PAGE THIRTEEN Administrator -Gastronomical Preparedness REdwestera Heat Ready to Give Life Bill County $166 Is Driven East For Forests Care The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, September 17, 1939 (1 (r Of Dam Here Initial Opening in Salem MEINA CUKLEE Studio of Dancing Trained and Experienced Teacher ' Creator of Modern Dances Former Stage Producer - j I; Conducting Regular Courses in BALLET-TAP-ACROBATIC-SPANISH-BALLROOM POISE DEVELOPMENT & BODY CULTURE : Studio Open . . . Register Now . . . Classes Oct. 2 Address 690 So. Commercial Phone 7186 1L -J JIH - STREAMLINED Drdd COilmS 0 popular piano why struggle with scales and exercises? let's make practice funnot work . . let's j ; play right f r6m the start . play all the popular hits with professional style . ; no previous training necessary . you can do it . class or private lessons . beginning or advanced. STUDIO 549 FERRY . TELEPHONE . 4480 RES. STUDIO 1490 JEFFERSON ST. PHONE 4056 LIARY TALTJADGE HEADRICK VIOLINIST VIOLIST TEACHER Coached Recently With Peter Merem Blum Eminent Violinist and Conductor, Los Angeles LENA BELLE TARTAR Authority in Singing Student of Karleton Hackett, Chicago; Arthur Boardman, Yeatman Griffith, Father Finn, New York; and many others; EH Artist Pnpijs: Bernice Rickman, Chicago; Karl Potter, Boston; Thclnia Davis, Philadelphia; Gene Farmentier, Los Angeles; Lucille Cuinmlngs, San Francisco; public schools, church, radio, concert, etc. Studio 393M; Court Street Phone 3847 or 3469 The Eminent Teacher of Voice George Lee Marks Director of Music, Presbyterian Church Announces that he will accept a limited number of talented singers for private - voice instruction. Audition and Consultation Without Obligation For Appointment Phone 4894 E)irttlhiy IPeanrce Teacher of Piano All Grades of Piano Instruction HIGH SCHOOL CREDITS GIVEN Supervised Practice if Desired Member Oregon Blustc Teachers Association 267 N. Winter Street Phone 4236 Teacher of Piano Pupil" of Abby Whiteside, New York The Whiteside method of musical training develops the ad justment and coordination of the pianist's mechanism and quickly sires ease and fluency In playing. Supervised Practice If Desired Studio: 1256 Court Phone 7128 MARGARET HOGG PIANO "Accredited Teacher' Pre-school or Advanced Students i For Appointments Phone 46F12 Frances VirginIe Melton, mm. 1 TEACHER-PIANIST-LECTURER ; i . ACCREDITED I Instruction from the beginning to j k advanced artistic interpretation. PIANO STUDIO NOW OPEN 334 N. Capitol i Phone 6846 Dr. Raver Reveals Plans for Bonneville as He Takes Post Over PORTLAND, Ore., Sept llVCA -Bonneville dam should "fit Into the- aims and ambitions of local people," Dr. Faal J. Rarer, new administrator, 'said today. . "It is not oar problem to deter mine If it should be 100 per cent pnblie or 100 per cent titrate dis tribution," Dr. Rarer added. He arrived today to relieve Frank A. Banks, acting adminis trator since the death of J. D. I Ross last spring. - The administrator said he would "proceed slowly" in signing contracts for power distribution because "I want to know ..... they will assure the growth of the Pacific northwest, rather than stifle it." PGE Ad Premature Advertisements of a Portland Power company (Portland Gener al Electric) that a power contract would be consummated shortly. were a trifle premature." Dr. Raver said. Public utility districts, be add ed, have a very definite place in Bonneville developments "but I'm not going to take the stump I to try to develop them. I shall make all our data available to them and to the private companies also." Bonneville power will not be used "as a club to destroy exist ing private companies, Raver as serted. "Bonneville power should be used to supplement existing facilities, to add to them, and from what I have learned the Pacific northwest needs all the power Bonneville can produce and more too." New Industries Sore Raver said his "contacts" Indi cated "very definitely that new in dustries will come. As to rates: "While we can le gally control resale rates of pub lic agencies, we have no desire to dictate; we simply want to give them sound rate policy guidance .... State regulation takes pre cedence in private company regu lation and we shall work with state commissions. . . to see that benefits. ... go to the ultimate consumer. Dr. Raver taid national defense requirements might change plans for Bonneville development but he had not been consulted about this phase of the program. JESSIE BUSH MICKELSON STATE ACCREDITED TEACHER OF PIANO Child Specialist Phone 3282 or Call at 1363 South Com'L GLADYS VALENA EDGAR TEACHER OF PIANO 734 North High BERTHA JUNK-DARBY Accredited Teacher of Piano and Theory Studio: 625 Union St JPhone 7758 Elma Weller - Piano PRIVATE AND CLASS INSTRUCTION High School Credits Studio: 695 N. Liberty St. Phone 6559 Progressive Piano School Clara Tuttle Fenton State Accredited Teacher 305 North 24th Street Phone 6094 Frank E. Churchill Teacher of Piano and Organ High School Credits Granted Beginners . and Advanced ; : Students .. Resident Studio $60 D Street A N - "" jri i II '' ' I I Britain Is prepared for any eventuality. Even waitresses in the British restaurants carry gas masks about while at work. The photo was taken in London. jtyU-MiUl - - - 6y fietcken Cost of Ferries To Counties Told Total costs for 1938 of the fer ries operated jointly by Marion , county with Yamhill and Polk counties were reported to the county clerk yesterday. The Buena Vista ferry cost 12,- 658.92 for 1938; the Indepen dence ferry, $3853.92, and the Wheatland ferry, $4155.52. The counties Jointly operating the fer ries pay half each of the expenses. Breakdown of expenses for the different operations showed the following: Salaries, Buena Vista, 1,2C0 for one man; Indepen dence, 2,609 for two men; Wheatland, also two men, $2040; I power, Buena vista, $312.40 fori 2,920 gallons of gasoline; Inde pendence, $810.36 for electric power; Wheatland, $463.29 for 4,- 315 gallons of gasoline. Repairs, Buena Vista. $816.78; Indepen dence, $567.09; Wheatland, $8Z5.2l. A cable for the Wheat land ferry cost $260.30, and ap proach repairs $131.12. Other miscellaneous costs were also in cluded in the three totals. I a I Mi teviih n j j ft a W r k -s r ll t .4kl ml x r - fc.v. I? U I t tit ET I W r 1 lK if fl f-J lit If Cool Air From Northwest Ends Record Spell, Coast Suffers . (By the Associated Press) A mass of cool air from the Pa cific northwest pushed the mid west's record breaking September heat wave into the east yesterday ending temperatures soaring along the Atlantic seaboard. . With at least 29 dead and parched fields and water short ages in some localities, the hot air overspread the northern part of the country from the eastern fringe of the central west to New England. Behind It too were four days of excessive temperatures which went beyond the 100 degree mark In a wide area. Boston recorded 95 degrees the hottest day of the year and two degrees above the previous high for the year, on July 8. Cooling showers were expected to rout the heat by today (Sunday). Indiana's nine heat deaths topped the list of affected states. Illinois had eight There were three deaths in Wisconsin, two each in Missouri and Michigan and one each in Kentucky, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Ohio. Los Angeles got a touch of the heat with a reading of 97 for a three-year record. lI just found out why the postponed hsr wedding. Her publicity man was ill:" Miss Sour Grapes, at left, looks sweet enough in her dressmaker coat of black soft woolen material. It's smoothly fitted, except for the gracefully draped bodice. Right, brown wool makes a spruce costume. The full jacket contrasts with a pencil-slim skirt. Fur, glimpsed at the back, runs down the sides, forming a rich looking border. i Russia to March On Poland Today (Continued from page 1) war and the soviet government never has relinquished Its claims on this territory. Russia's decision to act came after she had sent a vast number of men to her western frontier in semi-mobilization- and had fol lowed with her "peace" with Jap an. (Previously, Russia had con cluded a non-aggression pact with Germany.) It was believed here that the Polish embassy in Moscow would leave and that, possibly, the Brit ish also would leave since they are allies of Poland. Has 2,000,000 Soldiers If necessary, soviet Russia could throw nearly 2.000.000 trained soldiers against the strug gling Poles. The official communist party newspaper Pravda this spring es timated Russia's peacetime army at 1.800,000. This estimate did not include the millions of semi- trained reserves which could be called np by conscription. In addition to this overwhelm ing manpower, the newspaper cre dited Russia with 9,O0v airplanes. Airs. Kenneth Dalton Accredited Teacher of Piano High School Credits Given Studio 2010 South Church Phone 4547 30.000 light machine guns, 23,000 heavy machine guns, 1,600 pieces of heavy artillery and between 6 000 and 10.000 tanks. During the past week, Russia called up part of her army re serves in a mobilization move and foreign observers said most of the troops were Bent to the western frontier, facing- Poland. I - N 1 1 2 -V iff f if s yZX?M . f i -. y Pierce Wants to Arm Democracies ur1 u j r di t UUU OUU Vjttl l T M. toil XB Held Best to Thwart Hitlerism Triumph PORTLAND, Ore. Sept. 16-P) America a greatest danger or in volvement in war will come "it the democracies In Europe are crushed," Rep. Walter M. Pierce (D, Ore.) said today. The representative, entraining for Washington, DC, to attend the special session of congress to re vamp the neutrality law, said: "If Hitlerism triumphs in Eu rope, it will not. mean an invasion here, but it will mean we will have to stay off the high seas. We will have to : build up a wall around our country and give up Panama, Hawaii and the Aleu tian islands." Pierce said he favored Roose velt's "cash and carry" plan for sale of war materials and muni tions. "If we can get out of this great struggle by selling from our am ple stores, it will be a small enough contribution," he said "However, I want 'em to come and get it in their own vessels." Attired is the Red Cross uniform of World war days, 73-year-old Mme. Jane Claiuel Is shown la Boston ju she prepared to de part for France to again serve In Red Cross. "I have only one life to give for my country," she sakf, declaring she wonld fly to Lisbon on the Pixie Clipper. J. W. Ferguson, state forester. has advised the county clerk that 1166.62 is due from Marion coun ty as this county's share of ad ministrative expenses for the state department under the old law which requires that counties pay one third of the department's ex penses for protection of county owned lands. He also Informed the clerk of the law passed by the last legisla ture in reference to the relation of counties and the state forestry department. TJnder this law the county is to pay the forester the actual cost of the previous year for the protection of all timber lands owned by the county, ex cept when the county has contrac ted with some piotective organiza tion approved by the forester. In the event that no contract is made with a protective organiza tion, the state department bills the county for the total costs of protection. Obituary Logan In this citv. Mrs. Marr K L. gan, 75, at. 660 Judson street, September 16. Survived by son, C. K. Logan: brother. Lucina Kneeland, Council Grove, Iowa, and a sister, Mrs. Anna S. Hunter, El Paso, Texas. Funeral announce ments later from Clough-Barrick company. Drive Out Today and Visit our Gardens .Fall flowers are at their best. EOLA ACRES Mrs, B. O. Schacking, Ph. 57S0 Sesterday's Hats Remodeled To Today's Modes THE BAT SHOP SMART NEW HATS TO ORDER ' Phone Mrs.H.8. 2328 5777 Cain State 1 DUSH DAILY KINDERGARTEN OPENS SEPTEMBER 18 Socialization, Dramatization, Corrective Speech Work, Rhythm Orchestra, Piano, "Supervised Play and Hand Work. Jessie Bosh Mlckelson - State Accredited LonUe Thompson - Child Psychologist Margaret Hogg - State Accredited Phone 3282 or Call at 1363 South Coml. LILBURN MUSICAL KINDERGARTEN Wr . Opening Sept. 18th New Location 1420 Court FEATURING FIRST LESSONS IN The Piano Singing Rhythm Orchestra Culture Ear Training f Hand Work of All Kinds Toolcraf t Social Adjustment Mrs. Frank Lilburn, Director - Harriet Logan Zosel, Assistant Phone 4618 t Games Stories Dramatization Folk Dancing Citizenship Washington Fair Set PDYALLUP, Sept. 16.JPi Fair time in the valley arrives here Monday with opening of the 40th annual western Washington fair for a seven-day program cel ebrating Washington's golden Jub ilee as well as its own fourth de cade. All exhibits will be in place Monday, the fair management promised today, and judging of livestock will begin immediately. ' r ? i 'X - 1 " t f t ' "Si V ' ' x ' f w 1 . .. ... . . 155 S. Liberty Tap Ballet BARBARA BARNES and ALFRED LAURAINE ANNOUNCE REOPENING OF STUDHO Wednesday, September 20th Enrollments Taken September 18th-19th Telephone 3535 Acrobatic Hula Ballroom ' Tango Rumba r2rs. Walter Denton TEACHER OF PIANO Accredited All grades of piano instruc tion. Supervised practice if. desired. Studio Opens Sept. 18 Nelson Bldg. - Ph. 7514 The Ages 2-6 I Preschool Play in own; Playschool age group. ' MRS. CECIL R. MONK 1025 N. Capitol Ph. 8430 j RUTH BEDFORD Teacher of Piano High School Credits Given Studio: Nelson Bldg. 381 Chemeketa Home Phone: 6675 J THAN I ' I fAMOUS I f PC LUXE I mm AMAZING STANDARD MODEL AH the Automatic Features of the Famous Deluxe Model C3 AUTOMATICALLY washes . . . rinses . . . damp-dries ESCAPE all the drudgery of washday. The new Standard Model Bendix Home Laundry washes the clothes, gives them three separate fresh water rinses and spins them damp-dry, with no attention from yon. You can't afford to be without a Bendix Home Laundry. Saves tine and money! Easier oh the clothes! Come In and see a demonstration of this amazing new Bendix. A good trade-in deal can be arranged on your old washer . . . often enough to cover the down payment . ; . and long, low terms on the balance. $20 LESS THAN BEST ORDINARY TYPE WASHER Hi DELUXE CABINET MODEL flat top, modern, strluh design. . gleaming white finish LT fs lo") opv (J ; Phone 6531 325 COURT ST. SALEM PHONE 6022