I'XiimX&l--JHZimQik K3ttf tttiteklH&it&UiU:: tiUt. tH. r" The OREGON STATESMAN,' Salela, Oregon, Friday Morning, Septembers, 1939 FAGE NINETEEN Market Flaee for Buy in on 9 Sale in ipm ftv urn et I ... o Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Adverttelng Single Insertion per line lOc Three Insertions per line - 20c SU Insertions per line Me One month per line -$l 00 Minlmnm charge ... 8 Copy for this page sceepted an'" the esenlng before publire Hon for elaaslflrstlon - Cepy re eelsetf after this time wilt be run under the beading "Too l-ate to Classlfy.- Tbe Statisman inuffltt ne flnan jtal responsibility for errors whir stay appear In advertisement inb tlshed In Its columns and In ease where this paper Is at fault H re print that part of an edeertlsement In which the typographical njistak occurs. The Statesman reserves ttur right to relect questionable advertising It further reserves the right to place ell advertising under the proper classification . A "Blind" Ad--aa ad contalnlne a Statesman bos number for en ad dress ta for the protection ef th advertiser and must therefore he answered by' letter The Statesmen Is not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to the Identity of en adver tiser ua I rut e "Blind ad. Livestock . DEAD AND worthless horses, rows I picked op free. Ph. collect 641 1 8alem Montgomery Rend Wee ( 2 ROM NET BITCKS for sale L. ' Townaend. 885 S. Com'L FOR SALE 1 fine young milk gost. , arade buck. Price 35. Also 2 nice milk i goats, milking. lltO Waller St.. Salem I: Phone C682. Hop Pickers .-: HOP PIOKINtl commences on 1111 I ties hoo ranch Frldav. September 1 I H : milea east of Salem. Bis croo. Roy Hardman. foreman : phone farmer's ; ilne. 100F5. OURTRUCKS leave every morning - at - n m from the corner of State and ; Commercial street for the RORFRTS HOP yard. For information and ar- i rangements. phone S623 or 15. iz. I HOP PICKERS wanted at Williams end Thacker. Truck leaving east side of bridge at I o'clock. Tel. -9814. NEE MORE hop pickers come If only for a dav. 11.50 hundred. Gilbert . Farm Co.. Eola 5730. Help Wanted :S30 WEEK I. T GROW mushroom cellar, ehed We buy. 25c lb. World's largest company FREE ROOK. Mnsh rooms. 1011 Second feattle Wssh WANTED AT COUNTRT ESTATE 'Married couple between SO and 50 years of ego no children for maid and gardner. Write experience, etntlng age and giving references. Address box 90. RFD 2. alem. Oregon. MAN AND wife for farm work. Jsmee H. Msden, 217 State St.. Salem. Help Wanted Male BARBER FOR Saturday ? Ifr.SO guarantee. Adams Shop, Stayton. SHINGLER WANTED. I want pro posals for laving shingles on a new barn room. More than 100 squares. A part will be ready ln about ten days, the remainder soon after. E. A. Rho ten. 1595 S. High St., Salem. Help Wanted Female WANTED, GIRL to housework. 935 Gaines. assist with I geessSSsaassssaassssaSaseaSTsMssseMMWSNsgA WANTED J NEAT attractive sales ladies for local firm. Salary, commis sion if qualify. See Mrs. West. Ant. 12. zT Fori land Rrt.at airgrounas cot tage. Hours 9 till 4 p. m. MIDDLE-AGED lady for housework. Phone 8511. 2380 Fairgrounds road. GIRL FOR housework. Tel. 94 45. EXP. WOMAN wants hsekpg. Ref- GjcookWrlte or csll 837 N. Winter. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. Middle aged woman - preferred.- Ph. 8089. HSEKPR. FOR bachelor on farm : take full charge. Apt 504 Norway St, Silverton, GIRL FOR general housework, three In family. Phore 7565. Salesmen Wanted IF TOU ARE AMBITIOUS you can make 1 good money with a Rawleigh miTV Vis haln TfOtl sTPt Bt&rtU. INO CXa I periewne needed. Steaoy wora w rwni man. Write Rawleigh', Box ORI-187- j A, n.iauu, vauu I Situations Wanted RAMSETER TRUCK service. Gen eral hauling, reasonable rates. F 8854 EXP. WOMAN COOK wants restau rant or lunch room work. 1772 Center DRESSMAK MRS Adam Ph 8T DRESSMAKING. 7984, 2011 a Com. j DRESSMAKING. TAILORING, coat rellnlns. U98 S. Liberty St TOUNO MAN wishes work. Anything permanent with- a future. Gar. or serv. sta. preferred. Bos 1088. Statesman. MIDDLE-AGED lady for housework. Phone 8511. 2380; Fairgrounds Rd. WANT JOB with dairy, dependable and married, exp.. young. 245 E. Miller ' ST EN. WISHES wk. 1098 Statesman. EXP. 'WOMAN wants honeekeeplne. References. Good cook. Write or call 827 North Winter. sssaaSSaaBskskBskkisWSk HOUSES AND garages modeling. Itans arranged built, re - estimates free. Phone 5588. Floyd Llneberger. ; For Sale MiwvHanpons eBBaBBB-aasaM--saa-aMi-s REBUILT ; AND gnaranteed jrash era All makes from 318 up. 8 pee. Msy tag 316. Hog Rrna . . ADVBRTIS1NO Western Advertlslnt Repreaentatlyea Qeorge IX Oeee. lne. Saa Franc Isca Loe Angeles, Seattle Eaatera Adrertisli-i RepreaenUtlTes Bryant Grimth A Bnmsaa. toe CUlcaro. New' fork. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta Catered at te Fort a tic mt Seleei Orifon. as Aeeend Class Matter. Pefr. Htked every sunrist eecest Mon4a. 0raese eftee 8J8 SoetA CeMSMreteil Street. ' ' -.- A '''"s2?l SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' un Suhaertntion Ratea la Advae Wlibla Oregon: Dally and Sunday lo. se cents: 1 Ma. tlilt l Ma 32.68 i rear 85.88. Elsewhere It cente pet Me, or $6.86 for 1 rear tn advance, Per copy t cents. Newsstands eeota ..Rr CMt Carrier t 66 ce&U BMWtb: 87.26 a rear ta advance Martoa I For Sale -Miscellaneous I SAVE S20.ee ON new 1338 Duo- Therm oil burning circulator; I te 8 room capacity, only 159.60. Easy terms. Good Housekeeping Inc. 453 Court St. ARMT WALL tent. 235 S. 14th. 'tjesee'esseessesseaaeeeajeejn CASH FOR furn Ph Hie. SEELT TTTFTLESS. full sise cotton nuittrrsa. sells news at $42.50 used price, 1S. 50. Cohn Bros. Furn. Co J0 N. Liberty. W-S-SNIMMMMMMMalS HI. DRR. fJRO win lift rhemekt Kike IU. finmiu1n Ml Ub VSreVeWMrAAAAA GOLDEN CROSS can, corn i.TFll. USED WOOD Fleet ric and gas ranges. Priced to sell YF.ATER RUSH CO. 25S N, IJberty Next To Power Co. WATKTNS Prod.. 1725 Mad. 7105 eiwVslsVVUyVMwVWMMMMMwVVMMWVV TOUNQ MAN'S black suit and blue snorts coat, size 27. Almost new. Ph. 4312 Vy"8' , J-Lru.---.-.-i.r r n - - BRAND NEW davenport chair with all-spring filled reversible cush ions snecinl. $29.95. Colin Bros. Furn Co.. 205 K. Liberty St. nsrcn I.ItnSARn refrigerator, guar anteed. 149.50. Easy terms. Good Housekeeping Inc. 452 Court St. GOOD ELECTRIC stove, deer or elk rifle, stood manele. Ph. 7212. CAR HEATER, new deluxe model. i Sacrifice for cash. Ph. B1SZ. PERENNIAL FIXIWERS seed. White's Greenhouse. 1855 N. 8ummer LATE IMPHOVTn Elberta neachea now ready. Puritan Cider Worts, west saiera. SMALL PIANO with beautiful tone. cheap. 1(90 8. Cottage. WRECKING LARGE house, corner State A 21st: doors, windows, plumb ing, fixtures, brick roofing lumner. FULL SIZE hed dnveno with full bedding comportment In choice tapes- I rry coverini. iwmn pew. imm m.. Spec. $27.88. $1.00 down. Cohn Bros. Furn. Co., 20a N. Liberty. '39 ZENITH COMB, radio. Ph. 4508 USED SCHOOL hnokd and children encyclopedia, 47 Court. i 25-25 RIFLE. 1S40 COURT ST. $15.00 BEATTTYRF.ST. FULL siie mattress, like new. for $35. or trade for twin bed mattress. Box &6. isinres- man. MATTRESS SALE. Close nut prices all state fair sample mattresses. Rive 60. Large stock. Nash Furniture jo. SAVE 10 on famous Lane all-wood range. Buv or order now. Discounts for limited time only. Nash Furniture Co. ssesasfckJseees LARGE SIZE State TTentrnla store for cash or trade for wood. A'n lare dinln room table. 188 N. 1?th. USED LIVING room $25.00. Mo hair davenport, owns, chair, lamp shade, end table, round mirror, smoker framed pit-ire. 1 00 down. Cohn Bros. Furn. Co.. 305 X. Liberty. SO-SO STANDARD RTFLE. $20. 2- whee' slfiener trailer, $6S. 1763 Broad way. Ph. 8158. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTKK IISKP furn l"h ilie OI.I WOOI maltres Tel 81 10 WANTED 'TO buv for msh. 1st 2nd mortgage real estate contract A merchandise discount proper. STATE FINANCE CO 844 State Street Snlem Oregon WANTED FOR cash, walnuts fil berts. Also meats. M. Klorfein Pack ing Co.. 280 S. High. Phone 763S. Wanted Furniture WANTED FURN.. Forgey. P. T445. Miscellaneous Broken Lenses Replaced in Two Hours DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST OPTICAL. DEPT. Tn churn of Dr. Fred Paeeler and Dr. W. W. Frazee. Optometrists Adolph Bldg.. State Commercial Phone 831 1 For Rent Rooms SIJCEHING RMS.. near schools anc cap'tnl 492 N. Summer. Ph. 4498. VArwUVWsVWvii V" s ss ess ROOMS. PH. 8917. 898 N. Cottage. DESIRABLE SLEEPING room. prl. entrance. Tel. 59 1 7. PL. FURN. rm. Central. P. i 8229. T? -wimai Rooms. Special weekly and monthly to perm, quests. Marlon Loiiee Shop .jeiicioUa meals atlowpHces. wp""mwww.. ------ - - fLJSAis.. nn aressins mu v,wr traL $10. 353 N. CapitoL Room and Board R A B. 1090 N. Summer. Ph. 4614. TBL. BOARD, esc. food. 650 Marlon. n r n i -- RM.. 2 STUDENTS. $10. Ph. 7313. ROOM. BOARD. 1547 Court St RM. BD. A gar. $25. 1040 N. 17th. EXCL. MEALS. prL home. Ph. 731. - - - - CLOSE IN Phone 3859. reas. price. COIJL.EGE BOTS room and board. adioinlng campus. 16s J. lltn. GD. MEALS clean rms. 995 S. 15th DOUBLE ROOM with board A laun dry: also table board. 455 N. Cottage. For Rent Apartments SEE THE Fisher Apts. before you 1 decide Lara. A Alrv. Rockwool In- I sule ted against best A cold, enetian Blinds throughout a. comi. iw sms ' m m m mmmm l RM. FURN. aot- dress, rm.. pull- man kitchen, lady. 6 S. Summer. 3 ROOM FURNISHED spartments reasonable. 841 N Liberty St 2 RM. FURN. 45 S. 12th. FURN. HEATED apt, 460 N. 18th RM. NEWLT furn. Heat water refrht both, adulta ssi N. nrrjc- rowrnPT 1 1 tt R HOME- LIKE reasonable. Hawthorne Court 1000 N Canltni st JMMi's-'ss4- STRICTLY MOa The Deversaux. Llvestock ATTENTION Stockmen PHONE till All stock men, fanners and dealers If yon happen ta have Dead er Worthless Horses, Cows, Hogs or Sheep, etc. Just call COLLECT Mil Salem and ear track wiH be at your place without delay and we . will pay yon accordingly. I Montgomery Rendering Works Salem Money to Loan We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR INCOME No Endorsees No Comakers Your Signature Only REPAY ANT DAT TO REDCCB COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLD ESI AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YOUR NEEDS Rlfr CE1VB PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE. Genera! Finance Corp. 131 So Commercial St. Lie, First Door South ot tadd A Bush Bank FHA LOANS 4H. also private loans Abrams A Ellis. Inc. Masonic Bldg. AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Stb FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. 11-168 $300 .00 FOR FALL AND WINTER NEEDS REDUCE BURDENSOME IN- STAL1.MENTS. RID YOURSELF OF OLD DEBTS. CONSOLIDATE ALL BILLS INTO ONE. GET CASH FOR SCHOOL NEEDS. REDUCE HIGH CAR PAYMENTS. Our liberal, flexible credit require ments make it asy to borrow. Our convenient payment plane make It easy to repay. (A modest salary Is our main requirement.) Tou are under no obligation when yon call at the offices ot the People's Finance Co. 2nd Floor. First Nat'L Bank Bids. Salem. Oregon Phone 4441 S-212 State License M-220 FHA LOANS 4U. also oriv. loans. Abrams A Ellis. Inc.. Masonic Bide. PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape. You will re tain possession of the vehicle. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 13C South Commercial Street 1 Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-15I 1st Choice From Coast to Coast. Here's Why: Reasonable Terms $ 6.1)3 mo. repays $ 60 in 12 mos. 8 7.27 mo. repays 8100 In 18 mos. 813.03 mo. repays $180 in 18 mos. $18.18 mo. repays $250 in 18 mos. No cosigners or special kind of security needed. 1 Ite quicker you repay the less the cost. We appreciate your business. PBEK CONSULTATION. IN OUR OF- VJrv. OR AT YOTTR HOME WITH OUT OBLIGATION. SEE OR PHONE OUR UK. JiUlSM. PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor, New Bligh Bldg. sis Kfat. strt Salem. Ore iron State License Numbers S-122 M-185 Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing inquire at Hawkins nooerts WANTED PK1VATE MONET TO LOAN en good Salem real es tate. Win pay 8 Interest. w. h. QKABENHimar vu REALTORS 134 9. Liberty Street Phone 8488 For Rent Apartments FURN. APTS, adults. $17. Phw 5018. 3-RM. FURN.. bath. 1440 Waller. HAU1CS MODERN apts.. TeL 8201 8 OR 4 R. hse.. apts.. 135 N. Com'L I wIre Dri k.,, floor, outside ent. 1,'e .near.' high and state capitot TeL 5977, NICE FURN apt, M0 Union. 1 TO 4-RM. apta. cheap. $1 6S m.nt up Children welcome 1810 1 8tB. FURN. APT.. 2261 Hazel. Ph. 7664. PATTON APTS- 821 Stat. Fur alshed. Adults only. PH S44 '" 1 R. Prl. bath. ent. 25 a Cottage. 9 BT KS N- tita-h arhll Small nested sot., built-ins. 312.50 mo. HIS N. 13tn Street, 1 0 I -ver trAn TXT l.a m4b CKaan's Winter rates. Shoen's Cot ta ires Junction 12th A Pac. bwy. S. A GWJ-S. PULLMAN. BUS. worn 185? Court l-RM DUPLEX furn. cot Frig- gar, elec. washer. 77$ N. Com'l. 2-RM. HEATED apta 444 S. High. 3-RM. FURN. apt 780 N. winter. 2 RMS.. Its., wat. gar. "$12.50. 7113. 2 RM. APT., elec, refrlg., automaUc beat 320.00. 355 S. I4th. CL. 2 R, furn. heat. 674 N. Church. "ftjrTTrIlTT rna. couole 315. sineie 310. 510 Judson and South High, ph.- czoa 3 RM. MOD. furn. 1553 State. For Rent Houses FURNISHED and unfurn. housea H. P. GRANT. 529 Court Ph. 6744 FURNISHED HOUSE, 1337 Court St Phono 6926. FURN. HOUSE. 56 S. 16th. T RM. HSE. turn. 2425 Hael Ave. Livestoek and Farmers PHONE I4U Money to Loan Ns. 8-121 Phone till Convenient Ground Floor Location For RentHouses MODERN 4 ROOM duplex apt. nice ly furnished. Elec ret elec range. basement, furnace A fireplace, garage. 3Z8.be. a M. EARLE. Phone 9871 or 28C5. T RM. DWELLING Falrmount Htil partly furn., piano, well landscaped yard $40. also 10 rm. bouse near high school, SZ5. IVAN G. MARTIN. Tel. 4419 SALE OR rent Sub. rm. has. Ino, at R. z. Box 15. Ealem. UNF. DUPLEX. 2-4 R-. close. 5825. 5 R. HOUSE, partly furnished. $25 285 Madrona Ave.. Salem Heights. FOR RENT four room completely furnished cottage. 1045 Shipping St. S RM. HOUSE, unfurn.. good condi tion, gar- sze. 4 Market. Tel. st MOD. LARGE home. C7I N. Cottage. FURNISHED 4 ROOM modern cot tage. izs.OO. 255 N. 24tb St. Phone 3849, C RM. HOUSE near hleh school. Call 8893 or 8409 after o clock. -------"- """ i'ii,r,n ii nnru-Lnjuuui MOD. 4 RM. furn- full basement rurnace. 2Z mo. Fn. 42F3. SssJssesaeJajaessrftt SMALL HOUSE partly furnished. 335 S. 15th. 5-ROOM MODERN home. 515 High St $35 month. Phone 6911. 5-RM. FURN. hse. 760 S. Com'L RM. MOD. hse.. $30.00. 8 rm. mod. hse $40.00. Ph. 8632. eves. 8364, 6 RM. HSE, 1233 N. Church. $18. iwmiitmuffWfjfj'fjf'f E ROOM HOUSE, close to school, 533 Richmond Ave. Inq. Rt 3, Box 545, a mnes is. on uoerty tm. AAsissaksstkkaaa, 6 RMS.. SO. Salem. 818.00. 1220 Center. 8 rooms. $20. O. . RAE, 1655 N. Cottage. Ph. 671, 3 A 4 RMS.. $20 A $22, 5 rms.. $25, 4 oarmg.. rum, hse. nr. st. hse.. j3a. 7111, For Rent- Farms 23 ACRES. 9 ML N. W. Salem: mi. s. Spring valley school : 7 rm. mod. ern house, fine barn, garage, other bldgs. 7 A. r runes, other fruit $225, Other farms. B. A. Kliks. McMinnville. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS, 881 State Street. Inquire room 200 Tel 2718. 5 RM. HSE. A gar.. $20. 2 rm. mod. apt. 818. 1709 Center. Ph. 8121. FURN. COTTAGE. 2 rms. A bath. $19 per mo. 689 N. CapltoL Back of Town Hill. Wanted to Rent WANTED 2 BDRM. mod. furn. hse sub. home con. Box 1095, Statesman. For Sale Real Estate TODAY'S SPECIAL $250 DOWN A $25 PER mo. will buy a 5-room, plast house with basement ft garage. Corner lot shade trees. Not far from schools. Price $2500. CALL G. H. GRABENHORST. JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO- REALTORS 134 & Liberty St Phone 64(8. TRADE C1T property for tann hones Opportunities in exchangee HAWKINS ft RCIBKRTS. inc. t R MODERN house close In. Like rent Let's look. Ph. 6155. TODATS LOT SPECIAL $275 WILL BUY an E. front lot 60x100 located In E. Salem near pen Itentlary. St A sidewalk In. An excep tional buy. CALL G. H. GRABENHORST. JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 646$. FOR SALE or trade, my equity In new modern house. Will take truck or car. 864 S 21st. WB HAY B THB PROSPECT IF TOU want te sell exchange lease, rent see Mr. Lersen or Mr. Col lins with Hswklns A Roberts. PRICED TO SELL K ROOMS ALL mod. Located In N. E. Salem on paved st. about two years old. Lot 60x137. Price $3250. $300 down A $25 per mo. We also have several other brand new houses on very reas onable terms. Call la and let ua show you them. SEC U. H. GRABENHORST, JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6118. WHY RENT when, von can buv as cheaply a new o-roora modern house 7 Restricted district l block from bus line. Owner 6506. Easy terms. 812503250 down. 315 mo. burs this 8-room and bath. Walking distance. Buy this for an investment. C H. SANDERS. 118 8. High. 5131. LOT BARGAIN LOCATED NEAR Market and N. 17th Sta Price $250. clear title. ITS A JBUX. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 184 S. Liberty St Phone 6488. I HAVE a lot corner 15th and Nor wav. Will furnish Plana finance on easy terms to suit Floyd C HeadrlcK Teu 4946. 225 DOWN BAL. $10 PER mo., will buy a fine building lot on pavement Price 8500, Located northeast many new homes being constructed nearby. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 6468. JASON LEE DISTRICT T RM. MODERN HOME. Well built, hardwood. VERT DESIRABLE. $3750, $300 down, $40 mo. NO OBLIGATION TO SHOW H. P. GRANT 629 Court St Phone 6744-8320 STRICTLY MODERN NEW 4 TOU bungalow with nook A laundry rm., 1 acre close to school. $100 dn- baL $26 per mo. Including taxes A int RICH L. REIMANN, 167 S. High St Phone 8632 SNAP OLD STYLES home In need of repair, fine lot 66x122 feet located clooe tn. north. 7 rooms, double garage. Price $1050 cash. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Phone 6461 10 A- E. OF TOWN, 5 rm. plastered bse barn A outbldga, elec. lights A elec.. water system. Price $2800, $300 On- bat like rent H A. 4 rm. hae water, lights, aa pavement next to school. Price $650.0. Easy terms. - - S bedrm. reconditioned hse- valuable corner lot. close In. $2100. Terma Modern 6 rtna. A nook, S bedrma. 200. 8. Salem. Terma. L. REIMANN. 167 8. BlfB St none For Sale Real Estate S A. NO BLDG 3.' Close to Salem. Bargain for cash. 2055 N. Church. - - - - -i- - - "i".-rfv-M-yM-w-ww-i-LWVl 1250 DOWN BAL. 125 PER mo., win buy this I R. plastered home la excellent condi tion. Located within 4 blocks of su preme court tldg. Price $2150. IMME DIATE POSSESSION. W. H. GRABENHORST AA CO, REALTORS 124 a Liberty St. Phone 1462 SUBURBAN HOME, priced right Box 260. Morgan Ave, MODERN 5 R. HOUSE with attic 8 nice lots. Completely furnished has autcmatic heet Basement hardwood floors, fireplace. All for $4500. terms. 5 acres, s R. house. Other bides. East of 4 Corners. To exchange for house In saiera. 6U. acres, 7 R. house, barn. Lots of fruit; other bldgs.; on paving. Price stzuu. tasv terms. New 5 K. modern house basement automatic furnace. Hardwood floors. Fireplace. Good location, out N. K. Priced at $4100. -terms. VOSBURGH-GRANT Masonic Bldg. Phone $111. 2650 BUYS V A. 4 RM. hse.. on paved rd. Near school and store, $100 dru, $12 per mo. K. A. fO KK N ER-H. T. UEBttt 1853 N. Capitol FOR SALE Lots owned by City $125. to $800. See any real estate man or call 8632 16? a High Street i i rxrvjjjjrsffrf HERE IT IS. FOLKS BUILT FOR two. Two yearn old. Neat S rm. bouse close in, north. Nice bath; only $1476, $50 down, $20 per month. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATB 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Phone 69ft Exchange Real Estate EXCHANGE S ACRE TRACT close to cltv limits price $2000 for Salem home or In come property will assume A pay dlf- xerence. uan Mrs. tills with CHTLDS A MILLER REALTORS 244 State Street Phone 8281 ssssJsJsJpSssaat 8-RM HSE. 1233, care Statesman. ii"VsJVVVnjUTjnjTJXI TO TRADE eouitv In 8 acre nlace, modern S-rm house, hen bouse, barn. garage xor truck, s miles out A. C Hawkins. 1395 IS. Liberty, WILL TRADE modern country home, 5 acres. 4 large bedrooms, oil heat fine shrubbery, 15 minutes city center Portland, for Salem home What have you? Box 1097. Statesman. WILL ACCEPT Salem home on 22 acres, fair bldgs., running' stream, free irrigation, possession at once. O. E. RAF, 1635 N. Cottage, Ph. 71 For SaleFarms , FARMS A HOMES For rent sale. trade. Oregon Land Co. Highway. Woodburn. Oregon. BELIEVE IT OR NOT WE HAVE a valley farm of ltl acres to trade for a Nebraska farm- prefer near Lincoln or Omaha. What nave you to offer? Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261, A WORD TO THE WISE MAKE YOUR farm selection now while values are low prices are going up. ee this line IK acres N. or Sa letn exceptional set of modern bulldines. good valley soil, close in and only $12,- ouo. ThinK of it Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 -,r.1)u-tJu-(J-J-u-Lru-n SELL LIKE rent 100 A.. 8 mi. out 86 A. cult Sell on easy terms to re sponsible purchaser. Call at once I H. P. GRANT 529 Court Street Fhone 8744 Acreage CLOSE IN 5 ACRES NICELY LOCATED at the rldhn. lousiy low price of $1050. See it today. ltl Air. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 Z ACKKS east. NmuI rinlnir iin. idvu; iuw aown, a month. U. f. GRANT. 629 Court St i m m - urjnrinjju'xruXX" FOR QUICK SALE 10 acres, east Close citv limits. Vers fine soil, older buildlnars. elec. A rood our. szsuv : 3uo down. C. H. SANDERS. 118 S. High. 5131 aaes- - i'-j , irLitlU'nj'jJru'Xf ONE ACRE TRACT BEST OF soil. Price 3300. onlv 1S down, baL $10 per mo., good location. east or saiem. SEE. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. " .ss-vrvv-i-vxfvxjT BUILD HERE 2V4 ACRE TRACTS, onlv 3100 down. bat $15 per mo. Price $1050. fine lo cation east, near silverton rd. w. it GRABENHORST A CO, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6468, Wanted Real Estate WTD. 3 BRM. mod. hse. nn tn 14500 cash. Must be a bargain. Ph. 7113. Business Opportunities ACRE With aaa numn and road- aide Inn, some equipment also private residence en K ri. Ail 317S0. C H. SANDERS. 118 & Hbrh. 5131. FOR SALE or lease, restaurant and confectionery fixtures. K. A. Folsom. Coquille. Oregon. - - - .... -M-ii- -in.n-ri.-unju"iru"u"LrLri RESTAURANT TRAILER, ready to go. 375. King's Tr. Exch., 61 N. Front Business Cards ta thla directory ma on monthly basis only. Rate: f 1 per line per month. Auctioneers RAT H1SEL 1288 Sixth St Ph. I2$J. Auto Brakes Mike Panes. 275 Sou lb Commercial Bicycles BICTCLES. NEW and reconditioned Harry W Soott 147 & Coma P. 4518 Chimney Sweep TEI-EPHONB 4458 R B Northnesa CHIMNEY CLEANED PIPES. FU ON ACES, stoves, gutter. Get ready for winter. No soot or dirt Ray U Farmer Hdwr. Co. Ph. 5005. Chiropractors DR. O. L. SOOTT. PSC Chlropmctoe. 356 If. High. TeL Ree. M7A Excarating EXCAVATING OF an kind Pase- ments dug. Dirt hauled er moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand -and Gravel Co Phone 348. Florists BretthaapfA 441 Court Pheoe 586A Laundries TBS NEW SALEM LACNDRt THB WX1DER LAUNDRT 1U & Ulck TeL IUI For Sale Used Cars 1 SLASH!! i - Values to Suit Your Purse With New Car Terms MUST MAKE ROOM FOR '40 MODELS r '. ! 1938 Ford 4dr. Sedan Washington blue. Mohair upholstery. This ear has been thoroughly , reconditioned throujghout. R&G ruarantee. $585 VALLEY MOTOR CO. "20 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP" i Used Car Lot Marion & Liberty HerbMisson - BenDrager - Art Hanson - SPECIALS FRIDAY, SATURDAY 1938 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE TOUR. SEDAN $645 1938 CHEVROLET DeLUXE TOWN! SEDAN 645 1937 CHEVROLET DeLUXE TOWN; SEDAN 545 1939 CHEVROLET DeLUXE TOWN SEDAN 850 1939 CHEVROLET V2-T0N PICKUt. . 650 1939 PONTIAC SIX TOWN SEDANL........... 845 1937 LaSALLE TOURING SEDAN .L.... ...... 795 The above cars are all in excellent shape and fully guaranteed. Some have Radios and Heaters. SOME GOOD ONES "AS IS" 1936 DODGE PANEL 4..... $275 1936 FORD DeLUXE FORDOR SEIAN, TRUNK MODEL 295 1929 OAKLAND COACH.. McKay Chevrolet Co. WALT HOLM AN. JIMMIE DAVIS. LAWRENCE 33$ CENTER STREET OPEN EVENINGS For Sale Wood INVESTIGATE BUDGET plan on wood. Ph. (370. W. L. Graen. 413 N. $1 16-IN. OLD fir. $5: knots. $4.50: 4-ft Ind. $3.75. Phone 8458. SPEC OAK $5.76. ash $5.25. P. 8703. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING. Ed Sproed. P. 5883. WOOD SAWING. TeL 3523. Lost and Found LOST, BLR. handbag contain, cur. A cash. rwd. 1602 Center St. Ph. 4251. LOST. ONE old dark mackinaw coat reward, at Statesman office. REWARD OF $10.00 for Informa tion on stolen Hoover cleaners. Mod. 26-2192753 A 2192812. Will protect the buyer. Disposed of In or near Salem. W. B. Dorid. 253 W Fifth, Eugene. Ore. Personal LONELY T "WORTHWHILE" sweet heart husband, wife for you. Box fl. Los Aneelea. JOIN THE lonesome correspon.lenet club. PO bos 827. Portland. PSYCHOLOGIST. MRS. MARTIN, favorably known, dependable advice. Tel. 6460. Transportation WILL SHARE expense to San Fran- cisco. 8 people. 1130 N. Cottage. Directory ftlattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattreas factory- NEW MATTRESS made te order, old remade: carpet defining stslng: fluff rug weaving, a 13th A Wilbur. TeL 8441. OTTO F. ZWlCK ER Est 1111 CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4861 Naturopathic Physician DR. W a ROCKWELL Naturopath le Physician. 1790 Fairgrounds Rd TeL 4308. Office Honrs 11 a. m. to 6:30 P- m. FREE EXAU A CON8ULTA TION. Painting Paper hanging NEAT WORE. L Johnson. Ph. 1188. Printing FOR STATION BR t earda pamphlets grograma books ee any kind ef prtnt K. call The Statesman Printing De partment 811 a Commercial. .Tele Phono 8161. Befinishing FURNITURE REF1N1SHED like new. E. Brock. 8.5 Gainea. Pboao 4246. Transfer FOB LOCAL er distant transfer. stor sga burner eQ. call 213L Larmer Traaafer Ca Tracks te Portland daily Well Prilling R. A. WEST. rt. I fees 448. Pk. Sim J. Fash, mi Myrtle. Ph. till. I 1 Used Cars For Sal CRASH!! .00 & MONDAY OIVLY i 95 i FLATHERS PHONE 3188 FOR SALE 11937 fc-ton GMC nick up, overload springa, good condition. A real buy lr taken at once. A. C Hawkins. 1395 N. Liberty, lOUPE. '36. 6-cyL ra dio A heater, good -condition. $460. One '32 Cl rysier Sedan, radio A heat er, good condition. $150. One t -wheel trailer hse., $80.! Call mid-forenoon, or middle afternoon. 427 Ferry St Schools Tr COMPLETE YOUR high school a' nocno. Diploma. Texts rum. write lei catalogue. Am. School. P. O. Box 450S Portland. i Cross Word Puzzle 30 31 32 H3 W W& V6 HI "I I I I MTTW HORIZONTAL 1 congealed water I 4 cunninrj 7 Greek Dhilosonlier 40 soft drinks 41 consumer 4 J displayed opaline iridescence 47 wrath 48 heathen 49 unit of 1Z Umda cymbals 13 Bheltered side energy 14 red-breasted 50 worthless bird 51 tired . 15 former 52 perceive 53 brood of pheasants European coin IS raporiee 18 tropical j American parrot I 2(X-twited fiber ; 21 lubricate Herewith is terday's puzzle. 1-16 22 poker stake Z3 Anglo Saxon money of account 26 mends 28 more ma tore 30 located S2 thorough' fare SI heads 84 lobby 85 land measure 24 Persia SS abort sleep For Sale Used Cars OUR SPECIALS FOR TODAY BUICK 39 DeLuxe Tour. Sedan Model 40; only 10.000 miles. : PACKARD 37 DeLuxe 6-Cyl. Coupe Original maroon finish, white side wall tires; has radio A heater very low mileage. PONTIAC 38 DeLuxe 6-Cyl. Coupe Original maroon finish : new Goodrich tires A tubes, less than 18,000 miles, all of 39 features. ' PLYMOUTH 37 DeLuxe Tour. Sedan This car has had only one owner and the very best of care. MANY MORE NOT LISTED STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON PACKARD DEALER Hljrh at Chemeketa Phone $400 OPEN EVENINGS Carter Motor Co. 1936 Dodge Touring Se dan, has radio' heater. A one-owner and one-driver car I $525 1928 Oldsmohile Sed. $45 Lot: 240 Center Ph. 3734 GOOD 1925 MASTER Chev. Coach, all-steel top. $295. terms. Cheap car cr pickup In trade. Box 1091. Statesman. 1338 FORD deluxe tourinur sedan. Low mileage, local car. $595. Easy terma S44 N. Commercial. 1939 CHEVROLET town sedan. Must selt cheap for cash. Smith's Barbecue, 2 blocks north underpass. EQUITY IN '39 Plnnouth sedan. Will take older car. Must sell by Sat urday. Call 1790 Waller. MODEL A FORD 4-dr. 405 Union. after 7 p. m. Silverton Plans Art Talk, Exhibit - SILVERTON Charles Val Clear, director of the Salem Art center, will speak and show ex hibits at a meeting being arranged for September 18. The meeting will be held at the old high school assembly hall and is being arrang ed by Silverton's Art center com mittee. One hundred cards are be ing sent out, asking the recipients to serre on a committee to help raise funds for the local center. The first floor of the former Junior high school will be remod eled into a modern studio. The project will Include art, music and drama. WPA teachers will be In charge. Serving on the local committee are Harold Davis, Harold Adams, S. P. Rose, Mrs. J. W. Jordan and Mrs. Tom An- ' derson. VERTICAL 1 article 2 4eAnused in choco late makinr J to make lucid 4 killed 5 Bulgarian coin 6 pines for 7 wealth 8 erudition 9 deerelesi Arabian firmat 10 small horse 11 sint-e thins 17 cooking utensil 19 winded 22 conjanctlon 23 method of functioning 24 female of the raff 26-elaU 27 inhabitant 29 genua of . birds 80 watering piace the solution to yes- 21 organ ef hearirur 22 male offspring 84 Botaan . symbol of power' 27 thing (law) 89 fermented drink made from pears 40 masculine name . 41 border 42 network 43 Roman . goddess of agriculture 44 soft infant rood 45 grow old 46 4cfort - sal AdSaeeat eeuaUssi N 51. '