PAGE NINE' 7 Salei Market Place for Selling, Reiitin The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, September 9, 1939 Buying,' g? 3k Livestock Livestock Phone 5000 Phone 5 WORTHLESS STOCK WANTED LKKJ Money to Loan Money to Loan We Lend You Money wrra repayment plan arranged to rrr tour income For Sale Used Can 1ST DeLUXE-85-FORD V-t nlr I 18.800 exact miles. Excellent condi tion. Price $474.80. Will take trmde and give terms. Call owner at OIL. ' CHEV. sedan, f 200. Good sbane. iziat jayrue. Between i ana 4. Attention farmere, cattle dealers, horse traders, dairy men. butchers, fox No EndorSCCS No Comakers YoUT Signature Only Heite?" chick? PrTs and mink raisers. Too ar certain of attending thy 8UU wi?J i dan. radio. 2075 Center. Ph. 7I. our lair city We extend to you all a welcome to visit our very modern plant RCPAj ANY DAT TO REDUCE COST. BORROW PROM SALEM'S OLDEST t where we are the exclusive manufacturer ot Evergreen TtTtUtoer. Also AND laroeST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE TOUR NEEDS Rlfi- '34 CHEV. SEDAN, rood condition, render tallow, manufacture meat meal and Beets foot U. Too wI" - !.?iV CE1VE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN Ph. 4861 or 4104. owner. 150 N. list moat sanitary and modern plant of Jthls kind that you nave ever seen, our last wade. wwiww)wwwwwwwwiwii Insoectlon was 100 perfect. REMEMBER we are the uzvli jtlaivi oi uus i t kind registered la the city ox bauul we are tooaing iurw w our iu- m wi amixirt Tf mi have, in worthless animals that Ton want to get rid ot Just PHONE 5000 COLLECT and our truck will be at your place at a mo- I menu notice and pay you accordingly. - Salem Fertilizer & By-Pioducts Works 25th and Turner Road Paul Wolf, Manager P. S. We are not running In oppoaitloa to fox and mink raisers. We will butcher your animals lor you tree or cnarge. NOTICK We are Installing a refrigeration plant for your convenience. DEAD AND wort Met borsea. cowt picked op frea Ph. collect 1411 8alem Montgomery Rend. Was. General Finance Grp. I lit Bo. Commercial St. Lie Ne. 8-ltl Phone tilt Firat Door South of Ladd A Bush Bank -Convenient Q round Floor Location. GET SPOT CASH Way 'SI FONTIAC 4-DR. Bed., low mile age. Bx. 19, Eveigieeu Ave. Statesman Classified Ads i Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line le Three Insertions per lis 20c SU tnsertloDt per una . soe Ons month per U -U 00 Minimum charge , .it Copy foe thle pane accepted ont :t0 the evening before publics Uon for classification Copy re eelved after this time will be n under the beading "Too Late to Classify." ; ;- ; The 8tatt sman assumes oe flnao jial responsibility for errors which may appear to advertisements pub lished In Its columns sad In case where this paper is at fault will re- Srint that part of an advertisement i which the typographical mistake occurs, j- j j' -....:. 1 - The Statesman reserves the right to reject questlonsble advertising It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification A "Blind" ! Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress Is for the protect ion-ef the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman le not at liberty to divulge mforma. tlon as to the Identity of aa adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. Help Wanted Female WANTED. CAPABLE girl for house work no smoker or drinker need ap ply. Ph. 7565. GIRL, gen. housework. 740 Shipping. WANTED. MIDDLE-AGED lady for general kitchen work, out of town res taurant Phone 8042. Situations Wanted DRKSXMAK MRS Adsltt Pb Ml RAMSEY KR TRUCK service. Gen eral hnnlinc. reasonable rates P. 235 DRESSMAKING. 7S4. 2011 & Com. EXP. HSEKPR. hour work. P. 1501. Fop Sale Miseellaneons This ''PERSONAL WHEN AT HOMB A "Personal' Loan 2t to $300. Easy Terms WHEN A WAT- USE A rrT3crkiw aim CREDIT CARD Fof Rent Apartments I TO 4-RM. apta, 'cheap, fi ts anr up Children welcome. 1110 1 11th. FURN. APT, 1 HaseL Ph. 7004. 00000000000000000000000000 HASELDORF VERT desirable, I small turn, apt Available now. For Rent Houses For Sale Real Estate BEAUTIFUL MONTEREY Colonial, fully carpeted air-conditioned, : auto matic beat See owner at 161 N. Cap- itoL WB HAVB THB PROSKEC1 For Sale Used Cars Repossed by Finianace Co. Will Be Sold for Balance Due 1934 Studebaker Coupe with rumble seat. LEGAL NOTICE mar attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, appoint a com mittee of creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transact snch other business as may properly come be fore said meeting-. Dated at Albany, this 7th day ot September, 1939. . WILLARD L. HARKS, Referee in Bankruptcy. S.I Auctions AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION at lis R. CHURCH John Clearwater! Is leaving for a trip te a Dakota and will sell the high grade furniture of hie home at auction without reserve, for cash. a Tuesday. Sept 11. 1 p. m. A Partial n Aii, TtaSn rnaa. linoleum. 4 walnut bedroom suites, wsl. dining table. chairs and buffet. waL settee. FOR SALE or trade for wood, all kinds of new ft used furniture : ranges, heaters, radios, piano, rugs, linoleum. When you want to buy, sell or trade, rail at the F. N. Woodrr Auction and Furniture Mart. 110 N. Bummer St.. Salem. We always sell for less. PERFECTION PEACHES, ready at Pettey's orchard. Wallace Rd. SATE tSO.OO ON new 1931 Due- Therm oil burning circulator. I to I room capacity, only $59.50. Easy term. Good Housekeeping Inc.. 453 Court St ARMT WALL tent 225 R 14th. REBUILT AND guaranteed ash ra All makea from $! up Spec- Mnr tag lit Hogg Bros CASH FOR oaed furn. Ph 1110 000000000000000000000000000 NEW 4-ELEMENT UAH. electric range only S49.S0. essy terms. Good Housekeeping. Inc. - 45S Court Et Good at S7f offices Coast to i SIMPLE TO QUALIT' Come la, GUARANTEED BT GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINS! (As advertised therein.) PERSONAL i finance Co. Second Floor. New Bltgh Bldg. sis stt RirMi Salem. Oi State License Numbers S-1JJ M-141 LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or used ears. ; Private money at new low rates. I Immediate sctlon. -No red tope. 1 TO JO MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons ISO South Commerces Street Phone tlit Uc No. M-1M lease, rent see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Col lins with Hswklns A Roberta NEW HOME lSi 3 8th Street OPEN 5 ROOMS, and larae attic. Ideal floor plan best of materials and workmanship; extra large bedrooms and closets. Easy terms mens aot. BELOW VALUE T-ROOM. PUAST. house, lot 00x112. good garage, family fruit paved streets A walks. The lot 's worth the money. If you are looking for an old bouse to remodel, take a look at this property located at lttt North Fifth St, price 7.RV DWELLING. Falrmount hltL 1 SEE COBTTRN ORABENHORST Large well landscaped yard, $40. Also i with W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO., NOTICK TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby jlTen that the undersigned Lloyd TV Riches has been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Mary E. Riches, de ceased, now In probate in tlie County Court, of the State of IT TOU want to sen exchange I XAaS TaulO BDU JJcalcr A HIS I v t,u" inTRMTaireo and nnfurB. bouse H. P. GRANT, lit Court Ph. 1744 PARTLT FURN. bungalow. .Oak- villa Court adults apply & Mia. won't last long. See at ... ' STATE MOTORS, Inc HUDSON - PACKARD DEALER High at Chemeketa Phone 8100 t-rm. dwelling, $25. Phone 441t. ro7T pttrn. Close In. Barn, ehlca- ea bouse, garage, $10. Phone 0720. 4 R. HOUSE. 2344 Maple. Inquire 1295 N. Liberty. 0000000000000000000 MOD. 4 RMS., $22. B R. $25. 7111. 0000000000000000000000 FURN. I RM. house at 1407 N. Win ter. $35. Call at 860 Marlon St m00000000000000000000 REALTORS 114 & Liberty St Phone C44t. 4 R NEAR school. 12000. J2F1J. Acreage OFFICE ROOMS, III State Street Inquire room 200 Tel 1718. r rr trcv a. a9A a ma Tvt FHA LOANS 4H. atow private I ? m ? ZJZl: V iiu loans Abrams A Ellis. Inc, Masonic - Bldg. 00000000t00000000 I AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Stb FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-lSt 000j00000000 ACREAGE BARGAIN ttt A., LOCATED 5H MILES from city center. New 5-room. anfln. house A ma veil TAMtM An llrfif lln A rmul I RM, BD. ft gar, $25.. 1040 N. 17th. I road. Price $2000, 100 down ft $20 per mo. ee tnis tract. Call O. H. GRABENHORST. JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO.. REALTORS 124 & LTberty St Phone .44. For Rent LEGAL NOTICE NOTICK TO CREDITORS ' No, 10204 IN THE COUNTY COURT Or THE STATE OP OREGON for Marlon County. In the Matter of the Estate of W. H. BURGHARDT, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Executrix ot the Estate of W. H. Burghardt, deceased, by the County Court ot the State of Oregon for Marion County, and has qualified as such. All persons that Letters of Administration have been issued to him. All per sons baring claims agalnBt the said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified and with proper Touchers to the undersigned at SSI No. Summer street, Salem, Oregon, on or be fore six months from the date of the first' publication of this notice, said first publication be ing made the 12th day of August. 1939. LLOYD T. RICHES, Administrator of the Estate ot Mary E. Riches. Deceased. A 12-1S-2C S 2-t Wanted to Rent wivt VT!W A has. rentals. 172 8. UK Ph. 7 US. Willamette Real Estate. aSsssassaajsS""1 $300 .00 BY TEACHER, Sept I te 12, furn. 1 a un haL or ant. near Parrish, WA wwwp V 000000000000000000000 al MS fi2 haTln Clta8 "P "Id e8Ut? electric water systam. aU In l wal- re hereby required to present nuts, cherries ft apples On bus the same with proper Touchers as .v.0 i KhooL.t.iziTs. I required by law within six months w irrta.Vrn. ftST SSl the date of tWa notice to soil, all yr. creek; irrigation right the undersigned at the office of -$4000 ; $500 down. page and Page, Attorneys, Ladd 1 &j3?TJ&rLrW& & Bush Bank Building. Salem. -ww wv w e w w ri n f vw uvn sag per montn. MONEY TO LOAN AT l KELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR p&one ITZJ, Urges Profit Curb PORTLAND, SepL 8.-(ff)-Laws to curb profiteering, as well as neutrality . legislation, -should be considered by congress when, the special session Is called Rep, Homer D. Angell (R-Ore) told the Lions clubs today. yheat Men Talk ; f" . . War Repercussion CORVALLIS, Sept. 8-V-The effect of I the European war on , Oregon wheat production a plans will be discussed at a state-wide meeting of wheat farmers next Wednesday at Pendleton. I A series of county meetings in the 17 wheat-growing counties of the state wili be held starting September 18. 1 Whether to increase wheat acreage or Etay within their agrl-. cultural adjustment administra tion allotments Is the problem facing Oregon wheat farmers. Will Steen of Milton, state AAA chairman. ; pointed out that Sec retary ot Agriculture Henry Wal lace announced recently the pres ent wheat surplus was more than enough to supply a year's needs. Food, Drink, Extra Demanded by Crew PORTLAND, Sept. Thirteen ; members of the Dan ish steamer Uranienborg's crew today demanded war bonascs of 8)250 each, better food and permission to carry all the . liquor they want. They said if their demands were not met they would not take the' ship from Portland for the European war zone. The N Uraiaienborg is to load lumber here and In Vancouver, B, C, foe Belfast, Ireland. The demands were relayed by wireless to the owners at Copenhagen. Poland Resorts to Strategy Oregon. The date of the first publica tion ot this notice is the 2nd day iwwfmnfliwuuw I September, 1939, and the last For Sale Real Estate FOR FALL AND WINTER NEEDS REDUCE B U R D EN SOME IN- . . . MnlattAd. I winner, pemr ore win rum. S FIVE ROOM homes Just j of bldg. material to right party to 1! 0'JtZBuna5tt h?J!!.W? coverin YSlELF OF OU DEBTS, owner. W. L Oadek. Pb. 4fT. uo.NtitJi.i da i c au. xiux w i vninn crry nrooerty w nr. nns ? so win IIS Chemeketa Blkea Rep Itamsden' Ml Ub 000000 FOR 8ALF or trade, 35 Graham Se- I ONE. bomea Opportunities In exehangea, m r . .t,a1 I fll'T f-ART? FOR SCHOOL NEEDS. I i. . r-r,,.a . DrtOTTRTS INC veloUr dir aid chaTr: ik ehlni calv bais pick-up or light truck What have REDUCE HIGH CAB FAJMlTS. JT A Vatar llrtt llnl roi 1 .Tl wan mirrors. 4-plece coffee urn. you? See F. N. ft Glenn Woodry. auc- Our liberal, nexime creait require- MODERN 5 R. house near new nign tlOBU luat Off T' TT 1rloA IK Aft tl ACREAGE BARGAINS I A LOCATED 4 MILKS from city center on good road ft light line, near stores at scnooL Good well, some fir timber, pear orchard. Will furn. $250 con coverlnr all ia $12S0, $50 down ft $16 per mo. See this tract 1 A. tracts located on Vista Ave.. city water available. Price $500, $50 is the 30th day of September, 1939. EMMELINE L. LUDI BURG HARDT, Executrix. Estate ot W. H. Burghardt, De ceased. PAGE AND PAGE Attorneys for said Estate. Ladd & Bush Bank Building, m aia Vwi m i per rao. I c-l c a O 1 e 1ft 4fc A. tracts locateil nn V, scui vitivu. n v--v. TeL i folding camp chairs. Beauty Rest tlonccrs. Ph. 6-1-1-0, Salem. cnura uisnea. enii. uiin - -- ----clopedla And other books, draperies, curtains, sheets, pillow cases, blankets, fancy work, S auto robes. 0 comrorts. rockers, dressers, . eamodes, magaslne racks sectional book case, t-day man tel clock, breakfast table and chairs, ironing board K. Queen, hall runner, windows, wheel barrow. Ivory cheat, gardes oea--an tools. 4ov4y aat sll- . u tr ..tsn.iia miJ t-hola range. sewing mschlne, refrigerator snd lots of miscellaneous articles. This Is a real awwwt aala of arood i merchsndlse. ' No HUNTING RIFLES, reasonable Tel. 4tl7. 154 N. Winter. 000000000000000000 GOLDEN CROSS can. corn. 70F14. saaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaajs ATTENTION HOP PICKERS TWO GOOD used kerosene ranges. I used wood range, cheap. YEATER RUPH CO. I 25s N. Lrberty!Next To Power. Co: STEWART WARNER REFRIGERATOR K fTT pt rwr JTfA fine enndl. Junk. So be there on.Tnesday. Sept it. I tlon. $71.60 tt.SO down. $ per 1 p. m. snarp. r . r. ana ui I montn. . ts K.1.1-S. See us snout I ttt. atftb a RUSH CO. your next auction. Wa sell anything I jst N. Liberty Next To Power Co. rM,nlr.mnM You are under na obligation whan you call at the offices ot the People's Finance Co. 2nd Floor. First Natl. Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon 8-213 State License Loans Wanted ORABRNHORRT IR rliea. irt r I With W ti r.niDcwunDtm Va. - ter. Barn for t.cowa- Hen bouse nog REALTORS " 114 a Liberty Street Phone 1 4 48. Wanted Real Estate I. mm tn htrm. Olir I aw"""-' - -HJi ' nnlrk " IT. O. tTW S600. IZS -4?'ni;n mai. lt eisT I ?K.,ocWD- I down $18 per mo. To theae tract. k repay. v uiwml I 94 Acres, ail CUlt HTHW" j l a jm 1 mr nniissL ulss. am - nouse. wooaaireu. - " cold water. Will exchange for house In Salem. Price $3500. a. .as New modern f R. house rn. nf the best locations la Salem a Phone 4440 I wonderful home. Good terms. M-220 1 - VOSBURUtl-UKAPi- Masonic Bldg. rnone, ilti. 1 1 1 ri rut i .i i.i-i n nn-i --- ..wa it A, EVERGREEN AVE. Modern bouse. 2 -car garage; young family or chard. Immediate possession. Terms like rent . v, 25 A. near .eixer kb. house, olumblng. water system. rage. Only $2000. Easy terms. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF I THE UNITED STATES FOB THE DISTRICT OF OREGON NO. B 24276 In the Matter of Prentice W. Church. Bankrupt. To the creditors ot Prentice W. Church, of Salem, in the County of saleable anywhere, i - aAfLojnjaarLfiririi-ii-ii- ..w. AUCTIONS - AUCTIONS . AUCTIONS MR. FARMER, are von selling out 1,1a fatl? If ao. see F. N. Glenn 000000000 gai and USED WOOD Electric ranaea Priced to sell. YEATER ft RUSH CO. 25S N. Liberty Next To Power Co. Woodry, expert auctioneers. We have! , old nearly 4000 successful sales hi the i Pcacnes-Peaches-reaches Bast IS yrs. we iae vjmiijicvc . r. of your sale. Ph. t-1-1-0 for rates ft da tea Salem. Hop Pickers FANCT IMPROVE T Flbertaa Hales and late Crawfords: Mulrs ana lemon Cllnrm. Windfalls BOc bu. Tott pick. Wallace road to Wheatland or river road north to Wheatland. Free ferry. C M. LaFoIlette and Son. irrtJTriJ"irLrunjjvTj' e ki.rkbta PEACHES. Italian. Hun garian and Petite prunes, Bartletts LOANS WANTED on farm and city property Before borrowing inquire at Hawkins ft Roberts WANTED PKIVATE MONET TO LOAN en good Salem real ae tata. Will pay 4 Interest W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS lt4 & Liberty Street Phone 4tl Wanted -Fnrnitnre WANTED FURN. Forgey. P. 744 1. For Rent Roomt 8LERPIKU RMS., near schools and capital 42 N. Summer. Ph. 44IS. wwwMWMMwwaMawwMawawV ROOMS. PH. S317. 69$ N. Cottage. 0j0000000000000000 8L. RMS.. 318 N. 13th. Gar. tST. Ga ge. Only szouw. w 1 mile north of l A Kelxer. good bouse. Tou WO! I ,,rna r, " use ineae w.-w. See me for farms any size any terms. H. C Shleias, ureg. eras. tu. CASH FOR hse barg, at once. 711$. I r.i . im..ia .r...M . I ATV"arw--rrwt-r-i nnn VAf asaAU -tl-ftw w I A. COURT site. bwr. ts. has. 7112. 1 Danxrupi: fijlisji ia xiaxva,o uitun that said Prentice W. Church has been duly adjudged a bankrupt on a petition filed by him on the 28th day of July, 19394 and that the Business Opportunities STORE BLDG. t0. Also t R. spt. iront on --d nurnway. v. as. Total price I first meeting of his creditors will .5385. For Sale Wood I be held at Room 225, in the Unit ed States Postoffice Building, Sa lem, Oregon, on the 19th day of I September. 1939, at 1:45 o'clock Baltic Sao. 1 0 SO- KM I QjhY EAST 1 ,0 MINSK . H PRUSSIA. 0r I ft! 8Awa ea t!oVJ rocowa tUC Iw rmseeonoe! I , J ImthAPFST r 6ia4 sfH TJ I G A K- Y R. IT 1VC A. r I A KnD 4 hou full base- P4rgSTIOATB BUDGET plan on I .7 V ' 'lZ ' ..7 . . . .a ilAevii I WflOO. f-TL ft27D W I - ffltmAr1 si 1 V N w-m B a 4aa ea.a aavwaeve nmvai ?V"r V..c w I www...WMW.)WSwwt 1 snd time the said creditors may I tKa ahaded area on this man. between the Vistula and Boa rlrers. pymb " "ltJ""M I lt-IN. OLD fir IS; knnta ti KB I m.t..A .MnAln.l . . .1 eM eh. PallaSi araiT. mMrted withdrawing to more strategic positions as Gcrmany'a n-comlxm legions swept closer to Warsaw ia a "pincer" moTenent, Indicated byL arrows. Broken lines show approximate positions of CJennan forces. The U. 8. embassy had moved from Warsaw to Luck while the Polish gOTenment was set up at Lablln. (AP photo). :M:":.r.:.T.., : "-IN. OU fir. $$ : knots. $4.60 : 1 attend, prove their claims, appoint C ACRES: 25 A. in cuit.. rair i -v- "i'."!- 5""D" la trustee, aonoint a committee of of bldgs.. sprtpg water. eiecr t miiesi woon u . ttt rno rww ie- tir I creditors, erramine the bankrunL Wa t.m Krir. 13UW. Tf -U I . - v.w ... , , . 1 26 ACRES with gooa Diaga,, a luireai -- i ana transact, sucn oiner ousmess Wood Sawing HOP PICKING commences on 1111- . W JJ.. fl.M.M1uW. 1 IU ne nop rmiwo rr.u.J. "n.- I Zi T. --v. fit. nn Hardm. forimanT farmer-'s 4 blki N. of viaduct on Portland hlwy. tine. 10Of. I nm V.1V -n.1. rtin-I nnn Dimrma Gilbert I ntina rerla.. reaa. Taylor's Trailer Farm Co Rt 4, i toL W. of Salem. I Camp, State St between 19th ft I Oth. I wwmmwmwwmmwmmwmmm jJj, 7 JO. ----- a ruuB. KM., ouwai enu k-o. finj-, -i -ruxnj- - r.nj-.i ns.n nnrn-n- ------ - I MUSKRAT FUR.COat else 14. Alee I MrMiw-wMwwwwwiwwi iwwa OUR. TRUCKS will leave every I fox fur. Good condition. 2075 Center. I ROOM FOR man or couple ft aleep momlng commencing Saturday morn- I Ph. 07tt. I Ing porch, garage. 480 N. 24th. ing. September I, at s a. m., irom m- i -..- . . . . . . . RM- WAT. prL ent, close. P. 6126. from Salem. Will trade clear and pay difference for apartment nouse. C-mnm hnilM tM I 1018 in AHJ. Price t2600. Trade for Salem home ! and pay difference. . ROSTEIN a ALajirr, -- 110 H N. Commercial Street wmwuirvifi'V - - - ------ .WW rnn va srPKCI AL $250 DOWN ft $25 PER mo, will buy this 6-roora, plast house with base ment located in N. Salem on payea sj- i COMPLETE TOUR high school at ft corner lot. see wis bomb u-m. " i home. Diploma. Texts furn. Write fer WOOD SAWING. Ed Sproed. P. 668$. I cprttember 19S9 i beptemper. isjj. WOOD 8AWING, Tel. t52L as may properly come before said meeting. Dated at Albany, this 7th day of Schools Vrner of State and Commercial street fir the KOBEKTS tlKIC yarn, r ur ui- rormatlon and arrangements, phone t(23 or 16F12. ' rtri n -ijT-fVi.n rwwwwawnaa-wMWMww HOP PICKERS wanted at w imam a TOMATOES AND cucumbers. $2F1J. 0000000000M00000000 GIRLS BALLOON-TIRED bicycle. good condition TeL 129F23. NEW RUG. 12x21. BLUE WILTON. and Thacker. Truck leaving east side j PHONE 7205. OA;vriU - ww... -e , a-,MVOTWT coniw mA 4FK. ber, good shape. $25.00. 941 N. cot tage at rear. Call evenings. Help Wanted Sept. Need-Room Sale ft WKEKLT GROW mmahronma . ft liar, shed We buy. $Se lb. World's Jsrgest company . FREE BOOK Mnsh rooms tOlt Perend i fVettle Wash WIMIIMWUWMWWMWW-aWWMWMWM WANTED PRUNE pickers. "H mile j perfect It's a "Wardway1 west of Liberty. Fhone sirs. I f 24.50. ... . wmwwwwwmwwwwmw i Rtudlo couch In new eonamon. oeo innT nvT.T n . -mm . n nr . a T T CI maftlllllll looks like new just overhauled, kom i peciat TWO NICE downstairs heated rooms breakfast privileges, close in, $12 ft $14. 481 N. Winter. m0000000000M0000000000 MAN'S NICELY furn. rma. with gar, near st. hse. 60 Centar. P. 0430. Room and Board R ft B. 1090 N. Summer. Ph. 4014. TBL BOARD, exc food. 650 Marion. aaaaarfaaaasssasaaassaeaeaeAAa BOARD child with care T.t. ItSAA CALL G. H. GRABENHORST, JR. With W. H. GRABENHORST ft COH RGAuTUK 134 a Liberty Street ffff00000000r0 YEW PARK DISTRICT 6 RM. COMFORTABLE home, tl600, J1S0 down. 620 month, paved corner. References required. H. P. GRANT E29 Court St Phone 6744-8330, catalogue. Am. School. TV rtiand. "ort 4500 Lost and Found LOST BLACK ft white wire-haired terrier. Reward. Phone 81 43. MWWWMWWVWWWWMWWM LOST T HUBS, at fairgrounds. Monmouth Dank check book contain- wiru-Lru-u-L- www I Lg currency, nabers ft bus ticket tobas been duly adjudged a bank-1 WILLARD L. MARKS. Referee in Bankruptcy. S.9 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOB THE DISTRICT OF OREGON No. B 24184 In the Matter of Jacob Gilbert Schmidt, Bankrupt. To the creditors ot Jacob Gil bert Schmidt, of Salem, in the County of Marion, and District aforesaid, a bankrupt: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that said Jacob Gilbert Schmidt Cross Word Puzzle arxiv PIT RENT? BRAND NEW. 24x30 home. Well built nice loca. i rma ft bath, stoo down, zw per mo. iiou. ub Wellesdale, Reward. John Allen, Mon- moutn, kl z. .1 mh TaCTd. M2mN Winter BUDROW-KASMTR REALESTATE re of child. 533 N. winter, i ... . Bufh Phone 6966. Personal a.a a W TftT a LI" L, U li 1 1 nmiM. RM, 2 STUDENTS. $10. Ph. 731L 'n"h TU Win i00m'0000000000 I oaiu A1"19! 8 w mf000000000000000 BD. ft RM., 1227 Court St Ph. 5984. I 0000000 ROOM. BOARD, 1547 Court St ' 00000000000000000000 BEAN PKRS- H nL w. pen. annex. I ding compartment Beautiful rust col (mwwwmwwwwiiwwwwwmwm I 0T Made by "Superbilt," cost $49.50 w WTirr AM annrentice to learn 1 t9'7S photographic work. 420 Oreg. Bldg. Radio, handsome walnut cabinet, t- if EAR STATE office buildings garage, payed st, $400 down. Lnnell-Eina. : tube, pUyin, order. Cost $300. today Jmq Union. MOoWn AT XV A vnm AT COUNTRT ESTATE ttLi Aavmnnnr A chair, rust color. I ?s Court Street Phone 1721. Married couple between to and 60 I This Is without a doubt a beautiful set years of age no children) tor mMIt a ridiculous price. Cost $225.00. to- and garaner. write experience, ktoph loay n.. Hurry, wis win go quic. JOIN. THE lonesome correspondence li.. ttnA jAim $2600. GOOD HOME, hardwood I axlbk po 921. Portland. floor in UVing tuning nun.. furnace, nrepiace. uuuuw rupt on a petition filed by him on the 23rd day of June, 1838, and that the first meeting of his cred itors will be held, at Room 225, in TTntt&il Bt... tA.AMb. ntrdil. heart, husband, wife for youi Box TL I m Salem, Oregon, on the 19th Loa Angeiea. I nay oi septemner, jlsss, at ?7ZT7ZZrTZ? o'clock In the afternoon, at which place and time the said creditors For Rent -Apartments basement Business Directory are and srfvmg references. Aooress box 99, RFD t. Salem, Oregon. sVutn.riAari nnr r nr ---"r r " - wa PRUNE PICKERS wanted. Rhoten farm, near Roberts. , v Help Wantecr-Male WANTED HANDT man to do some rough carpentry .work. Apply Tl Edgewater SL, west satem. Help Wanted Female. GIRL FOR gen. housework: Famfly of two. 1S4S "B" St Permanent hems to right party. ADVERTISING - : W astern AdterUslns RtpresentatjTea - George IX Close. Ido. Saa rranclsce. Lea oAagelea, teatfts - EasUrn Adter Using ; ... Representative : ' Bryant Griffith a Brunsoo, lasw . Chicago. New Tork. DetroR, . Boston, Atlanta Vatered f tke Pwrtoflee at AaJest Ore 70s, as Sseoad Ctaas Matter. iiit- HtJied retry swe erevpi aoMair Turn home PRICED TO SELL T.ATE.TTTTILT 6 ROOM mod. home t ROOM FURNISHED apartments 1 (n -nt .cuiem. naved st. lot 60x137. Price 3Z60, ssuw aown m . shir m.i-hln. National RotsrV Electric with all extras. In new condl- j reasonabla 14 N. Liberty St Uon. Cost 8125.00. today lS.9i. Used baby buggv. Genuine wicaer, i . na. rm I CALL. U. a. I"""''"""?"1! rr rfect condition. Made bj. "Hayward-1 ,rrrSrTr'?ye? I With W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Wakefield." Cost ISO 00. today 15.95 SALEM AUCTION HOUSB t0 N. High Opposite City Hall Salem's -finest used furniture bouse. Wa pay cash for any kind of furni ture ft antiques one piece or a car load. ayssaassiSlssJMMMsaaaiaesS FOR SALE 35 Remington automa tic rifle like new : for elk, bear or deer, at about half price. See F. N. Wood ry, Pb. 6-1-1-0. Trade- Miseellaneons will EXCHANGE for wood, all- steel body, light 4-dr. sedan in very good condition. Fhone xzij. fa Wanted Miscellaneoni WANTED USED fura Pk !! 00000b100000T OLD WOOl mattress Te Silt WMMwMwwNweawwwwiwwMaawMaAwaa WlHTm TO tin. hr KOL 1st tad mortgages real : asUte eootraets I Capitol St ft merchandise discount proper. STATE FINANCE tXA 4 State. Street Satem Oregoa 00000000000l I RM. HTD., tit. 16 SO Center St 000&0000000000 I t RM. FURNm 945 a 12th. 000000000000000000000000 SEE THE Fisher Apta. before you I m, llw DmWwmI tiu 1 sulsted against beat A cold. Venetian Blinds throughout & CoraL naa Bta WWNWMWWMWWVWWWWWWWWW . CLEAN t RM. furn. ant with pri vate bath, laundry ft garage boa serv ice. ISO Lee fit. SMALL APT. 77 S. Coml St FURN. AND unfurn. 1X3 Ferry. FURN. S-RM. apt 444 8. High, r L RM. FURN. apt. dress, rnu pull asaa kitchen, lady, ttt 8. Summer. 4 R. UNFURN. PHONE 614$. FURN. HEATED apt. 4tt N. Ittb. twww.wwwwww.w.wwwawwwwwwwwwa t RM. NEWLY furn. Heat water. refrieu bath, adults. ll n. cottage. COMFORTABLE. HOME-LIKE. reasonable. Hawthorne Court, 1100 M. PRiTTflRS 124 S. Liberty St Phone 6468. UTj- JT.-L- I W1W TODAY'S SPECIAL a irCATED N. OF Salem at Qulnaby. I room house with plumbing. I large doucie garage m wumuuw bined. Borne very gooa waiuui Best of soil. Price $1500. n tf rcRARENHORST. JR. With W." H. GRABENHORST ft CO, nfiAilVAS 131 a Liberty Sti wwwwMwwwwwMwMawwawwwaM I iron sale: or trade 27 acre larm. about S mL & E, of Salem, tl acres cultivated, family orchard and berries. ai,iiT mAdarn a fn. nouse wilu iuw nace. Gravity water system from mrine mi- nronartv. Good bar poultry bouse. Ideal for PouKjy, hosrs I or stocx. A real oargaia mi ,iow.v.. . HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, INC, asaSaa,SaeeSjsasa,eaias 6 R. MODERN house close to. Like rent. Let's look. Ph. 6166. WWMWMMlwAWWrfMW I STRICTLY MOD. t R. hse. on N. WANTED FOR rath, walnuts ft ffl- Bsstseaf ttca til South Coststsrctai I berta. Alas meats. It Klorfein Pack- 0000000000000 I Can be bought en very good terms. Call aroirn v urtn Tk. r...i I - ciRLimiN K kanh i n n riii i ---M ---- - 4 14tt State St ) - Phone - 4075. . I ROOMS N1CELT furn. Bath. gar. I wwwawwaw,wwwaMwwWMiw aose in. Adults. 115 N. Winter. . 1 i i - " - -? - - SPECIAL Afreet, ling Co. ttt & High..' TEACHER WANTS board and room SUBSCRIPTION BATESt Man Subscription Rates to Advance. Within Oregoa: d..8tmdI Ala. It cents : I Mx ti ll I MA $16 1 year $5.00. Elsewhere It cents pat "He. or $6.4 fer 1 year In advance. Par copy t cents. Newsstands S cents By City Carrier i cants a month; a year ta advance ta Marios ftad adjacent eouSJtles, m rvimmaretai St. - i .- I flnentare- ate. Beautiful setting among I in private borne. Bos 1224. States-1 staaJaSaSeaSes I oak trees. Large lot near grade. Junior S-RM. FURN.. bath. 1440 waller. . I and senior zugn scnooi. uon i miss ima i w wmmwwwwwvwwwww I opportunity- of getting your borne for I Rliscellaneons DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED - TWO HOUR SERVICE DfL HARRT 8EMUR. DENTIST Corner Stat ft Commercial Fb Itlt PLASTERING. PATCH work. 61t7. ww.mML. tAtl M ranllnL ant. - A I foe leaa than tlt.00t.00. We offer it to I wwMawwwwwwwM I you I OT ff.aou.vv. A .uuu.w aoan saa COOL 1ST floor t-rm 646 Ferry iw.w.wwwwwwwwwiNww.wwewaa i PATTON APTtL tit Btatav rar- nisbed. Adults only Ph. 4144. Saissrfsj.eataista,sa t RM. APT, 486 N. Liberty. been approved. Immediate possession. CHLUJ8 m Mil J.r.rt, Keauiors 344 BUto Street Phone till I R. MOD. HOUaE. basement ar Cards la this directory rmm FtTnftrsaj oa a monthly basts only. fliaiiressea Rate: f 1 per line per month. . . , ,. . SALEM FLUFF RUG and Mattress , factory. NEW MATTRESS made te Auctioneers order, eld remade: carpet cleaning. stslngt Ouff rug weaving, a Ittb ft , .... WHbur. TeL 1441. OTTO F. 8WICX RAT HISEL, 128t Sixth St Pa. Tilt ER Est 1911 ' Anto Brakes capitoi bedding co. phone toot Mike Panch. HI South Cc4nneai Natrthle PhTician Bicycle OR. W H. ROCK WELL, Nats rope th ---------------------------- Pbyslelan, lftt Fstrgrounds Rd. BICTCLES, NEW and reconditioned. TeL llOt Ofhce Hours 11 a. m. tol Jl Harry WSoott 147 a Coma P. 4IU tTREE EXAM, ft CONSULTA asaaaaBBBBsa-aaaBBwieawaBBBBBBaBSBMBBBBBBBBBaas Clitmney Sweep Painting . Paperbjpg TEI.EPHONB 046t R E Nertbaeea jrBAWf WORK. X Johnson, Pa. 6188. CHIMNEY CLEANED , , PfPES, FURNACES, stoves, gutters. pif Get ready for winter. No soot or dirt aTinting Ray I Farmer Hdwr. Co. Ph. 6006. j FOR trrATlONEBT eardajieAptlleta - Chiropractors v SScajTTbTstausw J. 1 . partmeot tit & ComnMreJaL Tele- Dt aL 8COTT. PSC Chiropractor, phone tltL ' III R High. TeL Rsa. t$7t ' ; r ' Reiinishing . Excayatlng 1 . FURNITURE RFTNISHED like new. EXCAVATING OF aS kiada, Pass- E. Brock,; 141 Gaines. Phone 4146. menta dug. Dirt has led or moved. Dirt fee sate. Saless Saad and Gravel Co Taniviafw pnoaw i4tA , iransier 17lA;.t. " tOB LOCAL or dlstaat rranafer. stor- i riOriSIS - . ggc bonier eaQ tltL Larme , , . Trsaafer Oa Trucks to PsrUaad daily Breltbaopfa 447 Court Pbene 1104 , "" " Weil nrilltrttl ; Lanndriea :- , . .. . , R. A. WEST, rt V boa 446. Ptw UITt THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY . IU t?H5UW,3IKa tilt CbJ.Pugb. till Myrtle. Ph. ttt. I yy" I " 5 2H3 37" ' 3 J 44 Wl -A 1" !!l!LJ HOSIZONTAL 1 seamen 5 recede 8 routing piece 11 Assist 15 disfigure IS heed 14 loads Ift sungod IT oulock 18 river la . ' Scotland It ame 21 enlankker 23 .. condemns 2A remote rLw-eqaality 9 e man- 'headed linnet (Egypt. Myth.) 2J 4rymbol for ' terbium S(J large eaak SI eafle . 22 behold! 83 ether , - compound -SJ bitter rttch . 38 pronoun 87 eneouraga 89 toha-rea i opinion .43 tnctric ; ta4tar - ff 4and mearnre IS human beings IS pillar lt-tTmbolfor selenium 20 Russiaa rulers XI at a later time tt analyse , tTAmxSAtL ' cally 23 receptacle Herewith is the solution te Satnr 24 rirer In Axis 42 grafted (heraldry) 44 Jewish month i& provided With . weapons 48 musical Instrument 49 rat 11 web-like ' ' membrane , 82 it is (cent.) 53 a direction (abbr.) 64 remain VERTICAL 1 Hindu t cymbals 2 sleeveless farmeiit 8 rosier 4 guide 5 printer's measure 6 trade ! 7 mass inside of akolli 8 froUes day's pu-ale. it m i RHLlrFp - - - - - . hi- t'aj a-a a i i m i i jjiAklHRrPlrXKri 2 e tempest 27 pocketbook 8tt examined 81 before long 84 flavors 8 volcano la South Vic4 todaLtmd,- 88 miliury hat . 88 a salt of . . uric add 89 ehbrt lances 41 father 42 il1cworra 43 4mare ; 46 note in - " : Guido's scale 47 period from dawn to dark" 80 exist ...'