOST, TOY Boston bull, wh. mark., crippled. Phone 76 Jl. Inq. 163 S. 13th. Schools COMPLETE TOUR high school at home. Diploma. Texts furn. Write fer catalogue. Am. School. P. O. Box 4500 Portland. Personal LONELY T "WORTHWHILE" sweet heart husband, wife for you. P. O. Box 71. Lea Angeles. JOIN -THE lonesome eorrespon lence club. PO box 927. Portland. ALBERT E. VON STRODE. NSA. gifted spiritual reader correct advice about business and personal matters. Appointments dally. Senator HoteL Motorcycles FOR SALE 1930 Model Harley-Da-vidson 74. sport job. In fair shape. Bob Mickey, Rt. 1. Bx. 240, WaL Rd. 1F6. For Sale Used Cars MODEL A FORD 4-dr 405 Union, after 7 p. m. FOR SALE 1938 Ford Coupe. 85. Look and runs like new, low mileage price 5485. Dee Holmes, 235 Park Ave. 1930 WILLTS DeLUXE Sedan. Good condition. Call today or Sun. Roland Glcason. Veltex Station. Jefferson. Ore. TRUCKS AND CARS BARGAIN PRICES MAKE US AN OFFER 1937 G. M. C Pickup 1936 G. M. C. Panel 1935 International Pickup 8F46 International. S-Ton Federal. 6-wheeler, A-l 1936 Ford Coupe 1936 Willys Sedan 1933 Terraplane Sedan Several other cars and trucks to choose from JAMES H. MADEN CO., INC. 217 Stat Street Phon 8590. 37 FORD V-8. EQUITY 8250 down. monthly payments Dick Orey, 187 West Miller. Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUO and Mattress factory, new MATTRESS mad tr order, eld remade : carpet cleaning suing: fluff rug weaving, a Uth A Wilbur. TeL $441. OTTO F. ZWICK BR Est 1811 CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Pbone 1061 Naturopathic Physician DR. W H. ROCKWELL, Neturopath le Physician. 1790 Fatraroands RA TeL 4808. Office Hoars 11 . m. to 8:36 P- m. rRCBS EXAM. CONSULT A TIOH. Painting - Paperhanging NEAT WORK. L, Johnson, Ph, HIS Printing FOR STATIONERY cards, pamphlets programs. bk or any kind ef efiat tna. caJl Tb fUateamaa Printing D rtment 81 M. ComimieaU. Tel-. phone $10L Refinlshing FURN1T0RB REF1N1SHED like new. B. Brock. 141 Games. Phone . 4141 Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer, stor age, burner eO. caB 313L Lsrmer Transfer Co. Truck to Portland dally Well Drilling B, A. WEST, rt C bos I4S. Ph. 110FS Chester 3, Posh, $125 Myrtle. PK 9338. For Sale Used Cars IT'S FORD IN WE MUST CLEAR THE Special Today for Mechanics 1938 Ford 4-Door Sedan NEEDS SOME WORK TO BE A-l ... AS IS $395 ' VALLEY MOTOR CO. " 20 'TEARS OF FRIENDSHIP" Used Cat Lot Marion & Liberty Herb Misson Ben mm,m.mt.mimV1vmmymVmmmVy Headquctrters OR THRIFTY & WISE USED CAR BUYS VISIT OUR NEW USED CAR LOT TODAY A SEE THESE WONDER FUL BARGAINS 37 Chrysler Tr. Sed $695 36 Chrysler Tr. Sed. $595 37 Ply." Tr. Sed. .....$545 S6 Dodge Del. Cch. $445 36Pontiac Tr. Sed. $475 35Stude. Tr. Sed. $398 36 Ford Del. Cpe. ....$365 35 Ford Del. Cpe. ....$295 29 Buick Sedan, it's tops J........ $125 30 Ford Coupe, new 600-16 tires and wheels ......$165 29 Ford Sedan ........$125 SEE THESE A MANY MORE AT SALEM AUTO CO.'S Super Used Gar Lot Corner Commercial A Center Salesroom 435 N. Com. Ph. 4673-4915 Chrysler Open Eves. Plymouth Wholesale Trade Leaps, Ahead of Retail Gains PORTLAND. Sept. 22-JpV-P8y- chological reaction to the Euro pean war, which has stirred wholesale and commodity mar kets, had failed today to affect Portland':: retail business. Dun's business review, said de partment store .sales increased 7 per cent over September, last year, compared to an advance of 25 per cent in textile wholesale businesses. Wool and woolen tex Gross Word Puzzle 2o 21 l!lEUiI 23" 24 j 2& 26 27 VPjjH 35 36 I I !!!! i!llttll HO HI j H2 M3 HORIZONTAL 1 wheeled vehicle 4 rebound . after strflc- 'og 9 wolframite 12 coin of Denmark 13 dwelling- 14 palm leaf 15 adorn 17 lngle units 18 rob out 19 email sur face 20 to delay 22 facts S3 stoves, t4 ride, snal- low dish 25 strike lightly. 28 obligation 29 hack 30 bOlof fare SI commit a Tnik 82 bone of the mouth S3 more I acid 84 afresh . 36 legi&lativa body, 87 sacred choral composition 89 piece of turf ' 40 -entrance to a mine 41 rapidity 44 putoa v 45 giver 46 born 47 unit of work 48 corpulent 49 aeriform fluid VERTICAL 1 edible fish 2 metric measure Herewith is terday! puzzle. tr-2S l . I. k . i. . rsi CONSERVATIVES MOANEEOOJ5E ELL T ENStE9T . Average tia XHaklbBtWkf 1 ) For Salt -Used Cars WAY Drager Art Hanson tiles jumped almost 40 per cenl during the month. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS I No. 10204 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OFf OREGON for Marion County. r In the Matter of the Estate ol W. H. BURGH ARDT. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Executrix of the Estate of W. H. Burghardt. deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same with proper Touchers as required by law within six months from the date of this notice to the undersigned at the office of Page add Page, Attorneys, Ladd & Bush Bank Building, Salem. Oregon. ' The date of the first publica tion of this notice is the 2nd day of September, 1939, and the last is the 30th day of September, 1939. EMMELINE L. LUDI BURG HARDT, Executrix. Estate of W. H. Burghardt, De ceased. PAGE AND PAGE ' . Attorneys for said Estate, Ladd dkBush Bank Building, Salem. Oregon. S 2-9-16-23-30. TRADE MARK NOTICE To whom it may -concern: TOWNE'S DRUG STORE, IN CORPORATED, City of South Pasadena, County of Los Angeles, State of California, having made application for registration of a certain trade mark in the State of Oregon, hereby publishes a de scription of said trade mark, pur suant to the laws of the State of Oregon. The Trade Mark consists of the word "RASEMA", applied to chemicals, medicines and pharmaceuticals. S. 23-3 0-O.7. 8 recommem orating 4 term used in weighing of jewels 6 degrade 6 memoris ing by repetition 7 lyric poem 8 myself 9 linking to gether " 10 oath .. - " sheltered side f - 11 final 10 kneeling figure 17 edible grain of a cereal grass ' 19 to winnow 20 portend 21 at all times 22 bird of crow -'family 24 seat in a church 26 the herb the solution to jes- dill 27 clean 29 torn to the nearside . 30 tnanaioa . 52 bozzIa 53 strict 85 meshed , fabric 3S storehouses for fodder ST composed -SS scent - 33 sandy tract - by the sea 41 male swaa 42 brrerage . , 41 offli initlve : response m. I. i a a. rc i C i 8a - 45 perform - FORTY