The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morams, September 3, 1939 Grain Prices Soar, ThenTumble Early " Upturn :;: Attracts : Flood of Selling; .v. Close Higher . , - CHICAGO, Sept. t.-iJPf-ln the most hectic war market In more than two - decades, grain ; price swung up and down erratically to day as m 1 1 1 1 o n a of Bushels changed hands in Chicago's world famous trading pits. Prices soared as much as 6 cents In the turbulent wheat pit then tumbled 2 cents or more as trad ers sought to follow, the news from Europe. 1 The early upturn attracted a flood of selling from traders who sought to reap prof Its of 10 cents a bushel or more in some cases accumulated the past two days. ; i '-i-' The closing hell, found prices of all grains fluctuating nervously and irregularly. Wheat closed -3 cents higher than yesterday, September 7-4, December 77- 76. '-V Even up Accounts i Because of the uncertainties of the European situation and. the double holiday ahead most dealers desired to even up their accounts against possible developments while the markets is closed over the .week end. The wavering of prices permit ted a heavy trade, in sharp con trast to yesterday's deadlocked market that'resultd from the fact that prices rose as high as rules permitted early in the session and could " go no higher. There" were plenty of sellers today and only deferred wheat contracts and May corn and oats touched the -daily maximum limits of 6, 4 and 3 cents respectively. As has been the case most of this week, normal market factors were virtually ignored. The quiet action of the Liverpool wheat market, which closed only 4-l cent higher, hardly reflected yes terday's strong trade here. Inter national activity In actual wheat was virtually at a standstill but a moderate export business was re ported at Winnipeg and the Dutch government was understood to have bought 640,000 bushels' of Canadian wheat this week for shipment from New York. Reward Offered For Poult Thiefs A reward for the apprehension and conviction of anyone steal ing chickens or turkeys - from members of the Pacific Coopera tive . Poultry Producers has' been announced by the board of direct ors of the organization this week. The reward will be at the rata of SO cents a blrdwith a minimum of $10 and a maximum of, f 500. "Chicken stealing in Oregon is not as bad, perhaps, as in some otfier localities, but it does not. hare to be bad in order to be a ssjrious matter," E. L. Harriman, office manager for the producers, said in making the announcement. Stocks and Bonds ' September 3 r STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by The Associate Press 80 15- 15 60 Ket Che A .2 D .3 Saturday 53.6 97.3 Prerioua day 53.4 ; S7.S Month ar0 58.4 100.5 Ttr srt . . 5T. 98.S 1939 high 64. 100.8 13 low . 63.4 87.0 D .3 ' 92.7 93.0 97.2 92.9 97.5 91.9 D 6 53.3 53.9 60.7 62.9 64.0 53.3 Z01TD AVZKAGES 20 10 10 . Bails Indas . Util Xet Chf. Al.2 A .3 D .2 Saturday , 47.1 '17.1 . 38.3 jTerioBs day 65.9 16.8 '. 86.5 -font, age 69 9 19.2 40,1 Tear as 72.8 19.S 32.9 1939 high 77.0 23.8 . 40.6 1939 low . 58.8 15.7 83.7, 10 Forrn A .6 44.7 46.1 49.6 49.0 53.4 ."' 41.6 German Tot German scLocl clJldren were trained ta the as of gas maska even prior, to tbe present European crisis, and had been carefully drilled , in Ir-rIJ defense. This youWilal German acbool boy seems to be haTls2 Clfflcnlty ad justing his mask, and the little girl appears hit ptu-led orer Lis jpredicaineBt. r - -. ( ... v Prices E Salem Market Quotations i nvtt -:.' : i " (SsyiBi rucwi - .1 ; (Tse arlcM ! PPN- i a tocai (row ed ladieatUro f tk dairy market iriMi ii tt fiMi -y aim'mjmn bat are set gaaraateod ky Tao Sutoe aas. -J -v. vi H - Wanaaaa. Ja. ..ui- .. , . S . tiaada , i' JXs Grapes, Calif, seedless ' 1.15 flra pet rait. Calif.- , , 1.15 Umeas. erau 5.75 Uraagea. orate , !- to 4.00 Avocados, erate .. n .. i j t-6S Caatalttpea, erat ...t 1.85 Watansaioaa. i . VEUTASXBS (Saytag Pricos) Bcaas, frets .02 .0114 ueets, doa. -, Cabbaco. lb . Carrots, local, doa. Caaliflower, local 1.25 VSSiUiVWEi. ivcei . Catery. Huh 1.25 1 local, erat. 1.15 Cora. Dos. 18 Curambers. outdoor .75 2.00 1.00 40 J0 .06 40 .40 1.10 .45 1.00 45 40 4 Lettare Oaioaa. 60 lb. . Green onions, doa. Kadisbes dot. Peas, coast, lb. Peppers, greoa Far ley Potatoes, local w. So. SO lb. bag dpiaacs, Seattle, bos. Taraipa, doa. Squash, doa. Tomatoes. Dalles, lag strts (Frlca paid by iDdepecdtot Packing plant to grown) Walnuts PrsBoaeltea. faaey. 12s aa din a. 10a; small 8: orebard raa. S to lOe. Walnat meats. 2ft to 0e IK rilberts Barceloaas, Urge 1114s; fas sy 11 Ha; babies, tie: orebard raa 11 (Co op Pricos to Grower) i Walaota Prie rang, depending apoa way sott ran la 14 different grades Ills lie. iluebljiy I sens aigntr. HOPS (Snvlns Pricos) Clusters, nominal, 1937. ' j .05 Clusters. 1938. lb, 45 PuaTClea, top 45 WOOL MJTD MOHAIR (B-ylaf Price) Wool, medium, lb. ., Coarse, lb. L m-a. lb. . .26 46 43 40 Mo-air. lb EGG8 AKXI rd-XTftT f Buying Prices of drt'i) Grade A large, oi , .23 Grade B large, doa j 49 Grade A median ; .19 Grade B medium ,, 47 ! Quotations PORTLAND, Ore., 8ept 2. (AP) Produce exchange: Butter: Extras 26 c; standards 25; prim firsts 24; firsts 22. , Butterfat 26-26. ,. j Eggs: Large extras 25; large standards 20; medium extras 20; medium! stand ard 18; small extra 12; small' stand ards 11. i Cheese: Triplets 13; loaf 14. Portland Produce PORTLAND, v Ore., Sept. 2 (AP)-- Coontry Meets Selling price to retail ers : Country killed hogs, best batchers under 100 lbs. 9 9c lb.; vealers 14c lb.; light and thin 10-12 lb-; beary 9-10e lb. spring lambs, 14e lb.; yearling lambs 10 12e lb., ewes 5-6e lb.: cutter cowa 7-8e; eanner rows 7 7e lb.; bulla lOe lb. Livo Poultry Buying prices: Leghorn broilers 13e lb.; roasters, over 4 lbs. 14c; 2 lbs. ard over 14-15e lb.; Leghorn bens over 3 lbs. lie; Leghorn hena under 3 lbs. 10-llc; colored hens to 4 lbs. 14c; over 5 lbs 15c; No. 2 grade 6c less. Turkeys New crop bena 22 23c lb ; lems, 22 23c. .. Potatoes Deschutes Gene, 1.75 cental. New 1 otatoes Yakima Gems,. 1.40-1.50 ew; local white 75-85 orange bos; Scappoose Burbanks. 1.25. Onions Walla Walla, 50e sack; Yaki ma 50e sack; Oregon, 60c Wool Eastern Oregon fine !" 20-21, crossbred 22 23, Willamette valley 12 months 25, lamb 20c lb. t Hay Selling prie to retailers: Altai fa. No. 1, 16.00 ton; oat vetch 12.00 ton: clover, 11.00 too; timothy, eastern Ore got 19.00; valley timothy, 14.00 ton Portland. Heps 1938 Clusters 25 lb; taggl 23e lb. Mohair 12 months 30c, fall 23e lb. Cases ra bark Buying prie 1939 pi 4 lb. 8ugar Berry and trult, 100s, S.00; bale 5.15; beet 4.95 Domestic Flour Selling pries, city do -very. 1 to 25 bbl. lots: fsmily patent, 49s, 5 95-6.55; bakers' bard wheat, net, 4.10 5.35; bikers- bluestem, 4.90-5.20; blended wheat flour, 4.95-5.30; soft wheat 4 50-4.65; graham, 49s, 4.50; whole wheat. 49s. 4 95 bbL Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 2. AP) Wheat: Open High Low Close Sept 75 75 75 75 Dec. 75 75 75 75 Cash Grain: Oats, No 2-38 lb.' white, 22.50; Ko. 2-38 lb. gray, 22.50. 'Barley, No. 2, 2-45 lb. BW, 19.00. Corn, No. 2, ET, shipments', 28.75. No. 1 flax, 1.65. Cssh Whrst Bid: Soft white 71; west ern whit 77: western red 74: Hard red winter: ordinary 74; 11 per cent 74 ; 12 per cent 76; 13 per cent 77; 14 per cent 79; hard white-Baart: ordinary 78; iz per cent 19: 13 per cent 82. Today1 a Car Receipts : Wheat 62; bar ley 5; Hoar 6; corn 8; oat 8; hay 2; uiixeed a. - Tries Gas Mask Grado) B raw 4 per cent riny, Dairy Co-bp price to distributors $1.82. ' Bsitterfat, No. 1, 23 He; No. 2, - 23 He; V premium, 20Hc - ' ' A grade print. 2S He It grade 27 He; quarters 29He Pallet 42 . 44 41 42 40 .95 48 Colored fry V- Wbit Legberos, beary . Wbit Legtiom irya Wbit Leghorn s, figkt i. Old roosters , . Heavy bens, lb saAJUOH OSAMBl BaylSl Pile Butterfat; first quality .15 Butterfat, second quality - 43 Butterta premium , , .26 Leghora bens. , J)6 bocbora trvOra. IH 40 Colored frrera. S-Mba. 10 Colored springs, 4 lb, sad ap Colored bona , Stags - ... Old Roosters No. 2 grades 5 per nosed less, x EGOS Grsd A large, dos , ,, Grado A medium Grade B large ' 42 41 . .04 43 4 49 4r 47 41 Grade B mediam Undergrade and eacx- fuiieta lv8TOOK iBsylag price lot He I stock, baaed a conditions and solas reported sp to Lambs, 1939, top ." 6.50 Lamb,, - yarliags ., ., 4,00 Ewea 2.00 to 2.60 Hogs, top 7.00 130 150 lbs . 6.25 to 6.50 6.00-to 6.50 5.00 B OO to S.2S 210 800 lbs. Sow Beet sows Bull S.00 to 6.75 ' Heifer 6.00 to 6.50 . Top veal Dairy typo eovt. Dressed veal. lb. S.00 S.00 to 4.50 42 V GBAXH. BAT ABTD SEEXfS Wheat,, bo. No. 1 reelesned .70 to .75 Oats, .ion 1 10 reed barley, ton Clover hay, ton Alfalfo ten 14.00 Egg mash. go. 1 grade. 10 lb. bag 1.70 Dairy feed. 80 lb. bag , 1.80 Hen scratch feed 1.65 "racked eora l.TS Wheat 1.40 at Portland Portland LWetlock PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. (TJSDA) Hogs: For week, 955, tot' 3.8O0. Steady. Barrows and gilts, gd-eh. 2. (AP) salable 2,- 130-140 lbs do gd-ch, 140-160 lbs do gd-ch, 160-180 lbs do gd-ch, 180-200 lbs do gd-eh, 200-220 lbs do gd cb, 220-240 lb do gd-ch, 240-270 lbs do gd-eh, 270 300 lbs do gd-ch, 300-SoO lbs do gd eh, 330-360 lbs - do mediam, 160-200 lbs Feeder pigs, 70-120 lbs 6.25 6.75 6.85 7.35 7.00 6.85 6.60 6.50 6.35 fe) 6.25 6.50 6.004 Cattle: For week, sslable 8.310. Calves, salable 415, Moat classes steady to strong. Steers, good, 900-1100 lbs-S do medium, 750-1000 lbs do mediam 1100-1300 lbs do common, 750-1100 lbs Heifers, mod, 500-900 lbs S do common, 500-900 lbs Cowi, good, sit wts do med, all wts do cut-corn, all wts do canter (low cutter). 3.095, total i all wts Bulla (ylgs. exelnd.) beef, 4 i good, all wt do sausage, good, all wts do sausage, med, all wita do sausage ct-cm, all wts 3.009 S.7B Vealers, gd-ch. all wts. do com-med, all wts- do cull, ail wts Calves, com-med 400 lbs dn 5.00 O do call, 400 lbs. down 4.00 Sheep: Salable 26, total 250. Spring- lambs, gosd-ehoice-l 6.50 Slow 6.75 6.25 5.50 440 2.50 2.25 do med and good. 5.75 do common S.00 4.00 2.25 1.009 Tcarling wethers, medium Ewes, good-choice ' .Common-medium , Wool in Boston BOSTON. Sept. 2. (AP) (TJSDA) Tho Foston wool market was very alow in the early- part of the week, but in quiries broadened and sales increased slightly in volume daring the latter part of the week. Prices en tho business trans acted were mostly steady to slightly firm er than tho close of last week. Reports of a further postponement of wool salsa in Australia and news of the international situation abroad stimulated th tendency to mark -p wool price in tho market. Greasy combing bright graded f loo CO wools were quoted nominally 28 to 81 cents, la the grease, for fin Delaine,' 29 to 31 cents for half bloods, 82 to 83 cents for three eighths blood and 32 to 84 cents for quarter bloods. Walnut Handling Facts Are Told ins sooner wmnnra ir, nrun ,- - . . . . after being -arrested (he better quality the) 'nuts will be and tbe less likelihood of molding;. It is also important to clean off all adhering; particles as they will stain the shell permanently if left on and thus spoil the appearance. 1! These and many other pointers on washing-, drying and blanching uregon wamnts are contained In a circular of information No 201 issued bV the OSC eTnorlmOnt td tlon and written by E, H. Wle gana ana u u. van Blarlcom of lj . . 7 - 1 mo swwu luauiuies o.parimenu. j Best drrins: . temneirstDrAa "Aro ttren as from 00 to 109 degrees, wn orying time ranging from 18 to 24 hours f or-forced draft Ariarn to SO hours for natural draft kiln driers. For bleaching sodium hy pochlorite is' usually used. Barley Market :l Is Unchanged PORTL1ND ' C,n 9 -ire ' Northwest barley.' market condi tions . wera Tirtlia.ll- nnoli--a-f dnring the week although , 'there was Increased 'car movement. The receipts s were principally feed types for local miied feed mann. facturers. u JA general steadiness was the result of growers inclination not to press sales. s - .-. . (The region's, corn market fol lowed midwest declines. The oats market was. steady -and un changed. " - -. -'i ' C.- o. - i Portland Postal t. Trade Trend rip PORTLAND Ron! Poitmuter E T. rTed1nn1 r- ported today: August. $297,338 receipu were per cent signer than the corresponding month year ago. " - .The month's airman poundage was' 24.2 CI, '14.35 per cent gals.- Honey- orders totalled $1, 414. S21. bb tie.SSS from Annit H ecfic "War Baby" Boom Traders ; Decide to Cash Profits as Action on' Pledge Delayed '' f NEW TORK, Sept. .--Another stock market "war baby" boom was stemmed today as Great Britain and France delayed action gainst Hitler and traders decided to cash profits on upsurge. At that, the market, as a whole, finished the week with an advanc ing stride. Steels, coppers, rub bers, oils, sugars, chemicals and aircrafts held sizeable portions of initial gains running to more than 5 points in the two-hour proceed ings. I Fe-erish buying of issues that would benefit if a general Euro pean explosion occurs swept orer the market at the start Blocks of 1000 to 10,000 shares of such stocks s US Steel. Bethlehem and Republic Steel changed hands in tne rush ttr get aboard. Hoar's Turnover BLDlion The turnover In the first hour topped 1,000,000. For the two hours Tolume amounted to 1, 791,260 shares, largest for a Sat urday since Nor. 23, 1937. It com pared with 1,968,380 for the full session yesterday. The Associated .press average of 60 issues was up . of a point at 46.7, its first ad vance after three consecutive de clines. On the week the composite showed a loss of .5 of a point. Finishing well ahead were US Steel, Bethlehem, Anaconda, Am erican Smelting, Goodyear, Am erican Sugar Refining, Allied Chemical, Du Pont, Dow Chemi cal, Union Carbide, Westinghouse, Texas Corp., United Aircraft, In ternational Harvester and General Motors. Aluminum Co. shot up 7 in the curb and gains ranging to more than 4 were recorded for Midvale Corp., Creole Petroleum, Electric Bond & Share. Jones & Lansrhlfn. Lockheed, Bell Aircraft and Am erican Cyanmid "B". Bonds, while mixed, did better POLLY AND HER PALS BUCKET MOUSE FHILE MICKEY BRINGS DOWN THE i BLOT IN j BLOODLESS : NR BATTLE, CHIEF O'HARA STliL SlZZUNG OVER CASEY'S BLUNDER I i LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY TOOTS. AND CASPBB ?-T JV$HAS LOST EVEPfTTHING. TLlTf? f&ST HAS MJH TrtlEO I tCT KfT.riOU DONCr iNOW I UH, SAM, Mlf TOO BAD. ( FEEUN' IN VfeR UlpjiW I JTft fllfA HOWXKELjr' (lJ-6TPCEL IM'vT I KNOWS L POCKET ABOUT IT i$xMffif P ' BV EXMSiAP ALLAM POE VDU CmVE M& IS ft ViSTGQMD t RCAO rrOVTOAfJ'rqf'f J cveo--rTs gotlc)T6a Hd vCjy'- r --r M If It -r M ii i m M VI -Tepr J URB FELT CHEAP ABOUT. : , JUMPW ON "TOOTS POR SPENOlNi, P&k&CZ SO QUICK MB-O SBtrurr i-r r59SfSi w wt aig THfS MUB- FOR MT DIKTHDAT THIMBLE THlUTRElarrinz Popeyt IN NEUTOPIA, RA1K1 ALI1 only bv . WrTJIMTMEaJT" rioonurt Gardenero' POBTLAXD Ore.. Sept. 3. (AP) (USDA) rrodaee price ' Annies Orecoa Grvesteia. combina tion pack, 1 1.25-1.15; crab applea, face aa- fil pack, flat,-5-60e ; 9-2 Ho per lb.; Was-iagtoa Oravensteins, largo, wrapped and packed, 1.35-1.50; fac ana fill pack 1.00-1.15. . Artichokes 4 dos. boxes. 3.85-2.75. AsDararu Orecoa. Weabinrtea. 80- Ib. erst. No. I baacbed 1.50-3.76; atrinf 1.60. ! Avocado s Calif. Queen, SbarpI, Benik, i.i-..u; otaera, oe-t.ia. Bananas per pot lb. band eat off or small iota, 6a. Beans Oreeon, Kentucky, Stt-de; Gi ants, 8-4c;i Bin Lakes, 8fte; Yoant, o-6o lb.;; fihellpsns, 75 85c. Berries Raspberries, 3.00-2.50; black caps. 1.15-1.85; hnckleberries, ll-13e; blackberries, 0-75e; currants, 1.50-1.65. Cabbsce Local 90-ponnd - crates, 80 O0e; old crates, 7S-80c. Carrots 2022 H Cantaloupes Washinglon, all sites 80 0c; special brand high a 1.80; Spear 85C-1.00; Oregon, 1.00-1.15; Dillard, 1.85-1.40; California, 75e-1.00. Cauliflower Local, 911s, 100-1.10; No. 2, 40 60c Celerr Oregon, TJtsb, 80e-1.00; whit. 1.00-1.15; hearts, Utah, 75-80c; wbite, 75c-1.00 per dose-. Citrus frail Grapefruit. Arisen S.00 3.35; choice, 1.75-1.85; lettue crates 1.00-2.85; riorida, 8.25-8.75: Calif. 1.00 385. Lemons Fancy, all sixes. 5.25-5.75: choice, 4.75-5. 0Q. Limes Calit.. Hat. 150. 3.50 1 dis olay cartons. SOe, dosan 30-35c Oranges -- Valencias. larce. 3.75-4.75 : small to mediam 2.75-3.00. Corn Local 4 dos. boxes. 85c-1.00: poor 65-75c. Caeambers Oregon, fiats. 85-40c: pickles No. 1, 40-45c; Ko. 2, 45c: Ko. 8, 40e. ! Egg Plant Calif, tug. 1.15-1.35: 6-7c per lb.; local flats, 40-50e; few 65c. rigs uaiii. liats, best 45-bOc; black. 1.00-1.25. i Oarlie Local atw 6 8 lb: string l-10e . Grapes Calif, seedless 75e-1.15 tng; Lady Fingers, 1 20-1.25; Tokaya, 1.25 1.S5; Rabiers, 1.20-1.25; Wasbington Con cords, lag 65-75e. Lettuce Local dry pack, 3 or 4 dos. best 1.00-1.25; Washington topped. 1.65 175; poorer 1.35; California iced 4 dos., 4.00 4.25. Melons Watermelons, Ore., California Klondykes and stripes, 1.00-1.25 per cwt , crates extra. Haneydews Crates, 1.00 1.25; Caesba loose, l-2e lb. Santa Clans. 1.25-1.35 per flat; Ice Cream. 1V4 2e per lb. Vtasbrooms Cultivated 1 lb. cartons. S0-35e: Va-lb. carton. 17-18. Nectarines Calif.. 75-90e. Onions Washington. 50 lb. sacks large selectively. US governments, how ever, continued the retreat. For eign dollar loans were irregular. The A cosh, chief- ( clues? ye never ho V I DUNNO IS AJfi YE WERE SO OANOEO HOW THEM BUSK SMAXXJrVlN' THE WRONO ( CLUES GOT ( MAN, YE WOULONT KNOW -tCROSSED jSTHE BLOT' IFMET, ?j. 4 vlCl gS'V nif AfJ,THE6TCSAR:KlNOASAO, BUT BEALITIFUL.-- VsrHEKl r DF-tTk tm woods out loud ivtv sound LIKE A MICE SONG H-w. e-ji wnHATUNt. X CAKTT EXPLAIN CTUST WHAT I MCAM--. tP0"!? .XOftPBttiT WANT' DEAR.T rEELi LETTER TOO .WROTE n BAD ENOtlcrH . JI MB AS IT IS WERE ml , In FRIEND. KlcrA- ICOnTBOLTBE WEATHER rj Market 75-85 ; Walla Walla Spanish mediam, 80-70c; Yakima yellows, 65-70c; 10 lb. sacks, 16-17e; Oregon pickle onions, small largo lot,. 6-5 Mi e; small lots, 5H-6c. Peaches Oregon- Washington flbertas. v7i--ci oo-ouc: naies, 70-0e; lug, 90-1.10; Crawfords, 50-70c: Slappiss, 55-60; Mulrs, 60-55c -Pears Washington ex. fancy Bartletts wrapped, il.75-2 00. Bose. orchard run. Peas Oregon local, S-7e per lb 25-lb.- boxes, 1. 65-1.85. Pepper Oregon Cats, green, 80-35c: red 1.15 . - Phsms CaHf, Santa Rosa. 4 bskt crates, 1.10-1.16: Washington California Beauties, flat. 50 65e: Oregon Italians. '""lie; oraasna ioe;. per 5 lb. log; Damisona 80-85e; Hungarian, 50-60c Potatoes Oregon local Wbit Rose, US No. 1, 1.25-1.85; US No. 2, 60-lb. sacks. 40-42 Mc; Russets. TJS No. 1, 100 lb sacks, 1.85-1.45; No. 2, 35-87 He. Sbabarb Nominal. . 3 Spinach Local, orange box, 65-75e Squash Oregon flat Zucchini Scallops, 20 25c; Scallop and Crooknecks, 85 40c; Danish Urge crates, 85c-1.00; fists. 40 45; VarbTchead, 1 ,-2e. Sweet potatoes California Jerseys, 5 6e lb.; 60-lb. crate, 1.85-2.00. Tomatoes Oregon, field grown, flats. SO eOe; No. 2, 30-40e; local 50-60c; Cali fornia lugs, 1.15-1.25. Growers Rush to Sell Green Prunes A heavy rush to sell green prunes to local canneries has fol lowed tbe announcement last week that SI 2 a, ton ha been set as top price, cannery reports show. Since dried prune prices are substantially lower, prune growers are anxious to have as much of their crop as possible accepiea in tne green market. About 'IS to 20 per cent of the prune crop is usually handled by tbe canneries, it is reported. Most of the Salem canneries are planning to start packing prunes Wednesday or Thursday. Europe Gold Flow Into US Unabated NEW YORK, Septl l-()-Fifty million dollars worth of gold has come into New York' in two days a movement attributable to the European situation. The US liner Washington brought 125,000,000 yesterday from England; the Holland-American liner Nieuw Amsterdam brought a similar amount today from the Netherlands. Look out for the Moths, Tyrus! Blot at the End of His Rope HELLO SILAS PERKINS T 1 rr OP A I K PERSONAL CHARGE OP TWlS Xhn 1 STICKLEVILLC VFSi CAMERA STOLEN FROM YCHJK NIECE SACV NO An old Edition for Sale Z (JNDEPSTAND, CJJKaAf? ALLAN CI I FOE. V.ftCrJEOC TUP" NOT UKA 11 WOGLD5 GCSEATEST WRITERS MS WOROS Toucweo . ALL. HEARTS A Remincler out of the Past F- T 1 J. ' TOOTSIE DARL-M-r, ONE ' f. MOMENT WITH YOO l- V. .WOKTM MOKE TO' MC .. f .THAN ALL THE MONEY BE FORK WE MARRIED! fi fWO OSWELS Vi. . PAEitlJ I the Interest of Science! ICJ.RVTHIKkj IS PERFECT tQgCVJ C4SiJDWtCH FT rtHAMa)gQEBS!J .' A--" I Closing NEW YORK, Sept, 2-rT-Today 's closing prices: ArChem ft Dye.lCs Coml Solvent .. 11U Allied Stores .. 7 Com with A Sou. 14 American Can .100 Consol Edison . 294 Am For Power! 2 H Consol Oil f. ... 7 Am Power Lt. i Corn Products . 65 Am Rad Std San M Curtis Wright . Stt Am Roll Mills.'. 15 Douglas Aircraft 66 Am Smelt Ref 48. Du Pone de N. .1C9H Am Tel Tel. . 157 -Elec Power A Lt 74 Am Tobacco . . ; 77 4- Erie RR 1 . Am Water Wks. -9 General Electric 36 i Anaconda 30 General Foods .41 Armour 111 i... 5 General Motors 46 i Atchison lt Goodyear Tires. U Barnsdall 14 Great 'Northern. 21 Bait tc Ohio ... 2 Hudson Motors. 5 Bendix Aviation 24 Illinois Central. 10 Bethlehem Steel C8 Insp Copper .. . 14 Boeing Air . . . . 22 Int Harvester . 53 Borge warner . 22 Int Nickel Budd Mfg 5 Int Paper Calif Pack . . Callahan Z-L. Calumet Hec 18 Int Tel & 14 Johns Manville. 7 Kennecott ..... Canadian Pacific 4 Libbey-O-Ford Caterpil Tractor 4 6 Lbew's Celanese ...... 22 Monty Ward . . . CerUln-Teed . . 5 Nash Kelvinator Ches & Ohio ... 33 Natl Biscuit ... Chrysler . ; . . . . 78 National Cash . . 7851 Jobs Given Via State Office A total of 7851 persons found work during August through the Salem office of the state employ ment service, the monthly report of the office indicates. Of these, 1847 were registered persons and "MONEY STATE FINANCE CO. A Home-Owned Institution ' (Childs & Miller's Office) 344 State St.. Salem. Ore. Phone 0261 deaq V T W- TMMKMr a AAAyBc. SOMEONE WHOUKEDCaOOD BUV THIS BOOK , CXJV ETy HEART AN. OM AREN'T A ill rrr-i aiA, a... i-ewiA T-v 1 I i v LiZ!Lr- I ii rruri mrvn jna i nr Kr iirv Tn j i ASHAMED? Ssj HI 11 TREES Quotations Natl Dairy Prod National Diat .. Natl Power A Lt Northern Pacific Packard Motors J C Penney . . . Phillips Petrol . Press Steel Car. Pub Service NJ. Pullman Safeway Stores . Sears Roebucfy . Shell Union . . . Southern Pacific Standard Brands Standard Oil Cal Standard oil NJ Studebaker .... Sup Oil Tlmk Roll Bear Trans-America . Union Carbide . United Aircraft. United Airlines. US Rubber .... US Steel Walworth Western Union . White Motors . Woolworth .... 15 W 12W s S6 38' 8V 37) 26 41; 76 12 . 1174; 6 26 42?' 6i 2'4! 42 5' 82 37 10 41' 55' 4 21 1 9' 43 Can. 49 ; & P Pf 30. Tel. 4 62 38 44 35 i 47 5 25 15 . 014 unregistered persons. Hotf and bean: picking accounted for most of the placements, p. L. McBain, manager of the office said. j Of the; registered persons placed, 1758 were men and 89 were women. Five hundred) forty of the unregistered persons were transients. Active ifiles are perhap the lowest in several years, McBain said. Only 2143 are listed i& the files. Of these 712 are women. in a Hurrvl' Personal Loans j For All Needs There is no red tape, no embarrassing investigation, no delay,when you come to us for a personal loan and we make it so easy for you to pay it back in convenient amounts. Uc No. S-216 M-223 By CLIFF STERRETT By WALT DISNEY By BRANDON WALSH KthY boy! it s a pleasure a, 7 , POR ME TO bo THE ZJ i fvO-t ING UPON ) " - ii?sV THIS GUY S YSyfiK. YES, SiR ) PLEASANT d1 I'M SORRY HONEV BUT THE m THERE ARE MILLIONS I POSTMASTER AMD MILLIONS OF eEZ.OMSl COPIES OF" THAT BOOK OLD BOOKS PRNTED--MXI COULD ARE WORTH ; A NEW COPY rr-f MORE THAN A, DOLLAR ; ry SOME NtW BOOKS 4- J Bj JIM5IY MURPHt Aa-U' TMS.'MONET" AND JEWELS ON EArTrH- - AND NOW YOU i V FlfHT WrTM ME ABOUT I8.?- riBrWrila HIMU.T v Depreciated t i : I . I i TOU -?vn -sSSj L'6' J I J-SJS.JAarStfiTn S.xs-rsaicl ie ; v. .i- t