The OREGON STATESMAN ''Salem,' Oregon,- Fridar Morn&sr, September 22, 1930 M7 Residential Market on Rise Federal Home Loan Bank tltle northwest residential real estate market was becoming steadUy more actirs. . Johnson, In Washlnston for the semi-annual conference of the IS Federal Home Loan bank presi dents, predicted continuation , of the present trend would gtre a larger rolome of business than In 1937, an exceptionally good year. In the first seren months of the year, $13,624,500 was expended for residential construction, la cities of 10,000 and more popula tion, nearly $3,000,000 more than in the same 1938 period. "An expanding flow of new in- Testmenta In home mortgage la stltutions Is enabling our district bank's c member Institutions to take ear of the Increased demand for loans with which to help fi nance the nptnrn In construction," Johnson said. : ; "During Jnly a I7.J per cent increase In. loans, totaling SJ, 021,000 orer July, 1138, was re ported by member sarings, bund ing and loan associations. Out of tie district's 134 members, 110 associations insure their Inrestors' accounts up to f 5,000 each with the Federal Sarin gn and Loan In surance corporation.? , . Judge in Love Once, Fixless Ticket Fixed PORTLAND, Sept. 21-P)-Cnpld and MwlHpal Judge Julias Cohn Joined forces to fix s fixless" traffic ticket to day. C H. Cox, 28, pleaded in a 1 note to the judge for lemlea cy because be didn't hare tail light on his honeymoon trailer. He added he'd be 1 "practically broke shortly after the ceremony. The judge fixed the ticket. Qatsop Section Big Beneficiary ASTORIA, Sept. 21-3)-Puhlle works administration officials said today Clatsop county projects estimated, at 15,158.335 would place the county among; eains beneficiaries In Oregon. Projects are sponsored by the nary, which is, constructing a SI. 600,000 naral air base at Tongue Point, army engineers, PWA and state highway com mission. The army leads with 14 projects amounting to $968,645 In a lower Columbia rlrer dike Tenoratlon program. The highway commission has seren projects. Including the Wolf Creek highway, and, the PWA $147,249 allocated tor two projects. Scotch Soother Supply Is Safe Tho War Rages PORTLAND, Sept. tl.-JP)-Sip- Hague's calm Judgment amid war rumors was Intended to halt a noticeable tendency toward hoarding the soother, "In' the first place, the commis sion has enough stock to last some time," he comforted. "There may be a slight price increase but no shortage. ' . "I hare a hunch that over in England and Scotland they will be pretty eager to expert any thing they can get cash for," he added, judiciously. Tuff and Tide Push Big Freighter Free PORTLAND, Sept. 21,-J refloated the Andrea F. Lucken bach, largest freighter carrying the American flag, from a Colum bia river shoal two miles from Vancouver, Wash., today. En route from Portland to Vancouver to continue loading when she went aground, the vessel was undam aged and proceeded to port Aids Construction Gains in Year WASHINGTON. Sept. 21.-fff)-Frank H. Johnson, president of th Federal Home Loan bank of Portland, Ore., said today the Pa- pers ot frosty Scotch highballs took comfort today from Liquor Administrator J. J. Hague's assur ance the whisky was not wartime contraband. The Germans, he ..explained, don't like Scotch and the Russians prefer Vodka. 3 PAGE EIGHT 1 J I Ground Fresh to Your f Specification Every lb. Guaranteed " MO Start the day right with a cup of hot, rich flavored coffee. Here's a coffee that everyone in the family will enjoy. Its a blend of the world's finest cof fee beans carefully selected for rare flavor and uniform quality. Take ad vantage of this exceptional special now! A Tegular 25c value. OtSS Albers jSSs Snowdrift mttofluar O SHORTENING 13 1c IllEMLAgES phq.iS " Iter FRirf Sperry Pancake and Waffle 'plL Peacock ?SMte j Staregon Brand Large 24 Can Small White or Red Mexicans MBros. Coffee, 27C 51C Snowf lake Crackers 2 box 25c Mrs. 'Stewart's Bluing 10 : 14c Shredded Cocoanut Hcfc. 21c Grapefruit Juice 46u 15c Oxydol Washing Powder jg 19c .... 6 cans 2JC Dogfood m Leslie S Salt shaker ykL... . 7c Pure Egg Noodles 15c Baking Powder 215c Miracle Hip Qt. Jar MEAT DEPT. lbs. for (3 mm inm 4 Lean and Meaty Leg 5 Mutton Ik 12v2c BsoS Pofi -Roast Ik 14k? - ' From High Quality Branded Beef Mil Fwhhs New Crop . (pad Mite Sugar Fine Granulated 10 lbs. for 100-lb. bag $720 i ; ' ! BAKERY DEPT. All Our Pastry, Bread, Cakes and Pies Are Fresh Daily From Local Bakers EiaircjG Pies ea.. -25c IbiagEaEMate i don. 20c Laifie Coffee Cahes ea. 15c FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Bananas 4 lbs. 2.9c CELERY . 2 bun. 5c (Sireen IPepjpeirs ea. Ec Potatoes soS'"." Bg We Reserve, the Right to Limit All Quant itie$ v Prices Good Friday Through Mon day September 22, 23, 24, 25 oun P0LICV We will meet alt prices and will always maintain highest quality at lowest prices. if V) z, i i if ... V m&:'wwtib www Jutland Decides "Naval Battle" Is Accoustic Freak FREDER1KS HAVEN, Den mark, Sept. 2 l-Cfl5) Inhabitants along the east coast of Jutland, strategic point tor belligerent na vies, settled down to their tran quil existence today after a scare oyer reports of heavy cannonad ing at sea. There was no report of a naral battle in the Baltic and some ot the fishermen who reported, hear ing heavy gunfire yesterday de cided the accoustics around the Islands were playing them tricks. Some Interpreted the sounds as coming from Swedish artillery practice, while others reported they saw warships at the time the gunfire ceased. Fishermen at Sa bey said they observed search lights playing over the water three hours later. Farmers Cash in Crop Insurance CORVALLIS, Sept. 21-fyP)-More than one out of every six Oregon farmers who participated In the crop insurance program cashed their policies in whole or in part, Clyde Kiddle, state supervisor, said today. Of 708 policies written, pay ments were made on 136, equal to 86.000 bushels of wheat compared to 18, 500, bushels paid in premi ums. Losses were increased by drought, hail, windstorms, frost and root rot. Kiddle said. About 60,000 acres have been covered in new applications during the last three weeks. Kiddle said October 30 was the closing date for federal insurance on fall seed-ings. PEPCO Cars to Continue Running PORTLAND, Sept. 2 1 - (P) -Freight and possibly passenger lines operated by the Portland Electric Power company to Gresh am and Oregon City will be con tinued, the company announced today. It accepted a recommendation of Ormond R. Bean, state utilities commissioner, , that operating ex penses be cut on the interurban freight haul and asked the fed eral court for additional time to investigate methods of continuing passenger service. The company previously peti tioned for permission to discon tinue interurban operations which it said were conducted at a loss. Huge Catch of Tuna Is Record ASTORIA, Ore., Sept. 21.-(Jp)-The Seattle halibut schooner Toroinskjald delivered 3 6 ,47 7 pounds of Iced tuna here today, the largest single catch ever made in the Columbia river area. Tuna-starved fishermen eyed the huge delivery and talked seri ously of abandoning in-shore fish ing with small boats In favor of larger craft, capable of longer trips to sea. In-shore catches have been light ail season while tuna clippers have been successful dur ing the entire fishing period. Ship at Portland Tied up by Crew PORTLAND, Sept. 2 1. Crew members of the Panamanian steamer Aurora picketed the ship today in a dispute over wages. Longshoremen refused to pass the picket line. V The Greek vessel, Gerassimoss Vergcttis, its sailing delayed yes terday when the crew left ship and demanded return to Greece, sailed today, leaving the crew. A Portland radio operator was hired. The ship was loaded with scrap iron tor Japan. Record Turkey Crop WASHINGTON, Sept. 21.-P)-The agriculture department fore east today a record turkey crop of 51,957,000 head this year. X I Law. S. D. O. Okan, M. O. Herbal remedies for ailments of stomach, liver, kidney, skin, blood, glands, ft urinary sys tem of men ft women. 22 years In service. Naturopathic Physi cians. Ask your neighbors about CHAN LAM. . .- DR. CHAII lAi,l CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 313 ii Court St, corner Liber ty. Office open Tuesday ft Sat urday only,40 a. m. to 1 p. m., to 7 p. m. Consutation. blood pressure ft arine tests are tree ot charge. 6 Boxes to Carton 13c ' 1 NEW MARKET Oxydol Large Size 18c 146 No Com9l. St. Phone 4010 1; FFEE SCHILLINGS 1- lb. can V 2- lb. can 47c Snow (? Flake 2 ib. o)?c Box fcLZS) in Bulk lbs. 1 . k sir 50f wits (lift tt WHEAT HEARTS 19c Sqftasilk Cake Flour Pkg. 22c ST 1 1 Moon Hard Wheat 49 Sack $i as r S HERSHEY COCOA 7c 3,2c can 1-lb. can HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE, -lb. cake 12 c (RE-MEL 4 Fla vors 3 pkgs (D Dinty Moore Spaghetti with Meat Balls, 2 cans sftjrC Val-Vita Tomato Catsup 15 14-oz. Bottles DOG FOOD PARD cans PURE EGG NOODLES One lb Paper Napkins 80-COUNT Pkg 5c,' Pont' c GRANULATED reel o soap Large Pkg. Fisher Blend Flour No. 10 Sack 43c UPTON'S TEA f lk Black 37(D 1-lb. Black 2c Cabbage 45C Sack -Ex. Solid Heads Oranges Large Size 19CDOZ. Carrots Fresh Locals 3 Bun 5C Sweet Potatoes 3 LbS13c MEAT DEPT. Mutton Roast lb.fc Mutton Chops lb. 3LOc Legof Mutton 10.2.2c1 Mutton Stew lb. 5c Fresh Brains lb. 10c Fresh Kraut quart 10c FRESM. S0E)E IP(D)re Alb. Wc