page ninb; The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning,. September 19, 1939 Market Place for Buying, Selling Renting! Salem s A 7 T V , j! Statesman Classified Ads ; Call 9101 Classified Advertising .Single Insertion per tin : lOe Three Insertions per line zoe Six Insertions per line One month per line -. 1 1 00 Minim nm charge ; , Its ' Copy for tbu peg accepted un :80 the evening before publiee tlon for classification ; Copy re ceived after tbts time will be run under the beading "Too , Late to Classify." . i .... , Tb 8tatsnuui assumes ae finan cial reaponeiblUty for error wblcV nay appear ta advertisement pub tlahed ta tta columns and ta ran where this paper la et fanlt wffl re print that part of a advertleernriH In which the typographical mistake secure . The Statesman reserves-the right te reject questionable advertising It farther reserves the right te .place ail advertising under the oroper classification. ; 'A "Blind" Ad en ad eoatatntne a Suteeman box number for aa ad dress is for the protection ef the advertiser and -most therefore be enawered by letter. The Statesmen la not at liberty te divulge uiiorma ttoa as te the identity of an adver ttaer using a "Blind" aA Livestock . DEAD AND worthless horses, cows picked op free. Ph. eelleet 411 Salem Montgomery Rend Wka SALE, S GOOD Tnllk cows, cheap. Route 7, Box 421. Bop Pickers HOP PICKING commenrea on rilS bee hop ranch Friday. September t H mllea east ef Salem. Big crop. Roy Hardman, foreman: phone farmer line. tOOFS. . . rtrrn tr nnita taa svei-v mornlna at S a. m. from the corner of State and - e ----- riAnCDTO I aireer ior int " S I XI 1 1 it yarn, r or lninniminni rangements. phone 9622 or KF12. JL. Help Wanted NEAT APPEARING young men and women to work 1a advertising cam paign. No experience necessary. Apply Room SOS. Guardian Bldg. 110 WEEKLY URDW mushrooms cellar, ehed We boy. 35e lb. WorltTt largest company FRKK BOOK Mnah rooms. 2019 Serend Seattle Wash WANTED AT COUNTRY ESTATE Married couple between 30 and stf years of age (no children) for maid and gardner. Write experience, stating age ana giving rererences. soorw box 90. RFD 2. Salem. Oregon. PRUNE PICKERS WANTED PAYING C CENTS per box. Inquire of Mr. Dyer, ( mL S. of Salem on old highway. Help Wanted Male WANTED, EXPERIENCED man to handle A pack apples, can m person. 791 Edgewater St, west saiem. BARBER FOR Saturdays: $5.00 guarantee. Pat'a Barber Shop, Stayton. Oregon. tlelD Wanted remaie xrm .ir.irn isAv for hsewrk. A care Of children. Give age. exp.. desired wages A ref. Box 1099. Statesman. WANTED. HIGH school girl to help with housework for room and board- ISO N, 18 th. HOUSEKEEPER, APPLY Mil Foulger at Leons Shoe Store. (eyruvtrru'rvisrerev-.ij asaea PART-TIME student bi, rm. A wages, Statesman, 1235. gxnnri nn rini-i-iiii-i-i-i-'r i- - EASY PROFITS ahow. many Xmas card assorts. Includ. 45c religious. Pro- fitaup to 100. Per. cards, stationery. I Exp. unnec samp. iree. yt. . dtow-i. 225 Fifth Ave.. Dept. (9129, New Tork. WANTED. EXPERIENCED wait ress for high class restaurant Box ' 1109. . . Salesmen Wanted NEED 20 1 GOOD salespeople. See Mr. Anderson, 620 State St Situations Wanted RAMSEYER TRUCK service. Gen eral hauling, reasonable rate. P. I3( rutTLrLrxAjin ri nnririri-i- -i-i- DRESSMAK MRS Adflftt Ph Tytnrijrijij'vyy"asj" m DRESSMAKING. 7924. 2811 & Com. 4saeVs9jBBje4eBBseajett DRESSMAKING. TAnRTNO. root relinks. 1(9 8. Liberty SL HOUSES AND garages built modeling. Loans arranged estimates free. Phone B58(. Floyd Llneberger. -XiajLrinjxjxfviuT-n-ri nri - rOMAN WANTS lvwissWWOTst, 0 fcome nlffhta, 224d K. Uberty. aaSaaWskasaSsasasWsaSeasasafsssMej EXP. CAPABLE middle-are woman wants housekeeping In small family. 809. S. 13th. , For Sale Miscellaneous REBUILT AND ens ran teed xrasb eem AD makes from (IS up. 8pee Mar ts a (16 Hogg Broa for cash or trade for wood. Also Urge dining room table. i(S N. tztn. 30-SO STANDARD RIFLE. 820. - whee sleener trailer. (65. 1765 Broad- war. Ph. 8188. Gt. DRS..; 81.56. win. lie Chemeketa Rises A . Rep Rameden 148 lib easSassassaeeksSestsSsaJMMkaStaas USED WOOD Electric and gat ranges. Priced to sen. YEATER A RUSH CO. 25S N. Liberty Next To Power Co, USED LEONARD refrigerator, guar anteed. 849.(0. Easy terma. Good ?ousekeeDlng Inc. 41 court ac PERENNIAL FLOWERS A aeeo. White's Greenhouse. 1(55 N. Summer mwiavmm usr.u fMjnimu nooK ana rmiuicn encyclopedia. 477 Court !. ADVERTISING . Western Adrertlslnt i Represents tlves Oeorge D. Clsse, Ine. Francisco. Loe Aagelea, Eastern Adrextlslng ; RepresenUUret , Bryant, Griffith A Branson, Ine. Chicago. New Tork. Detroit. , i Boston, Atlanta ffafered el (As Posloflee ( fatem Or toon, as Seeo4 Class Af after. Pee- Hhed every tnemlee eeeesl Me4as. BaelaeM eAioe t South Ceetmeroial Afreet, " - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates la Advance. Wtth In Oregon : Dally and tnioaay Ua SO cents: 8 Mo. (ISO: 0 Mo. 38.S0- 1 rear 85.00. t Elsewhere SO cents per Me, or fltO for 1 year tn advance. Per cost a eenta. Newsstands $ cent Br Cite Carriers ( cents a month : 87.20 a year tta advance ta Marloo I nd adiaeamt eeuatiea. For Sale Miscellaneous 8 AVE 120.00 ON new lfSI Doe Therm ell burning circulator. I te room capacity, only (S9.60. Easy terma Good Housekeeping Inc.. 451 Court St. ARMY WALL tent JSS 8. 14th. CASH FOR naed furn Ph IIH TJSED BAT. charger, handle bat- tit. Inc.. bet. S :30-S at 1245 Saginaw. 25-35 RIFLE. 1840 COURT ST. IS MONTH OLD female St. Bernard. Harold Prnttt. Ph. 0101 or T240, GOOD TRAILER house, reasonable. inquire 227 8. Winter. USED LUMBER 2x6. Box 432. Cvergreen Are. reasonable. UNIVERSAL WOOD A gaa combin ation ranee, fine condition. 6 JZ.S0. TEATER A RUSH CO. 265 N. Liberty Next To Power Co. BEND IX HOME laundry now being demonstrated at Yeater A Rush Co.. 255 N. Liberty Next To Power Co. REPOSSESSED WESTINGHOUSS waaher, nothing- down (2J2 per month with your lirht bin. TEATi n a- HURH CO. 255 N. Liberty Next -To Power Co, STEWART WARNER DeLuxe re frigerator. (79.50 (9.59 down. S3.Z1 Der montK TKiTO A- RUSH CO. 1 251 N. Liberty Next To Power Co. BALED HAT Sell reasonable or trade for livestock. 1224. care or Statesman. FOR SALE Thoroughbred' Spring et Spaniel pupa. Ideal doga for hunt llnr or children, call at 1710 N. 17th St. and reserve yours now. - L. MAYTAG engine crip. 237 Hazel. PEACHES - PEACHES - PEACHES FANCY IMPROVED Elbertas. Hales. late Crawfortls and Mnlra. at orchard. C. M. LaFollett and Son. Wheatland. 11 miles north Wallace Road or River Rd. north to Wheatland Ferry. OR. PERSIAN kittens, 1195 N. 14th 24 CHEV. MASTER Cabriolet. 50 Marion St. after 6 p. m. s AX.e-eJo, viv LUUUiUVii, a cue- TJinvr'T re nvn MAnuiAf ao ex onable. 110 Academy. Trade Miscellaneous TO TRADE, lawn mow for wood beater. Inq. ISO N. istb. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED USED furn fh (110. OU WOOl manreen Tel 1110 eeeeseaeaeWsveeSWsrWMeaSeAee WANTED TO buT for cash, tat 2nd mortences real estate centra rt merchandise discount proper. STATE FINANCE CO 244 State Street Salem Oregon WANTED FOR cash, walnuts A fil berts Also meats. M. Klorfeln Pack ing Co.. 2R0 S. High. Phone 7(32. CASH PD. for furniture. Ph. 4517. WanttMr Furniture WANTED FURN. Forgey. P. 7445. Miscellaneous Broken Lenses Replaced in Two Hours inn oiodv sitiwt.ww dentist I u . I OPTICAL DEPT. In charge of Dr. Fred Pageler and Dr. W. W. Fraxee. Optometrista Adolph Bldg.. State A Commercial Phone 2311 For Rent Rooms ROOMS. PH. 1917. (9( N. Cottage. DESIRABLE SLEEPING room. prL entrance. Tel. E977. j-LtrurLruLn.rLrLn.-Ln.rLnr.rLr - .....a nnTBT MARION' nmmiL KnMnl weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marlon Coffee Shop delicious meala at low prlcea. PLEAS . WITH dressing rm. C.n-1 aMsVaMsSeWassaiess"" traL 110. 355 N. CapItOU FURNISHED SLEEPING room close to high school. (65 D St SLEEPING RM, 740 Ferry. WELL FURN. aleeplng rooms, steam heat (07 N. Commercial. SLEEPING ROOM. 725 Court St COMF. RMS- 1(1 8. 14th. WAvrrn nniLS tn share a home. Inq. 248 N. '.5th, Sun. evenings arcci 7 o clock. MAN'S FURN. rm. A gar. nr. state hse.. hall ent Ph. 6620. i SLEEPING ROOM. 750 T Street ! swwaeWMMMMWMMBaMssrAe4SjAsks ! NICE CLEAN, aleeplng room close In. Board if desired. 404 N. Winter. I I 2-1 RM. FURN. apts.. hat. lights. wrs- . t-uuiu ataa. ws. Room and Board ! R A R 1090 N. Summer. Ph. 4(14. I TBL, BOARD, exe. food. (60 Marion. RM 1 STUDENTS. $1. Ph. T31A --i nm nn n n n fifiinnftonn r nnnnnr-- i EXCL. MEALS, pri. home. Ph. (791. CLOSE IN Phone 8859. reas. price. aaaaewaaewwaesala'eseasSa'sw COTJIEGE BOTS room and board. ?!'"' T1"1?- . GD. MEALS clean rms. I9S & 12th I -! ' ' i ' dry: also table board. 45S N. Cottage. t. z(4r rv n fob win tsuiu ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, excel, board. near schools. 960 Marlon; Ph. 7lSf. BOARD AND room for women. Ph. 7814. 535 N. Winter. For Rent Apartments l-RM. FURN.. bath. 1440 Waller. 8 OR 4 R. hse. spta.735 N. Comt assaeeeaesaWBsas'aeaBaMassae4 DESIRABLE APT. ras heat Frig- Idalre. pri. bath. 1st floor, outside ent l Mrr, nMr r. Bjh and sUte capltol i t.i 5977 CL. S R furn. beat 074 N. Church. 6vasava46aeSsaSSaSjsaaaaks 8 RM. MOD, furn. 1SSS SUte. SEE. THE Fisher Apta before AmflAti. Urn A A Irr. RockwOOl I misted against heat A cold, Venetian Blinds throughout 8. comt m tai eta man nnannnnn n n nnnn nnii"i-i'" i " l RM. FURN. aot. drese. rm- tmn- man kitchen, lady. 066 S. Summer. j Livestock Stockmen PHONE (411 ATTENTION An stock men, farmers. and dealers If you happen to bare Dead or Worthless Horses, Cows, Hogs or Sheep, etc. Just call COLLECT (411 Salem and our track will be at your place without delay and we will pay yea accordingly. j Montgomery Rendering Worl Salem Money to Loan : We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR INCOME No Endorsees No Comakers Your Signature Only REFAT ANT DAT TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLD ESI inn t.inver t NnfTPRNDENT COMPANY WHERE TOUR NEEDS Rlfi- 1 CEIVB PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER IS MADa General Finance Corp. III bo. commercial hi. First Door South of Leoa et push na n m itra TitNM 4U. alae private I loans Abrama A EM. Inc, Masonic Bide. .r-Lri.i-xruuiririnnriririnrii-tf-,--i- - - - - AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Sts FLOOR GOARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE Na M-Ut $300 .00 FOR FALL AND WINTER NEEDS REDUCE BURDENSOME B4 STALI.MENTS. RID TOURSELF OF OLD DEBTS. CONSOLIDATE ALL BILLS INTO ONE. GET CASH FOR SCHOOL NEEDS. REDUCE HIGH CAR PAYMENTS. Our liberal, flexible credit require ments make It esy to borrow. Our convenient payment plans make H easy to repay, f A modest salary is onrnuua requirement! Ton are under no obligation When vou call at the offices of the People's Finance Co. 2nd Floor. First NatX Bank Blag, Salem. Oregon Phone 4441 S 211 State License M-220 FHA LOANS 4. also prtv. loans. Abrama A Ellis. Inc.. Masonic Bldg. PRIVATE MONEY Arrrrt a vrr TtTTmr riiva CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re - duce payments. Money for new or need cars. No delay or red tape. You will re tain possession of trie vehicle. 1 TO ZB MONTHS TO MI ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-1S2 1 st Choice From Coast to Coast. Here's Why: Reasonable Terms E0.03 mo. repays I (0 In 12 mos. 7.27 mo. repaya (100 In IS moa, 13.09 mo. reoava 2180 In 18 mos. $18.11 mo. repaya (250 In 18 moa. No cosigners or special kind of security needed. A ijc tuxi;jnvci j vim. iciaj the less the cost. f a mmsimaaiaIa sh fV mm fja rr c itppiccidic j u u i business. ftwk consultation, tn our of- V. . cm.n limrn nmm. OUT OBLIGATION. SEE OR PHONE OUR MR. JCNQUSH. PERSONAL Finance 0). Second Floor. New BHgh Bldg. Bit Stmt, street. Salem. Oregon State License Numbers S-122 M-KI Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and dty pTG- Before borrrlng bxrutre at I Hawk In. A Rnbarta WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest W. H. OR A BEN HORST St t REALTORS 114 & Liberty Street Phone 1411 For Rent Apartments t ROOM FURNISHED apartments reasonable, (41 N. Liberty St esessessssssaasaaeaasssetasaawaaaseSS FURN. HEATED apt, 460 N. 12th. COMFORT A RLE. HOME-LIKE reasonable. Hawthorne Court 1000 N Canltol St.- 2 R. furn. apt. L A wat, $2 wit 129( I Oa.k st (next (o Mp. office.) Ph. 8276, NICE. CLEAN S rm. furn. flat Hot and cold water and garage at 1396 Fir. 1 R. TORN. 483 Marion. SMALL APT adults, 779 & CotnL 1 TO 4-RH. apta.. cheap. (1.(0 en ap Chnaren welcome ills i ibxb. - PATTON APTS. 323 State. Foe Biahed Adults only Ph. 1244 COT MOD. Winter rates. Sheen's I CotUges. Junction 12th A Pac hwy. 8. PULLMAN. BUS, worn. 1853 Court. S-RM. HEATED apta. 444 & Hhrh. S-RM. FURN. apt 780 N. Winter. S RM. APT- elec. refrlg.. atjtomatle beat (20.00. 355 S. 14th. 1 R. gTCH;NETTE. 250 & Cottg: FURN. A UNFURN. 6 3 3 Ferry. NICE. FURN. R. spt. 590 Union. 3 R. FURN. 1st floor. Elec w. Gar. SIS, 2590 Lee, Ph. 3946. COZY APT. with S bedrooms, 840 Union. TeL (728. For Rent Houses FURNISHED and nnfum. bouses. a P. GRANT. S29 Court Ph. (744 FURNISHED HOUSE. 1387 Court St Phone (92(. . t ROOM MODERN furn. house, S bedrmsL. 113Q IX cottage. MOD. COURT cots 724 N. Cottage. S ROOM FURN. modern bouse. S room furn. apt CHARLES HUDKINS Phone 9494 Livestock and Farmers PHONK (III Money to Loan AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN I I . - 4JOp voniont uroune e toor umuoa. For Rent Houses PMsr bajement. furnace A flrepiaee. Saraae.,- 12a.ES. s, M. earle, rnone f or . S RM. HOUSE, nnfum.. good condl tlon. gar 20. 4 Market Tel. 424JT MO& LARGE home. C7S N. Cottars. ifnnfisii n an nnnnf I MOD. 4 RM. furn full furnace. 222 mo. Ph. 42FS. S-RMt FURN. bse. 740 8. Com'L RM. HSE 1222 N. Church. IIS. 4 Htf. FTTRN1SH1CD hma.. 125. C rflt S?4. - ?0-.00- .rm' m0 Ph. SI22. evea, 12(4. sseeeaesseesesSeafcsseaeeaaassaaeseeeea FURN. t JL HOUSE. Klo3C range A I water heater. Oil ctrc. tieater. 255 ft. tith. Ph, SS49. RM. HOUSE near new high school I Ph. 8293 or evenings, 3409. I waw,vvvwwvwwiaj 7 RM. HSE. 1 flats, double ear. 225. 1 Inq. 1120 Oak SL S OR 4 ROOM duolex. close In. WU1 1 rfdnrnrat. Phnnn after E B25. I 4 RM. HSE.. 22S River. In a. 244 N.I 23rd or Ph. (2(4. I tiai. iiuusi;, inq. u r. tonage. i 5 RM. HSE. Inq. 363 N. Liberty. FT7RN. & UNFURN. 5 na hses. close 5n - Phone FOR RENT 6 rm. sub. hse.. 220. Inq. RL 2. Box 25. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 881 State Street. Inquire room 200 Tel 3713. WILL SUBLET space In ladles- ready-to-wear shop. Box 1100, States man. Wanted to Rent FURN. APT. or email house, win pay ( mo. In adv. Foster, 22(1 Hazel Ave. Fh. 7(64. For Sale Real Estate STRICTLY MODERN NEW 4 rm. bungalow with nook A laundry rm., 1 acre close to school. (100 dn., bat (26 per mo. Including taxes A hit. RICH L. RE1MANN, 1(7 S. High SL Phone 8(32 TRADE ClTi property for farm homes. Opportunities tn exchangee. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC 8 R. MODERN house clo rent Let's look. Ph. 6165. WB HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU want to sell exchange lease, rent see Mr. Larson or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins A Roberta. WHY RENT when you can buy as Restricted district, l diock irom ous line. Owner 5506. Easy terms. I HAVE s lot corner 15th snd Nor way, win rurnlsn plana, nuance on easy terms to suit Floyd C Headrtck. - TtTopf irnwni'TjiiTTT nnro wtth TERMSl LIKE RENT T ioM In on lOrtnT 1 A - D TJ . .In naved hlehWav. with wonderful view. . " . snd - mmj. Price (15pO-(30O cash. Balance easr. U.b. ,1.1. ,.11 1 . UIO 1 C J I L 0 a T W1 LUIS " -. I IV cated home on large lot in East Salem. large house, can be arranged In 4 apta. Price only (1900, cash (300, balance monthly. Now being repaired 6 room cottage in Hast saiem, a real snap ror iie. Little down balance monthly. FOR GOOD BUYS SEE CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS . -i!t-lt:f-.-i.. Phone 92(1. FOR SALE or trade ( rm. mod. home IS bike, south of capltol building. win sell on easy terms or trade xor small acreage and home close in. See I Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS t ROBERTS, IMC FOR SALE Or trade 0 acre farm near iticxreau ; spienaia tana equippea wun new a rm. ultra moa. nouse ana a good barn. Will accept modern home n Salem up to (4000.00 value. See Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. NEW MODERN 4 room house, an - .-in nnnnmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnr f 100 DOWN, BALANCE like rent on s rm. bouse with modern conven- ten nnwif x u f hiiu vmivj wruu uu rm. new house south, double rlumblnr. 2 lota. 83000. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR 177 rM.v Sm JUST COMP. S R. mod. house, an-1 tomatlc hot water heat Phone 8998. CORyLOTNyth IMMEDIATE POSSESSION S250 DOWN. BALANCE like rent S rm. plastered house with basement nook, laundry trays, gar., 8 large cher-1 ry trees. Corner lot in good location. Close to school. Price (ZZ50. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 959 Edgewater Phone 5622. 1297 8. HIGH HUGE OAK 8 LG. RMS. with 4 bdrms,. den A Ink. Doub. gar.. 75 ft front with nice bkvd. Dial 7807 day. S8JS evenings. Socolofaky A Son, 1st Nat Bank Bldg. TODAY'S SPECIAL 3250 DOWN A (25 PER mo. will buy this 5 -room nlast house with baaetneat located In N. Salem on caved at et corner lot See this house before It goes. Price (2500. I CALL G. H. GRABENHORST. JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, 134 a Liberty St TODAY'S SPECIAL HERE IS your chance to boy cheap residentUI lot located In good district on pavea at a; siaewaix in. ss. front 60x100. Located In E, Salem near state highway shops. Price (275. CALL O. H. grabenhorst. jr. With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, 134 S. Liberty St Phone 4(t. 10 A. E. OF TOWN. I rm. Plastered hse, barn A outbldga, elec lights le'ec water syatem. Price (2(00, (! on., nai. iiko rent. H A. 4 rm. hse., water, lights, ea pavement next to school. Price f(S0.00. Easy terms, 8 bedrm. reconditioned hse. valuable I corner lot, close in, (2100. Terms. aiodern s rms. book, a pedrma. RICH U REIMANN. 147 & High St Phone 8631 ALDERBROOK RESTRICTED SUBDIVISION THIS BEAUTIFULLY weeded tract on Pacific hwy. and Browning Avenue tracts one acre up, some view lots, 5 modern homes on tract now. Pi ices (450 nn and terms anyone can handle. Select roar borne sit where iron Know roar urroanainea wiu ds choice. City bus line br place. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, REALTOR 477 Court Street For Sale Real Estate FURNISHED MODERN ( R. HOME- r IKE. rUKXO, good furn. includ. pla A elec man. X. Salem, $3500. 65t. Exchange Real Estate l-RM HSE. 1233. care S la teaman. - -gi iij-rn)-i rijLrunjjjjnjnjLfi I hol j aca 4 brooms, oil iZT. .k.JL,i irJlS" Ji I center Portland, for Salem home. What nave tout Box 1097. Statesman. PORTLAND RESIDENCE REASONABLY PRICED 7 R.. all hardwood floors, sawdust burner, trade statesman. wwwvwwmwwwwwwwwwm TO EXCHANGE FOR SALEM HOME 25 ACRES STOCKED and equipped. good house, water system, elec . barn. A. ruberta, variety berries, SZ950. I t A 6 7 raodeVn hou witi gra vtty water system from spring creek, some nmoer, Darn, iioou. WINNIE PETTTJOHN. REALTOR 477 Court Street 4 A. 800 OR 700 CORDS of wood ; "fee7?7lnb,1 00. Take v. H. P. GRANT CLEAR HOUSE, unstalrs ant. rent ed. $25, trade for farm, pay some dif ference. Phone 2542. evenings or call at j as xso. commercial. For Sale Farms MR. FARMER READ THIS carefully 152 acres on good gravel road, less than 15 miles from Salem, about 76 acres cultivated. balance pasture, fair 4 room bouse, at only $30 per acre. Buy now set set for ruing prices. uaii air. tsaruerc witn CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 144 State Street Phone 92(1. NOWS THE TIME TO BUY RANCH 2-ACRES. MODERN bldxs.. bath. louet, ec rurnace, t k. uouDie garage Poultry houe. 13675 terms. 6-acres. ( R. house, electric water system, osrn, double garage tc poultry vv uunu. wwn In east. 48-acrea. ( rood bottom soil): can be irrigated : good 6 R. house, barn. poultry house A hog house. A dandy farm A good roads A location. Only i&zoo jjzso down. CO A., sheep ranch. About 100 A. Dlow land. Good let, barn, silo A other bldgs., some tim- per. good roao, only l?.t.o per acre. -J152 Whf 1 ra? n00 1- . i - SSaL!?i!2Stl " rstate- ,U' wvv.vv fvvw .veil , ea oiia wn JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR 471 Court SL Phone 84(1. GET THAT farm now. It will pay you to investigate my list of trades. A; so a rood list of suburban A city property st prices you can afford. To own your home is the best security. Vt A. near city limits. Mod. house. (3250. (250 down. bal. less than rent Some good places near Keizer. Kemember if it a real estate. H. a Shields. Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902 eeaeww--wesM-awe DAIRY' RANCH for sale. (1000.00 down payment. Barn room for 12 cowa. 1605 S. E. Washington St, Portland. FRUIT A BERRIES 25 ACRE FARM, 15 minutes drive from down town, 16 A. newly cleared land in voung fruit A berries. Kemod eled house with elec A water system. (2000.00. some terms. See Collins with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, Salem SI A.. 2( UNDER PLOW, creek. spring. Modern ( room house, double fo ment 9 mi. out Place clear, price ((,- ouo. Trade ror saiem Home. 24 A.. Irrigated, 17 cultlv.. timber, fine stream. 7 -room bouse, mod. ex. base., elec large barn. Price (3500, Trade lor Salem. C H. SANDERS. 118 S. High. S1SL FARMS A HOMES For rent sale. Oregon Land Co. Highway, Woodburn, . Oregon. Acreage i. r u w.i tj" e " - . . r I piasierea nouse- in need or some re- I pair, good well, electricity. In Liberty I fee-as . Jvvu w ss u Vl6,Jf J II AJUWi I J 1 district; will eU cheap as la, or will I nm JP "spqnsioie. pariy. -none s.ti .snsa ami l m lvth we B w - mmm ss ACREAGE BARGAIN 914 A. LOCATED 5H MILES from , - .. . 1 2t"Lnf r New. HV"J1' ,!0U8? I " .i"n.,;rlL.. f good road. Price (2000. (100 down A (20 oer mo. See this tract CALL G. H. GRABENHORST. JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., 131 8. Liberty St Phone 14(1. ONE HALF ACRE BRAND NEW modern t room home In East Salem at bargain. Fruit trees. aet some wao. azs&o. fha terma. 65 o, Wanted Real Estate WILL PAT cash for strictly modern I flva nnn hnma m t,lraKla Int Rm 1 1331, Statesman. T r . , uubiucbs vppunuiuiies look look 1 . 0 XOU want the finest nts parKlu.. Mr. ni. "T1"'1"" KaUm A Tnr1an all tn I f1" (Tore, 19 miles north of Salem I Jr . ,uacn rw,n' oomau e I romnrMmr lw. water eratMii , rot. ,i - 2 J 71, , I age. two oearma., two caDins, snoweriwcio BerxouBtj uuru ipai was i I baths. Rest rooms. Don't pasa this up ZXJ&ilS&SrZ iioSilThe Rishel ear was badly damag- Bechlei. 341 State, Room . Business Cards ta this dli ectory oa a monthly basis only. Rate! f I per Use per month. Auctioneers RAY H1SEL, 1289 Sixth EL Ph. 7183. Auto Brakes Mike PaneA 8TB Soots CotumorelsJ. Bicycles I BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned, Ha Wott 14T 8? CaSfLV, 4510 Chimney Sweep a I 1 TELEPHONE 44(0. R. B. Northseea 1 I CHIMNEY CLEANED I PIPES. FURNACES, stores, gutter. I Get ready for winter. No soot or dirt. I Ray L, Farmer Hdwr. Co. Ph. SOOS, Chiropractors A ! DR. O L. BOOTT. PSC Chtropractoe. SSO N. High. TeL Roe. 8572. Excavating EXCAVATING OF all klndA Pi meats due. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel on Phone 0401 . Florists Brelthaupfa 44T Court Phone S90A Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THIS W EIDER LAUNDRY 2(1 8. High A TeL IMS For Sale Used Cars EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT THIS CAR BUY. ITS 1938 Master Qievrolet AT ptn I ho hliiA rnlnr. Karl in " " - uoholsterr. Clock and type steering wheel. An R&G Car for only $625 VALLEY MOTOR CO "20 TEARS OF FRIENDSHIP" Used Car Lot Marion & Liberty Herb Misson Ben Drager - Art Hanson 30 OR '31 MODEL A Pickup or I Coupe good price. 2295 Breyman. Business Opportunities confectionery tlxturea, iu, A. r oisom. Coquille. Oregon. RESTAURANT TRAILER, ready to go. (75. King's Tr. Exch., (19 N. rront. COTTAGES A 2 STORES on High way 99E, sale, trade or lease; aee Mr. Shoen, 790 N. Commercial St. I ACTIVE CLEAN NEW GROCERT SALES 35ft-$10O. S yr. lease, living I quarters. For cash, 12500. H. P. GRANT. 529 Court Street TO LEASE Small grocery store with liv. qtra. on 99 hwy. north. ROY J. RICE, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 For Salt; Wood INVESTIGATE BUDGET plan on wood. Ph. S370. W L. Graea 412 N. 21 SPEC. OAK (5.75. ash (5.25. P. 9703. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING. Ed Sproed. P. 58(3. WOOD SAWING. TeL 3522. Lost and Found STR. HEREFORD bull. R. 7. B. 407. LOST CHILD'S zipper sweater, ma roon color, near 449 N. Cottage St i n. 5737. Reward. Personal LONELTT -WORTHWHILE" nreet heart husband, wife for you. P. O. Box 71, Los Angeles. JOIN THE lonesome correspondence dub. PO box 927. Portland. Schools I 'wwaee.e. MMaae a.wwA aaaaju sviiwi ae I home. Diploma. Texts furn. WriU far catalogue. Am. School. P. O. Box 4(00 Portland, Automobiles 1937-DeLUXE 85 FORD Sedan, only 18.900 exact miles, runs and looks like new. Price (476.00. Will take cheaper car. Phone owner 94 F2 3, Sunday A I evenings or 4311 week days, Transportation GOING TO Mitchell. & Dakota, start Sept 24 would like 2 or 8 passengers. A. 1a Muucan, w. saiem, loos sev- entn st WNTD.. RIDE to eastern & Dakota last of week share exoenses. Phone I or write Floyd Young. YMCA. dty. EV ACCIDENT WEST STAYTON Mrs. Harry Rishel and her daughter, OpaL figured In a motor collision Sa-1 I Shel dfOVe OUt OQtO the AUmS- I rille and West Stayton market i r0ad, her car was hit by a Texa- I o l t - - . g- , i I badly shaken nn and brnlsed. . Directory nlattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattress factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade: carpet cleaning slxlng: fluff rug weaving, a 13th a WII Dor TeL S44L OTTO F. 85WICK ER Est 1911. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4009 Naturopathic Physician DR. W H. ROCKWELL. Naturopath to Physician. 1700 FalrcTounda Rd TeL 4S0S. Office Honrs 11 a. m. to S :S0 . m. FREE EXAM A CONSULT A TION. Painting; Paperhanging NEAT WORK, L. Johnson. Ph. S1SS. Printing FOB STATION CRT cards, paaphleta programa bosks or any kind of prln mx. can The FUtesmaa Printing De partment SIS 8 Commercial. Tale- SISL Refinishing rUKNITURE REFINISHED Hke new. BL Brock. S4S Gaines. Phone 434A Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer, stor age, burner eO. eaB 8111. Larmer Traaafer Co. Trucks te Pertlaad aaDy WeR Drillinst SL A. WEST. rt. A BOX 448. Pb. 21SFS Chester 1. Pugh. S12S Uyrtie. Pa. SSlt.1 For Sale Used Cars EXTRA! OUTSTANDING USED A.HEADUNER. Deluxe Town Sedan hatr nrirl Hfrnstr. Mn. "-- cigarette lighter. Banio- VewrewAMrVrrWwVwVWVWeVVVW EXTRA VALUE That COSTS NO MORE! Packard '37 DeLUXE 6-CYL. COUPE Or iginal maroon finish ; uphol stery spotless; has new 6-ply Whiteside wall tires, radio and heater $675 Plymouth 37 DeLUXE TOURING SE DAN Original gunmetal fin ish. This car has had the very best of care, only one owner. Very low mileage ..: .-. (315 Packard V 37 DeLUXE TOURING 6-CYL. SEDAN Beautiful Packard, blue finish : has radio and heater , , (725 Pontiac 3( DeLUXE 6-CYL. COUPE Or- Irin-l KlQlr fini-iri nvri-iiil4 completely; has radio (175 MANY OTHERS KOT LISTED STATE MOTORS, Inc HUDSON A PACKARD DEALERS High at Chemeketa Phone (400 OPEN KVENmUS IS BETTER DAYTON Mrs. Ray Sioa, who I nn A no-naf 97 fall frnm laditor I . ..... :,. ' wane piCKing petite prunes ana received a wrenched left foot and torn ligaments in her knee and . - . e I crutches .is able to walk alODO bnt still suffers considerably. Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 16 21 22 24 25 I!! 2 X777 31 2M 36 37 3? M3 HI HO HORIZONTAL 8 etrike with 1 jest 6 dross of metal . 9 haul 12 Arabian . seaport 13 smooth 14 nucleated egg cells 15 soldier 17 nude . 19 fashion 20 strict 21 the white poplar 23 pan 24 manager 25 black and bine 2S ermbol for " rhodium 2S fitter Tetch 29 tapestry - 30 Hawaiian . food 31 symbol fa? tantalum 32 large Hack 'birdofcrew' the open hand v 89 split asunder -40 precious stone 43 anger 44 to seize 46 silkworm 47 spread for drying 48 killed 49 care for . - VERTICAL 1 bone of the tooota Herewith is M , 1 sarapuzaie.. ao I m lr L, L L , lolkilvJu I Ilc IcItI family. S3 Persian eoin 24 moved throoghtht water by I means of i poles 85 watchful 8 rj vessel I engaged in - whale - fishing . - Aran ttsM ef DMrBarM kr 3Usj To Panama V ranslnff briefly In San Franclsce recently was Kasalto Jlntzusa vra, former Japanese consul general at Honolulu, who Is et route to his newly appointed post as minister to Panama fo Japan. The diplomat was feted by (California Japanese at Trea sure island's elaborate exhibit. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO fJREDITORS No. 10108 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON for Marion County. In the Matter of the Estate ol EMMA R. VIBBERT, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Clare A. Vibbert has been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Emma R. Vibbert, de ceased, by the County Court of the ! State of Oregon for Marlon County, and has qualified as such. All i persons who have claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the Bame, duly verified, as required by law, to the j undersigned at the office of Page and Page, Attorneys, Ladd & Bush Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, within, six months from the i date of the first publication of this notice, which is the 29th day of August, 1939, and the last is the 26th day of September, 1931. j CLARE A. VIBBERT, Administrator of the Estate of Emma R. Vibbert, De ! ceased. Page and Page, Attorneys, Salem, Oregon. A 29 S 6-12-19-26. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OP i ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE IL HEREBY GIVEN. That by order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, Lettie L. Loose has been appointed as and for administratrix of the Estate, of Frank E. Loose, Deceased. AH persons having claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same to said administratrix at 226 State Street, Salem, Oregon, within six months after the date of this notice. Dated this September 6, 1939. LETTIE L. LOOSE Administratrix of the Estate of Frank E. Loose, Deceased. RHOTEN & RHOTEN 511 U.S. Natl. Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Estate. I S 5-12-19-26-0 S. II 17 ie x777 20 26 21 SO I 35 33 'A HI HI (.6 2 room in a harem; . 8 outdoor festival 11 walk througa water IS cyprinoM fish 18 greedy 20 red cedar 21 encourage 22 dry Alpine wind 83 baring two feet 25 large Teasel for wash ing in 8 load noise . 27 suggestion 29 ekills 80 make ready 82 part I 4 enlists;. 6 small bitter wild plan 6 Gaelic : sea-god 7 Indefinite article - 8 first book of the Old. Testament 9) keepsake 10 aboTe j the solution to Tester I assumed In a play 18J dark red ;- ' i .tAblewint 84 corered with asphalt . S3 beverage 8$-4egal 'document 17--engage f or service ' 83 small bird of : snerganser : - family, " ' 40 make a' f tiring in a rr-. scanty I . fashion, 41 Scotch waterfall 42 lather I silelliet 88 i 45 symt alum ibolfor rsus SradkBrts, laa lummum