The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 16, 1939, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Honing, September 16, 1939
Local News
Police Book Eighth-City police
yesterday booked eight on traf He
or; drank charges. They were: R
A. Miller, Portland, drank; Kay
Dillar, Eugene, -violation of the
basic speed rale; G. M. Jones, 457
: South Commercial, for failure to
top; Cnarlea Scott, drunk; LeRoy
E.S Bier ce, 2510 South Summer,
driTing through a stop sign; Earl
, Casselius, 765 Judson, for failure
to stop; Helen Kurth, 2040 South
22d, : for Tiolatlon of the basic
speed rule; Nancy Stricklin, 210
North 20 th, operating a motor ve
hicle -without an operator's per
mit. . v .
Boost SOra-ton Show A dele
gation from the Silrerton Lions
club .will.' appear before the Salem
Lions club at the Marion hotel
next Thursday noon to publicize
an amateur show the neighboring
den will sponsor- in Silrerton the
night of October C. Representa
tives of the SllTerton club made a
brief announcement of their show
at last Thursday's Salem den
Roofing by Math's. HIS. Com!
Phi Delt Party Beta chaser of
Phi Delta Theta fraternity of Ore
gon State will hold their fall "get
together" at the Streamlined room
of the Imperial hotel in Portland
on Wednesday, September 20th,
at 2:30 p.m. All alumni of Salem
and the Willamette ; valley are
urged to attend. Reservations. may
be obtained from Clayborn Dyer
or Harry Carson, jr. v
Girl Breaks Arm City first aid
car officers were yesterday after
noon called to the West Salem
school where Evelyn Zlegler, 12.
sustained a broken arm in a falL
The girl, who had been having
some trouble with a hip injury,
according to aidmen, fell while
doing school work at the black
board. - ' .
We will pick in the Roberts hop
yard Sunday, Sept. 17. Trucks
will leave from the corner of
State and Commercial streets
a. m. as usual. Phone 9623 or
16F12. All pickers please be on
Dwyer to Speak Next Friday's
- luncheon of the Salem Realty
board will be addressed by Edwin
Dwyer, title expert of the Portland
title & Trust company, it was an
nounced at yesterday's meeting by
T. M. Hieks who arranged the pro
gram. Mr. Dwyer will discuss the
abstractor's responsibility to the
public and to real estate brokers.
This' program . was originally
planned for this week's meeting.
Opens Shop Mrs. Emma Over
gard has Opened a baby's wear
shop at 325 State street. Mrs.
"Overgard has assembled a com
plete line of in fans' apparel, nee
dle art goods and has installed a
modern machine for hemstitching.
We will pick In the Roberts hop
yard Sunday, Sept. 17. Trucks
- will leave from the corner of
State, and Commercial streets 6
a. m. as usual. Phone 9623 or
16F12. All pickers please be on
Rev. Hutchinson Returns Rev.
Robert A. Hutchinson returned
yesterday from a week's visit In
San Francisco. He will occupy his
pulpit in the First Congregational
church Sunday morning.
Marriage Licenses Issued A
marriage license has been issued
at Portland to Lester N. Hosbach,
33, Portland, and Elizabeth Ann
Kyi, Salem.
Coming Event
Sept. lS-fe Pendleton
Sept. 18 City public schools
Sept. 18 Freshman days be
gin,. Willamette university.
Sept. 18 Sacred Heart aca
demy, SU Vincent de Paul
school open. .
October 7-8 Lions club
chart iy dog show, armory. 1
Oct. 9-15 National Business
and Professional Women's clab
week. i
I Edward Roth
Is Executor
Son Named to Capacity
in Emil J. Roth's
Estate Matter
Edward E. Roth was appointed
executor yesterday of the estate
of his father, Emil J. Roth, who
died recently in Lebanon. Prelim
inary assessment of the property
places a value of around $6700, with Jacob Fuhrer, Jesse
Mrs. Lumber Author A book Fehler and W. Foster appointed
Quilts" by Glenna Lamberg of no will was found distributing the
Fillmore, Calif., has been sent by I estate among specified heirs, in
the author to Ivan G. Martin, Sa- which case the heirs at law are
lem attorney. The author and her I th1" Ron th,e ,wI dT0W
husband, A. E. Lamberg, former
ly lived in Salem where Mr. Lam
berg was prominent In musical
We will pick in the Roberts hop
yard Sunday, Sept. 17. Trucks
will leave from the corner of
State and Commercial streets 6
a. m. as usual. Phone 9 623 or
16F12. All pickers please be on
hand. I
To Attend Convention. -
ward -Roth and Carleton L. Roth,
sons, and Alice L. Pratt, a daugh
Circuit Court
Margaret Balch vs. Emmet L.
Balch; judgment granted plain
tiff for $27.50 suit money, $50 at
torney's fee, and $10 per week
support money for the duration of
the trial. Order of default also
J. H. Tompkins et al, vs. City
of Salem, et al; affidavit oppos
ing motion of defense for judg-
Winnie Pettyjohn, secretary of the j ment on pleadings states that no
Salem Realty board, will attend I answer has been filed earlier is
the convention of the National A-1 because the matter Is still in the
sociatlou of Real Estate Boards in I process of negotiation and that In
Los Angeles late this month, ttlan probability an amiable settle-
was announced ai me locai group si ment can be reached in time
Friday luncheon.
Creditors Meet At a luncheon
meeting of the Salem Credit as
sociation yesterday noon at the
Argo hotel George Flanagan was
announced as a new member. A
meeting1 of the text book commit
tee for the organization was
called by Chairman Phil Holmes
for Tuesday noon at the Argo.
Enroll now at Alma Fanning's
John W. Cole vs. Delia Cole; di
vorce granted on grounds of de
sertion. Married April 16, 1927
in 'Vancouver, Wash.
Hannah E. Elder estate; form
al decree in the matter of ob
jections to final account of Grace
Neibert, former executrix, charges
latter with $91.35 bond Interest,
allows $112.65 each instead of
$319 each to her attorneys, de
nies $767.50 and $10.50 filing
Musical Kindergarten. 346 N. 13th I fees and holds that $155 Is due
street. Phone 5221-5162.
Smashes Finger Mrs. Harold
Oltnger, 750 Mill, was treated by
city first aid car officers for
smashed fingers, sustained when
an iron grating on a wood lift fell
atop tbem.
Flue Fire A chimney fire at
1153 Oak was extinguished by city
firemen yesterday.
At the residence, route 6, Sa
lem, September 13, Grace E
Brown, aged 52 years. Wife of
Burrell E. Brown and mother of
Mrs. Marie Manning and Burrell
Brown, Jr., of Hlllsboro,Ore.; sis
ter of Mrs. Anna Simpson of Salem
and grandmother of Norma Man
ning of Hlllsboro. Funeral services
will be held from the W. T. Rigdon
company chapel Saturday, Sep
tember 16, at 2:30 p. m. Inter
ment City View cemetery. Rev.
J. J. Gillespie will officiate.
'Zelma- Ruechel at the residence.
267 South Church Thursday, Sep
tember 14. Survived by husband,
Earl Ruechel and children, Law
rence, Betty and Violet. Funeral
services will be held from the
Walker-Howell Funeral home Sat
urday, September 16, at 2:30
p.: m. t
i 1 Jndd .
! Percy G. Judd passed away at
hU home, route 3, Friday, Sep
tember 15, at the age of 74 years
Survived by his wife, Edith, of
1 Salem; daughters Mrs. Edna An-
i derson of Dewdney, BC, Mrs,
' Esther Norwood of Berkeley,
Calif., Mrs, Dorothy Robinson of
Portland; sons Frank E. and Har
lan A. Judd oi saiem, red l . ana
- Harold K. Judd of Berkeley
Calif.; sister, Mrs. Charlotte Innls
; of Shelburne Falls, Mass.; broth
ers, Roy N. Judd of Norwich
Conn., Frank L. Judd of San Dle
: goi and twelve grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Mon
day, September 18, at 10 a.m.
: from i the Clough-Barrick chapel,
: Rev. Dean Poindexter officiating.
Interments in Belcrest Memorial
park. '
US Adds to Defense Force
ll o-a ys ?nV r V A Nil
a 'i--g-'. ..aJa.-jiai
Bluejackets swing a gun cradle aboard sa "obsolete" destroyer now
being modernized at Uncle Sam's ship bases as part of the govern
ment program to strengthen the national defense. This photo was
taken at the San Diego, Cat, ship base.
CDHnan nd3Hn RJtf ne
M w M
Club Notes
Good Morning gang. It looks
like this is the last day of your
freedom from the classroom. I
understand the actual business
of school gets under way Mon
day. I know, thoigh, that i the
majority of you are glad to get
back to work and have a lot of
that idle time taken off your
hands. Maybe it'll keep you ; out
of mischief for awhile.
Just about every Saturday, I
have put something in this col
umn abou yi "ii part in tnis
show. Apparently, not many of
you are very public-spirited as
far as this show is concerned.
As I've said so many times be
fore, this is your show, and
something for you to enjoy and
if you are not enjoying ft as
I feel you should, then it's with
in your power to do sometnmg
about it. I don't mean that by
making noises from the audience
you can do anyinmg apouc ii.
but by giving your criticism to
me in oroer tnat l may maw
the change. Those who offer
their criticism In the shape of
boos and other disturbances are
doing more to harm this show
than anything else. So, keep
your wisecracks to yourself and
tell me about them aiterward.
After all. the kids on the stage
are doing tneir level Desi to
make your afternoon enjoyable.
Some of you don't try to give
them even a fair chance, i It's
just a common courtesy, and it
from her for rental charges.
David G. Drager, present ad
mlnistrator, is charged to recover
$1437.55 for benefit of the estate,
Maud Donovan vs. W. R. Dono
van; reply denies main allega
Probate Court
John A. W. Heidecke estate;
October 24 set for final hearing;
final account of Administrator D. I
B. Hill shows receipts $3913; ex
penditures $1509; balance $2404.
William Paul King guardian
ship; account filed showing re
ceipts $2181.18, disbursements
$99.41; order granted allowing
expenditure of $75 monthly for
ward to attend Oregon State col
lege. ,
Alice B. Frizzell estate; final
decree granted to Ronald J. Friz
zell, administrator, who is also
sole heir.
Maud A. King estate; order ex
empting real and personal prop
erty on behalf of widower, H. E.
Margaret C. Sherrell guardian
ship;, order allowing land parti
tion in favor of ward.
Cornelia A. Davis estate; semi
annual account of Turner Mem
orial Home, trustee, shows re
ceipts $8 9 0 2;. disbursements,
$6976; cash, $1927. Trustee's
board indicated that has received
back land contract and resold land
to O. J. Hull, and has issued
warrant deeds to Lee C. and Emir
E. Ball for two lots in Turner and
a 40-acre tract of land.
Otto Davenport guardianship;
O. H. Peters made guardian; es
tate is one-twentieth of a tract
valued at $50.
Justice Court
Mrs. Arthur T. Fox, passing on
right, fined $5.50.
William J. Hansey, no motor
license, fined $5 and commitment
Issued on failure to pay,
Henry C. Espe, no license on
four-wheeled trailer; fined $5.50,
Frank A. Putnam; no opera
tor's license; paid $1 fine after
commitment issued
Ernest Lee Scott, Frank L.
Hoover, no operator's license;
fined $1 and costs. ,
Gerald Bulkley; no rear light;
fined $1 and commitment Issued.
Paul D. Barham; no warning
device; commitment Issued when
failed to pay $1 and costs.
Niles C. Dow; no warning de
vice; fined $1 and costs.
Elmo N. Brunk, failure to give
' (Continued From Page 4)
rices: Bitle school, 9:45 a. depart
Mata and elanea for all acea. Mornij
worship, 11 o'clock, aermoB topic, "The
Salt oi the Earth." Yoanf people's
BieetfiiPt high school and senior forora,
8:15 p. as. Evening worship, T:0 o'clock,
sermon topic. "The Neat World Dicta
tor. " Special music by the ladies' trio.
Organ recital preeeeds each service of
worship with Miss Doris Schonke at the
console. Midweek aerrice Wednesday,
7:30 p. m.
Hazel and Academy. Sunday school,
10 a. m. Church, 11 a. as. and T:0 p. m.
Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:45 p. m.
Korth Winter and Market streeta. Rev.
D. A. Cohagan, pastor. Sunday school,
9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 o'clock,
lesson. Jsmes -4:12. Yonng people's
meeting, 7 p. m., guest speaker. Evening
service. 7 .45 o clock. Dr. tdward f,
Blair, professor of Biblical literature at
, . .., i . i, j i i t: .1
seame racixic college win preacu. mm
week prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m
North Winter at Jefferson, S. Kay nor
Smith, minister. The church school
meets at 0:45 a. m. Morninz worship at
11 o clock with Holy Communion sad
cemmumen meditation by tne pastor.
'Kings and Priests Unto God. Epworth
Leagues at 6:30 p. m. Evening worship
at 7 :30 with Don Douria speaking on
his experiences at the recent International
Youth conference at Amsterdam. Midweek
snH the first quarterly conference Tours
day at 7:30 p. m. with Dr. J. Edgar Pur
dy as the speaker.
CHxrscH or chbist
Cottage and Shipping streets. George
Desha, minister. Bible study, 10 a. ra.
Sermon, 11 a. m, subject, "The Lord's
Supper." Sermon, 7:30 p. sa., subject.
"Which Church Did Christ Build!
Training class, 6:45 p. m.
Charca aad Chesaaketa atrecta. Rev.
George H Swift, rector. Hair Camntaa
ion, 7 :0 a. m. Church aehoot aerrice aad
enrollment, fl:4S a. as. Prayer aervjee
and seraeen, 11 a. a. Boa aid Cravaa.
irector ex tna choir.
Center at Liberty streets. Robert
Hutchinson, minister7. Church aenoal at
:45 a. as.. Dr. W. C. Job as. anperta-
tendent. Tonng people's forum. Dr. .
Oliver; leader. Worship service at
1. minister's subject: "The Quest for
Security. Special music, -
S.,::;1 w, win i;ow rignt of way; pleaded Innocent,
the entertainer.
what I mean. Now, let's see what
we can do about it
As the sow for this week has
not been definitely made yet.
there are some good opportuni
ties for some of you to work on
it Come on down to the Elsinore
at 10:45 and try out your song
or dance or whatever act you
have in mind and, putting these
together, we'll have t. swell show ,
for this week.
trial set for October 2
Marriage Licenses
Glen A. Platz, 25, salesman,
Scappoose, Ore., and Alberta E.
Getzlaff, 21, nurse, 395 North
14 th street.
Municipal Court
Frank McBride, drunk; 10 days
suspended to leave town
Abbey Breen and Jess jCftoper,
drunk;. each fined $10 and com
mitted to serve.
Highland avenue at Church atreet. T.
Clio Brown, minister. Prayer meeting
at a. as. Bible aehool at 10 a. m. Wor
ship at 11 a. m., message, "The Church,
the Body of Christ." Junior and high
rhool Christian Endeavor at 6:30 t.
Evangelistic service at 7:30 p. m. Prayer
meeting inursday at 7:30 p. m.
815 U North Commercial street. Sun
day services: Bible school, 2 p. m.; de
votional, 3 p. m. : evangelistic, 7:30 p. m.
Week nights: Tuesday, 7:30; Wednes
day, prayer and praise. 7:30; Friday,
7:30; Saturday, 7:30. U C. and Daisy
Wilson, rastora.
Center and High streets, Guy L. Drill,
minister. Church school, 9:30 a. m.
Lord's Supper and morning worship at
10:45 o'clock. Pastor's sermon theme is
"Visions From the Heights." Four C.E.
societies meet at 6:15 p. oa. Bible study
and open forum at 0:30 p. zn. Evangel-
stie song service and sermon at 7 :30
p. m., sermon theme, "The High Cost of
Sleepma. Midweek meeting of the
church Wednesday at 7 :45 p. m. -
On account of the general assembly at
Portland there will be is meetings at
the Fraternal temple Sunday night.
Salem Japanese church will observe its
annual rally day. Promotion of Sunday
achool pupila and installation of various
church officers will be held.
201 South Commercial street. Rev.
Paul A. Collord, pastor. Sunday: 8:30
a. m., radio KSLM, "Streams of Grace.
9:45 a. ra.. Sunday aehool. 11 a. m., wor
ship. 6:45 p. m.. youth croups. 7:45
p. m., evangelistic, sermon, "The Red
Horseman of the Apocalypse . . . and the
White." Tuesday, 3 p. m., missionary
prayer band, 1910 South Commercia
atreet. Wednesday, 7:45 p. as., cottage
meeting, announced. Friday, 7:30 p. m
orchestra-choir reLearaaL
Hood aad Cottage, Rev. J. F. Lawson,
pastor. Sunday aehool at 11 a. sa.. aub
jeet: "An Experience Few Have Had.'
Young people a meeting. 6:45 p. ra
Preaching. 7:45 p. m. subject. "The Bl
ble Gift of Speaking in Tongues; What
It Is and What It la Mot." Praise ser
vice, Wednesday, 7:45 p. m.
(Missouri Synod)
16th and A streets, H. W. Gross, pal
tor. Sunday aehool and Bible class,
a. m. Servieea, 10 a. m.
.T,T Laa, V. O. Q. Caaa, H. D.
Herbal remedies for ailments
ot stomach, liver, kidney, skin,
blood, glands, ft urinary Ti
tem of men A women. 22 years
la service. Naturopathic Physi
cians. Ask your neighbors
about CHAN LAM
293 Court St.; corner Liber
ty. Office open Tuesday A Sat
urday only, 10 a. m. to'l p.
S to 7 p. m. Consutatlon, blood
pressure urine tests axe free
ot charge. . .
On the screen this week. Mana
ger Porter has really built up a
show. For one big attraction he
has been able to book the i ac
tion picture in technicolor, "four
Feathers." Those who are inter
ested in aviation will appreciate
Seaside Fire Fatal
ASTORIA, Sept. lS-Oipy-Fire
claimed the life of Frank G.
Burns, 32, Seaside logger, today.
He was burned in an apartment on
the outskirts of Seaside.
month. It's called "Soldiers in Will Sing Sunday
the Air" ana snows a 101 or, pic
tures of the United States array
air corns. For those who like
a-ood music, we have an Interest
ing short subject of "Music in
the- Moraan Manner" starring
Russ Morgan and his orchestra,
plus chapter 13 of ""he Oregon
Would like to see a lot; of I
you out this week both for; re
hearsal and for the show. Don't
forget, rehearsal at 10:45 with
Brajl and the gang, and the show
starts at approximtely 12:45.
with the atat:e show at 1. See
you. then.: . - I
Mickey Mouse' Chief
Hop Pickers
WUl take all pickers at
- and return dally.
1 . Register at '-:-
433 State St.
- :
13th and Center streets, Leo Webster
collar, ra-tor. s a. m.. early risers
prayer meeting. 9:45 a. m., Sunday Bi
ble school, -classes arranged in age
groups to meet the need of all. 11 a. m.
worship: duet, Mr. and Mrs. John Frie-
sen: ofiertory. Heal Caahion and orches
tra; choir special directed by Ernest
Friesen; sermon, "Vexing the Holy Spirit
or Uod. e:5 p. in., young people
activities, junior, intermediate, Hi-N-T
and aenior trroapa. 7:45 p. m.. evangel
iatic aerrice, spirited congregational
singing ; trio, M i a a e a Helen, Frances
and Mariorie Friesen: offertory; choir
special; sermrn, "The Sin Unto Death,
or Unpardonable Bin.
776 Gerth avenue. West Salem. Sun
day school. 10 a. m. Morning worship.
11 o'clock. Evangelistic service, 7:45
p. m. Midweek services, Wednesday and
Friday, 7:45 p. m. Children s cnurc.n
Saturday afternoons at 2 o'clock with
Mary E. Bales in charge. W. A. Cram
packer, pastor.
South Commercial and Myera streets,
Dean C. Poindexter, minister. Sunday
school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 1
o'clock, sermon: "Listening to God. Ep
worth League. 6:30 v. m. Evening aer-
v!ee, 7:30, message, "If We Confess Our
Sins " Mr. and Mrs. William Bush of
Porttsni will sing "The Lord la My
Shepherd," arranged by 'Smith, at the
momma service. I be yonnc people
conduct the worship for the evening ser
19th and Breyman atreeta, Bev. Stew'
art G. and Juanita M. Billings. Son
day: 9:45 a. nt.. Sunday aehool. 11 a. m
worship bonr. Rev. Jaanita M. Billings
speaking on ' Christ Is Our Befuge.
6:30 p. m., Cruaader and Berean ser
vice 1. 7:45 n. m., evanrellstie service.
Rev. Stewart O. Billings preaching oa
"M. R, A., or Can Aatetiea Lift Herself
by Had Bootatrapa!" Wednesday, T:45
P. m prayer and Praise aerrice. Fri-
day, :30 p. m fellowship dinner for
all mesnbera and friends. Bring basket
0NG Rifles Are
4tH in Matclies
Team Bates High Among
47 Other Squads at
National Shoot
The Oregon national guard, fin
ished fourth In a field of 47 na
tional guard rifle teams at the
national rifle matches at Camp
Perry, Ohio, while It placed lXth
In the entire field of ltT regular
army, national guard, reserve of
ficers and civilian teams, the na
tional guard headquarters an
nounced here yesterday.
Among national guard teams,
only Ohio, Connecticut and Cali
fornia placed higher than Oregon,
whose team scored 2,6Sz oat of a
possible 3,000. The Oregon team
now is on its way home.
Members of the Oregon team
and their scores follow S00 being
a perlect score:
1st Lieutenant Delbert D. Hol
land. 271, Sergeant Joseph C.
Bash 275, and Corporal Willis Na
Rappe 275, all of company B,
ISCth infantry, Portland; Master
Sergeant Edward J. Hardt 270,
service company, IS 2d infantry.
Portland; 1st Lieutenant Richard
M. Brewster 268, battery A, 212th
field artillery, Portland; Sergeant
Challis V. Allen 2S6 and Sergeant
George D. Waterman 245, both
of company B, 162d Infantry, Sa
lem; Sergeant Howard M. Peter
son 264, company E, 186th in
fantry. La Grande; Corporal
Henry P. Carsner 259, company
;K. 18 infantry, St. Helens,
and Corporal Walter E. Moore
269, company F, 186th Infantry,
Dr. Edward Blair
; i . '
The Salem MiivUterial association
will hear a talk Monday morn
ins; oa "Palestine and the
World Today" by Dr. Edward
Blair, professor of Biblical lit
erature at Seattle Pacific col
Lutheran Youths
In Session Midst
Today the 39th annual Colum
bla district Luther league conven
tion swings into its second day,
with group discussions, talks by
delegates to the world youth con
ference at Amsterdam, a formal
banquet and annual fun night
highlighting the program. Ses
sions are held at the Salem
American Lutheran church.
A sight-seeing trip will follow
a 12 o'clock luncheon. At 12:30
talks by youth conference dele
gates will be given at the church.
At the formal banquet, which be
gins at 6:30, short talks will be
given by delegates to the Luther
League of America convention in
Long Beach, Calif.
Sunday morning at 7 o'clock
a worship broadcast over KSLM
tfill be conducted from the ro
tunda of the i-Epltol building.
Judge George Rossman of the
supreme court will be guest
SoKcitor Fakes
Welf arb Approval
Commission Chairman Say
no Subscription Deal
Authorized Here
MRA Trio Heard
By Realty Board
Reform Begins With Each
Individual, Stressed by
Three Speakers
Emphasis on the Moral Rearm
ament principle that the first
place to start reforming the world
is within one's own life and that
the next is the family circle, feat
ured : remarks of three members
of the MRA team now on the Pa
cific coast, at the Salem Realty
board luncheon Friday noon.
The speakers were Cecil "Cere
al" Harvest, English farmer; Dick
Thurber, journalism student from
Pasadena and Francis Bradley of
Harvest outlined the rapid
spread of Moral Rearmament, its
endorsement by such notables of
divergent views as President Roos
evelt' and Ex-president ..Herbert
Hoover, and Its success to date In
eliminating International stress.
as between Norway and Denmark.
in both of which countries It has
gained a strong foothold.
Cites Experience -Thurber
depicted the marked
change which occurred in his own
family when all members became
morally rearmed," and outlined
the cooperation which the move
ment has received from the press
on the Pacific coast.
Moral Rearmament's strong ap
peal at present represents in part
a reaction from the cynical atti
tude which prevailed following
the World war; a realization that
the "practical" solutions then ad
vocated hare proved unavailing.
Bradley stated at his opinion.
Old age assistance clients of the
Marlon county; public welfare com
mission were warned yesterday by
LaMoine R. Clark, chairman, that
the commission had not endorsed
solicitation reported being made
for a Washington, DC pension pa
Per. , j
The solicitor, an unidentified
man, has called on several of the
commission's clients and, repre
senting hlmself as from either
tne renei ' or "tne social secur
ity board, ha$ urged them to sub
scribe to an uinamed dally Wash
ington paper which he states will
keep them informed of the gov
ernment's efforts to secure 830 to
350 monthly pensions for. all per
sons over 65 jyears of age, Mrs.
Clark said. Ha has asked from 21
to 33 for subscriptions.
"The commission, the chair
man declared,! "has authorized no
one to represent it in any way to
take subscriptions for anything."
M. E. Holcqmb, welfare ad nun -
Rev. P. W. Erikaen. 9:45 a. m.. Sun
day, school, Oscar Ludahl, superintend
ent," Dr. A. S. Jeasen teaches Luther
Lcaroa. Convention Bibla elaas. 9:45
a. m. Jndfe -Georgs Rossman addressaa
the L.L. convention group in the ro
tunda at rapitol. 9 a. sn.ll a. n., morn-
ins worship: call to worship. "Dear
Lord and Father of Mankind. choir;
Beautiful Saviour. audience: Com
mon Service," audience: anthem, "Pray
er of Thai.ksxrvinc." choir. Prof. E. W.
Hobson. director: otlertorv solo. " Alone
with Thee, Miss Longine Brietxke; ser
mon, ""Christ in Crises,'" Dr. Ii. H.
Steinheff: prayer, benediction, doxoloer.
Closing of the three day convention of
Luther Leagues of Columbia district at
4 p. n. it the charch.
Opera Star WUl
Sing at Church
Virginia La Rae, soprano star
of the San Carlo opera and the
Chicago opera company will sing
at the Sunday night services of
the First Presbyterian church.
September 17.
Miss La Rae is well known to
local music lovers for her appear
ances as soloist with the Portland
Symphony orchestra on three oc
In addition to her Oregon per
formances, Miss La Rae has
toured with the San Carlo, has
been leading coloratura soprano
of the Chicago opera company and
has been heard on the three major
networks. In private life the so
prano is the wife of George Lee
Marks, new director of music for
the Presbyterian church.
For her solo Sunday Miss La
Rae will sing "The Holy City"
by Adams. ,
The Sunday night service has
been designated as "women's
night." and Rev. W. Irvln Wil
liams' subject will be "Women,
Enlist Here:"
Douris to Tell
World Adventure
Don Douris, well known Sa
lem young man, who was one of
the delegates from Oregon to the
International Christian Youth
Conference recently held at Am
sterdam, Holland, will give a re
port of his experiences in his
home church, Jason Lee Metho
dist, Sunday night at 7:30 o
The public will be welcome to
hear first hand from Mr. Douris
of his Interesting, experiences in
Germany, 'England, Switzerland
and France as well as his report
of the first International Youth
Capital Ad Club
Hears Coast Head
The great American public may
like "little yellow baskets" but
they are not consumers of yellow
apples according to Norton W,
Mogge, president of the Pacific
Coast Advertising Clubs associa
tion, who spoke to the Salem Ad
club last night at the Quelle.
Mogge, beside being president
of ad clubs, Is the Seattle direc
tor of the J. Walter Thompson
advertising agency, the organiza
tlon responsible, for publicizing
Washington apples and Alaska
pink salmon.
"Industry Advertising" was the
topic of Mogge's address where
in he touched briefly on sales
campaigns. He stressed the need
of the state of Oregon for an ex
tensive campaign covering vari
ous fruits grown in this state.
Mr. Mogge pointed out that
several states had passed legisla
tion making certain advertising
campaigns compulsory in the
larger agricultural enterprises.
istrator, said
People Get Jobs,
UCC Saves Funds
Placements by the Oregon state
employment service of 4,932 un
employment compensation clat- -mants
in paying Jobs during the
first seven months of 1939 re
sulted in a minimum saving of
$216,707 to the state benefit
fund, acco.ding to a study com
pleted by the commission's re
search and statistics department.
This amount is based upon
only one month's work for each
placement, which is the bare mi
nimum for regular placements
under employment service stan
dards. Officials opined that the
actual saving probably exceeded
half a million dollars.
he was certain the
social security board also had not
authorized the solicitation.
Trade Review Brighter
PORTLAND, Sept. 15.-(lf)-ne-tail
sales for the week show an in
crease of 1 per cent over the
previous week in the Portland
area, Dun's Weekly Review said
Will Make Plans
For Grange Bazaar
A series of lectures on modern
problems will be given Sunday
nights In October by Rev. Robert
A. Hutchinson, minister of the
First Congregational church. The
church resumes its regular sched
ule of services next Sunday. Dr.
William C. Jones has assumed the
superintendency of the church
school; Dr. E. S. Oliver will be
the leader of the young people's
forum, a discussion group for col
lege students. The men's club
under the direction of Ray A. Yo-
c o m is planning an interesting
program for the fall and winter.
Eggstaf f Engineer
PORTLAND, Sept 1 5--E.
R. Fletcher and R. Eggstaff of
Salem were granted certificates
today to practice professional en
gineering in Oregon.
for PERSONAL and
or PORTinnn
Virginia La Rae (Mrs. George
Lee i Harks) will sins "The
v Holy City" at the First Presby
terian church Sunday night.
She has appeared with opera
and symphony orchestras.
Your Favorite Chinese Dinners
We specallise la Chew Mein,
Chop Suey, Noodles, Egg Fo
yonng, and all fancy Chinese
dishes, union HOUSE
We cater to banquets; pri
Tate parties. Special Sunday
JDlnner 60c Orders to take
oat day or night.
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Phone Tour Order for Chinese Dishes to Take Home Any Time
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dlabvtia, raaaaoatisns. salt aad
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Chinese Herb Co.
8. B. fNt 8 years'
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