FA lit; Salem's Market Place for Buying, Selling, Kentiii f? ? ?Hir OREGON - STATESMAN; TSalein, Oregon, Wednesday Momfng, September 20, 1939 i Statesman - i Classified Ads Call 9101 CUniflcd Advertising Single Insertion per line Three Insertions per tin JOe Sis Insertions per line lOe One month per line H Minimum charge , . " - He Copy fee this peg accepted not 6:19 the evening before pobllce Hon for elaaslflearton. Copy re ceived after this time wtn bum under tba beading "Too Late to Classify." ; Tb SUUniu assume ne flnan itai responsibility for arrora which say appaar to ad vol llaamenU pub llshad In its column, and tn case, arbcra this paper la at fault will re- Srtnt that part of an advertloemeot I which tba typographical mistake Tha Statesman reserve tba right ta rate oueatlonable advertising It further reserves tbe right to olaee all advertising under tba proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad eoatalntn a Statasmaa boa number for aa aav drraa la for tba protection af tba advertiser and muat tberafora be answered by letter. Tba Statesman ta not at liberty to divulge Informa tion aa to tba Identity of aa edver tiaer using a "Blind" ad. Livestock DEAD AND worthless horses, cows picked up free. Ph. collect 5411 Salem Montgomery Rend Wka 8ALE, 1 GOOD milk cows, cheap. I Route 1. Box 423. Auctions i i I- AUCTION NEXT THURSDAY night at "Wood it' a Mart 1C10 N. Summer St. In Hol lywood. Sale start. PROMPTLY at 7 -3. tv. tn. Followine- la a Dartlal Ustlll ot eonsignea gooas inai win oo boiu. tapestry davenport suite, 9x11 Brus sels rug. Zenith cabinet radio, cabinet aewtna; machine, bedroom suite. 2-plece. late mdL electric washer, walnut 6 piece dinette set walnut writing desk. . oak roll-top desk, 1 beds, 2 springs, 3 mattresses, 200 pieces silverware, 200 pieces glass A dishware A many oth er Items too -numerous to tnentlon. NOTE This will be a fast, lively ale with a world of good Items. F. N. 4k Glenn Woodrr, Auctioneers, i ;i Phone 5110. Hop Pickers " t HOP PICKING' commences on nil Bee hoo ranch Friday. Seotember 1 !Vt anlles east jof Salem. Big crop. Roy Hardman, i foreman : phone fai phone farmer Una. 100 OFS. OUR TRUCKS leave every morning at f a. m. from the comer of State and Commercial street for the ROBERT? HOP yard. For Information and ar rangements, phon. S21 or 1CF12. Help Wanted NEAT APPEARING young men and women to work in advertising cam paign. No experience necessary. Apply Room 506. Guardian Ulag. $3e- WKKKLT UROW manhrtomt cellar, shed We buy. 85c lb. World's largest company FREE BOOK. Mush rooms, soil Second. Sea ttl Wash. Help Wanted Male i WANTED, EXPERIENCED man to J handle A pack apples, call In person. 191 isagewater St. west saiem. BARBER FOR Saturdays: $5.00 guarantee. Pat's Barber Shop. Stayton. Oregon. MARRIED MAN wanted on farm, email cabin furnished or may live tn earn trailer house. Rhoten -Farm, near Roberta. Help Wanted Female HOUSEKEEPER, APPLY Mrs. Foulger at Leona Shoe Store. PART-TIME student bd wagea, Statesman. 1225. WANTED. EXPERIENCED wait ress for high class restaurant Box i:o. - e 0000000000000000000000000 I experienced mid-aged bskpr. I etc. Box 1238, Statesman. I HOUSEKEEPER FOR light house-1 waris, Ph. 7377. 1 Salesmen Wanted NEED 20 GOOD salespeople . See Mr. Anderson, 520 State St. . Situations Wanted RAMSETER TRUCK service. Gen eral hauling, reasonable rates. P. 1164 DRESSMAK MRS AAaltt Ph 6266 DRESSMAKING. 7984. 8011 & Com. DRESSMAKING. TAILORING, roat reltnlng. 1698 S. Liberty St BieaeaaeasBaaaaaeaaaa HOUSES AND, garages built re modeling. Loans Arranaed : estimates free. Phone 6588. Flovd Llneberger. perlence. Box 1227. Statesman. 00000000000 I AMAZING NEW aoto Invention. Su- rercharglng GAS-MISER aavea trp ta 5 gas enroll. Increase power. Eaa flr Installed. New clentlfic principle. Kvr.luatv. tanrltorv. Writ - for free sample offer. Dept 222. Melon A Moles, Sioux City, Iowa. " For Sale Misrellaneons REBUTLT ; AND gnaranleed ah rt AH make from $10 up 8pee. May Ul $16 Hog Broa LARGE SIZE State Heatrola stove for cash or trade for wood. Ala large dining room table. 161 N. 12th. lt.il KTAKDARIl RIFLE. 110. 1- wbee sleeper trailar, $(5. 176S Broad way. Ph. 1188. aaaeaa4Baaba 0aaa98 I i USED SCHOOL books and children' CEcyclopedia. 477 Court. OTOontabsiaaii . i ADVERTISING Westen Advertising i EepresenUUvea Oeorge D Ctoee. lae. Saai Franclaoo. Loe Aagale. , Eastern Advertising i RepresenUUves Bryaat Griffith A Bronsoa, IsaV Ciiieago. New Tork. Detroit !; ' -. t Bowt en. Atlanta Catered mt ta Peeteflee t golem rrepo, M Seoead Class Matttr. P I . Jtoked eeery swrMHt except afeae'ae. Basla 0fttM j South Ceatmereisi treat. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Vail Subacrlption Rat.s la Advance. I Wlthl Oregon : Daily ana Bunaay Ma. 6au: I Me. II 10; 6 Mo $110; 1 year $6.00. Ilea where 60 eenu set Me. er 64.00 for 1 year In adraaee. Per eery $ eeatA Keweatands 4 fast . Br cuv Carrier: 40 eeau meatfe: 7.80 a rear ta adraaee ka Mario And edjecent ceuntlea, For Sale Miscellaneour Btke Rep. Ramadan. 148 R Lib USED WOOD Electric and gaa range. Priced to acIL YEATER A RUSH CO. 258 K. Liberty Next To Power Co. 000000000000000000000000000t USED LEONARD refrlrerator. guar anteed. 149.50. Easy - terma Good Housekeeping Inc. 411 Court St. "rvarvinjnjnjnjrLn.rixLnj'ir'riririB"" ------ PERENNIAL FLOWERS A aeed. Wbite'a Greenhouse. 1655 N. Summer. ravie tisee on new lilt Duo- Therm ell burning circulator. I t I roan mnarftv abI S69.60. Easy terma Good Housekeeping Inc 453 Court St ARMT WALL tent. Sit 8. 14th, 00000000000000000' CASH rOR eaed turn. Ph. ill. USED BAT. charrer. handle 6 bat.. lib. inq. bet. I :- at 1Z4 saginaw. UNIVERSAL WOOD 'A gal combin ation ranee, fine condition, $32.50. TKATKR A RUSH CO. 251 N. Liberty Next To Power Co. BENDIX HOME laundry now being demonstrated at Yeater A Rush Co.. 255 N. Liberty Nest To Power Co. REPOSSESSED WESTINGHOUSE washer, nothing down f2.52 per month with your light bin. - TrATER RUSH CO. 255 N. Liberty Next To Power Co. STEWART WARNER DeLuxe re frigerator, aTV.&v ss.es aown. Per month. "7EATKH A RUSH CO. 255 N. Liberty Next To Power Co. BALED HAT Sell reasonable or trade for livestock. 1224. care of Statesman. FOS SALE Thoroughbred Soring ei Spaniel pups. Ideal dogs for hunt In nr i4IUr.fi rail at 1710 N. 17th gt. and reserve yours now. Auction Thurs. night Woodry'i Mart L. MAYTAG engine chp. 2397 Hasel. iasaaBaaWarfaaaWaa.aaaaaaaaa PEACHES - PEACHES - PEACHES FANCY IMPROVED Elbertas. Hales. a Z Vm - a a a. 1 Jk I jaw -rawior,is ana Muirs. """"S - C. M. LaFolltt and Son. WheatlanA I g. mllea north Wallace Road or River Rd. north to Wheatland Ferry. Auction Thurs. night Woodry'i Mart. OR. PERSIAN kittens. 1195 N. 14th. 14 CHEV. MASTER Cabriolet $50 Marlon St after p. m. Auction Thurs. night WoodrysMart 2 BICYCLES. GOOD condition, reas onable. 110 Academy. Today's Special Bargains RADIO. "SEARS." 8-tube. Beauti ful cabinet Fine condition. Cost $97.50. today $4.95. Sewing machine. "Western Electric" portable, with extras. Like new. Coat 115- tnriav 118 75. 5 only factory purchase new. full- slse mattresses, reg. Jiz.ss, toaay I6 - 76 SALEM AUCTION HOUSE 2 40 North H eh Salem's finest used furniture house. We pay more dollars for your furni ture, nouaenold goods antiques. Ooen Daily. 8 a. m. to 5:45 p. m. Too much work A no play, doesn't pay. Auction Thura. night Woodry'sMart GOLDEN CROSS can. corn. 79F14. FOR SALE or trade. 1-horse Cen- rorv motor, alnele tha. 110 or 220. West Side Furniture. West Salem, at End of Bridge Auction Thurs. night Woodry'sMart Wanted Miscellaneous 'WAKTED UP ED fum Ph 111 0000000000000S0l00000000 OI41 WOfH mattress Tel 1110 000000000000000000 WANTED TO bur for eash. 1st 2nd mortgagee real estate, contract A merchandise discount proper. STATE FINANCE CO 144 8rate Street Salem Oregon WANTED FOR rash, walnuts A ftl berta Also meats. M. Klorfetn Pack ing Co. 280 & High. Phone 7133. CASH PD. for furniture. Ph. 4517. Wanted Furniture . WANTED FURN. Forgey. P. 7441. Miscellaneous 1 T T 1 , J jjroJcen Lenses ixepiaceu W TWO HoUTS DR HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST OPTICAL DEPT. Ta charge of Dr. Fred Pageler and Dr. W. W. Frasee. Optometrist Adotpb Bldg.. State A Commercial Phone till For Rent Rooms ROOMS. PH. 4917. 696 N. Cottage. 9jaaeaaa9a10aa I DESIRABIJC SLEEPING room. prL entrance. Tel. 6977. HOTEL MARION Rooms. Special weekly and monthly 2te to perm. guts. Marion Coffee Shop delicious meala at low price. PLEAS.. WITH dressing rm. Cen tral. 81. ' 353 N. CapltoL 0000000000000000P0000000r00 SLEEPING RM.. 740 Ferry. I 000000000000000400000000000 WELL FURN. sleeping rooms, steam heat, 607 N. Commercial. SIFEPING ROOM. 725 Court St VVVVinArVUAAAnAAiuJVV"i , a a am ei I COMF. RMS, 141 a 14th. "'ww''w nnitu, x uiKus xo snara m "uc ino. Z4S r totn. tsun. at eveninga ui 7 o'clock. MAN'S FURN. rm. A gar. nr. state hse, ball ent Ph. 6630. -UTeJaJXUTJTLnjrUXfsJ SLEEPING ROOM. 750 "E 8treet 00000000000000000000 KICK CLEAN, sleeping room, close In. Board If desired. 404 N. winter. 1-1 RM FURN. anta. heat. Ughta water. $10. 143 Court. Ph. 4437. 00000000000J00000r0 1 HOTEL SALEM, low monthly rate 0000000000000k000000000000 PLEAS. RM., close In. Ph. $229. I Room and Board til 1090 N. Summer. Ph. 4114. TBL. BOARD, txc. food. $50 Marion 0000f0000l RM- 8 STUDENTS. $1. Ph. 7318. eaarfaaNaaaaaaaaa I EXCL, MEALS. prL home. Ph. 4791. COlJfJCGE BOYS room and board. dlolnlng rampua lis N. ntn. nn uvais ,u i-m. ess s. 12th mwwmwwwwwwmmwwmwww. rwrmTX" nrtriM villi Wil A I mm- dry: alao Ubla board. 455 N. Cottage. livestock ATTENTION Stockmen and Farmers PHONE 6111 ; : PHONE $411 All stock men. farmer and dealers If you happen to have Dead or ; Worthless Horses, Cows, Hoys or Sheep, etc Just call COLLECT ' 6411 Salem and our truck will be at. your ptac without delay and w win pay you accordingly. ' ' Montgomery Rendering Works Salem Money to Loan " . We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR FN CO MB No Endorsees No Comakers Yoor Signature Only REPAY ANT DAT TO REDUCSI COST. ant r.ARiirsr INDEPENDENT COM CE1VB PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER General Finance Corp. lit So. Commercial St Lie. first Door South of Ladd A Buab Bank FHA LOANS 4H. aleo PrtTate loans Abrama A EUia, Ino Masonic Bldg. AUTO LOANS Waiaraette Credit Co. Sth FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-150 $300 .0Q FOR FALL AND WINTER NEEDS REDUCE BURDENSOME STAI.I J4ENTS. RID TOURSELF OF OLD DEBTS. CONSQIJ DATE ALL BILLS INTO I ONE. GET CASH FOR SCHOOL NEEDS. REDUCE HIGH CAR PAYMENTS. Our liberal, flexible credit require ments make It asy to borrow. Our convenient payment plana make It easy to repay. (A modest salary la our main requirement) rou are under no obligation when yon call at tha orricea of tba People's Finance Co. . UU K IWI, f II m AeAi ft OflnR DIUeV Oregon Phone 4440 State License FHA LOANS 4U. alse nrtv. lnana Abrams A El I la Inc.. Masonic Bldg. PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRTTCIT TV)AN9 CONTRACTS REFINANCED to ra- Iduce paymenta Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape. You will re tain possession or the vehicle. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS phone im 120 South Commercial Street Lie. No. M l 5 2 00000000S0l0000fS0 I 1st Choice From Coast to Coast Here's Why: Reasonable Terms 8 4.03 mo. repays $ 40 in II mot $ 7.27 ma repay $100 In IS mos. $13.09 mo. repays $180 In 18 mos. $18.18 mo. repays $250 In 18 mos. No cosigners or special kind of security needed. 4f. rpl 1 I x uc tjuiu&ci: juu aciJcij i the less the cost. AY7 w c appicuiaic ) u ui business. FREE CONSULTATION. TN OUR OF FICE OR AT YOUR HOME WITH OUT OBLIGATION. SEE OR PHONE OUR AIR. KNULlSU. PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor. New Bllgh Bldg. Bit State Street Salem. Oreron iState Lkense Numbers S-122 M-185 Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED en farm and city property. Before borrowing inquire at Hawkins ttooerta WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Win pay 6 Interest W. H. GRABKNHOK5T A CtA REALTORS 184 B. Ubarty Street Phone 6411 Room and Board ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, excel, board. near schools. 960 Marlon. Ph. TIB, I 00000' BOARD AND room for women, Ph.lTei. 4146. 7814. 615 N. Whiter. For Rent Apartments l-RM. FURN.. bath.' 1440 WaHer. ebJaasjeeaeaaasaa I OR 4 R. bse4 apta, 711 N. ComT. I DESIRABLE APT- gas beat Frig- m,, prL bath. 1st floor, eutslae ent j garage, near ar. high and state capltoL TeL 6977. CL. 2 R furn. beat 674 N. Church. 2 RM. MOD. furn. 1551 State. 000000S00000000000000 SEE THE Fisher Apt a before you decide Large A Airy. Rockwool In- Blinds throughout & ComL A Oak Sta I j rh, FURN. apt. dress, rm.. pull- i man kitchen, lady. b. summer. FURN. HEATED apt- 460 N 13th. 000000000000000000000000000 COMFORT A BLE. HOME- LIKE reasonable. Hawthorne Court. 1000 N Capitol St lFTJRJllMsriOT SMALL APT adulta, 770 8. ComT. 1 TO 4-RM apta. eheap. $164 an' up Children welcome 1310 1 8th PATTON APTS. 822 Stat. Fur aiahed. Adults only Pa. 4344. l-RM. HEATED apta. 444 & High. 000000000 l-RM. FURN. apt. 780 N. Winter. 00000000t040000000000000j000 1 R. ITTCH'NETTE. 250 & Cottage FURN. A UNFURN, 633 Ferry. NICE. FURN. 1 R. apt, 590 Union. 2 R. FURN. 1st floor. Elec- w. Gar. ia. zs JLee. rn. i4. . I COZT APT. with 1 bedrooms. 140 I tiMion. xei. a i. a. iioww 1 OR 1 Has. at 244 Btate. Livestock . Money to Loan BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDEST I PANT WHERE TOUR NEEDS Ra I AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN I Ne. S-121 Phone MM Conrenient Ground Floor Location. For Rent Apartments 4 RM. NICELY furn, lights, water. I garage, electric ret, 2 bedrmsi, close I In. 3T. 1 rm. rum, ground nr., ugnta, water, $15. 2 rm., couple $16, single no avmrthtna- dirn Aduita. Phnn I 128$. ' I For Rent Hnngd I . .... I FURNISHED HOUSE. 123T Court I ibt. -none . I aiuiA uiuirr cota- ia . vnaav. MODERN 4 ROOM dunlax ant- nice ly furnished. Elec. ret. elec. range, basement, furnace A fireplace, garage. $21.50. a V PiOT P SCTt n. till 2 RM. HOUSE, unfurn.. aood condi tion, gar.. $20. 945 Market Tel. 48 u 00000k00t0000000000S000000000 5-RM. FURN. hse. ICO S. ComX 1 RM. HSEU 1233 N. Church. $11. FURN. 8 R. HOUSE. Elec. range A water heater. Oil circ beater. 256 N. 24th. Ph. 384i. rTate1a"eaieaaa9eatte I RM. HOUSE near new high school Ph. 8893 or evenings. 3409.. I 00000000000000M00000000000 I 7 RM. HSE. 2 flata. double gar, $25. 1 Ino, 1120 Oak St I 00p0000000000000000jj00000 1 S OR 4 ROOM duplex, close in. Will I redecorate. Phone after 5 6825. 4 RM. HSE.. 225 River. Ina. 244 N. 23rd or Ph. 4214. 4 RM. HOUSE, inq. 404 N. Cottage. t RM. HSE. Inq. 281 N. Liberty. 0000000S000000l000000A000000 FURN. A UNFURN. i rm. haea. close tjv,. .r I In. Phone 3518. FOR RENT 4 rm. sub. hse.. $20. Inq. Rt 2. Box 25. SMALL HOUSE. 844 H Jefferson. 000000000000000000000S0 5 ROOM HOUSE. $25: partly furn. 285 Madrons Ave Salem Heights. HOUSES R. A. FORKNER 1851 N. Capitol -'-t000000000000000000 I 8 FURNISHED HOUSES at $35.00. 1 large house, suitable for roomers; boarders. 1-5 room for 830.00. 1-7 room for $30.00. P. H. BELL Phone 8121 429 Oregon Bldg. For Rent Farms 'vn HAL.K or l FOR SALE or rent, 70 acre farm. i jn. mier For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. $81 State Street Inquire room 200 Tel 8718. WILL SUBLET snace in ladies. ready-to-wear shop. Box 1100, States man. HOMES A APARTMENTS. Ph. 4761. Wanted to Rent FURN. APT. or small house, win pay 6 mo. In adv. Foster, 2261 Hasel Ave. ro. 7e. For Sale Real Estate TRADE CITJ property for farm homes. Opportunities In exchange HAWKINS A ROBERTS. lU. 00000000t000l0000l000000 I R- MODERN house clow tn. UK rent. Let's look. Ph. 15. fj000000000J000000000000 WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOU want to sen exchange lease, rent, sea Mr. Larsen or Mr. Cel tics with Hawkins A Roberts. WTTT BFS'T when von can buv as cheaply a new 6-room modern house! Restricted dlMrlct l oioca irom dub line. Owner 6606. Easy term. 00000000000000000000000000l I HAVE a lot corner 15th and Nor way. Will furnish plana finance oa easy terms to suit Floyd C Beadiick. JUST COMP. 6 R. mod. house, au tomatic hot water beat Phone 1991. I 00000000000000000000000000 COR. LOT. N. 17th. 715 N. ComT. I lsaaaaalaSMaseaiW6a -FURNISHED MODERN t R. HOME- FIRE. A FURNC- rood furn. lnclud. I A .1.. man. N. Salem. $3500. 651. I .1 00 nowN 120 Ma birrs 7 rm. I h J narr furn home nriSed $850: hse., partly furn. home, priced $850. O. E. kae, if & n. uottage t tr. ei. -sju"xrxfLrLjLrijn nnn lTiii r- rirri -h'-i'"i y- CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS? A 5-ROOM PLASTERED house on (4x174 ft lot fine fruit A shade tree Close to new high. Price for quick sale. $2800. Will show any time. cait Mrs. ejus witn nf.n T T A T milt vniuuo m aiuuin, ""Jf.i 144 Sut Street Phone lwwlw',rwlwr,,rrl; Hium uunn jjn 3 STORY 6 ROOM house only 5 blka from P. O. north house 1 plastered. In good condition, has basement A oil furnace. Price 84750 with 8500 down. See It today. Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS $44 State Street Phone 926L NICE R-. CLOSE. $5200. Ph. 5222. " m A- 4 R. HOUSE. CITY water A lights. Equipped for poultry, fruit A berriea Close in. Lovely view. Small down payment baL like rent, lie sa- lem Helgbta Ave. BUILDING SITES BEAUTIFUL TRACT of 44 acres. scattered with trees overlooking the valley. 1 raL from Salem. Priced very low at .tv an acre witn terms. WEST SALEM R. EL 959 Edgewater Phone 5622. LI VINO RM.. 3 bdrma- kltchea A nook, basement A furnace, paving paid. trees, $2400. $250 down, $25 per mo. R. A. FOKK.NJCK 1852 North Capitol 00!&00iia00000000 WTTT PAT RENT TO PARTY with lob A credit Only $50 down, $20 per mo. Brand new well built 1 bedrm. bom. Ex. Iocs. 111750. BUDROW-KASMTR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Phone 5916 82200.00. CLOSE TO the university. 1 bedrooms, aa excellent purchase. iz&oo.vo. a acre, new 4 room boa at Halls Ferry, good terma H. L HENDKICKSON Whh P. H. BELL 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 FOR SALE) Lots owned by City $125. to $800. See any real estate man or call 1431 167 S. High Street ' Vafasaaaa4ejaaeas 6 RM. MODERN be oak floors throughout basement, oil furnace, soe- clal price. $2,250. excellent terma. 429 Oregon Building Exchange Real Estate WILL TRADE modern country home. 5 acre 4 large bedroom, on baat fine shrubbery. IS minutes city center Portland, for Salem home. What bave you 7 Box 1097. Statesman. Exchange Real Estate I 6-RM BSE. 1222. care Statesman. rn-rnrinn ni i-utrm 40 A. 500 OR TOO CORDS ot wood; creek A spring bldga. (1200. Take tot. Fb. f 744. H. P. GRANT CLEAR HOUSE, upstairs apt. rent ed. 125, trade for farm, pay some dif ference. Phone 0543, evenings er call at s mo. commercial. -'-'-m A-L 7 R-. FOR smaner. Ph. 6221. myZ!n'rr' I... w.w .utoo ivi niaii tau. I car or lot Owner, Rynerson. Ird house norm ewegio acnooi. For Sale Farms SOWS THE TIME TO BUT RANCH 1-ACRES. MODERN bldjra, bath. toilet, A furnace, 5 R. Double garage poultry nou-w. i:s7& terma. 6-acrea. R. house, electric . water system, barn, double garage A poultry pouae. mu aown. loae in east 41-acrea, (good bottom soil): can De irrigated ; good K. house, barn. poultry house A hog house. A dandy 20 A., sheep ranch. About 100 A. piow uno. uooa n. nouae. Dau ar 101- let barn, alio A other bldgs., some tim- ber. srood road. Onlv ilf.50 oer acre. I 112-acres. wheat ranch, rood bldgs.. anod lnrarfnn a 11 rmt1 anil rtrin ma. rinced to settl. an estate. Price 111. 0U9.OU S5000 down : a snap. JAB. D. SEARS. REALTOR 471 Court St Phone 14M. DAIRY RANCH for sale. $1000.00 down payment Barn room lor 1Z cowa 1005 & E. Washington 8t. Portland. FRUIT A BERRIES 25 ACRE FARM. 15 minutes drive from down town. 1$ A. newly cleared land m voung fruit A berries. Remod eled house with elec A water arstem. $2000.00. some terma See Collins with HAW KINS ROBERTS, Salem 21 A.. 21 UNDER PLOW, creek. spring. Modern 1 room house, double r aivu"i w wiu uvusv;. uvuvif PiumDea. Barn, z garages, ail equip- t. . ml out. Place clear, price $7.- VvO. ATaluv for ENLletTI nOITa4B. A - urigatea. 17 cuiuv.. umoer. n "ream, '-room nouse moo. ex. Pmce cic, i&rso tMUTL Pric 1 3owu. ia" r Miem. C H. SANDERS. 118 S. High. 5121. 000000000000000000000000000P0 STOCKMEN HERE IS one of the finest stock ranches In the state, attractively priced. 1040 acres. 165 acres Irrigated, unlim ited free water, all fenced and on hard surfaced road. 7 live springs, also run- ting water, i-ine fishing and hunting. Additional range can be leased at . .Ole per acre. New 8 room modern home and other buildings, near good school. The price is $13,000: half cash will handle. Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 144 8tate Street Phone 92 (L Acreage FOR sale 6 acre tract room plastered house. In need of some re pair, good wen. electricity, in Liberty district ; will sell cheap as la or will rent to responsible party. Phone 1541 or call 1710 JN'. 17 th st ONE HALF ACRE- BRAND NEW modern 6 room home In East Salem at bargain. Fruit trees. set soma waL 93950. FHA terma 6.8U. SPECIAL 12S00. BEAUTIFUL SF.VFN aera tract on famous HoweU Prairie. 7 room house, electricity, no trouble to show this place. See, LOUIS BKCHTEL or MABEL NEEDHAM, 341 State. Room 4. Business Opportunities FOR SALE or lease,, restaurant and ufectlener. fixtures. G. A. Folsom, Coquille. Oregon. I RESTAURANT TRAILER, ready to go. 375. King's Tr. Exch, 619 N. Front ACTIVE CLEAN NEW GROCERY i 00000000000000000j0000000000 SALES $50-$100. 5 yr. lease, living I Quarters. For cash. 32500. a. e. usanTi zt court street For Sale Wood INTE3TIOATM BUDGET plan on wood. Ph. 6370. W. L Graen. 413 N. 21 000000000000000000000000000 SPEC. OAK $5.75. ash $5.25. P. 9703. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING. Ed Sproed. P. 5881. 000000000000000000000000000 WOOD SAWING. TeL 1521. Lost and Found LOST CHILD'S sloper sweater, ma roon color, near 449 N. Cottage St Ph. 877. Reward. LOST PEKINESE rat t e r r 1 e r. brown, 8 white paws. 199 McGllchrlst Personal tyNiri Tt -WnRTflWHl I mt. heart, husband, wife for you. p. o. Box 71, Los Angelea , -inn n n nnn rt n I . Jp1 THE lonesome correspontlen I wmmmmmwwwm 1 .ALBERT E. VON STRODE. NSA. ALBERT E. VON BTKUlJE, NSA. gifted spiritual reader correct advice about busineas and peraonal matters. Appointments dally. Senator .HeteL SenoolS 1 rvnrm.err! rnm hi.ii arhAoi u I. - - " . - ----- -- I Dome. Diploma. Text rum. writ II catalogue. Am. School. P. a Bo 4600 I Portland. Business Cards la this directory ra oa a monthly baats only. Bates $31 per tine per tnoatb. Auctioneers RAT H2SEL, 1211 Sixth St Ph. till Aoto Brakes Mrk Pa nek. 271 South Commercial .Bicycles BICYCLES, NBTw and reconattkmed Harry wTsoott 14T a ComX P. 4616 Qumney Sweep TELEPHONE 4451. R ft Nortbae CHIMNEY CLEANED PrPES. FURNACES, stove, gutters. Get ready for winter. No eot or dirt Ray L. Farmer Hdwr. co. pa. Chiropractors DR. a L SCOTT. PSC Chrropractor lit K High. TeL Bea. 1872L Excavating arxcATATTNO or an kinds. Paae- menta ftoc. Dtrt bau1ed or moved. Dirt for sal. Salem Sand and Gravel uo Pboa 1401 z.- FlorisU Bretthaupra 44T Court Phene 6104. Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY TUB WELDER LAUNDRY 111 & High TeL 1116 For Sale Used Can IT'S FORD IN FORTY WE MUST . CLEAR THE WAY 1938 Chrysler Royal Deluxe Coupe Low Mileage Heater $745 VALLEY MOTOR . CO, "20 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP" Used Car Lot Marion & Liberty Herb Misson Ben Drager ea4taJlalefasVMMaVaata CARTER MOTOR CO. personally indorse this am prepared to guarantee up to that warranty. These tractive both as to priceand 1937 NASH AMBASSADOR COUPE 1937 NASH-LAFAYETTE SEDAN 1927 NASH-LAFAYETTE TUDOR 1987 OLDS SEDAN 1934 NASH SEDAN 1934 NASH SEDAN W. D. NASH AND LAFAYETTE DEALER LOT 240 CENTER TRUCKS AND CARS BARGAIN PRICES MAKE US AN OFFER 1987 G. M. C. Pickup 1934 G. M. C Panel 1935 International Pickup SF46 International, 2-Ton Federal, 6-wheeler, A-l 1934 Ford Coupe 1934 Willys Sedan 1933 Terraplane Sedan Several other cars and truck to choose from JAMES H. MADEN CO., INC. I 217 State Street Phone 1590. MODEL A FORD 4-dr, 405 Union. fter 7 p. m. Automobiles ixT.TVT.TnciS 85 FORD Sedan, only i ( too exact mile runs and look like new. Price $475.00. Will take cheaper Mr. Phon. owner lins. ounaaj m I evenings or 4311 week day a Transportation GOING TO Mitchell. S. Dakota, start on i would Kk. x or I oassengera A. L MUlican, W. Salem, 1006 Sev enth St WNTD.. RIDE to eastern S. Dakota last of week share expenses. Phone er write Floyd Young. YMCA. city. George Bahnsen Buys 26 Acres BETHEL. George E. Bahnsen I recently acquired title to a 26- I .1... . 1 .1 ,V 1rmn- IWW . " I erly part of the old Bahnsen farm ... - I VIA W UiVU aW KAVW lAka A I fr0ntg On the pTed pen road. He I hag had BOft w-ater well drilled. LB a raoA -.trr bouse. 16x42 ... . rnnA rtonltrr bona 16x42 aM KOO1 PT nouse, 10X41 I feet bullL . I . . -ottare is now beinr builL TXTtiM It la nmnlAtfi tha nlaA w -- - r - vtl be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Chapman. Mrs. Chap- . iwwa. nkMni . vA I t uuu. ubuuitbu , .a u Manrhtar nt Mr and Urt. Ttabn. dnnter Of Mr. and Mrt. Baan Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattress factory. NEW MATTRESS mad to order, eld remade: carpet cleaning, slslngi fluff rag wearing, a ltth WUbUT. TeL S44L OTTO F. 3SWICK- ER Est 1911 CAPITOL BEDDING CO, Phone 4061 Naturopathic Physician DR. W H. ROCKWELL Natureoath- lo Physician. 1790 Falrrroanda RA TeL 4101. Ofhc Hours Ham. tol:$l p. m. FREE EXAM, m CONSULTA TION. Painting Paperhanging NEAT WORK. L. Johnson. Ph. till. Printing FOR STATIONER I earda DejnDblata programa ooeks or any kind of ortnt- tnc. eaU The Sutesma Printing De partment 111 a Com mere iai. Tele- 810L Refinishing FURNITURE REF1NISHED like new. B. Brock. 846 Galaee. Phone 414A Transfer FOR LOCAL er distant transfer, stor age, burner efL eaB .1131. Larmet Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland daily Well Drilling R. A. WEST, rt 1. box 44C Ph. 110F1 Chester i. Push, 2121 Myrtle. Ph. 1216. For Sale Used Cars Like New Art Hanson list of Used Cars because I their condition and to live cars are particularly at quality. ..$845.00 . 445.00 . 695.00 . C4S.O0 . 495.00 . 350.00 CARTER PHONE 8734. LEGAL NOTICE KXECTJTRIX' NOTICE OP APPOIXTMEXT Notice la hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marlon, as executrix of the las will and testament and estate of B. C. Miles, deceased, and. that she has duly qualified as such, ex ecutrix; all persona haying claims against the estate of said dece dent are hereby notified to pre- hVam,e;, dulr. 1rt0ed"t2 Lamkin, Attorneys, 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 20th day ot September, 1939. ANNA B. MILES. -Executrix ot the Last Will and Testament and Estate of B. C. Miles, Deceased. Glover and Lamkin, Attorneys for Executrix, 20 S Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon. " S 20-27. O. 4-11-1S Cross Word Puzzle 2 3 M & 6 1 11111 22 26 27 26 21 ' " s3l I I wr r HORIZONTAL 1 Taataad tDstraaiaat 6 Rotatia 4aea aa e wheal S Waat Aaterleaa HUM wrete ta OU Virsiaia'! Tin am Nelaaa 2 11 Plaa aarfaes : It-Kmnn ' 14 What ealisli was the tret ta aaeesM fee at -Caaaanaaar mt the FaMafert IS Waat ftdaa aa tha MaJitaf r.aia ia - eeaerate treat Corsica by Sent af Baatfac? It Meatare out 18 Waat i. ta. adarfa Srst aaaM af (he Sft Heath acUaatt Daaa TryT 18 AMtaetie li Taat . 21 What h tha irrt aaae of the erHar. waaa. aataeangrasAy at 34 What to the eaattal af the talanywfc Is the aaaisearteni of tta FaNar LagiaBl II Rah ever the serfees 4 Whitish adasral ' 16 AveMel -' 84 Wabratef Iadi . 4V Africa aatato Wasa i 80 Part af a 81 SaaUt atake fat t VEXTICAL blackbird i af the esvle faatOy U. A cttHea -' , 10 Paaatee Inn saore inland tl riathai 61 Flea1 af fool 64 CeaeoaMd II Chore 1 1 A Vx S Verbal aJrbtraaaytscle t erauraar. a B FiaM For Sale Real Estate IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE BEST IN USED CARS i We Have Them! -. Priced at Market or Less. 39 Packard 6 Sedan Overdrive, Heater, run let than 600 miles. 39 Hudson 6 Sedan Heater A other extras, run lees than 6000 miles. 39 Buick 40 Sedan Run less than 10,000 mllea 38 Packard 120 Sedan Low mileage, white sldewaH tires, and lots of extra a 38 Pontiac 6 Coupe Lota of extras. Low mileage. 37 Packard 6 Sedan New tires. Radio, Heater 37 Dodge Coupe Radio, Heater. This car Is extra good. 37 Packard 6 Coupe Radio, Heater, brand new six-ply tires. 17 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 37 FORD SEDAN 37 PLYMOUTH COACH 36 PACKARD 120 COUPE ' 36 TERRAPLANE SEDAN 36 HUDSON BROUGHAM 36 PONTIAC 4 COUPE 35 HUDSON 8 SEDAN 34 STUDEBAKER COUPE Written Guarantee with Each Car STATE Motors, Inc IIUDSON-PACKARD 1 DEALER High at Chemeketa - - Phone 8100 Open 'Til 8 P. M. Silverton Sees Parachute Jump SILVERTON. Several hund red people witnessed petite Fay Luclle Cox leave her Airplane at 10,000 for her spectacular para chute iump at the Silverton air field Sunday afternoon. Miss Cox took a loop . and a half and' did not open her para chute until 1.500 feet from the ground. 1 While she made a per fect landing the strong wind car ried her; fully 2,000 feet from where she had intended to land. She came down in the C. E. Jor genson field after maneuvering to miss hopfleld. The ffalr was sponsored by the Silverton Airplane club ot which Howard Morrison is presi dent. Planes were present from Albany, Corrallis, Vancouver and Salem. This was Miss Cox's 449th Jump. She is on her way to Mo Cook. Neb. t 10 TH III 23 2W 25 III W3 HH 14 Act npoa each ether 20 What saa af Zaas had ta sarfersi twerre rraat Sahara--1 22 Bitter Wch 24 Oae who has been ecealeeft U Charaetar ia Deaay fiibla 24-,arfareai 27 Learaiag 3 Wha was Che saiaa at aeeaaars W BlaLlilBwl particle 11 Sa. aale ' 81 Fioaoaa 86 Most esrtala 34 Nat ana ha 43 Ga 4i Short sleeps 46 Offiee feialtare 44 Lofty Herewith Is the solution to res- terday's puxxla, T-21 I-'--'- J n rMc T W m rll r u rrv- r If rriL P