The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, September I, 1939 PAGE FIVE 7C3 Sheet , Berkeley 5c 'j-in.xl.y'd. 'Adhesive 10c Hard f, 10c Pkg. of 10 A Tape Puvflefs TISSUES 2pk8-13c 1 Limit .Ea. 5 Clean, nhirly -"-f little puffs, for A dependable, effective mouth wash or mild ac tive astringent ' Small, convenient 2 for or, office ce booia use. Jasmin, carnation, gar denia, lilac and other. Each bar wrapped. removing c o S- metks. .1 '. - ' n : eneenvt. titled 100 5 -Graf n Worthy kv Antiseptic mm, w 8 Cleansing Soap Overnight Suit Case S9 ard- Striped "design: leather handles strongly secured with' metal brace. Latest in mod ern luggage. Complete with lock and key. 12 inches long by 8 inches. $1.50 18-IN. SUITCASE. Complete with lock and key, two sturdy metal en, full length extra pocket. Attractive. $1.75 SUITCASE . Attractive airplane type luggage with wrinkle-proof robe hanger, complete with metal brace. , $1.50 OVERNIGHT SUITCASE 12-inch by B-inch suitcase with full size mirror, lined, complete with fasteners, lock and key. $1.50 SUITCASE HAT BOX Qftff "Light as a featherr yet strong and durable. 18-inch ffj , by ,14-inch. Edges protected -.from wear. Lock and key. $7 50 Val. Sessions ELECTRIC fasten- 89 $1 t 89 Qoth . Modernistfcally designed, beautifully grain ed wood; accurate timekeepers. CLOCKS SD.99 fJr j o O r t -J . 1B These prices are tremendously 'reduced over pre-summer prices ' . may we suggest that even if you are not able to use these this week-end that you buy now and save for that corning occasion 93c Picnic Basket- Durable made of bamboo, your choice of brown or green color, each basket complete with double handles, full size covers and two sturdy fasteners. MEDIUM SIZE, was 79c. mow only SMALL SIZE, was 39c. now only 25c Sun Glasses Here you will find, a choke of any style rim, glass, color or design that you can ever imagine, many to -choose from. Jr Was 25c SUN GLASSES. New only -Was 35c SUN GLASSES. Now ealy Was 39c SUN GLASSES, New only Was 49c SUN GLASSES. Now only Was 59c SUN GLASSES. Now only Was 98c SUN GLASSES. New only $1 Large GA-GA-GOGS, Now oily -n -u -i -23 -29 -49c -29 25c MY-TE-FINE GOLF BALLS, 19c 50c MY-TE-FINE GOLF BALLS. 39c 75c MY-TE-FINE GOLF BALLS. 59c 50c Liquid Center GOLF BALLS, 19 each 75c DUNLOP GOLD CUP GOLF BALLS, 59 UC ALL WHITE SWIMMING CAPS, 29 ed. il Pint KEEPSIT VACUUM BOTTLE, 53 t5c Rubber or Plastic Center Golf Balls, 9 10c NOXZEMA SUN TAN OIL, 5 1.50 15-INCH FISHING BASKET. 59 80-Count PAPER NAPKINS, 5 pkg. 40-Foot Roll WAX PAPER. 3 roll 10c PKG. of PAPER CUPS. 2 pkg. 15 75c Glida Beach CARRYING BAGS. 19 ea. While they wf. 1 til a ii l r ML W 'A?. aV. 50c Molle Shave Cream 25c Pkg. 5 Molle Blades ALL FOB 35' Keen edged thin blades. . m o o t n lather. 02V HaSSk. Lifebuoy Shave Cream Schick Razor 8 Blades 49 Cooling lather, genuine injector ra zor and blades. $2 Colonial Dames Face Powder S2 Colonial Dames All Purpose Cream X- ; , ' T Both for Smooth, soft powder, ail purpose cream . 2 Miscellaneous Ic Wash OotHs, 2 for 5 Jc Dish Cloths, 3 for 5 15c Dish Towels, 6 3c pkg. 36 Bob Pins, 3 pfc. c Pocket Comb, 2 Each 5c Flashlight Batteries, 25 Room Thermometer 19 Vitamins . ;:...r- !s-'! Foot nemedics 10c Corn Plasters 6 12c Corn Pads 9 12c Bunion Pads 9 J5c Gets It Remover 33 S3c Corn Off 29c 15c Noxacorn 33 25c Blue Jay Plasters 23 J5cZino Corn Piasters 31 50c Solvex 43 PrA M(t for fresh stock of vour favorite brand of cigarette. Have' plenty of ''smokes" at home or in the car foe your Labor Day Holiday. Fresh Tobaccos for better smoking. for 25c CIGARETTES T U Your choice T)! LUCKY STRIKE, Camels, Old Golds, Raleigh, Dunhlll, Chesterfields and Spuds and others. 2 15c PACKAGES OF CIGARETTES 50c VALUE SUN GLASSES An we Two packages any 15c " cigarettes. Including Camels, Lucky 'strikes. Spuds, etc. Attractive and durable glasses. Save your eye" front the sun glare. ' J loth or' Carton 200s 33 y1 p ''VtT'" ' 1 1. v 1 for Vitvalify Frcfd Mover Certif fed rot aBtround health the. year, around. nrt v i Start saw m ratiTrt rirstv fn'mninwr ,lOX W Start now to build xesisrance to'cornmorr colds and other ailments that are prevtUnt CQ K yuonginejrcrjmimT roaninj, Convenient to Carry You Dyck or Wait Owl CIGARS 10 in a Vll"ff oka. Mild and mellow. Fresh -stocks; for added smoking pleasure. 50 DINAR PIPE M.15 TOBACCO Prince Albert, Velvet or Half SC Half, 16 oz. tin of fresh, mild tobacco. J .... Tooth Brushes Adver. Remedies 1.30 PinkHams Comp 87 1.25 Pctrolagar, 89 1 Wampoles Preptn. 89 U5SalHepatica97 (50c Jad Salts 49 65c Bisodol, 49c 15 VanTage 2 for $1 .98 30c Bromo Seltzer, 25 ! 25c Atlas Brush, 5 35c Dentaform, 9 35c Whirlwind, 2 for 25 50c Tek Brush, 2 for o9 50c Prophylactic, 43 Was 50c Dr. Graves, 6 25c Dental Plate, 9 5c BULL bURHABI, GOLDEN GRAIN, TOP, 6 for 25c 10c UNION LEADER TOBACCO, Un, 3 fof 25c $1.00 DR. GRADOW SPECIAL PRE-SMOKED PIPE 89 10 VISCO LIGHTER FLUID, 4-oz. tin 6. Limit two. ! 15f ROYAl. CRlf ISH TOBACCO ST 2 25 2 for 5 DOVERETTE CIGARS, 2 pkgs. of 5 for 19. 50 for C9: ' :". .: '- " 1 ''" A tTobscco Section ' ' , Prices Effective Friday Through Monday Tl 1 Mwuto mmm LOCALLY OVNEDOPERATED face cnEAns 50c Cosray 25 yl.00 Cosray 50f 50c Lady Esther 39 55c Ponds 39; 50c Woodbury 39 25c Jergcns 19 j Castilian 33ft FACE POWDER 25c Outdoor Girl 9 50c Outdoor Girl 1 9V fl Cosray 50 1 May Rower 19 1.50 Ambre Royal 9ty 'ft Azurea 79 $2 Cheramy' Theatrical 19c 3 15c April Sfiower 39(t 50c Lady EstKer 39 FREE! Bateelc Perfum witii 50c Woodbury 39 Deodorants 50c Dry O Scent, 39 35c Odorono Crm., 31 15c Odorono Ice, 31ft 0c Dew, 19 i5c HusK, 23 BOcNon Spi, 49 (55c Ever Dry, 45i Llazor Blades $c Squibb V5 bids. 9$ 0c Probak' Jr. 4 for 3 98c Erethin, 50c, 49c Gillette Blue, 5s, 25$ rAuto Strop, 10s, AH He My-Te-Fine, 10s, 2 for 23 Marlin. 20s, 25 Schick Injector, 20s, 69c Talcum Powder )5c Woodbury, 9 JF 5c Houbigant, 59 5c Squibbs, 21 I5 Mavis, 19 Jumbo Rose Talc, 9 25 c Djer Kiss, 2 for 25 Yawlley Lav'der, $1.10 DEflTAL CHEAM Large tube Luster 5$ JOcIpana 39 25 c Dr. West's, 1 I for 50 JOc Revelation 31 50Teel39 50c Phillips ZH PILLS. TABLETS 100 Hinkle Pills 5t j 100 Sodium Bicarbon ate 9 23 c Feenamint 21 i 25c 'Choc. Ex-Lax 23 10c Hope jirioc. Lax 6ft 1 Ironized Yeast 63 100 Mint Soda 9c V A" FREE 10c Glida Bag With Purchase Jumbo Tube My-Te-FineT00TH PASTE 3' Mint or milk of magnesia flavor. Refreshing y and zestful to taste. Helps to clean, whiten and beautify your teeth. Leaves mouth dean and refreshed. FREE 10c Glida Bag with Purchase My-Te-FineTOOTH BRUSH Four styles to choose from tufted, oval, professional or massage. Hard or me dium. Sold on a money-back guarantee. The Modern Coal Oil Lamp Quaint Attractive Chimney Lamp "Just like mother used to have" . , Crystal dear base, chimney glass by MacBethV complete with candle. A convenient table glass. While quantities last. Limit 12. ! AS Para FREE Jergens CREAM Yfifh Fsrefcos Jergens Lotion k 79c A useful household combination. larj Stzt Cashmert' ' Bouquet Lotion ; : . Wltn lrehasa .'Y Giant Cashmert; ; Lotion ( ' " 2 We. for leSfVj nor than the coat KC J ?aSt I 50c Set of S Hot Plate Pads Protect table tops Am , from tsmlnr7 f - plates. Practical and con venient. r . FREE 50c Jeris Shampoo With Parchase $1 Jeris Hair Tonic . ST 79 atrracovv. , aw , 20c Colgate Tooth Powder 35c Colgate Tooth Powder . l Both for:- Bit r3si?36,i Photo Finishing 25c roll : We develop - and print I any 6 or 8-exposure roll t : at thii price. " ' . l Victor Pillow 42x36-in. . Reg. 20c 1 Cannon Lightweight ; Towels! 51ea; " 50c Woodbury Almond 2Sg 7 Facial Kit Ambroso Complete. w 1 1 b r Pore Cleanser Pads and Com- ' ; : pact ; f : CLEARAKCB Reg. 1.59 Quart ; i! lifg. Disc Bottle r.v $1.50 Admiracion "a Mair 1 " 29 - . 50c Woodburyo Assorted Shampoo 2(S Cdsi' t i -1