The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 08, 1939, Page 9, Image 9

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, September 8, 1939
i ' ' "r" - . ' ; '
. Examinations Girea Dr. Ver
non A. Douglas, county health of.
fleer, stated yesterday that food
handlers In Salem on the whole,
are a. "very healthy group." 63 S
persons who are engaged in the
dispensing of food at restaurants,
confectionery establishments and
similar business houses ; were
given physical examinations. The
health 'department expects to com
plete ; the check - shortly, since
there are only t few to be'glren
the various tests. The 'purpose
of a health examination of food
handlers is to determine not only
whether an individual may have
some chronic communicable . di
sease, hut to find out by labora
tory tests whether he may be
Coming Brents S
Sept. 7-10 Oregon state fair
at Salem. u,.
Sept. 13-10 P endletos
Sept. 18 City public schools
Sept. 1 8 Freshman flays be
gin, Willamette university. j
Sept. 18 Sacred Heart aca
demy, St. Vinceit de Paul
school open. -.; - ..
Oct, B-15 National Business
and Professional Women's dab
week. -
Will Build Houses Roy Al-
Tlck ana A. J. Flint each re
ceived building permits yesterday
'SFJF'T a Dnlletln te8d bT tb. houses, the former at 2040
m"o. j:ouiy ucparimcni. i Laurel street at an estimated cost
dm uouu on, wbim ubui 0 $3,500. and the latter at S6S
n J jauUwaatj hare been I jeffersou street, at a'cost of S
; I 1 r' V ii r.XrJ 60- ' otner Penults issued yes
time, ih present foodhandlers' terda by Building inspector E.
examinations are the first eon- n t r.
aueie !Ior numo . . soa. to reroof a house at 1660
J North Commercial, $40: . George
safety for your savings at the JK. Richardson, to erect a garage
Salem Federal, 130 S. Liberty. I iUI tH summer, mn.
i i i .. , v , ; id. u. sieeves, to repair a nouse
Ordered to Army School Or-1 at 1440 State street. $40: ! Ben
aera were suea uere rnursaay i otjen to move a private - garage
by Major General George 2025 South Winter street. $20:
White, 41st division and Oregon I Willamette University, to erect a
national guard commander, tor I garage at 250 South Winter
Second lieutenant Frank M. Ar-,treet, $60; August Mlchelsbn, to
tnnr, company f, isstn intantry, i repair a house at 1238 Broadway,
Baker, to report to the chemical J $25, and George and Adel Peper,
warfare school, Edgewood ar-to alter a dwelling at 698 North
senal, Maryland, as a student fori High, $175
the. coarse bezlnnlne there Octo I
her 1. Lieutenant Arthur is the! Dogs Kill, Goats Three goats
fourth officer of Oregon troops to haY bee killed by dogs re
he selected for attendance at armv I cently on the A. C. Manning
eriscrhnnia this fan Tha first I Place north of Salem and. sev
ih .alerted r alreadv en I "al others on a neighbor's
route to the field artillery school. P1. P"1 Marnach, county dog
medical field service school and "ten8(L coll?T T"w5a -
coast artillery school. I . 1 wo oogs -were iiueu in an
Roofing by Mathla 17 S S. Coml. I have also been making inroads
Ion sheep flocks in tbe f arrisn
Girls eed Homes Six girls of I Gap section, especially on the
high school age are in need of Edith Libby place, Marnach said
ronit hnmML to en&hlA them to at- I s
tend school here. Nona M. White. Perhaps you have been thinking
rountv nrobation officer, renortedlior some me f securing a: oust-
r . I A. I t 1 . A A.
yesterday. Requesting that any- nes training wuy noi pui me
one interested call at her office imougni mio acuon ana sian
in nprfinti. Mr Whlt emnhaaized work at the Capital Business Col-
that none of the girls is a delin- leSe. Nelson Building, next Mon-
day. There will be others.
Appointed Second Lieutenant
A dispatch from Washington an
nounces that Donald William
Coons, 1310 N. Summer street, Sa
lem, honor graduate of the senior
reserve officers training corps
unit, has been appointed second
lieutenant, infantry, in the regu
lar army. He is a graduate of
Salem high school and was on
i the football team.
GOP Club to Elect Next Mon
day night, September 11, the
Marion County Republican club
seme of his experiences before will hold a special meeting at the
members of tbe local Y at tneir I"1""" BU v..
September meeting Thursday ueiegaies 10 me raw convenuou
nnM W rmntlM nent ai me uaues win oe eiecieu
representatives to the Amsterdam A.fter .he business session the
meetings. - iciud win nom a jomi sevsiun wim
. i iuc maiiuu cuuuijr uun ui u
y Son to Barry s Mr. and Mrs. I America.
Sam Barry, 1495 Gregson street,
quent. They are merely fine
girls in unfortunate circum
stances, she said.
Our trucks will leave every morn
ing commencing Saturday morn-
'ing, Sept. 9 at 6 a. m. Jrom-the
corner of State and Commercial
street for the Roberts Hop Yard.
For information and arrange
ments Tin one 9622 or 16F12. .
YMCA-Hear Dosrit Don
Oouris, Salem delegate to the
World Youth and World TMCA
congresses conducted in Amster
dam during- the summer, told of
are the parents of a son, Roger
Thomas, born at Salem General
Trucks Pay 1 12,834 More
than 12,000 motor trucks paid
hospital yesterday. He weigh "J" i A1":?"
state during August, Ormond R
Bean, state utilities, commissioner.
announced Thursday. Bean said
this was the largest monthly total
in the history of the utilities com
eight pounds and three ounces.
MrsL Barry, formerly Gladys
Scott, was for several years a
stenographer hi the county clerk's
office here. ;
Leaves Via Bomber Colonel
Leo Walton, who stopped in
Salem for several days, boarded
an A-17 low-wtng army anaca-
bomber yesterday for Hamilton
field, Cal. His home port is Max
well field. Montgomery. Ala.
- - l Major H. u. uagnau, me army
4,473 Paid, Taxes Tne county i recruiting officer, Portland, an
treasurer .yesterday receivea ainounCed yesterday that he has
turnover of $4,473.90 from the I een authorized to enlist qualified
sheriff on the 1936 tax roll. Otmen for air corps, March Field,
the total, tne saiera. scnooi ais-jcalif.. and each of the sub-sta
tions in the Portland recruiting
district have in turn been author
ized to accept four men for this
To. be eligible for air corps en
Four Places Open
For Air Service
trict will receive $425.65 and the
city of Salem $587.51.
Grange to Meet-rSalem grange
No. 17 will meet Saturday at 8
o'clock in grange home on D
street. Members have been asked listment, applicanta must be young
to bring sandwiches.
men in good physical health, un
married and without dependents.
Hospital Patient I Mrs. Carrie I free of police record and of good
Fowler Is ill at the Salem Gen- I character, and must be hlgn scnooi
eral hospital and not able to re- I graduates of qualified mecnanics.
i m Tiitnn .. linen possessing iiieso iiuunvir
luons snouia can ai me nearest
o Club Meet Townsend club army recruiting office without de-
No. 6 .has postponed its regular I lay, as the vacancies will be grant-
Friday meeting on account of
the fair.
ed on a basis of first icome first
served and are expected to be
filled in a very short time,
More information may be ob
tained from the Salem post office.
Mrs; Leona Korb, 67. at Jeffer- CoillltV Searcllillff
m Kanimhr E Knrvfved hv hns- I J O
band, Dan Korb; daughter, Mrs. A nriPTlt T)of11TTlPTlt
Veda! Barker of Salem; sons, Ivan A"It?lll lUCUlllCUl
Korb and Enoa Korb, both of Jef- rr a p
feraon; grandson. Elvis Barker of I - 21U. ITeilSlOIier
Salem; sister, Mrs. Blanche cross I proof of a marriage performed
of Mankato, Kana.; brother, Berthn Salem 50 years ago was re-
taaa oi uouiaer, coio. x unerai i quested of County ; Clerk U. G.
services will be held . from me I Rover yesterday in a letter re-
ClooghrBarrick chapel Saturday,
September 9. at 2 p. m.
September 9, at 2 p. m. Ritualis
tic servioes by the Eastern Star
Euclid chapter No. 70 of Jeffer-
soa. Rev. Layton officiating. In
terment "Belcrest Memorial Park.
Miss Nellie Wallace" p a s s e d
awayt at a local hospital at the Mrs. Anderson WTOte.
ceived from Agness Anderson, Bel
fast. Ireland, woman who must
have the information before she
may secure an old age pension.
The letter was forwarded here-by
James McDonald, , British consul
at Portland.
Her marriage, to James F. An
derson. on October 9, 1889, took
place In "White's church" here
ago of 24 rears, Wednesday, Sep
tember 6. Survived by sister. Miss
Florence Wallace of Salem; broth
er. Charles Wallace of Hawaii;
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. . O.
Clerk Boyer said it was proba
bly St. Joseph a Catholic church,
of which ono rather White was
pastor for many, years
The req nested information will
Martin of Halsey, Ore. Funeral I be-sent if it can be obtained, Boy-
sertleea will be held iff the pine I er aaia.
Gtova church at Halsey Friday.
. L Vision Show Put
Irvinf Fox officiating. , Clough-
Barrtck company U charge.
Ok by lions Has
Strong Interest
iOne of the best attended fea
ture at the agricultural pavilion
baa been tbe "good eyesight"
show of the Salem Lloni elab with.
Arthur Rosaiter, 4$, late resi
dent of Medford, at a local hospi
tal' September C. Survived by aona,
Paul-J. of Detroit, Arthur, Jr., of
latar-by Clougb-Barrtek company. mui7 people daily taking 4dyan-
ww; mj vwn-fT:. I Ug of tk opportunity to FOOt
their feet and their eyes at tbe
same time.
The Lions show Includes several
reels of motloa pictures showing
tha ndrantases of good eyesight
and A number of posters Illustrat
ing the same idea.
Members of the Salem Lions
elub have been alternating in
handling: tha booth. 'Among those
who have served : are Connell
Ward. Al Ramseyer, Hollls Hunt-1
ington and Andy Burk. .
Johnson Meted
5-Year Term
Judge Girea Prison Rap
for Criminal Attack on
WocMlburn Girl
A five-year penitentiary sen
tence was imposed on William
E. Johnson when he appeared In
circuit court yesterday -r on a
charge of criminally attacUnf
Woodbum girl cannery worker.
He pleaded guilty several days
The - court withheld sentence
on Robert L. Guthrie alias David
Langland and Jess' NeaU who
pleaded guilty to burglary . of a
house at 1840 Ferry street Aug
ust 23. They may bo released to
California authorities.
r Dennis J. Abel, pleading guilty
to attempted burglary of the Rus
sell Bonesteele service station,
was sentenced to sis months in
the county Jail and paroled to hie
attorney, Charles J. Zerzan. Tha
court allowed Zersan $15 for rep
resenting Abel, stated in tbe
court's order to be an indigent.
. Circuit Court
State vs. King David Pleasant;
supplemental memorandum of au
thorities fried by state to support
its contention defendant has not
been in jeopardy before on offense
Hannah Martin vs. Ivan G. Mar
tin; complaint fof divorce; cruel
and inhuman treatment alleged;
married November 11, 1920, at Se
attle, Wash.
Frances L. Parker vs. Kenneth
Parker; decree granting divorce
and restoring plaintiff's former
name, Frances L. Dewey.
Sheriff's returns on City of Sa
lem foreclosure sales, defendants
and prices paid by city as follow:
L. M. Foster et al, $447.89; Frank
E. Kenney et al, $642.38; John
D. Turner et al, $358.32; John H,
Lauterman and wife, $1881.33;
Frank McCray et al, $318.18;
Mary Te Winkel, $446.90; Emily
Sheehan and husband, $394.68;
Velma H. Bayer et al, $214.24;
John E. Burkheimer et al.
$1434.13; Maude Ireland et al,
$168.27; W. C. Conner, $769.90.
Sheriff's City of Salem lien
foreclosure certificates, defen
dants and sums as follow: Ethel
A. Dugan, $326.80. $195.17; Ber-
nice DeWeese, $344.01; Dora Ar
nold et al, $437.27, $112.32,
$260.41, $260. 41. $112.32.
$437.27; B. L. McGilchrist, $250.-
96; $250.96, $250.96, $250.96,
$250.96; H. K. Ghormley and
wife, $127.42, $93.28; Ada E.
Kelly, $84.46, $115.56: Leslie T.
Lucas and wife, $339.71; Marl-
anna Weinman, $187.12, $187.12,
$187.12; John T. Starbuck, $358.-
24; E. W. Cade and wife, $287.70;
Albert E. Hurst,' $455.98; Mary
Leona Fisher, $344.27; Alice E.
Greenlee and husband, $451.85;
Ethel A. Dugan, $325.80, $195.
17; Cass and M. J. Gibson, $448.-
7; Irene E. and Earle E. Kennell.
$390.26; Damon Fleener, $306.-
81; Maude P. Fleming, $248.79:
Harry W. Cronise'et al, $625.29;
Martha E. McCully and husband,
$145.38, $183.49; Grace H. White
etal. $275.45, $275.45; Hope S.
Pruett and husband. $312.90.
$312.90; O. L. Latham and wife,
$289.92, $132.02; Lester W.
Gumm and wife, $145.54; Maude
P. Royal et aL $41.54; W. D.
Moreland . and wife, $308.86.
$308.86, $308.86; J. W. Hanner
and wife, $540.91; Jennie Wool-
ery et al, $478.83, $356.40, $356.-
George A. and Thelma M. Ray
mond vs. Shell Oil company; de
fense bill of exceptions and 194
page transcript on appeal.
State ex rel C. H. Gram, labor
commissioner, vs. G. W. Boyer:
complaint Involving wages alleg
edly unpaid for cucumber growing
and pickle processing; posting of
$2000 bond by defendant asked.
State vs. William Boardman.
State vs. Irwin Weaver; $5 fee for
representing each defendant al
lowed Charles H. Heltzel, attor
ney. '
Probate Court
Anne Cooke estate; motion of
Agnes C. Cooke, heir, to set aside
order of August 15 substituting
Charles S. Clark as administrator.
Charles A. Parr estate; hearing
set October . 10 on final account
of Dwight S. Parr, administrator;
$3500 in real property listed by
inventory, no receipts, expenses
paid by heirs.
Marriage Licenses
Carl William Erfeldt, legal,
store manager, 523 Gerth ay.
enue, West Salem, and Frieda
Helena Kous, legal, reeler, Port
land. Lefghton T. Holler; legal, me
chanic, 1022 Electric, Salemand
Irene May Windsor, legal, stenog
rapher, Salem route one. :
Justice Court
Harold W. Greenwood; entered
plea of guilty to a charge of driv
ing a motor vehicle without - a
muffler, case continued to Thurs
day at 10 a. m.
W. J. Hennesey fined $5 for
driving without an operator's 11
cense. )
Municipal Court
Harry Burnside, Portland, fined
$5 for violation of basic traffic
rule. - ..- ,
William English, Baker: sen
teneed to 10 days In Jan, charge
or arunxenness.
Ant Vo y Neylon. Seattle:
drunk, sentence of 30 days sus
pended, and defendant placed on
an months' pronation.
James Melton, transient; drunk,
sentence of 10 days suspended on
eonaxuon oeiendant leave town.
WQl take all pickers omt
and tVcnra daily. .
Register at -;
, 433 State St.
German Artillery Rumbles Forvr ard Through Burning Community
v :
-.. ; '
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: "- .s- 1
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A German artillery detachment, gnus obscured by smoke from burn
ing buildings, rumbles through an unidentified community "some
where in Poland" as the nazi forces rushed on in their drive
upon Warsaw. Germans said the buildings had been fired by re
treating Poles. Note cow standing at left. (Picture radioed from
Berlin to New York).
Democracies Planning Finish Fight
This Time, Professor Tells Uiib
Indecisive European policies attributed to Prime Min
ister Neville Chamberlain of England do not reflect the sen
timent of the; French and British people, Dr. Ivan Lovell, head
of the Willamette university history department; told the Sa-
Olem Lions club yesterday. He ex
pressed a belief the people of the
two republics were ready for a
finish fight.
Dr. Lovell predicted the allied
plan of meeting the German at
tack on Poland, possibly altered
because of Italy's remaining neu
tral, would be revealed within the
next few days. Italy and Russia.
he forecast, will keep out of the
war unless they see a chance to
better themselves at some other
nation's expense.
Pointing to the extended hold
out of the republican army in
Spain, Dr. Lovell asserted Poland
is far from being vanquished.
55 new Lawyers
Take ! Bar Oath
Approximately 55 of the 61 suc
cessful applicants at the state bar
examinations held here in July
appeared before the state supreme
court Thursday and received their
oath of office.
The oath was administered by
Chief Justice John L. Band. Sev
eral members of the court made
brief remarks. .
The new attorneys later' were
luncheon guests of the board of
governor of the Oregon state bar,
Positive Relief for
' Arthritis, Lumbago
Sciatica or Rheumatism
Dozen Seek Post
As School Gerk
Over a dozen applications hare
been made tor the position of
clerk and business manager of
the Salem schools to fill the va
cancy made 'recently by the death
of William H. Burguardt.
Although there - has been no
definite- announcement concern
ing when selection will be made.
Dr. L. E. Barrick, chairman of
the school board, said yesterday
that it is necessary to make a
selection as soon as possible and
that he hoped a decision could
be reached by the next meeting
date, Tuesday, September 12.
Cross-River Firm
Opens Corn Pack
Corn canning got under way
yesterday at the West Salem
Blue Lake Producers Cooperative
cannery, which expects to handle
between 1400 and 1500 tons of
corn this year.
New . equipment has been in
stalled on a second floor addi
tion to take care of the pack.
Corn packing will probably con
tinue until October 10. according
to Manager O. E. Snider.
Prunes and beans are also be
ing handled at . the cannery. The
bean pack, which is about 20
per cent below expectations be
cause of small yield, will last for
about another 10 days, it is said;
Governor Confers
With Party Men
Kern Crandall. Portland, chair
man of the republican state cen
tral committee, and other prom
inent - republicans, were closeted
with Governor Charles A. Sprague
for more than an hour here Thurs
Neither Governor Sprague nor
Crandall would comment on the
Other sources indicated that
Crandall urged Governor Sprague
to replace a number of democrats
now holding Important state Jobs
with republicans.
Shift in Nurses
Districts Listed
Miss McAlpine to Conduct
Work at Silverton; 2
Added to Staff
Numerous changes in the as
signments of Marion county health
department staff nurses were an
nounced Thursday by Dr. V. A.
Douglas, county health officer.
One of these changes will take
Miss ' Margaret McAlpine, RN,
from! the Salem territory which
she. has served almost since the
department "came into existence.
She will make her home at Silver
ton and serve that city and sur
rounding territory.
Miss Lucille Ayrea, RN, will
make her home in Woodburn and
serve that territory and Miss Lu
cille i Maskey, RN. will conduct
public health work in the south
end of the county and live at Stay-
ton. I '
Nurses Assigned
Miss Leona Dolese. RN, will
have charge of the work in the
Salem high school and on rural
routes; Miss Lois Nordsen, RN,
new staff member from Baker,
will have the south district in Sa
lem and Miss Erma Plett, RN, new
member from Portland, will have
the north district. They both re
ceived their public health train
ing at the University of Oregon.
Marion county cooperates with
the. department of nursing of the
University of Oregon by providing
field work experience for public
health nurses during their one
year: course. Nurses who will beN
observing here for the next three
months are Miss Lavon Green
wood of Utah, Miss Elsie Lindberg
of Montana and Miss Lucile Vale
of Medford.
ft! t'tft
Ctflb Oil
oil mr
for Appointu eufc
Phono 4021 S30 BeOevne
Vapo-Poth Baths '
V $5 Down J 1
Check Features
Listed Deloufi
Liberal Trade
Ail a ut a nee t
Famous Ktumerw
that mws! backward
and forward darns
and mends, has sow
ing tght.krtaa control,
air-coolsd bronxa
bearing motor.
484 State St.
Phone 9193
Salem, Ore.
mmt eaJc
Bonneville, large No. 2 cans
Three Sister Brand, No. 2 cans.
Engene pack.
3 t: 2Sc $l97
Oregon upland.
No. 303 cans
3 to, 25c
Per case of
24 cans .
Garden Brand
No. 2 cans,
ea.. .
Per case of ff
24 cans ! J
New Pack Vegeta
bles have arrived,
which we are offer
ing you at very at
tractive prices. So
stock up now.. Re
member, all items
are new pack.
Sliced, No. 2 cans,
Three Sister Brand.
Eugene pack.
Per case of f
24 cans JLeA
29c -9fl"
Cans U
At I bunches 1 1 1
for JL
heel Potatoes
U. S. No. 1
Tops and
Mason Pts
Mason Qtf
Krispy, 2-Lb. Pkg.
ii;.....Jl5c 3ibs..-43c
Packed by Golden West,
guaranteed by us.
Tall cans Oregon.
11 1 1
b 2 r
State sealed and inspected.
Per Quart
u mm
;J if -v