The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 17, 1939, Page 16, Image 16

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    Hie OREGON STATESMAN, Salea, Oregon, Sunday Mornings September 17 193
Rlrs. Logan Dies
Of Long Illness
Resident, 75, Was Active
as PEO Leader, Once
State President
Mrs. Mary Kneeland Logan, 75,
died at the borne of her son, C. K.
Logan, SCO Judson street, Satur
davnlsht. She had- been in 111
Jiealth for nearly 20 years.
Mrs, Logan -was past state pres
ident" and organizer of the PEO
. Sisterhood, baring been a member
of ' the organisation t since 1805.
She belonged to chapters in Eur
eka Springs, Ark., Fort Morgan,
Colo., Albany and Portland, Ore.,
' though not active in recent years.
.She , was also ' a .member of the
Daughters of the AmericanReyo
lutlon and the Eastern Star. Since
the death of her husband, H; S.
Logan, in 1932, she had made her
home with her son.
1 ' 'Active la Church
She was a lifelong' member of
the Presbyterian church and en
gaged In music all the active years
of her life, starting with Sunday
school when 16 years of age: Mrs.
Logan not only : taught ; but . had
appeared in pipe organ, piano and
vocal recitals for many years
ceasing because of her ill health
nearly 20 years ago.
She was born at Charlton, Iowa,
Sept.! I, 1864,: the daughter of a
pioneer" Iowa physician. " On June
13, 1895, she was married to Har
vey Scott Logan, at M a n k a t o ,
Kans. "Mrs. Logan came to Oregon
' in the fall of 1913 and located
with I her husband in Albany,
where she lived nn til 1919 when
the family moved to Tualatin,
making her home there until at
ter the death of her husband.
Besides her son she is survived
by a: brother, ; Lucius Kneeland.
Council Bluffs, Iowa, and a sister,
Mrs. i Anna S. i Hunter. El Paso,
Texas, n
' Funeral announcements will be
Hero of Athenia Disaster
, ' w V"
, - V V '
; r ;
A -
i - 'I
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News Photo Gives Reader Thrill
As Cousin's Picture Recognized
Isaac Stotland, Polish refugee en route to Chicago, rescued 18 snr-
vlvors of the torpedoed liner Atbenia when a lifeboat overturned,
bat bis two children, who were in the lifeboat, perished. Htotland
and his wife are shown aboard the rescue boat City of Flint. (As
sociated Press photo from New York Daily News.)
made later from the Clough-Bar-ncK
' . I "A
i - ' " i i t"v " ' I
1 J: I
: SEE this entirely different wood and coal range
before you buy ANY new stove. Beautiful in ap
pearance, wonderful in its many features ... it's
the truly MODERN range for YOUR OWN kitchen!
Ask about it! SEE IT-TODAY!
snrjonTionni. offer.,.
During Our Fall Montag Showing
. rl Days this Valuable 76-Piece
5 J set of VEnnon EiiniY -
Li cfliiFonninn DiririEnvanE
if t
1 1
vjuzu you puncnnsn htjy r.iorrrna
PnirJCEDS -or DUCE3C00 r.lodcl
nrinciriG rJovsl
i ...
wl .Bar appli
ly tong u .or limited ras
ptf t Diaarwra 1mm. Ph
cIum uy Modus' frimctu r
.JtaKAMt Xan nfnUr
fnee: SS9.TS a4 a . . v u4
. for S1.SS aMitioui. Dissar tat?
S3 yivcw, arM far ai 18
llaaaaa; 2f piacaa UTtnrarw. '
PHONE 6022
fall - time schedules
Tuesday morning at
will begin
all schools.
Last night faculties of all city
schools met for a banquet at the
senior high school with Frank
Bennett, new city superintendent.
giring the principal address as
guest of honor. Other speakers
were Preston S. Doughton, new
principal of Parrish Junior high,
and Walter E. Schneider, new
curriculum coordinator. Musical
numbers by Lloyd Swanson com
pleted the program.
City Schools to
Call 5000 Back
(Continued from page 1)
o'clock and dismiss at or near
Careful Derusal of news chotos in The Statesman, even
though the pictures come from afar, through the regular
news photo channels, quite often affords readers & thrill as
they recognize the countenance of some friends or relative. .
The picture of Howard rWl-
brick, newly-appointed California
state director of motor vehicles.
provided such . thrill for Mrs.
Charles A, Johnson, wose hus
band ' Is head of the chemistry
department at Willamette anlrer
sity; for Mrs.' Johnson and Phil
brick are eouslna. -mayor
of Hoaulam. Wash., grad
uated from Oregon Stale college Merriam
at ate SO la 1121. as one of the
youngest graduates In OSC his
tory, and then senred as a clerk
la the United States senate while
studying lair la George Washing
ton university, obtaining his de
gree in U29.
That year he entered the fed
eral bureau of Investigation, but
was later appointed federal coun
selor for the Pacific coast area
under Secretary Iickes. He re
signed to take op private law
practice but was appointed pri-
rvete Investigator by Governor
of Cayfornia In lt3C.
Decisive Battle
Stage - Looming
(Continued from page 1)
strongest - advance fortifications
and prepared the report upon
which, the San Francisco graft
Investigation was based. He was
retained in this office by Gover
nor Olson prior to his recent ad
vancement. " "
guarding the eentral sector of
the northern flank.
! . The i first "oyer the ton- ad
vance reported in the war which
goes Into its third week tomor
row was said to have been made''
by German Infantry today in the
lower Kied river valley, under
the protection of a heavy artillery
The French command said that
after hoars of fighting the Ger
man charge was broken.
the jr eight 1
v i i . . .;
6 Wo
For those "at home? yi&yu this
winter, you'll need air least one
sturdy, becoming cotton house
frock. A style that lets you do
your work and receive unexpected
callers with equal grace. This
Anne Adams dress for matrons Is
a gay home outfit that efficiently
slenderizes too. The long center
panel from neck to hem does the
trick it seems toQust trim off
inches and make you tall and slim.
Its. bias-cut is even more effect-!
lve if you use a checked, plaid or
striped fabric, what an easy style
to make, with so waistline seam
and ail ; straight, simple lines!
Have the contrasting collar short
or lengthens to follow the line of
the panel. And use ruffle trim
ming: for a crisp touch.
Pattern 41S8 Is available In
women's sises 36, 38. 40. 42. 44.
46, 48 ana 60. size 86 takes 4 u.
yards 35 inch fabric and 2 yards I
lace edging; yard contrast,
Scad ' riTTEEJJ CISTS (18c) te
' ain tot taia Anna Adsma paUarn.
Write pUinl' SIZE, NAME, AD-,
Aanoaaciar . . . ANNE ADAMS'
- hnai aw raQ aa Wistcr PAT
TERS BOOK . . . jaat eat I An 7a
- a csraar fixll Atarift aoaaawiial
A aoeially bo7 dabotaatal A jny
f e-4t A ''back to-ichool tirl"! .A,
i forty-pluif Whicharar yon - an.
; Toa'ra ready (or a arir4aU varArnlM
4. . and acr ara tcmptiaf, aaiy-to-
, aaw tyia lor Toor arary Bead. 6Un
eroas rtt-pr - iroeka aad prao
v tieal vark-a-dar elotbaa . . . a ward-
. rob ra taa badcet plan, ... ttaccria
Bead (or year
aad at-hanta f rockt !
conv today I
Bad jmr order Taa Orate
BUteamaB, atsera eepertaieov.
' f Sit
Celebrating 2 years
of successful oper
ation in Salem . .
Gevurts now bring
you this sensation
al . baying opportunity.
that old furniture during Gevurtz' Anniversary Sale! You don't get a
chance like this every day . . just think, a liberal allowance on every
piece of your old furniture, when you purchase new furniture during this
sale! Just think of the lovely things you can bay now . . living room
suites, bedroom suites, dining room suites, mattresses everything you
need for the home. Hundreds of pieces are included in this sale that would
save you money at their regular cash prices but when you deduct the
trade-in, you can't afford NOT to buy!
Simply call us and we send our courte
ous appraiser.
"We pick up your old furniture when
we deliver the new, and at no extra
You don't have to advertise, and you
are relieved of any responsibility that
you would have If you sold direct.
Ton haven't the expense and trouble of de
livering to anyone to whom you might sell
You get an unusually large cash allow
ance from us. Enough usually to take care
of the down payment. .
You immediately have your new
furniture in your home, and you -
may pay the balance on easy terms.
flilij)5aAaa9pJS tt
i9rJth-iii'"""t i
I it
As low t Per
2-Pc. Modern Suite
A beautiful suite, covered with lovely tapestry at this low
price, and, as much as $20.00 for your old suite! There's
no reason to wait when you have an offer like this. Send
for our appraiser tomorrow!
Up to $20 for your old
suite on a fine 3-pc. mod
ern suite.
You'll be thrilled to find that you can get so much for
your old suite on this one of streamlined beauty. Just
what you've wanted, and so very reasonable! It's the new
waterfall effect in the modern design.
v I
We give you $10.00 on any old
mattress for this extremely
comfortable mattress of inner
spring construction.. Take ad
vantage of this trade-in value,
and pay no money down!
hJ 7)
C1Q rJG !
ijjjg-l Rne Quality 9x12
Axminster Rugs
Trade In Your Old Rag
Makes no difference how old or worn your old rug Is
trade it in on one of these fine new seamless txll Axmin
sters, and get a real value! Same allowance on any rug in
our tock Velvets, Wilton, Oriental reprodnctlona, etc.
Oil Circulating Heater
1 J
L xS-n.
i avowal ' i""""?iMr
Fine 2-pc. Suite
Tou can certainly dress up your living room with this
roomy suite, so generously proportioned and "lovely to
look at!" And don't forget your old suite is worth up
to $30.00.
Deduct up to $30 for Your Old Suite
on a Fine New 3-Pc. j gQ
Three lovely pieces of exquisite design and
workmanship and you get the choice of
dresser or vanity. You agree it's a real
bargain? Then -let us make an offer on your old suite.
Terms for your convenience. Similar to illustration.
o ranqun '
oQ-tittle doxn on a big bill '
-Your Old Suite in Trade
Kiung SdU $16950
' Bedroom, living room, or din
ing room -well make a big
allowance for any old suite on
this new, richly designed din
ing room suite at this excep-
: tlonally low price! We inelude
buffet, table 'and six chairs.
i China cabinet slightly extra.
;; Easy terms.: