Screen Veteran Takes Bride '. ICantner Is Feted ' On 84th Birthday Relatives - Gather; Career as Pastor-in Valley Is Lengthy One - Dr. W. C. Kantner,' who recent ly officiated at hla 600 th wedding, celebrated - his ' 84th birthday at his home on North Commercial . . 1 street. His daughters, Miss La Verne Kantner and Mlsa Con- tan re Kantner and members of Thomas of Seattle, and Con Coast Travelers "Interned Wage Date Is Due stance. In 1881 he waa called east but returned to Oregon in 1881 as In Of fice of UCC the family from Seattle were pres ent at a dinner siren for him. Paring the afternoon and eve- president of LaFayette seminary ning many friends called.; v Win lam C. Kantner came to Salem in April of 1S7S and served chnrches in Salem. Hope which later became LaCreole academy and Dallas college.' He was pastor of the Corrallis Con gregational church from 1892 to Change-Over Necessitates last .Quarter Report, well. Amity, McMlnnrille and Al bany. He married Miss Anna 1894. Coming to Salem he served j Announcement as pastor of the First Congrega White in 1277 and they had three tional church here for 11 years, then went to Seattle, Portland and back here in 1915 where he remained for seven years. He then Emplorers covered bj the state sons and three daughters. They unemployment compensation law are Clifford of Seattle. William, were reminaea Tnarsaav mac Jr., and Penryhm. now dead, La- wage data for the final quarter Verne, Blanche (Mrs. Blanche K. retired. of 1938 and the first two quar f r 1 4 k i r :' p ."1 r I I I v v. i i Sunny mm ' : y ltlaca-pk8S- ( NEW MARKET f' IQci 1 ' 17c H46 No. Com1!. Gt. Phone 4010 CAKE FlOUTl With" Kitchen Stoop ' CLOSE-OCT Hen Fllsr ?i?ps7 Pt EOS Gal. 7Q3 CLOSE-OUT O GOLDEN SPECIAL .ws.-aacK- L o VAL VITA Tomato Catsup 14 oz. Bottle 2 bottles Eg Close Out 125 Foot RoU Snowdrift Shortening 3 lbs. 47c WESSON OIL R3aG(lja(BG 6 Boxes to i Carton as Pickling Spice in Bulk Frcsfs EGG WCODLEO H UG). L VAL VITA T?vli & Ueatac Size 2Yi 2 cocao ' One lb. 2J( 2 lbs, gfil Large Size J( Giant Size gJ(g Armours Meats Tamales, No. 18. f or 1$C 3 Cans Deviled Meat... Dried Beef .....C Corned Beef...., for 2,9 C Spiced Ham, can... ' VANILLA 4 oz. Bottle 8 oz. Bottle Both IT Eagle Brand Milk s cairns 2d)( Fancy HEAD RICE s icps. as America's Faveriu . ' ! COM! FLAKES OC Snap! Crackle! Pop! ' RICE KRIS PIES, i HCC 1S Biscuit U cuncta . Shredded WHEAT JO Crystal White Soap. JO caes 20G Crystal White Soap Chips... 5 lbs. 27C Peets Granulated Soap......... 23C Palmolive Soap :...r .2 cakes He Super Suds, concentrated, blue -IOC Odlod Dressing LIGHTHOUSE i i and Gpffcadl CLEANSEQ Potatoes V -Oranges , ' Danish Carrots and U. S. No.2 Sweet and juicy. Squash Beets I SI bunches IOC DlTDCSifQ'Q: DA(5KT; Light, Lean LA3IB ROAST, lbL....J..L;9c LAMB LEGS OR CHOPS . .JgC lb. EQG BACON SQUARES.....1 13c LEAN SALT P0RK..........:.12C GROUND BEEF..... 2 lbs. 2gC in. 1 nil 1.1 j.'."M 1 n.i ii 1,1 111. n ; i, .1 . j Ji in .u. nm 1 1 ,ij '"1. 1. " y111 , -t"" ; r. i K v" ."?N r- -t, v - - " U A .... vv I i , ? vv r- - " --"T r u u - . Si l ;;V::-: Issji 2&J Virtually "interned'' in their old country, score of America passen rm were held aboard the German motorship PortUnd at Everett, Wash. The ship was ordered held at Everett la view of the Euro pean situation. Left to right: Mrs. Adair Collins, 8aa Mateo, Calif Raymond Nash, Alhambra, Calif., and Virginia Benjes, Bnrtlngame, Calif. ters of 1939 Is now due In the central office of the commission in Salem. . ; i Change-over to the quarterly reporting system necessitated call ing for a record - or an earnings In I covered employment for all workers, In order that; the com mission may post the items nec essary to permit processing of claims In 1940 without asking employers for wage data at the time ml separations, wage aata for Jtlly, August and September la due In October. . Some employers harbor mistaken impression that ment of contributions satisfies the requirement on wage reporting. officials said. It was pointed out that for the remainder of the base year which ends September 30 it is necessary for all covered employers to report wages earned by all their employes in Order that the commission i may com plete its records looking toward a minimum of employer reporting after January 1, 1940. I After that date, reports to the commission may be completed by preparing a carbon copy of the re port to the federal government. the pay Two Candidates Ask Clerk Post i I Ross, Durham Reported as Wanting School Job; Applications Due With two candidates already in the field, the school board Indica ted at a special conference yester day noon that applicants tor the position of clerk and business manager of the ! district, made va cant by the death of W. H. Burg- hardt, should file their applica tions and credentials at the school administration office. The board! appointed Ruby Smith, secretary in. the business manager's office, as clerk pro tern until a permanent clerk is chosen. Lee Ross, public accountant. and H. F. Durham, retired prin cipal of P a r r 1 s h junior high school, are said to be candidates for the managership? Ross, a Salgm high graduate, was la charge of much of the de tail work during building of the present high school, the Bush school and additions to Leslie Jun ior high. Barnes Family Seeks Haven on Britain's Coast Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Barnes re ceived a cable yesterday from meir son, itaipn, London corres pondent of the New York Herald Tribune, stating that his wife. Esther, and their ; two daughters are remaining at Lancing on the English channel, where they have spent the past three months in a beach cottage. 1 Barnes' cable said that they are all well and have 'Ino jitters." Mr. Barnes said that his son Douglas Presides At State Session Health Officer! to Mee ; in Portland; Records Here to Be Used President of the Oregon Health Officers' association and Marion county health officer, Dr. Vernon A. Douglass, will preside during this forenoon's session of the an nual conference to be held in the Medical-Dental building. Portland September 1-2. The health 1 a delation, an affiliate of (the League of Oregon Cities, will meet jointly with the City and County Health Officers' association. ) I Marion county's health records compiled over a -period of years and family apparently believe Lancing, a small resort town about six miles west of Brighton is safer during the present crisis than London would be. Tins Man-Style beer equals imported pilsner" IEaD: Creamy-fine, long-lasting tnarrclously fragrant ! - , " j - .i ' , , iOOT: Bright amber, cryatal-clear. With.aa endless chain of light-hearted bubbles sparkling up as you drink 1 FUV0B: Neither strong, bitter nor sweet A grand, mellow K Ke (afs antk Iwvna ami mmmlilmmmm k1J 1 IMPORTED BROWN DERBY right. The true Pilsner flavor t Brown Derby Beer hat it ' I fj - ' hi iiiiii i mifanaiHj Maurice Costello, one-tiine matinee Idol, fa shown with hU brkie, . whom he brought back to Hollywood to introduce to his surprised friends. She is the former Rath Reeves, daughter of Federal Judge Albert Reeves of Kansas City. They are Shown in their Hollywood apartment upon their return from Tijuana, Meilco, where they were married. City's Building in August-Slumps; $63,133 Figure Behind Last Year's : Building permits during the month 6f August ran Veil behind the month of July and also the month of August of last year, according to month-end reports announced yesterday by Building Inspector E. C. Bushnell. : During the month just passed, 117 permits were issued, to a total value of $63,133. Of these 16 were permits to erect O new houses, at an estimated cost of 146,600. Of the remaining per. mlts, 91 were for repairs on resi dence and non-residence ,s t r u c tures, amounting: to a total of 110,503. New non-residents coa st ruction accounted for 1 5,02 5. The July. 1939. total was 129 permits, adding -up to a total of $97,519. Of these 24 were for new dwellings, at a total cost of $62. 000; 86 repair jobs, estimated at $16,158; and the' remainder in cluded In one store and house at a cost of $2,000, and a fire station, built for $16,158. Last August, during which near If twice the number of permits were Issued, 205 to be exact, saw an estimated $105,071 spent on building operations of. various sorts. Included In this figure were estimates for 25 new houses, and 162 repair jobs, the latter costing $82,171. wiU be utilised during a program Saturday f o r e n o o n when Dr. Douglas wUI address the group on "Physicians Records for Full Time Health Departments." Speakers Listed A portion . of the two-day pro gram of special interest to health workers is slated for Friday after noon at 8 o'clock when three speakers will discuss "Health Officers' Relation to Medical Wel fare." The speakers will be Dr. S. B. Osgood of Grants Pass Dr. P, H. Roiindal of Klamath Falls and Dr. E. K. Berg of Astoria. Dr. O. B. Smith of Woodburn will appear on Friday forenoon's program. The annual banquet will take place at the Town club Friday night. Dramatic Film at Ehinore IN n v 4 fc-'--. i -t 4 James Cagney, In solitary, defies Warden George Bancroft in "Kac h Dawn I Die, Warner Bros, drama startlatf toda at the Klainore. . Plus the second hit, "Everybody's Hobby" with Irene Rich, Henrr O'Neill. " Mcdowell's Fmr MA R K E T I Salem's Leading Market Yon can always do better at McDow ell's, folks, Salem's busiest and most p-to-date. meat market. MAMS :o 20c SLICED LIVER r 2 lbs. 15c Pure Laird 4 lbs.. 30c I Our Own Make - Heavy Dacon lb. 13c & 15c I Sugar Cured riitton Chops lb. 10c Pigs1 Feet 3(3 Daclcbones Sc BBBF tto BOHL lb. 310c PURE PORK SAUSAGE lb. 15c Fresh Side Porh PORK to ROAST or Salt - Pork NO Shanks 14c 12c There are 7 experienced meat cutters here ready and '- : " a(l to wait on you, so piease drop in. LARD 4 35c get it at Safeway OPEN UNTIL 7 P. M. SATURDAY I I V " M W.BW' '"""SBBSBBBSSBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBSSMSSBJBIBBW