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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1939)
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, September 2, 1939 PAGE NINE Place for JJjuym Salem's Market g9 Selling, Renting! Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 i Classified Advertising Single Insertion per tine le Three Insertions per Un JOe, Six Insertions per line I 10c One month per line .11 Minimum charge . , , , . tie Copy foe tbla pas accepted nt the evening before publlra Uoe for classification. Copy re calvad artsr this tuna will bo run eider the beading "Too Let t Classify- y. The Statesman mmmi ee flnaa sUl responsibility for errore wtaleK 3ay appear to advsrtlsemants pub lished la Ita columns, and ta eaaa srbsra this paper Is at fault will re prlut that pert of a advertisement Im which the typographical mistake occur. - ... K : : - -i ' !Tne Statesman reserves the right te reject quMttooable adTertlsliig ft further reserres the. right to place all advertising under the Drops classification. , !a "Blind" Ad en ed conUtnlns a Statesman bos number for aa ed drees la for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to the Identity of an adver tlser using e "Blind" ad. Livestock HORSES FOR sale. Also It wka eW weaner pigs Hayes uawsn ram. i DEAD AND worthless horsea cows Vb.kt nn fna Ph mIIm fill Salem Montgomery - Rene wu " FOR SALE t mo. old Jersey bull calf, registration papers IX aesirea. m. 9 hnr Mirrrsr . njr" i ri-- -- -- -- -- - - - FRESH COW A baled hay, 2610 Cherry, Ph. 8380. Hop Pickers nnp PICKING starts FrL morning at Hartley A Craig farm on Minto's Island. Few more plcaers wann-a . ren Uter 2(1 N. Capitol St. Ph. 8028 ox 4442. - . HOP PICKING commences on H11 hM tuvn nnrh FrMav. fntmber 1. IH miles east f Salem. Big crop. Roy Hardman, foreman ; phone farmer' r line, lOflFS. START PICKINO late hops Sept. 4 at Williams A Jhacherr 4 miles west or salem. rnone n. -t - , '" HOP PICKERS wanted. Picking starts next Monday, Sept. 4. Brown's Island, f miles s. w. :aiem. c n. fil ler. 244 State, TeL 1ZCI. PICKING STARTS. Mlnto yard. Monday, Sept 4. Help Wanted tSC WKKKI.Y OROW mnshroom cellar, alied We buy, J5c lb. "World's largest company fkkb ikkw. sinan ronms, 9019 Second Seattle Wash START HOP-PICKING Monday Sent. 4th. Gilbert Hon Co Eola.a O Schucking.r Phone 5730. Help Wanted Male"" TOUNG MAN experienced In retail fruit business, apply 791 Edgewater sr. rU-LTLTLTUTX S J .njOnj- J - 1 WANTED i EXPERIENCED radla . service Ninan. write Central Radio serv- ice inc.. 41 n. nign - perience, age, references and salary ex pected. . -. , . . Help Wanted Female GIRL FOR gen. housework. Fh. 1 2 11 ' or j Mrs. iuiiis. 4 etaie bl Situations Wanted DRESSMAK . MRS ArtJrtM Ph CtCI RAMSETER TRUCK eerrtce. Oea- eral hauling, reasonable rates. P. 5t xrijtiriLrLri ji wu irnni i"" - CARPENTER WORK sV paper hang ing reas, a. neiia, nw oo. . For Sale Miscellaneous 4s-f nAttTmtv' niai. ccct. N. H. rryers. alive, eressea. issrii. SAVK 120.08 ON sew 4921 Duo- Therm oil burning circulator. I to C room capacity, only 959.50. Easy term. Good Housekeeping Inc. 45S Court St. ARMY WALL tent. 231 8. 14th. ANTIQUE CHAIRS, table. Spool ned. coo-coo a welKftt cracks ok of fice, desk Ac chair, '2s Chevrolet Sedan, In good condition. Ill Court Street ' Salem. Oregon - GOOD GRAVEN STEIN apples, reas. Lelaad Wendt. IK mi. on Wallace rd. REBUILT : AND guaranteed - Jrash era All makes from lie npSpee. May Ui 111. Han Bros. CASH FOR used rum. Ph. ilie. NEW 4-EI.EMENT U I E electric range only 189.50. easy terms. Good tieuseaeepine. inc umin bi. GL. DRS, 22.80. win. Ill Chemeketa. SWET CORN. Order your canning - corn now. M. B. Findley, one mile east of RickrealL phone B4Z4. WRECKING BIG bnlldlng neat Cherry City parage. 170 a 12th. Lnm I'ber for sale or trade for good 2-wheel trailer, otto Timm. 893 es. Liberty. WOOL SITIT. man tailored, slxe 14. - Like new. box 1084. care statesman. CRACKED EGGS, 20c doe. Ms Hon . Creamery and Poultry Co. LEMON CLING peaches bow ready et Anpinwall Orchards. Broona BARTLETT PEARS 20c bn.. peaches 40c at the orchard. J. F. Goods,. rt- C, box 111. Ph. 105F22. . AUTOMATIC AIR compressor. -4 5 ha N. Winter St. , . LAWN MOS3, 11.80 yd. 1295 N. Lib. USED SINGER electric sewinr ma chine, bargain. Sears-Roebuck A Co, ADTCRTISINQ " Western Advertising . Representetlvee Osorga D. Close. I no. r San rranclaco. Los Angeles. Seattle eastern Advertislns Represenutivea - ; Bryant GrifftUi 41 Brnnson. I no. . . Chicago, New York. Detroit, Boston. Atlants . ... ans i i a aTafereaT at tea 7Vstoies t golesi Orepoa, 4M Seoond Clan Matter. Pee 1Ua4 every etontige eeeest Honda Buaiaaaa off Us 14 South Commercial j free.- - - -' - - " - --'- SUBSCHlKi lON KATE3: ' Mall Subscription Rates ta Advance. Within Oregon: uauy ana aunaay Mo. ,50 cents: I Mo. 81.81: Me. 12-50 1 rear 85.00. Elsewhere cents pet Me or 18-01 for 1 year In advance. Per copy 2 eenta Newsstands S cents By.Ctty Carrier t 80 cents a month 17.20 a year te edvaaee ta Matioa vod adjacent eountiee, . For Sale Miscellaneous CUCUM. 4 com. R. WltseL Turner. Blfcea Ren. Ramadan. 141 K Life. r ' r CLTTTTT tin A tnllr . conL. 838. 41 8. High. Ph. 7444. September Bargain Sale TODAI ' UNiil RADIO. LIKfi new. "Majestic". beautiful cabinet, fine tone. Cost 8185. close out today, e4.CS. Radio. RCA" walnut cabinet clay ing order. Coat liOi.00. close out. to day. 84.S5. Kadie, RCA, small tanie mooeL New condition, cost 127.59, clooeout today. 13.76. i Taylor-Tot walker, a new sample- one only special. 83-85. B only, run sne mattressea new sam les, cost 812-85, today your choice Used occasional chair, runt .color. cost 111-60. today 12.45. Sewing ma chines, all styles, makes a prices. In guaranteed order. 10 to choose irom. Thev start at 14.60 sua use veiour aa-venport a chair, cost tiza.vv, lonay ,sis.7a. 8ALKH AUCTIOX HOUSE 2 N. Hich Oooosite Cltv Han Salem's finest used furniture, house lowest prices in town. Wanled -Miscellaneous ! WANTKIl IIHKD hirn fh til OI.I Wr ma It rem Tel III i WANTED TO bus for cash. 1st tnd mortmsee reel estate contract merrhsntltse discount proper. . STATE FINANCE CO 144 SIM Street 'Salens Oregon WANTED DAI old calf. 280 Center. SECOND-HAND cas floor furnace. rn. sitz. Wa n lftl Fnrni tore WANTED. FTJRN. R. Forcer. Ph. 7445. Miscellaneous DENTAL PI.ATE3 REPAIRED TWO HOUR SERVICE DR. HARRT SEMI.ER. DENTIST Comer State Commercial Ph till CHIMNEY CLEANED PIPEa FURNACES stoves, gutter. Get ready for winter, avoid chimney rlres. Ko soot or dirt. Ray f armer Hardware Co. Fh. 6005. For Rent Rooms SLKKF1NU RMS. near schools and cap'tal 492 N. Summer. Ph. 44 tt. ROOMS FOR giils. CSC N. Cottage. SL. RMS.. 2CS N. 12th. Ph. 9497. LADY TO share my home. Ph. S229. FURN. RM. rear. . 44C S. Cottage. SLP. RM. Cull eve. 722 Chemeketa. ROOMS. TeL C917. 69C N. Cottage. MODERN SLEEPING room iolnlng sleeping porch. Also garage. 480 N. 24. CLOSE-IN sleeping, 58 Center. ROOMS. 4S9 OAK. Ph. 2531. WITH DR. rm.. light, hot water heat. 155 N. Capitol. Room and Board EX. RM and bd.. ICI N 1 2th fW",,X R B. 1090 Bi. Summer. Fh. 4614. Fredricksona rm. 215 S. Winter ROOM BOARD. $20 Ph.! 4332. TBL. BOARD, exc. food. 650 Marion. RM 2 EMP. persons, 110. Ph. 7312. For Rent Apartments 1 TO 4-RM. ante, cheap. II 69 an lap Children welcome 1210 12th. NICELY FURNISHED close In, 997 N Commercial St. X-RM. FURN,. bath. 1440 Waller. FURN. APT and misekeenina rooms reasnnable Z0S4 N. Capitol, apt. . I A I R. APTS Furn A onfum III te 140 Royal Omrt Ph 1911 COO! 1ST r.ooj Im Ki Ferry PATTON APTS. 122 Btata Foe rttshed. Adults only Ph. C44 1 RM. apt bua wm. 1852 Court. SMALL S RM furn. apt., prt bntn. lights, water, garage. 245 State. FURN. APT., prt. bath. 141 Court St STRICTLY MOD. The Devereaox. 2 ROOM FURNISHED apartments reasonable. 141 N. Liberty St. 1. 2 A X RM. APTS. 25S 8. Cottage. 8i nign, eia. na a. toiiase. 2 R. FURN. ant. newly decorated. Heat, llghta water. 9S5 Saginaw. , I RMS.. HEATED. 1610 Center 6t LGE. 1 R., htd.. close in, 312 Water. CLEAN 2 RM. aot- furnace heat 874 N. Church. 2 RM. FURN., 945 S. 12th. FINE MODERN S-room weU-fur- nianeo pi: tt w. neat, launary, ga rags, 130. none 8412 2 ROOMS NICELY furn. Bath. gar. Close in. Adults. 815 N. Winter. FURN. 2 RM. apt. 444 S. High. SsasaaaBSaaaMssaaSas,a SEE THE Fisher Asta before you aeciaa. Large a Airy. Rockwool in sulated against heat A cold. Venetian Blinds throughout. S. CoraL tt Oak Sta TURN. HEATED apt, 4C0 N. 13th. CLEAN FRONT furn. bskpg. room. Everything furn. includ, gas. elee. wssher 4k gar. reas. 7o is. commer cial. I RM. NEWLY furn. Heat, water. Irefrig.. bath, adulta 991 N. Cottage. S R. ART- BATH, beat, elec wash. Frig.. 770 N.' Com'L . t ONE. ROOM. 422 Marlon. FRN. APT. bath, edulta, 190 Unloii. COMFORTABLE. HOME- LIKE. reasonable. Hawthorne court, ivus CapHol St. i ; -- i SMALL APT. 132S State St P. 7912. X-RM. MOD. apt Pbone 3992. t R. FURN. APT. Lights, water, sz wk. 1290 Oak. Fh. 82 8. i.r ji.r. 'i.r.i u'l.r rin n ririi'i ri i iii i n i i t? vr nrpu mntm Pt w . lee. washer, gar, fix. zo Juee. nu 4 ROOM FURN. pt A bath, 2 Marion. i o,---:-j'-t' For Rent Honsea i 0 ROOM HOUSE. loq. 921 8. 21st 8 RM. MODERN boose.: near Leslie school 828. inquire 1520 N. JLapuou FURNISHED and nnfurn. bonsee. H. P. GRANT. 829 Court Ph. 8744 S-EU. MOD. borne. 4- blocks State and High et. lis.- ph. f oil. , FURN. ; MOD. 4-room ; honaa. , 25S N. 34th. Fh. 8849..:- w- 7-ROOM HOUSE. 1780 Chemeketa. 1M. Alia, van Wilson. Jn. - Money to Loan We Lend You Money WITH REPATMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO ITT TOUR CCCOMX No Endorsees No Comakers Your Signature Only REPAY ANT DAT TO REDUCB COST. BORROW rROU SALEM'S OLDEST AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YOUR NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER A3 WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN is uinr , ! ' : - ; r General Finance Corp. 121 So. Commercial 8L Ua Ne. S-121 Phone till First Door South of Ladd a Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor LocaUoa GET SPOT GASH This "PERSONAL" Way WREN AT HOME. A "Personal" Loan fZS to 1200. Easy Terms WHEN A WAT: U8E A "PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good at 1TC offices, Coast to Coast SIMPLE TO QUALIFY : Corns te. GUARANTEED BY GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE (As advertised therein.) PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor, New Bllgh Bldg. II State Street Salem. Oregon State License Numbers 8-122 M-l aaassseasssasatssaaafcsasasasa1 LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or used care, Private money at new tow ratee. Immediate action. No red tape. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAT Roy H. Simmons 111 South Commercail Street Phone 9IC8 Lie. No. M-152 FHA LOANS 4H, also private loans Abrams A Ellis, Inc Masonic Bldg. AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Stb FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-1S9 SaSaaaaWSrfaaaaaaafNsaaSsa $300 .00 FOR FALL AND WINTER NEEDS REDUCE BURDENSOME IN STALLMENTS. HID YOURSELF OF OLD DEBTS. CONSOLIDATE ALL BILLS INTO GET CASH FOR SCHOOL NEEDS. REDUCE HIGH CAR PAYMENTS. Our liberal, flexible credit require ments make It sy to borrow. Our convenient payment plans make it easy to repay. (A modest salary is our mam remilrement) You are under no obligation when you call at the offices of the People's Finance Co. 2nd Floor, First Nat'L Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon ; Phone 444C S IIS State License M-220 wweweeewNrwweeewwwMW. I HAVE FOR loan on good seenrity on Salem property : 3700. 200 and 3ZQ0. i&.tC. Houaaay, isb rerry bi Loans Wanttd1 LOANS WANTED en farm end city property. Before borrowing Inquire et Hawkins noberta nrsaprar kuititc sfotairr ww ams Mtar av w mm m av mmtvmwm TO I rA M no i mtntA Salem real aav tata. Will pay 8 Interest W. ti. QRABGNHORST a W REALTORS 184 & Liberty Street Phone 1411 For Rent Houses ff ROOM MOD. home, full basement hardwood floors, fireplace. Venetian blinds, corner lot end garage, 9 blocks north. Pbone 8221 or call et 1150 N. Church. UCDERN FURNISHED 2 -room cot tage, Edgewater Court, garage, 25. Pbone 8418. FRN. 8 RM. hse. X bdnna. 1 blocks N. of state bouse. Ph. 8194. I RM. MOD. hse. Inquire IMS Court LARGE FURN. ant new. Brivate front entrance and bath. Close fa. Inq. C4 N. High. areaseeeesais FURN. BUNGALOW In Oakvilla Court adults apply 998 Mill. NICE 7 R, close in, 348. Ph. 6222, 8 ROOMS FURNISHED. 822.60 and 135.00. Several unfurnished .at from $20.00 to $45. Call for a list ' P. H. BELL 4S9 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121. Salem, Oregon f1 A XT UriTV t ... ter. garage, adults. 365 S. 17th. i i irirorifii-i-Lrw'viLArij'xr basement in the Grant school dist Want permanent tenants. F. H. WEIR. Ore. Bldg, Ph. I41L FR. 5 ROOM hse, phone 7445. For Rent Farms 22 A. 9 ML N. W. Salem: ml & Spring Valley school; 7 rm. modern house, fine barn, garage, other bldga 7 A. prunes, other fruit 3225. Other farms. B. A. Kliks, McMlnnviUe. For Rent FRUIT STAND location. 261 Cente-. 8 RM. HSE. A gar, 320. S rm. mod. apt, 818, 1709 Center. Ph. 612L A4sasasaaeasaeMBlaaeaallaea ' OFFICE ROOMS. 88 1 State Street Inquire room 200. Tel 3713. Wanted to Rent BY SEPT. 8, small hoose In country with eome acreage, for $18 mo. Ph. 8268. -V For Sale Real -Estate I R, MOD. HOUSE, basement gar. I blk. from Safeway 8t 847 Saginaw WB HAV 18 THE PROSPECT IF YOO want to cell exchange lease, rent, see Mr. Larsen or' Mr. Cel- una witn uawains tiooerta TRADB C1T1 property for farm homes. Opportunities In exchangee, HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC H BEAUTIFUL MONTEREY Colonial. ruiiy . carpetea air-eondltwnea. auto matte beat See owner at 9(6 N. Cap- UoL - 1 BEAUTIFUL CREEK lota excel lent location, east front basement dug partially, landscaped; No agents. Call owner. 8181 or 9431. NEW HOME 1995 N. 18th Street OPEN 8 ROOMS, and large attic, ideal floor plan beat of materials and workmanship; extra large - bedrooms and closets. Easy terms Phone $508. Money to Loan For Sale Real Estate BRAND NEW HOMES 31050 TO 44000. ISO TO I22S. Cash haL like low rent See them. BUDROW-KA SM I R REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Phone 614 1200 DOWN. MONTHLY payments on baL I rm. house in Englewood dis trict nice lot lots of fruit 81750, 3&00 down. 7 rm. borne in nice con dition, hardwood floors, basement fur nace, fireplace. 32800. 11260. 8 i rm. plastered house on South 12th St, . bath, good garage. Some trees. Terms. MONEY TO LOAN AT C PER CENT MELVTN ! JOHNSON. REALTOR 72S Court St . Phone 1722. TWO GOOD HOME BUYS 1300 DOWN. PRICE 11760. A nice S R. house in good condition. 1500 down, price 11850. buys a good six room house. Here is a snan. 5. room house with basement A furnace, fine location, for quick sale, szooo. JAM. 11. NKARM. KKALTUK 478 Court Street Phone 8488. NEW HOME. Just completed, mod ern In detail. 1 acre of good ground. City water. See this TeL eszz. 8 ROOM COTTAGE A garage. 31350. 350 down. 315 mo. Z1C0 N. Filth. BEAUTIFUL 2 BEDRM. home, fire place, electric range, water heater A re frigerator, 31750, 3100 down, 320 mo. 2160 N. Fifth. A, 4 R. HOUSE, ON pavement next to school, only oy&o, easy terms. Two new houses on one lot with 2 BR., garage, good income, trade acre age. New 4 RJ, house, NE, for rent 322. 50. 3 BR home like new, two large lota 120x129, located corner No. 21st St and Royal, a real bargain for only 32,- 62d. agy terms. E. M. LARS EN. Phone 57(9 7 R.. 4 BED., mod.. 2 car gar.. Hoi lywood dist., 32900, 3500 cash. 325 mo. F. Griepentrog. Pbone 4954. PRICED FOR quick sale, 20. acre farm. Fruit; A nuts within 8 miles of Salem with; mod. house, elec water system. 820 a month Income, interest payments. Rents for 125. Will take good car, lot or cash lor 3700 equity. Ph. 7814. I WOULD LIKE to dispose of my i rm. modern home before returning east Sept 15th. View property. Cost 13400 to build 6 yrs. ago. Will take around 32000 for cash. Box 1231, States man, i MUST SELL to close estate: 8 rm. house near state bldgs. Only 8 yrs. old. Valued at 15600 at that time. A bid of 12900 to 33100 may take It Boa izt. statesman. 8150 DOWN BAL. 135 PER month will bur this nice late built home, oak floors, fire place, laundry r, large garage, paved at., locatea at iss Maaison et, im- ALCU1ATIS PUSSISSSIUN. W. H. GRABENHORST CO, I REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 8418. PRICED TO SELL THIS S R. PLASTERED home in perfect condition, located near state blOKS.. cor. Hot naved sta. IHHEDI ATE POSSESSION. Price 32150. 3250 cash. baL 326 per ma BUY THIS AND SAVE KENT. - W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, , REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 84CS h"-"j'"""1 rijvrrstfvvvrbfj"ijx N. WINTER STREET HOME IN EXCELLENT condition, large cor. lot with beautiful grounds, double garage, this home la modern in every way with on, burner, oak floors, two fireplaces, ooubie plumbing, near all schools. Price 39000. $4000 down will nanoie. i W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. i REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone 8488. FOR SALE by owner store bide 30x60. Residence and apt East front on highway! north mile north un derpasa. Price 33500. Ph. 3385. X FIVE ROOM homes lust finished, corner of 38th ft Madison Streets. Terms very reasonable. Builder owner. W. A. Cladek. Ph. 4277. 2-S-ROOM HOUSES on N. Fifth St. rents for 335.00. $3300 $1200 down. jrrana Stoddard at Riaito. CREEK LOT. T4. Church, $1100. 8222 6 ROOM HOUSE, nice yar. exc. cond. Auta beat etc.. or will trade for close- in sub. prop. See owner, 1680 So. Com'l. or can 7143c FINE ENGLISH style home. 7 rms. 5 biles. CSpltOL 88000. TeL ezzz. 4 RMS. A BATH, elec. water system, nr. Keixer SchooL 'Real garden land. Owner must move. See me for a real bsrgain. Also best bargain in town, $3000, place you would enjoy on large lot a! terms you can handle. H. C. Shields. Oreg. Bldg. Phone 8902. BEAUTIFUL NEW home, very reas onable, on Glen Creek Road. Owner. J. M. SIX, Rt 1, BOX 93. Exchange Real Estate 8 ROOM HOUSE and 2 lots at Glad stone, near echooL Trade for property at saiem. inquire 9o Belmont TWO GOOD RANCHES 21 K ACRES. NORTH, near Labish. good soil: Grows most anything; has soma alfalfa, walnuts, garden land. Two houses.: 8 room A X room. .Barn, 28x32. poultry house, a fine farm, price 34406 trade for 8 to 6 A. east er north. " CO-ACRES, all fine river bottom land, fair bldgs, good location. Trade tor smaller place. See Mr. Galagher with . .JAS. & SEARS. REALTOR 476 Court St-eet . Phone 8411. Fori Sale Farms FARM BAROATK 127 ACRES LOCATED N, of Salem on Pacific highway, buildings, nearly all under plow. Price $78 per acre. 11" S A REAL. BUZ. W. H. GRABENHORST CO, I peit.TnRa 134 8. liberty St, , Phone 11(1 Acreage FOR SALE I acres with S f plastered house, electricity, 1 - miles I Si W. of Liberty store, will sacrifice for quick sale. Phone 54l or call at 1710 N. 17th SL i 2 A. 1 U MI. FROM city. 4 rm. bun low. bath, lixhta, bam. ehlekn louse, some iruiu szs'a. 10 A. zh ml north. 4 rm. bungalow, lights, good welL barn, some fruit, all yr. creex. iziaw. i4ve aown. 1 A. tracts on Lanshur Lane 4i mL from Salem,, nice bldg. sltea, $625 MONET TO LOAN AT C Per CENT MBLVTN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St Phone 2721. For Sale Used Cars Come in Today .and Car Dead at the Used Gar Lot! e 1938 Ford Coupe Reconditioned $525 1937 Willys Deluxe Sedan $365 1935 Ford Deluxe Sedan, Radio $325 1928 Model A Pickup Two Ford Dump Tracks Pricecl to Move VALLEY MOTOR CO. "20 TEARS OF Herb Misson - Ben Drager - Art Hanson USED CAR LOT MARION A LIBERTY STREET aer8FeaeeeaasaeejSS Save $ Save $ Save $ SAVE $ ON FIRST COST SAVE $ ON GAS AND OIL SAVE $ ON TIRES Buy a Willys or Overland , New or Used 1935 - 1936 - 1937 - 1938 L B. HARRIS MOTORS 525 MARION CORNER HIGH 88 V-8 FOllD PICKTJP. perfect eon d'tlon. Den Madison, dial 8883. T Pftfin SA J.n . tnVi. n1dr cat in trade. 1850 N. 18th. Wanted Real Estate wAitrriTn prt tit TV kv a partr readr to bur a nice small home in the norm part oi town, saus no modern in every war, includinc de sian. Must have full basement, fur- n n. KmfvwiAmfl a nil nrtfA rlffht at arcund 88000. If you have a borne to sell that meets tnese requirements. s Mr. Hardrwith IF TOU have a house that you could sell for 2200 down, I have buyers. See Larsen with . HAWKINS KOBEKTO, mu. TOTT.T. PiV tl&no Mh for creek v a t miKIa A1a lntraat ed in good lot on creek. Box 1218. BUHCBOU. i Resort Proi OCEAN VIEW LOTS AS Low as SIS. Drive to Seel Rock poet office. Ask for J. Seely. Bos in ess Opportunities FOR SALE or trade Fully equipped MatatiMiit anA mwfactionarv located down town, may assume eome. Sec Larsen witn . HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC Os8,Onarfsisj8a8isaejJ8i0 INVENTIONS WANTED Patented or Unpatented X. T. ANDERSON, 1018 a.W. Morrison PORTLAND APT. HOUSE In city, barber shop in connection. Income 8100 per mo. A Ur ine; quarters for owner. MELVIN JOHNSON. 728 Court Street DANDT PATINO auta court A eas station. 6 cabins A 8 room home. X pump station, doing food business ; about 1H acre land on Pacific high way. Better look this over. Confectionery A srocery store, doing rood business. Has living quarters. Fine location A priced right at 88250; a real business. JAS. D. SEARS REALTOR 478 Court Street Phone 8188. FOR LEASE New auto camo. 10 and 4 room modern cabins furnished. Store : 4 rooms, living quarters. Junc tion Auto Camp, 2880 So. Com'L FURNACE A CHIMNEY cleaning, roof repair business. or whole tnt includ. car A vacuum. Kennedy. 19S5 Center. Business CaJ-da fa this director en ' m snout hi v baaia oaJv. Ratei 91 pet use per month. Auctioneers 1 RAY HIS EL, 1289 Sixth SL Ph. 7282. Anto Brakes Mike Panes. 878 South Commercial Bicycles B1CTCLES, NEW end reconditioned Harry wTfieott 147 a ComX P. Ill I Oiimney Sweep TELEPHONB 4488. R B. Nerthaesa Chiropractors ' DR. a L. SCOTT. PSO Ctttrepracter 888 ii. High. TeL Seat 887A ; '. ExcaYating EX CAY ATI NQ Or aB" klnda Paee menta dug. Dirt hauled er moved. Din for sale. Salani Band and Grave) Co Pboae 8408. . Florists Brelthaopfa 847 Court. Phone 8904 Laundries THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WQDER LAUNDRY 288 S. High A TeL 8198 For Sale Used Cars Negotiate a Used $75 FRIENDSHIP" CAR SPECIALS Sacrifice Prices 192T CHEVROLET t-DOOR TOURINO SEDAN $490 1938 V-8 2-DOOR TOURINO SEDAN, reconditioned motor, radio and heater . $395 Hatfield's Used Car Mkt. 851 North Liberty No Sales on Sunday "The Lord's Day" 1937 GMC pickup, long bed. A-l condition. John Tolmsoff, star route. SUverton. Drake Crossing. EQUITY IN '89 Plymouth sedan. Will take older car. Prefer '85 Ford coupe. Call 598 Center. For Sale Wood SUMMER PRICES, old fir 18 at only $4.78 per cord. Order for now or later deL Phone 4168. Oregon Fuel Co INVESTIOATK BUDGET plan oa wooa. rn. &370. w. u Green. 411 ri. 81 - - - 'ivri'i'i'Mwwwwwwm 1S-In! OLD fir. $S: knots, $4.80: -rt. zna. 83.75. Phone 9458. GOOD DRY wood. Ph. 9560. Lost and Found LOST BLACK wster spaniel, male. 065 Madison St. Ph. 6879. Reward. ! oi-uij'uLrxrLft OLD FIR knots, buzzed. 88S4. Personal LONELTT -WORTHWHILE sweet heart, husband, wife for you. Box 71. Los Angeles. DESIRE TO get in touch with some member of the family of one Wm. Wilson who lived in or near Salem in 1871. Please write W. A. Wilson, supt. oi scnoois. j season, uaiic JOIN THE lonesome correspondence club. PO box 927. Portland. Schools COMPLETE YOUR high school et home. Diploma. Texts furn. Write for catalogue. Am. School, P. O. Box 4500. Portland. Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUQ aad Mattreee factory. NEW MATTRESS made te order, old remade: carpet eleaatfig. sizing: fluff rug weaving. A 18th 1 Wilbur. TeL 8441. OTTO 8. SWICX ER Est 1811. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Pboae 1888 Naturopathic Physician DR. W. a. ROCKWELL, NstoropatV le Physician, 1700 ralrgraands Rd. TeL 4808. Of (See Hours 11 a. m. to 8:80 p. m. FREE EXAM. A CONSULT A TIOM Painting Paperhanging NEAT WORK. L Johnson, Ph. Ills. Printing FOR STATIONERY cards, paasphleta programs, bosks or any kind ef print ing. eaS The Ptateamaa Prtatlag De partment. 818 A CommereiaL Tehv Phone till., d-;. ..- 'Transfer A;-- , FOB LOCAL er distant transfer, stoe ege. burner en. caB 819L Larmet Transfer Co. Trucks te Portland dally Vacuum Cleaner Scrrice MR. WALL, Ph. 82F9. Free eeL. Salt pricea Rebuilt macMnoe aad raataia Well nrillin- 8. A. WEST, rt 8. box 44A Ph. I18FB Chester J. Pugh, 1121 Myrtle. Ph. 9828. For Sale Used Cars j For Sale Used Cars "C'SHROCK To Buy or Sell Your Car BARGAINS! BARGAINS! 19 28 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Sedan, 1935 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery, nicest 1934 Plymouth P. E. DeLuxe Sedan, 1932 P. A. Plymouth 8-wheel Sedan. 4 i3 unevroiet coacn. economical anfl 1934 Terraplane Tudor Sedan, built in 1932 Model B Ford Tudor Sedan, overhauled, a beauty Msny others including Model T" Fords, from 815.00 up. "A- Several working-man - . 0 We Pay Spot Cash Now U the time to get a GOOD j AVE AT PHR0CK'S 558 CHEMEKETA STREET . ; WE HAVE "R O" LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned Lloyd T. Riches haa been appointed i Administrator of the Estate of Mary E. Riches, de ceased, now in probate in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and that Letters of Administration have been Issued to him. All per sons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified and with proper vouchers to the undersigned at 351 No. Summer street, Salem, Oregon, on or be fore six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, said first publication be ing made the 12 th day of August, 1939. LLOYD T. RICHES, Administrator of the Estate et Mary E. Riches, Deceased. A 12-19-26 S 2-9. NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 10204 IN . THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON for Marion County. In the Matter of the Estate of W. H. BURGHARDT, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Executrix of the Estate of W. H. Burgbardt, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for' Marion County, and has qualified as such. All persons baring claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers as required by law within six months .from the date of this notice to the undersigned, at the office of Page and Page, Attorneys, Ladd St Bush Bank Building, Salem. Oregon. . The date of the first publica tion jot this notice Is the 2nd da of September, 1939, and the last Is the ' 50th day of September, 1939. EMMELIXE L. LUDI BURQ HARDT, Executrix, Estate . of W. H. Burghardt, De ceased. PAGE AND PAGE Attorneys for aald Estate, Ladd A Bush Bank Building, Salem, Oregon. S 2-9-16-23-30. Cross Word Puzzle 1 12 13 16 V77 22 2S 26 27 2S 52 33 35 3S HI H2 3 50 52 53 S3 56 HORIZONTAL 43like the 1 toothed ! lower part oiapun 45 cry of sheep 48 wicked , 60 eorrowlng 6 away 8 mar 12 hautboy 12 contend bz minute 14 long, slender 53 even (con i piece oz ; tracted) : wood . j 64 stake ia 15 W7 M poker i lweetful ' 55 brink 17 part of heay- 66 onit of work enlybody i. 67 rtp -having an-' . ; ' - pearance of handle -Herewith is the 18 eolor .-: ! 19 system t ,f;- 21 ood fish i 22 withered , - 23 rowinar ! i .- implement 25 fixed 1 28 nation's military j . - strength I S2 to approach 84 redactor 85 come into u Yiew again 87 pertaining; to the em blem of morninf ! 88 meadow 1 89 dreadful I 41 insane day's pmnla. IaL1o!n!eMvTe1 mosmm ALA Hm ElClR .I4S.V00 ..8345.00 .83:5.00 .8235.00 .2262.00 .3165.00 .3:25.00 a good one trunk, etc. ' Fords, Chevrolet. Plymouth. Model transportation specials. for Good Used Cars! v MOTORCYCLE BUY. All Makes. (BARGAINS ONLY) PHOXK 79Jt Sues J. Coogan .... ,li 1 7 .4 :. a . - . Mary Loans Wallace i Charging" slander, Mary Luana Wallace, professional entertainer known as "Princess Luana,' has filed suit for 330,100 damages in Los Angeles against Jackie Coo gan, the one-time child film star. Miss Wallace accuses Jackie as saying his stepfather, Arthur Bernstein, was "stepping; out" with her last week. Bicycle Crash Fatal PORTLAND, Sept. l-()-Mrs. LiUIe Hopkins. 88. died yesterday of Injuries suffered when struck by a bicycle Aug. 25. to II 17 V77 2o 21 23 7f 30 31 3M 36 3? to 3f HO t H6 HI 51 54 51 VERTICAL try It ,j . in town the popular car cylinders only i mm - 3 -V I i 8 mineral - gprin ; 9 not abstract 10 tO - : t 11 peruse! 16 fish egg -20 highway -22 excavation . ( ' : for extrao tionoforo. f 4 compotaid . ; .4. derived frora ammonia ;n . 25 remote! .' 26 playinc card 27 act of bora- . tag by hot1 liquid ; i . ' 29 deserving.; SO present 81 attempt V,. 88-tox ., I- . acientiaeally 88 worshiper f - 40 food grain ' 41 tilot . 42 eager . j - i 44 molding ; 45 twining ; item ' .48 pilaster j'", 47 apparatua foraging..,. , material U 49 caustic ' '.8Jkalin" ' f; solution ' H large veasel v " -I l thick gtrtnr 2 be obedient ; 3 to change residence - 4 insect which carries pollen ' . 5 estimate too highly 8 sighting apparatua on camera 7 festiyal solution to Satur t 88 si limit is :i r r . - . ; ? :. . I 4