Tha OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Mbrnin?, September 13, :W- PAGE SEVEN Efficiency of Mattress Due To Spring Despite the fact that the first wire bedsprlng came from a bag gy seat, they hare long since grown out of. the horse and bug gy era. ..." '.- Many people are under the Im pression .that the comfort of a bed is due mostly to the matt ress, with the result that they get modern mattresses to use on top of out-moded bedsprings,but mo dern mattresses and ' springs are designed to be used together. The right bedsprlng will supply one third of the bed's resilience when used with an lnnerspring mat tress, and two-thirds with a solid mattress. , An old-fashioned bedsprlng used with a new lnnerspring mat tress lacks efficiency because It is too soft to provide adequate support, and in a short time will break down even the best mat- tress. . - : ;-" "' During the past ten years, bed-' springs Bare been greatly im proved to keep pace with mat tress Innovations. To provide the proper foundation for the popu lar lnnerspring models, manu facturers have devised coil springs that have specially constructed top features. Some of these have platform tops consisting of 'flex ible, horizontal steel bands, and others have different looking coils, called convolute, that form a flat surface when in use. .. Boxspiings are as popular as ever, but they have been rede signed since grandmother's day when they served as the founda tion for her feather bed. The new boxsprings are lighter in weight, 'and those sold with - lnnerspring StuU-miUi It tftetcken f.W ir- i7 ft rV S W 11 111 .v -of v"ji. ' , . ; il MUM- I t- M - -""" ' I Mrs. Johnson Dies, Was Pioneer Here Funeral Services Today for Salem Native at Portland PORTLAND, Sept 12.-0P)-A long illness was fatal here today to Mrs. Edith Waldo Johnson, member of a pioneer Oregon fam ily and wife of Folger Johnson, prominent Portland architect The daughter of the late Judge and Mrs. John Waldo, Mrs. John son was born at Salem, Sept. 23. 1885. Surviving are her widower and a son, Folger. Waldo Hills, near Salem, were named for the fa mil. and Waldo Hall at Oregon State college, Cor vallis, commemorates her mother. Mrs. Johnson gained recogni tion as a civic leader and a play wright. Sbe was a bosM member of the Portland Civic theatre, past official of the League of Women Voters, active in the American Red Cross daring the woria war, member of the repeal convention and the child welfare commission at one time. . She was co-author with Susie Aubrey Smith of two orize plays. In addition to attending miss Fenten's school, San Francisco, and St. Helen's Hall, Portland, she studied at the Sorbonne In Paris. Edith H. Waldo was married to Folger Johnson, then of Atlanta, Ga.. January 7. 1914 Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 4 p. m. at Portland from Flnley's chapel Women Fight for Poland, too V":- v v . t ,. " ' - rifet, ,. " : V .. v x v t ,..-':. ' j "i J Simple Methods of Quints9 Births Can Save Thousands of Uther Lives By STEPHEN J. McDONOUGH - Associated Press Science Writer CLEVELAND. Sept 12 The Iiyes of thousands of ba bies could be saved by using the same simple methods that kept the Dionne quintuplets alive, Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe de clared today. I He reminded thV American O- Women as well as the men are fighting: for Poland these days. Here is a group of officers of the Polish women's legion admiring a new flag presented to them by Marshal Edward Smigly-Rydz, director general of the Polish army. These women are veterans of the Russo Polish independence fight 20 years ago. They are shown at Lwow. Reclamation Law Aids Farms Here CLATSKANIE. Sept. Farmlng areas have been aided by the new reclamation law passed by congress, John C. Page, ages are experienced. bureau of reclamation commis sioner, told the Oregon Reclama tion congress last night. The statute, .Page said, pro vides for supplemental water sup plies or construction of storage dams for districts, individuals or municipalities where water short- Congress of Obstetrics and Gyne cology that babies born prema turely, as the quints were, should be put Immediately unaer Dian kets or kept warm in -any crude Incubator, fed. only with breast milk, protected from infection. and handled as little as possible. "The eternal vigilance of well- trained . nnrses overshadows al most every other essential in the care of "the, premature infant, he added "Premature babies should be" under the care of such War Eclipses all Political Issues, Mahoney Believes KLAMATH FALLS, Sept. 12- CP)-Wlllla ' Mahoney, democratic political - leader, said toaay ne would not make a political speech when he appears before the Wil lamette democratic society at Portland .September 20.. "This is a time to adjourn poli tics," he explained. In conse quence,' he added, he will speak on "America's position in the world war crisis. ' Mahoney has been identified with a movement to push Presl dent Roosevelt's candidacy for a third term. nurses throughout every minute of the 24 hours." The quints are well Into their sixth year as normal girls. Their care after the first year of life "has been no different from that ordinarily supplied to ahy well cared for infant." Only during the first year of life, and par ticularly the first few weeks do premature or "fragile babies" re quire special care. Birth of the quints was an emergency in which the best use had to be made of materials at hand. One of Dr. Dafoe's assist ants sat in front of an oven heating blankets to wrap around each of the little girls immediate ly after she was born. Each was handled as little as possible and then only In front of the open ovu door. Later they were put in baskets surrounded by hot wa ter bottles and kept warm until individual incubators were rushed to Callender, Ont., from the Unit ed States. Curfew for Jews BERLIN, Sept. 12-(j!p-The government today ordered all Jews henceforth to be oft the streets at 8 p. m. The Jewish community was advised privately of the curfew order and told to inform all Jews. "Jerry's ring is so expensive, Betty doesn't know whether she's engaged to him or tne installment man;-' mattresses are firmer than they The lady delivering the sock to romance is comfortably clad In a flan were la years gone by. . nel hostess coat. Braid trimming, wide at the shoulders, narrows at the waist, and Is repeated on the pockets giving a military dash. Her companion's brown wool dress has an interesting back; Crackers Help Stuff with smart buttons, extra skirt fullness and a draped sash (remov- Green Peppers , , : 14 typical of autumn menus. Buy ! A cracker meal mixture goes cracker meal af the grocer's, into peppers to make a good STUFFED PEPPERS luncheon or dinner dish that's 6 green peppers Easy-tO'Follow Chart and String . Make Laura Wheeler Accessory - " . . SL, 3 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon minced onions 1 cup finely minced, cooked ham cup cracker meal cup stock or hot water Salt and pepper Buttered cracker meal Cut slice from stem end of pep pers, remove seeds and membrane and par-boil 5 minutes. Drain and snrinkle inside with salt. Saute onion in butter 5 minutes, com bine with ham, cracker meal and stock. Season to taste. Stir and cook 5 minutes longer. Fill pep pers with mixture. Sprinkle top with buttered cracker meal (2 ta blespoons melted butter to cup cracker meal). Bake 15 to 20 minutes in moderately hot oven (400 degrees). I Fruitland Family At Forest Grove FRUITLAND Orsa Fagg and family went to Forest Grove Sun day afternoon to visit Tellis Bel lamy who is very ill. Enoch Zimmerman, the Hayes- ville district Sunday school presi dent, was present Sunday at the Fruitland Sunday schooL He an nounced that the next convention would be at the Salem Japanese church September 24. R. A. West of Swegle has fin ished drilling a well for A. II. Dressier. Mrs. Anna Girod has gone to a ,.1-rJ.w infh ii-h m thi 72 terlala reaulred. Scio to be at the home of Mrs. x 90 inch one (the size in string) Send ten cents in coin for this Joan Stainer for the winter, is always useful in any household, pattern to The Oregon Statesman, The Fruitland women's circle, Pattern 1927 contains a chart and Needlecralt Dept. Write plainly which was to have been held last directions for making cloth; illus- PATTERN NUMBER your NAME Thursday, will be next Thursday tration of it and of stitches: ma- and ADDRESS. . at the home of Mrs. P. J. Eggler. . sim failed WtssSNL j Let Miller's Show ; i You the Way! ' ... ' i For years Miller's have played a prominent part in the school life of Salem, that of bring ing the newest school fashions in a wide range of selections almost to your very door. From the kindergarten age to senior college! Boys and girls in every classroom will be wearing smart clothes from Miller's. Three floors on which to shop . . . elbow room, efficient service, unhurried leisure for you . . . shop in comfort! ' OUR PRICES ARE LOW-- OUR QUALITY HIGH! You have every right to expect good quality at low prices. But so often low prices do not mean good quality. Poor quality, sleazy, cheap things are, in reality, very expensive. Don't be misled by price, however shop theiown . . . we'll be seeinr you. MILLER3 SPECIAL. ; THIS FAMOUS ''HICKORY" NEW! Hundreds of Smart School Sweaters ! 1.98 special You'll scarcely believe your eyes when you see the great variety of school sweaters In the three departments at Miller's. Boys', girls' and grown-ups' too. Some priced extra low, some priced higher, but we think these $1.98 ones are rery good. Handbags, $1 OFFERING! COMPLETE SEWING NEEDS AT MILLER'S Judy Garland handbags are here! ... newest patterns . . . some fitted with pencil and pads! Also Deanna Durbin handbags In smart Bchool types. Plain or plaids. Main floor. Wool Scarfs, 69c New! You must see these new plaid wool triangles from Belgium and Switzerland! Plain and plaids. A riot of color schemes. Main floor. Child's Handbags Handbags with handles in smart style! Patent and other smooth leath ers. 50c If GIRDLE "X ?.V.-.V. At. "- You'll like "PER-FIT" gir dles for their perfect fit, comfortable control, and tine styling. Per-Fit an 'jwer the problem of what to wear to school and work. PER-FIT COMES IN ALL THE LENGTHS AND WAIST SIZES for different types of figures. ! Shop Miller's notion de partment tomorrow tor your perfect fitting girdle nd get a drier free! , 1 .....V - With This "Girdle Drier" FREEH The Per-Fit girdle drier -dries quickly and leaves your girdle in excellent con dition. Prolong the life of your girdle with this convenient (Enameled-Metal) girdle drier! , . ONE DRIER GIVEN FREE WITH EACH PER-FIT tHRDLE PUR CHASED AT. MILLER'S THIS ' WEEKl . . . Motion Dept II If! . SPECIAL! Novelty Cabinet Moth Closet. Regular $3.50. 2.98 Millet's Notion Dept. MILLER'S NEW SKIRTS 2.98 School skirts are either circular or pleated style. In either case you'U find a fine assortment at Miller's. . Plaids, plain teals, greens, rusts, wine, blues, reds, ete. NEW Plaids! 1.69 yd Let the salesladies at Miller's ahow you the way to make that circular or pleated skirt from the new wool plaids! Or Jackets! Spun Rayon Plaids 69c yd. All the smartest wearea and pat terns of the new season are to be found in this array of span rayon plaids! Dresses, skirts, scarfs, Jackets. School Hose, 19c pr. School anklets are colorful! They must be to go with the new school oxfords? Here's a sale you can't af ford to miss. Regular 2ac, 35c ank lets In this big showing this week at only 19c or 6 paira for $1. Main floor. Angora Sox, 50c Deep textured angoras for your heaTy oxfords! Choice of new shades for fall school wear. Main floor. Berwy Silk Hose, 79c 3 prs. $2.25 Take Berwy silks back to school and rest assured that your hosiery trou bles will be minimized. These 4 and 7 threads are Ideal for the girl who wishes sleek style and solid wear! See the new fall shades at Miller's. School Coats, 0$ 5. 95 Our specialty this week Is a big showing of wool school coats at $5.95 in the children's shop, main floor. These were , specially pur chased at a price concession that truly makes them a rery good bar gain. Print Frocks, $1 Of coarse we hare frocks" at many other prices . . . more and less, but we inrite your attention to these at $1.00 . . . .note the honest ralue! The main floor children's shop fea tures these. Gym Suits, $1 The regulation gym suit is to be found at Miller's . . . the price $1.00. Place your order early' ... or better still, buy It now! Main floor. ft Jy f2jl ft'i i- W 1 1 l SALE! Universal Pajamas 1.29 High school and college girls wiU be delighted with these new UNIVER SAL man-tailored pajamas In the colorful Persian patterns. Greens, rusts, bines, etc. Also in smart plaids! 2nd ! floor. BOX OF "LUX" FREE! All this Week, Miller's will giro s rbOx of Lax free with purchase of lingerie or foundations in the 2nd noor lingerie secUons. MUIer's rec ommend Lux for all fine washablea. See the washability expert for book let on "How to Launder and Care for School Wardrobes. I 2nd Floor THE "CRUISER" 5.00 Now! One of the- swankiest school ox fords in town! A new idea in alligator calf in black or brown. Swing toe last. Single welt sole, new heel idea, etc. Try it on . . . note the sleek, smart tit! Main floor. New "Swing Toe" Oxfords 3.45 Heary crepe sole "swings'! In the new est manner. New rose beige shades and mauTe Una! $5.45 and $3.15. Main floor. - ' 'BEAR CLAWS' Something new In pajama slippers for the college or high school girt Bear Claws are fuxxy-wuxzy In bright colors. Jast like far mittens! Main floor shoe department. BOYS! Shop Miller's For VALUE and STYLE! - I No skimpy school clothes here! Standard brands . that carry a label that spells success! Seeing Is beliering . . . shop Miller's and try on sweaters, cords, and other school clothes! Tonll like the tit as well as the quality! VARSITY SWEATERS .NEWEST- SCHOOL HATS NEW BELTS PLAID MELTON JACKETS POLO SHIRTS ANKLE SOX CORD PANTS NEW SHIRTS SCHOOL LUGGAGE SCHOOL OXFORDS" SCHOOL UNDIES SCHOOL SUITS