the OREGON STATESaiAN SalenC OregonT Sunday Motnfa September 17, 1939 jfAGE FIFTEEN A Salem's Market Place for Buying., Sellin For Sale Miscellaneous For Rent Houses Money to Loan Money to Loan For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars g9 Mentiiig! SATS $10.00 OH new 1911 Duev Therm !) burning circulator. I ta room capacity, only f 59 St Easy terma Good Housekeeping Inc. 4KI Court St. ARMT WALL tent. Ill B. 14th. CASH FOR on4 tarn Ph tilt. Wanted -Miscellaneous WANTED usicr fwrn 111 III OLD WOOt mmnr-mm T. tut WANTKD TO buy fw -h. 1st IbJ mortgages .. real - estate entrart A merchandise discount proper STATE VlSASCK CO 244 Stat Street Habm Wcr ' inrn'irinfiri hajiji nnrrinr " nnibf r wn rJl Wl in"" n berta Alan meat. M. Klnrfet" Park ins Co. 280 S. High. Phot 7t. TIT ul - . i . & 1 Wanted Fnm?tnr WANTED FURN. Forgey. P. 1441. Miscellaneous Broken Lenses Rrnlaced in Two Hours DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST OPTICAL DEFT. In chare of Dr. Fred Pageter and Dr. W. W. Frasee. Ortometrlsts Adolpb. Bldir., State Commercial . . Phone 2211 For Rent Rooms ROOMS. PH. 5917. 191 N. Cottage. Tifstrari.E SLEEPING room. prl entrance. TeL 5977. Tuu-xrxTLrjrxrnri ".- iiavi 1 HATPf vr a TOM on.Aii aiirl anil mftmnlv rate to prm. jniestn. Marlon Coffe Shoo delicious meal at low prirea. PLEAS.. 'WITH dressing rm. Cen traL 910. S55 N. Capitol. - -aa-n-n-n-n-n-n-M am.aaae. m aw FURNISHED SLEEPING room close to high school. 865 D St. SLEEPING RM.. 740 Ferry. WELL FURX.i sleeping rooms, steam heat. 607 N. CommercIaL? SLEEPING ROOM. 725 Court St. --?9MT:L?MAl-1-6? S' 14th- - 2 SLEEPING RMS. with breakfast prlv. Close-in: 481 N. Winter. WANTED, -2 GIRLS to share a home. In, 148 N. 15 th, Sun. A evenings aftei 7 o'clock. ' Room and Board R A B.11G90 N. Slimmer. Ph 4614 TBL BOARD, exc. food. 450 Marlon RM.. 2 STUDENTS. $10. Ph. 7213 tssaleaaa-seSaavBesWSMSSjaisateaejsaSss EXCL. MEALS, prl. home. Ph. 6791 . CLOSK IN Phone S859. reaa. rice. COLLEGE BOYS room and board adlolnlng campus. 148 N. 12th. GD. MEAT-? clean rms. 995 S. 12th DOUBLE ROOM with hoard laun dry ; also table board. 455 N. Cottage. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, excel, onnrd. near schools. 960 Marion. Ph. T884. For Rent Apartments 2-RM. FURN. battr- 1440 Waller sMsBaFaakjjaMMMsMseAsfcAsAs 2 OR 4 R. hse apts.. 735 N. Com nreraiet a tT n . hut Pri w.- Idaire. prL bath. 1st floor, outside, ent. garage, near sr. high and state eapltol Tel. 6977, ' I CL. 2 R.. furn. heat 474 N. Church 3 RM. MOD. turn.' 1553 State, ! SCO THE Fisher Apts. before Too decide. Largo Airy. Rookwool Tn stileted against heat ft cold. Venetian Blinds throughout. S. Ceml n?" liRM. FURN. apt., dress, rm.. pull man, kitchen. lady. 664 S. Summer. S ROOM PTJRNIRRirn rmrtm4nt reaonbl4jL 141 N L1trty St. sjsstslsaAssWstlBjBSSxaBMMMSsMMMAAsABSAsss rTTRM : tJVkTVTI ant 460 N 13th S w a.i m ve . - - 2 RM. NEWLY furn. Heat, water rmnmpTiiii.r RnutC.MRE reasonable. Hawthorne Conrt. 1000 N Canltoi St. - - STRICTLY MOD. The Deyereana. 2 R. forn. apt. L ft wat. $2 wfc 129ji Oak St (next to exp. office.) Ph. 62 1 4. xTn? rT VIM I rm film fl Hot and cold water ana garage at we rtr sMMMssssss 2 R. FURN 432 Marion. ! SMALL APT., adults, 770 & ComT. 1 TO 4-RM apta. ehenp ?l aw ap Children -welcome 1 1 1 e i -nn FURN. APT- 2241 Hssel Ph. T444 PATTON APTS. 222 State. -Fir alahed. Adults only Ph. 4 ant, bullt-lns.' $12.50 mo. 1135 N. 12th Ktreet COT MOD. Winter rates. Shoen'e Cottarea, Junction 12th ft Pac. owy. s. MWwwvwVwWwVwVwVwVVwrVVAArArNrV PULLMAN. BUa worn. 1252 Court. 2-RM. HEATED ants. 444 S. High. 2-RM. . FURN. ant. 780 N.- Winter. 9 TtXt JPT ms rmfrir antAnultlC beat. $20.00. 255 & 14th. i fMaaaWsaafci J R. KTCH-NETTE. 250 S. Cottage. NICELY FURN. 8 room apt, t pri vate bath. 130 N. 17th. 6 blka. eat state nonae. SMALL HTD. apt. 1335 State St sVVeMasMMMa9MMsjWiajs1 FtJRN. oft UNFURN, I3S Ferry. S-NAy A" KJ k.t m AW eae sgww eaaevaa MMwWWwVVwwVMwWwwVMMMWwV z ic u, w.. Turn, niu H. vi a. i sKsesasaaaaSeaaaseasaaMaasaaaex, 2 R. L. H ft C wat. rar.. 912.90. 2 k, pm. bath, close in. izo. rn. 7iJ FTJRN. 2 OR 4 rm, bath, washer, gar. Close school. 179S S. Cottageu. ADVERTISING :.' Western Adtertisin RepreeontatiTea flaitfg. r I.. . 6as Franclaca Los Angeles, t tattle Eastern Advartislnf ' ReprcMaUtlTM I r- Bryant Giiffitb ft Branson. In. Cnlcaco. New Tork. Detroit, t Boston. Atlanta 4 JTareretf f t PtotfU at Solent Or.gon, m Seeoa4 Close Jfoffen Pw ttsaed every eaemiiip oceeyt Honda. Buii iff torn tm SoutM Costsiercial mtrtn. - i BUHSUJUFTION KATKS: K Uatl Subscription Rates ta Adranos. Within Oregon; Daily and Sunday Ho. 64 cents: 2 Ma. $1 60: 4 Ma $2.60? 1 year 96.00. Elsewhere 60 cents pee Sto. or $6.00 foe 1 year - la advance. Per eopy 9 cents. Newsstands i cent. By City Carriers cents a moata: 17.2 a year ta - adraaos ta Marloa 4U)d adlacent eountles. FURNISHED and nnfurn. bouse. H. P. GRANT. 129 Court. Ph. 1144 FURNISHED BOUSE. 12Sf Court St. Phone 4926. ROOM MODERN furn, bouse, t bedrm. 1120 N. Cottage. MOD. COURT cot., 724 N. Cottage. t ROOM FURN. modem nous. 2 room furn. at. rniDMH wrmKTVS Ptuna 9494 MODERN 4 ROOM duple apt; nice- i riu n al. nun. basement, furnace A fireplace, garage. $" . .... 8. m. ukue, mom or rumlsheo: cottage. ioa bnippinii ou 2 RM. HOUHE. nnfnm.. good condi tion, gar.. ISO. 45 Market Tel. 4947 MOD I.AROR home. 7 N. Cottage. MOD. RM. furn.. til basement. furnace. 122 ma. Ph. 4ZF3. SMAIJ, HOUSE partly furnished. 2iS & 15th. S-ROOM MODERN home. 615 S High St. SS month. Phone 6011. S-RM. FURN. hse. 70 S. Com'l. RM. HSElni232"NrChurch.18. 4 RM. FURXTSHED hee.. 925. 6 rm. mod. hse., $30.00. S rm. mod. hsc 940. Ph. 84IZ, eves.. 22C4. VTW. nnClt hmiiie. 223.00. AIpo four bedrm. house. $20.00. O. E. RAE. 1655 N. Cottage. Ph. 6761 saeasSjasMsssMsttejessaeasteSsastaeesssa LOVELY REMOD. 5 R, N. E.. $22. 50. 2, 4 ft 6 rms.. $10 to $25. 7 rm. furn. nr. state hse.. $38. Ph. 7113. 6-RM. HSE. barn and chicken hse at the edge of city. $25 to responsible party. F. H. WEIR. 212 Oeg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 FURN. 3 R. HOUSE. Elec. range ft water heater. Oil circ. heater. 255 N. 24th Ph. S849. fi RM. irNFTTRX. hse. with fum. 2 rm. apt to sub-rent, $20 a mo. 2210 Kazel Ave. LARGE HOUSE next to capitnl grounds and Willamette L. Tel. 3017 fi RM. HOUSE near new high school Ph. 8893 or evenings. S409. For Rent Farms 28 ACRES. 9 MT. N. W. Salem: ml. S. Spring Valley school : 7 rm. mod ern bouse, fine barn, garage, other bidgs. 7 A. r runes, other fruit. $225. Other farms. B. A. Kliks. McMinnville. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 381 8tate Street Inquire room 200 Tel 2712. WILL SUBLET space in ladies- ready-to-wear shop. Box 1100, States man. For Sale Real Estate $12302250 DOWK $15 MO. buys this 3 room and bath. Walking dis- tarce. Buy this ior an Investment -EXCEPTIONALLY NICE $2400 $250 $25 mo. 4 rooms. 2 bedrooms, base., fur., beautiful lawn. fruit Let us show you. C H. SANDERS, 118 S. High. 5131. WsewAeVwVVMMwVWWwVwVwrVM LOTS LOTS LOTS 100 bv 100 fee with pavement paid located on paved street In northeast Salem. Price including pavement paid 1800. 50 by 100 feet with pavement nald located on Norway street In northeast Salem. Price IjUO. 60 by 137 feet located on North 20th street JU3t oil paved street, fnce liau, 44 by 100 feet on South Liberty street between Oak and Mission street. pavement and walks. Price $800. EA 1 . TT".. : . . . TT ; tl good view. A real buy at $1000. If you are looking for a real buy in a residence lot, bee Coburn Graben- horst. with W. H. GRABEXHORST & CO. Realtors . t34 S. Liberty Street BUSINESS LOCATIONS 100 by 100 feet located on the south west corner of Madison and lath street lust the nlace for grocery and gas station. Here is your chance to buy a business location. Price $1500. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors 184 S. Liberty Street TODAY'S SPECIAL 2 ACRES located N. of Salem at Quinaby. 5-roora house with plumbing, large double garage and woodshed combined. .Some very good walnut trees. Best or soil, price siaOO. Call G. H. Grabenhorst jr., with W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street Phone 64 68 STRICTLY MODERN NEW 4 rm. bungalow with nook ft laundry rm., 1 acre close to school. $100 dn., baL $25 per ma including taxes ft lnt RICH L. REIMANN. 167 S. High St "none as 33 HOME SPECIALS 2250 down, 25 per ma will buy a 5-i oom p last, house, basement, corner lotnear schools and bus line. Immeii ate possession. Price $2500. Modern 5-room plast house, furn., fireplace, hardwood floors, garage, near school and bus line. Let me show you these. trice tjuov. Call Coburn Grabenhorst with W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street Phone C468 AAA,4eVAAAeWVMkiMMWMMwVwVwVwM ! HOME SACRIFICE Attract E. front, 5-room modern nouse. unnn. upstairs, rurn.. rireplace. just newly decorated, near schools and bus line. This Is priced to sell. Price 309. can coburn Grabenhorst with W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors 134 a Liberty Street Phone 6468 TODAY'S LOT SPECIAL $275 will buy an E. front lot 60x100 located In E. S.lom near nenitentiarr. Street and sidewalk In. An exceptional buy Call Q. H. Grabenhorst ,r.. with W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street Phone 6468 PRICED TO SELL 8 rooms all mod. Located In NE Salem on paved street about two years old. Lot 60x127. Price $3250; $300 down and $35 per ma We also have several other brand new houses on very reasonable terms. Call Jn and See G. H. Grabenhorst Jr.. with W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors 1S4 a Liberty Street Phone (46S RICHMOND AVENUE 2 RM. COTTAGE, shower ft plumb ing; $850, $160 down, $i mo. SALEM HEIGHTS Modern new borne. 1 Vt A.. $4500, terms. Accept clear home In city.. 129 Court Street Phone 6744-2J30. Livestock ATTENTION Stockmen and Farmers PHONE 411 ! ! PHONE 4411 AO stock men.-farmers and dealers If yon happen to have Dead or Worthless Horses, Cows, Hogs or Sheep, etc, Just call COLLECT 411 Salem and our track will be at your place without delay and wo will pay yen accordingly. - . - Montgomery Rendering Works Salem We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR IKCOXX . - No Endorsees No Comakers Your Signature Only REPAY ANT DAT TO REDTJCB COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDEST AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COM PANT WHERE TOUR NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE. Generd Finance Corp. ISf So. CotnmerclaJ St First Door South of Ladd A Bash Bank FHA LOANS 4H. also private loans -Abraras A Ellis. Inc. Mil sonic Bldg. AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5tb FLOOR GUARDIAN BUTUJINQ LICENSE! NO M-119 $300 .00 FOR FALL. AND WINTER NEEDS REDUCE BURDENSOME LN- 55TALI.MENTS. RID TOURSELF OF OLD DEBTS. CONSOLIDATE ALL BILLS INTO ONE GET CASH FOR SCHOOL NEEDS. REDUCE HIGH CAR PAYMENTS. Our liberal, flexible credit require ments make It asy to borrow. Our convenient payment plana make It easy to repay. A modest salary Is our main reouirement.) You are under no obligation when ron call at the offices of the People's Finance Co.- 2nd Floor. First Natl. Rank RMv Salem. Oregon Phone 4444 S 213 Stats Urcnu M.A FHA I niVfl ail a. .i.a i . Abrama ft Ellis. Inc.. Masonic Bida. PRIVATE MONEY AUTO "AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACT! PTFTWi Vfrn , dure payments. Monev for new or used cars. No delay or red tape. You will re- tuui wiswssion or tne venicie. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commerelnl Street Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-152 .1 st Choice V From Coast to Coast. Here's Why: Reasonable Terms $ 6.03 mo. repays $ 60 in 12 mos. $ 7.27 mo. repavs $100 In 18 mos. $13.0! mo. repays $180 in 18 mos. $18.18 mo. repavs $250 In 18 mos. No cosigners or special kind of security needed. The quicker you repay the less the cost. We appreciate your business. FRER CONSULTATION, IN OUR OF FICE OR AT YOUR HOME WITH OUT OBLIGATION. SEE OR PHONE OUR MR. ENGLISH. PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor. New BHgh Bldg. 518 State Street. Salem. Oreeon State License Numbers S-122 M-165 Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins ft Roberta MaAA'"4aMe.BaWsMaessSBSa,eBtB WANTED PKIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS IS4 & Liberty Street Phone 6469 For Sale Real Estate BEAUTIFUL VIEW, 4 rms. ft basmt. city water, fruit & nuts, $1900 res terms. New 4 rm, $1750. $100 dn.. $20 per mo. BUDROW-KASMTR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd ft Bush Bldg. Phone 6965 4 R. bath, $1350. $150 dn. New 4 R. ft nk.. $2150. $200 dn. 172 S. Lib. 7113. 5 R MOD. HOUSE with 2 corner lots. Plenty of Royal Anne cherries. Nice lawn. $2000. $100 down, $20 per month. Immed. poss. F. H. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 10 A. E. OF TOWN, 5 rm. plastered hse., barn ft outbldgs.. elec. lights ft e'ec. water system. Price $2800, $300 dn., bal. like rent H A. 4 rm. hse.. water, lights, on pavement, next to school. Price $650.00. Easy terms.. 3 bedrm. reconditioned hse., valuable corner lot, close In, $2100. Terms. Modern 5 rms. ft nook, 2 bedrms., $3200, S. Salem. Terms. RICH L. REIMANN. 167 S. High St Phone 8632 - - -i-i-rinmrnnnAfiAnAATtfi $200 DOWN 5-RM. plastered house, bath, garage, large lot $1500. $250 4-rm. bungalow furnished, bath, garage, paved st $1700. $400 Good home, hardwood floors in living ft dining rms., nice kitchen and bath. 4 bedrms.. basement furnace, fireplace $2600. $500 Down New home, strictly modern, 5 rms. In good location $4200. MONEY TO LOAN AT t MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 723 Court Street Phone 3723. ALDERBROOK RESTRICTED SUBDIVISION THIS BEAUTIFULLY wooded tract on Pacific hwy. and Browning Avenue tracts one acre up, some view lots. 6 modern homes on tract now. Pi Ices $450 up and terms anyone can handle. Select your home site where yon know your surroundings will be choice. City bus line br place. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR .477 Court Street - - - , .-.-.-M--m iinn nn NEW 4-BEDROOM bouse. W. Sa lem, paved comer, hdw. floors. L and D. garage. $4000: $800 cash or trade, balance FHA. Corner lot, 60x120, paved. $350. C J. JACKSON, 341 State St' Livestock Lie. Ne. 8-ltl Phone llll Coo renlent Ground Floor Location. For Sale Real Estate TRADE cm property tor tana homes. Opportunities In exchanges. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INGL S R. MODERN bouse close in. Like rent Let's look. Ph. 6155. ssssasasasessssaeetjsasssi WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IT YOU want to seO exchange lease, rent see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Cl one with Bswklns ft Roberta ------ -r - - -i- -,-irinrnrinrtnririrv-i.rinSif WHY RENT when yon can buy as cheaply a new 5-room modem house t Bestrtcted district 1 block trom bus line, owner 6506. Easy terms. I HAVE a lot. corner 15th and Nor way. Will furnish plana, finance on easy terms to suit Floyd C HeadrlcK. Teu 4946, STORE BLDG. 30x60. Also residence and 2 R. apt, east front, on Portland highway. raL N. of underpass. To tal price $3500. Ph. owner, 3385. THREE WONDERFUL BUYS WITH TERMS LIKE RENT ABOUT i ACRE tract close In on paved highway, with wonderful view some trees, 4 room house, woodshed and garage. Price $1500 $300 cash. Balance easv. Make the rents pay for this well lo cated home on large lot In East Salem. large house, can be arranged in 4 ants. Price only $1900, cash $300, balance monthly. Now being repaired 5 room cottage in r.ast Salem, a real snap for $190. Little down balance monthly. FOR GOOD BUYS SEE CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261 FOR SALE or trade 6 rm. mod. home 16 blks. south of caoitol building. Will sell on easy terms or trade for small acreage and home close in. See Mr. Hardv with LKIXS ft ROBERT INC FOR SALE or trade 60 acre farm near Rickreall : SDlendid land eouiDDed with new 5 rm. ultra mod. house and a good barn. W ill accept modern home n baiem up to $4000.00 value. See Mr. Hardv with HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC. NEW MODERN 4 room house, un finished upstairs, 2295 Breyman. 3 A. NO BLDGS. Close to Salem. Bargain for cash. 2055 N. Church. "vat-w-irtrii-iri n n n a- - $100 DOWN. BALANCE like rent on a rm. nouse witn moaern conven $150 DOWN, and easy terms on 4 rm. new house south, double piumDinK. z lots. 3uuu. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, REALTOR 477 Court Street - -- -- -- -- - I'l-ri-rt-rVWWWVWI JUST COMP. 5 R mod. house, au tomatic hot water heat Phone 3992 a a x uuiiuings, an kinds of fruit, about 5 miles X. E. of R A ntJCO TTrTfrrr j j i j i odicui. Ance jvuu wun iuu down, hfll lilfA rant We have eome find bottom land near iv-eizer scfiooi te exchange for uuiur in naiern. ROSTEIN ft ADOLPH, INC. 110H N. Commercial Street ATTRACTIVE HOME BARRAIV YOU ARE offered this 7 rm. home far below market value: On cor. lot near McKinley schl., several nut trees, douh. nlnmhln r' 3i mv-um. Bcr1f va w wu( fireplace. Never been occupied since a complete reflnlshing In5lde and out POSSESSION. $4750. Call R. A. JOHNSON WITH. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6468 real mrv $3150 BUYS THIS 6 rm. modern home on high ground near McKlnley scni. Hardwood firs., fireplace, furnace, etc. TRULY A BAR. GAIN. DON'T WAIT. SEE IT cow. CALL R. A. JOHNSON WITH, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 131 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. ON COR. lot In business zone only 4 'blks. north K ran turn.. gar., etc Real possibilities for future ueireiopment ana advance in valu ONLY $2650. CALL R. A. JOHNSON WITH, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. HUME STTP5 LOT 75x100 ONLY 11 blks. out In good dlst Is an ABSOLUTE SACRI FICE AT $750. Lot 60x150 on crest or airmount Hill, several trees, ex cellent surroundings, only $850. CALL R A. JOHNSON WITH, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6468, Saeaaiasi FOR SALE Lots owned bv City $125. to $800. See any real estate man or call 8632 167 S. High Street - - -i-i-i.r,nj ii-K-u-u-u-u-u-L-LrurLfu- 4 RMS. and nook, basement and rurrace. nice lot, trees, paving and walks paid. $2400; $300 down, $25 a montn. R A. FORKNER, 1853 N. CapItoL $4500. AN ATTRACTIVE home on Fairmount Hill. 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, sightly view, corner lot $2100. 2 -room cottage on Superior street. $3800. 5-room modern home, north end. All of these are really good buya H. BULL 429 Oregon B'dg. Salem, Oregon Phone 81 21 ACRE tract small hse.. $650 $50 down. 1 A., neat 4-rm. hse.. base ment city water, only $2900 ; terms. 10 A.,- 5-rm hse., fruit and berries. tzioo; $250 down. Phone 5622. Exchange Real Estate 4-RM HSE. 1232. care Statesman. -i"i-mrww-n(vinnnnnrwi WILL TRADE modern country home. 5 acres. 4 large bedrooms, oil heat fine shrubbery. 15 minutes city center Portland, for Salem home. What nav. your box 1097. statesman. PORTLAND RESIDENCE REASONABLY PRICED 7 R. all hardwood floors, sawdust burner, trade ror saiem residence. Box 1098. statesman. TO EXCHANGE FOR SALEM HOME 25 ACRES STOCKED and equipped. gooa nouse. water system, eiec., Darn. 4 A. filberts. Variety berries, $3950. 20 A., with 10 rich bottom land, lrrl- ftion ditch through place : also creek, rm. bouse, bath, elec 34000. It A. I rm. modern house with gra vity water system irom spring creek. some timoer. nam, 3000. WINNIE PETTYJOHN.-REALTOR 477 Court Street "JtstaassaMaSsjtasetsagkgskaskmastsaaMSatf TO TRADE 2250 eon It v In IS acres, 1 miles west of Salem. 4 R. hcuae, needs fixing: spring water by house. On gravel road, balance $900 00 at $9.00 per mo Take acreage or car oi equai value, virgu jDeBord, St No. l. jeiierson. ure, For Sale Farms FARMS ft HOMES For rent sale, trade. Oregon Lead Co. Highway. Wood born. Oregon. 24 a TRtTnTirr 17 rTti ttv mod. ex. base., elec... large barn. Price 13500. Trade for Salem. C H, SANDERS, lit S. High. S13L NOTICE! No time in the history of fered such outstanding Used Car values trade-ins on our 1940 Plymouths. BUY NOW One Special - 1936 Plymouth DeLuxe Touring Sedan Nearly new rubber, interior spotless. Runs like a watch. It's tops. $398.00 CHRYSLERS 22 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL SEDAN $895.00 $7 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL SEDAN , 725.00 27 CHRYSLER ROYAL SE DAN , 695.00 37 CHRYSLER ROYAL SE DAN . 645.00 26 CHRYSLER ROYAL SE DAN 595.00 SEE THESE NOW SALEM AUTO CO. USED CAR SUPER MARKET CHRYSLER OPEN EVENINGS PLYMOUTH 435 NORTH COMMERCIAL For Sale Farms MR FARMER orin thi carefnllv 15S acres on good gravel road, lesa than 15 miles e-nm Sulnm hnut 75 acres cultivated. balance pasture, fair 4 room house, at only $30 per acre. uy now for rising prices. Call Mr. Kartiett witn CHIT.ns A MILLER REALTORS 344 State .ree , .'1. NOWS THE TIME TO BUY RANCH 2-AQKES. muukkn mags., dhui. toilet furnace. 6 R Double garage ft poultry hou-se. $3675 terras. 5-acres. 6 R house, electric water system, barn, double garage ft poultry house. Only $2650 $1000 down. Close In east JO nn-A. I trrA Krkftftm Mnll 1 ' Can be irrigated; good 6 R house, barn. poultrv house o nog nouse. a annuj farm ft good roads ft location. Only $5200 $1230 down. 620 A., sheep ranch. About 100 A. plow land. Good 6 R house, bath ft toi let barn, silo & othr bldgs.. some tim ber, good road. Only $17150 per acre. 162-acres. wheat ranch, good bldgs., good location, all good soil, price sac rificed to settle an estate. Price $11. 000.00 $5000 down: 'a snap. JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 476 Court St. Plione 8166. 54 A. VERY DESIRABLE CLEAR TITLE, an estate. $2200 Cftsh. 125 A. DAYTON DISTRICT Modern home, large barn. An estate. Sell $1000 down, terms. A-l dairy set up. Equipment if desired. H. P. GRANT 529 Court Street Ph. 6744-8330. 1H ACRF. FARM THIS FARM can be bought at $30.00 .pi. -i cV mimt he tiold to close an estate. Here Is your chance to buv below value. See Coburn L. Grabenhorst. with W. II GRABENHORST ft CO., REALTUKa 134 S. Liberty Street - X- GARDEN ROAD DISTRICT $230.00 DOWN AND balance $15.00 per month will handle 2H acre tract with new house and good well, located close to Swegle school, best of dark prairie soil: price $loo.oo. See Coburn L. Grabenhorst, with W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO.; REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street GET THAT farm now. It will pay you to Investigate my. list of trades. Also a rood list of suburban ft city property at prices you can afford. To own vour home is tne oesi security. H A. near city limits. Mod. house. $3250. $250 down. bal. less than rent Some good places near Keizer. Remember If Its real estate, see- H. C. Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902 DAIRY RANCH for sale, $1000.00 down payment Barn room for 12 cows. 1605 S. E. Washington St. Portland. 5 A. ON MARKET St Just outside of city limits, N. E. of Salem. 6 R house, elec. water syst The bouse needs paint ft other bldg. repairs which will increase the value or this property. Terms are easv ft nrice right Other good properties on the river rd. See or call me for rurther miorma' tlon. F. H. WEIR 212'oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411. Acreage FOR QUICK SALE 10 -ACRES EAST, close city limits. Very fine soil, older buildings, elec. A good buv, $2800: $200 down. C. H. SANDERS. 112 S. High. 613L 2 A. CLOSE-IN. 4-rm.. house, bath, lights, well, city watei" $1275. 5 A. North, all cult, excellent soil $200 per A. $100 dn., $iz per mo. xa A. mi. irom tveiier scnoou rm. bungalow, lights, good well. barn. All yr. creek $3000; $500 an. 2 A. close to Pen Four corners. 4-rm. bungalow, bath, lights. Barn. chicken house, orchard $76 16, Hi A. 1 ml. from city. 7-rm. house. bath, lights, laundry rm., good electric pump, all In fruit ft nuts. fZZlb. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court Street Phone 3723. I A. CLOSE IN. No bldgs. Some walnuts, apples ft Royal Anne cher ries. 1 Priced to sell $800, $50 down. $i per ma F. H. WEIR. 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411. 2 SMALL HOUSES, large chicken hse.. barn, elec., close in. $100 dn. 5 A. best soil WIL vat Close in. elec. avalL $50.00 dn. Wm, E. Moses Realty Co. See Moses or Moore, 231 State. INSTALLMENT ACREAGE 2H A. TRACT, GOOD well, uncora. house, family orchard, elec close to bJuhway on gooi road. Price $1475, $50 down, $15 per mo. t A. creek tract lust the place to build that country lodge. H miles from saiem. Price 850, $50 down, baL it per mo. 9 A. tract with tmcom. house 24x24 good well, a real buy at $2000. $100 down. $20 per mo. See these bargains now. CALL COBURN GRABENHORST With W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO REALTORS 124 S. Liberty St Phone 6462. ACREAGE 5 A. TRACTS LOCATED miles from Salem, all with creek frontage. Price $1500 each, $100 down. $15 per month. -E A. located 4 miles from city center on good road ft light line, near stores ft school. Good well, some fir timber, pear orchard. Will turn. $250 of bldg. material to right party to construct s sn all bouse. Price covering all is $1, 250. $60 dowa ft $1S pef mo. See this tract 1 X tracts located on Vista Ave. city water available. Price $500, $50 dowa ft $19 per mo. 1 A. tracts located on Falrview Ave city water, light line, good location, just off P. H. Price $500. $28 dowa ft $10 per ma To see these tracts CALL O. EL GRABENHORST, JR. Wttfe W H. GRABENHORST ft QQ. REALTORS 124 S. Liberty Sta, Phone 1461 our company have we of AND SAVE - 2 Days Only PLYMOUTHS 37 PLY, DELX. SEDAN 36 PLY. TR SEDAN . 34 PLY. DELX. SEDAN -$565.00 . 435.00 . 285.00 MISCELLANEOUS MAKES , 36 DODGE TR SEDAN $525.00 36 DODGE DELX. COACH 445.00 37 DeSOTO SEDAN 645.00 110.00 425.00 30 DeSOTO SEDAN 35 STUDE DEL. SEDAN 29 CHEV. COACH 31 FORD COACH 36 FORD- DELX. CPE. 75.00 145.00 $65.00 PHONE 4915-4673. A Few of the FINEST USED CARS IN SALEM Buick 39 DeLUXE TOURING SEDANMod el 40. Only 10,000 miles Packard 38 DeLUXE TOURING SEDAN "Model 120" Pontiac 38 DeLUXE 6 - CYL. COUPE New Goodrich tires ft tubes. Low mile age Packard 37 DeLUXE 6-CYL. COUPE Origin . al maroon finish. Has radio ft heat er, white sidewall tires Packard 37 DeLUXE TOURING SEDAN 6 cyl. This won't last long. See it to day. Packard 36 MODEL 120 DeLUXE COUPE Radio & heater, trunk rack ft spot light Low mileage Dodge 37 DeLUXE 6-CYL. COUPE Radio ft heater Ford 37 DeLUXE SEDAN Model 83. Ra- dio and heater. Plymouth 37 DeLUXE TOURING SEDAN Not a scratch on this car anywhere Terraplane 36 DeLUXE BROUGHAM New tires, low mileage MANY MORE NOT LISTED HERE STATE Motois, Inc. HUDSON-PACKARD DEALER High at Chemeketa. - - Phone 8400. Open Evenings Acreage FOR SALE 5 acre tract 5 room plastered house, in need of some re pair, good well, electricity, in Liberty district; wilt sell cheap as Is, or will rent to responsible party. Phone 9541 or call 1710 N. 17th St Any Reasonable Down Payment WITH INT. at 8H ft 4 on baL 22- A. 9 mi. N. of Salem. Bldgs. cost abt $8000. This prop, a barg- at $5000. Socolofsky ft Son, 1st Nat'L Bank Bldg. READY FOR SUB-DIVISION 12 Wood, homesites, view, 2 rat Ladd ft Bush. 7307 today or 8835 Sun. ft eve. .Socolofsky Son, 1st Nat L Bank Bldg. Nice tracts close In E. of Salem. $326 pp. Socolofsky ft Son, 1st Nat'L Bank. Wanted Real Estate MOD. HSE or sub., up to f $000 cash. Phone 7 US. mm - -- -- -- -- -- -- -i-i-.-i-i-,-.-.-H-irin.ririru-u 2 BR. H. up to $1700, $150 dn. 7119. HAVE CASH BUYER for homestta of 6 to 25 A. within 5 to 15 mL of Sa lem. Must have trees, and view or stream is possible. River location might be considered. Socolofsky ft Son. First National Bank Building. WANTED TO hear from owner of farm or unimproved land for sale. WM. HAWLEY. Baldwin. Wis. Business Opportunities COTTAGES ft 2 STORES on High way 99E. sale, trade or lease ; see Mr. Shoen, 790 N. Commercial St "--- -- -i-i-,-,-,-M--M-yw-.i-tnj-uvAJX , RESTAURANT. GOOD valley town, all complete, fountain, nets $150 to $175. Price $1750, $750 down, baL by month. C. J. JACKSON. 941 State Street 9150.CO STARTS YOU In rear round paying business. Phone 3017. "-"" - - - -- -1 -1 1 - .-wwwwm rv p j on e ACRE WITH gas pump and road side Inn. some equipment also private residence on 99B N. All, $1750. C. H. SANDERS, HI a High, 8131. - -1-11- ivrrrWKwwwuuw SERVICE STATION 2 pumps, grocery stock ft fixtures, living Quar ters, $1650. R A. FORKNER 1852 N. Capitol AsSPfasaBBsSjtslslaWasMt APARTMENT HOUSE. $109 reven ue, ratg. $2509 at 234 mo. Price $6500. Trade residence or farm. C H. SANDERS HI & High S13L TO LEASE Small grocery store with Uv. qtrs. oa 99 hwy. north. ROY J. RICE. 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 PACKAGE BEER ft WINE LIGHT LUNCHES MOD. EQUIPMENT includ. tee cream machine, steam table, beer and wine sales alone netted $4Tii la the last week. Thts fa only wine license allowed tn community. Doe to age of owner and; illness of wife, must be sold at once. Gd. liv. qtrs. $1900. Terms. W. B. Moses Real Estate, 221 H State St Grocery Store ft 4-Pnmp Gas Station ' Pumped 4004) gaL; last month. Low rent. Will sell at Jay. about 1704). W. E. Moses Real Est See Moses or Moore. SPECIAL! 1933 Dodge Truck Diral Wheels, 2 Ton Axle, with License and Platform BoBy only $175.00 VALLEY MOTOR CO. "20 YEARS OF Used Car Lot HerbMisson - Ben Russell Bonesteele Quality Late Model Used Cars PRICED RIGHT AND WILL OUTLAST THE PAYMENTS Get a Better Buy at Bonesteele V with "Double Duty Dollars'' 1938 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER CRUISING J SEDAN, automatic over drive, Philco Deluxe radio, heater ft defroster. Very low mileage, 6.25x16-6-ply (nearly new) tires. As clean and spotless as you would Q" rvrt keep your own new car. "Certified" 5OIO.UU 1S39 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION CLUB SEDAN. 53.000 mi. and spotless. For mer owner is on his way to the factory for another one just like it Here's a chance to save on a current model. Four brand new tires, a-i- nn Riviera blue color ...., 4x-D.UU 1937 OLDSMOBILE SIX COUPE. A popular and economical mod- ef"f Art el with Olds. Finish, motor, tires all good. See It oVj.Ull 1937 BUICK SEDAN, A-l mechanically. Interior clean as new. 6-ply tires, ra dio ft heater. New two years ago and cost nearly $2000 a &TAf f true value and worth more i ?4 4:U.Uv 1937 STUDEBAKER CUST. COUPE runs as smooth as velvet New rubber, and a "Certified" car plenty of economy. Pram oil filter, Arn" ff automatic hill-holder ft dual equipment ; J-ZO-UU OTHERS 38 Studebaker Com. Coupe 37 Studebaker Diet Sedan Bonesteele Sales & Service, Inc. 619 COURT STREET Business Opportunities FOR SALE or lease, restaurant and confectionery fixtures. E. A. Folsom. Coqutlle. Oregon. RESTAURANT TRAILER ready to go. $75. King s Tr. Exclu, 519 N. Front For Sale Wood INVESTIOATK BUDGET plan on wood. Ph. 5370. W. L. Graen. 413 N. 21 SPEC OAK $5.75. ash $5.25. P. 9701. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING. Ed Sproed. P. 5883. WOOD SAWING. Tel. S5JS. Personal LONELY T -WORTHWH1LHT sweet heart' husband, wife for you. P. O. Box 71, Los Angeles. club. PO bos 927.' Portland. Why Be Sick? CHIROPRACTIC DIFFERS from other healing systems In that It con siders the cause, rather than the symp tome of disease. Its aim is to remove the cause, then the symptoms vanish. My recent course at the Palmer School of Chiropractic has given me the latest developments in Chiroprac tic Call 6047 for your appointment for a free spinal X-ray and neurocolometer examination on or before Sept 23d, 1939. DR ROY SCOFIELD 406 U. & Nat'L Bank Bldg. Palmer Chiropractor - - - -.-.-i-ii-rin-if-irinrw-u-rtnnrtru-in WILL PARTY whose kindness helped young folks in auto accident north of Salem Sat night please get In touch with 0. A. Prince, Ph. 511, or Box 851, Eugene. Business Cards ta cttla directory na oa a monthly basis oaly. Ratet $1 pet Uae per taoatb. Anctioneers RAT BISEL. llll Sixth St Ph. 1211 Anto Brakes Mlks Psnek 171 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES. NEW and reconditioned. Harry W Scott 14T & Coral P. -4114 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4411 R E Nortbneaa , CHIMNEY CLEANED PfPES. FURNACES, stovea. gnttera. Get ready for winter. No soot or dtrt Ray U Fanner Hdwr. Ca Ph. 1991. Chiropractors DR, O. L SCOTT. PSC Chlrotwactor 211 N. High. TeL Re MT. Elxcarating EXCATATINO Of an ktadaT Pass meats dug. .Dtrl banted or moved. Dirt for sale. Salen Baad and OraveJ . Co Phone 9441 Florists Brattbaaafa 449 Court 1944 Laundries?. '""'THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY ' THE WEXDER LAUNDRY 262 B. Hick TeL 1121 Full Floating Resur FRIENDSHIP" Marion & Liberty Drager - Art Hanson Ray Bonesteele 37 Plymouth Sedan 38 Chevrolet Sedan PHONE 4545, NAAAAArVrVrVVWwVWwwVWVwVWwVW 1 PONTIAC COUPE. '36. 6-cyl., ra dio ft heater, good condition. $460. One '32 CI rysier Sedan, radio ft heat er, good condition, $150. One 2-whel trailer hse,. $80. Call mid-forenoon or middle afternoon. 427 Ferry St 30 OR 31 MODEL A Pickup or joupe gooa price. Z25 Breyman. HUDSON SUPER Six to trade for lighter car and pay difference. 2397 Hazel. Lost and Found LOST. ONE old dark macklnaw coat reward, at Statesman office. REWARD OF $10.00 for informa tion on stolen Hoover cleaners. Mod. 26-2192752 ft 2192812. Will protect the buyer. Disposed of In or near Salem. W. B. Dovld. 252 W Fifth. Eugene. Ore. Schools COMPLETE TOUR high school at home. Diploma. Texts furn. Write far catalogue. Am. School. P. O. Box 4S0 Portland. Automobiles 1937-DeTJUXE 85 FORD Sedan, only 18,900 exact miles, runs and looks like new. Price $475.00. Will take cheaperv car. Phone; owner 94F23, Sunday ft evenings. or 4311 week daya Transportation LADY DRIVING to San Francisco, will take lady passenger share ex penses. 170 8. Liberty. ' -"- -- - - i-ii-i-ii-ii-rw-rrMririno one share expense. 671 N. CapJtoL GOING TO Mitchell, S. Dakota, stsrt Sept 24 would like 2 or I passengers. A. L. Milllcan, W. Sslem. 1006 Sev enth St . v . " ww . ----- - -,-,--,,-, - nrLu-Lrx' WNTD-. RIDE to eastern S Dakota last of week share expenses. Phone or write Fl0yd Young. YMCA, clty Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattress factory. NEW MATTRESS made to erder. old ; remade: carpet ateanlng. S?.yL! 1 V weaving, a llth ft Wllbor. TeL 1441. OTTO F. SWICK ER Est llll CAPITOL BCDDtNO CO. Phone 1969. Naturopathic; Physician DR. W a ROCKWELL. Mataropotn !? . .Z.1199 9afrgrtKmds Rd. TeL 4SS1. Offico Honrs II s. es. teS-IS Pm. FREJB EXAM ft CONSULT A Painting Paperhanging NEAT WORK. L, Johnson. Ph. till. Printing FOB STATIONERY sards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind ea print tag. caB The eHntesiaaa Printing De ' partment III S Commercial. Tele phone llll.'. . Refini ailing FURNmjRE REFINTSHED like new. , E. Brock. 141 Oainsa.y Fbone 4249. rTransf er FOR LOCAL or dtstaat transfer, stor aga. burner att, eaS lilL . larmey Transfer Co. Tracks ta Portland dally. Weil DrJIllrq? R. A. WEST, rt 1 bos 441. Ph. HIFf, GMStar J. Pngb, Sill MyrQa Ph. I2$t