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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1939)
PAGE FIFTEEN Salem's f Place for B uym Tbt OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, September 14, 1939 Sell eraiegi : Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Slnfl insertion per tin lOe Three Insertion per line 20c SU Insertions per tine One month per line 1 00 Mlnlmnm chare ., ..,...-25 " Copy (or this page accepted on" 6:30 the avantng before pohllea tloa for eUMlflrattftn Cspy r cetved after thla tlme-wul be run under the beading "Too tat to Classify.- . Tbo StaUsman assumes n nnn" slal responsibility for errors whleb may appear In advertisements nn llshed h K columns and i f"" where this papar 1 at fault win re print that part of a sdvertliieTriejt ta which tb typographical mistake occur . Th 8tatsman reeenres the right t reiect questionable adeertlslng It further reserves tba Hght to place all advertising under the proper classification. - A "Blind" Ad an ad eontalntna a Statesman bo number for an ad dresa--is for tha protection of h advertiser and must therefor be answered by lattar Tha Slstesman ta sot at liberty to aivuige imorm tton m to tba Menttry or a Uaar using a "Blind" ad. Livestock DEAD AND worthless horeea. eowe Sicked BP free Ph onect 6411 BaWn lonticomerr Rend Wk " t ROMNET BUCKS for sale L. Townsend. 885 S. Com'l. FOR SALE 1 fin Tonngmnk goat, grade buck. Price 5. Also z nice mil- i 2n,. miikine- 1 1 to Waller St.. Salem I Phone 6682. Auctions AUCTION - AUCTION - AUCTION ' SPECIAL AUCTION tonight at the F. N. Woadrv . Auction Mart. 1610 - N. Summer street in Holly wood. NOTE: This sale will bealn PROMPTLY at 7'30 p. m. and will continue until the large lot of fnnlture from the homes of Jacon panaorr. ixra- tlse Farrlnrton. Mrs Msnne """-'" I and several other has been -disposed I of Following Is a partial I!t or tn merchandise that will be nW' 1 dining table A 6 chairs : Miller Tn- ano and bench: 1 White Totarv sew- ,ing machine: electric caniner ran" I dnvenrmrt n rhslr. NOTE : From our stock the. follow Ins Items: 2 new linoleum rags. 1 new 4-plece wal. bed set; 1 Tentth cabinet radio. A-l : 1,9x12 rug. New Inner snring mattress and manv other arti cles too, numerous to mention. . IN. fil.KNN WIKIDKT. AUCTIon eera, Phone 5110 to getmilckest and best results. See us. Private S.tles i iii.i, m1 miiiv . ' ' ' ' r "" lit. " MWWWWMWWWWWWWWVWWi Conlon electric mangle: set ffltpermsne fA, MMseiMe.xxeiwe DnD.. aluminum ware : used linoleum rugs - FOR SALE, used portable typewriter AA HoUv-ood d2t ' 13900 tvn gAsh B125 4 beds, springa mattresses: 1 man'- p,,,,. wltn ca8e. Fonr bank key Q fill (MJ mo . Pb?49S4 liar annolntmenf ' or boy's bicycle: 2 dressers: 1 mahog- Rhap, $;s.oo. Jnhn Poor- T I II VV lr-ytu. 495.for PPolntment. anr davenport table: 4 camp beds- m.n tii: in, ct Phone 8433. t IJ J J VV ; "JVL??: JJ??1L?1 . Dally." Name vonr own terms In reason. Hop Pickers HOP PICK I Nfl commences on fill bee hop ranch Friday. September 1 3 H nea nop ranrn rnnay. Bfriemwr i miles east of 8alem. Big crop. Rov Hardman. foreman phone farmer's line. 100F5. aWWWMMWWWWWMMeAAeVVMrwV OUR TRUCKS leave every nrornlns . - - - - - - ' . . 1 nr m m I mm in. mrner fit n I r n 111 i uomroercia rireei ior un- r .r,.-... . HOP yard. For Information and ar rangements, phone 9623 or 16F12. wMweAeeeee I HOP PICKERS wanted at William I sna xnacaer. titick iravmn mm i or bridge at a ociora. iei. sin NEED MORE hon pickers come If I only for a day. hundred. Gilbert 1 Farm Co.. Eola5730. - I Hpln Wnnleil I Iieip Warned I ufTBimfPivn vnv M.v.eaM !. Ing facts from world's largest com- - nn. Wnok FBEE. United. IS48-B Lin- I coin Ave.. Chiraco. '7Z?EZEir'?5Zr2ZXZZ eellae mY,A Wa hn lSe lb. World's largest company FREP! BOOK Mush room a 2019 Second Seattle Wash wwmewwMMMiwiiwei WANTETJ AT COUNTRY ESTATE Married couple between 90 and $ year of age fno ehlldren for maid and gardner. write experience, stating i aga and giving reference Address I box 90. RFD 2, Salem. Oregon. I ' Help Wanted Male WANTED A plasterer for a big lob. Call after eves, at N. Dallas service station. Dallas. Ore. . Help Wanted "Female WANTED, GIRL to assist with housework. 93S Gainea Lnj-u-uT.njnn.rLrij-Lr.rLri WANTED 3 NEAT attractive sales ladies for local firm. Salary, commis sion if qualify. Sea Mrs. West Ant 13. 2597 Portland Rd. at Fairgrounds cot tage. Hours 9 till-4 o. tn. r"MsijjMMMMMtaMMMat USHERETTES GIRLS not over I ft 9 In. weight under 115 lbs. ml aizi MIDDLE-AGED ladv for housework. -i.n nrwwr Phone 8511. 2380 Fairgrounds road. MIDDLE-AGED houaekeener. Must be good cook. Able to take full charge. 3 In family. Good waaes to right party. Box 870, route 3. Salem. GIRL FOR housework. Tel. 9445. Salesmen Wanted . SALESMAN OR canirssser with ear good oppor. Commission basis, gas fiir. Apply between 1 A 8 p. m. Mathls xi ru... no c vuni i. ,r''''f:'' J AMAZING NEW auto Invention. So- percharaing gas-miser saves up to IS gas and OIL Increases power. Easily installed. New scientific principle. Ex- sioux city, lowa. r , . . Situations Wanted RAMSETER TRUCK servlca. Gen eral hauling, reasonable rate. P '836 EVP wnuiN eook wants restau rant or lunch room work. 1771 Center. ADVERTIS1NQ Wtra AdrcrUslng RpresUtTC , ' George XX Close, Ino, 8aa rrancisca Loa Aaa4e Seattle lEastara AdTcrUainf I ; 4 RepretenUtlTet ? Bryant Griffith ft Branson. Ina Chloago. New Torlb-Datrott, . i Boston. Atlanta r : " himJ mt tie Peatoftea at gelefN lZdmZmmVvt UonV Butw tffU t MoutA Cmrvfai Crssi, i ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Matt uaaawtptloa Rates ta Advance Mo. it Maui $ Vie. $1 M ; Ma 68.6 1 year $.. tiimm Ma or UN. Is 1 as I Bt S7.2H a year la ad - ajid adJaeent tcnatVaa. i Situations Wanted DRIC33UAK MRS Adaltt Ph l DRESSMAKING. 7984. 2011 & Com. DRESSMAKING. TAILORING, coat rellntng. 169$ S. Liberty St. nee for exper. smaii ph. T85T. YOUNG LAST needa work. Pref. of- Jrmantth Vtut'Gr permanent With a future, uar. or "err. I YOUNG MAN needs work for room IS A board, to finish blah school. Box 1090. Statesman. MIDDLE-AGED ladr for housework. Fnnne ns.ll. zsxe roirgrounfla Kd. m . ... ... - I and married I. exp!. oan'4 5 R Milter STEN. WISHES wk. 109$ Statesman. ay inrrr i..rLu-i-ij-i.r.rLri uii.ri.ri nnn.r EXP. HSKPR. for bachelor widower, city or country. 735 N. Com'L EX I' WOMAN wants honaekeeDlna. Referencea Good cook. Write or call 027 North Winter. For Sale Miscellaneons SAVE 120.00 ON new 193$ Duo- Therm II burnlna circulator. I to 61 room Mnarilr onl 1E9.S0. Ejirr terma ood Housekeeping. Inc.. 451 court si AaaavvyvwwVwAAA ARMT WAIt tent 235 S. 14tK REBUILT AND ma ran teed jraeh era At! anakes from tl op. Speo tas $3S Horr Bros. CASH FOR osed font. Ph 111 Of. DRR. 12 SO win lift rhmkt Rtke Ren Ramaden 149 Ub wwwiwwmowmw' I GOLDEN. CROSS can. corn. 79F14 USED WOOD Electric and gas range Meed to r ivV,; xr.Vt Tn Paver Co. 255 N. Liberty Next to rower vo, WATKINS Prod.. 1725 Mad. 780S. VOTTMO MAVR black suit and blue sports, coat, size 37. Almost new. Ph. 4313 evenings. USED LEONARD refrigerator, guar anteed. $49.50. Easy, terma Gooa Housekeeping Inc. 453 court at. TOMATOES AND cucumber. 32F13 VCW BTTfJ RI.ITE WILTON. PHONE 7205 MWMwWMtMM(lMvwAee.e GOOD ELECTRIC stove, deer or elk rifle, good mancle. Ph. 7213. vwwvwwwwwmwmww CAR HEATER, new deluxe model. Sacrifice for cash. Ph. 5132, eWWSeVeWi-eXeeafceee SPEED O - PRINT DUPLICATOR, cheap. -481 Ferry St. PERENNIAL FLOWERS A seed. White's Greenhouse. 1655 N. Summer v vo oinvnr r KiTIaah fires Rood condition s.' 24th. .wmuawmmww LATE lMPRO"En Elberta peaches now ready, Puritan Cider Works.. West Salem. SMALL PIANO with beautiful tone! cheap. 1690 S. Cottage. WRECKING LARGE house, corner c, "i " v iV"." , .i,,!.v. i State ft 21st V.r!' Ti'w fixtures, brick roofing lumber. '39 ZENITH COMB, radio. Ph. 450S recrt cmiAAt k..lf. .S 11 zren'. 1 il I I ,inn 'I. innrnn (1 1 1 1. I . . . - I ' r.... 25-35 RIFLE. IRtO COURT ST. , - n n , prlpTvnrT TTT'T T , size ' in.. t IT r. trajA ,.. . . t. re ctatea. man. Tl ctfato fair eftmnU mnt rr-RC.-a V I MATTRKSS sai.k. (.-lose out pricen i S0. Large stock. Nash Furniture Co. I vwmwmwwwwwmwwam i SAVE 10 on famous Ing all-wood I range. Buy or order now. discounts ror i limited time only. Nash Furniture Co. I LAKfiE STZK Sf AtA HPAtrOla StOve I for cash or trade for wood Also large dining , room table. 168 N. 12th. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTKO ITPirn fom rh S11 MweeMMMMWMWMwew OLD WOO I ma ft reus Tel lilt weiwiwwwweAwywwwMwswe WANTED' TO buy for cash. 1st ft Ind mortgsgea real estate contract merchandise discount proper, STATE FINANCE CO t44 State Street Salem Oregon WANTED FOR cash, walnuts ft fil berts. Also meats, M. Klorfeln Park ing Co.. 2R0 a High. Phone 7633. MMMWMMMMbJWWWaiWWWWWMWiiSrW WANTED. CHILD of grade school age- to care for attend. Englewood school. Bo 1091. Statesman. Wanted Furniture WANTED FURN. Forgey. P. T445. Miscellaneons Broken Lenses Replaced in Two Hours I I DR HARRY SEMLER. DEN Hal OPTICAL DEPT. In charge of Dr. Fred Pageler and Dr. W. W. Frasee. Optometrists Adolph Bldg.. State ft Commercial Phone 3311 For Rent Rooms KG RMS., near schools atV I - . cap'tal 492 N. Summer. Ph. 449. ROOMS PH. $$i7. 696 N. Cottage. l wwws,....,.,wve .dESIRABLE SLEEPING room. prl. entrance. Tel 6977. i """mrr-in-r r - jtjujj Centrat P. 8229. -. -.,- --JltT. . ,----,-rr HrtTFT. MARION . i?rJv,i ,d monthly w - - - . - . BhOP - dellciOUS me! at lOW priC. Room and Board R ft a 109 N. Summer. Ph. 4IH. - Hitn saJt stKA aTafartOM A DAaV BUanv. m.urmm - - oir V rrrfwT 11. Ph. Till. I VL..-- -nj . ROOM, BOARD. 1547 Court St n a. mrm i.e. i4 N. 17th. " ' - - - mtrB-T.T RM. with flreplse. ofl - . heat cxceUetn board, CSS N. Cottage. EOCCL, MEALS, pri. home. Ptf -CLOSE IN Phona 3859. reaa -price. mTJ.Fnir soys' room and board. adjoining campua ! N.; 12th. For Rent -Apartments 8CX THJE Ftsbar Apta before . yen I decide. Lara ft Airy, Rockwool la- I Blinds throughout 8. ComL ft Oak St ' ' ' Wr " U-.TV 1 R1L FURN. ant. dress, rm.. tmll raaa Utcben. uay. s. summer. ...7.: r; -------- - i r r inio wen oniv tins DroDercr j ROOM' FURNISHED a part ments MiwwwwwMwwawwwwwi reasonable. $41 N. Liberty St' FURNISHED 4 ROOM modern cot- MwwwWWMWwwywwMnWieee tsge. $25.00. 25S N. 24th St Pbon 1 RM, FURN 945 S. 12th. 3849. ' - ' WWMWWWMMWMMWWMWMWJsJfta ,I,A-A, FURN. HEATED apt, 46 N. lSUfc . 4 Rlt HOUSE near high school. Call eywMMMNeawwMewwwwMwi SS9S or S409 after o'clock. S RM. NEWLY furn. Heat water - refrlg, bath, adulta 991 N. Cottage -MOD. 4 RM, furn- full basement wwwMwwwMwwwwuwwwwe furnace, $22 mo. Ph. 42F3. milTORTABLR HOME- LIKE. ...ewwwwewwwM. ta MartoalreaaonaMe, Hawthorn Ourt 100 i Capitol Money to Loan We Lend You Money WITH REPATMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO TO TOUR INCOME No indorsees No Comakers Yonr Signature Only REPAY ANT DAT TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OUE iufnirPEMnii-NT PnUPtNT WHERE TOTTR NF.IT.ns RR. CE1VB PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER maw. General Finance Corp. ill Sa. Commercial EL. Uc. Door South of Ladd 4 Buih Bank GET SPOT CASH . . , . I Thl8 rKnMlIN AL WaylfjgP 35 month. Phone 6011. WHEN AT HOME A "Personal" Loan $21 to $300. Easy Terra .WHEN A WAT r USE A "PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good at m offices, Coast to Caaat SIMPLE TO QUA LIFT Com ID, GUARANTEED BT GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE (A wdvertlaad therein.) PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor. New Bllgh Bldg. 61$ Stat Street Salem. Oregon Stat License Numbers 8-123 M-1SI wwwwwwwwxwmwm I LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or used ear. Private money at new low rate Immediate action. No red tana. 1 TO 30 MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons 136 South Cemmercall Street Phone 916$ Lie. Na M-1SJ tttta T.OAKS 4U&. also private I loana Ah rams A Ell a Inc. MASOniC Bldg. I weee I AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE Na M-161 FOR FALL AND WINTER NEEDS REDUCE BURDENSOME IN STALLMENTS. RID YOURSELF OF OLD OtBlS. CONSOLIDATE ALL BILLS INTO ONE. GET CASH FOR SCHOOL NEEDS. REDUCE HIGH CAR PAYMENTS. Our liberal, flexible credit require- 1 ments make It asy to borrow. Our 1 convenient navment plans make It easy tn rensv (A mndert aalarv la our main I requirement) I You are under no obligation when n call at the offices of the von People's Finance Co. 2nd Floor. First NafL Bank Bldg. I Salem. Oregon Phone 4446 1 S 213 State License M-220 FHA LOANS 4S.al90 prlv. loana t Abrams & Ellis, Inc Masonic Bldg. I Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. KeTore oorrowing inquira l Uolrns A PnKarfs wanted pkivate MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real wm t Interest. w H. GRA BENHORST A CO. RITAf.TOnS 134 S. Liberty Street Phona 4$$ For Rent Apartments STRICTLY MOD. The Devereaux. 1rrRiS,lT"n'iiit I" li 7 Ph B OlV FURN. APTS.. adults, rn. BWiw. 3-RM. FURN . bath. 1440 Waller. (IMWWWWWWMWWWWWe! HALIK'S MODERN apts.. TeL 8208 yrr. I l", 3 uk k. nse.. apts.. u . '-"mvibath. 4 bedrms.. basement furnace. DEKTRATtT.TC APT. eas heat Frig- TrVr''' - '. rZZZ Idatre nrt. hath. 1st floor. Out side ent garage, near sr. high and state capitol. TeL 697T. NICE FURN apt. 590 Cnlon. 1 TO 4-RM. apta. cheap. M 6 an up Children welcome 1819 i$tti rm .y - l COOl 1ST floor l-rm as e"arry I CfZ- sT PATTON APTS. 321 Stat. nlahed. Adults only Ph 6244 t RM. APT.. 486 N. Liberty, eeeeiwwiiiweeee.eeeeeea 3 R. Pri. bath, ent 25 S. Cottage. wwawwawvw'' 2 BLKS. N. high sehl. Small heated . ' , uHu.-uig. . . . . ... ... Ki11.-1m 114 KA ia 111& N. lain I Street iWaMWwVMwWMMMWMWwWV'MM HOT.. MOT) Winter rates. Shoen'l Cottarea. Junction 12th & Pac. hwy. S. aaaeWaaSieaie ILuMAN, 13 us. worn. 1593 -ouru t.T?T TirTPT.KX furn. COt. f Tig.. ear., elec, washer. 776 N. Com'L jxxwowsowx ... 3 RMS., lta. wat. gar. $12.50. 7113. 1 MejMMwrwerweea B a m mm a fajfaav AT AT AT Z S-RM. HEATED apt. 444 & Hlgtt S-RM. FURN. apt 780 K. Winter. For Rent-Honses FURNISHED and unfurn. bouses. BL P. GRANT. S29 court rn, eif Mxw.eiMwwwweiiwwi' FURNISHED BOUS, 1MJ wun I J . IIUII, . . . I MaMMWMMMWtaaaaaasaaaaaaa. FURN. HOUSE. 550 B. 16UU wwxmmiww iwe 7 w HSE. turn. 3435 Hazel Ave. MODR.RN 4 ROOM dUDleX Pt- niC ly furnished. Elec ret. elec. range. basement furnace a xirepiace, garmga. I 4 B t I 8. KAKLE. rHOM S7 or ... t vu nwKTJ.TNO Fairmount Hill ...iwwwwwww. - - partly furn.. piano, well landscaped I raras;-. smiina. . . .... a ivtw ri mM m wi I M til mi mwmwwwwiiwwmwm SALE OR rent Sub. rm. has. UML at R. 3. Box la, Batem. CNF. DUPLEX. S-4 R doaa. sz. a sr. Mir ar aaiuknl. 1100L 82F1S I R. HOUSE, nartly furnished. $15 185 Madrona Ava. Salem Helghta, AMMMMMMtMMMfnMMrV " mm -w-n Tcrfn ear sMM-JatJw fornlsbed cottaff. 104 tenippm u I awMweMxiiewieaewoeii'iiawai. IS RM. HOUSE. .unfurn.. good, condl- 4$47 I irTTrTTf eaweeawiaaeeaMaiiMaa MOD. LARGE bom. 7S I. cottage. ROOM HOUSE 2 apta. west ofl . . bmauJi uuusjh pamy rurnwnea. 15th, . . Money to Loan AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN N. 8-1 SI Phone 9163 - CoBTenlcnt Ground Floor Locatloa For Rent- Houses E-ROOM MODERN home. SIS S. 5-RM. FURN. hse. 760 S. Com'L S-RM. HSE.. barn and chicken hse. at the edge of city. $25 to responsible party. F. II. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411. 4-RM. PARTLY furn. house. Hall I after 1 n rr. Th M iiiiv " " , ... . - ' " - - - -i bdrma. furn. hse. nr. et. hse, $38. 7111. " -- -u rms.. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 391 State Street Inquire room 200 Tel 1713, 5 KM. HSE. A gar., $20. 2 rm. mod. apt.. $18, 1709 Center, Ph. Bill. Wanted to Rent WANTED 2 BDRM. mod. furn. hse sub. home con. Box 1 095, Statesman. For Sale Real Estate TRADE Cm property for farm homes. Opportunities In exchangea HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. 5 R. MODERN house close in. Like I renL Let's look. Ph. 6155. tun SALE or trade, my equity In rtew modern house. Will take truck or car. 864 S 21st WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOU want to sell exchange tease, rent see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins A Roberta has been cut to $5,000.00. A 7 rm. house, hardwood floors. 3 nice bdrma.. full basement. 2 sets of plumbing, wa- ter system, and fireDlace. double aa rage, and H A. of ground with lots of fruit It is close in., and less than two years old. Terms. See Larsen with HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC JJ ttS-S cheaply a new 5-room modern house? Restricted district 1 block from bus line. Owner 5a06. Easy terma TODAY'S SPECIAL Here is your chance to buy a cheap residential lot located in sood district payed street, and sidewalk in. e. I front. 50x100. Located In E. Salem near state highway shops. Price $275. Call . t. uraDenliorst. Jr.. wltn W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street Phone (46$ -wwwsMwswe.eNww-Mws I $1250 $250 "down. $15 mobuys this I 3-room ana oath. Walking distance. C H. SANDERS. 118 S. High. 6111. 1 euy mis ior an investment. $1 800 BUYS S rms.. trees and bs. lar?e lot, paving paid. floors. $400 down, $15 per month. R. A. FORKNER - H. T. UEBEB 1853 N. Capitol BUY LIKE KENT S20 Per month. locauon. $1750. Very mall dnr pmt BUUKOW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd & Bush Bldg. Ph. 5965 $3450. MODERN 5-room home, fire place, basement, oil furnace, laundry trays, garage. Excellent terma P. H. BELL. Realtor 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 I 1 HAVE a lot. corner 15th and Nor- i ,i, r,in. ft.,... urnl?.h JP'o"0?, lIKS'i'fis -- I - - v)!)!) J2600. good home, oak floors in In1 and llnlnat isi tlrvaa 1 1 noi I living and dining rms.. nice kitchen, I rireplace 6400 down. $1600. 5-rm. plastered house, bath. lights, garage large lot $200 down. Money to loan at 6 per cent MELVIN JOHNSON. Realtor 725 Court Street Phone 3723 Exchange Real Estate I NEW 7 ROOM modern house will - p 1CU f "r " n-pcr Kii.vxr t?v at. itrtatib 1 959 Edgewater TeL 6622 EXCHANGE t ACRE TRACT close to city limits r.rira 32000 for Ralem home or In. I property will assume ft pay dif- I ferenee. Call Mrs. Ellis with - CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS I m gmte street Phone 9261 I -RM HSE. 1233. care Statesman. TO TRADE equity in 8 acre place, rnodern 6-rm house, hen house, bam, I rHr&6 fOf tlUCk. S ItlileS OUt A. Ce Hawkins, 1395 N. Liberty, I WTT.T. TniTffi modern eoiintrT I home. 5 acres. 4 large bedrooms, oil i neat, nne snruDDery, la minutes cuy 1 center Portland, for Salem home. What have you 7 Box 1097, Statesman. For Sale Farms FARMS ft HOMES For rent sale. trade. Oregon Land Co. Highway. oodburn. Oregon. FOR SALE or rent 70 acre farm. aai rs. winter Bt. BELIEVE IT OR NOT WE HAVE a valley farm of 111 ! acres to trade for a Nebraska farm . I I prefer near Lincoln or Omaha. What 1 have you to offer T I Call Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 1244 State Street Pooaa 9Z61. A WORD TO THE WISE MAKE YOUR farm selection now i Willi vuuei mrm iuw uiicth in kuizui I na See this fine 11$ acrea N. of Salem I exceptional set of modern buildings. I f - I ,'""m "V "r. .. Mr. MarrieTT wirnM I CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 1 144 ' State Street Phona 9261 I ACRE8 en Oaroen ro, just out I side of city limits. Mod. house. Elec I water srstetn. larca barn, work shoo I land hen house. Priced for quick sale. I I $4350; $50 down, only 825 per mo. I I Interest included. Immed, possession. 1 . '. . I JT. 1- W Hil K ZlZ OreC HIOM. xTi- llll. j : j BELL LIKE rent 100 A- 6 mL aut 95 A. cult Sell on easy terms to ra-I sponsible porcnaser. can at once I i '- H. P. GRANT 629 Court Street. , Phona f 744 j Acreage K ACRES WITH a 4 -room house. garage, chtckeft house, electricity and creek. A real buy for $1700. m APBR wilh unfinished house an 3 erage close In. $1500 with $190 down. 1 L like rent '"- . A GOOD 4-room bouse, large lot with 'fruit N. Fouita St Exchange foracre- ge. - .- ' Aiitii S jllA North Commercial bt. . Acreage CLOSE IN S ACRES NICELY LOCATED at tha rldlea- I lously low price of 1 1050. Sea it today Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 21. 1 I ACRES. 4 ml front Ladd Bush bank. No bldgs. All In walnut. rtsraHnttl BW oown na 19 monu. F. H. WEIR, 212 Ore. Bids. Ph. 9411 t ACRES east. Need fixing UP, I 11300; lioo dpwn, 25 month. ti. if. UKAAT, z court at. FOR QUICK SALE 10 acres, east Close city limits. Very flnV il. older bulldlna. elec. A good htiv 32800: $300 down. C. H. SANDERS. 118 & High. Sill. K APRES. ?U ml. north. Good soU. all cult., $200 per A. $100 down and US 50 cer mo. 1 1 A. 1 mi. from city on paved road. 7-rm. house, bath, lights, laundrv i til., electric pump, all In fruit and nnf 13275. 10 A. t ml north of city. 4-rm. house, barn, some fruit, all year creea reonTTrVVronTit $ Money to loan at per cent VfRT.VIN JOHNSON. Realtor 725 Court Street Phone 3723 . ... ., ... I Al-Kcaon xno uiaiutri.B lust above Kiverdale park. tjiear oi encumnrance, in traae xor cny vi vv- lerty and assume. E-rm mnd house tn S.W. Salem wttb 2 corner lota Fruit trees and nice lawn. $2000: $100 down. zo per mo. Immediate possession. F. H. WEIR. 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411. Business Opportunities K ACRE with eras mims and road- Bide inn. some equipment also private residence cn E N. ah .nog. C H. SANDERS. 118 S- illgn, 911. -t iiriilrtririi-iiiii rrVB'Mr'Y!' " GROCERY STOCK and fixtures. A real buy $16a0. R, A. FORKNER - H. T. TJEBER 1853 N. Capitol REAL BUY tn apartment bouse. Pays $150 per mo. Terms or trade. Phone 5965. FOR SALE or lease, restaurant and confectionery lixturea' E. A. Folsom, Coquille. Oregon. For Sale Wood INVESTK1A1H BUDGET plan on wood. Ph. 5370. w L. Graen, 413 N. II 4 ft' 'd, $3D75f irPhone 945l M 50 SPEC OAK $5.75, ash $5.25. P. 9703. Wood Sawing wood sawing. Ed sproea. p. 5883 WOOD SAWING. Tel. 3523. Lost and Found or-cis tl Statesman and pay for ad. LOST, at fair. Elgin watch, name on back. La Veda Rogers. 1093. Statesman. i0rwdT i6Q3 Center St Ph. 4252 cs" 0i center rn. LOST. BLK. handbag contain, cur. ft Personal LONELY? "WORTHWHILE" sweet heart husband, wire for you. bo 11. Angelea JOIN THE lonesome correspondence club. PO' bos 927. Portland. , PSYCHOLOGIST MRS MARTIN. I favorably known, dependable advice. Transportation I r-rr-r .ttit.k c tv... 1 1130 Cottage- LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OP ADMINISTRATRIX I Notice Is hereby given that the ...j i a jw n Undersigned has been duly ap- pointed by the County Court of I the State of Oregon, for the I Cf.fn rxt nrairnti foe fh I County of Marion, as Administra- I trlz of the estate of Guy M. Mc- Cartney. deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such ad ministratrix; all persons hating claims against the estate of said hrebncftifiedto decedent are present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Glover & Lamkin. my attorneys, 205 I rirsvnn nnlldln Marlon Count?, Oregog,' within ix mfd. tmm th. data of tbla months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 7th day of September, 1939. NANCY A. BASEY, Administratrix of the estate of Guy M. Mc- . Cartney, Deceased. I GLOVER & LAMKIN, Attorneys for Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. S.7-14-21-28 0.5. Business Card ta this directory run en ft monthly basis only. Bates 91 per line per month. Auctioneers . RAT HISEL 1289 Sixth Bt Fix. 1381 Auto Brakes I uiv. in mnntti Cisiintenilsi Bicycles I RTCTCL.ESL NEW and racoodltionad I Ram W Wl 11T a. Com! P. 4116 Chimney Sweep I TELEPHONE 443S. R a Nertha CHIMNEY CLEANED . wrraa. VURNACEa." atovea. Kntter. Get ready tor winter. Na seot me dirt Ray Lk Farmer Hdwr. Co. Pa. 5905. Chiropractors DR. O. L. 8COTT. FSC Clilrotwaetar. I Bgft taT tTI VI SSU I IV Diia. - ExcaFating EXCA T ATI NO OF aJI klnda Pass. ments dug. Dtrt hauled or moved, Jtrt for sal. Salem Band ana uravei jq PhOB 140$. . i Florists Braltbaupra 441 ; Court. Pbaa 690A Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE W EIDER LAUNDRT a$S S. Hiah ..: TaU 1S For Sale -Used Can WAR - OR Our Prices Are the Lowest 1 938 Ford Deluxe coupe 15,000 miles, Mohair uphosteiy. New rubber. Color Washington blue $595 VALLEY MOTOR CO "20 TEARS OF FRIENDSHIP Used Or Lot Marion & Liberty Herb Misson - Ben Drager - Art Hanson WEEK END SPECIALS For Two Days Only . 35 STUDEBAKER LIGHT 6 SEDAN.........-....$398 BEAUTIFUL INTERIOR FINISH. OUTSIDE FLAWLESS. MOTOR THOROUGHLY RENEWED. RUBBER EXCELLENT. EASILY WORTH $100 MORE. 37 DeSOTO TOURING BEIGE COLOR LIKE NEW. HEATER, OVERDRIVE, ETC 37 CHRYSLER ROYAL THIS CAR IS IN THE BEST POSSIBLE CONDITION. 36 FORD DeLUXE COUPE. One of our out standing buys MOTOR RENEWED. EXCELLENT BROWN PAINT. RADIO. ETC. 36 DODGE TOURING ORIGINAL BLACK FINISH. LOW MILEAGE. IN FACT PERFECT. 36 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN ... $595 LOW MILEAGE. EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN. STEAL AT THIS PRICE. 29 CHEVROLET COACH RUNS VERY GOOD. Wa Still Have Few New 1939 SEE THEM NUW AT SALEM AUTO CO'S Used Car Super Market CHRYSLER Open I 435 N. Commercial Street PRICES CUT ! Our overstocked condi tion works to your advan- t Iff determined I lagc' nc x,v-.Mmiv. to reaucea our usea car stock. 01DSM0BILE 36 DeLuxe Touring Sed. Original gunmetal finish. Interior spotless. Direct from the original owner. Only 21.000 miles. PfiNTTAP oo rjTnvp K.Cvl fnnnP I wu Vv-.- w J I Original maroon finish. New Goodrich tirea Only few thou sand milea Has all '39 features. PONTIAC 36 DeLuxe 6-Cyl. Coupe Black finish original. Has com plete overhauled job and a real radio, TERRAPLANE I A 36 DeLuxe Brougham Has new tires, an Hudson latest reaturest sucn aa electric nana. Only 20.000 milea MANY MORE NOT LISTED STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON ft PACKARD DEALER I High at Chemeketa St. Phone 8409 Directory Ala t tresses SALEM FLUFF RCO and Mattra factory- NEW MATTRESS made to erder. old remade: earpt eleantna slsing: fluff rug wesving. & 13th ft WHDur. TeL I44L OTTO F. 2 WICK ER Est I91L CAPITOL BSDDINQ CO. Pbon 4011 Naturopathic Physician DR. W a ROCKWELL. Natnrenarh. I Physician, 179 ralrgrounds Rd. TeL 4308. Office Honrs tl a. fa. to:$ . m. rRO EX A at A CONSULTA Painting Paperhanging KXAT W0RE..L. Johnson. Pa. I1SS. Printing FOR STATIONER! earda pampbleta procrama beak r any kind c prtm tag. caO Tb mtmaa Printing Da Partment 111 & Ctotnmwaial. Tato- 919L Refinishing FURNITURE REF1N ISH ED like aew'. X. Brock. 84S Gain. Pbon 424. Transfer FOB LOCAL ar distant transfer, stor aga burner tL can 811L larmar Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland daily Well Drilling R, A. WEST, rt X box 441. Pa. IISFS Chester J. Pugh. till MjrrU. Ph. 933. For Sale Used Cars NO WAR SEDAN. A buy at. ....$645 FLAWLESS UPHOLSTERY. RADIO. TOURIJNG SEDAN....$645 : $365 SEDAN.. ........$525 NEW, RUBBER. with trunk ... ..$75 Plymouths and Chryslers at a Savings Evenings PLYMOUTH Phone 4673 .4915 GOOD 1935 MASTER Chev. Coach, all-steel top, $295, terms. Cheap carer pickup In trade. Box 1094, Statesman. 36 CHEV. SEDAN, good condition. Ph9 4 3 0 4. .;juri; FOR SALE BLUE 1936. DeLUXE Convertible Ford Coupe. Good condition. Priced reasonable. Call 77.6. 193ft FflRh (tltix. tniirlnv ma.ln n Low mileage, local car. $95. Easy terms. 644 N. Commercial. 1939 CHEVROLET town sedan. Must Belt cheap for cash. Smith's Barbecue. z diocks norm, underpass. FOR SALE 1937 -ton GMC pick up, overload springs, good condition. A. real buy if taken at once. A. C Hawkins. 1395 N. Liberty. EQUITY IN '39 Plymouth sedan. Will take older car. Must sell by Sat urday. Call 1790 Waller. Cross Word Puzzle i 2 Is m Yz to ii la YV I' " , 'frm 22 12 ; 11 L II. irn n. 21 22 777, 23 7H 2S 2tT 27 ' 2. 3o"" 32 34V 37 36 3? MO Ml hT 3 777 hs 77; ITS" " as 7y -6 a&7 &o " T" " .fcdwo 1 I A 11 1 XCA 1 I 1 HORIZONTAL 49 dispositioa 1 raa 51 Und- 6 mierobft measTir -iCor : ' 62 bnxdea "-Jjjj 63-mop I3-rtriciik M-teretat bira 65 humor 11Knatla , 66 omfoit . 1 K .bam VnneV 67 Uend l-hicl , 5 card haylnf Laving mnner IT diirnonnted 18 4BT8tiC ejaculation lie raised platform 20 ienlptared lab lOilsifiet 2J flat,drnilar ainpc spot 69 Ian journey 60 U vers on horseback Hcrewitb is terdar's pvxdft. plata 20 wn-rnld cbariot 28 atftia SO thus ' 81 remunerated 8 old time 85 Japanes . measura 87 sudden ' attack '20 doctrin 42--ase . 44 emit Taper 4ft-WrdinE 47 lora : - Afrsg tba ef I iJ Schools COMPLETE TOUR high school at home. Diploma. Texts furn. Write for catalogue. Am. School. P. O. Box 450. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT Notice 1 hereby given that th undersigned have been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, tor th County of Marion, as Executrix and Executor, respectively, of th estate of Dora L. Leigbton, de ceased, and that they have duly qualified as such Executrix and . Executor; all persons having claim against the estate of said decedent are notified to present the same, duly verified, to us, at the office of Walter S. Lam kin, our atorney. 205 Oregon Building. Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 24th day of August, 1939. CORNELE STUTTAFORD, EDWARD M. LEIGHTON. Executrix and Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Dora. L. Leigh ton, Deceased. WALTER S. LAMKIN, Attorney for Executors, Salem. Oregon. A 24-31 S 7-14-21 Commanded Hitler Paul Gurtler (abovcf, of Drum heller, A1U., naturalized Ca nadian who commanded Adolf Hitler In the Aisitrian army in 1916, tried to enlist In the Ca nadian defense forces, but failed to pas the military examina tion. A Sudeten-German, Gurt ler was m non-commissioned of ficer, a rank higher than Hitler, In the World war days. . VERTICAL 1 prisoner's pledge 2 one of th Three Hosketeers 8 margin 4 Hebrew word for 6 tnoen t TomitinBp - 7 color -j 8 letter of Greek alphabet ft more pallid 10 ancient tnaciatrates 11 edible tuber 1( symbol for aamarinm 17 near 10 dismal 20 cnrryoff 22 eenotnoQ anaka 24 informer 27 lor 29 eornered th aalntida to ye- 82 expire 84 ball ems 88 Bohemian . ' dance 88 peaceablft 28 death 40 benthonie plant 41 cylindrical 48 aharr? 45 Rnasian coin 48 bon 60-01d English Ubbr.) 88 armed conflict 54 keel-biDed enekoe 58 French conjunction 57 aymbol for brypton . - . slatlei 21 auastsa i v 1 - t 4 la J 1 J -1 I 1 Ml f A , r. ' -.- :' . e-:-K-:-x'. -1