.PAGE NINE Salem's Place for Bmyin The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, SeptemW 16, 193 g,. Selling, Renting! Statesman ! Classified Ads Call 9101 ! Classified Advertising Single Insertion per One 10e Three insertions per line 20e Sis Insertions per Use 3e One month per line H 00. Minimum charge : , . i He Copy for tble D" accepted on C :30 the evening be tan pubttca (Ion for claasiflcatlon Copy re ceived .after this time wilt be run under the heading : "Too Late to CUMtfr." i The 8utman MiDfflti bo flnan jlal responsibility for error Ww -nay appear tn advertisements i llshed IB tt eolnmna and caae where this paper la at fantt win re--print that part of an advertisement In which the typographical ntsUke occurs. The Statesman nwrrw the right to reject questionable advertising It further reserves tbo right to place all advertising under the proper classification A "Blind Ad an ad eontatnlne a Statesman box number for an ad dreaa ta for the protection of the advertiser and most therefore be answered by letter The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge informa tion as to the Identity of an adver tiser using a "Blind- ad. Livestock DEAD AND worthless horses, cows picked np free. Ph. collect 6411 Salem Montgomery Rend Wan ROM NET BUCKS for sale L Townaend. 885 S. Cpml. FOR SALE 1 fine voung milk gout, grade buck. Price $5. Also 8 nice milk goats, milking. 1180 Waller St. Salem Pbone C683. Hop Pickers ean I Hardman, foreman: nhone farmer's line. 100F5. - OUR TRUCKS leave every morning at G a. m. from the comer of State and Commercial street for the ROBFRTP HOP yard. For Information and ar rangements, phone 9623 or ltFll. HOP PICKERS wanted at Williams and Thacker. Truck leaving east side of bridge at o'clock. Tel. 9614. Help Wanted $31 WEEKLY GROW ntnahroome cellar, abed We buy. 35e lb. World's largest company FREE BOOK Mnah rooma $019 Second Seattle .Wash WANTED AT COUNTRY - ESTATE Married couple between 30 and 60 year of age no children) for maid and gardner. Wrtte experience, stating age and giving references. Address bos 90, RFD 2. Salem. Oregon. HelpWanted Male I..,...., p. , , . . . l posais ior wvmganingies on a new para room wore, man iou sqnares. a part wui oe ?'7 ' I inn sri nn in nuii nun, "' ten. 1595 a High St. Salem. Few neat annr. men to work In ndv. canu assur. earn, for produc. A p. bet 9 A 11 a. m. Rm. 505, Guardian Bldg. Help Wanted Female MIDDLE AGED lady for honsework. Phone 8511. 2380 Falrgronnds road. GIRL FOR housework. Tel. 9448. HSEKPR. FOR bachelor on farm : take full charge. Apt 604 Norway St, . Silverton. GIRL FOR general housework, three In family. Phore 75(5. MID.-AG ED lady for haewrk. ft care Of children. Give age, exri.. . desired wages ft ret Box 1099, Statesman. WANTED, HIGH school girl to help with housework for room and board 230 N. 18th. WOMAN FOR housework A car of child, for home and small wages. Mrs. Hauge, 217 State. HOUSEKEEPER. -APPLY Foulger at Leons Shoe Store. Mrs. Salesmen Wanted w-r vtv ibh i wmTtorra m I " I maae xwa money wiui a iukkwi mute Wa heln vent aet started. No ex perience needed! Steady work for right man. write Kawieigna, con uni-ni-2. Oakland. Calif. Situations Wanted RAMSETER TRUCK service. Gen eral hauling, reasonable rates. P 336 DRESSMAK MRS Adsltt Ph 6368 DRESSMAKING. 7984. 301 1 R Cow. DRESSMAKING. TATTjORING. coat rellnlng. 1698 S. Liberty St. 1 erfaaasaSaMaiaeWaaaesaSeSeea YOUNG MAN wishes work. Anything permanent with a fntnre. Gar, or serv. sta. preferred. Bos 1,088. Statesman. WANT JOB with dairy, dependable and married. en.. voybg 34 S E. Mjlter STEN. WISHES wk. 1098 Stateamait HOUSES AND garages built ra ' modeling. Loans arranged : estimates free. Phone 5588. Floyd Llneberger. s EXP. WOMAN wants bskpg. Ret Gd. cook. Write or Inq. 627 N. Winter. For. Sale Misefnnneons j REBUILT AND guaranteed jrash era All. makes from $10 op. 8 pea May tag 111 Hiwi Rroa SAVE 10 on famous Lang all-wood range. Buy or order now. Discounts for mledftime V; na' .Frnh'- LARGE SIZE PUte Heatrola stova for cash or trade for wood. Also large i dining room table, 168 N. 12th. 30-Sa STANDARD RIFLE. $30. 3- wbee' aleener trailar, 165. 1765 Broad- war. Ph. $18$. : . 1 ADVERTISING Western Ad vertlslnt .!'! RepreeenUUvea a. wa g, wZ? I eastern Aaverusing - i RepreeenUUvee Bryant Griffith ft Branson. Ino, ' Chicago. New York. Detroit. " Boeton. Atlanta raterad at tAs PMtofftee t Salewi Oregon, at Sseontf Class Matter. Pas- ' NsAed even aaomms eaeriit afoasav. . Bueinee of tic ta South Coaunsrvasi Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Van Subscription Rates to Advance. Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday Ma. 10 cents: $ Mo. $1 60: 6 Mo. $2.60 1 year $6.00. Elsewhere 60 cents par Me. or $6.00 for 1 year la advance. Per copy S cents. Newsstands 6 cents. By City Carrier: 60 cents a month: 17.20 a year ta advance ta Mario and adjacent unties. HOP PICK I NT? commences on "J tatttrf t. playing order, cost $75. to hee hop ranch Friday. September 1 H day j3 757 Radio -Majestic." seven- For Sale Miscellaneous i SAVE $20.00 ON new lilt Duo Therm oil burning circulator. 8 to room capacity, only $59. SO. Easy term a Good Housekeeping Inc.. 451 Court 8t ARMY WALL tent. $35 8. 14th. CASH FOR need farn. Ph 111. Gl. DRS.. !. Win 1l CIMWlct ftlkee e Kep Ramsden I4t Ub GOLDEN CROSS can. corn. T9F14. USED WOOD- -Electric and gas ranges. Priced to sell. YEATER A RUSH CO. 25$ N. Liberty Nest To Power Co. uLn nnnn nnnrrinrinrriii " s W ATKINS Prod.. 1726 Mad. 7805. OTTva ma ics black suit and bine sports coat, size 17. Almost new. rn. 431 S evenings. rrsET t.rnNARD refrigerator, rnar- anteed. 149 SO. East terms. Good Housekeeping Inc. 4 S3 Court St. e8aaaeaaaaaaaaeja,wks CAR HEATER, new deluxe model. Sacrifice for cash. Ph. suz. PERENNIAL FLOWERS A Seed. White's Greenhouse. 1655 N. Summer USED SCHOOL books and children encyclopedia. 4T7 Court. -3l RIFLE. 1S40 COURT ST. U1TTPPSS RAT.PL Clnw out Prices all state fair sample mattresses. Save 60. Large stock. Nasn Tirniture sSjaaaeVsMsWaSsnaasaayapaaTsw is MONTH OLD female St. Bernard. Harold Pruitt Ph. 3101 or 7240. nruu-in i-i " " aa GOOD TRAILER house, reasonable. Inquire 327 S. Winter. TjaruT-roxruruuiji-T--iijiji rinrt USED LUMBER 2x6, reasonable. Box 422. Evergreen Ave. SEPTEMBER BARGAIN SALE RADIO "MAJESTIC," mighty mon arch of the air, ten tubes. Superheter odyne, has twin speakers, hand carved. walnut cabinet, plays hk new. cobt $400. today $5.55. Radio "Sears, eight tube, perfect condition, hand some cabinet cost $87.50, today 15.65. ff HIO X IlllttJ. sal I Ul 1 1 IBUIO 1 1 iwuri, tube beautiful cabinet, cost 8275. today 35.55. Washing machine, electric "Wardwav." reconditioned, runs as good as new special today. $13.(5, Mattress, full slae. silk gloss, one only, cost $27 60, today $7.75 sewing mi- cnine, drop bead, "ftew Home -witn extras, perfect condition : cost $92.50. today 38.75. Baby btiggy. "Heywooo- Wakefield." AH wicker in snlendld I shape, cost $60. today $4.9n. Washing machine "Wardway" painted and com pletely overhauled and runs like new Today nnlv $17.50. SALEM AUCTION HOUSE "Salem's Finest Furniture House" 260 N. High Cash for Antiaues Open Every Day, 8 a. m. to 5 :45 p. m. Wanted Miscellaneous. WANTED tlPKP furn lh 11 Olil WOOI mattress Tel 611$ WANTED TO buy for cash. 1st A 2nd mortgages real estate contract A merchandise discount proper. STATE FINANCE CO ti at. e - c rw. " " 1 r 1 rw,'" WANTED FOR cash, walnuts A fit Yrtw. Alan meats. M. Klorfeln Pack- ing Co.. 280 S. High. Phone 7633. WantedFurniture WANTED FURN. Forgey. P. T448. Miscellaneous Broken Lenses Replaced in Two Hours DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST OPTICAL DEPT. .In charge of Dr. Fred Pageler and Dr. W. W. Frasee. Optometrists Adolph Bldg.. State A Commercial Phone 8311 For Rent Rooms ROOMS. PH. $91T. 696 N. Cottage. aaaaaaaMaateaa"aesnsnssatss DESIRABLE SLEEPING room, prt entrance. Tel. 19 1 7. -XfvvxJJ-u'JLu-LJxnrurll - -i-..-. nOTTT. MARION Puimt Srwlal weeklv and monthly rates to perm, gnests. Marion Coffee Shon delicious meals at low prices. asMSeaSsaaSsShaSaSkasasses PLEAS.. WITH dressing rm. Cen tral. 310. Sio N. capttoi. FURNISHED SLEEPING room close to hlfh achooL 865 D St -J. . . - - ' r" - SLEEPING RM, 740 Ferry. WELL FURN. Bleeping rooms, steam heat 607 N. Commercial. Room and Board R ft a 1090 N. Summer. Ph. 4614. TBI BOARD, esc. food. 650 Marion RM- 3 STUDENTS. $10. Ph. 7318. RM- BD. 4 nr. $25. 1040 N. 17th. EXCL. MEALS, prt. home. Ph. $7$1 CLOSE IN Phone 3859. re a a., price. COTXEGE BOYjS room and board, adjoining campus. 16$ N. 12th. GD. MEALS clean rms. 995 8. 12th. DOTTRT.K ROOM with board A laun dry: also table board. 455 N. Cottage, VrWVWWMWMWMeeVAAAesAeeNAe ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, excel, board. near schools. 960 Marlon. PB. For Rent Apartments SEE THE Fisher Apt a before Ton dodo. Lena A Airy. RocKwooi in sulated against heat A cold. Venetian Rlinda throughout S. Coml. ws wis 1 RM. FURN. apt. dress, rm.. pun man kitchen, lady. 666 S. Summer, I ROOM FURNISHED apartment reaaanable. 841 N Liberty St FURN. HEATED apt. 460 N. 13th asaaajaaawaaaSsaaasaSaaSaeaSres 8 RM. NEWLY furn. Heat water refHa bath, adnlta 991 N. Cot tare LrLn.nj-ijxruu"i.n.n.an."Lnj-L-Lnj nAnrw ryiivrr COMFORTABLE. HOME- I4KE reasonable. Hawthorne Court. 1000 N Canttnl Ft -xj-ti rtnnnrirri-i ...w 8TRICTLY MOTX The Deyereana. R. prir. bath, close In, $:0. Ph. TllL X Am nn 1 A- wat.. S3 wk. 1290 Oak St (next to exp. oiuce.1 ra. mi NICE, CLEAN S rm. furn. flat Hot and eoia water aid garage at 139$ Fir. 1 R, FURN. 432 Marion. aaaaaSaa." SMALL AF&. adults. 770 a ComT. NICE FURN apt. 690 Union. I saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajasaaSaaaSasakaaaSs 1 TO 4-RM. aots- cheap. $1 s mr an Children welcome 1310 13th, esaaaaahrfsaaaaaaarfs FURN. APT- 2361 HaseL Ph. 7664, 4a9aae9SBMBBMa4aalMaha PATTON APT8. 822 State. Fur ntahed. Adults only Ph. 6344 . x BLK9L N'btrb achL Small heated apt- built-lna. $lL60 mo. 1135 N. 18tb Street rwr lntl Winter rates. Shoan1 Cottages. Junction 12th ft Pac bwy. SL aeasaaaaeatJttaiaaa PULLMAN. BUS. worn. 1853 Court 3-RM. HEATED aptai 444 a High. S-RM. FURN. apt 780 N. Wlntac Money to Loan . We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR INCOMS No Endorsees No Comakers Your Signature Only REPAT ANT DAT TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLD ESI AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COM PAN Y WHERE TOUR NEEDS RE CEIVE- PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE, Generd Fincince Grp. 131 8a Commercial 8t Lie. First Door South of Ladd A Bash Bank FHA LOANS 4H. alao prtvnte loans A b rams A Ellla, In. Masonic Bldg. aaaaaasaMMaaaaeaeaBskes4aTs AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Ith FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-159 . $300 .00 'FOR FALL AND WINTER NEEDS REDUCE BURDENSOME IN- STALI.MiTNTS. RID YOURSELF OF OLD DEBTS. CONSOLIDATE ALL BILLS INTO ONE. GET CASH FOR SCHOOL NEEDS. REDUCE HIGH CAR PAYMENTS. Our liberal, flexible credit require ments make It asy to borrow. Our convenient payment plans make It easy to repay. A modest salary Is our main requirement) You are under no obligation when yon call at the offices of the People's Finance Co. 2nd Floor. First NafL Bank Bid. Salem. Oregon Pbone 444$ S-213 State License M-223 FHA LOANS 4U. also nrlv. loans. Abrams A Ellis, Inc.. Masonic Bldg. SseessSsStaaafaaaaahahaabaaaaahaaaaahh PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to t duce payments. Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape. You will re tain possession ol the vehicle. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-152 eVVrVeVWVSAWwWwVwwW 1st Choice From Coast to Coast. Here's Why: Reasonable Terms $ 6.03 mo. repays $ 60 In If mos. 7.27 mo. repaya $100 tn 18 moa. $13.09 mo. repaya $180 In 18 moa. $18.18 mo. repays $250 in 18 moa. No cosigners or special kind of security needed. The quicker you repay the less the cost. We appreciate your business. FREE CONSULTATION. TN OUR OF FICE OR AT YOUR HOME WITH OUT OBLIGATION. SEE OR PHONE OUR MR. ENGLISH. PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor, New Bligh Bldg. El 8 State Street Salem. Oreaon State License Numbers S-123 M-166 Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins Roberta. WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest W. H. GRABENHORST GO. REALTORS 134 a Liberty Street Phone 6461 For Rent Apartments 3-RM. FURN.. bath, 1440 Waller. eaSaaaaaeeeeaSaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSaSaSi HALIK'S MODERN apts- TeL 830$ sSSeeaereaaWMfcaeWMSMMfcaeWSSMsMfraSSea 8 OR 4 R. hse- apts.. 735 N. ComT. aSesaWaeaaafcaaapSaanaSaSaSaSt DESIRABLE APT- gas nest Frig- Idalre. orL bath. 1st floor, outside ent garage, near sr. high snd state capltoL TeL 6977. CL 1H, furn. heat 674 N. Church. X RM. MOD. furn. 1653 State. For Rent Houses FURNISHED and onfurn. hoases. H. P. GRANT. 639 Court Ph. 6744 aaaaaaasaaaaaaiaasaa' FURNISHED HOUSE. 1337 Court St Pbone 6936. FURN. HOUSE. 850 a 16th. S ft 4 R,. 820 ft $22.60. 5 R. NE. $22. 80. 7 R. furn., nr. st hse, $30. P. 711$. 6 ROOM MODERN furn. bouse. 3 bedrms.. 1130 N. Cottage. MOD. COURT cot., 734 N. Cottage, 3 ROOM FURN. modern bouse. 2 room furn, apt. CHARLES HUDKXNS Phone 4$4 FURNISHED AND unfurn. houses. H. P. GRANT, 629 Court. Phone 6744, eeAs"A"eaeakeWhSBsW MODERN 4 ROOM duplex ant. nice ly furnished. , Elec. ret. elec range. basement furnace ft fireplace, garage IZ8.60. a M. EARLE, Phone 967S Or 3868, UNF. DUPLEX. 8-4 R- dose. 6$2S 6 R. HOUSE, partly furnished. 835 ssa MxAmni Ave,. Balem Helgnts. FOR RENT four room eompletelT rurnished cottage. 1045 Shipping 8t 3 RM. HOtTSE. unfurn.. good condi tion, gar- $Z0. 45 Market. Tel. 4847 MOD. LARGE home. $71 N. Cottage. MOD. 4 RM. furn- fun basement rnrnace. 823 mo. Ph. 43FB. SMALL HOUSE partly furnished. 3J5 a 15th. 8-ROOM MODERN home. 616 High St 835 month. Phone 601L e'aaPaaaaaSaSaSaSaaaajaaaaaaaaaaaaMWeiaSl 6-RM. FURN. hse. 760 a ComX 6 RM. HSE- 1233 N. Church. $18. i RMS.. SO. Salem, $18.00. . 1220 Center, t rooms. 320. a E. RAE, 1456 N. Cottage, Ph. C76L For Rent Farms ,23 ACRES. 9 MI. N. W. Salem: mL a Spring Valley school ; 7 rm. mod ern bouse, fine barn, garage, other bldga. 7 A. r runes, other fruit $226. Other farms. B. A. Kliks. McMinnvllla. For Rent - OFFICE ROOMS. 881 State Street inquire room 800. TeL 1711, Money to Loan No. 8-llf Phono till .. Convenient Ground Floor Locatlon. For Salt; Real Estate TRADE CITY property for farm homes. Opportunities la exchanges HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. i R. MODERN house close in. Uke rent Let's look. Ph. $165. WB HAY B THS PROSPECT IT YOU want to sen exchange lease, rent see Mr. Laraen or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins ft Roberta, WHY RENT when yon can bay as cheaply a new t-roooi modern bouse T Restricted district, 1 block from bus una. uwner saoi. jcasy terms. LOT BARGAIN LOCATED NEAR Market and N. 17th Sta. Price $250, clear title. ITS A iSU I. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 134 a Liberty St Phone 6468. I HAVE a lot. corner 15th and Nor way. Will furnish plana, finance on easy terms to suit i loya u. HeaaricK- 825 DOWN BAL. $10 PER mo., will buy a fine building lot on pavement Price Sos. Located' northeast many new homes oemg constructed nearby. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 a Liberty St Phone 646$. JASON LEE DISTRICT T RM. MODERN HOME. Well built hardwood. VERT DESIRABLE. $3750. $300 down. $40 mo. NO OBLIGATION TO SHOW H. P. GRANT 629 Court St. Phone 6744-8330. NaeSeaeiieeXeSeeeeaee I SNAP OLD STYLE home In need of repair, fine lot 66x122 feet located close In. north. 7 rooms, double garage. Price $100 caan. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO.. REALTORS 134 a Liberty Street Phone 6468. FOR SALE 160 A- Benton Co. 40 I cult. 1000 cd. wood, spr- old bldgs- $2000. Also -45 A., hwy. Lin. Co. Trout strm.. cab., $750. H. Libby, Jefferson. STORE BLDG. 30x60. Also residence I ana t n. apt., easx iront, on A'oruana highway, mU N. of underpass. To tal price $3aU0. Fh. owner, - . - -i-i-i-i-.-n-M--nj-iru-irui rxrq THREE WONDERFUL BUYS WITH TERMS LIKE RENT ABOUT V, ACRE tract close In on paved highway, with wonderful view, some trees, 4 room house, woodshed and garage. Price $1500 $300 cash. Balance easy. Make the rents pay for this Well lo catea noma on laree lot In East Salem. large house, can be arranged In 4 apta. n uiiijr tiivv, utau ouv, Diuunce montniy. JNow being repaired 5 room cottage In East Salem, a real anan for $1850. iutie aown Da lance monthly. CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 Sute St Pbone 926L FOR SALE or trade S rm. mm! home 16 blka. south of canltnl band In or Will sell on easy terms or trade for small acreage and home close in. See air. tiara y wiui .HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. FOR SALE or trade CO acre farm near Rickreall; splendid land equipped with new 5 niKgiltra mod. bouse and a good barn. Wfcfaccept modern home in &aiem up to $4000.00 value. See Mr. aaray wun HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. NEW MODERN 4 room bona im. iiuiaiieu upstairs, zzva isreyman. SPECIAL TWO NEW huniroI'vOT. T one 4 rma. The 4 R. Is furnished. Ideal location. New lawns. Both for $3700; well worth 81000 more will aacriflca for a quick deal, some terms. See 1XU1S Becfitel or Mabel Heerlhitm 341 State Room 4. 82700. A BEAUTiFTTr. TTOXTB" wit, n fwiv iji n itv four bedrma, basement furnace, pay - l!Lf ldA ear 5.,7 high T d M ""aaaa A I.VIIUUIVI1, SWA BASl IICW, xx you are looxing ror a snap, see this a pleasure to snow. See Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needhnm 341 State Street Room 4. " - - - - - --n - u. ."jxr jnjnj- I HERE IT ISt FOLKS BUILT FOR two. Twn v.ln nM XT.-. . i , . " .. rin. nuuse, close in, norm, JNICO bath: only $1476. $50 down, $20 per month. jjuukow.kasmir real estate 13 Ladd ft Bush Bldg. Phone 596S. 3 A, NO BLDGS. Close ta Salem. Bargain lor caan. Z05S N. Church. $250 DOWN BAL. $25 PER ma, win buv thle 6 xv piastereo nome-m excellent condi tion. Located within 4 blocks of su preme court tldg. Price $2150. IMME- via i ts POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST AA CO REALTORS 124 a Liberty St Phone 6468 ssesseanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "MODERN $ r. HOUSE with attic. 3 nice lots. Completely furnished has automatic neat. Basement hardwood ijoora, iirepiace. AJI lor $4500, terms, 6 acres, 6 R. house. Other bldgs. East of 4 Corners. To exchange for house la saiem. 4U acres. 7 R. house, barn. Lots of fruit: other bldga.; on paving. Price $4Z00. Easy terms. rew 5 R. modern house basement automatic furnace. Hardwood floors. Fireplace. Good location, out N. E. Priced at 34100. terms. VOSBURGH GRANT Masonic Bldg. Pbone 6161. Exchange Real Estate 6-RM HSE. 1233, care Statesman. eVwVwVeVVMwVwVwVwVWwVwVMwVVw TO TRADE eauity in 8 acre Place. modern -rm house, hen bouse, barn. garage for truck. 3 miles out A, C Hawkins. 1395 N. Liberty. WILL TRADE modern country home. 6 acre. 4 bxnre bedrooms, oil heat xtne shrubbery, 18 minutes city center Portland, for Salem borne. What have you T Box 1097. statesman. PORTLAND RESIDENCE REASONABLY PRICED T R- all hardwood floors, sawdust burner, trade for Salem residence. Box 1088, Statesman. For Sale Farms FARMS A HOMES For rent sale, trade. - Oregon Land Co. Highway. I woodburn. Oregon. SELL LIKE rent 100 A. I mL out 96 A. cult Sell on easy terms to re- I -1VV Aam V Dili VUW sponalble purchaser. Can at once I H. P. GRANT 529' Court Street Phone 6744 MR. FARMER READ THIS carefully 153 acres oa good gravel road, less than 16 miles iront saiem. aoout la acres euiuvateo, balance pasture, fair 4 room bouse, at only $30 per acre. Buy now get set ior rising prices. Call Mr. Bartlett With " CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS $44 SUte Street Phone 924L Acreage t j ACRES east Need fixing 11300: 8100 down. 835 month. up. H. P. GRANT. 628 Court St. Acreage ONE ACRE TRACT BEST OF soiL Price 3300. only 321 down, bal. $10 per mo., good location, east, of Salem. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. --------- - - -i-n-nnrij'iriiiitjiriruirLa.iu BUILD HERB 1 ACRE TRACTS, only 1103 down. baL 31S per mo. Price 31050. fine lo- cation east, near Silverton rd. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6468. Suburban I HAVE SOME real suburban tracts. Good bouses and modera'houaea. Tenna you cannot afford to rent Call me lor paruculara. Good building Iota. $5.00 down. $5.00 month. Will build to suit your re quirements. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Pbone 8902. Wanted Real Estate Mod. hse. or sub., $5000 cash. 711$. THE HOMESEEKERS AOEXmr at Silverton has prospect for Improved I to 20 acres near Salent Can pay $1500 cash down. What have you to offer? Business Opportunities FOR SALE or lease, restanrant and confectionery fixtures. E. A, Folaom. Coquille, Oregon, RESTAURANT TRAILER, ready to go. $75. King's Tr. Exch- 519 N. Front Sseeeeaaaaaaaaaaai COTTAGES A 2 STORES on High way 99E, sale, trade or lease; see Mr. sooen. j . commercial St For Sale Wood INVESTIGATE BUDGET Plan on wood. Ph. 6370. W L. Graen. 413 N. 81 16-IN. OLD fir. $5: knota 14. SO 4-ft 2nd. 33.75. Phone 9456." SPEC OAK $5.75, ash $55. P. $703. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWI2CG. Ed Sproed. P. 688$. sSsSanaaantaaaaa WOOD 1 SA WING. TeL . 3 5 2 8. Lost and Found LOST. ONE old dark macktnaw coat -reward, at Statesman office. REWARD OF $10.00 for informs tlon on stolen Hoover cleaners, Mod. 2C.Z1927S3 A 19?R1 Will nrnlvt the buyer. Disposed of m or near Salem. w. B. Dovid. 253 W Fifth, Eugene. Ore. LOST BLACK A brown Collie. Re ward. Blanche Jackson, Rt 2, Box 23 r.ih.m Personal LONELY? "WORTHWHILE" sweet heart husband, wife for you. Bos 71. Lroa Angeles. JOIN THE lonesome correspondence club. PO box 927. Portland. I Tvr"wrT .ry-TOT uroa uiptim I favorably known, 'dependable advice! I Tel. 6460. Schools COMPLETE TOUR high school at home. Diploma. Texts furn. Write far catalogue. Am. Scnooi. f. u. box 4es Portland. Transportation LADY DRIVING to San Francisco. wtll take lady passenger share ex penses. 41 Ferry. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 10204 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON for Marion County, In the Matter of the Estate of W. H. BURGHARDT. Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Executrix of the Estate rtt MX? TI Ttnrebar4t AaoaamoA h i . . rt . . ... n . I county t-ouri oi me state oi 1 Oregon for Marion County, and I nas WUf led as such. All persons having claims Against said estate are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers as required by law within six months from the date of this notice to the undersigned at the office of I prA nA pa A t f Arn ova T atl I ag E?a fe CneyB,, , d I ft Bush Bank Building, Salem. I Oregon The date of the first publica tion of this notice Is the 2nd day of September; 1931, and the last Is the 30 th day of September, 1939 EMMELINE L. LUDI BURG HARDT, Executrix, Estate of W. H. Burghardt, De ceased. PAGE AND PAGE Attorneys for said Estate, Ladd & Bush Bank Building, Salem, Oregon. S 2-9-16-23-30. Business CArda In this directory run ob monthly basis only. Ratei $1 per line per month. Auctioneers I ray his el. 1239 sixth st Ph. 738$. Anto Brakes Mike Panek. 376 Sooth , Commercial Bicycles BICY NEW and reconditioned. I n7 t lit & Coon. P. 4111 Chimney Swep TELEPHONE 4468 R E. Northnesa CHIMNEY CLEANED PfPEa FURNACES, atovea. gutters. Get ready for winter. No sect or dirt Ray L. Farmer Hdwr. Co. Ph. 6006. Chiropractors DR. O L. BCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. I ... ... L . a .... Excavating 92XCA VATfNO OF all kinds. Pa'se- ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and craves co Phoae 844A Florists Bralthaupf a, 447 Court Pbene $90A Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WELDER LAUNDRY 368 a High TeL 8186 For Sale Used Cars 1 SPECIALS SATURDAY and MONDAY tiNLY 1938 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE TOUR. SEDAN..$645 1938 CHEVROLET DeLUXE TOWN 1937 CHEVROLET DeLUXE TOWN 1939 CHEVROLET DeLUXE TOWN 1939 CHEVROLET y2-TON PICKUP.... 650 1939 PONTIAC SIX TOWN SEDANj .... ... 845 1937 LaSALLE TOURING SEDAN .i. . ........ 795 . r . The above cars are all in excellent shape and fully guaranteed. Some have Radios and Heaters. SOME GOOD ONES "AS ik" 1936 DODGE PANEL. 1936 FORD DeLUXE FORDOR SEDAN, TRUNK MODEL 1929 OAKLAND COACH McKay Chevrolet Co. WALT HOLM AN, JTMMXE DAVIS. LAWRENCE "LATHERS 338 CENTER STREET OPEN oVfcj9keja98a,asessfc HELP! HELP! HELP! Our Loss, '35 Dodge Sedan .' finish, a VALLEY MOTOR CO "20 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP" ! Used Or Lot Marion & Liberty Herb Misson Ben Drager - Art Hanson PRICES! VARIETY! TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE! YOU'LL GET ALL OF THEM HERE NOW! 1937 Dodge DeLuxe 6 Cyl. Coupe Radio, heater and other extras 1937 Plymouth DeLuxe Touring Sedan Shows very little wear 1937 Ford DeLuxe Sedan Model $5 ; has radio, heater 1937 Packard 6-Cyl. De Luxe Coupe With radio and beater 1936Pontiac 6-Cyl. Cpe. Overhauled completely. Has radio 20 More Not Listed Here Come In. See Our Stock of Used Cara If You Want to Sare Money I STATE MOTORS, INQ. HUDSON - PACKARD DEALERS High at Chemeketa Phone 8400 Open Evenings FOR SALE 1937 ton GMC pick- on. overload springs, good condition. A real buy If taken at once. A. C Hawkins, 1396 N. Liberty. i povTtic rnnpp ci dio ft heater, good condition, $460. One '32 Cl ryaier Sedan, radio ft heat er, good condition. $150. One 2-wheal trailer hae,, $80. Call mid-forenoon or middle afternoon. 427 Ferry St , i-onnnnqn n.rui 1938 FORD deluxe tourinr sedan. Low mileage, local car. $595. Easy terms. 544 N. Commercial. MODEL A FORD 4-dr 405 Union, after 7 p. m. 30 OR '31 MODEL A Pickup Coupe good price. 2295 Breyman. Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattress factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade: carpet cleaning, sizing: fluff rug weaving, a 19th A Wilbur. TeL 8441. OTTO F. ZWICK ER Est 1911 CAPITOL BEDDING CO. phone 106$ Naturopathic Physician DR W B. ROCKWELL, Narnronath- to Physician. 1790 ffailraronnda RA TeL 4808. Offtoe Honrs 11 a. m. to 1:80 P- m, FREE EXAM, ft CONSULT A T10N. Painting Papniiangins; NIAT WORK. L Johnson. Ph. $181. Printing FOB STATIONERY cards, pejnohleta programa. bosks or any kind et prtnt- jnSi eaa The Ftateamaa Prtntlag Do- partroent, xi & uommerciai. xeie- pbone 910L Refinlshing FURNITURE REFINISHED like new. BL Brock. 84$ Games. Pbone 4346. Transfer rOR LOCAL er dhrtant tranafer. stor age, burner en. call 31 3L Larmev Transfer Co. Tracks to Portland dally Well Drilling & A. WEST, rt . bos 448. Ph. 1HFS Cheater J. Pugh, 2128 Myrtle. Ph. $I3C For Sale Used Cars SEDAN 645 SEDAN 545 SEDAN 850 ............$275 .....J.:.... .. 295 . 95 T EVENINGS PHONE $18$ Your Gain Reconditioned, A-l condition!, metallic $395 mohair uphol.. good rub- real vaiue. 1$39 CHFATtOLET town sedan. Must sen. cheap for cask. Smith's Barbecue. diocks norm underpass. I. EQUITY TN '39 Plymouth sedan. Will Uke older car. Must sell by Sat urday, caii i7o waller. , BOYD HONORED SILVERTON j-R u f u s Boyd, missionary superintendent of the Marlon County (Christian Endea vor, and active In the local Chris tian church, wdrk, was compli mented xnursaay night when the members of the Christian En deavors, assisted by Mrs. J. w. Jordan and Mrsl G. B. Bentson, entertained in his honor. ouya is going to Vancouver, Wash., to make! his home. FAMILIES MOVE SILVERTON Mrt and Mrs. C. T. Riley are moving this week to Harbor Grove where Mrs. Ri ley will begin teaching Monday. Mrs. Riley has Caught In a Bum ber of the local schools for sev- eral years, Mr. and MrsJ E. 8. Jackson moving from and family are Scottse Mills to silverton for the winter. Cross Word Puzzle 12 21 16 21 24 2 26 SO 31 W2 34 35 3 4 'A 'A wo HI HZ Ml H& SO 53 SH HORIZONTAL 1 range . - 6 stitch . 8 our ' 12 coquettish glance 13 land measure 14 avouch. " i 15 Animal or 45 landed property 47 melody 48 exchanger 50 rarden plant 61 lyric poem 52 check 65 brink 54 correlative hnman being of neither 17 threadlike mark 18 eharper 19 enlarge . 21 one of the Eerewith is the day's puzxle. Great Lakes mm lTflLLlglErlfe17H 23 meshed fabrie 24 pertaininr to heat 27 social grouB 50 unctuous substance) 51 habituate 'IS rowin. implement 84 long 36 onsettle 38 nutritious seed ' 39 always i 40 largo . forbned . building 260 Start School Mill Gty Monday Many Students Working in Harvest Yet; , OES Meets MILL CITY The Mill City schools -opened Monday with an , enrollment of 120 in the high i Echool and 140 in the grades.' : I Quite a few students are out work ing with fruit and hops which will , increase the enrollment later. Marilyn chapter OES held its : first meeting for the winter Mon day night with Mrs. Mary Higdon presiding. A lunch was served by committee consisting of Mrs. Pearl Holthouse, Mrs. Mel Robin son and Mrs. Mary Kelly. William Bertram has resigned as mill foreman of the Mill City Manufacturing company mill. The" vacancy will be filled by Mr. Wal ter Ltisy, formerly of Mill City," but now manager of the McCurdy mill at Sweet Home. Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Lawson were held at the church of Christ Thursday afternoon. . Mrs. Lawson formerly lived near Gates, moving away about eight years ago. after the death of Mr. Lawson. Burial was in the Gates cemetery. Excitement was caused on the street Thursday when a small doe . passed -, through the town. It seemed very tired, and not at all afraid. Fred Ellsworth of Portland is spending the week in Mill City visiting his mother, Mrs. Charles Schwab. North Howell Fair Winners Are Listed NORTH HOWELL State fail prize I winners from this district include Mrs. W. M. Oddie, first on knit sweater; second on quilt ed pillow; Calvin Mikkelson. first on senior gilt, sows and boars, first on yearling heifer, FFA di vision; Reuben Ditchen, third on milk cart. FFA division; . Daniel VanBrocklfn first on fat hamp shires, first on Hampshire gilt, first on pen of three gilts. 4-H division; Raymond Woelke, first on Duroc gilt, 4-H division; Carl ReedJ second on Chester white gilt, 4-H division. Silverton Teacher Back From Europe SILVERTON Word has received at Silverton from been Miss Ethel Hardie, Silverton teacher who has been in Europe that she has reached Boston safely and Is on her way west. She will visit A short time In California with her mother before return ing to Silverton. The! ship on which she sailed experienced black-outs on tire way Across and a close look-out for submarines was maintained throughout the trip. Silver Falls School To Start Monday SILVER FALLS STATB PARK Silver Falls schools just be yond the borders of the state park will open Monday with Anne Mulkins of St. Helens aa teacher. Four young people from this district will attend Silverton high schooL They are Jerome Tasto, Jack Gyllenberg, Fern Fields and Billie Strom. 17 17 I? 20 22 23 27 2& 2? 'A 32 33 37 3? HS HZ 4W Hb fA ht S2 VA &5 VA 68 eastern university VERTICAL 1 stake 2 frightful giant 3 opposed to aweather 4 btflcr 6 lixanfliVo 6 mistake 7 noxious plant S higner S Art of opera tins; aircraft 10 breach 11 Urge pknt 16 extremity ' 20 concern solution to Sstor- 22 Avoid 24 child's piaything , 25 hastes 26 slippinf 28 sack . 29 earlier thsa 82 venerator ' 35 -recapture 37 vessel car r ryincjblood ' from heart 4(LeereIesi" ' Slltjent,, : 4ii4hrvv: Aiadc'r:-" 44-plAneVO - - - siirfAce 1 .45 lime tree r 48 bird of prey 49 fuss i 77i