Sale h Market Place for Buying, Selling on Kemting! Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per tine le Three Insertions per tine SOe Six Insertion utr Use 30e On month per line .$1 09 Minimum charge ,.., ..88c Copy roc thu page accepted ant 6:34 the evening before publica tion for cUmI notion Copy re ceived after this time will be ran under the beading , "Toe Late to Classify." The 8tatsmaa Menmes e flnan ttal responsibility for errors wbleb may appear hi advertisements pub lished In Its columns, and In eaaee where this paper Is at fault win re- Srtnt that part of an advertisement i which tbe typographical mistake occurs. The Statesmen itservse the right te reject questionable advertising It further reserves tbe right to place all advertising under the proper classification ; A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman bos number for an ad flrfs Is for the protection ef the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman la not at liberty te divulge Informa tion as to the Identity of an adver tiser oalng a "Blind" ad. - Situations Wanted DBtLSSMAK MRS Aflat tt Ph. lit DRESSMAKING. 7SS4. 1011 a Com. DRESSMAKING. TAILORING, coat t reUnlng, 1498 S. Liberty St. CAPABLE WOMAN wants hsekpg. Ref, prefer go home nights. Inquire Use E. Turner RA. Tnima ladt nwdi work. Pref. of fice for exper. Small wage. Ph. I tit YOUNG MAN wlHhes work. Anything wnsiiwnt with a rotnre. oar. or serv. ata. preferred. Boa 108s, Statesman. YOUNG MAN needs work for room ft board, to ffailsh high school. Box 10 90. Statesman. GIRL FROM Christian family wants housework la town snd go to school. Box 10S9, Statesman. For Sale -Miscellaneous SAVE tZO.OO ON new 1931 Duo- Therm oil burntar circulator. I to room capacity, only 859.60. Easy terms Wood Housekeeping lnc 453 court st ARMY WAI.I tent. IM S. 14th. RKUUII.1 AND maranteed Jrash era All makes from II un Spec Mav tag IIS Hogg Bros. CASH TOR used fum Pn till OK rRS.. S2.S0. win. 110 Phewket Livestock DEAD AND worthless horses, cows picked up free Ph. collect 4411 8-tem Montgomery Rend Wka HORSES - MARES - MULES LARGE ASSORTMENT well broken horses and mules. CREDIT gladly Riv en. Ne carrying cnarre. u wwn Rtkre Rm Knmtdrn 141 Ut GOLDEN CROSS can. corn. 79F14 USED WOOD Electric and ras ranges. Priced to sell. YEATER ft RUSH CO. 255 N. LIbertr Next To Power Co. 4BWMejMMa4VMWWMsBMMMMABs4saeA4a Peaohes-Peaches-Peaches FANCY IMPROVED Elbertaa. Hales .a t. ... evAia . -rii(Te 0111 lATrirm rii e)iiir - ' i rt ta iej v.inwi'i . hi uh I . see how much lower my Prices are. bee I Wallace toad to Wheatland or river them work and null on an ainn I rod north to Wheatland. Tee Terry farm lmplments before you buy. 'iuT- I C. M. LaFollette and Son. nt m rnremnted. Free neltverv. I t., t H. R. Kuehne. Carlton. Ore.. ml. E. PRUNES 10c BU. lnqulre Valley of Carlton; 7 ml. w. or newoerg in Machine and Welding Co.. 352 state &t "West Chehalem Valley. nju- j-Lr u-i-qn nrn-ii .... mM ' - t ROMNEY BUCKS . for saie Townsend, 685 S. Com'L ONE THOR washer, completely over hauled. 120. Sears Roebuck co. MMwwVWwVwVwVMWyWWwVwVwVvXAArrVV Auctions Money to Loan Money to Loan For Sale Farms BE SECURE AT BOMB SEE THIS II acre farm of finest soil. miles out, N. of Salem, one acre beaver dam. one acre bearing filberts. room nouse, irutt room, garage ana barn. Price 14100. Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILES A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 0211. We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR INCOME No Endorsees No Comakers Your Signature Only RITP1T INT DAT TO REDUCE! COST. BORROW PROM SALEM'S OLDEST I IS. A ?TOCFFD?P-.mi,Ppea' . .. - . .. . . n nrrmnr. Mnn ncwna bih I KOOQ nouse. water system, eiec Darn. A IN LI LtAKUKST IflUir&MUbni wrarjmi n nerve vun liciuvj I i A filberts, varletv Trait anA herrtoe CE1VE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN r Jsebrri ea 1S50 wul Id U A TTO s . . " " . " . u oKAwaa itaae city nome vart mm. General Finance Corp. iai So. Oommerelat St. Lla Ne. S-lJI Phone till First Door South ef Ladd A Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location. COMPLETE TOUR high school at home. Diploma, Texts torn. Write far catalogue. Am. School. P. a Box ! fort land. GET SPOT CASH This "PERSONAL" Way WHEN AT HOME A "Personal" Loan $25 te f 300. Easy Terms WHEN A WAT : USE A "PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good at m offices, Coast to Coast SIMPLE TO QUALIFY r Come In, GUARANTEED BT GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE (A advertised therein.) PERSONAL Co, Second Floor. New BMgh" Bldg. Ill State Street Salem. Oregon State License Numbers S-11J M-H asvvvMgMMarVwrrrwrrV GENERAL ELECTRIC refrigerator, I ru. ft als unit comeietely over hauled, guaranteed. $39.93. Sears Roe buck Co. ONE COLDSPOT. 6 ft. sise, only LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACT9 REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or used ears. Private money at new low ratea. Immediate action. No red tape. 1 TO 10 MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons 1C Sniitti rmnnMivall Street Phone 9111 Lie. No. M-1U VWVvVSrVWwVWWwVVWwWrrWrrVwrrV : AUCTION - AUCTION - AUCTION. , vra sin that hlrh arrade auction 01 the furniture and furnishings of John $35.00. Sears Roebuck Co. Clearwater's home, locatea Church St.. ia today. Tuesday. Sept. IS. ttme 1 P. m. sharp F. N. Glenn Woodry. Auctioneers Ph. 6110. We buy for cash or sell on commission. AUCTION - AUCTION - AUCTION SPECIAL AUCTION next Thursday nlKht at the F.-N. "Wooclry Auction Mart. 1610 N. Summer St. in Holly wood. NOTE: This sale will begin PROMPTLY at 7:30 p. m. and will continue until the lar?e lot of f nrnlture from the homes of Jacob Papkoff Lou ise Farrlnirton. Mrs. Maude Cameron FHA LOANS 4H. also Private loans Abrams A Ellia. Inc. Masonic Bids. W ATKINS Prod.. 1725 Mad. 7805. YOUNG MAN'S black suit and blue snorts coat, size 37. Almost new. Ph. 4313 evenings. USED LEONARD refrigerator, euar anteed. $49.50. Easy termn. , Good Housekeeping Inc. 453 Court St. TOMATOES AND cucumbers. 32F13. AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Stb FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-IM . $300 .00 NEW RUG. 12xS1. BLUE WILTON. and several others has been aisposea i mwwwvwwwwwwwmmw of Following is a partial im i u zi Chrysler seua.n, gooa ruo- merchandise that will be sold: ber. good shape. $23.00. 941 N. Cot- 1 dining table A chairs: Miller pi- tate at rear. call evenlnRS. ano and bench : 1 White Rotary sew- vwwwwwwwwmwwm - lng machine : electric cabinet radio : GOOD ELECTRIC stove, deer or elk Coition electric mangle: set Supermade rIfle mangle. Ph. 7213. aluminum ware : 5 used linoleum rugs . mww' 4 beds, sprlnirs. mattresses; 1 mans CAR HEATER, new deluxe model. or boy's bicycle: 2 dressers: 1 manog- i Sacrifice for cash. Ph. 5132. any davenport tahle ; 4 camp oea davenport and chair. I FOR SALE, used portable typewriter. NOTE : from pur biock me iuuuw- complete with case, lng Items: 2 new linoleum rusts, lnew board. Good shape. $ 4-piece wnl. bed st ; l znitn rarann ' radio, A-l : 1 9xlJ ruc New Inner spring mattress and many other arti cles too numerous to mention. F. N. 4 GLENN WOODRY. Auction eers. Phone. 61 10 to get miickestand best i resultsJ See usr ""Private Sales Daily Name your own terpis in II reason. Four bank key 00. John Poor- man. 1845 John St. Ftinne 3b. SPEED - O - PRINT DUPLICATOR cheap. 481 Ferry St PERENNIAL FLOWERS & seed, White's Greenhouse. 1635 N. Summer. FOR FALL AND WINTER NEEDS REDUCE BURDENSOME IN STALLMENTS. . urn OF OLT DEBTS. CONSOLIDATE ALL BILLS INTO 'nc-r risn TTOT? SCHOOL NEEDS. REDUCE HIGH CAR rAiaitflia, rw flexible credit require ments make l asy to borrow. Our convenient payment plans make It easy to repay. (A modest salary is our main requirement) Tou are under no obligation when you call at the offices ot tne People's Finance Co. Floor First Nflt'L Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon Phone 444 S 213 State License ai-ziu Hop Pickers HOP PICKING commences on tlll hee hop ranch Friday. September 1. miles east of Salem. Big crop. Rov Hardman, foreman : phone farmer line. 100F5. - OUR TRUCKS will leave every morning commenclnB Saturdav morn ing. September 9. at a. m.. from the corner of State and Commercial street for the ROBERTS HOP yard. For In formation and arrangements, phone 9623 or 1CF12. - HOP PICKERS wanted at Williams end Thacker. Truck leaving east side of bridge at I o'clock. Tel. 9114. MAN'S BICTCLE balloon tires good condition 15 S. 24th. AAmewWwVAWWwVWwrAAr PAIR DR. RCHOLLS arch support ers used very little. Half price. Shoe size 6. Box 1P92, statesman. Trade Miscellaneous WILL EXCHANGE for wood, all steel body, light 4-dr. sedan in very good condition. Phone 3262. Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire at Hawkins A Roberts WANTK-n W1IVATE MONET TO LOAN on (rood Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty Street Phone 1468 Tor Rent Houses 20 A. 10 rich bottom land. Irrlratlon ditch through, also creek, i nru bouse, bath, elec $4000, will take city home or small acreage part pmt j s a. s rm. modern nouse. gravity water system from spring, creek, some Umber, barn, will take city home. YtlXSIMlJfi rETT I JOHN, REALTOR 477 Court Street PSYCHOLOGIST. MRS. MARTIN. favorably known, dependable advice, TeL 1410. For Sale Used Cars UNF. DUPLEX. S-4 R.. close. $825. FOR SALE or rent 70 acre farm. 891 N. Winter St 4 R NEAR school. $2000. 22F13. S R. HOUSE, partly furnished. $25 385 Madrona Ave., Salem Heights. Acreage 3 A 4 RMS. $20 A $23. 5 rms.. $25.1 (u A. JUST OUTSIDE ritT limits S rms. near state hse., $42.50. Ph. 711$. Ion Garden Road. 6 room bouse, large ''m'ksi I hen house and barn, also double ga- Kji.-M r iour room completely i rage and workshop. House all modern furnished cottage. 1045 Shipping St I with electric water system. House In I rood condition but all other buildincs 3 RM. HOUSE, unfurn.. arood condl- I need renaira The nrir hn hn rut to uon, gar., zu. uarket TeL 4St (. I $4,250.00 with terms. $500 down and LONELY? -WORTHWHILE- sweet- wtfe for you. Box ii ! today, after they bad burned an JOIN THE lonesome correspondence I undetermined number nf hnlld dub. ru Box 117. rortiana. I i--- ,Bd forced aeveral families to flee. The flames raced over farm lands and mountains yesterday. embracing the thick tlmberlanda ot the Bluey mountain, untouched by fire for 20 years. Dr. C.iiL. Ogle of Grants Pass reported the greatest individual loss a 10-room mountain home valued at $16,000. H. H. Wardrlp, county s c h o p 1 superintendent. said he lost two barns, a garage. chicken house, windmill and quan tity of hay. Wardrip was burned about the wwwwmwm I balance at $25 per month including in- vju. jja riij cj nome. s xx. nonage. I terest. immediate possess on. rVMAMrMAMMrVwVwVMwVMwVWwV' I , 9 ROOM HOUSE I apts.. west of I F. H. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 an anon square, inquire na aiarion. ROOMS MOD., furn., $35.00. 4 rooms moa.. $35.00. P. H. BELL Phone 8121 For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. SSt State Btret Inoutrw room too Tel 17 IX. CLOSE IN ACREAGE 1 ACRE ON pavement at Pen 4 Cor ners, room bungalow, electric water system and bath. Owner Is called away and is sacrificing it at only $lSa0.00 See Mr. Collins with HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC 8 ACRES. 6 RM. hse.. basement A furnace, electric water system, paved 5 RM. HSE. ft gar, $20. J rm, mod. u12950' 1450 down- Dalanc ,J5 3 acres. 4 rm. hse.. paved road, fil berts, walnut and fruits, $1900, might consiaer Aioany property. K. A. r ORKNGR H. T. UEBER apt, $18, 1709 Center, Ph. 1121. Wanted Furniture WANTED. FURN. Forgey. P. T44I. 1853 North Capitol Wanted to Rent Suburban BT TEACHER, Sept to 12, furn. 1 or Z bdrm. hse. or apt near Parrish, $20 to $30 Incl. Its., wtr., heat, 1 child. Box No. 1086, Statesman. WANTED TO rent 2 bedroom mod ern house, permanent, references. TeL ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME ABOUT U ACRE, beautifully loca ted on hill aide and paved highway Comfortable 4 R. house, aarsxe A woodshed. Priced for few days only ioo. cash j3uo. Balance like rent CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9241. For Sale Real Estate Wanted Real Estate HAVE BUYER for small summer home around DeLake. C H. SANDERS 118 S. High E131 TRADES CIT1 oroperty for farm homes. Opportanftlea In exchanem. HAWKINS A KllM h'RTM I M' I TTT A TTCT rv I YT7 V. - T .. FOR SALE or trade S7 acre farm, r oo or lesa, 250down, good about 6 mL S. E. of Salem. 22 acres I Ii!".1-3- 0' "-Jia ncn cultivated, family orchard and berries. I .1l.I.-..f "talr- .. tuiiy modern s rm. nouse witn tur- nace. Gravity water system irom ewf V tAni4it fMAiV ksiia m A poultry house. Ideal for poultry. hK I ,fiV0r,d,!pJl: U or stock. A real bargain at $2800.00. Will accept home In Salem in trade or reasonable terms. See Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC. I HAVE AN out of state cash buyer me know what you have at once. F. H. WEIR, 212 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9411 6 R. MODERN house close In. Like rent Let's look. Ph. 61SS. Business Opportunities SPECIAL APARTMENT HOUSE in downtown business district well furnished, fur DISTANT OWNER offers fine home I nace, elec. ref rigs., in fine condition, at sacrifice price for few days only. I waiting list 87000. House is modern In every respect 7 I Apartment house near state capltol rooms 2 sets of plumbing, oak floors, I in 5 furnished apts., $5500, very easy fireplace, etc Beautiful setting among 1 terms. oak trees. Large lot near grade. Junior I WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR and senior high school. Don't miss this opportunity of getttng your home for less than cost. Could not be replaced for less than $10,000.00. We offer it to you for $7,500.00. A $6,000.00 loan has been approved. Immediate possession. CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 92S1 477 Court Street H. A. WITH GAS pump and road side inn, also private residence. Loca tea on 99 rJ N.. only $1750. a H. SANDERS 118 & Jllgh 51 J S R. MOD HOUSE, basement, gar. 1 blk. from Safeway St 847 Saginaw 5 ACRES IMPROVED. 1 mi. city. bargain If sold soon. Rt 2, Box 35, 1H mi. from city limits. STORE BLDG.. 80x60. Also 3 R. spt East front on Portland highway, Vi mile north of underpass. Total price $3a00. Phone owner, 3385. BUSINESS IS BETTER IN THIS fully equipped tavern, well located on the N. Pacific highway the Schools Showers, Fighters Check two Fires Personal GRANTS PASS, Sept. ll.-tirV i The combination of aho were and 250 fire fighters brought two fires south of here under control Carter Motor Co. 1937 Olds DeLuxe 4-Dr. Touring Sedan. Just like $645 new, for 1930 Plymouth 4-Dr. Se- hands and face in the fight to aan, new iires poj BANK TERMS TRADES Lot: 240 Center Ph. 3734 Several small shacks and cab ins, owned by persons who in tended to erect summer homes, also were destroyed, Dr. Ogle said. 31 CHEV. SEDAN, good condition. Ph. 4859 or 4304, owner, 150 N. 21st FOR SALE BLUE 1936 DeLTJXE Convertible Ford Coupe. Good condition. Priced reasonable. Call 7775. Wanted Used Cars WNTD.. '31 FORD body, goodcond. Write R. E. Abraham, Toledo, Oregon. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 10108 IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON for Marion County. In the Matter of the Estate ot EMMA R. VIBBERT, Deceased. Turner's School Busses Will Run TURNER Turner school busses will run again the same as last year. The Turner Home and Garden club will meet Wednesday after noon at the country home of its president, Mrs. S. A. Riches. Guests at the A. H. Bradford home for the past few days were Miss Elizabeth Marrow of San Francisco and Miss Marion Rois ter, a nurse ot Brooklyn, N. T. Mrs. Bradford 1s convalescing from a recent illness. Her daughter, Mrs. T. Coleman, and son Tommy of Valsetz are with her. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Riches I and children will spend a few days at the home of Mrs. Riches' Athenia Survivor $jBje4ogwriTqwyw : -1 1 f ' i f '- : i v " I .' - - x I V' 1 V r '! VjLZ" ' 4 " ' "m..v iX,' A .o-X . ;- ' 1 K " - - ,1 k '" 'N " . x. 4 F- ' 4t - ' - . 1 li -v - -I I IT - ' - ' J II ' ' ' - ' s., Nikola Lubitsch Among passengers rescued from the torpedoed liner Athenia was Nikolai Lubitsch, 10-month-old daughter of Ernst Lubitsch, well kiiow'n film director. for the iannual Fall Festival spon sored by the Santiam grange. The exhibition will be held at Lyons Saturday, September 16. The 4)H club members and sur rounding communities will as sist in making this year's festival the best ever. The livestock ex hibits promise to be much better than last year, committees re port, j Bonneville Line Bids PORTLAND, Sept. ll.-iJPi-Bids will be opened October 6 on construction of a 46-mile, 110.00-volt power circuit across Lewis and Pacific counties In Rollicking Comedy at Showhouse Help Wanted SURPRISING. NEW mushroom rais ing facta from world's largest com- Wanled Miscellaneous WANTED USED furn Ph I1H OIJ WOOl mattress Tel III! WANTED TO bur for essh. 1st 2nd ft merchandise discount proper. STATE FINANCE CO S44 Rtste Street Rslem Oregon WANTED FOR cash, walnuts fil- For Rent Apartments ROOM FURNISHED epartments reasonable. 841 N. Liberty St RM. FURN. 95r L,--r-.-.n n.5!i 1 RM. furn. sot with prf- mortgages real estate contract I vat bath. laundry A garage bus serv- Ice. 1105 I St SMALL APT. 770 & Com'l St yyvwAvvvvwMM. I usy season Is jist ahead get set to 4i A. WITH GAS Dumo and roadside Inn also private residence. Located on 99 E N.. onlv $1750. C. H. SANDERS 11 S. High 51J1 pany. Book FREE. Lnited. 3848-B Lin- Krts A1w 1L '01,, Paclt- FURN. AND unfurn. 633 Ferry. coin Are., Chicago. ru"xr"i-iiruL i is -v WANTED. BEAN pickers for Darley yards enar Penitentiary Annex. Call at C45 & 12th St Phone 6890. : Pr. Pick, 3 cab. O. F. Booth, Turner. Help Wanted 1 836 WEEKLY GROW mushrooms cellar, shed- We buy. 5ejb. World's largest company FREE BOOK Mnsh rooma Sell Second Sesltle Wash WANTED AT COUNTRY ESTATE , U1HM rniiTila between SO and SO years of age (no children) for maid ing Co, 280 a Hl(fh. Phone 7633. TEACHER WANTS board and room in private home. Box 1224, States man. ' WANTED. CHILD of grade school age to care for attend. Kipewooa school. Box 1091. statesman. WANTED PRI. ear. to rent, dbU pref. Mr. Venden. 7070. Misrelmeons PLASTERING, PATCH worK. 0107. FURN. 8-RM. apt 444 S. High. FURN. HEATED apt. 460 N. 13tn. 8 RM. NEWLT furn. Heat water refrlg, bath, adulta 991 N. Cottage. -nnnrifi iu COMFORTA RLE. HOME- LIKE reasonable. Hawthorne Court 1000 N Canitol St. STRICTLT MOD". The Devereaux. mm ftftfMs-irii 1 ROOMS NICELY fum. Bath. car. Close in. Adulta 815 N. Winter. FURN. APTS.. adults. 817. Ph. 601W. take advantage of it. Will sell all equipment and stock for about 32750. and give attractive lease on building. t or xuu particulars call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS FINE FIVE room home In snlendld I 544 sta Street Phone 9261, residential district 9 blocks N. or post office. Modern In every respect Nicely arranged, hardwood floors, large base ment furnace, nice shrubbery and cor ner location. You will be delighted with this place and It is priced low for im mediate sale. See Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS A- ROBERTS. INC 4 RM. HSE.. N. 16th street take car as down pymt.. 1640 N. Capitol., eves. BARGAIN 7 ROOM MODERN home, apt rent ed for 315.00 monthly, separate en trance, large lot. North Winter St 93760 3UJ an. Fa. 6580. For Sale Wood INVESTIGATE BUDGET plan on wood. Ph. 6370. W. L Graen. 413 N. 21 16-IN. OLD fir. 35: knota 14.60: 4-ft 2nd. 33.76. Phone 9456. SPEC OAK 35.75, ash 35.25. P. 9703. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING. Ed Sproed. P. 6883. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Clare A. Vibbert has been annAlntArl A rlmltilatpatA "if tfiA Estate of Emma R. Vibbert, de- " nT, " V ceased, by the County Court of I " - '"'"" the State of Oregon for Marion I . County, and has qualified as such. I p nil p PStl val All persona who hare claims I against said estate are hereby! Jot-c rrnffrPfi nn1fi nrount III. mo rinwl -SSSJa S. VFfiia. verified, as reauired bv law. to FOX VALLEY Extensive ar- Washington, the Bonneville proj- the undersigned at the office of 1 rangementa are teing perfected ect offipe said today. Page and Page, Attorneys, Ladd & Bush Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which la the 29 th day of August, 1939, and the last is the 26th day of September, 1939. CLARE A. VIBBERT. Administrator of the Estate of Emma R. Vibbert, De ceased. Page and Page. Attorneys. Salem, Oregon. A 29 S 5-12-19-26. j NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE 11 HEREBY GIVEN, That by order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, Lettie L. Loose has been appointed as and for administratrix of the Estate of I Frank ' E. Loose. Deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby no tified to present the same to said administratrix at 226 State Street. Salem, Oregon, within six months after the date of this notice. Dated this September 5, 1939. LETTIE L. LOOSE Administratrix of the Estate of Frank E. Loose, Deceased. RHOTEN & RHOTEN 511 U.S. Natl. Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon Attorneys tor Estate. S 5-12-19-26-0 BRAND NEW modern S room shake bungalow with V acre nut ft fruit trees around house. East Salem 32950 3300 dn. Phone 5580. FOR SALE or trade, my equity In WOOD SAWING. Tel. 3523. Lost and Fonnd LOST T HU R S. at fairgrounds, Monmouth bank check book contain- new modern house. Will take truck or I Ing currency, papers It bus ticket to car. 864 S. 21st I Wellesdale. Reward. John Allen, Mon mouth, Rt Z. years of age fno children) lor main i , t T 1 and gardner. Write experience, stating JJrOKen Lenses KeplaCed ' are. end aivlnc references. Address I , in Two Hours J.HM. FURN.. bath. 1440 Waller. FOR SALE or rent mod. 6 R. hse. 2 fireplaces, oil furnace, 3 bdrms. 638 N. Church. Ph. 7293. are. and giving rererences. bor 90, RFD 3, Salem, Oregon. ; Help Wantct3--FemaIe GIRL, gen. housework. 740 Shipping WANTED. MIDDLE-AGED lady for general kitchen work, out of town res taurant Phone 8063. bj-b-VYrtrrMM"vvvvysvi GIRL "OR woman for general house work all mornlnga. 1585 N. 20th. DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST OPTICAL DEPT. In charge of Dr. Fred Pageler and ! Dr. W. W. Fmsee, Optometrists Adolph Bid.. State A Commercial j Phono 2311 MALE INSTRUCTION. Would like to hear from reliable men we can FURN. APT and nnsekeeplna rooms j WE HAVK THIS raOSfClTi IF TOU want to sell exchange lease, rent see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Cel lini with Hawkins Roberta rensnnnhie 5054 N Capitol apt . - - HALIKS "MODERN apta. TeL 8208 STRAYED TO my place, some sheep. Owner may have by describing and paying for ad. Ph. 60F12. cram to overnaui. nuiau na , -KfT air conditioning and refrigerating "V 1 OR 4 R. hse apt., 735 N. Com't Tj-u-u-u-Lrii-iriririi-ir.-.-'i ' mmm, I ROOM FURN.. lights, water, aiay tar. shower. 314. 1620 Ferry. DESIRABLE APT., gas heat "g- -i k.ik imt flnnr. ontaide ent. garare. near sr. high and state eapitot FOUND K T UNIFORM emblem. Owner call at Statesman and pay for ad. LISTEN . 7 X , S IS) ' A i "Zenobia," comedy romance, starring Oliver Hardy, Harry Langdon (above) and Billie Burke, now at the SUte theatre today tnrongn Friday. Double-billed with "Zenobla" is 'Lncky Night" co-starring Myrna Loy and Robert Taylor. Gross Word i Puzzle MT LOSS TOUR rain I am offer- I back, 1-aVeda Rogers, 1082, statesman. u. ing my 36500 house for 33600. 6 large Mrs. Dunlavy Has Weekend Company BROOKS Miss Ellen Hackit of Salem, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. A. M. Dunlavy. Mrs. Bessie Jones, who has been ill and in the Salem Gen eral hospital, is reported macb improved. She was brought home' from the hospital Tuesday. Lablsh camp. Royal Neighbors of America, held its businen meeting Tuesday night in their eauinment Must be mechanically In clined. No interference with present rtnfWWw'i - - - 3 R. FURN., bath, garage, zi w. WANTED. MIDDLE-AGED house- I last. Box 1225 Statesman. keeper ror . eweriy gentleman fiopre ciate home more than wages. Rt 2. Box 14 A, Woodbnrn. t Salewnffn Wanted SALESMAN OR canvasser with car. good eppor. Commission basis, gas fur. Apply between 1 3 p. m. Ma this Bro. 171 8. com t Situations Wanted RAMSETEK TRUCK service. 3en eral hauling, reaaonable rates. P. 8364 ADYBRTISINO Western AdvarUalas Representativea ; Oeorre D. Oese. Ino. Baa Fraaelsco, Lee Aagete Seat Eastern Advcrtiaing i Representativea ' Bryant. Griffith ft Biuiiam, Iae ' Chicago. New Tork. Dstroft. Boston, atianu rooms A nook, beautiful east front lot facing on S. High St Be sure to see this today. Bee Mrs. Ellis witn CHILDS MILLER. REALTORS 844 State Street Phone 9261. 7 R. 4 BDRM. Mod. 2 -car rar.. good Hollvwood dlst. 83900. 3500 cash. 835 mo. Ph. 4954 for appointment FOR THIS week only this property has been cut to $5,000.00. A T rm. house, hardwood floors, 3 nice txjrms., full Ka umont nf nbimhlnr. si. ntBN 1 OR 4 R. SDt. bath, washer, I t.m and flrenlaM. dntihle n. D1V TTTflirr. lift Blvth Rt Ph. fill. SLEEPiNO RMS., near schools snc i near Lesue. is I rage, ana V4 a. or ground wun iois oi Business Directory WTD. DEP. schi. girl, nelp iignt nse.- i ciinea. o tntenerence wun p' I rntoL wrk. for rm., bd. 1230. Statesman. I occupation. For Interview write at . once i w))Www)iWMMm)Wii) riving name. aoarw. 1 NICE FURN apt. 60 union. For Rent Rooms tie heat 820 00. 856 S. 14th. Cards in this directory ma on a monthly basis only. Rate! f 1 per line per month. Auctioneers m.m . n ne aJJ I I 1 1 ri ra n rt n n n nnOfsWiVii m mtmrnm mm capital n. oununw. r. 1 V -- - . 1 ( nr vnAW9 Trt asiT. ct N. Cottars. I ud Children welcome 1810 18th. - I - n n n n n n n nfiniifiiiiiri"in" nsracpa. OR sleen. rms. near Lee-i furn. apt, szsi uasei. ru. ' Knttnd t tit Peefefice f Uirm Oreeo, Second Class Matter. Ps- iased every mrng escspr mvnoai. Bin tit 8trt, ffiem tit South Cemmerete ja.b lie bis schL ft bus. 17(0 S. Liberty. . DESIRABLE SLEEPING room, pri titmice. Tel. S977. nirruTJTJLTiJLnr r n -irirn'r"" - m m m NICELT FURN. room 4k private I bath in mod. dean home for emp. cou ple or two business gins, mom H blK. irom nrrisn suuxn. - i "unn.nnj-Lr ru" ---... PL. FURN. rm. Central. P. szza. Li uu'in ri.annriri iiiinri-i- .-- - -- -- -- - CLOSE, PRL ent See ft (836. Room and Board - ft AS. 109 N. Summer. Ph. 4614. t innnrm nni-irn","i-i ' TBU BOARD, exc food. 650 uarion. i n nn nnrrs'"TriJ"t'"- -mmm RVL. t STUDENTS. 310. Fn. TJII. I -ROOM. BOARD. 1647 Court St I NEAR STATE office buildings close te schools. 1149 Union. aMWWWMMWMMhrMMMMAffMMAffMMMF 1 RM.. BED. gar, l?5. 1040 N. 17th. ninn fi-isriiMMiiriMMiri"ii --- si saa NICE ROOM, home cooking. ' private home. ! S. Uberty .st, tsaiem. fruit. It la close in. and lesa than two years old. Terms. See Lsrsen with I HAWKINS KUUEatTS, ir(J. $3450. MODERN. COMPACT, com plete a room nouse, ou lurnace. Anto Brakes ICke Pa nek. 871 South Commercial COOI 1ST floor I-rm 4I Ferry PATTON APTS. 883 State, FWe Blabed. Adults only Pn. C344. aaaaasaaaaMaasalasai 8 RM. APT, 436 N. Uberty. I R . Pri . "twith. L ent 360 S. Cottage. u . 1.1 ii t,ti4 I month! v. 't "XkT.- .".I'Umi 1123 N: liS I B-A. FORENER H. T. UEBER Street S B, LTS. HAC W gar. $13.51. Till. rarara. $3400. Newly decorated 4 room house. oesement rurnmce. garmgo. For full information, see 429 Oregon Bldg. . Phone 812L I 83800 BUTS NEW modem boose In new district. If 00 caan, balance 1863 N. Capitol Bicycles BTCTCLKS, NEW 'and reeoodttJooed Harry W. Soott 141 & ComX P. 4616 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONB 44Se. It 63. Nerttoeem For Rent -Houses CHIMNEY CLEANED PIPES. FURNACES, stoves, gutters. Get ready (or winter. No soot or dirt Ray.L. Fanner Hdwr. Co. Ph. 6006. VTIRN1SHED and anfora. bouse H. P. GRANT. 639 Court Ph. 6744 PARTLY FURN. bungalow. Oak- villa Court adulta apply 396 Milt Etc nanfle-Real Estate BALEM HOUSE, trade for Albany. C. H. SANDERS 118 & High 6131. mmmm0mmmmmmmmm0mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm& NEW. T ROOM modern house will tak small acreage, lota or good car aa I Dr. o. L. SCOTT. PSO Chlrepraeter. Chiropractors lilattresses SALEM FLUFF RUO end Mattrees factory. NEW MATTRESS made to I order, eld remade: carpet cleaning slsing: fluff rug weaving a 13th A I WHDUr. TeL B44L OTTO F. SWICK BR. Eat 1911. " !!! Ifl II 35 36 W 37 3 .2 -2 II WL lI in i "ii I yp?i I 1 m 1 CAPITOL BEDDINQ CO. Phone 4868 NatnTopathie Physician DR. W. H. ROCKWELL, Naturopath, te PhrsJclan. 1TII rmbwreanda RA TeL 4303. Office Honrs 11 a. m. to 6:39 P. m. rREB EXAM. CONSULT A TION. Painting Paperfr"flfag NEAT WORK. L. lohnaon. Ph. 6186. Printing 4 R. BOUSE, 2344 Maple. Inquire 1396 N. Liberty. - FURN. 6 RM. hooae at 1407 N. Win ter. 335. Call at sco aianon ev aaaaajaaaaMaaaaaaaatastaj .3 R1L COTTAGE, bath garage. WEST SAXJlIM 1UU1J .SIAIi 5 Edge water TeL 1622. For Sale Farms FARM BUYERS HERE'S YOUB OPPORTUNITY WHY RENT when yon can buy that 366 K. High. TeL Bea, 8573. EzcaTating rzcAVATtNa or en kinda Pase- meeU dug. Dtrt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. 8alea Sand and Gravel Oo Pboae 9408. mmwmww I , jy aterman. 1085 S. 11th. 6708.1 farm with reasonable price and tennst SaBSCRlPTION RATES: ' Mall Subscription Ratea m Advance. Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday Ma, 80 cents: 8 Mo. $U6; 6 Mo. $166 1 rear 35.C0. Elaewbere st cents pet riVFT.Y nt with flrenlace. fl heat excellent oard. 655 N. Cottage. For Rent Apartments j 3 RM. HTD, 318. 3630 Center St L . saaaarfsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiatem : FURNISHED HOUSE. 1337 Court St Phone 9Z. aaaaaaaaaaaai . FURN. HOUSE, 650 S. 16th. S ROOM HOUSE redecorated ; Florists Mo. or 86.06 for 1 year tn advance. I vwkmwiwwwowowwwimw. 1 rage. 4 diks. to state ou, szs.ue. net. Per copy I cent Newsstands I eenta SEE THE Fisher Apta before yon wanted. Box 1226. Br ClVcajwier: 60 eenta a month? I decide. Large A Airy Rockwool la- 1 yy'; 67.2. a reiThT advene. 9a Marion f!ted. asslnrt ht A cold. neUM 4 MOD. co 4ad adjacent eoantlee, uaom wwwu. - - -- ""'ii"i'. m m m . . cottars. O. A. Judaoa. trade. Oreron Land Ha, .' - rt ooapuro. urccun. C. A. Barnes. fleM salesman, will be at 316 Oreron Building ia Salem. Wed MriiT flMitMnhu 1 1-. Discnss your needs with him or see W. 8. Bartlett I Brelthaupfa, 441. Court Phone 1804. secretary-treasurer, at aoove a a urea any time. . - - SPOKANE FARMS A HOMES For rent sale. Laundries Co. Highway. ' THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WELDER LAUNDRY 268 a High 1 TeL 9194 FOR STATIONERY earda. wemwhlefe programa. bosks or any kind ef print. mg. can The Fiaiesmaa Printing De partment 816 a Commercial. Tele- paone si si. Refimshing FURNITURE REFINX5HED like new. S. Brock, 846 Gaines. Pbone 4346. Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer, stor age, earner efL can S1SL Lamer Transfer Co. Trucks te Portland dally WeH Drilling a A. WEST, rt 6, box 445. Ph. 116F6 HORIZONTAL 1 church seat 4 in a row 8 portico 12 annoyances 15 principal v garment of Hinda , women IS on top of " 17 part of 'tobw 18 males 19 hoil slowly 20 digit 21 twice 22 indigent 23 tilt 24 within 25 Usparage 26 andermino 27 wise coun selor of the Greeks ;r 29 edihle grain 32 infant , 33 vehicle hay- . lng runners 34 mother 35 cast forth 37 strike . . ' withtho open hand . . 38 tonch Ughtlyx 39 excavation 40 mobstroctc4 41 timely 42 Egyptian 6 cote of the son god aeala 43 wings 6 sneaker 44 tapestry 7 moisten 45 perceptiTO 8 drink in 49 haul small 60 like an el on- . quantities gated fish toward II oak 10 edible bslb VERTICAL 11 Item of 1 foot-like property organ 18 Japanese 2 inspect coin 8 goods 14-hauT 44mitat 19-tsrt . 20 etrip of fahrie 21 receptacle for holding coal 22 conspire 23 instrument for combing cotton 25 pack 28 percolate 28 direction ia proofreading Z9 tribe Herewith ia the solution to yea- so amorous terday's panic. ) 81 lick up MS j 88-nrm covering i loiniuiir loisyik.! 111 h ic lri vii. irtn r-uiii? loieiAH i ttaMet 1 33 aUastea. 88 herring-like . fish 28 musical instrument 87 garden tool -38 herbivorous mammal 40 palm leaf 41 dance step 43 Japanese -rice paste 44 attempt 45 place 47 neuter pronoun 48 Hebrew name for God . , Cheater J. Push, S138 Myrtle. Ph. 8836.