r :)!- i! P NTs 5T.Tf..S2s i ! f. ( The' OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, September 1, 1939 .PAGE TWENTY-THREE lor Bivins?ft Selling Menfimiffl ket 1 -.livestock I Livestock RFoney to Loan Money to Loan lor Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars LEGAL NOTICE Salem's Mar ' . ... , ; ATTENTION Stockmen and Farmers PHOXK 4411 PHONE (ill AU stock men, farmer and balers If yuu happen to have Dead or Worthless Horses, Cows, Hon or Sheep, etc. Jutt call COLLECT 411 Salem and ear truck will b at your place without delay and wa will pay you accordingly. Montgomery Rendering WorksSalem - HORSK3 rt)K sate. Alao 19 wka aid weaner pica Hayta Lahlsb. Farm Brooka Oregon DEAD AND worthless horses, cow Picked Op free Ph. collect (411 Sat em Montgomery Rend Wka FOR SALE 1 mo. old Jerssv ball Talf. registration papera If desired. Rt S box 42. Murray. Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per line 10c Three Insertions per line 20c Sii insertions per line SOe One month per tine l.fl 00 Minimum charge ... ., SSc Copy for this page accept ad un :80 the .aventng befora publics tlon for classification cony re ceived after this time will be run under the heading "Too Lata to Clasalfy- Tba Statesman assumes ne flnan :lal responslbllUy for errors whlc .nay appear In advertisements pub llshed In Its column and In case where this paper Is at fault will ra piint that part of an advertisement In which the typogrsphlcal mtrtak occurs. - The Statesman reserves the right te reject questionable advertising (t further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad contatnln a Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection ef the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge tnforme tlon aa to tha Identity of an edver User using a "Blind" ad. Auctions NOTICE NO auction at Powell's Market this Sat. on account of holiday watch papers for next sale. .Ph. 8385. Hop Pickers HOP PICKING starts Fri. morning at Hartley Craig farm on .Minto's Island. Few more pickers wanted : reg Ister 2IS N. Capitol St Ph. 5028 or 4442. - . UAD DTfIftn wmvAiuak ATI Till. tiee hop ranch Friday. September 1. H miles east of Salem. Big crop. Roy Hardman, foreman ; phone farmer s line. 100F5. ctipt PfPirTVn lata, Knna Sent. 4 at Williams A Thacker, 4 miles west of Salem. Phona 8111. a0aaisasaMaSaMsMsaaSaaaaAsk JR. FURX. APT., newly decorated. Heat, lights, water, SS5 Saginaw. j-i rwvii -i- .. - a xirT pinfFBa vintml Piekina ... - . nAvt Unnn. Bnt A RmWTTS Island, 4 miles 8. W. Salem. A. Mil- j lerr ill state, iei, Help Wanted S3 WtCKKl.T UROW mushrooms cellar, shed. We buy. tSe lb. World's lamest company FRKB BOOK. Mush rooma tOIS Second Seattle Wash. START HOP-PICKINO Monday Sept. 4th. Gilbert Hop Co.. Eola. B. O Schucklng. Phona 8734. W,lsJW",W,' WILL START ntckln hons Sent, 8 old Brophy yard on edge of West Sa lem. Ph. 8525. Help Wanted Male YOUNG' MAN experienced to retail fruit business, apply 791 Edge water St. WlNTT.n FTPEBIENTEn nil iO aervlca man. write Central Radio Serv ice Inc., 217 N. High St.. stating ex perience, age, references and salary ex pected. Help Wanted Female WANTED. GIRL for general house work, call 03S , - WOMAN FOR aenerat housework.' Must have references. Box 1081. Statesman, v MATURE WOMAN hsekpr.. 3 adults. permanent. Call 6 49 4 before 1 p. m. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS over 21 yrs. of age. Ben's Cafe, 158 S. Com'L READY-TO-WEAR salesman, state experience. Box 1219, Statesman. ; - Situations Wanted DRRSSMAK MKS Adstrt Ph tt RAMSETER TRUCK service. Gen eral hauling, reasonable .ra tea P. 115 1 EXP. WOMAN wants restaurant or hotel work. S59 R 18th. t - CARPENTER WORK A paper hang ing reaa. R- Wells, Rt. 6, Box 339. For Sale Miseellaneohs 23-25 CARBINE. DIAL 16M. N. H.. fryers, alive, dressed. 10SF1L aaassasaasaasasssslssas SAVE 82e.ee ON' new 191$ Du- rm oil burnlna circulator. S to S room capacity, only $59.84. Easy term a Good Housekeeping Inc.. 458 Court St AR1TT WALL tent 935 8. 14th, 00000000000000 PEACHES. IMPROVED A standard Elbertas ar ready. Hales soon, at Pet , tey'a orchard on Wallace Rd. "advertising Westera Adrertlslng ;i RepreseaUUTes -.- - - George D, Cloaa. la -I - ' Saa Francisco. Los Angeles, Seattle Eastern Advartlslns -Representatlres ' jri Brrant. Griffith a Brnnsoa, Ise, , Chicago, New Tork, Detroit, j m Bost0".,, Atlanta - l ; aTatersd ml Iks PostoZtcs at Sal OrspM, s Sioond Ctes M attar. Pytm hthed rvarw sonHa sacept afaadav. Bum9a clticm ta Bout Comsterciau Street. 8UBttCKlKHON KATES: r MaQ Subsertptloti Rates ta Adranca. Withta Oregon ; - Dally and Sunday , Mo. M eants : S Mo, fl.tl ; Ma $114 1 year $5.00. Elsewbere M cenU pet Mo. or $$. for year ta edvance. Peropy 8 easts. Newsstands 8 cants Br Cit atarrlart 40 aanta a cnoath : SLze a-year ta aavsaata. sa and adjacent eountiea Tb For Sale Miscellaneous CUCUM. A corn. R. Wlfxel. Tumor! Wkt Rep Itamsiten 141 Ub RKfUJII'T A Nil . J. t. era AH makes from IIS op Spec Mar tag $11 Hogg Bros USED LIVING room rroun. 819.85. Davenport A chair, end table, rocker, mirror, smoker A throw rug. COHN BROa. 345 N. Liberty CASH KOR used turn Ph til 000000000000j00 RAWLEIUH GOOD health product tW Milter Stayton Ore, TeL 1X1 NEW 4-ELEMENT UAH. electric range only 249.50. easy terms. Good Housekeeping. Inc. 451 Court St. 00000000000 GL. DR8.. IJ.Se. win. 110 Chemeketa. GOOD USED bedroom set consisting of walnut bed, dresser chiff.. coil springs A mattress, complete $39.95. Easy terma COHN BROS.. $05 N. Liberty iiii airvrvsfVxrLnjso-urxvxss BUR. UOOKKPO. r- - 17 col umn, motor a stand. $59. 4-drawer gal steel file, roller suspension, auto matic lock, SIS West made desk like new. duroleom top 2 pedestals, reg $71 value. $1$. Trlner postal scale. $7 IJne-a-tlms copy holder $s. Electric heck writer perfect crmd $25. Dick ninllcate, $15. Nat cash register wl'h $10 capacity. $t5. Tarum portlnr trsr f7 Rur. 7 m. aMer. $35 Rnen Id Ccurt. 000S0000s00S . SW EET CORN. Order your cnnnlng corn now. M. B. Flndlev, one mil east of Rickreall. phone S424. WRECKING BIG btiildlnr next Cherry City garage. 170 S. 12th. Lum ber for sale or trade for good 2-wheel trailer. Otto Timjn. 893 S. Liberty. m.ir ,rtf,citi( idCi n Ct.rrfnJffji lour daveno with full bedding com partment. Snecinl $39.95. COHN BROS, 305 N. Liberty WOOL, STTIT. mnn tailored, slxe 14. Like new. Box 1084, care Statesman. CRACKED EGGS, 20c dot, Marion Creamery and Poultry Co. LEMON CLING peaches now reartv at Appinwall Orchards, " Brooks. RARTT.FTT TV iTe 9ft. K 40c at the orchard. J. F. Goode, rt. 6, box S81. Ph. 105F22. ATTTOMATTr ATTT nnmnMM tea IbSL. 1424 N. Winter St ' Ma.n MUSS, l.0 ya. 1Z9S N. LIB. L C. RbTITH 8lin4 (runltw av cond., $10. 411 & High. Ph. 7444. -USED SINGER electric sewlne; ma chine. bargain, Sears-Roebuck Co. SI??,Di-HAJirD ras floor furnace. Ph. 8162. . USED COIL sprlnas. beds, mattress es, chiffoniers, studio couch, pillows, dressers, etc.. to close out at extremely low prices Eawv terms. COHN BROS., J05 N. Liberty Wanted Misrellanenn WANTKH IWr.P rurn l"h tilt OIJ vmoi mntfieaa Tel Wa NTrn to k,, tnr k m. Ind mortgages real estate contract merchandise discount proper. STATE FINANCE CO 844 State Street Salem Oreaon WANTED DA x old calf. 20 Center. Wanted Furniture WANTED. FTJRV. R rnr Pfc 7445. " Miseellaneons DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED TWO HOUR SERVICE DR. HARRT EEMIJCR. DENTIST Corner Stats A Commercial Ph 8311 CHIMNEY CLEANED PIPES. FURNACES, stoves, gutter. Get ready for winter, avoid chtmnev fires. No soot or dirt Ray L. Farmer Hardware Co. Ph. (60S. For Rent Rooms SLEEPING RMS near schools and capital 492 N. Summer. Ph. 448. 0000000000000000000000000 R&C water. hct. pri. nt P. 5825. 000000000000000S00000k000S0 ROOMS FOR Kltls, 898 N. Cottage. 00000000000000000000000k SL. RMS.. S48 N. 13th. Ph. 9497: LADY TO share my home. Ph. 8229. FURN. RM.. rear. $S. 448 S.. Cottage. 00000000S0004 SLP. RM. Call eve. 732 Chemeketa. - ROOMS. Tel. 4917. 49S N. Cottage. 0000000000000000000000000m MODERN SLEEPING room Joining sleeping porch. Also garage. 4 SO N. 24. CLOSE-IN sleeping. 458 Center. 000m0000tf0jf000ik ROOMS. 459 OAK. Ph. 3531. Room and Board EX. RM and bd.. 148 N 12th 000000000000000000 PR I. HOME, excel, food. Ph. 4791. 000k000000000000000000 RM.. BD. A gar..-$25. 1040 N. 17th. ROOM AND board. 1149 Union. R A B. 1094 N. Summer. Ph. 4414. Fredrlcksoaa rm. 215 S. Winter ROOM A BOARD. 820. Ph. 433$, W0000000000k00000100 TBI BOARD, exe. food. $50 Marion. RM., 2 EMP. persona, $19. Ph. 731$. For Rent Apartments 1 TO 4-RM. apts, cheap, ft i aa as uoiioran wetcomav ii ' NICELY FURNISHED close to. 821 N Commercial fit' S-R1L TORN, bath. 1440 Waller. FURN. APT and onsekeep'tng rooms reasonable 2014 K.: CapItoL apt s. eaSja)sksssaSWsa I 4 I R. APTS. rurn. anfurm. 886 ta 840 Royal Court Ph S96A . oL 1ST noar s-rm. 04B Ferry t aMBAa'ia'oase PATTON APTSm 222- State, Far alabed. AduIU only. Ph. 8244. - afa9asssslsa9a4aa4a 1 RM. apU bua wom.. 1S53 Court assajaaekssaatssaas SMALL I BM furs. apt. prt bath, lights, water, garage. 2455 Stata. FURN. APT prL bath. 846 Court St STRICTLY MOD, The Derereanx. t ROOM FURNISHED sna rimes ta reasonable. 141 N. Liberty St LMIRM, APTS, 250 & Cottage, We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR INCOME No Endorsees No Comakers Your Signature Only REPAY ANY DAY TO REDUCE COST. AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHKmt' tottr ME-rm rul CE1VB PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL! AS BEFORE A LOAN General Finance Com. mm m. n v-uminctnii dl uc atra IVw, auilk .f IAM a k Ct.b m.. -" - " . GET SPOT CASH This "PERSONAL' Way WHEN AT HOME: A "Personal Loan 828 to $200. Easy Terms WHEN A WAT: USE A "PERSONAL" V CREDIT CARD Good at 814 offices. Coast ta Coast SIMPLE TO QUaIjPY: Come ta. GUARANTEED BY GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE . (As advsrtlaed therein.) PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor. New Bllgb Bldg. 818 State Street Salem. Oregon State License Numbers 8 122 M-14 00W0000000000tm000000 LOW RATE ! AUTO LOANS ! CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used cars. Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red tap. 1 TO 30 MONTHS TO PAY; Roy H. Simmons 13S South Com meres 11 Street Phona 9 ICS Lie. No. M-152 aeeeaaweSeeWaWeNeeSeaWaeeaaSa FHA LOANS 4 also prlvste loans Abrams A Ellis Inc. Masonle Bldg AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5th FIJTiOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-159 i 000000000000000000 $300 .00 FOR FALL AND WINTER NEEDS REDUCE BURDENSOME STALLMENTS. IN- RID YOURSELF OF OLD DEBTS. CONSOLIDATE ALL BILLS INTO ONE. GET CASH FOR SCHOOL NEEDS. REDUCE HIGH CAR PAYMENTS. Our liberal, flexible credit require ments make it easy to borrow, j Our convenient payment plans make it easy to repay. (A modest salary is our main requirement) i You are under no obligation when you call at the offices of the j People's Finance Co. 2nd Floor. First Nat'L Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon , Phone 4444 S I 13 State License ' M-220 Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Refers borrowing Inquire at Hawkins A Roberta j- WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real ac uta Will pay 4 Interest W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS ' I ; 184 a Liberty Street phona 114 88 For Rent Apartments S ROOMS NICELY furn. BathJ irar. Close In. Adults. 815 N. Winter. : FURN. 3 RM. apt. 444 S. High. SEE THE Fisher Apt, before yon decide. Large A Airy. Rockwool In sulsted against heat A cold. Venetian Blinda throughout S. Coml. A Oak Sta FURN. HEATED apt 480 N. tilth. CLEAN FRONT furn. bskpg. room. Everything furn. lnclud. gas. i elee. washer A gar. reaa 790 N. Commer cial. W000000f00mm00m00000000h 1 RM. NEWLY furn. Heat water. refrlg.. bath, adults. 991 N. Cottage, $ R. APT.. BATH. heat, alec, wash. Fri.. 776 N. Com'l. i mmmmmmm0S 2-ROOM FURN. apt-. 7J2 N. Church 000000000000000000 ONE ROOM. 433 Marlon. m0m00S0000000l FRN. APT- bath, adults. 690 Union. 00mt00mtm01m0000 COMFORTABLE HOME LIKE. reasonable, Hawthorne Court. 1808 N. Capitol St f SMALL APT. 1335 State St P. 7982. 0000f00000000t 2-RM. MOD. apt Phone 1992. 0llmfm0 2 R. FURN. APT. Lights, water, $2 wk. 1290 Oak. Ph. 527C &mSmi0000 2 RM. FURN. ants.. Ht W- elec. washer, gar., $12. 2590 Lee. Ph. 2944. tmtmmm 4 ROOM FURN. apt A bath, 345 Marion. . For Rent Houses 4 ROOM HOUSE. Inq. 928 S. list, 4 RM. MODERN house, near Leslie school $26. InqutrH62e N. CapHoL FURNISHED and unfurn. bouses, B. P. GRANT. 829 Court Ph. 8744 eMkaa-sasMsaa BUNGALOW AND garage. Modern furn. or unfurn. Very reasonable, Call 3288 or sea JJ3 S. Com'L . 0000000000mm00000000 8 ROOM HOUSE, 1 acre, green house, near bus 105 Sflverton Road. 9 ROOM HOUSE, 2 apts.. west of Marion Square. Inquire 175 Marion. 0 RM. PARTLY furnished house, EL Chemeketa St, $1550. AJso 7 room bouse unfurnished, Falrmount i HllL phone 4419.. Ivan G. Martin. j 0000000000000000t 5-RM. - MODl home. 4 blocks Stat and High St, $35. Ph. (011. FTfSN. MOD. 4-room bousa. , 888 N. 24th. Ph. 8849. . 7-KOOM HOTTtrB. 17f 8 Chemeketa. Inq. Mrs. Dan WUaon. 24F14. I m000000000pr FR. S ROOM has- phone 7445. LARGE FURN. apt. new, private front entrance and bath. Cloaa in. Inq. 494 N. High. - FURN. BUNGALOW In Oakrilla Court adults apply 995 MHL NICE-7 It. doss to, $45. Ph. 5222. aaasaaaassssaae4sksasaass RM. MOD. baa, $10.04. t rm. mod. hse, 840.ee. - 8 rm. apt. elee, refrig, automatic heat, $20.00, 855 a 14th. - Phona 8432, Evenings 8284: ROOMS FURNISHED, $22.50 and $25.00. , ,; : Several unfurnished at from $20.00 ta $46. Call for a list ! I "Urn PTrTsT " - " 428 Oreson Bids. Phone 812L O" ' Salem, Oreson For Rent FRUIT STAND Jocatloa. 289 Center. BORROW FROU su ru-s nr nirrr . . A no. B-ixs i Fbon 91 I r i . . . . !. vwiTcunui unngg c loor uociuoa For Rent OFFICE ROOMS, 881 Slate Street Inquire room 200. Tel 8718. Wanted to Rent BT SEPT. 5. small house In country with soma acreage, for $16 mo. Ph. 4258. " - iiMsPiifasriruxrunj"xrxj'tj WANTED TO lease suburban house A small acreage. It T. White, States man. mmmVmmmmmjfmmmm4tmmmj WANTED TO rent a small furnished home not over 4 rooms in desirable neighborhood, pref. with oak trees, Box 1217, Statesman, references furn. For Sale Real Estate 8 R. MOD HOUSE, basement gar. Iblk. from Safeway St 847 Saginaw WK HAVE THK PROSHEC1 (F YOU want to sell exchange lease, rent sea Mr. Larsen or Mr. Col lins with Hawklna A Roberta TRADE C?IT nrnnrt f, farm homea Oportunltles in exchangea HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC MUST SELL 4 8V4 acres, small house and barn. 2 springs, year around creek and 1500 cords wood for $750.00 cash. ail 564 h. zist St. BEAUTIFUL MONEREY Colonial. fill 1 V f-M rrkf Cj n rjvn A t , IamI aiitn. matic heat. See owner at 965 N. Cap- uoi anytime alter Thursday noon. Aug. $L . B Ron At Hnnac .n.n it ..wwuj, i .vmciii vvuur tlon. close in 1$ 100.00 down and $20.00 a mo. v;a-ner i fnone 7654. 2 REAlTTiinTT. rxtvvxe lntm 1 lent location, east front, basement dug pvrxiaiiT, landscaped. Hit agenta Call owner. 4131 or 9431. NEW HOME 1995 N. 18th Street Ideal floor plan best of materials and workmanship extra large bedrooms and closets. Easy terms Phone 560$. 3 FIVE ROOM homes lust finished corner of 18th at Madison Streets. Terms very j reasonable. Builder A owner, w. a. Cladek. Ph. 4277. 2-5-ROOM HDUSFS nn V Fifth K rents for $35.00. $3300 $1200 down. Frank Stoddard at Rlalto. $2500 r$500 down. 7-room well built plast nouse. jE. front cement found. iot vuxibu. ;ah Kinds fruit shade. Close to all schools. C. H. SANDERS. 118 S. High. 61SL CREEK LOT, w. Church. $1100. 6222 6 ROOM HOUSE nice yar. exe. cond. Auto, heat etc., or will trade for close in sub. prop. See owner, 1680 So. Com'L Or call 7145. ; vtuvi wnt TQTI .-..!. V . . E hllra 'mrHaI tCiAA T.I c.. oiniULI MUUEKH NEW 4 rm. bungalow with brkfst nook A laundry rm.. 1 A. close to school. N. of town, $100 down, bal. $25.00 per mo. Includ ing taxes A int. RICH L. REIMANN, 187 S. High St Phone 8622 4 RMS. A BATH, elec. water system, nr. Kelcer KchWl Ttmml mrmfAmw I-.... Owner must niove. See me for a real iwranin. I Also best bargain in town, $3000. IS.m lot I, Tkl.A. VAK WA!.4 r uu vu.u cujv vu terms you can handle. . c. Miieids.! Oreg. Bldg-. Phone 8902. " --,-i-ii-i-l-Lnan(iill BEAUTIFTTr. TCS-W t,n,m. onable, on Glen Creek Road. Owner. J. M. Six. Rt 1, Box 92. m - - - - -1-i.nAWj-j ..FOR SALE by owner store bldg. on highway north mile north un derpass. Price $2500. Ph. 2386. ..... . fil'IIVWUWU Lots owned by City !' $125. to $800. See any real estate man 167: a High Street NEW 5 HU h with M A mmmmm $200 an., bat! easy monthly payments. .,5l(3Jle? I J- noK. $ bedrooma o. oaiem, terma RICH I REIMANN, 167 a High St Exchange Real Estate -ROOM wnnpow t n . land. Will trade for unimproved land 70 acres ; about 60 acres In cult, good bottom land. Has a 4-room house, barn, chicken house, elec. llghta Lo w " Rood market road. Price $4700. Will exchange for Salem home or amall acreage. ROSTEIN ADOLPH, INC. i. commercial Street 8 ROOM HorTsns w. .. ci.j IVM Ofc ..0n2e,,BIar,"cn?oL Trade for property at Salem. Inquire 950 Belmont. For Sale Farms DIVERSIFIED FARM: 176 A. 11 milea from Salem. 105 A. In cult with nne soil that produced up ta $$0.90 per acre in crops this year. 4 rm. plas tered house with water piped to kitch f"'..? and other outbuildings. Due . mmr m iun oiierinaj tnis Sr 'ji r ,,? r acre on eMT terma. See wiiiiib mi it HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC ! Acreage FOR SALE $ acres with S room 8. W. of Liberty store, will sacrifice fnf) Aiilt smI tn.. A F a a w Assaa: Swa. Wanted Real Estate WANTED1 TO BUT W have a party ready io nay a nice small bom In the north Mrt Mf .awm XMnmrn k. modern to every way. Including de sign. Must have full basement fur nace, 8 bedrooma and priced right at arcund $3e. if ytm have a. bom to to nun mseis ineae requirements, see Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS ROBERTS. INC. TIP "ITT KsbWam tWMaaaaa, 4kaa smU sell for $te down. ,f. bav buyers. Sea Larsen with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC, Resort Property OCEAN VIEW IXrTS AS LOW aa 815. Drive to Seal Rock post office. Ask for J. Seely. Business Opportunities IF INTERESTED tn conducting A growing, worth-whil private kinder garten, pall 8282 or see 1248 a ComT. 0m0tm0000000000000 FURNACE A CHIMNEY rieuttna-. roof repair business. H or whole tnt lnclud. car A vacuum. Kennedy. . 1188 Center. I ;- SALE COMMUNITY star, bouse A t seres serosa from Swearle arhooL K. Salem. J. Whitehead. 14S W. SOtb, VancouTer. Wash, -.: ,-. - .1 ,-u- PRE-FAIR WEEK SPECIALS . AT THE j Used Car Lot - Marion & liberty 1936 Hudson 4dr. Sedan WITH RADIO. EXCELLENT RUBBER, NEW PAINT $465' 1938 Ford Coupe, reconditioned $525 1938 Ford Del. 4dr. Sedan $615 j V Mechanics Special 1936 Chevrolet Coupe . . ..... $245 VALLEY MOTOR CO. "20 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP Herb Misson - Ben Drager - Art Hanson thfc,fc ii-y,vvfsafvjvvvvxnxjxj- CAR SPECIALS Sacrifice Prices 1937 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR i TOURING SEDAN $490 198$ V-8 2-DOOR TOURING SEDAN, reconditioned motor, radio and Aonr heater fOZfO Hatfield's Used Car Mkt. 851 North Liberty No Sales on Sunday The Lord's Day" EQUITY IN '39 Plymouth sedan. Will take older car. Prefer '35 Ford coupe. Call 593 Center. 1937 GMC pickup, long bed. A-l condition. John Tolmsoff, star route, Silverton. Drake's Crossing".-7 '26 V-& FORD PICKUP, perfect con dition. Don Madison, dial 4663. Business Opportunities FOR SALE or trade Fully equipped restaurant and confectionery located down town, may assume some. See Larsen with - HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. WHY NOT build a business of your own I A-l products attractive prices exceptional earnings. Local supplies A sure fire premiums to help you. Sa lem A surrounding towns. Pioneer Sales Supply, 264 N. Cottage. 0000S0000000000l SERVICE STATION with camp ground (6 units), $5250.00, $3000 cash. RICH U REIMANN. 167 6. High St Phone 8622 " igsj""rtrLiiiujXAAj INVENTIONS WANTED Patented or Unpatented J. T. ANDERSON, 1015 a W. Morrison PORTLAND "------- - -n-y-in.ri.ru"iAj-u-Lrt MILLINERY OR haautv norW rVn, of the best loeationa Reasonable' rent to responsible party. Box 1218, States- For SaleWood SUMMER PRICES, old fir 14" at only 84.76 per cord. Order for now or later del Phon 415$. Oregon Fuel Co wood. Ph. 6370. W. L Graen. 412 N. 21 14-1N. OLD fir IS- Irnnti 11 Rn -iu zna. sa.ja. tTion 9456. GOOD DRY wood. Ph. 95C0. Lost and Found ..LOST BLACK water spaniel, male. 96a Madison St Ph. 4879. Reward. Personal LONELY T "WORTHWHILE" sweet heart husband, wif for you. Box 71, Los Angelea mmmmmMamiamm m mm - - -j-, iju,- r)TvSTRTT TH mm In t,u m.v B V. . ,M .WWVt, ItlUI BWIIW member of the family of one Wm. Wilson who lived Jn or near Salem in 1S7L Please write W. A. Wilson, supt. of schools. Jackson, Calif. JOIN THE lonesome correspondence club. PO box 927, Portland. Schools COMPLETE ? YOUR high school at home. Diploma. Texts furn. Write for catalogue. Am. School, P. O. Box 4604 Portland. - Transportation STUDENT WANTS ride to Omaha or vicinity this week Tet 5974. Business Cards ta this directors' rum oa a monthly basts only. Batet Si per line per month. Auctioneers RAY HISEL. 1289 Sixth St Ph. 7222. Auto Brakes Mlka Pank. 276 South Commercial Bicycle BICTCLKS, NEW and reeoodiUoned Harry W. Scott 147 & Coma P. 4818 Carpenters CarpanUra L L Mickey A Sana ITS Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 448. It C Northoaaa Chiropractors DR. a L. SCOTT. PSC Chtrapractor 264 N. High. Tat Baa 8878. Excavating EXCAVATING OF all ktnda. Pasa manta dug. Dirt hauled as moved. Dirt for aala 8alm Sand and Gravel Co Pboae 940A Florists Cwatthanpra -44T r Court Ptwa 8M4 I Laandriet . - THB? NEW SALEM XAUNDRT ! THB WTCiri". I m ITwnDT M ft. Uisa . -TeLlllI ij"f-svvvnrirLrij SPECIALS FOR Friday & Saturday '33 Chev. Mast. Cch. $169 '31 Dodge Coupe, dandy motorj $129 '30 Ford Coach.J ..$99 ORVAL'S USED CARS CENTER AT CHURCH .PH 4702 CARTER MOTOR CO. 1927 Olds TteLuxe 4-Dr. Tour. GfZA C Sedan. A guaranteed car vtrtJ lor . 1924 Nash 4-Dr. Tour. Sedan. A one owner car, carries our famous "Triple Seal" guarantee for .. $495 $85 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Chrysler Coupe 1928 Olds Sedan $35 LOT 240 CENTER PHONE 2T34 DEPENDABLE USED CARS ! 1928-DeSoto Coupe 1937-Ford Coup 1936-Ford Sedan 1936-Terraplane Tudor . 1936-Dodge Sedan 1935-Dodge Sedan -.$645.00 445.00 425.00 445.00 ... 545.00 445.00 PICKUPS 1933-Dodg 1936-Int'L . ....$348.00 445.00 HERRALL-OWENS CO. DODGE-PLYMOUTH j Lot N. W. Cor. Church A Chemeketa Or 225 & ComX Phone $149 LICENSE TO XTED j DALLAS. Marriage licenses were Issued here this week to Carl R. KHever, clerk, Dallas, and Ruth Gammon, matron of the Dallas hospital; August Toro, welder, ot Pinedale, Wyoming, and Joyce Glover, school teacher. Falls City; and to Arthur Bearer, farmer, Pallas, arid Lydla Lehman, domes tic, Portland. j HAVE SOX. ( GRAND ' ISLAND. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Lawson are the par ents of a five-pound boy, Robert Gerald, born August 21 at ;the home ot friends In the Unionyale district ! Directory Rlaltresses SALEM FLUFF RUO and Mattress factory. NEW. MATTRESS mad to order, old remade: carpet cleaning. Iilng: fluff rug weaving. S. 12th a Wilbur. TeL S44L OTTO F. ZWICK ER Est 1911 CAPITOL BEDDING CO. phoaa 1489 Naturopathic Physician DR. W. H. ROCKWCLU Natarapata 5 . f?.r.?c,Bni FalrgTounda Rd TeL 4308. Ofhc Hours II a m. to 8:24 a. m. FREE EXAM A CONSULTA TION. Painting Paperhanging NEAT WORK. L. Johnson. Ph. 8188, Prating us v rsTiun bck y . earda pa programs, book or aay kind mt priat tag, caU Tha Ptataaman Printing De partment 111 & Commercial. Tele ohons 1181. i Transfer j rtl tVi I mmy Ml mm mm.' mmm age. burner on. can 818L Lrmr iiwihw vi rocas vm roruana aauy Vacuum' Cleaner Service MR. WALL. Ph. 82F8. rrae at. tab prtca Rebuilt maebtnas mad raatala Well Drilling tt A. WEST.rt . bos 444. Pk. 110FS Chester J. Push. 8128 MvTtkv.Ph. ISIt LEGAL NOTICE SHERIFF'S-NOTICE OF SALE Notice Is hereby given that I will, on Saturday,' September 23, 139, at 10 o'clock la the fore noon of said day, at the west door of the Marion County Court House in Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction In the manner pro vided by law for the sale ot real property on execution, the fol lowing described eal premises, to-wlt: The North 38.15 feet of Lot 5, Block 1 of Good Addition to the City of Salem. Marion County, Oregon; and Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 5 in. Block I of Good Addition; thence westerly parallel with the south line of Howard Street. 83.2 feet; thence southerly parallel with the west line of said block 41.5 feet; thence easterly parallel with the south -line of Howard Street to the west line of said block; thence northerly along the west line of block to the place of be ginning, all In the City of Sa lem, Marion County, Oregon. Said sale wll be by virtue of an execution issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Marion County in that suit heretofore pending .therein in which City of Salem, a municipal corporation, is plaintiff and O. M. Edward and B. E. Edwards, her husband, and Marion County, a body politic, are defendants. The same being Clerk's Regis ter No. 28183. Dated and first published August 25. 1939 A. C. BURK, Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon. By Kenneth L. Randall, Deputy. A 25, S 1-8-15-22 SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday. Septem ber 23, 1939, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marion County Court House, in Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction in the man ner provided by law for the sale of real property on execution, the following described real prem ises, to-wlt: Lots 3 and 4, Block 2, New Cherry Addition to the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon. Said sale will be by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County in that Buit heretofore pending therein in which City of Salem, a munici pal corporation, is plaintiff and Nellie C. Williams, unmarried, Marion County, a body politic, and State Finance Company, a cor poration, are defendants the same being Clerk's Register No. 28184. Dated and first published Au gust 25, 1939. A. C. BURK, Sheriff of Marion County, ' Oregon. By Kenneth L. Randall, Deputy. A.25-S.1-8-15-22 ' SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday, Septem ber 23, 1939, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marion County Court House, in Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction in the man ner provided by law for the sale of real property on execution, the following described real prem ises, to-wit: Lot 10, Block 2; Lots 2 and Cross Word Puzzle 2T 30 . 31 j 32 1-1 ll . .1 llIll I50 'l 11 iH 1 1 iH HORIZONTAL 1 English money of account 4 box 8 June-beetles 12 conducted IS employed 14 the dill 15 bitter 17 large town . 19 brother of Odin 20 mimic , 21 permanent:, - mark on the body . 22 pronoun 23 suitable 24 mentally sound 25 minute hole in the skia 25 musical note 27 fetid ; 2S be gloomy 29 Moorish -'"'.: -dross SI tap course -- of a wall : H objects xnetv : tioned in tha Old Testa ment ! 14 eeduded dell S5 symbol for,, tantalum 29 chum 40 meditate on 41 exclamation 3rV? 43 belong! to us 44 footTflsh 4S thin 48 coxa out ' slowly 50 highest note in the Goido seal 51 Anglo-Saxon . domestic slave 62 vessel for heating: liquids Herewita la tha tarday's puzzle. ITII SEjTtfP(EjR I fN AplA SjARAjOp E (S AP Ptchrrr ferl 1 r E SlR?pjLLAtR0f4 S6 narrow S7 Johimy-aia X3 drink la small - ' '' ejuantities t. Block 4; and Lot 9, Block i 5. Oak Lodge Addition to the ! City of Salem, Marlon County, .Oregon. Said sale will be by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County In that suit heretofore pending there in which City of Salem, a municipal corporation, is plaintiff and Geo. W. Johnson. Jr., and Verda B. Johnson, his wife, Marion County, a body, politic, and Blanche A, Rodgers. are defendants the same being Clerk's Register No. 28187. Dated and first published Au gust 25, 1939. ;! A. C. BURK, Sheriff of Marion County, i ! Oregon. By Kenneth L. Randall. Deputy. A.25-S.1-8-15- 2 XOTICK OF HKARING OF OB JECTIONS TO FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that LADD & BUSH TRUST COM PANY, ! as the duly appointed, qualified and acting administra tor with the will annexed of the estate of NANCY E. HARPOLE, deceased. : has duly rendered and presented for settlement and filed in the County Court of the County of Marion. State of Oregon, a final account of! its administration of said estate; and that Tuesday.. the twelfth! day of September, 1939, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the court room of said court in the Marion County: Courthouse in the City of Salem, j Marion County, Oregon, have been duly fixed and appoint ed by said count as the time and the place for the hearing of ob jections to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published the fourth day ot August, 1939. ' LADD & BUSH TRUSTrCOM PANY. as Administrator With the Will Annexed of the Es tate of NANCY E. HAR POLE. Deceased. CARSON & CARSON. Attorneys for Administrator . With the Will Annexed. i A 4-11-18-25-S 1. NOTICE OF REVIEW AND EQUALIZATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL The State Tax Commission will attend at its office at the Capitol in Salem, Oregon, on the third: Monday in September, 1939, and publicly examine the assessment! roll by: it made, and review the same, and correct all errors in i valuation, description, quantities, or qualities of property by It as sessable an 4 in apportionments of assessments made by it; and it shall be the duty of. the persons ; and companies interested to ap pear at the time and place ap pointed, j Petitions or applications for the reduction or change of apportion ment of a particular I assessment shall be made in writing, verified by the oath of the applicant, its president, secretary, managing agent or attorney in fact, and be filed with the Commission dur ing the first week it is by law re quired to be in session, and any petition or application not so made, verified and. filed shall not be considered or acted upon by the Commission. STATE TAX COMMISSION, By EARL FISHER Commissioner and Secretary. A 25. S 1-8-15. S3 chief Norse war-god x VERTICAL l-palmieaf znnanarixei U unit of tha metric . i system for solida IS pre&x denotinff again IS symbol fot teUurium 21 armor . . 22 Puebla Indian S expert 4 young of the bear 5 like i S one sixtieth of a minute 7 Eoman 23 candlenos "j-: arban affieial tree 24 ahat violently 25 head of the ; ' Eoman Cath olic church i 8 period of , time) j' 9 upon 10 respectfully Z7 record of a nenon'a lohtioa to yes- death jj - 28 aet in motioa .of seeds 21 fruit of the) pine tree 22 opening 54 pet lamb . 38 temporary . - cross timber ST email bag for money 55 broad piece) - - of doth . 4S-Creek letter f art ba" 4Smit i:m 44 resort 45- ailor 474ndefinlfaft AT-tirl . . f: .an 48 nauaa eat 1 1 1