The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 17, 1939, Page 11, Image 11

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Mrs. Roy Follla and Mrs. John O . " J - "D -k
rre9Cir-enteTttne4-ier't(ALCtOtllClCIllS " lO 'JDC
uxinarr T&arsaar. arternooa t
the former! home. Present ,-rere
Mrs. Melria Blackm&n, Mrs. Ray
Crtttenden, Urs. Frank DeTlin.
Mrs Harmott Garrett, ; Mr.
Claude Glenn, Un. Thomas Ken
asr, lira. Walter Persons. Mrs.
Bruce Rothrock, Mrs. M e I t I n
scot) un. Dudley TyJor, Mrs.
jbon't Jiooh nauA
Guests at"
Bat . . . have you read about red hats?
Stylists say it isn't a wardrobe if there isn't
a red hat in it, yet, try as we will, there's
only one red hat amongst us, and that's
u i. utmnni oweni enter- Patty Ottens and she's going away. Let's
nSS ?Sei7l7..7 GeorV 7EZ W $Z shops they get us some
Mrs. Roy Tnnr. Mrs. Frank Zina Juuus" -y re1 reu nais.
and the hostesses, Mrs. French the erentac for last fffewells in tlie nin . . Mfg. FUnt
U Told
Announcement - I .ihe engage
and Mrs. Fonts.
rectlons lor school. Sapper was -w uuww jaai,
erred buffet style. ; Wednesday night, but Mr. Jupiter Pluvius
Those bidden were: .Miss Patri- thought otherwise. So the group moved m
S ul?eJ: ff Mi7i?iS,, doors and had a fine supper, served in Mrs.
McCall'a usual interestiiTway. Guests who
The Hal Hibbard auxiliary Unit- Barbara Craln, Miss Alice Anne enjoyea ine meai, games, ana a sing alter
ed Spanish War Veterans met at Wlrtx, Miss Barbara MiUer, Miss wards were Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Vassal
the home of Mrs. John Seymour Bobbe Shinn, Sally - McClellan. 0 DaHaSt Mrs. Vassal's sister, Mrs. Caro-
Friday afternoon. At the tea hour M"J;lT. t?,S?iJ line Erlandson, Miss Margaret Gillis and
the hostess was assisted by Miss Brooks. Miss Helen Langille, Miss w - . vrr'M
EUen Thompson. Miss Martha mr, Sederstrom. Miss Betty Mrs. Marie Flint McCall.
Harrington, Miss Ida Seymour, Anwwen, Miss Shirley Hentlnt ton , Reunion blues ... Mrs. Philip Shobar,
Miss Josephine Fium and George nd mB Flshr- mt . who has been entertaining her family for
Fmm. ,,aSeitlHHiesS 10 days, found the house lonesome after
I.' Those attending the meeting 's5flr S , HfrTf4 thev'd irone vesterdav Her sister Mrs. W
were: Mrs. John Bertelson. Mrs. Nelson. John KanlWUliamCrary. "leya gone Jesrflay. ler S fr, Mrs. W.
C M Greene Mrs T B. South- Harry Carson. LeRoy Bright, H. Christie Of Pasadena, had not seen her
Vich,Mrs. D.'c. Wllsofl, Mrs. Le- DoSla Chambers, Fred Nichols, father, Mr. A. E. Hollom of Snohomish,
roy Hewlett. Mrs. EUe J. Berry. Robert kx- George Arbu1,f Wash., for five years, until they met at the
Mrs France. Long Mrs. m o, jJB"JJ fiHid Shobar home last -week. Mrs. Hollom and
Miller, Mrs. A. Jairl, Mrs. John J. -uam sninn ana wuxiam ainaa. p-i.- f .a C4.. nr. .
Chaignot. Mrs. Joe e. Wood of Mrs. Christie s son Stanley were also present
Medford, Mrs. E. M. Bumgardner, WaUae Wharton, presi- for the reunion.
Mrs. Sherman Nelson, Miss Lulu den' th Sajem Philharmonic Beauty and the beast ... in a living ex-
Humphrey and Mr., m. w. Baker. JJg ecXom- ample at Lausanne hall. Several of the good-
i mittee and capuins of the team looking coeds, Anna Lou and Rosemary Dit-
who are working on the drire, weiler and Ann Taxon, are waiting tables
aw wiiv awbuuu pia j va o vtAiba otuwi Lyiio
and the regular training table is started.
Sweet and lovely . . . were the Misses
Mary lee Fry and Barbara Crain when host
esses at tea in Barbara's house on Friday
afternoon. Marylee wore a black crepe with
fuchsia trim and a corsajge of Rubrum lilies
that shade from almost wine to white. Con
trasting with brunette Marylee, blond Bar
bara wore a fuchsia angora wool dress with
a corsage of the same lilies. Incidentally,
65 handkerchiefs changed hands during the
afternoon, because it was an au revoir party
for Patty Otten.
Model child ... was little Charlotte Mc
Nary, who wore an all-red winter suit at the
Hal Hibbard'Auxiliary
; JNlcets rriday
; HAPP"? RUSH: DATS are here again' for this group of coeds
who were snapped In frontof the' Delta Ph! chapter house. They are:
Elizabeth James, Margaret Ann Kells and Maxine Holt.
Starts on
Members of the Fidelia class of
HOW the Jason Lee Memorial church
enjoyed a no-host dinner and so
cial in the Fireplace room of the
church Friday. Miss Edna McEl
haney was elected president of the
class for the ensuing year. The
retiring president is Mr. Nick
Brinkley. Other officers elected
are Mrs. Bernice Brewster, rice-
Things will begin to buzz in a president; Mrs. Jewell Brinkley,
social as well as scholastic way. secretary; Mr. Charles McCabe,
on Willamette .campus these next treasurer, and Mr. Ansel Carnegie,
few days. Enrollment commences social chairman,
promptly at 8 o'clock on Monday
and assembly follows. In the er
ening there will be an ice-breaker
A 1 M n . nu.jl. m , h A
rcCcyilUU IUI new yuyua t lire
i s
ermnasiun, wnere iiuaeuw sua
'faculty will meet socially.
At the door, Mr. Robert Wil
son, new professor of: history and
presidents of the fraternities will
greet students, la the receiving
line will be Dr. and Mrs. Bruce
Baxter, , Dean and Mrs. Frank
Erickson, Dean. OUre M. . Dahl.
Dean and Mrs. David Schulze,
Dean and Mrs.' Roy LockenouT,
Deah and Mrs. Walter Geist.
During .the evening a program
will be given, ;with Mr. Silas Gai
ser, Dn Baxter. Mr," Robert' Day-
' ton, the student body president
and Rev. J. C. Harrison of the Me
thodist church participating.
I St. Anne's gaitd will meet on
Monday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. James Humphreys at 1720
Fairmount avenue. Mrs. Francis
Smith, Mrs. Chesterumwalf and
Mrs. C. L. Lachelle will assist the Fred Broer, jr., and
uusicss. . ford Taylor.
in the chamber of commerce.
The drive for funds which will
be used to carry on the work of
the orchestra, is headed by Mr.
Mrs. Clif-
Salem Women
Guests at
. Party
Members of Pro America in
Portland entertained at a benefit
dessert luncheon and bridge at
Masonic temple Friday afternoon,
with over- a thousand women in
attendance. - - - f
A style show was given during
the afternoon and Senator Robert
Taft "spoke during the jafternoon
On Tuesday nighi H jgirls in Qufocy gcdt, Iftate trslde1it " of
Willamette will meet at , the .gym- Pro, America. , introduced Con-
(x:t'V!'jb1sW" 'K9"-mVP,,fJ. J IBmTnnmjnmumnTmnmv SjpsjnmjmnnjBsmjBBuC rvrs-v. !tt;'Wv;-w-.-.t!
if U
im. rMM v - tv f ri
'f -mr- t, is t ,y - r - i itjT
tt s ' J r-' j - 4 wKl
CSarflmil . i ,rni.i, -,f nil-II II !lW l. .im il -i . I
styte show given in Portland on Friday. Lit
tle Miss McNary was properly shy as she
modeled the hat, coat and leggings before
the thousand women in Masonic temple. ;
Home for dinner; . . came , the 10 boys
who were entertained by Robert Elfstrom, ment of .Miss Bernice Heaty
jr on the occasion Of his 10th birthday, galem to Mr. Thomas H. Tongm
After a cruise up the river during the sun- t Washington,- dc, was made
ny afternoon, they; cruised back home to vQ0mi at a tea given in the home
Mrs. Elf strom's excellent" jsupper served, in Pf Miss Heaiy's aunu, the Misses
the back yard. .. . ! uae and Josephine Healy la Port
Deer, deer . . . hunters gathered at the land yesterday. The tea was given
Oscar Paulsen home on Saturday night to to compUmenr Mrs. Donald sio
talk over the prospects for a successful sea- ff&E&SS
son, for the hunters. Shore Smith In Eugene.
My stars . . . haven't We entertained The announcement was made
though ! First we have nine movie celebrities known by j tiny scrolls concealed
have the wife of an aspirant to the United Ann Heaiy of Portland--
States presidency, j . " : Pouring were Mrs. William a
Works for father!. . ; Miss Evelyn Haag, Hail, jr.. and Mrs. Jeranrd Ma.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Haag, takes "ests!!
time off from working in her father's Spo- the dining Iroom.
kane office to visit! her parents here for a . mis Hekiy, who is the daugh
few days. Shell attend several parties while ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank s. Heaiy
here ; so say her prospective hostesses. ' saiem. is a graduate or Domin-
Gone again . . . Mary-Elizabeth' Kells, ".riftln SSJiSTiS
i . J . - ,. ' fornia, and attended University of
Who no more than got back -from spending Oregon where she affiliated with
last winter in California, hopped a train and Kappa Alpha Theta. She is a
is already in Chicago, enrolled as a student member oj the Junior league of
at the Goodman Memorial theatre, connected PoLtian0eLththeS so'o''Mr
with the Chicago art institute. She'll have an7 Mrs. :Thomas H. Tongue or
hermasters degree in dramatic arts next imiaboro. I He received bis ba,
time we See her. '" LLD aud JD degrees at University
Boots and saddles ... WOnbe just the f Oregon!-and was awarded the
tWngto bring along .but when the L. B. ?egree?f
Liambeths, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Riches, Mr. of science of jurisprudence. He
and Mrs. Edwin Armstrong and the Karl is now assistant attorney at the
Heinleins entertain at their barn dance on wase and nour 'vIsin ft Wash
Wednesday night, 'most any outfit is per- 0nf' Jg gB8 ad
missible. Hazel Green will be the place for scholastic honorary and of Friars,
the gay dance. The couple will be married dur-
New alma mater ... for Miss Rose Ann in the Christmas holidays and
Gibson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duane " makc th bome ia Washin
Gibson, who will leave this week for Uni- n' ; .
versity of Oregon to continue her studies.
She has attended Willamette for the past Miss Tartar Back
three years. ntl r
1- ; After Vacation
Combining work and study.
Miss Lena Belle Tartar, who is a
member of the state committee t
Alice Unruh. Miss Janet Robert- Mig8 Walton Feted at
son, Miss Patricia Halscb, Miss
Barbara Miller, Miss Marianne Crystal Shower
Portland as hostesses,
Between the hours of 4 and 6
guests will , call at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Langille on
Fairmount Hill. Miss Barbara
Crain and Miss Marylee Fry will
assist about the rooms.
Those bidden In honor of Miss
Otten are Miss Jeanne Probert,
Miss Betty Buchanan, Miss Bobbe
Shinn, Miss Sybil Spears, Miss
Barbara Compton, Miss Shirley
Cronemiller, Miss Audrey Fehler,
Miss Mary Staats, Miss Patricia
Livesley, Miss Betty Simmons,
Miss Marylee Fry, Miss Barbara
Crain, Miss Shirley Say, Miss
Hinkly of Portland.
Au Revoir Party for
Miss Otten
Last of the parties, but not nernJtm?cj Tuesday night will be the time evelope a course in vocal train
the least anticipated affair, to be perMhlW Mllin Mrs for smartly-arranged affair ing for high schools, will use the
?n,zamTXT'i; pxp. x?L''i -rui: '""-jt
the one this afternoon with Miss M"- w- " faille' ,EarJ crystal shower for MUs LoU Wal- ia her t1- or mn adTanced
"LW MA. AMaSS"kJ.2 tan. fPu,r bri?e-to-be. The gree in music at the University
jjouBinc auu mibb urate caney 01 ,!., , party win ne at tne nome or Mr. Idaho.
ana Mrs. Rue Drager on North
Capitol street with Mrs. Drager
. r Tr A n n.i, ....
c . rf yt . maa ie u. eeii assisiing
bteUSlOlIS ttOSteSSeS their daughters.
T c-;.r C ? Bidden to honor -Miss Walton
lO Sorority bisters .are Mrs. Gertrude Walton of
.. . Portland. Mrs. William Connell
hiss luorowea Meuaioir. airs. Dyer, Mrs. WilUam Monroe Ham- tional authorities in the field or
G. F. Chambers and Mrs. Claude f llton Mrg Harold oiinger. Mrs. music and research. ,
oieusiou win oc nosieBea m ai- pa.ui yan Scoy, Mrs. William
pha Chi Omega alumnae asso- Braun. Mrs. R. L. Edwards, Mrs.
ciation at a buffet supper at Miss Arthur Rahn, Mrs. Ercel Kay,
Steusloff's home. This is set for Mrs. Frank Spears. Mrs. Edgar
6:30 o'clock and a business meet- T. Pierce, Mrs. Clifford Farmer,
ing will follow. Mrs. Burton My- Mrs. Prince Byrd. Miss: Rovena
ers is the pressident of the asso- Eyre, Miss Betty Hamilton, Miss
Miss Tartar has just returned
from a summer's study in the
Idaho school under Dr. Walter
Hodgson, Dr. Jacob Kwalwasser.
Dr. L. H. Stauffer, Dr. Max Krone
and Director Archie Jones, na-
ciation in Salem.
nnc.nm a a rowir -m-itH nWpr " , , - luuii umw iAui over ue rusaees at tne Beta cm nouse.
younger. I Miss Dorothy cutler is Taft.
in charge of this affair. Tne r00ms. were profusely dec-
The same night the boys will orated with large bouquets and
have a stag party at the YMCA baskets of fall flowers, including
with Mr. Ralph May and Mr. Quay asters, zinnias and gladiolus. The
Wassam in charge. serving table-was centered with
On Wednesday night., members an arrangement of pink rosebuds
f VMPi and YWCA will en- ad snapdragons.
tertain in. the gymnasium for new
students. Thi Is a semi
formal dance, the first of the year..
. Mrs. Charles A. Sprague. Mrs.
J. E. Gantenbein, Mrs. L. R.
Teeple, Mrs. Homer Angell, Mrs.
Louis R. Banks, Mrs. Jcseph She
manskl and Mrs. A. J. Tourtel
lotte poured.
Going from Salem were Mrs.
R. L. Wright and Mrs. Floyd
Headrick. who served on the com-
An announcement was made "tee ! C'
- . i i, d rinriu airs. 1 nuraas a. jilui iut. '
rioSallmT of "the Albert 8 Patton.
Initial opening of the Regina M. Charles McNary and Mrs.
Curlee studio of dancing at 690 Charles A. Sprague
South Commercial s t r e e t on
October S3. 1 -
The school i will offer, the an
A AUW Meeting.
Opens new
New Dance, Studio to
. i i
Open i Soon
Miss Beryl Holt, Salem woman
who heads the State American As
sociation of University Women as
president, talked before members
of the Salem branch yesterday at
the first meeting of the year. The
session began with the customary
luncheon at the Marion hotel, and
continued with a business meet
ing and talk by Miss Holt,
Holders of Salem Community
Concert series tickets will be glad
to hear the announcement of
dates for the concerts planned
for the winter season.
Marjorie Edwards, violinist,
will be here on December S;
Dalies Franz, pianist, is scheduled
for February 7; Jooss ballet, Feb
ruary 29, and Igor Gorin, bari
tone, April 17. .
Tickets will be mailed on No-
She reported on the national
MnvnettAn wk f slk tia aHAnAyl mt 1 -t . m . - .
Mrs Johanna Fiske was host- J k vemoer i, so tnose noiamg season
air. tfwuanua Denver this summer, and men- .
ess to tne women uiaaionnry t.a , ..u,Bu.p5 may expect neirs
lumusu iuc man. i ue cuuterii
Prominent sneakers included this year will he held In the
Dr. Mary Wooley, Honorable Salem high school auditorium.
Frances Perkins, Honorable Dor- Doors will open at 8 and concerts
othy Kenyon, in charge of the win begin at g:3Q 0.elock
municipal port of New York, Dr.
Mary Ellen Chase, and Dr. Ce-
celiaGaposhchWn, astronomer of Mice d-If Will TVTowr
Harvard, and others. iUlSS y'111 v 111 starry
Miss Holt told of the aauW In Portland Today
program which is being carried J
on by 845 boards representing 61,- The wedding of Miss Alta
vvw memuers. sne siaiea inai oi ?u.ift Hanphtor nf Mr anH Mr A
paffnU, PonrRPS , 1a EMrat Ranfiit
In all phases of ballet. Up, aero- church Friday. Mrs. Viola Harrel- delegates ere young
batic, Spanish and Tanroom aanc- son had charge of tne program,
lng, with departments for stu- assisted by Mrs. Irving Fox, Mrs.
dents of ; all ages from four years Lespia Douris and Miss Mary
np. r V Ayers. Present were Mrs. Elmer
During the past two years, Mrs. Conn, Mrs. Dewey Davis, Mrs.
Curlee has conducted dance stu- S. L. Smith, Mrs. Floyd hite,
dios in I Corvallis, Albany and Mrs. Viola Harrelson. Mrs. F. M.
Lebanoni With her opening in Hoyt, Mrs. Henry Cross. Mrs. C.
Salem .she announced her stu- H. McCullah, Mrs T. Y. Daies.
dios in the smaller cities will be Mrs. Walter McClaren, Dr and
turned over to, assistants and that Mrs. Fox, and special guests at
-t c.i. .!,.. win ho nn. the meetlne were Miss Mary
mn ooiciu vc5, - . . v 1 1 1 Alio " " " " "" " '
ducted under her personal airec- Ayers, an the 31 national organizations of
' Since entering dance training
work, she has supplemented her
training from year to year by
more study under various well
known masters, among" whom
have been Madame Serova, Ruth
St Denis, Ted Shawn and Al
bertlna Raseb. -
She has Just recently returned
from the California Association
of Dancing Teachers convention
held In San Francisco.
-.- i
MLm Lois Adams of Molalla
and Mr. J. D. Myers of Elkhorn
valley were married yesterday
fternoon in a simple ceremony
t . the thome of Dr. ana Mrs.
C. A. Downs on S o n t h High
street. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter
of the Leslie Methodist church
officiated at the ceremony, which
was followed by an intimate bri
dal supper. In addition to the
bridal party, Mrs. Ingall of Mol
alla, the sister of the bride, and
Mr. Ingall were present, as well
as Dr. and Mrs. Downs. Mrs. Lu
ella Stone and Home Downs were
also among the guests.
Mr. Donglas 5L Roes, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Custer Ross is
leaving on Friday for Stanford
University to continue his work
la pre-law. This is his third
year at Stanford.
Pro America, national organi
sation of republican women, will
have a birthday party in the
afternoon of October 9 at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Snell.
Mrs. Floyd Headrick Is general
chairman.. " -
Bliss Grace Gilliam will assist
Mrs. F. G. Franklin as hostess
to the Salem Writers' . club on
Tuesday night at her home.
Mary Virginia Hatfield
women in the United States, (he
J. Swift of Astoria to Mr. Marshall
Monday, September 18
American Legion auxiliary,
installation, Fraternal Temple.
Tuesday, September 19
Etokta club. 2 p.m. with
Mrs. E. M. McKee, 935 hip
ping street.
Ministers wives, with Mrs.
Irving Fox, 549 North Liberty.
2:30 p. m. -
American War Mothers, with
Mrs. Mary Ayers, 245 South
Cottage street, 2 p. m.
East Division, First Presby
terian church, with Mrs. E. A.
Kenney, 1580 Center street.
2:30 p. m.
Woman's auxiliary to Dea
coness hospital. 2 p.m., at hos
pital. Laurel Social hour club,
with Mrs. Carrie Jennings,
Glen Creek road, 2 p.m.
Westminster guild of Pres
byterian church, with Mrs.
Bjarna Erickson, 2415 South
Church street, 2 p.m.
Salem Writers' club, with Dr.
and Mrs. I. G. Franklin, 7:30
p.m. j
WCTU with Mrs. W.-W.
Chadwick, 1 1390 North Winter
street, 2 p.m.
Alpha Gamma Delta, alumnae
association, with Mrs. Frank
Lathrop, 8 p.m.
Chadwick chapter, OES, at
. Masonle temple. 8 p.m. Mrs.
Rex Davis honored.
t Wednesday, September SO v
. South Division First Presby
.ferial church, with Mrs. L. E.
Banick, 1610 South Church
street, 2 p.m. .
Royal Neighbors Sewing
clab, at Fairgrounds cabin.
American Association of Univer- Nauman of Salem, son of Mr. and
sity women is the only one requir- Mrs. Joseph Nauman, will be sol-
V 'A t
r i
Miss Tartar directs the Crescen
do and Junior Crescendo clubs
of the high school and is director
of the highly successful Ameri
can Legion auxiliary trio and
quartet, j ,
The latter organisations are
opening a year's valued study and
will give a series of performances
during the winter. The groups
were organized ten years ago and
have proved valuable to the com
munity, appearing many times
each year in concert. The two
groups have brought state-wide
and national attention to. Salem
the 12th season and at a new lo-r through their excellency,
cation, 1420 Court street. Mrs. ' Members include Mildred Wy
Lilburn reports that some of her att, soprano, Vida Lou Starr, sec-
Maxlne McKUlopp, Miss Helen
Wledmer, Miss Mary Beth Rum
Bey and Miss Jeanne Patton.
Kindergarten Opens
Tomorrow . . .'
Mrs. Lilburn's . musical kinder
garten is opening on Monday, for
past students are now attending
Salem high school.
The kindergarten features pia
no, singing, rhythm orchestra,
hand work, games, ear training,
folk dancing and kindred acti
vities. Culture, social adjustment
and citizenship are stressed. Mrs, New Members Listed
Harriet Liogan .usei win again
assist Mrs. Frabk' Lilburn in di
recting the kindergarten. The
telephone number Is 4618. ,
ond soprano, Arlene Brown, first
alto and Grace Zosel, second alto.
Mrs. Kenneth Dalton is accom
panist and Miss Tartar has been
director since 1929.
On Staff
Miss Vick Honor Guest
On Friday
Mrs. Jessie Bush Mickelson.
who is beginning her 8th year
as head of the Bush kindergar
ten, has i announced two new
members of the staff. Mrs. Louise
Thompson: and Miss Margaret
wi- , , ... . . , , Hogg are the additions.
Miss Harriet Vick, who is leav- . . ,
Ing next week to enter Oregon Mrs. Thompson is a graduate
State college, was entertained in- f Lniwersitr of. Iowa In speech
formally at her home Friday by f5IUh ch,ld, PTology. !
a group of friends. Games and Sh stndli corrective speech
music were enjoyed during the u?dr b;BOtei speech Pa'nolo-
evening. Miss JoAnn Donaldson is Dr. -Lee Tra vers. She has
and Miss Frances Roseman were had experience in kindergarten 1
hostesses. and wa tiiW director at Oiinger .
Guests present were Miss field this summer.
Frances- Roseman, Miss Lois Fro- Miss' Hogg, well known as
land. Miss Carol Cooper, Miss music teacher in Salem, took
Jean Bressler. Miss Anita Card- from Ruth Bradley and Alfred
ner. Miss Lucflle Boehrlnger Mirovltch. I She has- had experi-
Mlss Dorothy Edwa,rds, Miss Jo- ence. in teaching pre-echool and
Ann Donaldson and Miss. Harriet older pupils. She .Is a graduate
Vick. ! of Willamette , university.
ing a degree from an approved
Miss Frances Virglnie Melton,
president of the Salem branch,
presided. The group meets every
third Saturday.
Newly Married Couple
Attend Banquet
Salem folk attended the ban
quet of the Oregon Real Estate
Boards at their convention at On
tario on Wednesday, report that
emnized in St. Mary's Cathedral
in Portland this morning at 9
Mrs. Huston Bunts will attend . , tji ii i
the bride, and Mr. Robert Nau- Alpha Jrni Alphas to
man of St. Helens, brother or the
groom will be best man.
Following the ceremony, a
breakfast will be served at the
NOTHING TO FROWN ABOUT, this freshman rushing, think
Maxine (center and Eileen (right) Goodman, but not so sure Ruth
Annunson. They're pictured on the Alpha Phi Alpha lawn.
Have Party
Presbyterian Women
Will Meet
Members of Alpha Phi Alpha The Westminister guild of the
Rornrir v am t r Ha i nrooaA f ffirat Tror-fsrf mKtcvaV will
Campbell Court hotel. The couple ... . I . " . .1 V . V.
will live in Salem following a breakfast is morning at the meet at the home of Mrs. BJarne
nome of Miss Hilda Crawford. Erickson at 2415 South Church
The party is in honor of fresh- street on Tuesday afternoon at
men girls, i 2 o'clock. Fall flowers win be
Hostesses are Miss Doris Tay- used In profusion about the
The tea committee Includes
trip to California.
Mrs. Wiibum 8. Swafford and
Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman were UtWa Z'1
In attendance, and that Mrs. Zlm- visiting at the home of Mr. and lor chairman. Miss Eileen Good-
merman w ine iormer Mrs. lien- Mr, h. W. Swafford. They have enough. Miss Roseann Gibson. Mri rhaflea FfiikT Mrs Gardner
2 ? wiS ti w.ntT ,pat th Pt month t Wallow! Miss Jere Simmons, Miss Mary Sp?mS WiluV? Thorn mob
anre SeticT 5hl -?in J? Uke nd wflI meet Mr- Swafford Head, Miss Betty Williams. Miss StephTn Mergler an? Mit
ance agency. The couple were here thU weekend The t Dorothy McDonald. Miss Rachel wHUrrf Bartlett Rev w irX
rM.th0,hiTmi to leisnrily return to Yocom. Mis. Bellroie Molloy. Miss w8!K. wlU ie fh'tJemker
iSIn d Pend,eton their California home by auto Jeannette Brown. Miss Maxine 4ht Hd iailnXd a tmu-
RTrdmmerman n 'SZTg SSST tiSTS MtfSl
pfefSate0 3? iSS. "iJ.imJS .Si feyeSs Ifttlft alon S '
Son l?c5ntark id his homl Is eampu8- Mr" Swafford is a che- Vehrs and Miss Hilda Crawford. the Ml ea2n- .
i Portland 18 mist with the Hercules Power ,
in rortiana. company. . ..- Mr. and Urs. Neal Tartar el
Miss Margaret H.uW will be clu?tuf melt . ondeedaT g Sfra! StlSS'tS'
hostess on Monday night at The North Salem WCTU will the fairground. cabin., Mrs. Ber- m".', ek Johnson the
dinner In honor of Miss Dorothy mtet OB Tuesday at the home of tha LoveUnd will be In charge p 1 we' . .
PP; i. wn0 - leare soon for; Mrs. Lorena Chadwick, 1290 N. of committee honoring those ha v- . .
.T. . . '-L Winter street. A program will be ing September birthdays. Those Mr. k. W. Pnrvtae la spending
Mlsa Hauser will use fall How- giTen. New officers are Mrs. J. aasistbig will bo Mrs. Vlya Plane, the winter with hia brother and
LiV1 tes.lor dfcorUnt Vinton Scott, president, Mrs. Al- Mrs, Addle Roger. Mrs. Lucille sister-ln-la. Mr. and Mn. F. L.
and will arrange them In crystal ke Williams, rice-president; Mrs. Prewltt and Mrs 'Susie Botts. ; pnrrine in Long Beach. CaUt .
bowls. Matching tapera in crysUl Mabel Martin, secretary: Mrs. , - -
holders will grace the table. Mina Bates, recording secretary"
- GuesU to honor Miss Upps Mrs. Elva Duncan treasurer. White Shrine of Jernsalem will Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Stevens are
will be Miss Martha Jane Hottel, hold a benefit card party at the among recent arrivals at the
Mrs. Josephine Busick. Miss Mar- Woman's clubhouse on October Waldorf-Astoria, in New York
Jorie Weum. Mrs. Chester Oppen, Mrs. T. II. Field of Regina, 15. The committee includes Mrs. city.
Misa Josie Acklln and Miss Saskatchiwan, Canada has been Wayne Henry, Mrs. A. C. Smith, ,
Evelyn Haag. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mrs Herman Lafky, Mrs. Blanche ' ' .
After mMr Mrdi wtlt Amm' RnilcHnn k naif Mk Mrs. Kakln a ltelUi , Un Inn Stw. Mlsc MimiTt Johnson left tO
, the guests during the remainder Field is leaving today for her,art. Miss Edna .McElhlnny, and day for Silverton where she will
lot the evening. home. ' . Miss Rath Moore.- ; teach la the jaalor high school.
ln.1 f .
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3nasnljfBni,i linn ii mM, i Ml i )MtaSnMniUiU-ehsfc .& $srm
QTJTTS A. COMEDOWN from a high school senior, hut these
Wmasnette freshmen seem aawerried. Florence Upjohn (left) . Mary
Ellen Mills end Audrey Fehler (above), Genevieve Doud, Phyllis
Fisher (below)," and Beth Siewert at the righL