Vafcetz Ball Team Wins From Toledo . t ... VALSETZ. The came sched uled with Jack and Jill to Da tfaje at YalMtt ai taeiH3 tad Valieti. playd Toledo tt Toledo. Valseta won, 1-4. The members of tha baseball team were guests of Henry Hob ton at a banquet at tha 4ocal cookhouse Saturday night. Boy! msyl m&jl Itxc Hotter Than a Firecracker;.. The New. 1940 Lh u Tnol ar w, v - . ... n u u un UP U c7 Is Now on Display at Your Chrysler and Plymouth Dealers Salem Automobile Go. 435N.Com'l. St. Ph. 4673 - 4915 Tigers Bunch Hits to Win .-.' - -. Boston " Bobble Also Aids Detroit to Win 7 to 6 After Trailing f - ' t DETROIT. Aug. S 0 - (JP) - The Detroit -Tigers bunched two hits and two walks with a Boston er ror today to come Xrom behind in the eighth Inning and defeat the Red Soz. 7 to C, in the aeries opener.- - . . . . Boston .... 12 1 Detroit 7 8,1 Wilson and Berg; Hutchinson, Thomas, Coffman, McKaln, New- som, and Tebbetts. . Sox, Solons Split CHICAGO, Aug. 3HA-Th6 Teteran Ted Lyons returned to duty today after a 16-day layoff because of a wrenched ankle ud pitched Chicago's White Sox to an erea break in a doubleheader with Washington. First game: Washington 2 4 0 Chicago S ; 1 Haynes and Ferrell; Lyons and Tresh. Second game: Washington 4 2 Chicago 3 7 0 Krakauskas and Giuliani, Fer rell; Knott. Brown, and Tresh. Go Deeper Aug. SlWflVThe Browns ST. LOUIS, Browns dug themselves a deeper bole in the cellar of the American league today by losing a double header to the seTenth-place Phila delphia Athletics, 9 to 8, and 2 to 0. They now trail the A's by eight games. First game: Philadelphia 9 11 0 St Louis 8 10 0 Pippen, Reninger, Dean, and Hayes; Kramer, Gill, Mills, Law- Pigtkin Day$ Are aearly here and yoaH itad all the football aewi first tn The Oregom Statea man sport paces. S IP (D ;IHi TT S RON GEMMELL-Editor ToucTuUnnti la sporf mwi coTerag lave scored erery day by Htm Oregom Statesmaa'a sports reporting. PAGE TWELVE Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, August 31, 193? "Buzz" Fails to Kay o Diaz; .. Has to Do With a Decision "Buzz" Brown tried hard to knock out Mark Diaz at the armory last night, but the little Filipino didn't see it that way, so Brown 'had to be content with a decision. . The . Portland boxer, holder of the northwest feather n A lifrMweiVrit. p ' had a little too much class for the brown boy,"but that didn't keep Diaz from trying from first last to .land the knockouto to punch. Before it was oyer he man- area to eut up Elmer's moutn little and give him a pretty blody left eyebrow. - . - - Brown made his big bid for knockout in the sixth, when he knocked Dias through the ropes after pounding him unmercifully. Diaz had been a little groggy at the close of the fifth and It was Brown's chance to finish It, but the little feUow just wouldn't go for it. After that Brown didn't get an other chance, the Filipino coming son and Harshany. I Second game' (7 innings, called, darkness) : Philadelphia t 7 0 St. Louis 0 8 0 Nelson and Brucker; Harris and Glenn. CLEVELAND, Aug. SM)- K.en tenners single scoring Ben Chapman from second gare the Cleveland Indians a tenth inning victory over the New York Yankees, 4 to 3. New York . 3 4 0 Cleveland 4 7 2 Gomez, Murphy and Dickey; Milnar, Dobson, Eisenstat and Sewell, Hemsley. gSGD Cy (Mi CD I ""Saw W No Markups on Current List U J IIVCS Thess) m NOT unsafe "bargain tires". All cars genuine 'Goodyear "firsts"1. At thess savings you can't afford to pass up the chance to turn in your dangerous old tires, YouH SAVE and be SAFER No Charge for mounting. 'ga?aGgai3,, Tires sf tbtse tlt Ssvlajs T, -" g 1st Tire lad Tut YOU SAVE 4.7S-5X0-19 IfUO 5.15 5-15 55-50-18 12.C0 .09 COO 55-50-17 1t20 1.10 6.G0 6X0-16 14J5 7.15 7.20 6z5-bo-16 17.40 3.70 0-70 test Hro 4fmr over sMda t Hese lew sricei! :. Slso IstTfeo 2adTh TQaSAVI t(H5Ml $ 79 $349 f3.G0 4.75-5X0-19 7M 2J0 3.75 5si0,lt 145 .49 4t35 ssiso-n fX9 -ITS L7G 6X0-16 IMS 8.15 050 635413-16 IU9 U3 C.S0 aBBSMBWBaBBBaiBaBai tltt prices with voir old tire. Oiker tbes at prepoftteaatt tavtaet. Prices FLASH! EXTRA! Mort good mwi! Tha "G-100T ALL-WEATHER lbs aleek. streamlined Goodyear Csntennial tirs you'vs been reading about in ths magazinss ths tirs which gives you up to 33 mors tread mileage i included in this BIG SALS SPECIAL ON flflARATIHIOti! urn SAME HALF OFF DEAL Here's a rugged, extra-value tire that runs and runs and runs! f Sompe SaWag oi Size r 6.00-14 ftfarafioss) llTir I fadTif TOO SAVE $11.95 1 $5.95 i6,C0 Net pricw wHt yMr oM Mr. - Other sbts st sresertieaefe sevtef A ClEVJiTinE HEEDS A I1EV7 TUBE i.i open JZJL lllGU- n ASTER SERVICE STATIOH C95 N. COMMERCIAL ST. SALOI back fast, and only s brief flurry at the ropes in the eighth wnen Dias unloosed s pair of solid uppercuta and a tenth round toe-to-toe session furnished rapid ac tion. Dial welshed 127 and Brown 126. Jack Hibbard, 160, Klamath Falls, won a technical knockout over Ray Morgan, 163, Portland. who substituted for Jack Rain water, in the semi-final. Dan Smith, IS 5, Longvlew, punched out two of Jack Dallas' teeth and a six-round decision in a special event. Dallas, 180, Van couver, was futile, but' still try ing when the agony ended. Reynolds Wins Lefty Reynolds, 135, Salem, won a decision over Ernie Bailey, 132. Independence, in ' a four- round battle of paperbag punch ers. Pete Keene, 148, Chehalis, won an unpopular decision over Okey Gillespie. 148. Aumsville, after the slighter Aumsville scrapper had floored him for the nine count in the first round. There was a triple-killing of referees with Ted Peterson -Hand ling the first two, "Frisco" Ed wards, coast league umpire made available by rain, handling the semi, and Ralph Gruman, the regular referee, the main event. Gene Shields out Of Grid Business PORTLAND, Aug. 30-PV-Gene Shields, line coach under three University of Oregon football re gimes, quit the gridiron for the logging business today. Shields, ex-Webfoot guard who assisted Captain John J. McEwan, Dr. Clarence Spears and Prince Callison, resigned from Washing ton high school where he coached last season. His successor is Hal Hatton, former Pendleton high school and University of Oregon fullback. Hatton coached at Co quille high before Joining the Washington staff last year as Shields' assistant League Baseball COAST LEAGUE (Before Right Games) W L Seattle : 92 61 Los Angeles 84 69 San Francisco .- 80 69 Sacramento 78 74 Hollywood 69 S3 San Diego 69 84 Portland 67 82 Oakland 68 85 NATIONAL LEAGUE W L 73 45 68 51 68v 55 .60 66 69 58 53 63 Cincinnati St. Louis Chicago . Brooklyn New York Pittsburgh Boston Philadelphia ....52 66 38 77 AMERICAN LEAGUE (Before Night Game) W L New York 87 Boston Chicago . Cleveland Detroit Washington Philadelphia St. Louis 85 .74 47 .67 55 .65 56 .64 68 .53 72 .43 78 .34 86 Pet .601 .549 .537 .513 .454 .451 .450 .444 Pet .619 .571 .553 .517 .504 .457 .441 .330 Pet .713 .612 .649 .537 .525 .424 .255 .283 All National league games rained out Wednesday. Western International Vancouver 8, Wenatchee 2. Bellingham 9, Tacoma 5. Yakima 7, Spokane 6. Bonetti Hasn't Walked a Man In 56 Innings LOS ANGELES, Aug. 80. (P) -Julio Bonetti, who has not walked a batter in 66 Innings, has established what Los An geles baseball clnb officials an- . nonnced today as a new Pacific Coast league record for control. The Ancl hurler, leading the league' with 17 Tktoriei and four defeats, baa not passed a batter since July 20 when he opposed the San Francisco shib. Be has participated In seven games since that date. - The major league record for flawless control is held by the late Christy Matbewson who In -1018 twirled 68 Innings with out walking a batter. 4 r MMaHM "Choppy? Parke, Ex-Webfoot Back Paralysis Victim EUGENE, Aug. IQ-Vfy-Yrlen&M were advised today that William "Choppy" Parke, 31, one-time University of ; Oregon halfback tar had succumbed to infantile paralysis at Long Beach,' Calif. Parke played for Oregon from 1128 to 1911. He was football coach and director of physical education at Mountxuma school for boys in Long Beach at ths time of his death. His widow and baby daughter survive him. i "ChoppyV brother. Boh,- also was a noted Oregon football play er and once was national "colle giate Javelin champion. Canadian Champ Wins CHEBOYGAN, Mich., Aug. 30. -(5-A 1 1 h o u g h outweighed 38 pounds, Charley Belanger, Ca nadian heavyweight chamslon. knocked out Dave FJassen. six- foot eight-inch ' Gladwin. Mich.. giant In the fourth round of a scheduled eight-round match to night Belanger weighed 189 and Klassen 227. Pro Giants Beat Collegiate Stars CHICAGO. Aug. 30.-(P)-The New York Giants, national pro fessional football champions, de feated the college all-stars, I to o, before 81,456 in flood-lighted Soldier field tonight scoring all points by field goals. The professionals outplayed their amateur brethren through most of the game, which saw the collegians' best scoring chance ruined by pass int -ntions. Ken Strong, with 11 years of professional football back of htm, scored two of the field goals for the Giants. Ward Cuff registered the other. Strong's last boot was a long, spectacular one of ii yards in the fourth period. 3THE MAN'S SHOP The STORE of STYLE, QUALITY and VALUE Who Buy it's Season fifty years men er season lot J fyosenKP- i!t clothing na-s" . use vo W Because tVns nheimer. WO . ta n0 other cWtn fJSS ft.-- ? S advance 70UIw value, taflonng ul o o styling .fford a: en we say to "wear (and it as v,ne men TO . . , triced .clotruu aiiwavw v.f VrtlV BOW v -nllf 1KB" ' there ar i Kuppennexu always bas FattSuit OA L ffi Models faii Over- V - coats Chester Barrie and Samuel Martin... English Vp from s-s Quality Accessories FOR FAEiEi BPJSSrBEiES v 1 I H W5 H II Iff W U T " M DOBBS HATS - - - In all new shades and shapes. 5 00 MANHATTAN SHIRTS - - - ' Attractive new patterns and collar styles INTERWOVEN SOCKS -- - .The greatest name in socks. Fall 3e a Gfl aUl weights and patterns are here. 2J & Pair . . . ;: . ....... lOi Taif NUNN BUSH SHOES See and feel the difference ankle fashioninirn (o) CSfl makes ; V0)w ' : ; -'r:iC-V' ' ' ; : And Up . SHOT 416 STATE STnEETT