PAGE'ELEYEK r ' Market Place for Buyi 9 -U. The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, September 13, 1939 Sale Him (TIT LH JUL lb JLJUL O Statesman Classified Ads Call '9101 : CUssined Advertising ,: Single Insertion pr line 10e Three Insertion per tin 10c Six insertions per tint .. SOe On month per line $1 Minimum charge ',' ., ..-tie Copy (or this page accept urr 6 :33-th evening before eeblica tloa for classlfVatton Copy re etvd sfty this time win bo rao undor tbs baadtn Too Lata to Clssstfy.1 Tho 8tstsm Munwi oo (Inon ilei responalbllltr for srror whte nay appear tn advertisements pub lished In R rolnmnt and ro case. wbr thU paper la at ran It will fO print that part of an advertisement la which tho typographical mistake occurs. Tho Statesman reserves the right to reject questlonabl srrvertlaing It further reserves tbo right to place ail sdvertlslng under the nroper classification. . , . A "Blind" Ad ad coafslntn a Statesman boa number for an ad dress is for the protect ton of rh advertiser and must therefore tie answered by letter The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge Informa tion aa to the Identity of so adver tiser using "Blind" ad. Livestock DEAD AND worthies horses, cows picked OP free Ph. collect 14 1 i,Btem Montgomery Rend Wks f ROMNEY BUCKS Town send, 585 a Com'L for sale L, 'Auctions l ATTfTTtON - AUCTION - AUCTION . SPECIAL AUCTION next Thursday !rhr at tho P. N. Woodry , Auction M.rt 1S1( W. Summer St. In Holly wood. NOTE: This sale will begin PROMPTLY at 7 :30 p. .ro. and will continue until the lance lot of fimilture from the homes of Jacob Papkoff. Lou- I.. TT.rrlnrinn Mrs Mnnne CamerOO and several other has been disposed of Fallowing is a partial list of the tnerchanriia that will ho sold : 1 dining table A 6 chairs: Miller pi ano and bench: 1 White Rotary rw- Ino- machine' electric cabinet radio - C onion electric mangle! set Rnoermade aluminum ware! S nsed llnolenm rot 4 beds, springs, mattresses; 1 man's or boy's bicycle : 1 dressers : 1 mahog any diivenoort table : 4 camp beds' davenport 1 8 chair. NOTE From onr stock the follow- Inff items:! 2 new linoleum rues, 1 new 4-Pieca waL bed set: 1 Zenith cahtnet radio. A-l: 1 9x18 wk. New Inner snt ins mattress and many other arti cles too numerous to mention. FN. GLENN WOOTiRT. Auction eers. Phone 5110 to ret onickest and best results. See us. "Private Sale raily." Name your own terms In ( - j - reason. . U Hop Pickers r HOP PICKI.VO commences on 1711- hee hop ranch Friday. September 1. 1 miles oast of Salem. Bis; crop. Roy Ha rd ma nj forema n : phone f a rmer'e line. 10OF5. OUR TRUCKS leave every mornlnir at 6 from the corner of State and Commercial street for the ROBKRTS HOP yard. For information and ar rangements, phono 9623 or 16F12. HOP PICKERS wanted at Williams and Thacker. Truck leaviwr east side of bridue at o'clock.-Tel. 9814. NEED MORE hop pickers corns If only ror a day. ii.fio nunarea. uuoert Farm Co., Eola 5730. Help Wanted SURPRISING, NEW mushroom rals- wm1 1MM.A pany. Book FREE. United. 3848-B Lin- .com Ave.. Chicago. WANTED. BEAN pickers for Darley yards enar Penitentiary Annex. Call at 645 S. 12th St. Phono 8890. i Pr. Pick.. J cab. G F- Booths Turner. PRUNE PICKERS wanted today. Rhoten farm near Roberts. PR.' PICK., tc W. Shreve, 2 ml S. W. , Liberty, vida springs ro. Help Wanted 830 WKKKI.T. GROW mushrooms cellar, shed We buy. S5e lb. World's i largest company FRER ROOK Mush rooms 1019 Second Sesttle Wash WANTED AT COUNTRY ESTATE Married coupls between SO and 60 years of ago no children) for maid and gardner. Writ experience, stating ! age and giving -references Address i box 90. RFD 2. Salem. Oregon. Help Wanted Female GIRL OR woman for general house work call mornings. 1535 N. zotn. WANTED SCHOOL girt for light housework In exchang for room and board Iwmiro 1570 N. Com'L VAtkft OA Tins, atstionerv. name imp. Khntm TViauuts astshlished line. Earn more. Many box assorts. "Golrlcn-Val- I tie" II box zi cards pronv ow unnecf Sample- free. -Wallace -Brown . 225 Fifth Ave. Dept. 84139. .New York. sssssaojaarffcasaS WANTED. GIRL to assist with housework. 935 Gaines ' , 1-Ll J-U-U1Uru-Lr-U-Ctr -i -li-ii- -tmmmmm WANTED t NEAT attractive ssles la dies for local firm. Salary, commis sion if qualify. Ses Mrs. west. Aot. ii. 2597 Portland Rd. at. sirgrounas cot tage. Hours 9 till 4 p. m. ! Salesmen Wanted SALESMAN OR canvasser with car. food poor. Commission bails, gas nr. Apply between ,1 ft 3 p. m. Mathis I Bros. 178 s. com i. Situation Wanted RAMSEYER TRUCK sorytcs. Oee. oral hauling, reasonable rates. P. 8384 EXP. WOMAN cook wants reststi- rant or lunch room work. 1773 Center. DEP, MIDDLE-AGEDE lady wants light hsewTK. tor iaay aione or ooupi. Ph. 8778.. r ! ' . Ore flouGUtaterajitt ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives -Georg D. doss. lae. fiao Francisco. Los Angeles. Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant. Griffith ft Branson. Is Chicago. Nw Tors. Detroit, Boston, Atlanta - AMtsrsd ot is PototfUs t Soles Oregon, s Seoosd Clan Matter. Pss- Htked tvtrv morstso sscept sfosdas. .MinsM eitee til south Conwunicu trtet. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription RaUs la Advance. Within Oregon : uauy ana ounaij VTo Aa cents: S Ma. 81 69: 6 Mo. 83.5S 3 year $5.00. Elsewhere 10 ssnts ps Mo or 36.00 for 1 rtar In advance. Per copy t cants Nswsstsnds I cents By City Carrier t o cents a moau J7.Z0 ft 11 la ftgyance lft lAarloa Situations Wanted DRK8SMAK. MRS Adsttt Pb S38 toil & Com. DftESSMA KING. TAILORING, coat relismg. KM 8. Liberty St. irVWIMIrMMMWWMMWMVMlBftsMpVWMMrMrKsV CAPABLE WOMAN wants bsekpg. Ref prefer go 'home nights Inquire 1SII K. Turner Rd. YflTTKfl T.ATYT da work. Pref. f- flc foe sxser. Small wane. Ph. 7897. YOUNG HAN wishes work. Anything Derma nent with a future. Gar. or serr at, preferred. Box 1088. Statesman. YOUNG' KAN needs work for room board, to finish high schooL Bo' 10. Statesman. MIDDLE-AGED lady for housework Phone 511. 2880 Fairground Rd. I Fnr Sale Mir11ineoti s a trie ttfl oo -ON 1918 Duo- Therm oil bnrnlnc: circulator, i to 6 room capacity, only 359.50 Easy terms Good Housekeeping Inc.. 458 Court St ARMT WAt 1 rent tSS 8 14th. REBUILT AND ctiaranteed srt era All makes from 8t np Spes Msy rag 115 Hogg Bros CASH FOR osed forn Ph lilt oi. nn. S 80 win 11 ChemeSeTS Bikes A Rep Rnmsden 148 I. In GOLDEN CROSS can. corn. 78F14. USED WOOD Electric and g ranges. Priced - to sen TEATER RUSH 35S N. Liberty Next To Power Co. ONE THOn washer, completely over hauled. 820. Sears Roebuck Co. GENERAL ELECTRIC refrigerator f rn ft. unit completely over hauled guaranteed. $39.95. Sears Roe buck Co. - mm ONE COLDSPOT. 6 ft. me. only ! 835.00. Sears Roebuck Co, W ATKINS Prod.. 1725 Mad. 7os TOUNG MAN'S Mack suit and blue sports coat, siio 37. Almost new. rn 4311 evenings TTcnnn T.RnvATtn refrigerator, guar anteed. 849.50. Easy terms. Goofl Housekeeping Inc. 4a3 court fat. TOMATOES AND encumbers. 3JF18 SAsVVVMWwWwVWrVWArrvVV NEW RUG. 12x21. BTUE WILTON PHONE 7205 GOOD ELECTRIC stove, deer or elk rifle, good mangle. Ph, 72 IS. CAR HEATER, new deluxe model Sacrifice for cash. Ph. 5132. FOR SAT.E. used oortahle tvne writer complete with case. Four bank key board. Good Rhape. t'5.00. .Tohn Poor- man. 1845 John St. Phone 8435, SPEED - O - PRINT DUPLICATOR cheap. 481 Ferry St. PERENNIAL FLOWERS ft seed White's Greenhouse. 1655 N. Slimmer MAN'S BICYCLE halloon tiros good condition IPS S. 24th. PAIR DR. SCHOLLS arch support ers used very little. Half price. Shoe size 5. Box 1092. Statesman. LATE IMPROVED Elbcrta peaches now ready. Puritan Cider works, west Salem. isssaMaasasajisaasaasMssaaaSsS, SMALL PIANO with beautiful tone cheap. 1690 S. Cottage. mjmimmm1nmmmmmm - WRECKING LARGE house, corner State ft 21st; doors, windows, plumb ing, fixtures, brick roofing lumber. 39 ZENITH COMB, radio. Ph. 4508 USED SCHOOL hooks and children's encyclopedia. 477 Court. 25-85 RIFLEL 1S10 COURT ST. $45.00 BEATJTYRTCST. FULL. Sise mattress. like new. for 825. or trade for twin bed mattress. Box 56, States man. Trade Miscellaneous WILL EXCHANGE for wood, all steel body, light 4-dr. sedan in very good condition. Phone 8262. Wanted Mireilaneoiie WANTKD ITPKP turn Ph 8110 TrVVMWwVVMwwVwVVwVwVVwVwVVwM WANTED TO buy for cash. tt 1 2nd mortgages real estate contract' ft merchandise discount proper. STATE FINANCE CO 844 State Street Salem Oregon WANTED FOR cash, walnuts ft fU berts. Also meats. M. Klorfein Pack' ing Co.. 280 a High. Phone 7683. WANTED. CHILD of grade school age to care for attend. EngTewooo school. Box 1091. Statesman, WANTED PRI. gar. 7070. to rent, dbl pref. Mr. Venden. Wdnto Furniture 'WANTED FTJRN. Forgey. P. T44S Misrl'ineniis PLASTERING. PATCH wortL HOT Broken Lenses Replaced in Two Hours DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST OPTICAL DEPT. In charge of Dr. Fred Pageler and Dr. W. W. Frasee. Optometrists Adolph Bldg.. State ft Commercial .Phono 3311 ,aWsrMSsfsssesxssxssx BEAUTIFUL BLACK Persian male cat wants home TeL 4503. For Rent Rooms SLEEPING RMS., nesr schools snc capital 492 N. Summer. Pb. ss. ROOMS. PH. 8917. ,69$ N. Cottage. Basaa4saaaSVSarerkstsA'w' HSEKPO. OR sleep, rms. near Les- isSMssrWawSSsSssSssSjsSaSSsta DESIRABLE SLEEPING room, prl entrance-- TeL 8977. -trin.ririjn.nru-irii- NICELY FURN. room ft prlvato h-k tm mod clean 'home for CfflD. COu- pi or two business girls Phone 1818 u nnc irom nrnm scnoob ! WWMMMMWWSSWWWSSASSMSMS PI FURN. rns. Central P. 8229. Room and Board It ft B, 1994) N. Summer. Ph. 4614. TBL, BOARD, ere. food. 850 Marlon. -iririririii-iiftrri'"iririrrrr - - RM 2 STUDENTS. $19. Ph. TUB. ROOM. BOARD. 1547 Court St, BE. BD. ft gar. 835. 1040 N. 17th. NICE ROOM, boms cooking; private home lits 8. Uberty 8L Kaiom. LOVELY RM. with fireplace, oil heat excellent board. 655 N. Cottage. EXCL. MEALS, prt home. Ph. 8791 CLOSE IN. Phone 3859, reaa, price. For Rent Apartments SEB THE Flsber Apta before decide. Lsrss ft Airy. Rockwool j iu lo ted against beat ft cold. Venetian Blinds throughout, a. ComL m nag ts sasrWSrssWMrMNssMsaSsSsssS ' l KM. FURN. apt. frees, rm.t pull- Money to Loan We Lend You Money WITS REPAYMENT FLAK ARRANGED TO FIT YOUR ZNCOMJB No Endorsees No Comakers Your Signature Only REPAY ANT DAY TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDEST AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YOUR NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE. General Finance Corp. 136 So. Commercial St. First Door Bents I U04 ft tmsn Bans GE1 SPOT CASH This "PERSONAL Way WHEN AT HOME t A "Personal" Loan 82$ to $300. Easy Terms WHEN AWAY: USB A "PERSONAL CREDIT CARD Good st 378 offices, Coast to Coast SIMPLE TO QUA LIFT: Com tn. GUARANTEED BT GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE 4 As advertised therein.) PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor. Now Bllgn Bldg. 818 State Street Salem. Oregon State License Numbers 8-133 M-161 LOW HATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used cars. Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red taps. 1 TO 30 MONTHS TO PAT Roy H Simmons 136 South Commercan Street Phone 9168 Lie No. M-15J FHA LOANS 4tt. else .private loans Abrams ft Ellis. Inc.. Masonic Bldg. AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Stb FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-159 $300 .00 FOR FALL AND WINTER NEEDS REDUCE BURDENSOME TN- STlt.l HUNTS Mm YOURSELF OF UL.1J UCDIO. CONSOUDATB ALL BILLS INTO ONE. CRT CASH FOR SCHOOL. NEEDS. REDUCE HIGH CAR PAYMENTS. Our UbersL flexible credit require menta make It asy to borrow. Our convenient payment plans make It easy to repay, t A modest salary is our mam reoulrement) You are under no obligation when yon call st the offices of the People's Finance Co. 2nd Floor. First Natt Bank Bldg. Salem. Oregon Phone 4446 S 213 Stat License M-220 Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing inquire st Hawkins ft Roberts WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem rssl es tate. Will pay 6 interest W. H. GRA BEriHORsi S) V.VJL REALTORS tS4 & Liberty Street Phone 6463 For Rent Apartments 3 ROOM FURNISHED apartments reasonable. 841 N. Liberty St 2 RM. FURN. 945 & 12th. FURN. HEATED apt. 460 N. istn. 8 RM. NEWLY furn. Heat, water refrig.. bath, adults 991 N. Cottage- COMFORTABLE. HOME - LIKE reasonable. Hawthorn Court. 1000 N Canltnl St. - STRICTLY MOD. Tb Devereaus. 3-RM. FURN. hath. 1440 Waller. HALIK'S MODERN spts. TeL 8208 3 OR 4 R. hse snts.. 735 N. Com'L 2 ROOM FURN.. lights, water. May- tag. shower. $14. 1620 Ferry. DESIRABLE APT., gas heat. Frtg- Idaire. prt bath. 1st floor, outside ent garage, near sr. high and state capitoi TeL 6977. 8 R. FURN., bath, garage, i CspltoL - gSsAassjsssjssiassssssss m m ww NICE FURN spU 69 Union. 1 TO 4-RM spts- cheap, rt snr lib ennaren wetcoTii FURN. APT- 2261 HaseL Ph. 7 COOt 1ST floor i nn 84$ Ferry PATTON APTS. 823 SUts. nlshed. Adults only Ph. 6344. .8 RM. APT.. 486 N. Liberty. esasesxayxstjsesiss 9 R. PrL bathe ent. 250 S- Cottage- 2 BLKS. N. high schl. Small heated apu bullt-Ins 312.50 mo. 1115 N. 13th Strctet 3 R.. LTS. HC w, gar. $12.50. 7113, 2 RM. APT., elec, refrig.. sutomaue heat. $20.00. 355 S. 14th. VT . rnn. Winter rates Shoen'S Cottages, Junction 12th ft Pac. hwy. a ruuxrjiOiJiiBJV PULLMAN. BUa worn. 1853 Court .For Rent Houses FURNISHED snd no furn. booses B. P. GRANT. 829 Court Ph. 6744 FURNISHED St Pbons 6926. HOUSE, 1337 Court FURN. HOUSE, 850 a 16th. t ROOM HOUSE redecorated ; ga rage. 4 blks to SUts St, $20.00. Rel wanted. Box 1226. 4 RM. MOD cottage. G. A Judson. 987 McGilchrlst St Jssa1Ssaaaars4sr T RM. HSE. furs. 2425 Hazel Ays MODERN 4 ROOM duplex spt, nice ly furnished. Elec. ret, elec. range, basement, furnace ft fireplace, garage. $28.60. a M. EARLE. Phone 9678 or 886S. HOUSE AND garage. Sept 15th. 343 a 16th St, Salem. Basement two bed rooms, xxe.00 per mo. ueo. Asmoerson. Rt 6, Box 106. T RM. DWELLING Fairmount HITI partly furn.. piano, well landscsped yard $40, si so 10 rm. nouse near uign school. $25. ' IVAN a MARTIN, TeL 4413 SMALL APT. 770 S. Com'l St. "FURN. AND unfurn. 633 Ferry. FURN. 8-RM. spt - 444 Hlgh. SALE OR rent Sub. f rm. hse. inq, AA A Bas 8ft. Hsi.. Money to Loan Lie. No. S-138 Phone 9168 Convenient Ground Floor Location. For Rent Houses UNF. DUPLEX. 3-6 R- close. SS2S. 4 TL. NEAR school. $2000. 32F13 VMwVVwVMwVwVwwrXVrSrVrrXerSo. 6 R. HOUSE, partly furnished. $25 385 Madrona Ave.. Salem Heights. 3 ft 4 RMS. $20 ft $22. 5 rms. $25. 8 rms near state hse.. $42.50. Ph. 7118. FOR RENT four room completely furnished cottage. 1045 Shipping bt 3 RM. HOUSE, unfurn.. good condi tion, gar, $20. 945 Market. TeL 4847 MOD. LARGE home. 678 N. Cottage. 9 ROOM HOUSE 2 sots, west of Marion Square. Inquire 175 Marios. FURNISHED 4 ROOM modern cot tage. $25.00. 255 N. 24th St Phone 3849. 6 RM. HOUSE near hish schooL Call ssas or 54U alter 6 o'clocK. MOD. 4 RM. furn.. full basement furnace, $22 mo. Ph. 42F3, C RM. MOD. hse,. $30.00, 8 rm. mod. hse.. $40.00. Ph. 8632. eves 8264 For Rent OFFICE ROOMS, 381 Stat Street Inquire room 200 Tel 3718. S RM. HSE. A gar- 320. 3 rm. mod. apt, $18. 1709 Center. Ph. 6121. Wanted to Rent WANTED TO rent 2 bedroom mod ern house, permanent references TeL JTlrSSAaSMSWsSWMMWMMMsSfc WANTED 2 BDRM. mod. furn. hs sub. home con. Box 1095, Statesman. For Salt Real Estate TRADE CITY property for farm homes Opportunities In exchangee. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS INC 6 R. MODERN house close In. Like rent Let's look. Ph. 6155. 5 ACRES IMPROVED, ltt mL city. bargain II sold soon. Rt 2, Box 35. 1H mi. irom city limits FINE FIVE room home in splendid residential district 9 blocks N. of post office. Modern in every respect Nicely arranged, nam wood iioors, large base ment, furnace, nice shrubbery and cor ner location. You will be delighted with tnis place and it is priced low for lm mea late 'sale. See Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC 4 RM. HSE.. N. 16th street, take car as down pymt. 1640 N. Capitol., eves - "- -- - -- -iwyVinriAAAflAAjW RAROAIN. 7 ROOM MODERN home, spt rent ea tor ia.oo montniy. separate en trance, large lot. North Winter St 3to 3U3 dn. Ph. 6580, BRAND NEW modern 5 room shake bungalow with acre nut ft fruit trees around nouse. East Salem $2950 30U an. Phone 8580 10 A. E. OF TOWN, 5 rm. plastered nse... Darn at outoiags.. eiec. llgnts elec. water system. Price $2800, $300 on., oai. nice rent H a. rm hse., water, lights, on pavement, next to school. Price $650.00, tuasy terms 3 bedrm. reconditioned hse.. valuable comer lot, close In, 12100. Terms Modern 6 rms & nook, 3 bedrms, lizvv, s. saiem. Terms. RICH L.. REIMANN. 167 S. High St rnone S63Z AAtsWhaka FOR SALE or trade, my equity In new modern house. Will take truck or car. 864 i zist FOR SALE or rent mod. 6 R. hse. 2 fireplaces, oil furnace, 3 bdrms. 638 n. cnurch. Ph. 7293. mmmimmmm.m - uLrurLAAr WB HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU want to' sell exchange tease, rent see Air. Lersen or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins A Roberts 7 R. 4 BDRM. Mod. 2-car gar., good Hollvwood dfst. $3900. $500 cash, $25 mo. Ph. 4954 for appointment FOR THIS week only this properly has been cut to $5,000.00. A 7 rm. house, hardwood floors, 3 nice bdrms. full basement 2 sets of plumbing, wa ter system, and fireplace, double ga rage, and ft A. of ground with lots of fruit It is close in. and less than two years old. Terms See Larsen with BUY THIS new house. Evergreen Ave, FHA terms a chance to own a real place will be glad to show anytime.- 1 A V.I... . 1 -11 it, much less than It's actual value. fx ew house in No. Salem, easy terms. 315 A farm. Polk count v. large herd dairy cows Sell terms you can handle. ii its reai estate, see H. C Shiel ds, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 941L STRICTLY MODERN NEW 4 rm. bungalow with nook ft laundry rm.. 1 sere close to school. $100 dn, baL $28 per mo. including taxes ft int iUCH A nEJMANN, 167 a High St Phone 8632 FOR SALE Lots owned by City $125. to $800. See any real estate man or call 8632 167 a High Street TODAY'S SPECIAL NEW, MODERN, S-room, plast house,- gas furn., fireplace, hardwood floors, garage, laundry trays Imme diate possession. Price $2750. $550 down. Will consider lot or sutomobil ss part payment Let me show yon this house. CALL COBURN GRABENHORST With W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, REALTORS 134 a Liberty St Phon 6468. 1238 N. FIFTH STREET OLD 7-ROOM house in need of re pair, large lot good location Just the place to remodel Price $1050 cash If sold right now. CALL COBURN GRABENHORST With W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO REALTORS 134 & liberty Street Phone 64(3. Exchanger Real Estate NEW f ROOM modern house wffl tsk small acreage, lots or good ear as down payment - WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 853 Edgewater TeL S632. SALEM PROPERTY, 6 room mod ern, for Albany property. Rt 3, Box 66. '!!-. EXrWANOK 2 ACRE TRACT close to city limits price 22000 for Salem home or in come property will sssume ft psy, dif ference. Cell Mrs. Kills with CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 344 SUts Street Phone 9262 For I Sale Farms FARMS ft HOMES For rent ssto, trade. Oregon Land Co. Highway. Woodburn, Oregon. ; FOR SALE or rent. TO acre farm, Ml N. Winter stt. For Sale Farms BELIEVE IT OR NOT, WB HAVE a vallev firm of ltl acres to trade for a Nebraska farm proier nesr Lincoln or Omaha. What hs vs you to offer! Call Mrs. Ellis With CHILDS ft MILLER. REALTOHfl 244 SUU Street j Pbons 926L A WORD TO THE WISE while values are low prices are going up. on uua uue H9 seres . oi tsaiena exceptional set of modem buildings. mllr vioeo in a aa oniy fis,- vv. Aiuns os IX. Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS ft Mri.T.FR PV1T .top a 144 State Street Phon 9211 Acreage CLOSE IN ACREAGE 1 ACRE ON pavement at Pen 4 Cor ners 6 room bungalow, electric water system snd Bath. Owner is called sway snd Is sacrificing it st only $1850.00. bee sir. coums witn HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC SUB. 4 R bath. 81850. 8150 dn. Sm. rarm. mags, rruit can irrigate. 31700 $200 dn. 22 A. all cult No bldgs Good soiL Can irrig. $2500. trms Con. Salem hse. or sub. trade. 172 a Liberty. 7118. 9ft ACRES WITH a 4 -room house, garage, chicken house, electricity snd creek. A real buy for 81700. ACRE with unfinished house ana garage close in. $1500 with $100 down, bal. like rent A GOOD 6-room house, Isrge lot with fruit N. Fourth St Exchange rorscre- sge. . . KOSTEIN ADOLiPli, 110 H North Commercial St NUTS TO YOU FILBERTS THIS year's crop goes 18 acres in bearing. Beautiful bldgs, attract house, fireplace, bath, elec. water system. Chick, house ft barn. 4 mi. out. $500.00 down, $15.00 mo. will handle. MOORE-MOSES. 331 H State Street U A. ft ACRE TRACTS close to city, lft A. mL from city on paved road. 7 rm. house, bath. lights, electric wa. ter svstem. all in fruit & nuts. $2275. 2 A. lft ml. from city. bath, lights garage, barn, chicken house ft some fruit $2676. 10 A. 2ft ml. north, 4 rm. house. barn, chicken house, all yr. creek, $2. 750. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT MF.LVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court Street Phone 372$ ACREAGE SPECIALS $100 DOWN. $20 PER mo. will buy s 9ft A. tract, new uncomp. 5-room house, drilled well, located on good mkt road near school. Price $2000. See this now. CALL COBURN OR A k ENhORST With W. II. GRABENHORST ft CO, REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 6168. rrrreesrreMss4aarfa,Mrf CLOSE IN 5 ACRES NICELY LOCATED at the ridicu lously low price of $1050. See it today. Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 Wanted Real Estate I HAVE AN out of state cash buyer for a farm, stocked ft equipped. Let me know what you have at once. F. H. WEIR, 212 Ores. Bldg. Ph. 941L For Sale Wood INVESTIGATE BUDGET plan- on wood. Ph. 5370. W L. Graen. 411 N. 31 16-IN. OLD fir. $5: knots $4.50 4-ft 2nd. $3.75. Phone 9456. SPEC OAK $5.75. ash $5.25. P. 9703 Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING. Ed Sproed. P. 6883 SVsSrSsststtsSySsSsaAasasaasaasaa WOOD SAWING, Tel. 3523. Lost and Fonnd STRAYED TO my place, some sheep, Owner may have by describing snd paying for ad. Ph. 60F12. FOUND K T UNIFORM emblem. Owner call at Statesman and pay for a a. -tru-iOi-in i-u-u-ij-Lnj-u-iru- back. La Veda Rogers, 1093. Statesman. LOST LADY'S dark blue purse glasses Kewnra. rnone bilb. LOST, BLK. handbag contain, cur. ft cash, rwd. 1602 Center St Ph. 4253. Personal LONELY? "WORTHWHILE" sweet heart husband, wife for you. Box Tl Los Angeles, JOIN THE lonesome correspondence eiuo. po box 927. Portland. PSYCHOLOGIST. MRS MARTIN favorably known, dependable advice let. eiBu. T Transportation LAW STUDENT WANTS RIDE TO WAY. Must arrive "by Sept 22. Will onve. ifuren, xet 7776. --------- - -ii-.-M-rwv-MrArtrij-v-Lnyuvi WTT.T. CTT ADC -vnmmmm tm Can ctsca 2 people. 1130 N. Cottage. Schools COMPLETE YOUR high school at horns Dlploms. Texts furn. Write for catalogue. Am. SchooL P. O. Box 4500 Portland. ' Business Cards la this directory rtm on a monthly basis only. Rates ft per line per month. Auctioneers RAT H1SEL 1289 Sixth St Ph. T133. Anto Brakes Mike Psoas. 371 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES. NEW and rscoodltioned Harry wTScott lit & Coral P. 4111 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 44 ta R. St .CHIMNEY CLEANED PIPES. FURNACES, stoves, gutters Get ready " for winter. No soot or dirt Ray L, Farmer Hdwr. Co. Ph. 5006. Chiropractors DR. a I SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor ttl N. High. TeL Rsa U73. ' . Elxcavatins . EXCAVATING OF all kinds Pass ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sate. Salsa Sand sad Gravel Co Phon 940A - Florists Brelthaupt's 44t Court Psoas SIM. Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THB WE1DR LAUNDRY lit S. Blah Tel. 1131 For Sale Used Cart War, . PRICES Last World War Prices Advanced Daily! Today We Are; Lowering Pnces on Our Entire Stock of Used Cars! i TRADES ARE COMING IN SO FAST ON NEW 1940 PACK ARDS THAT WE MUST SELL SOME USED CARS OR STOP TRADING. BUY NOW! Will Packards 38 DeLuxe Touring Sedan, 120 model. s LeL.uxe &eaan. Kaaio & heater. 120 model. 37 DeLuxe 6-cyL Touring Sedan. 36 DeLuxe Coupe, 120 model. Radio snd heater. 37 DeLuxe 6-cyL Coupe; radio, heater. 36 DeLuxe Super 8-cyL Sedan. Radio, neater, fender wells New motor. Terraplanes 36 DeLuxe Touring Sedan. 36 DeLuxe Z-door sedan. 35 DeLuxe Coupe. Overhauled. Carter Motor Co. 1937 Nash Lafayette Touring Sedan Radio, heater snd over- 4 trot? AA drive; s guaranteed car sPOi'J.VAJ 1929 Pontiac 6-Wheel Sedan buVw JLalL:'. $125.00 LOT: 240 CENTER ST. . PH. 3734 GOOD 1935 MASTER Chev. Coach, all-steel top, $295, terms Cheap car or pickup in trade. Box 1094. Statesmsn. 36 CHEV. SEDAN, good condition. Ph. 4859 or 4304. owner. 150 N. 31st FOR SALE BLUE 1936 DeLUXE Convertible Ford Coupe. Good condition. Priced reasonable. Call 7775. Wanted Used Cars WNTD., '31 FORD body, good cond. Writ R. E. Abraham, Toledo. Oregon. Reward of $500 For Mail's Slayer PORTLAND, Sept. lZ--A reward of (500 for the arrest and conviction of Dewey Barren's slayer has been offered by Sher man county, State Police Capt. Wayne Gurdane said today. Bur rell's body was fonnd near Biggs last November. Burrell apparently was killed with a mechanic's hammer and thrown from an automobile at a Sherman county junction south of Biggs. New Freshman Mentor FOREST GROVE. Sept. lt-flP) -Jimmy Wiles, 1938 football cap tain at Pacific university, has been named freshman coach, suc ceeding Carl Erlckson, head coach Roger Folgate announced today. Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG snd Msttrss factory- , NEW MATTRESS mad tr order, old rsmade: carpet cleaning shtlng: fluff rag weaving. A 11th 8 Wilbur. TeL S44L OTTO F. 85WICK ER Est 1911. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Pbeso 4069 Naturopathie Physician DR. W H. ROCKWELL, Naturopath to Physician, 1790 Fairgrounds Rd TeL 4808. Offtes Honrs 11 s, m. to 6 :8 p. tn. FREE EXAM. CONSULTA TION. , Painting Paperhanging NEAT. WORK. X. Johnson. Ph. 1131 Printing FOR STATION ERT esrss psmphleta pfograma bosks or any kind of print ing, can The Ftstesmsa Printing Do psrtmont 31S 8. CommercisL Tslo Phono 3101. Refinlshing FURNITURE REF1N1SHED like new. S. Brock. 345 Gaines. Phon 4246. Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer, stor saw. burner sO. esa 813L Lsrmar Transfer Co. Tracks to Portlsad daily Well nrilling It A. WEST, rt A boa 441. Ph. 11 IF! Chester J. Puxh. Jill Myrtle. Ph. Ill, For Sale Used Cars or Rumors of ALWAYS SKYROCKET! Be Worth a Lot More Money 30 Days From Pontiacs 38 DeLuxe 6-cyL Coupe. New tires. 36 DeLuxe 6-cyL Coupe. Radio. Plymouths 27 DpTjixa frmrliie. RaAnn . 37 DeLuxe Two -door Sedan. Hudsons 86 DeLuxe Brougham. Radio. 35 DeLuxe Sedan, radio, heater. 3i Hudson Sedan Low mileage, 6-ply tires. SO Hudson Coach Perfect condition. MANY MORE NOT LISTED HERE! STATE MOTORS INC. Hudson and Packard Dealer 1 HIGH AT CHEMEKETA STa PHONE 8400 OPEN EVENINGS Drastic Reductions 1940 Buicks Will Be Here Soon We Must Clear the Decks of All Used Cars in Stock NEW LOW PRICES IN EFFECT NOW! 1938 Buick Special Sport Sedan With original bright blue duco finish remarkably smooth Djna- torrt nt flash motor radio, heater, etc. Specially priced at only .... . $850.00 1937 Buick Roadmaster Touring Sedan One Of the real luxury cars of the Buick line beautiful green fin- rn. ish good rubber and perfect motor, special 4 $ 9d.00 1937 Buick Century Sport Sedan Thafs right in every way. Spare wheels In sidemounts dark gunmetal finish DeLuxe equipment s really fine car and priced st s closeout -to r Jf price of only . ?7o5.00 1936 Buick Special Touring Sedan FiJS-M th8-2"Ml B"ick. "tamely economical and in splendid mechanical condition. Has good rubber snd is clean throughout Priced rr A at only ; . $565.00 1936 Buick Special Coupe Black finish and In every way a perfect little car. And If a a real -r ir bargain at only . $545.00 1937 Oldsmobile Eight Touring Sedan TM"..? has becn chauffeur driven and is in absolutely perfect condition. One or the finest running cars in our stock and is priced for auick sale frsrctr- rt at only L ; : $OOD.OO J.936 Pontiac Six Large built-in trunk, all steel turret top mohair upholstery only , 1937 Ford V-8 DeLuxe Touring Sedan Bright blue finish radio heater built-in trunk, etc. A slick little A4-r (r car, priced way under book for only j I . ,. ; , ; 5p-iOO.UU 1936 Pontiac Eight Four-Door Sedan A clean, smooth running car, easy riding snd very easy handling, brskes snd sll steel turret top body. This won't last long st this price of only ' . .t ; ... 1936 Oldsmobile Six- Touring Sedan That hss had Excellent care from its former owner. The tires are 80 the motor Is quiet and smooth the finish inside and out is tops And Artr a A Ifs priced JL. i ,$i'O.UU SELECT TOUR CAR FROM THIS LIST AND TRY IT OUT. IF IT SUITS TOU WE'LL TAKE YOUR PRESENT CAR IN TRADE AND GIVE YOU CONVENIENT TERMS ON THE BALANCE. OTTO J. WILSON Used Car" Dept. ' 383 NORTH COMMERCIAL PHONE 6451. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OX FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the undersigned. Ronald J. Frizxell. Administrator of the Es tate " e B. Frixxell. deceased, has filed in the County Court ot the ria' of Oregon for Marlon county his Final Account, and that said Court has. by an Order there of, designated Friday, the 15th day of r-ptember, 1939, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at the County Court Room in the Cc rt House rt Sa lem. Orego-; as tr"- time and p'ace for hearing objections to said Fi nal Account and the settlement ot said estate, at which said time and place persons to object'rg ahal appear and sh cause, if any there be, why said Accent should not. in all things, bo allowed and appro th said e.ste settled and closed, and the Administrator die- " i. RONALD J. FRIZZELL, Aa J" Jlnlatrstor of the Es tate of Alice B. FrlztelL de ceased. ROSS ft FORD, Attorneys for the Estate, Salem, Oregon. Aug. 1S-23-30-S. 6-1S 7 Portland Restaurants , Sipi for Same Wages PORTLAND. S p t. ll-VPi- Seyen Portland restauranta that sought a 10 per eent wage de crease abandoned their dispute with culinary unions today and signed new contracts at the pre vious wage scale. They taid war conditions and Increased Urlng costs Justified continuation ot the. higher scale. For Sale Used Cars- 4 War! Now! BUY NOW! Buick 39 DeLuxe Touring; Sedan, Run only 10,000 miles. Oldsmobile 36 DeLuxe Touring Sedan. 21 000 miles. s Ford 37 DeLuxe Model 85 Sedan, radio snd - heater. Dodge 37 DeLuxe 6-cyL Coupe. Radio and heater. " Touring Sedan body hydraulic brakes ; $465.00 Hydraulic $445.00 Idaho Town Saved By Rsrin and Wind LEWISTON, Idaho, Sept 12-(cP)-A ; cold, drizzling rain and a lull in the winds came to the aid of. exhausted fire fighters on the Kendirck front today and to night they reported the blaze had been checked in all directions. Red' Cross and Latah county officials were seeking assistance for a dozen of the fire refugee families whose "possessions were destroyed as the flames, which whipped up Sunday, completely destroyed eight ranches in the 10.000 acres burned over and partly rased If others. With he blase under control, the Tillage of Kendrlck breathed -easier After watching the flames roar less than a quarter of a mile awa yfor two days, and 40 high school boys who volunteered s fire fighters returned home. Ttro A'etc Yorkers Held ' " On Automobile Count ROSEBURO, Sept. 1 2.-pr-Two , New Yorkers, RrMrt Wheeler, 20, and James M. Davis, 29, were held in the; county jail here today ac cused of stealing a Portland man's Automobile.' - SergL Paul Morgan of the state police,' said .the ear, registered to Floyd iSlmmermacher, was found, wrecked near the C a 1 a p o o 1 a bridge three miles west of Suth erlin. Morgan aaid the men admit ted the charge after they were picked op for quesUonifig.