The OHEGON STATESMAN, Saleo, Oregon, Friday Morning Septeater X, IS35 Pet Parade Is Friday at Dallas V- ;- '' S' ' ; " ,; Affair Will Close Summer .' Recreational Program c at Gty Park : t . DALLAS A pet ' parade" and dress-up day will be held at the . Dallas city park on Friday of this week, the closing days of the re creational program, which has Bank Theft Case been carried on at the Dallas city park this summer under the di rection of Key. Loyal R. Vickers. .The parade Is scheduled to be held at 2 o'clock In the afternoon There will be treats for all. - During the afternoon there will also be racing and novelty con tests with prices for the winners, . Friday night there will be two Softball games played under the lfehts on LaCreole field, starting at. 8 o'clock. The Dallas girls . f"""" ' " n l uaai. ii ,".A, . !..'H!N J r ( ( van , i I v I ,.f j I . , ,aa4 . '' 1 : '' team will play an out of town team while tbA playground team Will meet Critter's team.- There will not be any admission charge but a hat will be passed to help pay for the lighting.- Friday will conclude the work of Rev. Vickers, bat Mrs. Busick and Miss Moorehead, PWA in structors who hare been conduct ing classes in basketry at the park. will continue their classes until the beginning of school. WCTU Convention To Be at Halsey ALBANY . Wednesday,. Sep tember 6, has been set as the date for the county convention of Linn county Women's Christian Temperance unions. The conven tion will be held this year in the Christian church, in Halsey, and will open 'at 10 o'clock. A covered dish dinner will be served at noon, and during the afternoon the bus iness sessions will continue. Reports of presidents of the various unions. will. he given, and other, business pertaining: to the work of the unions will be taken up. Tbe silver and gold medal contests will be part of the pro gram. - A large crowd is expected to .attend the convention." There are some "eight unions in the connty, - Including those of Bellfountaln, Shedd, Harrlsburg, Halsey, Sweet Borne, Albany, Tangent and Oak ' ville. The Sweet-Home union has only recently been organized. ' Mrs. Small Back From Trip South Mrs. Hugh Small has returned from a trip through California and Nevada. Her daughter. Miss Jes sie Small accompanied her as far as Stockton where a family reun ion was-teld In their honor, and then entrained for Iowa, where she has received an interneshlp in the University of Iowa hospital and will wnrtr for her ' masters degree. Miss Small graduated from Oregon State college last June,. While in San Francisco they visited the Golden Gate exposition and from there Mrs. Small went to Carson City, Nev., where she spent several days with her sis ters, Miss Mabel ; and Irma Boughey. Wisconsin Family Visits at Mehama MEHAMA. Mrs. Jennie Moe has been having a house full of company lately. Her brother, whom she hadn't seen for 25 years, and 'his family came from Wisconsin, near Red Wing. They are: Mr. and . Mrs. Albin John ' son and Elaine "and Wayne. The Johnsons intend to locate in Ore gon. -.;-.;: ? ' Saturday evening Mrs. Moe's daughter, Mrs. Henry Kornmann and family-of Vancouver, came to spend the week-end and see the Johnsons. Iva Moe, who has been : staying with Mrs. ' Korn mann, came home with them to .get ready for high school, which j opens soon. -Sunday, Mr. ; and Mrs.i Harry 1 Anderson of Lebanon, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert . Anderson and Elton and Jnne of Silverton, all eame to see. the Moes and their company. i . 7iederkehre Back From Exposition , - - TAIBOT. .Mr. 'and Mrs William Wlederhehr and chil dren. Donna and Loren, returned. T V -M . a anunuay irom a wee KB trip xo the - San; Francisco' fair. Mrs Wlederhehr " has been rehired as teacher in the Talbot school for this year. .J -Visit From Washington VICTOR POINT. Mrs. Ther esia Kenting and her son, Theo dore Acton and wife of Seattle, Tlsited relatives here last week, - retnrningj. home "Sunday.- While they were her a Fisher family reunion was held in their honor at Wilholt. Mrs. Keating Is the former Theresia Fisher and is a sister of Andrew, r Phillips ajd . Theodore Fisher of Victor Point. uVfr A Why - mUJiS OTBESB TAXLt meM cmdi. Aassiac . 8UO- ES3 (or S000 yesn ia CHINA. H wits what ailment ysa r AiffUCTKU tfiaortfm. at- Baltic, kcart ' Vang. Iir, kiitrnty, atmarh, ga, eoaxtipatioa. tlnri, 4iabtia, rheaiaatina, fill " an 4 ladder,, ttxer, tkia, (eaala oav 'Uinta ' ' . 'V.-. . ' v.;. y Charlie Chan Chinese Herb Co. 8. B. rone. year' praetica ia Ckiaa. T , Office aarae 9 -ta p. except 8na ; day " and Wednea day. ta 10 I. m. n i ( I V 123 W. Oen'l Ft. Salem. Ore. Joseph Paul Cretzer (lower), 29, and his wife, Edna May (up per), were seized by federal agents in Chicago. The pair had been hunted for two years, Oetzer being accused of partic ipation in seven bant robberies in Portland, Ore., Los Angeles, Oakland, Calif.,, .and. Seattle, Wash., In 1935 and 1030. Airs. Cretzer was charged with har boring ber husband. Smith Family Has Gathering,- Lyons LYONS. The Smith, family had a gathering Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bosch and daughter, Marie, and son. Jack, of Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Shields of Salem, .Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lyon and daughter, Catherine, and son, Howard, of Lebanon, and Mr.' and Mrs. Paul Smith. Miss Ruth Fields, missionary from Calcutta, India, was in charge of tbe services Sunday morning at the Lyons Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. George Allen from Corvallis, ' spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen. They made a trip- in to pick huckleberries and returned with 10 gallons of berries, j Mr. and Mrs. James Stock Twreii, Helvin Stockwell and Miss Dorothy Ayres of Lyons; spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I Walter Duff at Dallas. McAlpin Family Remodels House mIaLPIN. vMiss Gladys Peter son of Salem Is spending a week's vacation at the home of her sister, Mrs. jB. E. McElbaney and family. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. McElbaney are remodeling their iiome and adding a fireplace this week. Miss June Dunnigan will serve as principal in the Broadacres school this coming term. She was teacher of the McAlpin school last winter and made her home at the Eaton residence. Mrs. Edna Eaton and daughter, Cleo.ihave returned home from several weeks spent in California. Calif ornians Call At Grand Island f GRAND ISLAND. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. John Tlffan of Fresno, CaL, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Titian of Dayton, were guests Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Will nd family. i Mr and Mrs. L. Finley and Er nest Wiley of Silver Lake, Wash., enjoyed several days visit last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Worth Wiley and family. j Calif ornians Call i ! j . At Rickreall I ! AMITY. Dr. Leonard Wood of Banning, Cal., is spending his vacation here at the homes of his. mother. and brother. , Mrj and Mrs. Merl Williams and Mrs. Williams' mother, Mrs, Lenna Harrison, returned Sunday from San Francisco and ' Reno, Nev. Vacation at Beach j VICTOR POINT. -Mrs. Elmer Lorence spent several! days last week! vacationing t Newport. She was accompanied by her mother, Mra.i Alex Lindsar. and nleca. Beverly Brady of Silverton. her sisters, Mr, isa uurgett of port land land Mrs. James Kane and daughter, Patricia, of jEugene. , IS ACCIDENT. ' : GERVAIS. Catherlae . Bonn, daughter of - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bonn . of Gervais, suffered cuts above the right eye and on' the kne j Sunday ' when the ear la which she was riding on the Bertha-Beaverton road collided with another car. She was takea to the emergency hospital, where eight! stitches -were ia ken In her forehead - and her kjiee was dressed.-- I-- - : WKIXMAN AT HOSPITAL LABISH CENTER The condi tion tf Frank Weinman, j who was removed to a Salem hospital the middle . of ; last week, Remained serious yet Wednesday night. He haa been given a number of blood transfusions to offset the effects of extreme loss of blood suffered through internal : hemorrhages of last week. ' No visitors arc al- An Exceptional Bargain! GENUINE .TEPPERELL" Beautiful new designs patterns never before able at this low price. Men's Women's and Children's i - . RnbberSoles olicK l vr On Popular Brands Brilliantine Or Hair Oil i Save 30 Shop Metropolitan i -. Regular 25c Good heavy quality galvan ized pails Limit 6 pails Ox33 Inch Window Screens WhUe They Last! What-Not mwm 9c Un Painted Another lie L 51x51 Inch Rayon and cotton cloths which ordinarily sell for 49c Beautiful new patterns. Special! Reg. 2.50 - Men's Police Shoos Special and before avail- If r Price. ; jQ I U J Special! I t J avail GLASS Tumblers Special 3 for 0 Sponge Pot Cleaners Special for at a big saving.! f r JIs to customer. j I I- I j J Special! C3 Regular 1.10 Elect. IRONS Onlv! V Huge Shipment 7 146 Uoirtli ' - " aMMBaMMHBSBSSMSBaHM - f 'Spotlight Bed Lamps r Reduced mm TT nil ii i n m ii. xm i nBsaansnsninaBr wsssnnnnnnnn - . mmmmmmmmmmamammMmm (n(T3raiin nm r frl: i ! Large China V Salad Bowls Only! IOJ Misses and Children's ANKLETS i " f . Special! kpr SSsip IPaelkeirs j Buy Your Needs at the 1 Metropolitan at 1 1 Money Saving.Prices! Regular 89c if if. m'l SWEAT SHIRTS 2)(C 98c Quality IMen's ijan Waist OVERALLS Mens? First Quality Cotton Work Sox Women's Hop Picking s st Leather Gloves pairiS(B -Lb. Roll Friction Full Pint Sizii I ; TIN CUPS TAPE Only Men's Hop Picking i (Rl Leather Gloves pr, SWB Red or Blue j . aav Mens Bandanas 2 iotWS Men's & Women's Small, Med. & Large jfsx STRING GLOVES pr. S)(g Large Size l PA TIM WASH BASIN g)(g Popular Size Tin Puddina Zipper Front Reg. 79c, "Brooks' Bias Tape . 1; Z for, S Inch Dresslnf Hard ' ' ' 7. Commojcial Street - - MVJJ wm WTO 11 r Fresh, Delicious Orange Slices Special! O Vlb SBSlWBesWBWBSIiSBBMBBSSsWBsMBsBBWSW Sterilized Tooth Drush iK2)(D 2 pairs lien's. Women's aoid Children's Canvas Gloves Special (7 pr. 2)7 C 9c Special 1 for ifs Pans W (JJ Men's A s9 Coil Spring Clothes Pins 2J for TIIAPS Special J ; ...... I ; A Regular $1 Value! INFANTS' m Harry for these just 50 at this low; price. An ex ceptional value! Special ! Size ll2 Inch Turkish Towels Special! L- 1 Baby Ratb, Batterfinger or Jolly Jack Candy Bars Special Job Purchase REGULAR 69c VALUES MEN'S Ms Fine quality chambrays and covert cloth shirts which regularly self much higher. Buy several! Special ! Indian Moccasin SLIPPERS For Men U)Unn or Women pr Women's Rayon ' PAUTIES Novelty Weaves 'I - ' . A Truly Great Bargain i '! 32 Piece I FIRST QUALITY CHINA efis Dainty floral effect pati tern. A remarkable value so row pneeo. . - . . Special ! Salom, Oronon K "2 in 1" or "Shinola" Shoe Polish . , ' . t Black or f2 Brown VJf ) American Hade Light Dulbs 25,40,50, s-(T or 60 ( 0 Watt Reduced from 1.49 Slack Sets For Misses and : Women DC Straw Garden Hats 8c For Men and Boys ::JL MenV Dress 9-. a, zm 4;- ; 6im lowed at this time.