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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1939)
s V- MARRIED IN SOUTH Mrs. Orvllle Varty (former Mary Elis abeth Price): who was married In Piedmont, California, on Friday. . (Jesten-Miller photo) 'H . . - :.- 1- - - - Ne ws lo t: Week Centers . : -,0n; Goining, Going i 01 Neighbors ."Fair? , weather . is a bit chilly of an eveningy with snatches of crisp air and warm sun. but it matters not a bit because everyone seems to be going places and doing things. . ' : ; '' - . -i , The .news of; the week is decidedly where people are . going and whom they are entertaining. Double holidays, state fairs and belated vacations furnish material for. reams j)f sodiety copjr on these newsy , bits, and here, we are blessed I r with all three--a double holiday." a fair week, ' and surely M plenty of belated vacations! . . - p ; "4 ' -"-rh. ''Visitors in Town , Mr. anoTMrs. Kenneth Murdock are entertaining Mrs. Murdocks father, and mother,, Mr. and, Mrs. W. A. Varney of Powers, her brother and .wife, Mr. and Mrs.' George.' Varney of. Westfir, and. another t brother, Mr. andj MrsACi TT TT ja W T t.'j. J - Ll !- - ill Jll ' J . ' nowara varney 01 riUgene, over. Liaoor aay. iney win auena the Mohr-Murphy wedding in Portland today. - Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Elliott,- daughter Joan and son Buddy, are spending - the' weekend at the home, of Mr." and Mrs. Maurice Bolton of The Dalles. I p . ; i,i - . . i '." -: ' - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur . H. Moore, son-in-law and daugh ter," Mr. and Mrs." B. L. Bradley, are motoring cast,' having left yesterday. They will yisft in, Salt Lake City, Lincoln, Cigo,1 Philadelphia and "New York, ' they will be met by Mr. Bradley's parents .who -will come from North Carolina. The party will stop off in -Elyria, Ohio, to visit a bicycle factory- - i : . - ' " ,. ' . . I Miss Maryaime Owen and Miss Doris Murphy are spend ing the Xabor day .weekend in Seaside. . ! ; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Eastridge are entertaining! Miss Helen Mott of Tacoma. i ? ' . i - ' Flew South iuarry ir. ncwon j Mr. and Mrs. Lee Eyerly, who flew to San Mateo on i Prtum. Emmanuel. Men Thursday with their daughter Betty who will enroll in Sail :?,te .eh wiu be the scene Mateo junior coUege, wiU remain in California to attend ?f P"y wedding on Tuesday the San Francisco .fair.. , : . - . U .1 fel , whe? Ml8 Miss Dorothy. Uppsis leaving the first of next month if111' ".,f for .Hawau. ;:f; --;V,- . J i " ! 4 omes the bride of Mr Robert Mr; and 'Mrsi Ronald. Friziell left yesterday mornmg: E. Nelson, aonu of Mr. and Mrs. foT-severaL weeks' iiv Calif orhia.1 Mrs. . Elmer Berg is enter- Ani, ".f 1 F1?113 Re taining her mother1 Mrs. Aura D. J ackson of Oregon City, 'J& ?t fB-P . . " l in nnr nrima v t . . i .-. -.. ,w -.--i-.-. week. She IS the daughter Of . v : V i - Among the visitors in Salem, Miss Ann, Joyce David,, who iS1a guest at-the William McGilchrist, jr home this and ft sister of Miss Jean David, who freauentiv visits here She makes her home with' Inure, in Washington, Du .-. . 6 -Jf i Ar Mr: and Mrs.' Charles! Stauf f" of MarshTield will smti J.n.' .t Ua V... awMujia v mc uuuie vi Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Mehl guests -at the C. W. Parker home during the fair. r ;MlS?jonXan; a.. . - wagu vvmsc air 4icsuwm Mrs. Arden Reed's sister, Mrs. W. N. Manning of Lon- don, Ontario,; Canada, has been a guest at her: home for the" past week-and wiU remain, for several weeks longer. 13ieir nfece. Miss Ann MrNano-htm nf Chioat, T,r- flkst week and left on Friday t .c:.j r--, : ti v. Air. cantfvjVars. , : v E. Mercer - and , dauirhter- Bettr Lou i.-i-- ,-w. - havejutxrn fimVanuver andVirtoria; BC Their son JiUd Mercer -Is spending 7k days. VWJ U UU i iauvWfcU. aUOO IXUUAid II lliloilU ' Ilod Bl liCi . "v"' '"' White lH, U, WaHin " Ulu JAM TflAtM guest Miss! Dorothy j-ij. m f-i.Ai j: jit .. j . r r -urani,) rs. iynn cronemllier. . a ...(. .-...i . .'a.'-i . uene ux-irurtiiuju wiu visit inenas in csaiern overtine tiou-. - , - ? "r 1 Mis. Josenhtae Cornoyer mLs Garden Center at !Fdi'rf W Sen S! MrTobert TT-: V T' ; V; V 0 r10"8 Inb? w:Shinn'and Miss Bobbe,Shlnn. i :A "7 lJP 7? TiX: TnWW fciViiUV.ii.',' ivl leen this year at we sme w w the garden center. spenaered: ky-; tr.A nrornii Federation of Garden ubs. This'sh'ould U the mecca,iarauJ- fr. 'f flower lovers and esT: Bttnta rs. ; Daniel Hef f ner, i c T eorers placed for Mias Mott and for s-l flower lovers,, ana espe-rp-lla . .....ij,.... n'..;ifi inita Jin. uiu ' cially those who have trcblenis Thcss la charge will formed and will . endeavor . ' 1 wcr- all., cuestions. It fa desixnedQregoji ederttjon;. . of j Garden kcthfortfce members of arde:clabaTU Che. chairman In charge. 4 ' j ' J " . . a . . - - 1- Mr; Alsa'NDavjd. of. Miami her iincle Lt. Com. Ross Mc- - " . w :- . : t . ?.lj??;i!ii;ct-t!; or v lats ?;rA."i:-f;. , t lra.r''.J'J 1 I ' U TT T a. mf. auu o. a. uwgcuu of Mabel. Ore., are to be 4 5 t . :. - ;M have jur uie uouure nouaay, to attend the San Francisco - -i: ..i . , v i i . . . ...--., .! j:-'' :. the. week in Paisley. ,i VIXlJ1 Z. a , .afferent ilubs In this vicinity will be.) :; . . ;. -- i, to "fcX j cbargV each day. If ;;4 r i r.W f,T"r.JI,lB honor of her daathten Mias J,,B.i .ft fpyancear Ann - Molt; - cjneenot the -brr' J?oirei1' I " a.aa-aaE . X aa-ak aut miniTiiBM t vspian Miss::WrightV ; :;X)ctober V. of '.Mr. and Mrs. David bright, hAR announce her weddinr-iate i juiss aioise wngni,: aaugaier s-f t mrf m. A. a " -Y V7. iB r, viawuowiiiiiriH.uiiw Portland, as Oetoher ,;Mr. Pier- son is me son oi Air. ana Airs, t . Daniel L., Pierson of Hood River, i 1 Tneedding will be, solemnized, QTTV!Orif Plirmr t.the home of. the bride's par--ViCtl lilt 111 VJlUrJy nts n Stewart street, w--v- '8.tM ---''-fif; -L' " at ente Both Misst Wright and Mr. - PlersOn ' graduated : from Oregon .State: "College: She . Was'-a . thembef of Kappa :; Delta, - and he- of Tau KJappat Epsdlon. He : was-; also .-; member of the scholastic honqr- :ry PW KappPM, nd an. engi- Miss iWricht has-been. reUet ,ad-- t t.a j i x Hn..... i ..I" v . "ri" . j The 8alcm Phflharao.nIc pr che8tra vas80ciati6n will hold s j ; rirst" meeting ...mesuy - t o 'o'clock in 'the .chamber of com- r'merce. ' . Mr. ' Wallace Wharton, president, will preside and plans ,i?iir be made for the annual j fall, .drive Fred Broer and Mrs. '. Cllf-, -ford Taylor will direct the drtT ahlsyeAr.' Edouard Hurlimann of ; portlafid' has again "been chosen' . as 'conductor.' .i : - Miss Patricia Manning is bav- and bouvaraias.' She carried a Ing -Miss Sheron Redding of Port- bouquet of lilies - of - the - valley, 'land a her. guest over Labor day.'1; ' (Turn to page-ia) - 4 ! i RECENT BRIDEI Mrs. Bruce Gambill, the former Doriene Chap man, whose marriage was en event of this week at Jason Lee Memor ial ehulrch. "(Jesten-Miller photo) ' ' f Miss Ramsden Will - " lue urtue suiier.n ibs leucine Kdn, wui be maid of Honor and Miss fean Juderback and . Mis. l- . ' - .i., V "r .,w-r For.Hd w3i1 n nner in an iianaia . vi i im m i Ewaid FranV and .Mr. Charles reception -will be 'given' at the home of the bride's parents ;? S tZ" ..." - . . . . " .TT"' suss - Jrat x wee o ," miss Alice Hersch, Miss Evelyn Hersch, Miss Lunelle ChapW, Miss Opal Tates k.jf a?ia. 9 a.Ha W,I ' S ainn m imsi iaiirrun r .a . i The young xouple will make their home in Portland after a short wedding trip, 1 ;' , caia,m pnta AttPn-rl 3aicm VuCSlS Aliena , Silverton Tea" , ri. r. o.- ajsimnriB vi ou- W her' master. derr. a mim iiui ,ir vcuuBin tu wgri aJ- 'a La - ol"-- :V1":'" Mia. Salrlte YV.mll1.. . Ml.. ' Sany Mdantaa JoMnhine ScS & S' i - esi a i' luncheon on Wednesday - Asiona negaiu. i ne anair wu . Lai J J at, a J a a. . . a w a . ml .. - BerlUeMlsa etsy Wooton -ank lira.' o: 'O. Hickok. :.r-cyj TP. Byrd and Miss Janet Bvrd and' Byrd left late this week ! lor San Francisco where they will Yisit for a few days. The young: ladles who will enter the Univer sity; of Arizona, will continue on to Tucson, and Mrs. .Byrd will re turn to satem. . Margaret Jane Kmmoiuu was ' "V " . ' 1 - - hostessto Jean and Janice Myers .. t..v.. v.. . . noon tt me come or her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Carl Emmons. iwamea at- -:' 2aa -i"tt V.. r nurcn I Miss. .Carmen Curry,3 daughter f?r . Tnurman or Fortiana. became th Mr. vRobert Goodfellow. Mr. and MrsJoseDh Gbodfellow i?rgt Presbyteriari iZ c b n re h In porUand? on: Saturday nighX Her;: ur. rerry; c. Hopper : officiated before an 'altar banked ; with " white' gladioli, lilies and chrysan- tbemums, and lighted by candles. , The brtdewas igiyen in mar- rlage by her father. She wore an antique, white . brocaded velvet gown 'with sweetheart neckline. and sleeves puffed, above the el- bowr Th veil was caught with l'vniiii af tmill vhit Kfirnnlu V' r v. ;.:? :-:-.v"v Mrs. 'Prince Glubs j jQpening Season Meet Time This Week n.l t i j" vcxi .Liwav-u wieiy Vfucrs.wm utrgmfwinier iicuviues in earnest, firs, 01 ine C1UDS to DeCOme mteresiea in Winter BCneauies was .. . - ittt. . me i uoior n umau s ciuu wmcn neia ns iirn iau iuncuon on Friday night. . r s ; The affair was a rush party in the form of a buffet aia. a r . -.1 au a z t dinner in the 'dining room aitO U- - Schneider's1. The membershin v coinmlttee acting as hosts were: Miss Helen Way, Miss Ruth Mel son,-.Miss Helen Thompson,; Mrs. neien me, mus jsana JTJCXim u Miss .Hattie Ramp. " (lama. Games were recreation oi the evening. Members of the club who at- tended the nartv were: Miaa Mar, telle DeMytt, president, Mr.: Han- nan ' Martin, advisor. Miaa Helen Boardman,. Miss Ida Jo Eaton, Miss Annabelle Ellen Cooter, Miss Hattle BraUel, Miss Haxel daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John fj M DelrthwabanB. Cooter wUl become the bride er, Miss Helen Brelthaupt, Mrs. of Mr. Wilmer Worth Willis-of Lawrence Engstrom, Mrs. John Los Angeles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cattrall. Miss .Lucille 'Mosher,Vn K; Willis of Los Angeles, at Mrs. Joseph Young. -Miss 'June . uuuinuge, jura, naroia uouns. ' -1 1 it na. .Yu" .ww.-fw. ia- .' bara r.whinnle: -mW - Marraret - Cook, Mrs. Helen Peaks. Miss Al- Mis. Ruby Eastman,;Miss Nina XiafBia tTUHU - be crab's flrstegnlar, busi- tember U t the-SaittnWomairt -"a t. v Chadwick Chapter Mtaf& W Chadwick? chapter. Order of Orat meeUng; for fall at Masonic tern- Pl,Pn Tuesday night at 8 o'clock Grace Jackson Ltbv Murray and oesta aTeeatejTroni.. Stnyton.'Mra;; rr4d 'Hnblcr.;ot rvaUiiC ' ---:. w . a m . w omm i ubo uunteoa " ' . "I .' . . V V, " The Salem Woman'sWlub wUV meet for the firat llme1U.Is,W e..M.a . . and Including Mrs.: Ar p. Ander- son Mrs. R..L. WrixhLiss An- VI I MM Call f T ar n "I if -i fVl 1 I TrniTI 111 1 1 Are Wed Mis Doriene Jenoise Chapman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George Chapman, became the bride of - viw. nnm wii nn . r . VI JU(D V Ot uuuuisvu VL Wivut and Mr. H. A. Gambill of Albafif at a ceremony reaa - at ;. Leslie Memorial church on Friday night by Rev. S. Raynor Smith. ... . . , The bride'., was given . in mar rlage by her father. She wore a floor-length white net gowj made with f puffed sleeyes oyer., . pink, and a square neckline. Her. full lenrth .Tell r rwai : caught ' with orange blossoms and ' she carried a bouquet of white body afdia and horstj Miss Doris Taylor, Miss Betty. Metcalf and Miss Cerilla Keener, .;. an .in pasiei . coiorea dressea and with matching nose-. gays. ; - ' - Mr. Gambill was attended by Mr. Glenn Ward. Ushers were Messres Leo - Blizsetb, Stanley Osborne, Forrest 'Seamster and Ralph Kirchoff.-- : a A ; reception was given in the church parlors following the cere- monv.r The bride wore a, s-nine- away i suit of moss . green witn black t accessories and : a corsage of lillies. " - 4 1 1 - hi f if' s 1 i 1 .y.&r. L.napm :Curry;5.vrs.. Vienn, wara ma Windsor, will marrr Mr. teirtton- - - icr ui iu l . .auu ioiB. f laua. n- i bride pt Of honor ana was.gowneqin pma v-. - -Holre next SundaV a- son of organs - and .. carried av.w hit t? ld?J L' gladioli nosegay. ' Bridesmaids WJ. "1 " "f t j. i ' x- v- - i 'T ' ) v- , S'- IV ''W DOUBLE WEDDING Mrs. Earl Selwyn Justice (left) and Mrs. Wilfred j Claude Sutton-, the former Carla Ernestine Williams and Ruth Merriom Williams who were married on Friday. (Jesten-Miller photo) .1 j Winter st ... v-t-i. j . passea, many ciuds anaira- rrr ' - z 1 j - a. m 11 r x z toinette White and Mrs. Jans. The business meeting and pro- gram will include a forecast the work of the 13 and lt4 k . tmirA .Uaatlaa'arftl aa. s "wr .r. u.vui w.a wm uvju J uoir vcfwro we luuuicva. Ct. WAAlrx, Fvat, " rr& Of the Week - i i Leslie Memorial church on Wed - nesaay nigni. ; nev. uean roinaez ean Poindex- will officiate.; Miss Allene Moored will sing before the cere-.. mony and Miss ma. Bennett will ill. I Lua hcuuuiz uiai i:iirn. ... "i r.T"-.TT. . 1: . i r . i.,, wy, . . i.u. , , - : ".Snoei Sla.Criein! nette Isabel Cooter. Miaa Bettv Cooter. Miss Arlene and Miss An- Miss Belrol Manow. Little Donna will be flower girl. Stone will serve as BUBl . BM, UOHCfB Will HfJ HIT. . George Kangas of Cutler City, and Mr. Paul r Burger, j L j. ? ; - - At fectption:; Mn, j.v,s. v Murray wlU cut the ; cake? and Mrs. Walter Spaulding wUl pour. i; iiialat.nt';.: wiC W theMissea Donna OrushdW.: Peaav Hnbler. . , . MIss'Cootcr attended Willam-- ' . ' , ette university; and la -member lm- TZTtttdEoi of Alpha Phi Alpha. Mr.Wini?S?J;lff .. mm - .... .i-a.-.;1! mo - Mrs tsuy jocaimson yeraiti y of Southern Calif oraia -ate at tnelif fuesta uijiimjsm Jlscna.' MmTlteoa and Mtea Reaa-: barterthe summer. ;vrwiniam- PotiearvvtrorPiiaarkLt.f ti. .f-i. . l. mmA Mr. Wffiiarrt Mtf.iT Christ, "Jr.," are entertaining Dr. and Mrs, M. J. McColl, from Michigan, m their home. The Mc- Colls have been touring the United States, and are. on their way home. - - ' Mr. and Airs. George Emlgh and daughter Diane are to arrive next wee irom wew xornwnere iney. X St at tke hoe of MrsEm wh tisii at me nome oi r tm ieh's parents. Major uenerai ana a whit - w ft-fl r.m P VAr f-rf H lTlff JJlUlliC TT CUUJIJH Planned oh Miss .Irene Windsor, the daugh ter of Mr.'. and Mrs. Frank B. parents on Wallace road. Rev. Irv Tin WllUams will read the jcere-:; mony ; . ., miss Haiei snutt win sing, Miss Lucille Mosher - willy play, r The - bride -will be attended by her sis- : ter, Miss Doris Windsor, and Mr, Gilbert Mather will attend the groom . . ' ,,.,. , , , e Ml88 Windsor is a graduate of Salem schools and prominent in work, having served as pres-. ident of the Salem Junior Wom- u . . numr. uaiueu schools in the east. They i will make their home in California.' 1 5 - A i .. " 1. v - X music; The Oregon Federation of Mu- sic clubs will present a program daily in the art building at the fair crounds. These nrorrams We given for.theWt few years and are greatly appreciated by the music lovers, i ' . . . .: V .V VT, . , nounced a the following:.. - tSST- U. W mm w m mrm m n Am vvaam sm llSr V$Z?JVi-2: 1 , atrk.,A Pr. iM,mU!.t Vocal mIo, " wiaa J. Hirol4 iUnua . T Mr., j. Hr.u v.3SiieMiMii - Quartet. 4'8alCtai - B-J.i Wni. -ad V. BMdU - ' rret leU, carTi: vaiM-' 6eTgt j5" OtUs" Mr J, B.r-u Newav aip.aUt . B' afXr'SSi iii4 BriSiii'I. S hiI - M.r, .Mmey Bfiu, whii; Mriiy " I0 t afutieiang from Becdtport ! 6dBer: ' p. . x.u a.rut, 8.' a. Peteri. jr. uutoti - rur-Ocorc iakunper asd Brg . "7 'J.'L.; -..-m- , pint n TMiii "Bt u. r.',- n,,, ; 'iri- and K.thi Brwr.. w..wia.ei. bb --j. - - BcrT Br- v'TTT . i -sumumiw- t...j)mjaa'r . ...p. .- . . jairrari. vorperi i -,( 1UU B TJ0I1B -BalUt d'ajamir" ria.. . w a rr..i.t.' - - 'fff - K .SiT Sunday te;'.".-- ?L Bert Brr Lain - 1 ;;ai, 8.,rtBi.r. if rn "4 KtalB Brocr Fibbb, Mrs. Fred Broe S p.m., rf atmn, recital, Mlectrd . - Glidy Edgar i ' . . s J tr v A recent visitor was Col-Leo A. A ,JJrewelL??'tyaW1a,! X11 v Albert wa!a. aaaisted by Mr. Wal Walton of llazwen . field; MonW : '$?ln te' ' ert4 and Mr.: 'H. ' J. Smith. rrnntn . 11. .ha h..-ka.. IBB Hull at the hOme Of MrS. O. J. ThflM tlMdtn In hnnn. Af Ur gomery, Ala., who' has been the guest of hia mother, Mrs. James Walton, and brother, William 8 Walton. He also visited hia sister, : Mrs.' Sheldon F. Sackett in Marsh. field.- - - - h - - I ' . .,- f V ' . . . - - . a u Mr and Mrs. Hennan V Joch- tf r DATE IS TOLD Miss Alta Swift, whese marriage to Mr. Mar shall Nauman will be an event of September 17. (Jesten-Miller photo) Marriage .Will Luncheon at Be an Event Of Friday Miss Margaret Savage, daugh ter of Mrs. M. Wilson Savage, will become the bride of Mr. Wilson Siegmund, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Siegmund at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Craig next , Friday at ' 4 o'clock. Dr. Bruce Baxter will officiate. : Mr. Craig, uncle of the bride, will give her in marriage, and she will be, attended by ber sis ter, Mrs. Manfred Olsen. Mr. Er cel Kins; of Grants Pass will at tend Mr. Siegmund. - An aisle will be formed by the following" friends, holding ropes of smilax; Miss Dorothy Alexan der, Miss Margaret Siegmund, Miss Caroyl Braden, Miss Helen Boardman, Mrs. Wheeler R. Eng lish and Miss Elizabeth Kleinsorge Mrs. Fidelia Dickie of Seattle 4 DAR Meets tO DisCUSS olprec'iherlmo Mrs. Josephine Treharne will Chemeketa chapter DaUgntlrs P1L?W ecomPan,mnt8 nd th of the American Revolution, met wedding march. . - . on Saturday afternoon at the At the reception Mrs. George home of j Mrs W. B. Johnston, Scales will greet guests at the Wita Mrs. Herbert Ostlind. re door, Mrs. Frank Durbln will cut gent, presiding. During the busi the ices, Mrs. Bruce R. Baxter will ness session, Mrs. Phillip Corbett pour, Mrs. Benjamin Goodman of was appointed secretary and Mrs. Portland will cut the cake and Belle Hawley ' was formally in serving will be Mr 8. Joseph Har- stalled as treasurer, vey Jr., Mrs. Harold Busick and Money was appropriated to Mrs. Donald Siegmund of Taco- help pay for a state flag for the ma. Washington Memorial chapel at Miss Savage is a graduate of Valley Forge. .Funds were also Willamette university and a mem-, appropriated for the Larch moun ber of Beta Chi. Mr. Siegmund tain reforestation project. The graduated from the University of Daughters Of the American Revo Oregon, was a member of Beta lutlon of, Oregon will pay for Theta Pi and Beta Alpha Phi na- replanting 200 acres of forest, tional accounting fraternity. He . Plans were made for the dia ls employed with the secretary of state. Bridal Shower Given for l., - r ' MlSS Barnes I ? - ' j-f-v-'i '" . . : - ; ; 4 A bridal shower was given last yniwi ior ; aun. :ucnjBva. Barnes, oi-avngene,; lormeny oi &aiem, n u. ir- .w tii 7Tnri Vi. k ,"n.- tn or September me i!S:.'lIatIo . ot 'a marker, by the . Moatw.: .sVi?.! Ifl?: wv snu " . wi au r- nissvi aw an r AtfuniLU at the l.tter- home on D.treet., trSje7J "thV Efft? i!Sl"5 T-f!ftf intprmai games and music, en - . icruuueu Lav kucbib uunnc -ine nln Mr. iAhn ft.lin.lilf-1, U1iT.r.:' 3. bmtiL"": .'W-v--. KtA.i teasr-- inrBIBnettA BJUSW The roomiiwepa oeovatedHWlta vA. rv!iC'",'i wv.' .. GtteStSV-t WCTV MlSS Q n V a Barnes ot:Engene. i Mlsa - Erma Cole, Mlsargrandson of the first teacher; will thy Gibson,,. Misa, Beth De- r,iT address; ' - ' X - - : iwroiny uioson, , Mis vetn Doro S?1 ' w ' ' 5f l" Vivian Noth. Miss Berniee -Can- ,lnP vi..n.iM n r Lota Barnes . of 'Eugene, '.Mrs. Francis Barnes of Corvallis, -t Mrs. , Henry , Wenderoth. Mrs. J a c k Barnett, Mrs. Lawrence Reasor. Mrs.. John Schmidt, jr., Mrs. Warner Jackson, Mrsv-E. C. Me- Candllsh. Mrs. William Judson, Mrs. Byroa Cooley, Mrs. wmard Gritton, Mrs. Neil Flemming. Mrs. w.,P.-Webb, Mra- yorui - j . a. - a. .... v. w.. w TT,, .,.,.-,.'. . A f: waener -mi- Dean -sho- nun. . nr. naticr r iscub. rn. W'IK who haT ,SVr S. J. Yates. . Farewell Party Given To Students ; r ' '- r .' . -'. -- - HuU on Friday.' Both girls will at- tend Phillips university in- Okla - homa and are leaving on Monday mgm, wun.aar. waneE-rTacus..,. - 9 nel Party were Miss ; Erina Cole, Miss Josephine Hull. Maa Beth DeLann. ' Miaa Onal Tates, Miss Velma Royce, Miss utn eaaor( Ain ttoiana vwirt, r. ana atra. i-sion ransnr Mrs. TVaMiu.llv a a . S - in - : Kx. ar v - i Dragers ay Miss Doris Drager and Miss Mary Frances Henderson are en tertaining today at the Drager home with a luncheon and show er for Miss Mary Wright of Port land whose wedding to Mr. Nor man Bay will be the event of early fall. The- tables will be set in pink, blue and white with dainty vases of pastel flowers used for the center pieces. j '.Those bidden in honor of Mies Wright are: Miss Sally Clarksos, Miss Eleanor Edlessen, Miss Iris Schmidt, Miss Frances Johnston, Miss Dorothy Carlton. Mrs. Bud Jones, Mrs. Hugh McCready, Mrs. William Barrinck, all of Portland, Miss Margaret'Bell and Miss Rutb ' Hlllman. i ric meeting. which will, be held on September IS in the Carrier room . of the' First Methodist church. -. .- .- . Mrs. C, ,C. Geer is president of he 4 district and will preside. State regentr Mrs. . . Gilbert E. Holt"' nf 'P.fldlotn. will K. h.rat ior the meeung. ur. . j, o. Riley Ig; to be, speaker; and will talk - on the constitution. a. ' . a . - - . . . .SES VritarV'-Yii . riu,Pv .t,.V.ff.Fn ln.Tt,t. - - Instate, one orthe first whools in thislpart .v . -.v 1- m. . vl t unl la ima.pi of. Oregon., The marker will be n a rrailit fconlder On the land . " v" :. j, 'V- - - :". "V-. " - 7' - Mr.; Oscar Hayter win be the - TMkT II. U.rha. Ctrlrtvataiin Vnr .-V w- aVw-ir.u rKtTav aa- address; f ; ; Mr8 B "Johnston Was vls- . n Hi "l"' X." Newcomb. Mrs Rot Hewlett'. . Mrs. J D Fonntaine Mr Ed- ; wlJory.i Mrs. R G? Smith! Mr! g Ratdiff and Mrs W C. Conner ; . Ci1riT krarAA WiVU . ivi . m a rn n a iiwn di rarrainon r' - " v-vwuvu irriilav i , hn.ii. a vr Allan rr.w' '1 -a" w- a "V - . - wlio.larinli , to Oberlln college e will reave for the east In a few weeks. - A buffet supper was served and the, evening was spent informally. The tables were. set. with center pieces of . summer flowers in beautiful crystal Vases with matchinr : candlA - holders. Mrs. emith ar- tlh. p?nhitK si a Miss Maxtno Holt. Miss Beverly :McMIHin. JMJss Eunice. Johnson. Mlsa-Elisabeth Grants Miss Kay Sharpnack; Miss-Virginia Martin. : Miss Anna MayGrabenhorst and ill,. Viii. (Wntt u..... in.. Siewert, Loren Hicks, Cliff Stew- art,- Elmer Scheelar, Bruce Van wyngarten, ' Lester Summers, A - a. . . . a. . mc wain ana Lee mc- ' 1 e' V aad Mi Carl Enrmons had house on Tuesday for guests including: members of chapter BC of-PBO. and their husbands.-