PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, September 2, 1939 I Bernardi-Mock Wedding v ----- Today This morning at :45 o'clock. Miss AUeen .Mock I to become the bride of Mr. Joseph .Bernar ds at St. Vincent da Paul Catho- i. .....v. witH mr -V Ttnttert 1JC U)MVUj " ' Neugebauer officiating at 1 1 h nuptial : mass.' j ; ' " ' '.- Mi.. Mock Is the" daughter of Mr. CO. Mock of Bluff ton. In- dlanna Mr Bernardl Is the son . " WMtoa of Mrs. Roy Weston The bride's dress Is of black iik Jersey; made' with fitted waistline and skirt with unpress- . . . . .vi ea pieais. au "" " ""T" der corsage of white gladioli. held by a rhlnestone clip, her on- ry ornament She will wear ' black terser turban, and elbow b ack jersey ,nrD"n' na gloyes of black sueae. - Mrs. George Smith, matron of honor," will wear a black crepe redingote with moss, green trim and accessories of the same gTeen. ' She will wear a corsage of pink gladioli. ' The bride's aunt, (with whom she has made her home since coining to Oregon) will wear a nary blue and chartreuse print, with -nary accessories. Her cor- sage will be of Tari-colored. as- ters. The groom's .motner wm wear DiacK ana wane icuiut - ote,' black bat and accessories, with white and pink asters . in a corsage. . Mr.i George W. Smith will act as best man for: Mr. Bernard!, and ML Victor Dcruai ui,- ui"iu uicuu vvaiu. vsucib wcic mi. w.a.,.v Aa1aAm , or the groom, rwill serve a. LeoBlix.eth. Mr. Stanley Os- htJ jSg entries usher. - . ; borne. Mr. Forrest Seamster and ?' 1 Mr. Wayne Meusey who is both Mr. Ralph Kirchoff. J e' sJ"fte organist , and soloist, will play Miss Imogene Burch Ut the N- E Gla -M;-yr.f' Sm"h the- wedding march and "Ave cathedral candles," Mr. Phillip SUckley and Son, Dr. Gilson Ross, Maria"! and willing the latter Barrett Jr.. was organist, and Mr. and Mrs, S. H. Seashore. Mr. during mass, . Mrs. Marvin Roth sang, before Raymord Rushlight, Dr. and Mrs. For travel wear, Miss Mock and after the ceremony. Charles Taylor, Dr. James A. will don a grape colored light- The bride's mother was gown- Bradley, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. weight wool coat Lover her black' ed in a frock of dusty rose lace Washke. dress. The coat is beltless and is and wore a white corsage. Mrs. Portland horses to be shown in trimmed In grey caracul which -Gunderson wore black velvet and elude groups from several Individ forms a high neck, and extends a white corsage. uals. down the front. She will carry Following the ceremony, a re- Mr. Cecil Edwards is the only a black sjiede bag. After a short ception was given in the church Salem owner listed among entries, wedding vtrip the! couple will be parlors with a small group of rel- at homeat 248 Marion street., atives and close friends attending. m Miss Mock attended schools in Presiding at the punch bowl Miss Alrick Is Given Indiana and the groom at St. was Mrs. Laurence Bernard!, sis- e, n , ' Vincent de Paul and Salem high ter of the groom, Mrs. George Shower r arty scnooi. s WI. i. Miss Caroline Brown, daughter t .. haa Just returned from San Fran- Cisco where she spent the past six weeks as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ID. Brown. Miss Brown. x,mmo,"J - T ! i ir. it in T r Pattern 4266 t By ANNE ADAMS ; I ding.was solemnized Friday night son of Mrs. Hester Sheeon of Bustle cheerfully about y o u r t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Monmouth. Mr. Sheeon .served l'ousework without w o r r y i n g thur Canoy when Miss Dorothy three years in the United States about spotting your good clothes Huddleston, daughter of Mr. and, navy, stationed most of the time in these two gay "cover-ups." Th Mrs- A. H HuddJeston, became In the Philippines. He is now in theee two gay "cover-ups." the bride of Boyd Canoy, son of stationed at Vancouver barracks. They can be quickly stitched up k : "T : from the samq easy Anne Adams Pattern, 4266. and we know that ' you'll need both versions. For the heavier morning tasks, the ric-rae trimmed , style in ' sturdy percale, gingham or chambray. Is just -the thing. .Then, when you want, to save your "best" while arranging the tea things, "w h 1 s k into- the daintier ruffle-edged aprons. The panel down the center, which may bebias or straight, is a simple-to-do, becoming, touch. And do, no tice how the shoulder straps are held In place by a borizintal con necting piece in back. The pock ets are handy, for carrying' knick knacks.4 - ' ' - - i - - ' ' - . Pattern -4 m is . avaiUble la sizes small,, medium and - large. SmaH size, view B, , takes 2 4 yards 35 inch4 fabric; view A 24 yards 35 inch fabric and 2 yards ruffling.: .- . ii--; , - , Send FlfTttN " CEXT8 ' t IJ tm eoisa for thii ana ' Atfamt ptra. WW paily SiZE, . NAMtt. AD DRESS sad , 8TTLB NUMBER. . - noai 10 uor aeuv . tamawr t atretcb for ahead aad javr. sot vatta ar arardroaa ilt4 and weary. -Let Adin' PaTTJCKN BOiK kelp Intba o-ytat mid aD' vardroba. witb pat after pica f qolck-to saw tfroeka tor sight .sod day .' . work aad plajr. 1-oU tf aricat idea for a . eationiata- ea lot t took- giaaoroaa and cool. Clothes foe wverf'Vtjpa and"., age tnm atimminc modes lor atatrtooa to spirited clothe for jounr people. Send today! BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS. PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS." BOOK "AND PATTERN TOGETHER. TWEJf TT-FIVB. CENTS. S -"vv Sead yoor arjer ta tha Ortzoa Ftitesmaa, Pattera Department, aicnv Oreffos. -; r ., ,: . CLUB CALENDAR ; - Saturday, September 2 . WRC, Miller hall, 2 p.m.- Rembrandt Artist mild with Mrs. Ella a Hathaway, .1140 Market street, 7: JO p.m. - Gambill-Cbapman wteaaingiieia ':VW W At LHUrCu :- v ' ' ' Miss Dorelne Jenoise Chapman. daughter of Mrs. George Chap- mn became ;the bride of Mr. Bruce Edward Gamblll t the Memorial church last Jon U Memorial church last IM at an 8 o clock .weddings S. Raynor Smith, officiated, : ; The bride who was giren away by her father. Mr. George Smith. wore floor-length gown of .white net, made with - puffed sleeyes and inner sleeres trim- ed with pink, ribbon. wh-Ich was also used at the square neck- line. The gown had a, flowing ,kirt, underneath which was pink ribbon. A full-length yell was held with orange, blossoms. Ul lies and white bouvardlaa made up the; bridal bouquet. . i Mrs. Glenn Ward, matron of honor, wore, pink organza and : carried a nosegay of white gla- dioli with pink center cluster. Bridesmaids were Miss Anna Mae, Grabenhorst in blue net. Miss Dorla Taylor in orchid Miss Bet- ty iwetcair in peacn wTiua ee- ucr m jchuw, icu mmu matching nosegay, Mr. Gamblll, who Is the son of Mrs. C. E. Gunderson of Sa- lem, and Mr. H. A. Gamblll of Albany, was attended by Mr. xsaaerman cut me weaamg case and assisting in serving were Mrs. Leo Blixseth, Miss Virginia tp.,,, M.M iw9rioHtA Trnm. ..-.. ... . 0 - - utz and Miss Maxine Pearson, For traveling the bride chose a m088 green 8ports suit worn wItn Diack. accessories and a cor- 8age of linies Tn6 conple will g garA.a Caves. " '. , , Miss Helen Kestly Is retarning today from ? Portland, where she has been attending school the last few months. In the Valley Servipe class of the Christian church was host Monday night at a farewel party for Mrs. Ethel Ray, the class teacher, and Mrs. Edna Boot, superintendent of the Sunday school. Mrs. Ray is leav- ing this week-end for Willamina, where she will teach, and Mrs. Bool wil teach in the union school at Monroe. mrn. urove reierson, gave a ai me renney apartments, brief talk, and Mrs. Morris Powell gave a reading. A handkerchief HUBBARD A pre-nuptlal shower was given each honored shower was given for Miss Gladys gnest. Churchill at the home of Mrs. Those present were: Mr. and Henry Dahl. Guests included Mrs. Mrs. Harold Elkins and children, George Gringes, Mrs. Charles Fid Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fowler, Mrs. des, Mrs. Charles Viedenberg, Sam McKern and children, Mr. Mrs. Marcella Barrick. Mrs. Aga and Mrs., Charles McCauley, Mr. tha Andrus, Mrs. Ava Malone, and. Mrs R. D. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Ruth Walch, Mrs. Calvin Mrs. Grove Peterson. Mr. and Welch, Mrs. Edith Painter. Mrs. Mrs. Morris Powell, Mrs. Ray and Lenore Scholl. Miss Ruth Voget. Katherine, Mrs. Bool and son. Mrs. A." Churchill. Dickey, Joan Miss Constance Riddle was ne and Gladys .Churchill, Miss complimented at a farewell party Frieda Voget and Shirley Bont- . Monday ,night at the James rager. Gentle home, when MIsb Margaret Gentle. Miss Beverly Morlan and WHEATLAND. Compliment Miss Helen Tilton entertained a ing Mrs. -Adelbert Smith of Grand : group of friends. Miss Riddle is Island, a delightful shower party leaving this week for Eugene, was given Sunday at the home where she will attend the state of the Misses Bertha and Vir- university. ginla Magness. The honor guest Dancing was followed by a and Mrs. Amelia Magness, Mrs. game contest. P. C. Magness, Mrs. J. W. Dry- In addition to the hostesses den. Mrs. Ross Rogers. Mrs. Ned and honor .guest those present Underhill, Mrs. Nettie De Rainies, Included Misses Carolyn Gentle. Mrs. Jesse Gllkey, Mrs. Joe Bea- Betty Lou Elliott, .Amy Tilton, tie, the Misses Bertha and Vir- Helen Weis and Clifford Stump, ginla Magness. ; Dale Muhleman, Kenneth Mulkey. . Neil Warrick, Bob Marker. Bob MONMODTH. A marriage of Blair, Morton - Howard and Ar- Interest here took place August thur Stump. 22 in Vancouver, when Miss Elsie "- Cochran of Vancouver, became SILVERTON A pretty wed- the bride of Raymond Shepon. a Laura Wheeler Finds This old Time Favorite Always Beautiful ... UF, Tv W7"-'' 5S1 " Eren if you're' neyer" made a quilt before you'll find Friendship fan easy. to piece. Pattern 2001 , contains diagram ot block? pat- tern pieces; instructions for mak- Jng quilt; yardage chart; diagram Interest Seen in Horse Show at State Fair . Attention of b' o r s e m e n and horse loTers will be focused the comlng wee on the Oregon state Iair night hdrse show which opens Monday for six days. Interest of exhibitors Ik at a peak this year ,on Mst et ear regerra- t,oM lndIcate$ tnat patrons too look i forward to the erent with liyely interest. Stables from Eugene and Port- land are especially well represent- ed with some horses coming "too fr0m Washington and California to compete in the $4500 prize money and stakes, ; , On the entertainment side ex- clusrrely, the -main feature will be the San Francisco sheriff's mount- ed p0gse, and the exhibition entry of Tennessee walking horses, both making their first appearance at a northwest show. For the competitiYe erents will coma Mrg- Wilson" Meyer's three- Marjollne's King and Dr. James jj. Browne's jumper entry, botn from san Francisco and from Wenatchee. Wash., comes entries b Mrg w R Jone8 of Roc)tWan stables and Kenneth Scofield. A. V. Lewellen, ajso new to the state fair Silver Bowl, will show several horses from his stables at Woodland, Wash. Eugene breeders and owners Miss Madeline Sleppy entertain- ed with a delightful party at her home on North Cottaire street - . . . " mursaay evening In honor or Miss Esther Alrick, bride-elect of Mr. Claire M. Miller. Those bidden to honor Miss Al- rick were Mrs. Francis Colgan, ssriffi& Floyd Query, Mrs. John E. Hall, Mrs. Malcolm Jones, Miss Frances 2T?,Bn' Ml8S Mar,a Dare' M,M Willetta Sneed, iss Thelma Lof- thus, Miss Olga Alrick of Silver- ton. Miss Cora Alrick of Portland and Miss Sleppy. Social Realm Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Candy. The bride wore a tailored pen-" cil-striped suit matching the bridegroom's in material. She wore a corsage of gardenias Mr. and' Mrs. Edgar Huddleston at- tended the couple and the Rev Frank Zook read the ceremony! Following a short wedding trip the couple will make their home ofauilL' Send ten cents in coin for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman, Needlecraf t Dept. Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. - ncBnBity 0- MtrasSdB. -MAXIN1? BUREN StuU-Smilei if u V) fi'1. 'W hV:7 ? : 177 1 l ?-''' ' I li "The only advantage J ran see. to these mechanical people that scientists work on is that they could probably live j on a budget!" Being -a woman, jnot an automaton, she feels that this plum colored crepe is well orth exceeding any. budget. As you'll agree on a closer study-of its wide corselet inset in front which narrows to a girlish tie-sash; in back. The neckline, except for a sharp notch in the center, is quite plain. Sleeves are long, narrow below the elbow butjrising to a lift at the shoulder. And there's that back fullness again in the skirt. ci-: n -i. t c,liaun6 "riy Qnr;al Affair! out-ldl iAnr MIs, TnanJta fcross Mis Vir- iT g,nU Cross, Mr. Wayne Curry d Mr. O Morley entertained with a skating party on Friday r - tne Cr0B home t0T refreshments. rresent were: tne Misses Julia Allen. Carolyn Strahmeyer, Ala- meda Workln Ruth Ritchie f Working, Ruth R 1 1 c h 1 e, Lucv Sherman, Marjorle Broer, Jeanette Brown, Ellen Morley, Wilma Witt, Adena Fisk, Nordis Johnson, Nellie Skow, T. Bou- fleur. Messrs Bert Broer, Ted Lu- cas,' Wesley Best, Gordon Jen- nings. Bob Gallagher, Wilbur Cur- Ansel Morley, Otto Ohm, Loo,s Arnold, Daryl Mason, Bra- dy Gallagher, Kenneth Hunt, Bob Hurlburt, Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Rl- cbardson, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Newberry, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cle- met, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broer Jr- Mr nd Mr- Ingvard Han- Ben' Mr "and Mrs- Roland Clark, ll t-1 ' j i I CONTINUES : ' Women' Editor- - - - iJ Gutd, mw Sons of Veterans Meet Tuesday . , Joshna ?mtth iAmn ni,i tt . ! Smith cimp, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and auxiliary, was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A . wa8 served followed by an inter- esting program with Mrs. Rose Rellly, Mrs. Mettle Schram and Mr. Ton nnh.n. i Mrs. Lena Robins in charge, The guest list included Mr. and Mrs. Glen Adams, Mr. and Mrj. E. B. Pennine, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hunsaker, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rellly, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Mc- Whorter, Mrs. Hattie Cameron, Mrs. Mettle Schram, Mrs. Lura Tandy, Mrs. Blanche Stuart, Mrs. Clara McDerby, Mrs. Susie Botts, Mrs. Nelie Jennings, Mrs. Lena Robins. Willis McDerby, A. M. Lausch, G. R. Stovef, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ray. The auxiliary members will meet with Mrs. Ray Friday afternoon to do sewing for ; the deaconess hospital. IFDDiD Bride-Elect Is Honor Guest At Party Miss Grace Jackson was hos tess at a miscellaneous shower On Thursday night for Miss An nabelle Cooter, whose wedding to Mr. Wilraer Worth Willis is an event of Wednesday night. The party was held at the home of Mrs. G. A.' Grutchow. The theme used in decorations ajid favors was "wedding bells." The bride fished gifts from a "sea of matrimony." Present were Miss Marjorle Ann Johnson, Miss Jesnnette Brown, Miss Norma Leek, Mrs! Tonl Crossland, Mrs. J. S. Mur ray. Miss Helen Ash ton. Miss So phia Hughes, Miss Martha Jane Hottel, Mrs. Bert Howe, Miss Betty Cooter, Mrs. Esther Roth rock, Mrs. Grochow and Mrs. John Cooter. Parkers Invite Friends for Housewarming Mrs. E. M. Hoffnell was host ess to her club Thursday when she entertained in honor of Mrs. C. W. Parker on herb irthday an niversary. Lunch was served and the afternoon was spent playing bridge. Those bidden were: Mrs. H. G. Smith, Mrs. A. A. Siewert, Mrs. Waldo Mills, Mrs. Leona John son. Mrs. Frank Meyers, Mrs. Roy Mills, Mrs. Charles Warwick, Mrs. Cal Patton, Mrs. Charles Jory, Mrs. Roy R. Hewitt, Mrs. Edward Duffy, Mrs. .Frank V. Brown and Mrs. Hoffnell. After the party Mrs. C. W. Parker invited the guests and their husbands to her hew home in Walnut park for a house warming. A buffet supper was served and the evening was spent informally . Mr. and Mrs. Ted Paul us and daughter from Grants Pass will be the guests of Mrs. Paulus' parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harland are leaving today for Victoria, B. C. They plan on being gone a week. Ripe Tomatoes Make Sweet Butter A recipe for ripe tomato but ter, just adds that much to the already generous list of foods put by for winter. TOMATO BUTTER S pounds ripe tomatoes 4 cups sugar 1 lemon, sliced thin 2 cups sliced apples 1 tablespoon cinnamon i Vi teaspoon ground cloves 1 teaspoon salt Wash and peel tomatoes, strain, take out about 1 cup of juice, add apples and sugar and let stand for an hour. Add remaining ingredi ents and cook until thick for about 2 hours. This is supposed to make about 8 pint jars. Tbday'tfpienii This weekend ' menus will In clude liver and chicken a meat. I TODAY Raw carrot and beet salad Li Lyonnaise potatoes Buttered corn Apple-pear fie SUNDAY Banana salad Chicken pie with rice New peaa in butter Green celery sticks Applesauce cake Store ice cream - MONDAY Relish plate Baked .hamburger loaf Sujnmer squash with celery Baked potatoes Melon . LYONNAISE POTATOES 3 tablespoons butter 1 small onion, ; sliced thin 3 cold boiled potatoes, sliced Salt and pepper Cook onion In butter for 8 minutes, add potatoes and sprin kle with salt and nenner. AA chopped parsley. Cover and cook siowiy unui wen done, then turn on hot nlatter. A little atorV or consomme or water may be added www - Make the apole-near cle as for regular apple, but you may want to add a little candled ginger for added flavor. In Monday's meal, saute celery In butter a few minutes, then add the sliced summer squashes, some butter, and allow to stew slowly. Fruity Salad Makes Fall Salad A gold and green combination that's good to look at and good to taste, is appropriate for this season. Try it In salad that goes like this CALAVO PEACH FRUIT SALAD 1 large avocado r ' " Lemon Juice . -Salt , Lettuce for garnish 1 cup seeded halved muscatel grapes 1 cup cubed peaches Piquant fruit dressing To prepare avocado, cut fruit into halves lengthwise and remove seed. Cut each half lengthwise again to form quarter sections. Peel each section and sprinkle completely witb lemon Juice and salt. Arrange quarter sections, one each on garnished : salad plates and fill centers rwith fruits that have been marinated in dressing. Serve extra dressing separately. PIQUANT FRUIT DRESSING cijp prange Juice lA cup salad oil 2 tablespoons lemon. juice Vt teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon paprika 1 tablespoon granulated sugar Few Drops tabasco sauce 1 cube ice. Combine all ingredients In a jar or shaker and shake until well blended. ' Slower Method Pickles May Be Best Pickles re Important these fall, days, and those who like to eat them will find that speed hasn't any place in pickle making. Slow processes are ; practically always used in making the best and crispest pickles but the length of method make them look far harder to prepare than they ac tually are. One of the better quick pickles is this one for CLUBHOUSE PICKLES Cut cucumbers In -inch slice then cut onee lengthwise. Sprinkle with salt and let stand for 1 hour. Rinse and cook until yellow. In the. following mixture (do not boil): 1 cup sugar 1 cup vinegar . 1 teaspoon ; mixed; pickling spices fi i" - . ? When they turn color, bottle. , They will remain shriveled up for about a week, then plump up. This syrup is enough for about 6 cups of cucumber pieces. Another- quick pickle Is ap propriately named LAZY HOUSEWIFE PICKLES 100 two-inch cucumbers 1 gallon vinegar 1 cup salt ; 1 1 cup ground mustard 1 cups vinegar Mix salt and other dry ingredi ents to a paste with the vinegar. Soak cucumbers overnight in salt water, wipe off the brine and put in a crock or Jars. Add brine and keep in a cool place. May add cucumbers as desired from time to time. Frequently readers request a repeat of recipes that were pub lished last year in these columns. Canning recipes can't be entirely different from year to year, be cause many of them simply can't be beaten for goodness. One read er asked that this recipe be re peated. It takes time to make, and oh, so good! CHUNK PICKLES .Wash 75 cucumbers 3 or 4 inches long and cat in inch piecesPut In a stone jar. Add 2 cups Bait that has been dis solved in 1 gallon boiling water. Let stand for a week, skimming every day if necessary. On the eighth day, drain and . add a gallon ! of fresh boiling water and let stand for 24 hours. On the tenth day drain an add: . 5 pints strong vinegar 6 cups sugar Vw ounce celery seed 1 ounce stick cinnamon On each succeeding day for three days, drain off the liquid and heat, each time adding a cup more of sugar.1 Pour over pickles while hot, and the last time, seal. Plums Make Conserve For Winter Damson plums are in market, so don't slip upon that deUghtful little fruit that's so full of 4e liciousness. ' : DAMSON PLUMS "1 pounds plums 4 cups sugar 1 cup 'Water Bring sugar and water to a. boil, drop in washed and unpeeled fruit and cook until soft and syrup is thick. Seal hpt. '"""" "' '' r' r W -, - nTr- . - . . ' ' " j " " " ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ""