Telling Sfaofcr From Cameramen on tlie Eiraopeaii Wair Fronts! Rail Center in Poland Wrecked Germans Advance as Great Britain Comes t-""-. ' ..'.-..- "'"Lrrr-.1 'Lj"i',"itT1""." ., " 11 -rT 1 . ..n... .m -. . . . , , M L , ... - f - - - - - - - - " -- -r----.,-- -,V.- J ' s P. " - - -ifc-s I .TTiirfcui.-iVt' i---'-??--. injwWM. " w . , SJ, - . . v -:.::': v-:'v-' w-' nmU'W 'V : . : 1 - ; vx -r sv . "vv ,. , .;- f " - -r ""'' ! fc: - "l- ' - : - r-.u.. - fV-w -'-O' - - This Radiophoto from Berlin shows German soldiers on motorcycle I to throw her mlHUry forces Into the fight to hold hark Adolf ; and In tanks advancing through, Poland as Great Britain decided Hitler. . i Londoners Jam Underground Shelter as War Comes This radiophoto sent from Berlin shows wreckage of the railway fit- fare. German sources said the station was destroyed by retreat tlon at Tarnowitz, Poland, demolished In the German-Polish war- j ing Polish soldiers." ' Latest Radiophotos From European War Area! Hitler Signs Army Orders i-1 1? 1 rs- 1 tiliiLnlf L ' y jus'-. ' jfW f N , , - ii 1 ajljtew.. ..jk-:-:!V w . rf - ; v . S' , 1 .1 kjj 1 Iff! u 1 1 A vfi U Adolf Hitler Is shown in this pictnre radioed from Berlin to New I I tit-1 - iV '1 York signing proclamation to Germany's eastern army In which ; he announced his intention of joining his forces invading Poland. ' J s f Hitler's aide stands at right. - rf j Soviet Envoy Reaches Berlin I i & ; - - ' " . - w , - I I X -Ov '','!', I '- " I" nil I III II IV Top radiophoto. shows nazf ar mored cars and motor cycle nnlts rumbling across the Pol- lsh frontier in Adolf Hitler's sudden drive which touched off the second world war. Aari planes, meantime, bombed ser eral border towns knd were re ported to have bombed the Pol ish capital. Second radiophoto pictures German soldiers man ning an anti-aircraft gun In the SllesJm section of tlte Polish frontier. Third radiophoto pic- , ; tures Nazi General Walther von Srauchltsch commander of the German army, alighting from an army plane at the Polish German frontier ta begin n tour of Inspection as his army moves Into action. Radiophoto below is -a dramatic London scene as a Downing street crowd was thrown Into ; a panie when a , man threw a sniteate fall of e rubber balls Into the air, shout ing, "Bombs! Lower right , one column) pictures Polish -MS 4 1 J i ' : liiiliii Many of the Londoners shown entering the underground shelter in St. James park were still smiling as they walked down the steps after the state of war between ' Britain and Germany became known. ! - Note some of the Britishers waving their gas mask canisters. Picture sent by radio to New York from London. .... ; ; , j '" -' " ' j British Troops Await War Move 1 I ' I,' elfie coast. Roman Kewlecfesu who said in San Francisco, learning that nasi planes had bombed 'Warsaw: "Twenty thousand Poles on the Pacific coast are shocked by the action, but are confident the European democracies will fight for a Just cause. " trade eonunlsslaner for the Pa- Alexander Shlcvartxeff (left), new soviet ambassador to Germany, was greeted by Germany's Secretary, of State Krut woennann .'W.eM ''fiK)fyrVfy v, SW ' a. 1 : T 5 ' (center) , upon arrival at Templehof airdrome, Berlin. At right Is While statesmen of France and Britain debated wb at action te take recardinc GermanTa mOltarv actir-' Baron von Doernberg, chief of protocol of the German foreign ef flee, (This picture radioed from Berlin to New York.) ity U Poland, these British Tommies lolled about at London railroad staUon wondering what was te no uor uesuaaiioBw incsuru rwuoea irom svoaaon- to Hew xorlt.) - . ; .... i i j i . , , , . , .... . .-" m . -.j