- i ' li PACE EIGHT' TheJOREGONJjCT September 14, 1939 EightMovie Stars FMt Sakm. Talk War Say War Film Wave Unlikely ( Troupe Here on One-Day Stand Includes Ex-War Captain - Hollywood Folk Visit Warner's Salem Outpost What do movie stars talk about when they're not on public exhi bition? What is everybody talking about these days? The war. of coarse. And out of the eight clne ntlitit whn naid Salem a Visit Wednesday, there were at least tmn Mneciallr Qualified to talk about present conditions In Eu rope.: One was James Stephenson, who was the youngest captain la the British army la the world war though we didn t nna mat oui from him and the other was boy- denish Lia Lis. the Russian girl who nlayed in "Confessions of a Nazi Spy' and-who has had some experience with the uestapo in real life. 1 Buf la general, movie, actors talk about the war Just as avidly and unauthoritative as leas prominent folk and of course. they speculate-on bow It's going to affect their business, even as you and I. May Boom Movies On that score the general opinion la that the galloping tin type business will not suffer; may even prosper, because tn wartime people- need, relaxation for tired nerves.' Even soldiers need to be entertained, and it will take a lot of movies to entertain them back of the fighting lines. i ' For this very reason, that enter tainment in these times must be diverting, there is not likely to. be coon a new rush of war pictures: Instead the two present trends will continue, the Warner Bros, con tingent agreed; the historical pic tures, with a wealth of material only the surface of which has been scratched, and the "family" pic tures of ordinary home life. Think how the boys away at the wars would gobble up the Hardys and Higginses and Joneses! As for Salem's distinguished guests aside from the two already mentioned, there was Claire Wind sor, tall and gracious, known to every movie fan; Gloria Dickson. with an air of sophistication but avidly Interested in art Including Oregon's capltol murals; Lucile Fairbanks who didn't trade on the name of her illustrious Uncle Doug to get into the movies; Jean Gilbert who likewise 'concealed the fact that she was Margaret Lindsey's sister until she was in; and Rosella Towne.'who could be seen both in person and on the screen ? Wednesday at the Elsl UUIC one O iU uc vivi iiu, as also are Stephenson and Bill Lundagin, who might be more easily identifiable as the worth less brother of the heroine in "Dodge City. ".Stephenson, a ver , satile player who sometimes does "heavies," is going, to appear as Fhilo Vance In the near future And then there is Ronald Reagan, the college boy type who ran also act and thus gets into a lot of pictures, and who is master of ceremonies for the "persona! ap pearance troupe. Visitors Like Capitol . " ',ji.q Manager Carl Porter, left, and Assistant Manager Herb Rick, right, of Warner Brothers' Salem theatres. greet an octet of film folk from the Warner studio visiting Salem for personal appearance at the Elsinore Wednesday. The players are, from the I eft, Ronald Reagan, Ladle. Fairbanks, It o s e 1 1 a Towne, Claire Windsor, Gloria Dickson,' Bill Lamdagim, Jane Gilbert, Lya Lys aad James Stephenson. Desert Adventure Film Here y w r- s . ft t I, '1 i ts " v - jy East Oregonians Reveling in Rain BEND, Sept 13. P) Stock men, foresters and hunters revel led today In a soaking rain which ended four months of drought in central Oregon. The woods, tinder dry yester day, were safe from fires today, Deschutes national forest officials said. The deer season will start next Wedensday. Stockmen, busy trailing sheep from summer mountain' ranges to home grazing grounds., welcomed the storm, which deposited .33 of an inch of rain here in less than 24 hours. Bend had previously received only .6 of an inch of rain since last May. John Clements and Ralph Richardson trekking over the hot sands ot the Sudan desert In a dramatic scene from Alexander Korda's tech nicolor adventure spectacle, "Four Feathers,"' now showing" at the Elsinore, with latest Blarch of Time, "Soldiers With Wings." Witness Bridges Defense Accused ; 1 As Communist Backed by VFW Here Marion post 661 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars en tirely approves of the activities of Major Lawrence Milner, whose service in investigation of subversive activities was For the most part these players questioned during the Harry Bridges deportation hearing, p. H. Kineie. commander, an-v are on the way up, support play era in the better pictures, featured In films of lesser importance Claire Windsor of course being the exception. They didn't bear many of the signs of having "gone Hollywood." seemed to be having a good time, said they like Salem and enthused over the capitol Managers of the tour were Ed Manson and George Scbaefer of the Warner publicity staff. The party had toured the northwest and .was headed back toward California Portlander Heads Real Estate Meet ONTARIO, I Sept. 13. Delegates to the state Association of Real Estate Boards conven tion today urged property owners to form a solid front in demand ing that property be relieved of its excessive tax load for schools and local governments. The also objected to the plan of the Federal Land bank to cease ! the payment of commis sions to realtors for the sale of properties taken by the bank on toreclosures. David B. Simpson, Portland. was elected president of the as sociation. . ')IW.U" J. A. UWalt Disney's . - I "SOCIETY DOG SHOW I nounced yesterday. Major Milner is a member of this post. j 'Majot Milner devoted several years to subversive investigation and in order to accomplish this he became so closely affiliated with subversive activities that many of his friends were convinced that he actually was a member of the communist party," Ringle de clared. "We of Marlon post 661 are anxious to correct the mis- j Albany Director Elected Delegate E. F. Fortmiller of Albany was elected by the funeral directors ot the central Willamette valley dis trict here Tuesday as a delegate to the annual meeting of the Na tional Funeral Directors' associa tion to be held at Oklahoma City October 3 to 6. He is president of the Oregon association. Henry A. Schroeder of Myrtle Point was elected delegate to the annual U. S. embalmers' confer ence in Oklahoma City October 6 and Philip J. Zeller of Portland was elected to represent Oregon at the 35 th annual convention ot the California Funeral Directors' association in Long Beach Sep tember 15-18. William A. Finley. Jr., of Port land "was the principal speaker. Discussions on educational sub jects were led by Leston W. How ell and Charles C. Edwards or Salem, E. R. Ekman of Silverton and i Walter A. Smith ot ' Inde pendence. Harvey N. Etexhart, Canby: J. Melvln . Ringo, Woodburn,! and Miller, Aurora, were ap pointed as a , committee to ar- for the October meeting and prepare tjte program. Saw Amputates Hand fi i -rw Back Jones in - r.i;rAni . Frontier" 1 Storm over r Bengal wICtt-. .Richard Cromwell " ' Rochella Hudson Two Big Features Gene Antry in "Home i on the Prairie' "The Lady's from Kentucky with George Raft Ellen Drew ROSEBCRG. . Sept 13 Clarence Grant, 19,- Camas Talley lumber mill worker, lost his left hand today 'when he was thrown against a saw. He was employed by the Harmeson-Wakefleld Lum ber company. - w ..; fr-. conception many people have of Comrade Milner. The post, Ringle said, at its meeting Monday adopted the fol lowing resolution regarding Mil ner: "Whereas, Comrade Lawrence Milner, a member of Marion post No. 661, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, was called by the United States gov ernment as a witness to testify in behalf of the government in the hearing on deportation proceed ings against Harry Bridges in the city of San Francisco, Calif.; and Whereas, Comrade Milner has been publicly accused by the de rense or being a perjurer: now therefore "Be it resolved, that Marion post No. 661, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, com prised of veterans of the United States armed forces, being closely acquainted with Comrade Milner and knowing his character, here with publicly express full confi dence in the integrity of Comrade Milner; and "Be it further resolved, that the members of Marion post No. 661, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, publicly ex presses us appreciation of the patriotic services performed by Comrade Milner in bis investiga tion of communist activities In the United States." First Lady Believe "Isms" Have no Hold WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. (&) i-airs. ran aim JJ. Kooseveit ex pressed doubt today that com munist ana fascist groups in this country ''have any real hold on tne people. Writing in the Democratic Di gest, a publication of the women's division of the national demo cratic committee, the first lady said there was little to fear from the influence ot such groups "if all of us make an effort to live our democracy day to day." . Check Fraud Charge ROSEBURG, Sept 13 Douglas county authorities said today they were preparing . to ask for extradition of William Clifford Thlele. 25. held at Salt I Lake1 City on a charge of Issuing woruuess cnecas here. . Sears Observes Birthday Today 53rd Anniversary Sales to Feature Celebration, j Says Vanddndyne Climaxing a buying campaign involving the purchase of ap proximately $50,000,000 worth ot merchandise, the local Sears, Roe buck it Co. store, along, with Sears stores In all parts ot the country, is today launching the company's 53rd anniversary cele bration. Nearly 9,000 of the nation's manufacturing concerns that Reg ularly serve Sears as sources ot supply have shared in this huge expenditure made specially for the anniversary event. In addition to the amount ex pended for merchandise, thou sands of dollars in excess of nor mal expenditures will go towards newspaper advertising built around the sale, as well as for the wages of extra salespeople. "This event which celebrates and .commemorates the humble beginning of the company over half a century ago has become an important tradition not only with the Sears organization but with our customers as well," explained Celebrates Call Board ELSINORE Today "Four F e a t h ers." with John Clements and June DuPrez, March of Time and shorts. GRAND Today f "Charlie Chan at Treasure Island," with Sidney Toler, Pauline Moore and Cesar Rome ro. Saturday "Coast Guard," with Randolph Scott Frances Dee and Ralph Bellamy. STATE Today "L u c k y Nigh t," with Myrna Loy and Robert Taylor, plus "Ze nobia," with Oliver Har dy. Harry Langdon and Billie Burke. Saturday "Rose of Wash ington Square," with Al ice Faye, Tyrone Power and Al Jolson. Drew Stair- Gran- CAPITOL Today "Nancy and . the Hidden case," with Bonita ville and Frankie Thomas, plus "Lost PatroL" with Victor McLaglen and Bo ris Karloff. Saturday "Flight at Mid night," with Phil Regan and Jean Parker, plus "Wall Street Cowboy." HOLLYWOOD Today "California Fron tier" with Buck Jones' plus "Storm Over Bengal," with Richard Cromwell and Ro chelle Hudson. Friday "Home on the Prai rie." with Smiley Bur nette. plus "Lady from Kentucky," with George Raft and EHen Drew! I TODAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY More Blazing Thrills Than Any Screen Has Ever Held All In Color "Four Feathers" with Ralph Richardson C Aubrey Smith Added Attraction - MARCH OF TIME "SOLDIERS WITH WINGS" PLUS RUSS MORGAN BAND km I'M (BlljlXiOOGD TONIGHT - FRIDAY Plsia NANCY DREW "Hidden Staircase" ' r Bonita Granville 4 Jon Lltel -.-h 4 Women's Adviser Warns of Figures "You're a old as your figure," says Miss; Roberta Ladd, wash ability consultant, who is holding conferences at Miller's all this week. wNo matter how young- looking your face Is. if yon have a 'spare tire' at your midriff you're 'dated In this season of whittled waists. The new founda tions with gores and lacings, take firm control ot your diaphragm and leave yon a good inch smaller at your waist than yon were this spring. "Waistlines are all-important of course. Even girdles are cut as much as three inches higher to you nip your waist and give long, moulded line above. iio nip eneci is rounded, b Y". . ;? , . . course. Ann aon i minx a Dusue conceals allj You'll have to be flatter iQ front than ever! VWith the right foundation a3 a Start, the new 'lady-like' clothes will make you as pretty as a por. trait. Fortunately, you can be a lot more comfortable than your grandmother wap. Corset mate rials are lighter more elastic bonlngs are completely modern ized and consequently as easy to wash as a silk slip." . - i LEAVE FOR SCHOOL. PRATUM. Roland deVr;rs left last week for Princeton uni versity and Maurice deVrie Is attending Baptist Seminary in Portland. . Vandondyne, resident manager of Sears, Roebnck Ss Co. retail store In Salem, who announces the opening today of Sears 53rd anniversary sale on a nation wide scale. G. Vandendyne, manager of Sears sore here, yesterday. For the past several weeks' the local Sears store has been busily preparing for this sale which will continue through Saturday, Sep tember 30. On each day of the sale every department In the store will feature special anniversary items. . OUR STORE WILL BE ifc(t Way (Thursday) in Observance of JEWISH NEW YEAR STYLE-MCEI SHOE GO. 357 STATE ST. m Oregon Statesman WANT ADS im Riilw V sBssassssssssisnsssnspyBssssswyTw,,'iss3SSS'li sssss? ' -Broom. rf MV nin I ! 1 1 i iT'?7 1 il rFi--,,rl 1 1 1 I i 1 V -w J L iTa ' i .1 ). t.nn f 1 1 V) In ,,l I i rr ill l7lV.' ' 1 'i- " i j 1 1 1 ,..ioj ' f I i I II "1 I I 11 1 1 111 imf' F 1 1 '1 I ,f . I i " ' ' ' LmtaSlmwm uSa'lmSriSSm m fxh COl. J1 T.r J"tiD K. VSwuamtlt." ibw1" trm 1 1 ffr'n. TiontFVliLi II 'f I -sJi'o'Jr I rl I l-rLUL WfTSlK tTTmm uStt'TSi uE&biZ rttP J i.lnjj j ir" Always Interesting Never Crowded It's the Shopping Center for Homes, for rent or for sale. Watch the Want Ads daily for Salem's best values. It's the Shopping Center for Household Goods. The LOWEST PRICES In Salem are announced in the Want Ads every day. Many private indi viduals offer their "retired" furnishings at a fraction of the original cost. It's the Shopping Center for Used Cars. Hundreds of people rely on the Want Ads to find the type of car they have in mind. It'g the Shopping Center for "Rooms for Rent." Most of best room va cancies in Salem are described every month in the For Rent ads. Watch the For Rent Columns Daily until you find just what you want. It's the Shopping Center for 1 out of 5 Salem people. Extensive surveys have shown that at least 1 oat of 5 adult newspaper readers consult the Want Ads EVERY DAY. ' SELL ANYTHING THROUGH STATESMAN WANT ADS For a few cents a day you can carry a Want Ad which may bring you a substantial CASH PROFIT. ( Phone 9101. CHARGE your want ad and sell for CASH. 1QQ0 ODD am