The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 23, 1939, Page 10, Image 10

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem', Oregon, Saturday Morning, September 23, 193
Many Awards Made at Sweet Home Fair
Parade Shows
Sixty Floats
Principal - Address Given
by Victor P. Morris -
of fcugene
' LEBANON Thursday, the
first day of the Sweet Home fair,
was well attenaea ana wsoanon
was well represented.
- High school bands t om
BrownsTille, Lebanon and Sweet
Horn played.
There were 60 . floats In the
parade. Victor P. Morris of Eu
gene gave the principal address.
Floyd Mullens Judged the ten
eral - flower exhibit. Vegetables,
fruits, " grain and forage wefe
ludeed by N. S. AverllL Cooking,
canning, needlecrift and 4H ex
hibits were Judged by Miss Anna-
bells i Fisher of the home . eco
nomics department in Halsey. .
" ' The Sweet Home Garden club
flower show was Judged by three
members of the Lebanon Garden
club. , T: '
' In Grmnasinm
The school -gymnasium housed
the exhibits and was filled with
visitors from neighboring towns
Winners in the school division
In the parades Thursday morning
were: First, Crawford; secand,
Cascadia; third," Sunnyside.
Church division winners were:
First, Church of Christ; second.
Evangelical: third, Crusaders
class.: ; ' !
Lodge winners were: S1rst,
Royal Neighbors: second. Re-
be kahs; third, Boy Scouts.
; Club Winners
In the club division winners
were: First, Happy Workers; sec
ond. Square Circle; third, Sweet
Home Garden club.
Commercial winners: First.
Santlam Feed; second, Sweet
Home Hardware; third, Timber
City Garage.
Industrial: First. Sweet Home
bakery; Becond, Bennett's groc
ery: third, Sweet Home dairy.
Individuals: First, Mrs. John
Warden; second, A. C. Wells;
third, Joe Thomas.
. Bicycles: First, George Over
ton. ;
Flowers: First, Fred . Spires;
second. Burgess Brothers; third.
school district 87.
Horseback riders: First, Claud
Smith; second, Jess Moss; third,
Mae Moss.
Boy Scouts Start
Membership Drive
SCIO A drive to increase
membership In the Scio Boy
Scout troop will be launched at a
meeting of the order Monday eve
ning, September 25, in the Lall
above the Morrison store, accord
ing to M. D. Zander, scoutmaster,
Jeffrey Marsh, new grade school
principal, will act as an assistant
zor tne current year.
Several boys will complete iirst
class tests and be eligible to act
as leaders to a troop of cub scouts
by the first of the new year,
Zander expects.
A camping trip Is planned for
the troop members within the
next few weeks. .
ABIQUA Frits Dahl has gone
to corvallis where he will assist
In opening preparations for his
house. Dahl is president this year
of Phi Kanoa Tan.
Kenneth Dahl is with the Harms
Brothers' sheep being exhibited
at the San Francisco fair.
Home Economics club held its
September meeting at the home
of Mrs. J. Fabriaue Fridav after-
aoon, September 22. Mrs. .frank
Brown conducted the study.
LYONS The Santlam Valley
grange sponsored' the , third an
nual harvest festival in the Lyons
school gymnasium Saturday f ter
aoon and nicht. Mikesell. 4H dab
leader from Albany, and De.bert
mil of Mill City were Judges.
FALLOT, CITY The September
business meeting of the local
grange will be held In their
rooms in the IOOF hall Monday
migni, eepiemner za. :
ROBERTS . The rem la
grange meeting was held Saturday
might with Just enough members
present to nu the officers chairs
due to the busy season.
- The regular meeting of the
some economics was , postponed
to September 26 at the home of
Mrs. S. L. Mlnard. Plans wlU be
completed for the grange fair
Saturday night, September SO.
X X Um. M. P. , . O. Ckaa. H. O.
Herbal remedies for ailments
of stomach, liver, kidney, skin,
blood, glands, 4k urinary sys
tem of men ft women. 22 years
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cians., Ask your neighbors
about CHAN LAM. ; :--
H3U Court SU corner Liber
ty. Office open Tuesday ft Sat
urday only, 19 a. m. to 1 p. m.,
I to 7 p. m. Consutation. blood
pressure ft nrlne tests are free
of charge. t - .
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Frank Wilsons Wed Fifty Years
: N-: v: : : .
,i !f
Mr. and Mrs.' Frank W. WUson of
celebrate their golden wedding anniversary Monday with s recep
tion at their home. (Eby ihoto.)
Frank W. Wilsons
Married 50 Years
Will Celebrate Golden
Wedding Anniversary
at Reception
A half century of married life
lies behind Mr. and Mrs. Frank
W. Wilson, who Monday after
noon and night will celebrate
Orchard Heights road, who will
their golden wedding anniversary
with a reception at their home
on the Orchard Heights road.
They were married September
25, 1889, in Audubon county,
Iowa. They moved to Washington
in 1899 and uvea there until in
1905 they bought their Folk
county farm.
Expected for the celebration
are seven children and their fam
ilies, Mrs. D. M. Eby of Missoula,
Mont., Mrs. J. W. Yates of Wood
land, Wash., Mr 8. M. W. Clark of
Corvallis, Mrs. G. E. Smith, Fred
L. WUson, Wilfred W.
Time to Subscribe for
Another Year to the
Statesman . . . a Better
and Bigger Newspaper
Than Ever!
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Radio Logs-Salem and Portland!
day School
Has 176th Meet
Hayesville District Will
Gather at Hazel
. Green Sunday
convention of the Hayesville Sun
day school district will be held at
the Salem Japanese church at Ha
zel Green Sunday. The theme is
"Our Mission."
The day's program Is as fol
10:00 Song service, Heroshi
10:10 Scripture reading and
' -prayer, Fred de Vries.
10:20 Bible study hour: young
' people, Mrs. Ross Miles;
adults, O. O. Epley; Japa
nese, Rev. T. Horlkoshl.
11:00 Remarks on lesson and
! offering.
11:10 Japanese hymn.
11:16 Morning message, Rev.
T. Horlkoshl.
11: SO Vocal solo, Mrs. L. E.
11:65 Announcements and clos
ing remarks.
12:00 Basket dinner and fellow
ship hour.
Afternoon Program
1:30 Song service.
1:45 Scripture reading and
prayer, Albert Brownlee.
1:55 Song, Red Hills District.
2:00 Business meeting.
2:10 Japanese hymn.
2:15 "The Three-Fold Purpose
of the Sunday School," Matt.
28:19; "Reaching," George
Brown; "Teaching," Mrs.
Sawyer; "God's Plan of Sal-
and Ralph A. Wilson, all of Sa
Mr. Wilson's sister and hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. Aug Ander
son of Iowa, and a nephew. Wal
ter Wilson and family of Iowa,
will also attend.
Newspaper1 That
Tatton," Rev. Roy Ferguson.
1:15 song, Pratnm Mennonlte
2:00 Convention sermon. The
Importance of Our Mission,"
Rev. Paul A. Collard.
2:20 Song, Christian Mission
ary Alliance SS.
Closing remarks, Enoch
Children's Division
10:00 a.m. Song service, devo
tions, SS lesson and Bible
1:20 p.m. Song service, devo
tions, duets, solos, readings,
recitations, and object les
Enoch Zimmerman, president,
Jim Rickard, vice-president.
Grace Klampe, Sec-Treas.
Mrs. Wiley Biggins, SupU Chil
dren's division. '
Scio Bridge Work
Begun This Week
SCIO About two weeks is ex
pected to be required for com
pletion of steel work, bgun this
week,, on the new Linn county
bridge across Thomas creek in
The Gabriel Erection company.
Portland, has the fcatract. with
E. G. Landerson in charge of the
crew here.
The 90-foot span will Include
brackets for pedestrian walks to
be installed by the city of Scio
The brackets are equipped for
either board or concrete walks,
the former being In prospect be
cause of lack of funds In the
city's road allotment.
The contract also Includes three
coats of paint for the new struc
Union News
union will meet Tuesday aight,
September 26, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reynolds.
Completes the Family Circle" I
School Plans
Open House
Silverfon Board Sponsors
Event Friday Night;
. Starts at 7
SILVERTON S i 1 v e r t o n's
school board is sponsoring the
open house to school patrons Fri
day, night of this week. The hours
are from 7 to 10- The annual re
ception to teachers has been set
for September 28 and is arranged
by the local Parent-Teachers' as
sociation. This will be held In the
little auditorium of the new high
- The Junior auxiliary of the
American Legion has elected as
Its officers to include chairman.
Vades Dlckerson; vice chairman,
Elmira Haugen; secretary, Dor
othy To we; chaplain, Jeannette
Lerfald; sergeant-at-arms, Neva
Price. Installation will be held
October 2.
Missionary Talks
Rev. Elliott C. Aandahl, a mis
sionary from Honan province.
China, is visiting at Silverton. He
will speak Saturday night in the
Norwegian language at the Frank
Lund home on East Hill, and Sun
day night in the American lan
guage, at the Christian and Mis
sionary Alliance church. He will
tell of present conditions in China
and what the war is doing to the
country. Both meetings are open
to the public.
SILVERTON A Bonneville
dam project meeting will be held
at Silverton in the near future,
according to plans made by the
Silverton Lions club Tuesday
night. The exact date of the
meeting has not yet been set
Plans call for a motion picture
depicting the benefits of the proj
ect, a speaker from Bonneville and
one from Canby.
Mr. and Mrs. Merl Larson
opened a gift shop In the White
building on West Main street
Wednesday. They have not as yet
named the shop but are offering
prizes for the best name sub
mitted. Prior to coming to Sil
verton, Mr. Larson was in charge
sue Wmll moms Iby
The ILiSiGes6 E3es
All of the three major breaks in the European
crisis were brought to Salem FIRST by The
Oregon Statesman!
The Oregon Statesman is the only daily from
Salem or Portland seirving the entire Salem and
Valley area by mail with its final edition the same
day it is printed.
of a shoe store on High street at
Breaks Collar Bone
SILVERTON Donald Leonard.
son of T. T. Leonard, president of
Silverton's Rotary club and cham
ber of commerce, and Mrs. Leo
nard, will go to school next Mon
day with a crushed right collar
bone and other minor injuries as
a result of a fall Tuesday when his
bicycle crashed Into the street
curbing. -
Edward Telgen, son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. T. Telgen, fractured his
arm early this week when he fell
while at play at his home.
Hoagland to Head
Scio Senior Glass
Dawson Is Vice President;
Other Officers Named
. at Meetings
SCIO Harold Hoagland was
chosen president of the senior
class of Scio high school at a
meeting this week. Other senior
officers include vice-president.
Tommy Dawson: secretary-treasurer,
Evelyn Hall; council mem
ber, Vernon Morgan. Class offi
cers elected by undergraduates
Juniors:, president, Betty flails
back ; vice - president, Edwin
James: secretary-treasurer, Eve
lyn Kendle; council' member, Verl
Sophomores: president, Bob
Pletka; vice-president, Everett
Ambrosek ; secretary, Dale . Web
ber; council member, Harry Hole-
chek : sergeant-at-arms, Helen
Freshmen: president, June Cy
rus; vice-president, Henry Bark
meyer; secretary, Pat Holland;
treasurer, Robert Dennison; coun
cil member, Betty Holland
sergeant-at-arms, Clarence Shope.
Jackson Bliss has begun coach
ing of a six-man football team
Linn county class B league, of
which Scio is a member, has not
announced a schedule.
Chorus work, under direction
of Irene Neugartf may include
both boys and girls, according to
Principal P. W. Johnston.
Total registration of seniors Is
now 11, four more registering in
that class this week.
OCE Professor
j Has Operation
MONMOUTH Dr. L. E. Forbes
staff instructor at Oregon College
of Education, is convalescing at)
the Veterans' hospital, Portland,
from an operation he underwent
September 6. Dr. Forbes expects
to return home on or about Sep
tember 30.
Mrs. Helen Blair has sold a
four-room' house on North Knox
street to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J,
Smith of Cottage Grove. The
Smith family will take possession
Friday. Their 600 will attend OCE
and two daughters will attend the
elementary school. A. F. Huber,
realtor, made the sale.
" Darrell B. Stump is harvesting
his filbert crop, which is expected
to take about two weeks. Local
growers are not very hopeful about
the filbert market, as it is
thought the war in Europe will
eliminate most of the foreign de
mand, and absorption in this
country will not take care of the
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