PAGE NINETEEN Salem's Market Place for B The OREGON STATESMAN, Salens Oregon, Friday Morning. September' 22, 1939 Sellings Rentieg! i . i ! Statesman ; r ' -'- Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising , Stasia Insertion per Una 10c Three Insertions per Una 20e Six Insertions per Una 80c One month per: Una 1 00 Minim om charge Ke - Copy for - tha pax accepted on f :39 the ning before public tloa for classification Copy i re celved after tbla time wilt be ran under i the - heading Too Let to Classify. k ., ; The-Stall tman assumes ae finan slal responsibility for errors which may appear: In advertisements pub lished to H (otumnt and In rase chare thla paper la at fanlt win re print that part of an advertisement la which the typographical mlrtske occurs j The Statesman reserves the right te re tec t questionable advertising It further rcwrwi the right to place all advert islng under the urnper classification. A "Blind"! Ad en ad eontnlnlne a Statesman box number for en ad dress la for the protection ef th advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge tnforma tlon as to the Identity of an adver tiser using a, "Blind" ad. Livestock DEAD AND worthless horeea cows picked up free Ph. collect 411 Salem Montgomery Rend Wka SALE, 3 tOOt milk cows, cheap, flout e 7. Box 423. FOR SALE or trade for livestock. 100 Rhode Island Reds, special matins:, laying pullets. C ' O. Johnson, rt. 3 box 829. Across ferry at Independence. Auctions COMMUNITY AUCTION ONE MILE east of Macleay. 9 miles east of Salem on Ted Arnold place. Monday, Sept.' 26. 1 :30 p. m. Follow arrows from Macleay. - IS head of cows A heifers. ! head of horses. i farm implements and household fur niture. . Many other articles too numerous to mention, ' RAY H3SEL. Auctioneer Terms strictly cash unless otherwise : r statea. Hop Pickers OUR TRUCKS leave every mornlne at C a. m. from the corner of State and Commercial street for the RORF.RTS HOP yard. For Information and ar rangements, phone 9623 or isfiz. Help Wanted ttt -WEEKLY GROW mushrooms cellar, ahed We buy. 35e lb. World's largest company FREE BOOK Mush rooms. 20 19 Second. Seattle Wash. t Help Wanted Male MARRIED MAN wanted on farm. small csbin furnished or nay live In own trailer house. Rhoten Farm, near Roberta, r j . -. Help Wanted Female HOUSEKEEPER. APPLY Mra. Foulger at Leona Shoe Store. PART-TIME student, bd.. rm. ft wages, Statesman. 1235. EXPERIENCED MTD.-AGED hskpr. without Incutnb. State age. re f.. wages, etc. Box 1238.' Statesman. HOUSEKEEPER FOR light house work. Ph. 7377. esieMasSsssaesSrferfeMrMeaeaMMerfaefcsasesaessaeaa GIRL FOR housework, go home nights. Tel , 94 4 5. UNENCUMB. MID. age woman for housework. -Phi 4391 mornings or eves. Salesmen Wanted NEED 28 GOOD salespeople. See Mr. Anderson. 530 State St. -rufUstfxriLiXJ"UJJVUu''i ' HOME MODERNIZING salesman with ear. Must h hard worker. Com- M.i.tM rn i n i n m untrue. 178 S. Commercial. r Situations Wanted RAMSEYER TRUCK service. Gen eral hauling, reasonable rates. P. S3 DRCSSMAK MRS Aflnltt Ph UU DRESSMAKING. 7984. toil S. Com. DRESSMAKING. TATTnmWw. rout illn!n.- 19ft & t-lbwrty St. " MAN ft WIFE want work on farm or dairy. Exper capable of taWne full charge- Excel, refer. Box 1102. Statesman. For Sale Miwellaneons REBUILT AND smaranteed aeh, era. All makes from II no- Spee. May tag $31 Hogg Rroa ' - fit. DBS.. S3 Be win 110 Chemeketa nmm nnnoinnnnnfirinnnri i' " m USED PCTIOOl hooka and children's encyclopedia. 477 court. r Bikes A Rep: Ramsden tI U CSETJ WOOD Elecirte end ga ranges. Priced- to eeH - i TEATER ft RUSH CO. 255 N. Liberty Next To Power Co, rnifinnnrmrinrviiirM-M-riiiri- - - rrstrr T.lMVIATr refrlrerater. guar- I anteed. t49 EO. Easr terms. Good Housekeeping Inc. 453 Court St. innnn i-ni- --i' ' PERENNIAL FLOWERS ft See4. White's Greenhouse. 1855 N. Summer sivR taea nN nw 1931 Duo- Therm all burning circulator. I te room capacity.; only 859 50 Eay term" Good Housekeeping, inc. as t-ourr m "VTJJTJTJTjlJiJXWJTLfXpXl ARMY WAI.1 rent. 235 8. 14th. CASH FOR need him Ph I1H UNIVERSAL WOOD A gas combin ation ranse. fine condition. S33.50. TEATER RUSH-CO. 255 N; Liberty Next To Power co. WAAAiA,W'wA'. r. .i wi . OR. PERSIAN kittens; 1195 N. 14th. . ! -ADVERTISING ! Weatern Advertising ' RepresentatlTca George D. Close. Ine, i - 8aa Franc isco. Los Angeles, Seattle . Eastern Ad tertialni RepresenUtlrea ' Bryant Griffith ft Branson. la thicago. New York. Detroit. . . hrmd at Ike Peefofflee rf oIeisi Orefon, s teeon Class Mmttrr. Pat . KjImI ffirs erre eees If oadey. Sasfneee ofViee t South CewtMereiai fttrees. ' i, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates to Adranea. ithla Oregon! uany ana uoajr Mr6 eeat7: Mo, ILII: Ma 3AI 1 year II. M. Elsewhere ss cents pei Ma or 14.66 for 1 year la advance. J. cory eenta Newsstands S eenta By City Carrier: 46 cents a month -$7.2 a rear ta advance to Marios and adjaeeat ceuatlea. For Sale Miscellaneous BENDIX HOME laundry now being demonstrated at Teater A Rush Co lit ti. Liberty Next To Power Co. REPOSSESSED WESTINGHOUSE washer, nothing down $2.52 per month wtth roar light bin. 2ss y. btyNes" To pSwer Co. STEWART WARNER DeLuxe re frigerator. 179.50 9.a down. eer month. TEATER RUSH CO. 255 N. Liberty Next To Power Co. FOR SA LS Thoroughbred Spring- ei Snanlet nurta. Ideal dogs for hunt- Inn or children, call at 1710 N. 17th St. and reserve, vmir now. PEACHES - PEACHES - PEACHES! FANCT IMPROVED Elhertas. Hales. late Crawfo-.1a and Mulrs. at orchard. C M. LaFollett and Son. Wheatland. 11 mile north Wallace Rood or River Rd. north to Wheatland Ferry. 2 BICTCI.ES. noon condition, reas onable. 110 Academy. GOLDEN CROSS can. corn. 79F14. FOR SALE or trade. 1 -horse Cen tury motor. slnKle phase. 110 or 220. West Side Furniture. West Salem, at End of Br idge ONE WILTON velvet rug and one Axmlnster rue. surprisingly cheap. TeL 631. 100 Garden road. BOSC PEARS. 2c lb. Kin and Spits apples 50c box. M. B. Mitchell, rt. 7. box 23. ALFALFA HAY. straw and cherry wood. Carl Stettler. Ph. 104F23. PIANO ACCORD, reas. priced. 4287. GRAPES. ANT amount. Ton pick or delivered. S. J. Maerz. Rt. 1. Box 319. Brush ColleKe. .------- A BARN 30x24 FOR 130. B. B. Klel- Ihege. 3149 Center. HEATER GOOD condition, springs. S48 S. Church. Bed A 36 AIRSTREAM HOUSE trailer. bargain. $350.00. 555 Marion. 12x1 4 WALL TENT. '34 Chev. Mas ter DeLuxe Sport Sedan, perfect, make offer. J. F. Snook, R. F. D. 4. Box 53. Ewald Ave, REGULAR $19.50 BRAND new Dav eno In close out covers. Special 928.8S. Easy terms. Cohn Bros., 305 N. Lib erty St. FOR SALF Collie pups, chean. If taken Sat. or Sun.. 23rd or 24th. Phone 55F5. 150 Hansen Ave. 3 blocks west of South Com'l. St. 5-ROOM ENAMELED used wood cir culator. Hurry If vou want It. Easy term. $29.95. COHN BROS.. 305 N. Liberty St. FOR SALE 30 horsepower Diesel Cletrac tractor. Purchased new one year sen. has operated 900 hours on a farm. Will sell at a big reduction. Farm A Industrial Equipment Co. ,Fifth A Willamette Streets Eugene. Oregon Phone S43 ELECTRIC WASHER, good condi tion. $10. Inq. 1945 So. Church. saaeasssSMeisaasaaiasafcasaeessasaa WASHING MACHINE Floor sam ple onlv. full enameled. fS-ft. ennacitv. rear $fi.9S. Now $40.95. COHN BROS.. 305 N. Liberty St. Trad Miscellaneous H ACRES. 5 RM. hse.. acres under Irrigation, some bearing fruit, timber ft pasture. I am too old to farm ft will trade for city Toperty. $2500. see . my agent A R. A. FORKNER, 1853 N. Capitol St. Wanted Miscellaneons WANTED tlSEO fum Ph lilt AAeAAAAeVyVeVWKApVeeAAAAeV OI.P WOO! mattress Trt 111! WANTED TO buv for cash. 1st ft 2nd mortgages real estate cnntraeO A merchandise discount proper. STATE FINANCE CO 144 State Street Salem Oregon WANTED FOR cash walnuts fil berts. Also mests. M. Klorfeln Pack ing Co.. 20 S High. Phone 7633. CASH PD. for furniture. Ph. 4517. HUNTERS. WE specialize In taxi dermy and buckskin tanning. Bring your deer hides to East Salem Tan nery, 2595 Simpson. Wanted Furniture WANTED FURN. Forgey. P. 7445. Miscellaneous Broken Lenses Replaced in Two Hours DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST OPTICAL DEPT. In charge of Dr. Fred Pageler and Dr. W. W. Frasee. Optometrists Adolph Bldr.. State ft Commercial Phone 1311 aaaaiaaerfiiai ui i nHTriw w i voa .9 TT T Stiff PRACTICE. rlAAOS, Z. xl. 1a DULL For Rent Rooms ROOMS. PH. 691T. 696 N. Cottage.' DESIRABLE SLEEPING room, prt entrance. Tel. 1977. HOTEL MARION Ttnnme. finaot.i mklf and montnlv rates to perm, guests. Marlon Coffee Shoo delicious meals at tow prlcea AAMWSAeViAAWWMAAeVMAAArreV SLEEPING RM.. 740 Ferry. WET.L FURN. sleeping rooms, steam heat. 607 N. Commercial. SIFEPINO ROOM. 725 Court St COMF. RMS. 161 8. 14th. SLEEPING ROOM. 758 "E Street. NICE CT.EAN Sleeping room, close In. Board If desired. 404 N. Winter HOTEL SALEM low monthly rates. FLEAS. RM.. close m. Ph. 8229. ROOMS. 868 N. 13th. Ph. 9497 NICE SLEEPING rm.. 855 "D" St Room and Board R a R 1111 ft. Summer. Ph. 4614. I -pj-j-ij-Lru-j-.-.1 1. -r.--- ' ' -- TBI BOARD, exe. food. 650 Marlon RM.. 2 STUDENTS, $10. Ph. 7318 EXCL. MEALS, prt home. Ph. 6791. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, ejL hoard near schools. 960 Marlon. Pp. 7884. BOARD AND room for women. Pb 7814, 635 N. Winter. eeesSeasWSrfM'efWeee'M'aeM"-1 ROOM OR room ft board, 507 N. 10th St For Rent -"Apartments t-RM rORNL. bath. 144t Waller. 8 OR 4 R. hse-. apts.. 735 N. Camt DESIRABLE APT, gas beat. Frlg 14 aire, prt bath. 1st floor, outside ent garage, near sr. high and state capltol TeL 1971. SEE THE Fisher Apt a before you declda. , Large A Airy. Rockwool In sulated against heat A cold. Venetian I BmAa throughout a ComL ft Oak Sts i w-Wwwwwwwiwwiwma FURN. HEATED apt. 460 N. 13th COMFORTABLE. HOME-LIKE .reasonable. Hawthorn Court 1000 N Canltnl St. rj-uui i-i ri, - - -- 1 B. FURN, 412 Marlon. Money to Loan , Money to Loan We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR INCOMB No Endorsees No Comakers Yonr Signature Only ft EPA T ANT DAT TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLD ESI AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COM PANT WHERE TOUR NEEDS BJfr CE1VE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE. General Finance Corp. 136 8a Commercial St. Lie. Ne. S-1SS Phone 8148 First Door South of Ladd A Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location. AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUIUMNG LICENSE NO M ISS $300 .00 FOR FALL AND WINTER NEEDS REDUCE BURDENSOME IN- ST A 1.1 MENTS. KID YOURSELF OF OLD DEBTS. CONSOLIDATE ALL BILLS INTO ONE. GET CASH FOR SCHOOL NEEDS. REDUCE HIGH CAR PAYMENTS. Our liberal flexible credit require ments make It asy to borrow. . Our convenient payment plans make It easy to repay. (A modest salary la our main reouirement.) You are under no obligation when you call at the offices of the People's Finance Co. 2nd Floor. First Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Salem. Oregon Phone 4441 S813 State License M-220 1 FHA LOA "ns 4r arsoHhmnSL Abrams ft Ellis. Inc.. Masonic Bldg. PRIVATE MONEY AUTO. AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Monev for new or used cars. No delav or red tape. You will re tain possession of the vehlcln. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-152 i . ri ist uioice From Coast to Coast. Here's Why: Reasonable Terms - I 6.03 mo. repays $ 60 In 12 tnos. I 7.27 mo. repays $100 In 18 tnos. $13.09 mo. repavs $180 in 18 tnos. $18.18 mo. repavs $250 In IS mos. No cosigners or special kind of security needed. The tpiicker you repay the less the cost. We appreciate your business. FREE CONSULTATION. IN OUR OF FICE OR AT YOUR HOME WITH OUT OBLIGATION. SEE OR PHONE OUR MR. ENGLISH. PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor. New Bllgh Bldg. 518 State Street Salem. Oregon State Litense Numbers S-122 M-145 Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins A Roberta WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 114 & Liberty Street Phone 1411 For Rent Apartments SMALL APT adults, 77S S. ComL I TO 4-RM apta cheap, f 1 e anC up Children welcome 111 1 12th. PATTON APT 5. 322 8tate. Fur ntahed. Adults only Ph 6244. 1 R. K TCH NETTE, 250 a Cottat. FURN. ft UNFTTRNw 3S Ferry. NICE. FURN. 3 R. apt. 6-90 Union, 2 R. FURN. 1st floor. Elec.. w. Gar. I 19' O'v juev. Am. I $15. 3590 Lee. Ph. 3946. 2 OR S RMS., at 246 State, VERT LOVELY furnished J-rm. ant., hot water heat, garage, rree laundry. $30. PU. 8411. CLEAN 1-rm. apt Eyerything fum.. Including gas. garage. 790 N. Com'L CLOSE IN modem I-room unfurn. j apt Adults only. Ph. 8490. CHOICE APT. for lnide rentleman. flrat floor. 760 N. Church. TeL 7901. $8 PER MO. 355 Bellevue. S R. FURN. APT. Refrig. Pri. bath. 639 Center. U3.E0 MO . SMALL aDt heat. lights. hftc water, gas. built-lns. 1125 N. 13th I St 2 blks. N. high school. t RM. GARAGE, lights, water, heat ft washer. $33 50. adults. 2455 State St SMALL APT., adults. 770 S. Com"L For Rent -Houses FURNISHED HOUSE. 1SJT Court St Phone 69:6. MOD. COURT cot.. 714 N. Cottage. MODERN 4 ROOM duplex apt. nice ly furnished. Elec ref elec range. I basement furnace A fireplace, garage 828.50, a M EARLE. PhonelBTS or 2 RM. HOUSE, unfurn.. good condi tion, gar.. $20. 945 Market TeL 4847 eeeeeaeeMeeeseeee-aSSBerSesasaaSSieSe RM. HOUSE n?ar new hfnh -vhool Ph. 8X93 or evanlnr. 14 0t. 8 OR 4 ROOM duplex, close In. Win redecorate. Phone after 55825, -utruLrin.r-ji.riji nnn.r-r-j-.ri rni-r-ry-,-v - - 4 RM. HOUSE, inq. 406 N. Cottage 5 RM. HSE. Inq. 868 N. Liberty. SMALL HOUSE. 864 Vfc Jefferson. ROOM HOUSE. $25; partly turn. 285 Madrona Ave.. Salem Heights. f-RM. UNFURN. Use $18. Ph. 5121. If on. FTIRN. 1-room cottajre. Edge- water court Elec. refrig., gar. Ph. 8418. RENT OR lease modern suburban hum. fimu in. sis M Winter. wwwxww-. - WMw - wM - FURNISHED AND nnfurn. houses. rr x r.niNT ra rnur Ph.i 6744. X FURNISHED HOUSES at $35.00. 1 large house, suitable for roomers. boarders. 1-6 room for $30.00. I . 1-7 room for $30.00. p- it BELL Phone 8121 42 Oregon -Bldg. For Rent Houses LOVELY REMOD. 5 R.. $22.50. Furn. 7 rms., $38. Both near state hse. ft schools. Furn. 4 rms., $25. Ph. 7113. $183 ROOMS, BATH, furnished. $45 7 rooms unfurnished. $50 6 rooms furnished. $37.50 New 6 rooms unfurnished. $250 5 rooms unfurn.. no base. C H. SANDERS 118 S. High 5131. HOUSES FOR rent. R, A. FORK- NER, 1853 N. Capitol St S BEDRM. HET0,mo71pir727iT' For Rent Farms FOR SALE or rent 70 acre farm. si w. winter St 23 ACRES. 9 ML N. W. Salem : tt mi S. Spring Valley school ; 7 rm. mod ern house, fine barn, garage, other bldgs. 7 A, prunes, other fruit. $225. Other farms. B. A. Kliks, McMinnville, For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 381 State Street Inquire room 200 Tel 3713. HOMES ft APARTMENTS, Ph. 6761. Wanted to Rent PRIVATE PARTY wishes to rent farm of about 100 acres with comfort able living quarters driving distance of Salem to work. Will pay monthly rent. Box 1104, Statesman. WANTED TO rent farm, good land and running order. Clay Taylor, 2065 Virginia, For Sale Real Estate TRADE CIT2 property for farm homes. Opportunities In exchangee HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT DT YOU want to sell exchange lease, rent see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Cel- tlns with Hawkins ft Roberts. WHY RENT when you can buy as cheaply a new 5 -room modern house? Restricted district. 1 block from but line. Owner 6506. Easy terms. JUST COMP. 6 R. mod. house, su- tomatic hot water heat Phone 3992. COR. LOT, N. 17th. 735 N. Com'L $1.00 DOWN. $20 MO. buys 7 rm. hse., partly furn, home, priced $850. O. E. RAE. 1655 N. Cottage St. P. 6761. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS? A 5-ROOM PLASTERED house on 64x174 ft. lot fine fruit A shade trees. Close to new high. Price for quick sale. issue.- win show any time. Cah Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 926L RIGHT DOWN TOWN 2 STORY S ROOM house onlv 5 blks. from P. O. north house Is plastered, In good condition, has basement A oil furnace. Price $4750 with $500 down, Bee It day. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261. NICEJTr", CLOSETV52oChTl52T A.. 4 R. HOUSE. CITY water ft lights. Equipped for poultry, fruit ft berries. Close in. Lovely view. Small down payment baL like rent 120 Sa lem Heights Ave. $1250 BUYS mv E-rm. nlast. home only 13 blocks out In good dist New roor. lot 75x120. To close estate. Box 1208. Statesman. LEAVING CITY. Will taka 32800 for my f-rm. home on creek. Cost $5000 to build 6 vrs. ago. All modern with automatic heat Box 1101, Statea- -ROOM HOUSE. 255 Division. GRANT SCHOOL DIST. 7-nn. dwelling suitahle for two fm. Hies, quite modern.-$2650 ; $300 down. ju mo. rose. Oct. 1. call at once. H. P. GRANT. 529 Court. 6744. S-RM HOUSE on navlnr Rood lot If taken at once will sell fo $700: iou aown. i& per month. 34 acres on paving. 7-rm. house, large bam, free water. Irrigated. Will exenange lor nouse In Salem. $100 cash. $15 per m?"th. I v UStJ I lTn nnfq Bldg. Ph. 6161 FOR SALE Lots owned by City $125. to $800. See any real estate man or call 8632 167 S. High Street . - -- -- -- ,-,r,nnnnri.rfKjjjruf I 14500. AN ATTRAOTTVK bom. on Falrmount Hill. 2 bedrooms,, sleeping porcn, signuy view, comer lot P. H. BELL 429 Oregon Bldg. Salem, Oregon t-none sizi - - I-, I-, -i.n. 4 R.. bath. sub.. 2 lota X1850. SlOe dn. 6 R, base., $1600. 6 R, 2 lots. $1.- :wu. ruagy to nanaie. 173 s. Liberty. aj"eaeseaes.e ea.e tmrm.myr. - - - - - - BEAUTIFUL 2 BEDRM. horn fire place, electric ranare. water heater ft re- rrigerator. $1750, $100 down, $20 mo. iiev n. ruin. For Sale- Farms DAIRT RANCH for sale. $1000.00 down payment Barn room for 12 cows. 1605 S. E. Washington St. Portland. STOCKMEN HERE IS one of the finest stock I ranches in the state, attractively priced. 1040 acres. 165 acres Irrigated, unlim ited free water, all fenced and on hard surfaced road 7 live springs, also run ning water. Fine fishing and hunting. Additional range can be leased at .01c per acre. New 8 room modem home and other buildings, near good school. The price Is $12,000: half cash. will handle. Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 926L LOOK LOOK LOOK 95 A. dairy and seed farm on San- tlam. Worlds of water for Irrigation. Good bidga, big dairy barn. stock I sheds, milk house. 7-rm. bouse, city conveniences, elec. Stocked and equip. 15 cows 130 turkeys. 6 chickens, bogs. 20 tons hay. Mi of -grain, 5 acres corn. This la a steal at $9500. See Mr. Larsen, HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC. OPPORTUNITY. 10. A. POULTRY farm. Good f on. bouse. Fireplace, basement furnace, plumbing, t large poultry nouses. Double tile garage. Barn, uooa wen. rTuits. j aown. Bal. like rent Gee. ElatchTord. Molal- I la. Oregon. 1 -s::- A uuuli ttiur Aim : ii acres, I H In cult, I room house. It miles from I Salem. Price 830 oer acre. i 1 6 AtUU8, aDOUl W CUIt Bmi I timber and a creek, 11 miles from sa- lUm. Prim 13200. Will trade. WIS havjs hkvkkaii gooa nouses fto trade for small acreage. I ROSTEIN A ADOLPH.rNC. I llOfc N. Commercial street my- WHT PAT rent or city Uxes? FHA approved M acre, east front. 200. TeL 7120. For Sale Used Can NOTICE Salem Auto Co. Is Proud to An nounce the Opening of Their Super Used Ceut Lot Formerly Doolitde's on the Corner of Comercial at Center Street Drop in cind Inspect Used Girs to Be the State YOU ALWAYS GET A BETTER BUY FROM YOUR CHRYSLER DEALER OPEN EVENINGS Salem Automobile Company Chrysler 435 No. Com'l. St. Plymouth - SPECIAL - 1936 Cadillac Touring Original black color. Low Looks and runs like new. WTiy fool around and buy a cheap car when you can get a Cadillac at a price like this. McKay Chevrolet Co. WALT HOLM AN, JIMMIE DAVIS, LAWRENCE FLATHERS 333 CENTER STREET OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 3182. MODEL A FORD 4-dr 405 Union, after 7 p. m. Exchange Real Estate A-L 7 R.. FOR smaller. Ph. 5228. Acreage FOR SALE 5 acre tract 5 room plastered house, in need of some re pair, good well, electricity. In Liberty district; will sell cheap as Is, or will rent to responsible party. Phone 9541 or call 1710 N. 17th St Wanted Real Estate WANTED 40 A. more or less, good buildings, close to Salem. Prefer place so can dairy. Will pay $7000 cash. C H. SANDERS. 118 S. High. 613L Business Opportunities FILLING STATION, I A. of land on 99 highway, 6 rm. house, also 3 room bldg.. kitchen, lunch rm.. stove, refrlg erator. 9 ft long, tables, chairs, etc, t Dumps. 2 gasoline tanks, etc. $3500. MELVIN JOHNSON. 725 Court Street REALTORS NOTICE Once In a while a real opportunity presents Itself. I can buy for $2400.00 a tract of land that I can subdivide and sell I should be able to realize $40,000.00 gross. 1 will give a $4000.06 mtx. for the $2400 I can pay off the original loan In less man one year. Box 1103, statesman. A GOOD BUY Grocery stock ft fix tures, two pumps, .living quarters, $L 650. 5 rm. hse. . with - basement furnace and fireplace, well located In business Ir. a. FORKNER, .185$ N. Capitol St WELL EST. route. Inq. 1598 Court. For Sale Wood INVESTIGATE BUDGET piafl on wood. Ph. 5370. W L. Graen. 412 N tl SPEC OAK $5.75. ash $5.25. P. 9703. WOOD READY snlit for cook store. IS cord. Tel. 6700. Bradley. Business Card ta this direct or oa a monthly basis only. Rate! ft per line per month. Auctioneers RAT HISEU 1281 Sixth St Ph. T2S2. Auto Brakes Mike Panes. 278 South Commercial Bieycltt 3 BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. Soott 14T & ComT. P. 4111 .Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4456. R E. Northaeea CHIMNEY CLEANED -prraa. furnaces, stoves, rotters. i Get ready for winter. No seot or dirt I Bar U Farmer Bdwr. Co. Ph. $006. Chiropractors DR. Ol U SCOTT. PSO Chirofraetar. 256 N. High, TeL Baa 8571. . ExtaTating i KXCAVATING Of an ktnda Pass- I ot, aas. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale, saieas Sana ana uraw v Phone 946A Florists Bretthaupfs, 44? Court Phene HOt Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THB WELDER . LAUNDRY 21$ & Hlsk , Tel. ! For Sale Used Cars the Finest Selection of Found Any Where in Sedan $845 mileage. Locally owne'd. TRUCKS AND CARS BARGAIN PRICES MAKE US AN OFFER 1937 G. M. C. Pickup 1936 G. M C Panel 1935 International Pickup SF46 International, 2-Ton Federal, 6-wheeler, A-l 1936 Ford Coupe 1936 Willys Sedan 1933 Terraplane Sedan Several other cars and trucks . to choose from JAMES H. MADEN CO., INC. 217 State Street Phone S5I0. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING. Ed Sproed. P. 6881 WOOD SAWING. TeL 3528. Lost and Fonnd LOST PEKINESE rat -terrier, brown, 2 white paws $90 McGflchrtst LOST PERSIAN kitten. 144 N. Front Reward. Finder please return. - i-f- - - - .-)"ij" LOST COIN purse at Montgomery Ward's Store. 2446 Cherry Ave. Rwd. .. "" ...I . ih..i.iu. .i ii.r. n. FOUND, real est. memo. book. 7111, LOST IRISH Setter, female, solid red, was wearing round "bird dog" col lar. Ph. 8928, Reward. LOST. SATURDAY nurse contain. mg money In a small basket 482 rourtn Bt, Independence. Schools COMPLETE TOUR high school at home. Diploma. Texts turn. Write far catalogue. Am. school, p. o. box os Port land. Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattress factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade: carpet- cleaning suing i nun rug weaving, a. lltn 4 wiJDUr. TeL 1441. OTTO r. ZWICK ER. Eat 111L CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4069 Naturopathic Physician DR. W H. ROCKWELL Natareeath Physician. 1TIS Falm-annda HA TeL 4303. Office Honrs 11 a. m. to 6 :$6 P-- m. rRIB EXAM ft CONSULTA Painting Paperhanging NEAT WORK. U Johnson. Ph. II tl Printing FOR STATIONERY Mrfi namnhU programa books or any kind of prlat las. can The Ftatesmaa Printing D partment til a Commercial. Tele- Dbone lltL , , Refinishing FURNITURE REFINISHED Hke new. Brock. 148 Gaines. Fbone 4244. Transfer FOB LOCAL or distant transfer, star- aga burner eO. can 318L Lamer Transfer Ca Tracks ta Portland daily Well Drilling a A. WEST. Tt'L boa 441. Pk. tllFI Chester 3. Pugh. U3I Myrtle. Ph. till For SaleUsed Cars il IT'S J ' , FORD IN FORTY WE MUST CLEAR THE jWAY OUR SPECIAL TODAY 1938 Ford Coach Radio. Good tires. Mohair reconditioned. ONLY VALLEY MOTOR CO. -. i "20 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP" i Used Car Lot Marion & Liberty HerbMisson - Ben Drager Art Hanson YES WE DO! Sell Cars j Just a Few of the Good Reasons Why ' - i 1934 Plymouth P. E. DeLuxe Sedan, overhauled and a honev 1934 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Sedan, locally owned, and good 1934 Chevrolet Panel Deliver-, jiew paint and good mechanically cnevroiet beaan jjenvery, tne nicest in town, only 1934 Ford Sedan, new paint overhauled, as neat as a pin 1933 DeSoto Sedan. overhauled, new Da int. etc. and onlv 1935 Graham Sedan, has had exceptional .Auoura iaDnoiei upe, "purrs line a Kitten, only 1932 Model "B" Ford Coaoh. overhauled, nnd n rniu) una 1936 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Sedan, 1934 Terraplane DeLuxe Tudor Sedan, a swell family car MANY OTHER ONES FROM $25.00 UP WE HAVE A NUMBER OF GOOD MOTORCYCLE BUTS Cash Paid for Good Used Cars $ PHONE 7918 ' WE HAVE "B O" 35 MILES PER GALLON Fine Stock of Used Cars Must Be Closed Out to Make Room for Trade-ins on 1940 Models 1935-26-37-38-39 Model Willys to choose from,. Make us an offer. L.B. HARRIS MOTORS 525 Marion, Cor. High TWO WORTHWHILE WEEK-END SPECIALS 1136 PLYMOUTH COUPE-that shows extremely good care from its for mer owner. The tires, motor and finish are excellent and It's a bar , gain at our Special enne Price , iPOyD 1936 CHEVROLET MASTER DeLuxe Town Sedan. This is tne popular two-door model with full sedan front seat, large built-in trunk, solid steel turret top body, hy draulic brakes and Chevrolet's economical - Blue flame valve - In bead engine. And It's In 41 r top condition. Priced 9'L0 OTTO J. WILSON 388 North Commercial Phone 5451. SPECIALS '37 Plymouth Sed. ..$495 '37 Ford Sedan........ 455 '36 Ford Tudor........ 395 '33 Chevrolet Coach 245 '32 Plymouth Rdstr. 215 '31 Ford Coach ....... 169 '31 Ford Sedan ....... 185 '30 Ford Coupe 165 ORVAL'S USED CARS Corner Center ft -Church Phone 4782. OPEN EVENINGS 27 FORD V-8. EQUITY 2254 down. monthly payments Dick Orey. 18T West Miller. Personal LONELY "WORTHWHILE" sweet heart husband, wife for yon. P. O. Bos TL Los angeiea . ii, n ,i i ii n.r, in i o.rxr, ,i r, ii ir ii i"i , - - JOIN THE lonesome correspon club. Prt box 927. Portland. ALBERT E. VONL STRODE. NS A. gifted spiritual readercorrect advice about-business and personal matt era Appointments daily, senator Hoteu J. Anlomobiles 1937-DeLUXE IS FORD Sedan, only 18.900 exact milea runs and looks like new. Price $476.00. win tase cnenper car. Phone ownets 94F22. Sunday ft evenings or 4111 week days. For Sale Used Cars upholstery. Thoroughly An R&G car. $535 ..-.$325.00 ..$215.00 .$275.00 -$345.00 .$265.00 .$245.00 $295.00 care, runs perfect .$145.00 ..$225.00 $475.0 .$265.00 trunk, hoator tv ave at hrock's 555 CHEMEKETA STREET (BARGAINS ONLY) New "Beau Geste" Film Billed Here Virtually an army of villains or "beadles" waa gathered by Producer-Director William A. Wellman for Paramount's rousing new version of "Beau Geste." which will be presented locally on Saturday at the Elslnore thea ter, starring Gary Cooper, Ray Milland and Robert Preston aa the gallant brothers "Geste," "Bean," f John" and 'Digby." The collection of "heavies" is headed by Brian Donlevy, who plays the role of sergeant "Mark oft" in the picture, the brutal, power-crazed sergeant who drives the legionnaires to mutiny In the picture's climatic scenes. Second ing Donley's brilliant villainy Is that of J. Carrol Naish, who ap pears aa "Rasinoff, traitorous Russian corporal. He's "Beau9' Gary Cooper, as fearless "Beau' ,1a new picturization pf "Bcaa . Geste i coming f the' lsinore -theatre Saturday. TT- "",; ,. t ' - ' , - . . . mmttm'tj-'i i -i 1 1 if siiw i "'"ihy if