jr. The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning September 22, 1939 t v."? --V-t C V t .'4 2 PAGE eleven; i.- c 5 -; f i 17 TO Schedule, Jamboree Set Football Show Next Week to Follow Pattern of LasrYear'g - ' Adoption of plans for the fourth annual football Jamboree, on Sweetland next Friday nlgbt, and revision of the season's schedule; were the principal items of bus iness conducted by Willamette Valley . Interscholastic 1 elite heads here last night. The Jamboree, copied frequent ly throughout the state since ad opted In 1936 by the WVI circuit, will, follow the Identical lines as did that of last year. The teams on theast side of the Willamette river will meet the west side teams in tour , successive four - minute quarters, with i the accumulative ' score to depict the winner. As last year, but three teams are on the west side, so Chemawa will be a "westerner' for the Jamboree. West Linn's band was nomlna- ed to this year lead the teams on the field, A cup will be awarded the best cheering section and a football given the team scoring the most points, -t Gralapp League President 1 Principal M. E. Gralapp, of woodburn, was elected president of the league,! and Mr. Bryant, Lebanon, named .secretary -treasurer to replace Preston Donehton. who resigned 'at Lebanon to be come principal j of Parrish junior high at Salem. ; The league voted for an early December meeting and set Dec. I as the date of the league basket bail jamboree, ) - '.' The league ; football schedule may possibly undergo a change In regard to games scheduled after the new Thanksgiving day. Nor. 23, depending on the state athlet ic association's ruling on after- Thanksgiving games. The Schedule Sept. 28 Lebanon at Chema wa. Silverton at Salem. Sept. 29 League jamboree, at Salem. Oct. 6 Corvallis at Lebanon, Independence at Woodburn, West Linn at Molalla, Silverton at Dal las. I Oct. 13 Molalla at Lebanon West Linn at Sandy, Dallas at Chemawa, Woodburn at Silverton, Independence open. Oct. 20 Woodburn at Leban on, independence at cnemawa, . German Maps Hint Future oi 'New Europe9 sv i I p I n x " f on Ea SfAIN Yanks Sweep Chicago Tilts Final Game of Year Is "Won 5 to 2; Indian Pitcher Kayoed NEW YORK, Sept. 21-OPY-The world champion Yankees made a clean sweep of the series with the Chicago White Sox by taking the final game of the year 5 to 2 to day for rookie Marius Russo's sev enth straight victory. He allowed only eight hits. three of them coming in the third when the six scored all their runs. Chicago . 2 8 1 New York 5 10 0 Dietrich, Brown and Tresn; Russo and Dickey. Maps such as this (above), have been distributed in Rumania and show a "partition" of Poland in the manater indicated- While they were not regarded as official, the fact they came from Germany tends to lend significance. Should Poland be split, as indicated, "New Europe" would have the above ap pearance, with a Polish buffer state between Kussia and Germany. Germany's previous acquisitions are shown In the shaded area ox "Ureater Germany." - West Linn at Dallas, Silverton at Molalla. Oct. 27 Lebanon at Indepen dence, Dallas at Molalla, West Linn at Silverton, Chemawa and Woodburn open. Nov. 3 Albany at Lebanon, Chemawa at Tillamook, Woodburn at West Linn, Hood River at Sil verton, Molalla at Independence. Nov. 10 West Linn at Oregon City. - Nov. 11 Silverton at Lebanon, Dallas at Independence, Chemawa at Woodburn, Molalla at Canby. Nov. 17 Lebanon at West Linn, Chemawa at Molalla, Wood burn at Dallas, Independence at Silverton. Nov. 22 Silverton at Che mawa. Nov. 24 Dallas at Lebanon, Molalla at Woodburn, West Linn at Independence. Nov. 29 Chemawa at West Linn. SEPTEMBER 22, 23, 25 Folgex Coffee Lb. ... 2 Lbs. .....48C 1 Drip Pll or Regular Grind Sperry Pancake Flour. 28-oz. Pkg 17C No. 10 Bag; Tea Garden Drips Syrup - 12-oz. Jdg . ...... 15C 26-oz. Jug 29C RITZ CRACKERS Lge. Pkg.. 21c B & M Baked Beans or Brown Bread Lee. A Cans. 29c PEANUT BUTTER Sunrayed , Lb. Jar.. 25c ! HOLLY BILL FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT JUICE For 29.0 Santos Blend Coffee Ikt: 2 PLYMOUTH COFFEE Lb. 19c BLUE SUPER SUDS Concentrated, 4 fg J2-oz. Pkg.., y WHITE KING GRANULATED SOAP Lge. pkg.:. , 29c WHITE KING GRANULATED SOAP Pkg 20c WHITE KING LAUNDRY SOAP Giant m Size For WHITE KING TOILET SOAP Bars. SUNBRITE CLEANSER Cans.. 14c BRILLO STEEL WOOL SOAP PADS Of 12 17c JOHNSONS GLOCOAT - Pt. Cans;.'.. -59C Qt. Cans. 90C Trailer Peas 3. Cans. J Ida Gold Corn Cream Style 3 Coburg Gr. Beans 3 Cans CORNED BEEF Fidelity flrSe .M-oi. Can , W 25c rn 25c 25c Willamette Students to Hold Rally For Far-Distant Football Squad It's rally 'round and a gala all-campus dance for the Wil- amette university student body tonight, beginning with ser pentine of Bush pasture where a bonfire, prepared by fresh men under direction of Wes McWam, will be the center of fun festivities. O , Students will congregate in front of Lausanne hall at 7 'clock, serpentine the pasture and join in the yells and singing. to be led by Song Queen Carol Read. The annual oath will be giv en at the bonfire, by Winston Bunnell. Following the bonfire, students will trek to the gymnasium for the first all - c a m p u s dance of the school year. It is announced as a o-date dance. It's a rally by remote control for Willamette's football Bearcats, who tomorrow night go into initial 1939 action against the San Diego Marines at San Diego. Tentative plans are already un der way for a rally to welcome home the football squad following the Santa Barbara game next week, and, according to Student Body President Dayton Robertson, for a big rally on Thursday night, Oct. C, the night before the Port land University game on Sweet-land. Call for CCCs Goes Begging; War Fear Noted Marion county's anticipated quota of 40 enrollees for the fall civilian conservation corps period may go begging, lack of appli cants for enrollment indicates. M. E. Holcomb, county public welfare administrator, said yes terday he had received bat one CCC enrollment annlication since his announcement last week that his office was ready to interview would-be enrollees. Apprehension over the United States' becoming involved in war ia believed in welfare quarters to be in part responsible for the dearth of applicants -despite the fact CCC enrollees are no more subject to being called into the service than are other citizens. University Signup Nears 1937 Total Enrolment at Willamette uni versity was believed yesterday to have equalled the 1937 mark but not to have touched the peak of 1938, Dr. F. M. Erickson, dean of the university, reported. The 1938 enrollment included an un usually heavy registration of freshmen. Willamette's enrollment experi ence this year is similar to that of other higher education insti tutions, the dean said. Recob and Jones Returned to Jail Frank P. Recob and William T. Jones, who were brought here Thursday from Clackamas county on a larceny of poultry charge. were granted 48 hours in which to consult their attorney when they appeared in justice court yesterday morning. They were returned to the county jail when they failed to post bail of 1000 each. last two Innings today to giva Detroit a 7-1 victory over the Athletics. " Philadelphia 6 10 S PIppen, Trout, Rowe, Bridges and York; Beckman and Hayes. Get First Homers BOSTON, Sept. 21 - UP) - The first major league homers of pitcher Jack Kramer and Bob Neighbors, rookie shortstop, ac counted for all of the St. Louis scoring today as the red sox took the odd game ofthe final series by a 6-2 margin. The crowd of 600 set Fenway park's 1931 low. St. Louis 2 7 1 Boston . "9 0 Kramer and Harshany; Gale house and Desautels. All Runs In one Frame WASHINGTON, Sept. 21-(JP-A 6-run rally in the 8 th inning today gave the Cleveland Indians a fi to 3 victory over Washington. Weatherly, Cleveland outfield er, was knocked unconscious In the seventh on pne of the strang est plays here this year. With one on base, Charlie Gel bert hit out a drive to left field. Weatherly raced to the foul line, got his hands on the ball and tripped. As he did so the ball bounced from his hands into a left field box for a home run and the out fielder smashed against the field railing, knocking himself un conscious'. V Weather regained conscious ness and continued playing. Clevhind ., 6 9 0 Washington '. 3 7 1 Milnar and Hemsley; Bass, Car- rasquel and Ferrell. Courage to Face Music Held Need Frank Bennett Says Ability to Face Problems I Vital Today "Good timber" must be de veloped in American youth and manhood more than ever before to cope with the present day na tional ' and world political and economic problems, Frank E. Bennett, Salem city school super intendent, told the Salem Lions club -yesterday noon. By rood timber, he said, he meant 1 the kind of outlook and courages that enables a man to face and to do bis best to solve his own problems and to "see the other side as well as bis own. Superintendent Bennett re sorted to football for illustration of bis theme, reciting his own experience as a youthful player. He found, he said, that as a tackier he had to make the tackles himself In facing oppon ents if he were to progress. I believe that in trouble times like these if we solve new prob lems brought on by progress, it means more progress," Bennett concluded. "If we fail to solve them, it means the end." York's Blow Wins PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 2 !-() -Rudy York drove In three runs with a homer and single in the Bearcats Feel 100-Plus Heat One Scrimmage Daily Is Keene Order for Tilt Saturday Night . ( Editor' note: The followlnc la from Bruce Williams, with the Bearcats mt San Diego), MARINE BASE, " San Diego. Sept 20.-(Special) - Torrid tem peratures continued here as the Willamette university Bearcat conducted a-stiff scrimmage ses sion Wednesday afternoon in prep aration for their opening encoun ter ot the season Saturday night against the San- Diego Marines. s For the third day the tempera ture rose over, the 100 degree mark. The sharp difference in weather as compared to Oregon has been the cause of over a dozen treatments for sore throat to Swarts Service Is Set Saturday Funeral services for Ralph Swarts, Salem business man who died Thursday night, will be held at 2 p. m. Saturday from the Walker and Howell funeral home. Interment will be in City View cemetery. Ralph fjwarta was born Sep tember 22, 1S83. the son of Richard and Carrie Swarts, pio neers who crossed the plains in 1849 and settled in Salem. He was active in charitable and so cial service work. Surviving are the widow, Nel lie; a foster son, Marc Renne; brother, Simon Swarts of Salem; sisters, Mrs. I. C. Goodrich of Portland, Mrs. Grace O'Xeil of Salem and Mrs. John Payne of Fresno, Cal. members of the Bearcat squad. Johnny Kolb, veteran end, la still suffering from a badly twist ed knee, and it is doubtful wheth er he will be able to play before the University of Portland tilt next month. Due to extreme heat. Coach Spec Keene has resorted to a single practice session daily, discarding the usual morning practice, i Attracts Big Crowe? The game Saturday night is to be one of the best attended in San Diego football history according to officials. The contest is a benefit to pay for the newly acquired lighting system at the San Diego municipal stadium. Spec Keene has been kept busy with luncheon dates and radio broadcasts until he is as fatigued as the players. Local observers were particular ly Impressed with the punting strength of the Bearcats. Practic ing at Lane field, the home of the San Diego ; Padres of the Pacific Coast baseball league. Bunny Ben nett, Al Walden and Gene Stewart were consistently booting the ball out over the 60-yard mark. SFbip up Autumn appetites! Keep food budgets dowst! Serve steaming casseroles of rich, nourishing fril lets often. A special treat combined with meats, fish, chews ot melted but t. Ask your grocer for Fril-Ieu TODAY ... cellophane wrapped. SEND 12 Porter's labels and receive a stain-resisting aluminum noodle-ring. PORTER. SCARPELLI MACARONI CO.. PORTLAND. OREGON Sees US Peril If If the TJS goes on an "emotional spree," constitutional Govern ment -will disappear from Amer ica within OO days, San Fran cisco Attorney John Francis Neylajt warned a Treasure Is land gathering of Daughters of American Revolution members recently. The meeting was a commemorative gathering de voted to the constitution by the organization. Xejlan warned it will be "a hundred years before free institutions are re-estab lished la the VS it we are drawa Into Europe's war." (UN pho i t if f zsrho TMl'-S SI10PC Go Smart for Fall in Quality Glomes by KUPPENHEIMER Are you in a position where you can't afford to wew low-prked clothing? Does a quality appearance mean dollars and cents to you? Listen! Right here within a few steps of your office is as fine a selection of quality clothing as you'll find in any metro politan center. v . Kuppenheimer clothes have heen worn hy America's best-dressed men for over 63 years. We invite you to inspect a really compre hensive selection of these fine raits and topcoats. You'll agree that their handsome fabrics, ilawless styling and perfect fit will pay dividends in better appearance, long serviee, sound value. TOPCOATS $ 40 00.- and up SUITS DOBBS HATS In hats, Dobbs and style and quality are synony mous. Dobbs is quality and always will stand for just that. Your money gf ftf s can't buy a better hat.. yJiUll and V Oil NUNN-BUSH SHOES ' W believe there are no finer shoes made than Nunn-Bush. Wear them, and you'll be buying them again An ff tttf CfA and again 9OU to ?lUOU MANHATTAN SHIRTS To discrirninating men, Manhattan Shirts aw regarded the same today as they were 75 years ago. They're first on the style and g aa h quality list taUUand9OU Manhattan Pajamas $2.00 to $3.50 SOPOO and up ' WW Your fall supply of Interwovens is here. Lightweight wools, silks, and lisles in reg ulars, anklets, and Nu-Top style. Make your selection JEf i today ', 3Jvpr. 3pr. for $1.00 - Also 50c pr. Other Fall Surprise Values, Chester Barrie and Saml Martin English Topcoats 00 and sLk The ! THE STORE OF STYLE, QUALITY & VALUE - 416 STATE ST. ( v ! j to-)