PAGE ELEVEN - alem's. Market The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, September 21, 1939 TTDTl "JP ID)-- C ID) ? riaLW lOF JUlltJJlMg9 0tUmig9 IMSMlLMig. Statesman " Classified Ads ' Call 9101 ; CUariHed AdTertiaing Stngls insertion psr dns lOe Three Insertions per tine JOe Six insertions per line JOe One month per line ... II 00 Minimum charge lit Copy far this pur accepted an :30 the evening before publlea tloa for classification . Copy re ceive? after thl tiro will bo run andtr the heading "Too Let to CUwlfy.-, . The 8tatteman aaeumea no finan cial responsibility for rror whle may appear la advertisement pub lished In lt columna and la case where this paper la at fault win re print that part of an edvertlsement la which tho typographical mistake occurs. - - Tha Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising It further reserve, tha right to place all 'advertising : under the proper 1 classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad eontalntna a Statesman bos number for an ad dress Is for the protection of th advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman la not at Bberty to divulge Informa tion aa to tha Identity of aa adver tiser uatng a "Blind" ad. Livestock DEAD AND worthless horses, cows picked up free. Ph. collect 04 Tl Salem Montgomery" Rend Wka SALE. S GOOD milk cows, .cheap. Route 1. Bex 423. 0m0' I for hale or traae ior nvesioc. i 1 AO Rhode Island Reds, special mating. I l.tvinr nulleta. C O. Johnson, rt S. 1 .box 829. Across ferry at Independence. I Auctions 5 i AUCTION , NEXT THURSDAY night at Wood ry'a Mart, 1010 N. Summer St.. In Hol lywood. Sale starta PROMPTLY at TiJO p. m. Following la a partial Hat of conslVd' that wTbTV,id: tabertry davenport. ilte. till Brua- laewlne- marhln. hedroom suite. 3-Olere, late mdL electric washer, walnut 5 "TJleca dinette set. walnut writlna- desk. oak roll-top desk. 8 bed. 3 uprinjr. Wnattressea, 200 pieces silverware. 200 .nieces glass It dlshware many oth 'er Items too numerous to mention. NOTE This will be a fast, llwly sale with a world of good Items. F. N. ft Glenn Woodrr. .Auctioneers, t Phone 6110. Hop Pickers HOP PICKIMO rommeneea on nil hea hou ranch Friday. September 1 IH miles east ef Salem. B1 eroD. Kov Hardman, foreman: phone farmer" I line. 100FS.; . I fMMwwwwMwwMMwwMA I OUR TRUCKS leave everv mornlna at S a. m. from the corner of State and Commercial street for the RORF.RTP HOP yard. For Information and ar- rangementa. phone 9623 or isr 1. Help Wanted , $30 WEEKI.T GROW mushrooms cellar.- ahed We miy. 35c lb. World's largest company FREE BOOK. Mnsh room a 2019 Second . Seattle Wash. Help Wanted Male WANTED, EXPERIENCED man to handle ft pack apples call in person, 791 Edgewater St, West Salem. BARBER FOR Saturdays: $5.00 guarantee. Pat'a Barber Shop. Stayton. Oregon. UAHiuui UAn wamea on larm, email cabin furnished or may live in own trailer house. Rhoten Farm, near Roberta. Help Wanted Female HOUSEKEEPER. APPLY Mr a. Foula-er at Leons Shoe Store. I PART-TIME student, bd- rm. PART-TIME student. IkL. wages, Statesman. 1235. WANTED. EXPERIENCED wait ress for high clasa restaurant Box 1209. ajsssaatMaasssaxsssSisaawsaaaaasaaasaa EXPERIENCED MID -AGED hakpr. without Incumb. State Age. ret, wages. etc. Box 1238. Statesman. HOUSEKEEPER FOR light house work. Ph. 7377. sapaaMatsssjsaaasaawasaaaaaasaaaasasajajai GIRL FOR housework, go home nights. Tel. 9445. Salesmen Wanted NEED 2S GOOD salespeople. Sea Mr. Anderson. S3 State St. WANTED SALESMEN, aalary ft commission. Write qualifications ft ex perience. Bos. 1137. Statesman. ivi.nn.n nnnriri-M-i-r - -- -- - AMAZINO NEW auto Inyentloi Su- ?rcharglng GAS-MISER aavea up ta gaa and oil Increases power. Eaa Ilr Inatalled. New aclentlflc prlnclpla. Exclusive territory. . Writ for free ample offer. Dept. 822. Malon ft Moles, Sioux City. Iowa. ; HOME MODERNIZING . sale nan with car. Must be hard worker. Com r. VJfjrntw mission basis, call 178 S. Commercial. . -... - at ir.tkia rmrmnnri -n- - -,- ------mmmumm AUAZ1NU bw auxn iiirwjw.v. Supercharglna; gaa-mlser saves up to 25 gaa and oil increases power. Easily Installed. New aclentlflc prin ciple. Exeiuai-s xerriiorj. ""j- iiSi " Molea Sioux City, Iowa. Situations Wanted RAMSETER TRUCKeanrlcj. pa ral haullna-. reaaonabla ratea. P. 836 1 nnnnnrn-i ...... nncssMAK MRS Adaltt Ph S3SA . - - nnnnnr DRESSMAKING. 7984. 2011 S. Com. nnr-r-. . --.ii-i-- ml R TJTrfv St. IV-r ..... ttftwgwa . vm . Knit . M, I modeling "l T erVinged t estimate ' " " -i.r n.rtru-ii-1--- - craL wants housework. 504 N. CommerclaL aide entrance. . 8Ciitfi0nStlltegmatt ADVERTISING WMtarn Advertising RepresenUtJTea George D.i Close. Ia& , Saa Francisco. Loa Angela, Haettle 'Eastern Advertising . t RepresentitlTci Brnnt GriffltA ft Brunsoa. Chicago. New York. Detroit. Boston, atianra tCmtmrmd at thm Poafefloa f talaei Oregon. a Sooiit Clot Matter. Pas- Bum. of tux tat South CtmmmrtAai Strut. 1 $ . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' afall SubaeiipUon Ratea in Adranee. Within Oregon ; Dally and Sunda Mo. 64 eentat Mo. 31 69: lio. .' 1 rear 31.04. Elsewhere It cenU per Me. or 24.01 for 1 year to adranca ZT9" v . . . ... er COPT a eenta nvwuiauu, cwuib .."I 1 2mS -- JiiVJaSat eeuaua " For Sale Mbeeilaneoui REBUILT AND rasranteed man or. All makes from II up. Spae. stay cag 831 Hogg Broa. SO-SO STANDARD RIFLE. $20. J whe sleeper trallar. 845. 1745 Broad way. Ph. 3188. Ol. DRft. 12 8 win 110 Chemeketa USED SCHOOL books and children's encyclopedia 4TT Court. Bike. Rep Ramadan MS lib USED WOOD Electric and gas ranges. Priced to sell. TEATER RUSH CO. 255 N. Liberty Nest To Power Co. USED LEONARD refrigerator, guar anteed. $49.50. Easy terms. Good Housekeeping Inc. 452 Court St. PERENNIAL FLOWERS A seed. White s Greenhouse. 1655 N. Summer. SAVE 130 00 ON new 1938 Duo- Therra oil burning circulator. I to 8 room capacity, onlv 5 60. Easy terms. uood Housekeeping Inc.. 451 court ei ARMY WAI.l tent. 335 S. 14th. CASH. FOR used rurn Ph 5110 USED BAT. charter, handle bat. S15. Inq. bet 3:S0-o at 1245 Saginaw. UNI VERS A l. WOOD A ras combin ation ranee, fine condition. $32.50. YEATER A RUSH CO. 255 N. LibertyNext To Power Co. BENDIX HOME laundry now being demonstrated at Yeater A Rush Co., 255 N. Liberty Next To Power Co. REPOSSESSED WESTINGHOUSE I washer, nothing down $2.52 per I month with vour lleht bill. YEATB.R ft RUSH CO. 255 N. Liberty Next To Power Co. STEWART WARNER DeLuxe re- frlgerator, $79.50 $9.53 down, $3.21 oer month. TEATER A RUSH CO. S5 N. IJhertv Next To Power Co. mmmxmwwxmmxwommx) FOR SALS Thoroughbred spring- ei Spaniel pung. Idal does for hunt- I . a... W 4?tk ing or cniidren. can ai ui m St. and reserve touts now. Auction Thura. night Woodry'a Mart PEACHES - PEACHES - PEACHES I FANCY IMPROVED Elbertas. Hales. I tau"Crywfont. and Mulrs. yt. orchard, C M. LaFollet t and Son . WhMtlanA Auction Thura. night. Woodry's Mart. OR. PERSIAN kittens. 1195 N. 14th. 34 CHEV. MASTER Cabriolet. 650 Marlon St. after 6 p. m. Auction Thurs. night. Woodry's Mart. 2 BICTCI.ES. GOOD condition, reas onable. 110 Academy. Auction Thurs. night. Woodry's Mart GOLDEN CROSS can. com. -79F14. FOR SALE or trade. 1 -horse Cen- tury motor, alnale chase. 110 or 220 West Side Furniture. Wert Salem, at End of RrtdKe Auction Thurs. night. Woodry's Mart- ONE WILTON velvet rug and one Axminster rug. surprisingly cheap. Tel. 6313. 100 Garden road. BOSC PEARS. ,2c lb. King and Spitz apples 50c box. M. B. Mitchell, rt. 7. box 23. ELGIN BICTCLE in A-l condition new balloon tires. 320. Ph. 126F4. ALFALFA HAT. straw and cherry wood. Carl Stettler. Ph. 104F23. Wanted- Miscellaneons WANTED USED rurn lh lilt OIJ3 WnOI rnnttmn Tel S11S WANTED TO buy for cash. 1st I 2nd mortgages real atate contract I mercnsnnise aiscounr proper. STATE FINANCE CO 844 State Street Salem Oregon WANTED FOR ph. walnuts ft fil berts. ' Also meats. M. Klorfeln Pack ing Co.. 280 S. High. Phone 7633. CASH PD. for furniture. Ph. 4517. HUNTERS, WE apeelalixe In taxl- dermy and buckskin -tanning. Bring '.. 1.1.1 r-. . t.t. nery. 2595 Simpson. Wanted Fnrn iture WANTED FURN. Forgey. P. 7441. Miscellaneous , -n 1 t UwAb-An I Amena Knl!IPAn r in Two Hours m asaai W m DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST OPTICAL DEPT. In charge of Dr. Fred Pageler and Dr. W. W. Frazee. Optometrists Adoloh Bldg.. State ft Commercial Phone 3311 PRACTICE PIANOS. i.EL Stiff. For Rent Rooms ROOMS. PH. Uti. 494 N. Cottage. fsjttjxgwjiVWixrLjxiT- " -t- DESIRABLE SLEEPING room, pri entrance. Tel. 6977. tnvr irr uminv Rooms. Special weekly and monthly tea tn nrm riMtl Marlon Coffea 1 a-t " - IliA- nAffa inm 10 oerm. Kuetis, bwiuwh vfc' Shop delicioua meals at low orlcea. PLEAS . WITH dressing rm. cen- . - CaDltol "; .7. rft.p" - SLEEPING RM.. 740 Ferry. eaWaaa1swsasjs"aaaaaasaa 1 WKT.I. rtrRN. sleeping rooms, steam heat 807 N. CommerclaL SI TOPING ROOM. 725 Court St COMF.,RMS.. 1SI S. 14th. MAN'S FITRN. rm. A icar. nr. state I hse.. hall ent Ph. (630. I vmmiwwii. I SLEEPING ROOM. 750 'TET Street. -i - -- -- - - -- -- -- - I nice cu!h sleeping room, ciobc I in - pnl fjt if desired. 404 N. Winter I - t-1 RM. FURN. apts.. heat, lights. 81 a. 1 43 Court. Ph. 6SS7. HOTEL SALEM, low monthly ratea. 1 , m t , a r .1... I TK ! im. . iww - I 'm?r?T1r,'??T? J I It. It h. ft C. W. gar.. Iiz.0. ROOMS. 848 N. IStK Ph. 9497 Room and Board R ft R 1090 N. Summer. Ph. 4(14. TBL. BOARD, axe. food. ss Manon RM- 3 STUDENTS. $10. Pn. 7J1I EXCU MEALS, pri. home. Ph. (79L GD. ' MEALS leeu rme. 995 S. 1 2th. saaaaaAaaasaaaaasaaaaaaa3 , mrm,,m. bumi fc k..wl a, I-MTV. 1-'.Df7" ; J. ,f 1 vm dry: also table board. 451 N. Cottage. TrrrrrCg' iSLTZa I Boar schools. 9S Marlon. Pn. T884. " v,"rr . nit a mgftmmf'mmimmtmmmtmtmmmtt J ?I14. 635 N. Winter. , aUAnA AAar awita v nvuHui j For Rent ApartmenU S-RM. TORN., bath. 144t Waller. r1ririnaxaJtJ'sJUsfsJaJrs i IOR4R. tiM apt- Y3S N. Com'L I 1 ajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaa DESIRABLE APT- gas heat Frig- I ldalre. pri bath, 1st floor, outside ent. I 1.1.1. -. ti parage, near r. uiftu aura wmw. ll. ( ROOM HOUSE. 836: partly furn. CUtR. fura, heat. 8T4 Ii, 4?harch. Money to Loan j i Money to Loan . We Lend You Money -WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED' TO ITT TOUR QfCOMS No Endorsees No Comakew Your Signature Only REPAY ANY DAY TO RBDUCB4 COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDEST Akin MRHrar INDEPENDENT-COMPANY WHERE YOUR NEEDS RE- CE1V1 1 PERSONA!. ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN ?. ; General Fiiiance Corp. IS! So. Commercial St tie, First Door South of Ladd A Bush. Bank AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Sth FLOOR GUARDIAN BDILD1NO LICENSE NO M-lSl $300 .00 FOR FALL AND WINTER , NEEDS REDUCE BURDENSOME IN STALLMENTS. RID YOURSELF OF OLD DEBTS. CONSOLIDATE ALL BILLS INTO ONE. GET CASH FOR SCHOOL NEEDS. REDUCE HIGH CAR PAYMENTS. Our liberal, flexible credit require ments make It asy to borrow. Our convenient payment plana make It easy to repay. I A modest salary la our main reoiilrement) You are under no obligation when you call at the offices of the People's Finance Co. 2nd Floor. First Nat'L Bank Bids. Salem. Oregon Phone 4446 S 21$ State License M-220 FHA LOANS 4. also orlT. loans. Abrams A EUIt. Inc.. Maaonle Bids. PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to ra- auce payments. Money for new or used cars. io aeiay or rea tape, ion win re- tain VonTHs' TOPAT 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAT ISA South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-15I I 1 st Choice From Coast to Coast. Here's Why: Reasonable Terms I (.03 mo. repays $ CO In 12 moa, 3 7.27 ma repays $100 In 18 moa. 313.0a mo. repays 3180 In 18 moa. 318.18 mo. repays $250 In 1$ moa. No cosigners or special kind of security needed. The quicker you repay -the less the cost. We appreciate your business. JTO1T.E CONSULTATION. TN OUR OF FICE OR AT YOUR HOME WITH-1 OUT OBLIGATION. SEE OK PHONK OUR MR. ENGLISH. PERSONAL Finance Co. 8econd Floor. New Bligh Bldg. SIS State Street. Salem. Oregon, gtat Lkense Numbers S-1J3 M-165 Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins ft Roberts. WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real ea I Uta. Will pay Interest. I w n nRinmtnnnsi W. H. GRABBNHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 & Liberty Street Phone 4I$I For Rent Apartments 8 RM. MOD. furn. 1658 State. asKasaaaasaaW,aa,maaaa SEE' THE Fisher Apt a before you decide. Large ft Airy. Rockwoot In- UniUK U.lf. K .11, Isolated against heat cold. Venetian I dii. .1 w . a m. A.V C. m r . FURN. HEATED apt. 4(0 N 13th. COMFORTABLE. HOME- LIKE reasonable, Hawthorne Court. 1000 N Capitol St n n n i-i.n.n nn.n m nrn iry-.-i- i- - - 1 R TORN. 433 Marlon. mwwwwwwwiwww SMALL APT., adults, 770 S. Com L 1 TO LRU mntmL ehean. f 1 S anC up Children welcoma 1310 (3th. PATTON APTS. 322 State. Fur 14.H. .!. Oh If il -wu. v.,., - wwmwwmmwwwwwwwwm . 1 V ' Tf-TT XT L"l"l' V . C A Q (nttm Wm '-.r. 1 " -: - 1 - FURN. ft UNFURN- (33 Ferry. rT? nf coa TTnirtn NICE. FURN. 3 R. -.--w--. . . i 'mim.'m'm 2 R. FURN. 1st floor. Elec w. Gar. $15. 2590 Lea. Ph. 394S. COZY APT. with 3 bedrooms, 340 Union. Tel. (728. 2 OR 3 RMS., at 246 State. aaaaasasjaassasassaaasaawsaaaaaawaaawasw iaaaajaaaasa VERY LOVELY furnished S-rm. ant. hot water heat, rarare. free laundry. $30. Ph. 8413. -- "- V "'I' including gaa. garage. 790 n. uom i. CLOSE IN modern 3-room unfurn. apt Adults only. Ph. 8490. I rUOTrTi! A TT tnv .Inln rntlmftn. i first floor. 760 N. Church. TeL 7905. $8 PER MO. 355 Bellevue. For Rmt Houses FURNISHED HOUSE. 1337 Court St Phona 6926. -i -ii i-ru-r.nn.rr -imm nnrr wmv rniH?T mtr . 724 N. Cotiara. MODERN 4 ROOM duplex apt; nice - Sn'rrnFiTft & M. EARLE, Phone 9(71 er 38(5. S RM TtDTTSE. unfurn.. good condi tion. gar $20. 946 Market TeL 4847 RM. HSE 1233 N. Church. $18. ( rj, HOUSE near new high school I mmmwmSSmmmmmmmmmi I . - - - lino, 1130 us st. I Tnrni-uwinrjjmr I 3 OR 4 ROOM duplex, close In. WU1 I redecorate, ruone alter a ssza, a at-aja w), mnmm " 4 RM. HOUSE, inq. 40S N. Cottage. S RM. HSE. Inq. 168 N. Liberty, FURN. A UNFURN. S rm. bsea. close In. Pbene 3518. FOR RENT 8 rm. sub. hae $20. tnn Tf -On 1 wwfcwww I ou att tirkTTCw! luu irrrmrvn i ... - U Madrena Are, fialem aelghta. Ne. 8-lSt Phone HIS Convenient Ground Floor Locatloa For Rent Houses 1 large house, suitable for roomers, I ooarders. 1-5 room for $30.00. 1-7 room for $30.00. P. H. BELL Phone 8121 429 Oregon Bldg. 6-RM. UNFURN. hse., $18. Ph. 6121. MOD. FURN. 3 -room cottage. Edge water court Elec refrlg., gar. Ph. 8413. LOVELY MOD. 8 bdrm. home. Auto. I heat Close In. 172 S. Lib. Ph. 7113. 1 I BENT OR leau mwirn mitniffea.n I home, close in. 815 N. Winter. I CRM TTOnST!" anil R lots tn town L yet where located one mav keen a cow I and a few chickena with no oblec- I tinn. 'S rwr mn 1 F. H. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 941L I-HM. HSE.. $9. 4-rm. furnished hse., $25. 6-rm. mod. hse.. $30. 8-rm.lnd other buildings, near good school mod. hse, $40 Ph. 8632. Eves. 3164 For Rent -Farms FOR SALE or rent, 70 acre farm. 891 N. winter St. For Rent OFF1CE ROOMS. S1 State Streat Inautre room 200 Tel STIL HMES ft" AFARTMENTTphTi7l1U Wanted to Rent FURN. APT. or small house, will I pay 6 mo. in adv. Foster. 2261 Haxel I Ave. Ph. 7664. I For Sale rReal Estate TRADE CITI property for farm homes. Opportunities tn exchanges, HAWKINS Si KIlBltKia. UU --,-'syw wis havb J tifu rtwru,i ib iwu wni 10 ku "'-"; lease, rent, see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Cal- uns wun tiawsins Kopana. wwiwwwwwwwwwwmwm WHY RENT when vou can buy aa cheaply a new 5-room modern house T Restricted dintrirt. 1 bloCK Irom PUS line. Owner 5506. Easy terms. JUST COMP. 5 R. mod. house, au tomatic hot water heat Phona 3992. COR. LOT, N. 17th. 735 N. Com'L CLOSE IN HOME Modern 10-rm. home. cor. lot. located within 6 blocks of downtown section. I outtaDie ror noara ana room, mw 36800. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. This home In in excellent condition. See W. H. GRABENHORST-ft CO.- REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Phona 8468 FURNISHED MODERN 5 R. HOME- VIT?R E-ITRNC. erood furn. Inclnd. FIRE. FURNC. good furn. Inclnd. pla.. & elec. man. N. Salem. 33500. BBbO. $1.00 DOWN. $20 MO. buys i 7 rm. hsA norflv fiifn hnm. rTltA SRSA. I O. E. RAE. 1655 N. Cottage St P. 8761. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS? A 5-ROOM PLASTERED house on 84x174 ft. lot fine fruit ft shade trees. i-fiEX "w 11 lt-EL" CaU Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phona 92IL NEW MODERN HOME Just completed, oak floors, fireplace. gaa furnace, garage, payed St.. good! location, only s&so down. bai. terms. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, t nice large rooms and bath. Price $2760. Sea this home before you buy. W. IL UK A BEN HORST UA REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Phone 84(8 RIGHT DOWN TOWN t STORY 8 ROOM house only 5 blka. I from P. O. north house la plastered. -. w.. a. v. iiviw uuun. im mvw.vw. i in good condition, nna basement m oui I fiimgn. tri S47R A vifh 1SAS i4ftwn 1 I See it today. Call Mra. Ellis with I CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS B - - . . . - - DiaiB Direct rawi NICE S R CLOSE, $8200. Fn. S2ZZ. .... V. A 4 R. HOUSE. CITY water ft f" j-mu.i V'i7'"'' ''":. 1 down payment bal. Ilka rant 120 Sa- ca s isaa. viusu ail. vij iicwi j I lem Heights Ave. I SNAP I This 7-rm. horn located at 1238 N Fifth Rt "Prlo 11 OR A Tai-m lot- N' wyH.tRABEjmoRST. I REALTORS I... a f it ... c. T1 .1. I o. woeriy on rr i x uvjiio ... I WWAWWWAW" I WHY PAY RE N'T T I TO PARTY with Job j credit Only 1 l5a llT, ,2vl4,T Br"d I well ncillt 2 Dedrm. home- Ex. loctu 111 7 KA . . BUDRO W-KA SMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd ft Bush Bldg. Phona 59SS $2200.00. CLOSE TO the university. 3 bedrooms, an excellent purchase. $2500.00. 2 acres, new 4 room bouse at Hails Ferry, good terms. EL U HENDRICKSON With P. H. BELL 1 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 6 RM. MODERN hse oak floors I I throughout basement oil furnace, ape- I1 ..OCA ..ra,. " 't -T P. H. BELL. REALTOR 429 Oregon Building MOD HS. or sub. to $4500 cash. 7118. $250 CASH Bal. $2$ per mo. will buy this 6-rm. nlastered home. cor. lot paved sts.. only 4 blocks from supreme court bldg. This home ta in excellent condition. Price 32150. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. r REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Phone (418 I I 31250 BUYS- my 5-rm. nlast home 1 only 12 blocks' out to good diet New 1 roof, lot 75x120. To close estate, box vur V.;:: for tnv -rm horn on creek. Coat $6000 to build yra. ago. All modern with automatic heat Box 1101. States - man. t-ROOM HOUSE. 256 Division. DON'T PASS THIS UP S250 down, taL Ifte rant Imya mod - ern bungalow, lot or nuut-lna, rooms, batn, rurnace, ata. tnoa. Dase - ment. garage, irutt ana nui trees, mra 2400. see louis uecntei or asaoei 1 Kaedham. 841 State. Rm. 4. GRANT SCHOOL. LI3T. llJrl' tiles, auite modern. 3J650! 33S mo. Poss. Oct 1. Can at one. n 82950. NEW and attractive l-rm. hiinnlow. hardwood floors. laundry I rm., large lot, several treea. 3500 dn. . I 3300 down. 7-rm. noma In goou condi tion, -narawooa uoors in iivhis mm dining nna Baaement, furnace, flre- I nlSO. 82600. 1 3200 tdowB. wm. pia sterea nome. I hath llahts. larre lot 81500. iri vtw Tnuvsnv vtfr A T TTITI - MONET TO LOAN AX T Own street Phone ST2I For Sale Real Estate S-RM. BOUSE on paving. Good lot If taken at once will sell fo 8700; 116O down, lie per month. 24 acres on pa vine 7-rm. house. large barn, free water. Irrigated. Will exchange for house, in Salem. 4-rm. house., unfinished. Price $1100; Viae casn, ii per montn. Lic vbgh-orant3 Ph. (1(1 Exchange Real Estate A-l. 7 R-. FOR amaner. Ph. 6222. aawa. 1 WILL TRADE equity In small Im proved acreage far small amount cash. good car or lot Owner, Ryneraon, third House nortn Swegie sehopL 24 ACRES close to a town. Running creek the year around. Irrigation ditch for all but about 2 A. 5-rm. house. bam and other bldgs. On hard-surface p. H. WEIR. 212 Oree. Bldar. Ph. 9411. For Sale Farms DAIRY RANCH for sale. $1000.00 down payment Barn room for 12 cows. 1605 S. E. Washington St., Portland. FRUIT A BERRIES 25 ACRE FARM. 15 minutes drive from down town. 10 A. newly cleared land in voung fruit A berries. Remod- eled house with elec. A water system. $2000.00. some terms. See Collins with uawiu. &! a. saiem STOCKMEN HERE IS one of the finest atock ranches in the rtate. attractively priced, 1040 acres. 165 acres Irrigated, unlim ited fret water, all fenced and on hard aurfaced road. 7, live springs, also run- water. Fine fishing and hunting. Additional range can be leased at .01c Pr acre. New 8 room modern home The price is $13,000 ; half cash will handle. Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 92(1. LOOK LOOK LOOK 5 A. dairy and seed farm on Pan-1 tlam. Worlds ot water for Irrigation. ucoa Diaga dis; oairr doth, sheds, milk house. 7-rm. house, city conveniences, elec. Stocked and equip., 15 cows. 130 turkeys, 0 chickens, hogs. 20 tons hay. lots of grain, 6 acrea corn. This is a steal at S950O. See Mr. Larsen, HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC Acreage FOR SALE S acre tract. S room plastered house. In need of some re-1 pair, good well, electricity, in Liberty district; will sell cheap aa is, or will rent to responsible party. Phone 9541 I or can Kit) n. nta fct. ONE HALF ACRE- BRAND NEW barVea7n.6Frim In East Salem at 1 set some wal. $2950. FHA terms. 6580, I cijsis ri, z nouses, electricity, I large chicken house, barn, and best ior garden boil Located north. $ioo dn. I William e. moses realty co. I See Moses or Moore l vwAwwwAiwwwwwwi I MOD. KIIRIJRRAN nronertv. XL A. Immed. poss. Sell on FHA term Also 1A..1 mile W. of Keizer schooL Verv best of earden land. All kinds of frulL Worth $1000. Buy now for $3200. H. C. Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. " -Ys"-ii--)r-r"-i ir'iriiir1iii-iirsslri riiar 10 ACRES E. of town, 5-rm. plas tered hse., barn and out bldgs., elect. lights and elect, water system. Price I 12800 : 3300 dn.. bal. like rent I A., 4-rm. hse., water, lights, on pavement, next to school. Frlce 6a0. Easv terms. Mod. 5-rm. and nook, 3 bedrms., $3200. South of Salem. Terms. KICH L. KEIMANN 1 167 a High Street Phone 8633 I W7,.Q J Rl s7enA I Wanterf -Keal Estate WANTED 40 A. more or less, good I buildings, close to Salem. Prefer place so can dairy. Will pay $7000 cash. I U. O. MAIM JJEKS, 118 8. iligh. 6131. Business Opportunities RESTAURANT TRAILER, ready to . $76. King's Tr. ExcIl. 619 N. Front. go. aaaaaaaassataaaaass A REAL INVESTMENT Good, modern service station leased to major 011 company, paying excellent income, inis property is priced to selL Coma In and let us tell you about It. I W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, I REALTORS 1 134 s. Liberty Street Phone (488 I wmwwwwmnwmmwmw I I TO LEASE Small grocery store I with living quarters on 99 hwy. north. ROY J .RICE. 211 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 941L S, C 1 T . w ciaic nuuu I nrngriniim ntmnn .1.. I wood. Ph. 6370. W. L Graen. 411 N. 31 ' -w iuin w u a. rua a, assamu VU - - - - Vfmnnrinfinnnn nfinn I I 8PEC OAK 8S.7K. a.h IS IS P TS1 I wnnn tt a n. i, I coru. xei. suo. sradiey. Wood Sawing Tm7ifT O ft TtTTVTf! 1T M M V I .vwwMrVw wOO SAWING. TeL 1521, Schools I iMploma- Text. furn. WHU tm rtnirkaFTtai. Am. &tiAni x r jea I nlSZl, m - - i ruruua. Business Card ta this directory m oa a monthly baala only. Bate i ft per Ua per month. Auctioneers RAY HIS EL. 1289 Sixth St Ph. 7281 Anto Brakes Mike Panes. 371 Sooth ConuserclaJ. Bicjtea I BICYCLES. NEW and reconditioned. I Harry W. Soott 141 a CoraX P. 4llf Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE '44(0. R B. Northnsaa I CHIMNEY CLEANED I PfPES. FURNACES, stove, gutter, 1 Get ready for whiter. No sect er dirt I Ray L. Fanner Hdwr. Co. Ph. 6005. Chiropractors I n a r t-n--t won J" ': " . i - - - Excavating nnivitiua nr .. MmAm. fmmm. ?ta dug. Dirt haul? or mn& Dirt I tor sale, csaiem aajta saa-unni Pboae 94SA Florists Breltbanpf 4T Court Pheae 8944. La an dries THB NEW BALKM LAUNDRY thb whdee LAUNDRT 141 S. High Tel. 1134 For Sale Used Cars IT'S FORD IN FORTY WE MUST CLEAR THE WAY OUR SPECIAL TODAY 1938 Nash Lafayett e oedan Completely reconditioned upholstery;. An R&G Car. , $665 VALLEY MOTOR CO. "20 TEARS OF FRIENDSHIP' Used Ccir Lot Marion & Liberty i .. . - Herb Misson Ben Drager - Art Hanson I wmmmmwwmmmvwmwmv $3000-00 ,1 1J I IS tile price We SOld a 111 Tft 1 1 t I gOO(l USeU FaCKard IOr Ul I D I I fJ7lJ I We will NOW sell you a better one like the one described below for $625 1936 "120" COUPE, with best grade radio and heat- er, spotlight, trunk rack i -i .i . r 3 I and Other extras. UriKUial I . I finisn Iik y pw I xi . I QTATF MllTriKS TNI I OLJXLCj IMIXJ 1 WIXO, ILKa I TTTTDSOV-PACKARD DEALER IHieh at Chemeketa Phone 8400 Open 'Til 8 P. M. TRUCKS AND CARS BARGAIN PRICES MAKE US AN OFFER 1937 G. M. C. Pickup 1936 G. M. C. Panel 1935 International Pickup SF46 International, 2 -Ton Federal, 6-wheeIer, A-l 1936 Ford Coupe 1936 Willys Sedan 1933 Terraplane Sedan Several other cars and trucks to choose from JAMES H. MADEN CO.. I J"-J mJ-i- VjVy' INC. I SIT State Street Phona 8590. MODEL A FORD 4 -dr., after 7 p. m. 405 Union. I '35 DeSOTO SEDAN. Bargain. Like new. Ph. 7133. 809 Edg. St, W. Salem. Lost and Found LOST CHILD'S tipper sweater, ma roon color, near 449 N. Cottage st Fa. 6717. Reward. I . IAJOT lE.iUl!.&a. rat -1 e r r 1 e r. ?nn7r, n n n -Tnnn TnTi n n n n B as I an sT X II FOUND. PURSE. Call at Statesman office. Identify same and pay for ad. LOST PERSIAN kitten. 144 N; Front Reward. Finder please return. Personal I . 1 -L - 1 " iWjex- heart husbd, wtf. f0r ym. P. O Box 7L Loa Angeles. JOIN THE lonesome corresooniem. lub. PO box 927. Portland. i- s,vi'Y-nrjunruui"Ln-fi rifted spiritual rder-rrect advice I .ka.i k;..4.. .t iuuiraw aim cri Buuau iriaLLOi . AnnomrrriAnti fiv Kaanat-n MAfai Appointments dally. Senator Hotel. Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattreat factory. NEW MATTRESS made to eroar, eld remade: carpet cleaning. suing: fluff rug weaving, a. 18th ft WUDur. -eL tm. OTTO F. ZWICK KB. Eat 111L CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 40(9 Natnropathic Physician OB. W B. ROCK W ELL. Nstnrenarh- la Physician. 1T9I rnfraramnAa RA TeL 4303. Office Hours 11 a. m. te 5 :89 . m. r RES EXAM, ft CONSULTA TION. Painting Paper hanging NEAT WORK. U Johnaoa. Ph. II II Printing FOR STATION CRT earda parapbleta programa boeka er any kind ef print laC eaB The fUteetnaB Prlntiag De partmeBt ill aV CommereJal. Tele oaeae Sltt. k Refinishing FTrRNITURS! REFINISHED Dice K. Brock. I4( Oatnea, Pboae 4141 Transfer rOS LOCAL er 4UsUM transfer, stor age, burner en. eaS 1181. Lanner Transfer Co. Trucks ta Portland daO WeH Drilling R. A. WrST. rt 8L boa 448. Pa. nm C&astar i. Pugh. till Mrrtie. Ph. fits. I For Sale Used Cars in -perfect' shape. Mohair Automobile 1937-DeLUXE 85 FORD Sedan, onlv 18.900 exact miles, runs and looks like new. Price 1475.00. Will take cheaper car. f none owner stb Z3, Sunday evenings or 4311 week days. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned hare been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, as Executrix and Executor, respectively, of the estate of Dora L. Leighton, de ceased, and that they have duly qualified as such Executrix and Executor: all persons haying claims against the estate of said decedent are notified to present the same, duly verified, to us. at the office of Walter S. Lam kin. our atorney. 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 24th day of August, 1939. CORNELE SfUTTAFORD, EDWARD M. LEIGHTON, Executrix and Executor ot the last will and testament and estate of Dora L. Leigh- ton, Deceased. WALTER S. LAM KIN, Attorney for Executors, Salem, Oregon. A 24-31 S 7-1 4-2 1 TRADE-MARK NOTICE t JOHN MORRELL 4b CO. of Ottumwa. Iowa, hag used the trade-mark "ABC" In connection with the manufacture and sale of food products, namely, doc food, since June 16, 1938, and has filed with the Secretary ot state of Oregon an application for registration of this trade mark. JOHN MORRELL ft CO. By Mason. Fenwlck & Lawrence, Attorneys. " S. 21-28, O. 5. Cross Word ! Puzzle I 12 3 IM 75- 20. 21 22 i 2T H i7f 32 is HI 777x7771 26 33 36 HORIZONTAL 47 opposen 1 to issue in to nasty a stream i2i S Alpine wind flightless ---onjuTraoi - . bird. 12 lighten IS orer again 14 creek or . inlet . IS with an '"assumed air of superiority 18 perfidious ' . friend of Othello 19 part of tha leir(pL) 53-r-orgent want coin 54 French riyer 8 aroused 65 cloth 9 containing measure arsenic SuwAer (pi.) 1ft riVut ia 67 experiment Egypt VERTICAL 11 period of 1 energy: time (pi.) 2 rowing 18 a direction , implement 17 combine Herewith Is terdsy's puixia, 20 cougars 23-lode -. -24V eonstellatiott 25 Polynesian cloth 28 bound SI Fiji chestnut 53 common lerel . 54 hsTinj a ':. beige color . 25 aluminum SUlnhatS; S8 exdamatioa of sorrow, S8 era - 89 rip ' 41 heimmntii 42 mimicking 45-fetid LEGAL NOTICE NOTICK TO CREDITORS "In the matter of tbe estate of the estate of Emll J. Roth, de ceased, No. 10-215. Notice Is hereby Elven that the undersigned has been appointed adminlstrat-. or ot the estate ot Emil J. Roth deceased, br the County Court ot I the State ot Oregon for the ' County ot Marion and has dnlyt qualified. All persons havingr claims against said estate am hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned at 3Q& South Cottage street, Salem, Ore-. gon, within six months from the. date hereof. ;- "Dated and first published Sep-, tember 21, 1939. Last publica tion, October 19, 1939. Edward E. Roth, Administrator." S. 21-28, O. 5-12-19. NOTICK OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATRIX ' Notice is hereby given that tha undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, as Administra trix of the estate ot Guy M. Mc Cartney, deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such ad ministratrix; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present' the same, duly verified, to me, ' at the office of Glover & Lamkin, my attorneys. 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 7th day of September, 1939. NANCY A. BASEY. Administratrix of the estate of Guy M. Mc Cartney, Deceased. GLOVER & LAMKIN, Attorneys for Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. S.7-14-21-28 0.5. Returns Richard Barthelmess returns to the screen after a three-year ab acence la Colombia's Howard Hawks production, Only An gtsla Hare Wings," aviation ad Teatore film which co-stars Cary Grant and Jean Arthur at the Hollywood, theatre, which opens special midnight matlnea Saturday, September S3. IO II 17 'X 2 27 2d 2.1 30 3V 'A 37 38 W2 4 W5 H6 50 51 27 3 employ 4 networks 5 sudden loud noiss 8 upon 7 Portuguese 20 coin of Turkey 21 mountains in Russia 22 pertaining to tha morning 23 Spanish measure of length 25 South American armadillo 27 friend 29 hence SO-tnusica! composition the solution to yes- fortwo S2-ezpressions ox approral 87 eipectorats 40 one who , acta for . -'-another 42 one of weak intellect 4S culmina - - tion " 41 small body of water . 45 baking . pllct 48 ooys 48 female) ' . ruff 40 to eontend 60 S-shaped moulding 51-" to place , '"" mf I i" I 'i j' f ( 1 k 'VI ti U 1 v