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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1939)
PAGE TWELVE Tfce OREGON STATESMAN, Sakm, Oregon, Sunday Morning, September 10, 1939 Financial Markets E: ar-Boom W eek . ' ' . T rn 1 " Stock Prices Still Point up -j cli: - TWirliner rroiu ere , to Stem Forward . Push Some ' - NEW YORK. Sept. .Hffr-f: nanclal markets today concluded the fastest war-Doom wwi ; " their history with stock prices till pointing BP. BU," prolit - selling inclinations t----a to stem the forward push. . ..v arbor rot off tO S flying surt In -the brief session win. hiorka f as much as shares changing hands at gains running to more than 2 Pts. , -, fell behind for while, then traders began to casn 1. .-A thorn was ft slOW-dOWD. A last-minute burst of buying . -t-i anil mhlnbuildlnc Issues offset selling elsewhere and the recording machinery again was In arrears as the closing gong sounded. Some ixwe Final nrices were below the best in many cases, but, on the other band, lata farorites ended around top lerels. There also was an assortment of losers. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks retained a net ad vance of .2 of a point at 61.1. On tha week this composite was up 4.4 points, largest gain for this period since June, 1938. The day's turnover of 1,555,390 shares compared with 1,791,250 last Saturday.' The week's volume of more than 17.000,000 shares contrasted with about 5,800.000 the week before and was the best since October, 1937.- The urge of some speculative forces to shorten commitments in some of the recently buoyant climbers coincided with the fact that the weekend was at hand and few ventured to make a guess on what would happen in Europe before Monday. Fuehrer and Aides VievrCaptured Area I- r Vi 1 i. s, ft. J :-w-:--'---K-: v A. rt A Ik. JS tar? dolf Hitler is Prices Tumble In Grain Mark prnr;i Takinc i-arries m v w Wheat Seven Cents Below High CHICAGO, Sept. 9.-(5VHeaTT profit taking hroae ow m gTaiir market today for the c y.a MnuKitrnt settsion, tumbling nrices Of leading ereals. Wheat and corn feu su. cents, sby beans M rye z v n rallies from extreme i German tank brigade a Ionic taken that German . iiiTm ik .Hint ant an the commander of aoir Httier is T- -- M ... .hrtFtl. this photo was Sli nS EE Torthe ous w7rw7capital of Poland: (Picture radioed from Berlin) Pray for Struggling Nation Commercial Fish Season on Today ASTORIA, Ore., Sept. 9.-(flV Fishermen said today the fall commercial fishing season would open on the Columbia river Sun day with prices at three cents a pound for salmon taken any- where on the river, except be tween the Longview and Vancou ver bridges. , After two days, the price will be two cents for discolored and five cents for bright fish, taken anywhere in the river. The season will continue until March 1. Husky Stroke Paralyzed When Auto Crashes PENDLETON, Ore., Sept. 9. (tfVEUis Coder, 19 -year-old Seattle stroke on the University of Washington crew, was para lyzed from the waist down in an , automobile accident ! near here today.' - - Physicians said Coder had a good chance to recover despite two crushed vertebrae and two ribs tors loose from his spine suffered when he went to sleep at the wheel of a car he was driving from Detroit, Mich. 4 SALEM ? LIVESTOCK - (BavtBt prte lor He. I stock, tint condition and reported Bp to 4 p.a Lambs, 1939, topi 6.50 to 6.75 LambtH yearling l 4.00 Eves , S.00 to 3.50 Horn top : 8.50 , 190 lbs. i . 7.75 to SXO 7.50 5.00 8 00 to (.25 , ; 11 ' f t 'yz I kaaaeiLk SaedaaaWolBBBat IsBaeaBijinaaBBBaBeW . wavXvw.vvC .-.OGivvwX- SBBBBBaSSBBBBBBSaaSBaaBBl Gardeners' Mart as mncn 7 cents, 1.-Slight lows of the most pits wheat a. rAn... nrr n..mi Warsaw. Cbnnt Jerxv Potocki (left). Polish ambassador, and Miss Anna Paszkowska, secretary-general of the Polish Red Cross society, were in devout prayer for their homeJana at a solemn high mass celebrated In the Chnrcn or tu raw, lngton, DC. . . . iSaiem Market Quotations fe rsoiTS ' (Baylaf Prices) (Tke prices below supplied by a local grower and indicative of tbe daily sasrkct prices paid to growers by gsleia buyers bat are aot guaranteed by Tbo States man.) Baasaaa, lb. ea sU)k Bands Grspes. Calif, seedless Qrsperrnit. Oalil Lemons, crate Uran(t. crsle i Avoeadps. crate . Cantaloupes, crate . Watermelon. ID. 1.60 to lbs. lbs. 130-150 250-800 Bows , Beef sows Balls Heifers Too veal - Dairy typo cows 8.50 to 4 JO VEGETABLES (Bayng Prices) Beans, green ,, Beets, dos. Cabbage, lb - Carrots, local, dos. Cauliflower, local Celery. Utah 1.35: local. Cora. Dos. Caenatbers. outdoor Lettuce Onions. (0 lbs. 6.00 to S.75 COO to 6.50 8.00 SPECIAL AIIIIOUIICEMENT M. Elorfein Packing Co. moved to 280 S. HIGH Wanted walnuts and fil berts. Also meats, Old and new crop. Cash .for your entire crop. PHONE 7633 .05H .06 Vs 1.25 S.85 6.75 4.00 1.40 1.20 .02 .oa .86 .01 Vs ..20 1.25 1.15 .15 .75 8.00 1.00 .30 JO 0 JO .40 1.10 .45 1.00 .65 .40 .65 (rrlco paid by Independent faeAtng plant so grower i Walnuts rranoosttes. fssry. 13e ato- dluav 10s: small Be: orchard raa, In. Welmnt maata. 15 ta 80s IK IMPh.rt. Berealonaa. larce lSVaei fa llVae: babies, lie: orchard raa lie (Co oa Prices to Grower) Walnuts Price range, depending apoa way sou raa la 14 different grades Utt lie Duchllly 1 eent higher. Green onions, dos. .. Radishes, dos. -. Pea, coast, lb. , Peppers, greea Psrsiey Poutoes. local cwt. No. L. 80 lb. bags - dpinaeh, Seattle, box Turnips, dos. i Sanssh. dos. i. Tomatoes. Dalles. log Clusters, Parties HOPS (Baying Prices) 1939, lb. .80 .35 Grade B raw 4 per cent milk. Dairy Co-op price to distributors $1.52. Batterfat, No. 1, 20 H; No. 2, 24 He; premium, 27tfc. A grade print, 80Hc; B grade 29 He; quarters 81 t. WOOL AJTO MOHAIB (Bnylag Fxlcos) Wool, modi am, lb. Coarse, to. ... Lamba, ib. " Mohair, lb. , J6 JS A9 BOOS ABD POTJLTBT fSnniif at Andreses. I) Grade A large, dos. - J Grsde B large, dos. -'J Ait medium . .SI Tnll.t. .18 44 . - - - - - White Leghorns, aeary . -f ? White Leghorn frye , -f ? nri.i l..knT-na lie-ht J fA Mef . .85 (-. km IK - .IB si a nm Bnrlaa Price ttnttarfat. first onalitv .36H Bntterfat. second auality .34 H Bnttertat, premiam Leghorn bens. Leghorn fryers, 1 lbs Colored fryers, 3-8 lbs Colored hens, under 6 lbs Colored bens, orer 5 lbs. Stsgs - - i Old Roosters , No. 1 grades Be per ponad less. BOOS Grade A large, dos. Grade A medium Grade B large Grsdo B medium ... Undergrade! and Pallets ehsx- 274 .OS .1 4 .13 .11 .06 .04 .21 .31 J7. J1 as PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. (AP) ITTSn A .Produce nricea: a ;.- anniee urwon uraT-natci a. cobuih. tion pack, 1.-5-1.85; crab apples, race end M pack, (lsts. 60 60c; .Vii per Kr Weehineton OraTenateins. largo wrapped and packed, 1.25-1.85; face and fill Dack. 1.00-1.25: Kings, loose 75 85e hoi- Baldwina 65c: Winter Bananas 50c. Artichoke a aos. oozes, Aspsrsgas Uregon, Washington, SO Ib. crate. No. 1 bunched 3.60 3.76; strings 1.60 Aeoeados Calif. Qaeen, Sharpies. Benik, 1.15-2.00; others, 95e 1.15. Bananas per boneh. os psr id. j nana eat off or small lots. oe. Beans Oregon, Kentucky, a-4e; nine Lakes, 8-8 Vic; Tonnt, 4-5e lb.; Bhell pans, 75-85e per lug; few 1.00; Oregon giants, 6-7c. tserries itaspDemes, .uu one- caps,; cucKieoerriea, xi-iac. blackberrtea, ou-70c; currania, .o--.d-. Cabbage liocal au-ponnd crates, o- 85c; old crstes, 65-70c; large, 10c lower. Carrots zo--2tte. Cantaloupes Washington, all sizes, 1.10-1.25; 8pesrs, 85-90c; Oregon, 1.35- 1.50; Dillard, 1.65-1.73; lew i.ou. Cauliflower Local, 8-lla, 1.10-1.25; Ko 2. 40-60c. Celery Oregon, white Oc-l.uo; utan, 75-85c; hearts, Utah, 75-80e; white, 75c- 1 00 per dozen. Citraa rruit caiuomia grap-ruis L80-2.50, ianey. 3 50-8.00. Lemons Fancy, ail sixes, eboice. 4.75-5.00. Limes Calif flats, lsos, sou; eis lay cartons. 80c, dossns 30-25c. Oranees Valencias, large, a.a-e..o; small to medium 3.75-8.00. Corn Local, 4 doz. boxes, eu-ooc; Wash., 60-70c. Cucumbers - Oregon, lists, u-ouc; Jickles o. l, 4U-3c; ko. , eo-eoe; xo. , 25-80e. n ... .... a.. . T gg risns vsui- mgs. .--.-. -- er lb.: local xiats, eu-ouc; zew ooc; mjv. irge, in rates, 60-7 5e. Calif flats, beat 65-75e; Discr, Garlio Loeal new 6 8e Ib: string 8-10e Grapes Calif, seedless 75-85s lug; Lady Fingers, 1.00-1.10; Toksys, 1.00 1.25; Ribiers, 1.10-1.20;. Washington Concords, lug, 60-75c Lettuce Local dry pack, s or ooi. best 1.00-1.25; Washington sopped, 1.35- 1.60; California iced 4 os.. .7a-.uo. Melons watermelons, ore., uauiornia Klondykes and stripes, 1.00-1.25 per cwt, -rates extra. Honeydews Crates, , l.oo- 1.25; Caeaba loose, 1-ze- id. esnta Clans. 1.25-1.85 per fist; lea Cream, ltt- 2e per lb.; Calif. Persians, 1.85-1.50 per flat. Mushrooms Coltlrated 1 Ib. cartons. S0-85e; tt-lb. cartons. 17-180. Nectarines Calif.. 73-UOC Onions Walla Walla Bpaniah medium. 60-70C large 75-85e; Yakima yeliowa. 5-70c; Oregon pickle onions, large lots, 6-6 He: small lots, et-oc Peaches Oregon- wasmngtoa ciDertas, 45-55e; small, 40-45c; Bales, 60-75e, rag 80c. . Pears Wsshington ex. fancy Bartietts wrapped, 1.50-1.60; loose, 1.60-1.75; orchard run, 65-7 5e; poor 40-60e. Peat Oregon coast, 35 lb. boxes 1.80 9.00. Peppers Oregon fists, green, 80-85e; Pln'ms Oregon Italians 30-80e ner SO lb. lag; Brsdshsw 75c per 35 lb. lag; Dsmsons, 80-40e; Hungarian, 40-60e. Potatoes Oregon loeal White Rose, US No 1, 1.50-1.60; US No. 3, 60-Tb. sacks, 50c; 251b. sack, 40c; erate, 3.00-3.10; Jerseys 1 90-3.00; Washington Bassets, US No. 1, 100 lb. sseks. 1.60-1.75; 25 lb. sscks 45c; No. 3, 65-65e. Quince Oregon loose calls oat, (e lb. Rhubarb Nominal. Spinach Local, orange box, 60-70e. Squsih Oregon fist fueehlnl scallops, 80-85e; Srsllop and Crooknecks, 85-40e; Danish, large crstes, 75 85e; Marblehead, Sweet Potatoes California Jerseys, 60 lb. crate, 2.00-2.10. Tomatoes Oregon, field grown, flats. 85-40e; No. 3, 80-40c; loeal No. 1, 60-65e; No. 3, 45 55e. .Qtnn occurred in however. -, rioriinn carrion XUV - . . .notations about 7 cents a Dosne, v.i.. 4a war boom hlgbs r-, .a- ht left prices about tt nta SIMTS levels Uiciie A- v . . .llt,l hfn- tha ont.reaK OI DUBUHu Uw.w . . i vhmm and 19 Ctnis auovo u -,. etvnrAS. a iflrrpr man uw,u - a . - - . -rimato of tbe canaaian wutnt CBblUlWkV e. - crop and fear that temporary withdrawal oi auDsmy vJ"""" -trd domestic export busl " " . . . . - ,,!. ness were factors in mo bcuuib vfon traders, howeyer. were j .. . , guided mostly by tne desire w take good profits as & result of the week's sharp upturn wnicn broke records in the grain trade because of its swiftness. Mill and export purchasing was reported on the break. , Wheat closed 24-2 lower than yesterday, September 82, December 82-, The official Canadian crop re port estimated production of wheat at 449,000,000 bushels compared with 350,000,000 last year. If this materializes, Can ada's crop will be the fourth largest on record and, with carry over, will make available a sup ply equal to almost two years normal requirements in the United Kingdom, according to trade estimates. British millers were reported to nave oeen aa vised by the government to use Optimistic Imp mi iiiii ii m ii 1 1 hi ii in i .i i ii 1 1 : - - - - i i fA:-rrniAr, f I ..!..'...ji;..,'s,... .' .: 1 I IL ,,in " " ' I I x i I! X or 1 1 . rf II V fs II i- l x i Sx : h 1 x if ti atjotv c ittt? 4irrnvii. JR. I OAls s -v MHKM " Firestone Visit First in 5 Years Tire Company Chief lias Optimistic Outlook for US Trade On his first trip to the west coast in five years, Harvey S. Firestone, jr., vice president of Uho Firestone Tire and Rubber company, -commented optimistic ally on business conditions, both present and future, according to Grant Ferris, . local Firestone manager. 1 He stated that national busi ness had been good throughout the country Ferris said but that business sentiment had been de pressed by uncertain- conditions abroad as manifested by the Eu ropean war. v have been duringaT- nD' W "Business in the second half of 1939 will be better than it has been during the first half due to favorable credit conditions, in creased purcnasing power, cur rent trends in retail trade, build mg construction, power and gaso line consumption, and capital goods activity," the tire execu tive said. - . "In our business we are look ing for substantial sales increases for the balance of this year and a continuation in 1&40," Mr Firestone stated. "Automobiles will reach a new high in popu larity with registrations totaling almost 30,000,000 vehicles for the first time in history." Livestock DEAD AND worthless horses, eowai picked up free. Ph. collect (411 Salem. Montgomery Kena wks. HORSES - MARES - MULES LARGE ASSORTMENT well broken horses and mules. CREDIT gladly civ- en. No carry Ing charge. Get competi tive prices before you come here and e how much lower my prices are. See them work and pull on all klnils of farm Implements before you buv. r.nar. anteed aa represented. Free deliver-. H. R. Kuehne, Carlton, Ore.. ml. K. of Carlton. 7 ml. W. of Newbere In West Chehalem Valley. Hop Pickers HOP PJCftlX'G commences on 111!- hee hop ranch Friday. September 1. SH miles east of Salem. Big crop. Roy Hardman. foreman ; phone farmer a iir.e. 100KB. HOP Farm Ph. B730. l! 3 PICKERS wanted. Gilbert Co.Rt 4. 4H ml. W. of Salem. OUR TRUCKS will leave every morning commencing Saturday morn ing. September 9. at 8 a. m.. from the corner of State and Commercial street for the RpEERTS HOP yard. For In formation ana arrangements, pnena 9623 or 18F12. HOP PICKERS wanted at Williams snd Thacker. Truck leaving east sida of bridge at 6 o'clock. Tel. 9(14. Help Wanted SURPRISING, NEW mushroom rais ing facts i from world's largest com pany. Book FREE. United, 3S48-B Lin coln Ave.;: Chicago. WANTED. BEAN pickers for Tar1ey yards enar Penitentiary Annex. Call at 645 S. 12th St. Phone 6890. Pr. Pick., J cab. G. F. Booth, Turner. Canada Curtails Plane Privileges WASHINGTON, Sept. .9-P)- The civil aeronautics authority said today it had been notified by Canadian officials that all air craft must obtain specific permis sion from the minister of trans port to fly over Canadian territory. Scheduled transport services operating into Canada have al ready been granted permission, the CAA said, but the Canadian minister of transport has asked that pilots of other planes be warned of the new defense regulation. Envoy Escapes Sub Attack temporarily In their grindings. only 10 per cent Canadian wheat Quotations at Portland PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 9. (AP) Produce exchange: Batter: Extras 89; standards 37 Hi prime firsts 26 H; firsts 24. Butterfst 28 -29. , , Es: Large extras 28; large standards 31; medium extras 21; medium stand ards 19 ; small extras 13 ; small stand ards 12. Cheese: Triplets 14e; loaf 14e. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore., Wheat : Open September . . 85 December oa Cash Gram: Uats, Sept. 9. (AP) High Low Close 85 83 83 83 83 83 Ko. 2-38 lb. irhite, 24.00; Ko. 2-38 lb. gray, .4.00. .Tiey, No. 2. 451b. BT, 22.00. Corn, -No. 2, IX shipments, 82.50. Ko. 1 flax 1.64. r..h w-,.t Rid;. Soft white 79: west- era white 79; western red 76. Hard red winter- nrdinarv 76; 11 per cent 76; 12 per tent 78; 13 per eent 80; 14 per eent 82. Hard white-Baart ordinary 80; 12 per cent 81; 13 per eent 84; 14 per eent Today's Car Receipts: Whest 18; oar ley 6; flour 22; corn 1; cats 8; aull feed 5. Portland Produce OB-UQf. BAT Clover seed .... Others unquoted mm BRED a 14 to .15 because et aastable conditions. INCREASED kiaresist news STATESMAN! In a community noted for having a wide variety of farming products, reliable, first-hand infor mation about the daily markets is of vital in terest to every farmer. Local markets are care- . fully covered each day and their daily ups and downs noted by The- Statesman and the in formation put into the hands of rural readers in the next morning's issue. Latest developments in. Portland and other market centers . are brought daily to The Statesman by the Asso- - dated Press. s . . . For Timely, Accurate Market -Reports! Foreman Fatally Injured While Building new Mill SPRINGFIELD, Sept. 9.-ffr- Dlck Smith, vlaner foreman for the new Rosboro lumber mill here died In a Eugene hospital tonight following an accident 1 here this morning. The man was working on the new mill, now under construction, when he fell and struck his head on a timber. He was rushed to a Eugene hos pital and died without regaining consciousness. PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 8. (AP) fVnntr- Uaats Salllna trice to retail' .... rnntr--killad coca, best batchers under 100 lbs. ll-12e; Tealere 14-14V4.C i:-v. ..j .hi- in.i.a lli haa-y v-lue lb .nwn- UnbL l-15e lb.: yearling lambs 10-I2e lb.: ewes 6-6e lb.; cutter cows 8c; ...... 7-8a lb.: balls 8-9 tto lb. Lt-e Poultry Boylng prices: Lefhora in lv roiatcTa. aver 4 lbs. 14e; 3 lbs. and orer 14-15e lb.; Leghorn hens .... iu lba. lie: Lechorn hens nnder ZVm lbs. 10-llc; colored hens to lbs 14e: e-er B lbs 15e; No. 3 trade 6e less. Tnrkeys New crop hens aa-ase id. t4.. Tt.rlinla Otm. 1.75 cental. k.w Potatoes Yakima Gems, 1.50 owt loeal whites 75-85e orsnge box; o n. Ttnrh.nk.. 1.-5-1.80 cental. . Onions Walla Walla, 40-50o sack; Yakima 40-50c aack; Orecon Bermodai, 8- SMe lb. U7--1 - aifrri Oracoa fine 20-21 ...-3 .Willamette Taller 12 months 25, lamb 20s lb. Dressed Teal, lb. n.Tfi.lline oriee te retailers: Alfal fa. Na. 1, 16.00 ton; eat-retch 12.00 toa: lino ten: tlmotny. eastera ure mm lOOQ; valley timothy. 14.00 too nr,n lBa 15-SOe lb.: 1838 Clusters 25e lb. .,,, Mnhair 12 months I0c. fall 25e Ib Caseara bark Baying price 1938 pteJ 4a lb. nnm,iJ flour SelUne price, city de- i i hhL lets: tsmiiy paienn. AOm 7.15-7.75: bakers' hard wheat, net. ,e.n. v.v.i' niB.ti. 5.65-6.25 blended wheat flour, 6.00-6.85 ; soft eat Kii..S7ft. araham. 4VS. o.wu; wheat, 49s, x Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. (USD A) Hois: Tor week, salable suuu total 8060. Compared to week ago mar ket about 2 higher but closing under pres sure. . Barrows and gilts, gd-ca, 120-140 lbs 1 do go en, 140-160 lbs do gd-eb. 160-180 lbs io gd-ch, 180-200 lbs do gd-rh, 200-220 lba do gd-ch, 220-240 lba de gd-rh, 240-270 lbs 8.55 8.50 9.15 8.65 8.65 8.500 8.25 9.10 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.25 9.10 8.65 8.10 8.00ii 7.85(i) 8.10 7.50 8.50 8.35 8.10 9.35 8.75 8.25 7.50 7.00 6.25 6.75 6.50 6.50 4.75 8.75 25 9.25 8.35 8.00 7.50 7.50 6.75 6.50 5.50 4.75 do gd-ch, 270-300 lbs do gd ch, 800-330 lbs do gd-eh, 330-360 lbs do med 160-200 lbs Feeder pigs, gd-ch 70-20 lbs Cattle: Tor week, salable 2700i total mtn r1vp. for week, saiaoie im, - tal 875. Compared week ago, market to 60c higher. Steers, good, tOO-llOO ids.. do medium, vou-nuu ids do med, 1100-1300 lbs do common, 750-1100 lbs Heifers, med, 500-900 ibs do common, auo-auu ios Cows, good, all weights do medium, an weignis- cut-corn, all weights.... do canner (low cutter, all waiphtal - Balls (yearlings excluded), beef, good all weignts do sausage, gd, all wts do medium, all weights do eut-cpm, all weights Vealers, gd-ch, all weights do com-med, ail wts do cell, all weighu Calves, com-med 400 lbs da do eull, 400 ids. sown - Rh..n. For week salable 2275. 2775. Compared week ago, tat lamDS a.uu higher, ewes steady to 50c up. Snrinf limhi. ad-ch S 7.50 ao meuium ana kuu do common Yearling wethers gd-med Ewes, good to choice... do common to ieui um 8.25 3 S.75 6.25 6.00(5 5.50 4.75 8.50 5.00 4.00 8.00 & 7.00 4.00 5.00 total 6.50 6.50 6.00 5.50 9.50 8.50 5.00 7.75 7.25 5.75M 0.Z5 4.50 5.00 2.50 8.00 1.25 2.50 - IL JZ e Wool in Boston BOSTON, Sept. 9. (AP) (TJSDA) TJreent covering stimulated by late ue- elopments in Europe caused wool prices in Boston to rise very sharply in the past week. .. . Advances amounting to 8 to la cents. secured basis, or approximately three to five cents, crease basis, were realised on nnmarona Bales of moderate Talume. Toward the end of the week Duymg il-rkened and while asking prices held n f.irlv wall a lew noiaers were oiier- inr wools st prices somewhat under the highest level reslised during the week Drafted brtht fleeces were sola auring the week at prices ranging 33 to 85 cents !- tha areata for fine Delaine ana comD- ing half blood and 85 to 40 cents for combing three-eighths and one-quarter blood. What appeared to be a submarine attack was escaped la the En glial channel by this ship from which Sir Nevile Henderson (at top o steps), British ambassador to Berlin, Is shown debarking at tiravra end, England. A member of his staff carries hia dachshund Hlp py" down the steps ahead. i Gross Word Puzzle Stocks and Bonds September 9 BOND AVERAGES Compiled by The Associated Press 20 10 Bails Indus Net Chg. D .4 Unch Saturday 73.8 20.6 Previous day 73.4 20.6 Month ago 68.0 18.5 Year ago 69.7 18.5 1939 high 77.0 23.8 1939 low 58.8 15.7 10 Util TJnch 87.1 87.1 89.5 81.9 40.0 83.7 STOCK AVERAGES Net Chg. Saturday Previous day Month ago Year ago 1939 H;gh 1939 low 80 Indus A .2 . 58.6 58.4 57.1 56.6 64.9 53 4 15 Rails A .3 97.8 97.5 100.5 98.4 100.8 95.8 15 TJtil TJnch 93.3 93.3 96.9 92.9 97.5 90.4 10 Porgu A .2 -51.1 50.9 48.8 47.2 53.4 41.6 60 Stocks A .8 50.7 49.91 50.2 62.1 64.0 49.0 12 i a 21 31 36 "SI (A 32 so 37TZ WA 27 1 22 Vj 37 XZ ?7 HI 20 33t HZ V) 6 Vs 2 S5 'A 'A 17 W7X 36 1 21 3"? 1 52 s 23 'A 35 HQ m I 2H 30 5S 56 25 HH 26 H Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line 10e Three Insertions per line 20c Six Insertions per line - IQe One month per line -$1 00 Minimum charge K" Copy for this pass accepted nntil :io tn avenina beiore DaDiica- tlon for elaasi flea tion. Capy ra- ealTM after this time wul ba ran nnder tbe baa ding "Toe Let to Claaatfy." ; Th Btatsaman aaanasaa mm fln- stal responsibility tor arrors which may appear b advert laemants pub lished In tta coiumna and in cast where this paper la at fault will ra artnt that Dart of aa advertleement la which the typographical mistake oocnra, Tbe Statesman resenrea tbe right te relect aoeationable advertising. It - further reserves tha right to place all advertisinc uader . tbe proper classification. A "BUnd" Ad a ad eoatalalns a Statesman boa asunber for aa ad- dresa la for tbe Dro taction of tbe advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. Tbe Statesman la not at nbartr to dlvalre taf orma- Uoa as to the IdeaUty of aa adver- Uaer sains a "BUnd" ad, Closing Quotations NEW YORK, Sept. 9.-(ff-Today'B closing prices: Al Chem t Dye, 192 I Allied Stores .. I American Can .109 n For Power. Am Power & Lt. Am Rad Std San 9 hi I Am Roll Mills . 20 Am Smelt A Ret 69 Am Tel t Tel.. 163 Am Tobacco . SO Am Water Wks. 11 Anaconda ..... 27 Armour 111 . . . . "r Atehlson .29 Barns-all ..... 17 H Bait ft Ohio ... C Bendiz Aria tion 28 Bethlehem Steel 8 Boeing Air .... 25 Borge Warner .25 Budd Mfg. .... C Calif Pack .... 27 Callahan Z-L .. 1H Calumet Hee .. Canadian Pacific J I Case....... 82 CaterpU Tractor 5 Celanese ...... 21 Certain-Teed s Ches Ohio ... 17 Chrysler 84 Coml Solvent .. Comwlth ft Sou. Consol Edison . Consol Oil .... Corn Products. . Ctjrtlss Wright. Douglas Aircraft Prod 13 Natl Dairy 1 Natl Dist ..... 29 Natl Power tt Lt 9 . Northern Pacific (6 Packard Motors 6 J C Penney 73 Phillips Petrol . Du Pont de N..185 Press Steel Car. Elec Power ft Lt 8 Pub Seryice NJ. Erie RR General Electric General Foods . General Motors. Goodyear Tires. Great Northern. Hudson Motors. Illinois Central. Insp Copper ... Int Harvester . . Int Nicken Can. Int Paper ft P Pf Int Tel ft Tel... Johns Manrille. Kennecott. . ... Libbey-O-Ford Lig Myers Loew's Monty Ward . . . Nash Kelrinator National Biscuit National Cash . ..... k B.100 33 1 Pullman 40 Safeway Stores . 39 Sean Roebuck. 52 Shell Union . 29 Sou Cal Edison. 28 Southern Pacific 8 Standard Brands 14 Standard Oil Cal 17 Standard Oil NJ 65 Studebaker .... 46 Sap Oil ; 42 Timk Roll Bear. 4 Trans-America . 87 Union Carbide . 44 United Aircraft. 47 United Airlines. US Rubber . . . . US Steel ...... 52 Walworth 7 Western Union . 23 White Motors . . 15Wooiworth ., 16 23 8 11 4 87 44 10 36 31 39 78 17 25 15 6 29 49 7 3 50 6 90 10 45 69 6 27 11 HORIZONTAL 1 Rotating piece 4 Established value 7- Seaport of Itoroeee -II His- prist of larael 1ft Grow old 14 Sphere at actios 15 What la tha astasias ward la the tHle f faatoas pees by Eadyard Kiplhuti Gara " T lSWh-t Spaalsli district tersaa the aerth. eaatara ceraae ef the Ikeriaa Peaia aalat 18 What was the Int aaate ef the I asseas daaear. Pavlewat IS Devices ta hoU work tl Cones in agaia 13 Unwritten aarratlve poetry 27 Weiakt ot India ef the BerMsea 10 Inapir with fear 21 Planter 14 Who waa the feaader adssal ef painting I IS Not at home 7 Orraa of hearlag ! Fiab acrs . 40 Aftaraooa functiona 42 Aa overthrowinc 44 Roared maun tain nut 4t What S isa i-inss was the wife ef Peter the Great?' It It la (contracted) ' 14 Be tt ass ' " HHard-abeltad fnOt -14 Necatrve - , 17 What Is tha aMst fsaisaa ef XagQsh S htaaculine name It Balftmi 1 !- tree a fihe 1 S Banre ta a row S What aridwsatera slate la caOed the ' stater i Plant of the aaaarymi fanD? Withdraw 7 Soond aeeaoapaaytat hreaUng ' B Got aa Diaaia stive for ! 1 Eaalhine U Chi SIS I f 17 Province ef India IS Araia i Z Woody plant 24 What land waa aadeaUy knewa ae Canaan r ZS Be tn 4M a t Place t Beeome f aligned 1 Obtained 12 Eearet i U Mere nnBsaal t& Learning IS Part ef the eye 41 Indian title as A at 44 What waa Am Srst aaaia ef the anther. Ckekaovr 4S Remains' 47 Depend en 4 Vnlcar fellow 60 Salutation 61 Dark, oily litroid tS Greek latter Herewith is the solution to yes terday's puzzle.' MS I'- A-sweet-ae mt aahrt-Wt IS ileef