PAGE ELEVEN arkel Place for Bmyiii The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, August 31, 1939 Salem's M. g9 Seliiiig, Renting! Statesman Classified Ads Call 9 101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per tin 10e Three Insertions per line 20c Six Insertions per line 10c One month per line ft 08 Minimum chare .....tBc Copy for thJ page accepted untw :3ft the evening before publics, tlon for classification Copy re cetved after this time will be run under the heading "Too Late to Classlfy." The Statesman assume no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear In advertisement pub lished In Its column and In rase where this paper I" ' '""It will re print that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right, to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. . A "Blind Ad an ad centalnlna a Statesman boa number for an ad dress la for the protection ef the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to the Identity of aa adver tiser using a "BltndT ad. Livestock HORSES FDR sal. Also IS wka. eld weaner pigs Hayes Lablsh Farm Brooks O rea on j-inruAin r..niiii -n- -.------- DEAD AND worthless horses, cows Blcked ep tree, Ph. collect S411 Salem ontgomery Rend Wka nn.rii-Lannrr "'i-i-'-' EXTRA GOOD young Jersey cow. R W. Bradley. Pratum. Ore. FOR SALE 1 mo. old Jersey bull calf, registration papers if desired. Rt. 2 box 62. Murray. Hop Pickers HOP PICKING starts Frt morning at Hartley 4 Craig farm on Mintos Island. Few more pickers wnjitM : ra Ister 268 N. Capitol St. Ph. B62S ot 4463. HOP PICKING commences on 1111 hee hop ranch Friday, September 1. JH miles east of Salem. Big crop. Roy Hardman, foreman; phone farmer- line, 100F5. START PICKING late hops Sept. 4 at Williams A Tharker, 4 miles west of Salem. Phone 8614. Help Wanted 3t WEEKLY. GROW mushrooms eella. shed. W buy. SOc lb. World", largest company FREE BOOK. Mush rooma J0I9 Second Seattle Wash, n n n n n nor riinrnr stirt Bfp.pirKiN(i Mondav Sept. 4tlw Gilbert Hop Co.. Eola. B. O Schucklng. Phone 5730. PRUNE PICKERS r bring tent. F. A. Muller. Rt. 1. Box 398. Fn. 3. WILL START picking hops Sept. S Old Brophy ya-d on edge of west Sa . lem. Ph. 8535. Help Wanted Female GIRL FOR hsewrfc. care of 2 child ren, ad. wages. Call eves, at 457 N. 17 WANTED. GIRL for general house work, call 6038,-J?;Jy' WOMAN FOR general housework. Must have references. Box 1083. Statesman. - Situations Wanted DR4CS8MAK MRS Adsttt Ph 6261 RAMSETER TRUCK service. Gen rat hauling, reasonable rates. P. S354 EXP. WOMAN wants restaurant or hotel work. 560 P. 16th. For Sale Miscellaneous HSEHOLD. FURN.. 110 E. Lincoln. 25-35 CARBINE. DIAL 6663. conn STIPPLT of Crawfords for a few days. 60c up. 4 blocks north of viaduct on Portland highway, TOUR CHOICE of 20 beautlfulea- naries, deep color. 2.00. Pure orange, 12 50: orange hens. 61.00 1 linnet hens. SOc Rt. 5. Box 335. Ph. 7389. 14 MONTHS OLD Irish Setter. Good home dog A pet. Sis. Call G. H. urao- enttorst, Jr.. none ss. GOOD CANNING pears, SOc bu C a Sargent. Ph. 61FS. GD. USED furnace, cheap. Ph. 3920, N.' H. fryers, allvsj. 3ressed. 108F11 SAVE $20.00 ON new 193$ Duo- Therm oil burnlna circulator, s to room capacity, 'only $59.60. Easy terms. Good Housekeeping inc.. wun m CRAWFORDS. IMPROVED-. El ber- tas. Hales A Clings. Townsend orch ards. Mission "Bottom. ; FLAT TOP oftice desk, stove, bed. 332 Water St Cast Iron LUNCH TRAILEM on wheels. Fur nished. Must sell. Real bargains. Sit Front.. - - - ARMY WALL tent 235 S. 14th. PEACHES. IMPROVED standard Elbertas are ready. Hales soon, at Pet tey's orchard on Wallace Rd CUCUM. A corn. R. WltseU Turner. Bikes A Rep Ramaden t4S IJb REBUILT AND msrsnteed jraah era All makes from SIS an. 8 pee. May tag $3S. Hogg Bros CASH PHR oa$x1 turn. Ph. lilt. RAWI.EIGH GOOD health products E W. Miller Stayton, Ore. TeL'IXS a,aeataejejgiass, NEW 4-ELEMENT L. A H. electric range only $69.50. easy terms. Good tiouseaeeptnav inc.. 453 Court t USED WOOD. electric and - gas range, honestly priced. Se them at TEATER A RUSH CO. -. . Westlnghous Hdqtrs. Nest Power Co. GU DRSL. $2.50. win. 116 Chemeketa. ADVERTISING Westers Adrertlalnt RepresenutlTcs Omk Q. Cloaa. lno." " Francisco. Los Angeles, Seattle Eastern Adrertisinx RepresenUtires Bryant. Griffith A Branson, taa Chicago. New York. Detroit, . - Boston,- Atlanta aTntersd et taa Pottolce t Saleei Orwao. mm Smcond Claim MmttT. Puk- itsfeed every sserwMe evt Honda ButuuMm frtct tu gout cowmsreia ff'rttV SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates In Advance. Within Oregon ; Uuy ana eunoay Via. se eentat S Mo. 81.60 : 6 Ma $$. l rear is.oo. Elaewhere SO cents per Us. or $6.06 for-1 year tn edvance. fee copy t cents. Newsstands I cents Re cttv Carriers tt cents month $7.20 a rear la advance to Max loa suid adjacent counties, . For Sale Miscellaneous BUR. BOOKKPG. w- . IT 61 umn. motor A stand. $5S. 4-drswer le gal steel file, roller suspension, auto matic lock, 115 West made desk like new. duroleom top S pedestals, rea 171 value, f 31 Trlner postal seal. 7 t.lne-e-tlme copy holder IS. Electric "heck writer perfect cond.. I2S. Dick tunlicate. 118. Nat cash register wtn f10 capacity, 125. Tatum posttnr trav IT Bur. 1 col. adder. I Rn 4SS Ourt SWEET CORN. Order your canning corn now. M. B. FIndley, one mile east or Rlrkreall. phone 6424. WRECKING BIO bulldlns; next Cherry Cltv garage. 17ft 8. 18th. I Aim ber for sale or trade for e;oo4 2-wheel trailer. Otto Tlmm. 893 S. Liberty. WOOL Srrr. mm tailored, size 14. Like new. Box 1084, care Statesman. CRACKED EGGS, 20c dos. Marlon Creamery and Poultry Co. LEMON CLING oeachps now ready at Asnlnwall Orchnrds, tBrooks. BARTLETT PEARS 30c bu., peaches 40c at the orchard. J. F. Goode, rt. , box SSI. Ph. 105F22. Wanled Miscellaneous wan i Kit unari rm rn site OI.O WflOl wmltrem Tel SUS WANTED TO boy for cash. 1st tnd mortgage real estate contract A merchandise discount proper. BTATr. FINANCE CO 144 State Street Salem Ore arm BOARD AND nleaaant heated room. close In. wanted by business woman. box 705. Statesman. WANTED DAY old calf. 260 Center. Wantetf Furnitn re WANTED. FTJRN. R. Forger. Ph 7445. MiseeJhneous DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED TWO HOUR SERVICE DR. HARRT SEMI.ER. DENTIST Comer Slate A Commercial Ph 11' CHIMNEY CLEANED PIPES. FURNACES, stoves, rotters. Get ready for winter, avoid chimney fires. Imo soot or dirt. Ray L. Farmer Hardware Co. Ph. 5005. For Rent- Rooms SLEEPING RMS., near schools am capital. 492 N. Summer. Ph. 449$. RM.. water, heat. pri. ent. P. 5825, ROOMS FOR girls. 698 N. Cottage. SU RMS, 368 N. 13th. Ph. 949T. LADY TO share my home. Ph. 8229. FURN. RM. rear. $6. 446 S. Cottage. SLP. RM. Call eve. 732 Chemeketa. ROOMS FOR girls. 696 N. Cottage. MODERN SLEEPING room Joining sleeping- porch. Also garage. 480 N. 24. Room and Board EX. RM and bd. 16$ N 12th PR1. HOME, excel, food. Ph 6791. - RM.. BD. A gar.. $25. 1040 N. 17th. ROOM AND board. 1149 Union. RIB, 1690 N. Summer. Ph. 4614 Fredrlckaons. rm. 215 S. Winter ROOM A BOARD. 820. Ph. 4333. LOVELY RM. with fireplace, oil heat, excellent board. 655 N. Cottage. For Rent Apartments I TO 4-RM. pta. cheap. $1 60 an up Children welcome. Ill inn. NICELY FURNISHED close In. 897 Commercial St S-RM. FURN.. bath. 1440 Waller, eaaSWaSW'M,',, FURN. APT and housekeeping rooms reasonable 2054 N. Capitol, apt IIIR APTS Furn A unfurn St 10 $40 Royal Court Ph 5S COOI 1ST flooi 2 rm $4$ Ferry eMaVWWWVMVWe,ee,AAeMr,tt'a PATTON APTS. $22 Stat. Fur. nlahed. Adults only Ph. 6244 I RM. apt., bus. worn.. 1853 Court, SMALL 3 RM turn. apt. pri. bath lights, water, garage. 2455 State. FURN. APT.. prL bath. 64& Court 8L 4AAAeWWSAeVWeAArrrArA STRICTLY MOD. Th Devereaus. ,'iaMVMWWVMWMVA'''AAee,e S ROOM FURNISHED apartmnU reasonable. 841 N. Uberty St. 3 ROOMS NICELY furn. Bath, ear, Close in. Adults. 815 N. Winter. f 1.2 A S RM. APTS. 250 S Cottage. SWSe,seaWW FURNV S"RM. apt. 444 S. High. 0k0m0m0m0m0m0m0m0m0m0k0k0m0ml SEE THE Fisher Anta before you decide. Large A Airy. Rockwool In sulated against heat A cold. Venetian Blinds throughout S. Coml. nas bta l t?r vTTDtmrn n heat lights, water, bath A refrigerator, rbr adulta $26 a month. 69 N. Summer St Phone 4494. stsass'ejse'etteat FURN. HEATED apt, 460 N. ISth. rtjfiw rpnv'T furn. hulmr. room. Evervthlns? furn. includ. gas, iec washer A gar., reas. 790 N. commer cial a t?u TjirwT.Y fom. Heat water. refrl.. bath, adulta ll w. woiiaa-. ttiteisaaTeasasWstI4 a, yjitu feMiv l4. wash. fm AS, Ah - PVisr . 77 ft N- Com'L - I.ROOM FURN. apt. 722 N. Church ONE ROOM. 411 Marlon. FRN. APT., bath, adults, 680 Union. . . - - -- i.nflivivo HO ME. LIKR reasonable, Hawthorn Court. 1090 n CaDltol St SMALL APT. 1JSS SUte St P. T9S j.RM. MOD, apt Phon aa5l $ R. Lt, H A C W.. gar, $14.60. 711$, njaJriTuni-sr i -i- " - - asstM,,a 4 TO 9 RMS, Sl$ to $4$. Ph. 711$. For Rent Honses t ROOM HOUSE. Ino. $JI S. tlsL -u-Lru-un.rij-Lri.1 - - mamm a u unnERN ttonae. sear Leslie school $25, inquire laze n. wp"1"- FURNISHED - and unfurn. boos. EL P. GRANT. S3 Court Ph. Jf 4aTl,saAetjMstnWlts $ RM. NEWLY furn. Heat, wate refr ar. bath, adults. 991 . touaxe. RiTNditAW . ND firan. Modern furn. or unfurn. Very reasonable. Can J282 or see lies & uora i.. CABINS.. WATER., phone. Ushts. SS mo. fh. SiJl. , '. ; t ' 5 ROOM HOUSE, -1 ,? acre, jrjwr- house. near bur-105 JSUvertoa Koao. a nyMA fsam?l - 'eaveef' avf Marloa Square. lnquir 175 Marlon, w nvwisa xiwuoam. m ."-- S ROOM HOUSE. 122.50. S S room furn. houses, $35.00.; Nwm mod. hoilfte. S30.00. " t acres, 4 room house, new, $20.60. ' . - p H. taci-i Jf we i C RM. PARTLY furnished house, E. Chemeketa St, $1650. Also 7 room house unfurnished, Fairmount Hill. hen 4419. Iran G. Martin Money to Loan We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT YOUR INCOME No Endorsees No Comakers Your Signature Only REPAY ANY DAY t5 REDUCE COST. BORROW PROM SALEM'S OLDEST AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YOUR NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE, General Rnance Corp. 136 So Commercial 'St. Lie Ne. 8-13$ Phone 91$$ First Door South ot Ladd A Bush Bank Convenient Ground Floor Location. GET SPOT CASH Tliis "PERSONAL" Way WHEN AT HOME A "Personal" Loan $25 to $300. Easy Terms WHEN AWAT: USB A "PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good at 376 offices, Coast to Coast SIMPLE TO QUALIFY r Come tn. GUARANTEED BY GOOD HOUSEKEEPINO MAGAZINE (A advertised therein.) PERSONAL" Finance Co. Second Floor. New Bltgh Bldg. SIS Stat Street. Salem. Ore con Stat License Number 8 123 M-16 LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used ear. Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. Ne red tape. 1 TO $0 MONTHS TO PAY Roy H. Simmons 136 South Commercatl 8treet Phone S16S Lie. No M-163 FHA LOANS $ also prlvat loans Abrams A Ellis Inc. Ms sonic Rldg AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M l 69 Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Before borrowing Inquire et Hawkins A Roberts WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real a- tate. Will pay 6 Interest W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 & Uberty Street Prion tift For Rent Houses S-RM. MOD. home. 4 blocks State and High St, $35. Ph. 6011. 5-RM. FURN. house, close In, $20, M. B. Stegner. 219 Court St FURN. MOD. 4-roora house. 255 N. 24th. Ph. 3849. 7-ROOM HOUSE, 1780 Chemeketa. Inq. .Mrs. Dan Wilson. 26F14. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. SSI Stat Street Inquire room 200 Tel 37 IS. GARAGE FOR rent near Garfield school Sept I. Call 5849. FOR LEAS E Room space on ground floor tn best of Salem business districts for beauty shop. Darner snop. tailor shop or shoe space, for men or ladies, or both. In answer state kind of business. Statesman Box lusi. FRUIT STAND location. 260 Center. Wanted to Rent BUSINESS WOMAN wants nice small apt or housekeeping arrange ment In private home. Box 75. States man. BY SEPT. 6. small house In country with soma acreage, for $16 mo. Ph. 6258. WANTED TO lease sutmrban house A small acreage. H. T. White, States man. S OR 4 BDRM.-hse. with bath, coun try schl., city bus ser., for $15. P. 7113. 3 OR 4 bdrm. hse. for $15 mo. 7113. For Sale Real Estate 6 R MOD. HOUSE, basement gar.. I blk. from Safeway St $47 Saginaw 7 WB HAVE THE I'UOSI'KCT IF YOU want to sell exchange lease, rent see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Col lins with Ha Tt Ins A Roberts. TRADE C1T property? for farm homes. Opportunities In exchange. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC " MUST SELL4SU acres, small house and barn.- z springs, year arouno crees and 150 cordi wood xor iu.oo casa. Call $64 & JlSt St v BEAUTIFUL MONEREY Colonial. fully carpeted air-conditioned, auto matic beat Se owner at 966 N. Cap itol anytime after Thursday noon, Aug. 31. 6 ROOM HOUSE, excellent condi tion, clos in $100.00 down and $20.00 a mo. Owner Phon 7654. NEW HOUSE suburban easy terms. Modern brick house close to capital. Redecorated house In good condition well worth th price asked easy terms. Unfinished house. S50.00 down and 116.00 per month. ABRAMS A ELAJS. I JSC 411 Masonic Bids. Phon 61SS Insuranc Money to Loan. 1 BEAUTIFUL CREEK lots, excel lent location, east front, basement dug partially. landscaped. No agents, can owner. 1131 or 9431. NEW HOME 1995 N. 18th Street OPEN 6 ROOMS, and large attic, ideal floor plan best ot material and workmanship : extra large bedrooms (and closets. Easy terms Phon 6506. S FIVE ROOM homes lust finished, corner of 18th A Madison- Streets. Terms very reasonable. Builder A owner W. A. Cladek. Ph. 4277. 7 R-, 4 BEDRM. modern, 2 -car gar., m Hollywood dlsL. $3900. $500 cash. $25 mo. F. Griepentrog, $155 Mill St V 3-5-ROOM HOUSES on N. Fifth St. rants for $35.00. $3300 $1200 down. Frank Stoddard at Kiaita. . - ? $1250 SCO DOWN, 4 ROOM bouse, f 1 bed room!., rerr dose in.- - ,v $$100S500i down. (or. take good lot), on this S room horn with bas. meat Close state bldg. -r --JAXTST BE SOLD ' This S room house. hase fur- fire place, east front, plenty "chad, large garage, auey pavea. i biocks norcn. Price $320). Submit any reasonable of. C H. SANDERS 11 & J&glwSlSL vno KAT.V. f1- "LOVELY SIX ROOM HOME- EXCELLENT CONDITION . NEAR BOTH grade and -high schools bedrooms, large living room. breakfast nook, fireplace. basement, fnrnsf. Prip 13900 00. on terms. a . RAE, 1656 24. Cottage. Ph. 676L Money to Loan For Sale Real Estate $2500 $500 down. 7-room well built piast. house. E. front cement found. Lot 90x150. All kinds fruit shade. Close to all schools. C. H. SANDERS. 11$ S. High. 5131 TODAY'S SPECIAL $100 down and $20 per mo. will buy a 5 -room house, located on large corner lot 75x150. This is priced to sell. Se lt now. Price $2000. Call Coburn Urabenhorst with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street Phon $46$ CREEK LOT, N. Church, $1100. 5222 Exchange Real Estate S-ROOM MODERN horn In Port land. Will trade for unimproved land near Salem. 70 acres; about 50 acres In cult, good bottom land. Has a 6 -room house, barn, chicken house, elec. lights. Lo cated on a good market road. Price $4700. Will exchange for Salem home or smalt acreage. . ROSTEIN A ADOLPH, INC. llOft N. Commercial Street For Sale Farms DIVERSIFIED FARM: 175 A. 11 miles from Salem. 105 A. tn cult with fine soil that produced up to 630.9 per acre In crops this year. 6 rm. plas tered house with water piped to kitch en. Barn and other outbuildings. Due to Illness of owner, I am offering1 this at $25.00 per acre, on easy terms. See Mr. Collins with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC SACRIFICE SALE 40 A. WITH GOOD barn and house, S ml. out Only $2250 terms. C H. SANDERS 11$ & High Bl$l. Acreage 20 A. ALL IN clover, good unfin ished house, ($500 will complete). Elec. 9 miles out Price $2500 terms. Take city property in trade, a H. SANDERS 118 a High 5181. SMALL ACREAGE BARGAINS A. tracts located M mile outside city limits. Well drained, city water, elec. Price $500; $50 down, $10 per mo. to include int. at 6. 4 A. with good 5-room plast. house with fireplace, elec water system, lo cated 1 mile outside city limits on paved road near stores, school and bus line. Price $2100; $300 down and $20 per mo. to include int at 6. $100 down and $16.50 per mo. will buy 10 A. tract located E. of Salem. All In bearing cherries, filberts and prunes. 4-room house with good welL Price $1650. See G. H. Grabenhorst, jr.. with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street Phone 646$ ACREAGE BARGAIN $100 down and $17,50 per mo. will buy 2A A. tract sew bouse, -light, drilled well and family fruit Let me show you this. Price $1760. Call Coburn Grabenhorst with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street Phone $461 Wanted Real Estate WANTED TO BUY We have a party ready to buy a nice small home in the north part of town. Must be modern In every way, including ' de sign. Must have full basement fur nace, 2 bedrooms and priced right at around $3000. If you have a home to sell that meets these requirements, see Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. IF YOU have a house that you could sell for $200 down. I hav buy era See Larsen with HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. Resort Property OCEAN VIEW LOTS AS LOW as $15. Drive to Seal Rock poet office. Ask for J. Seely. Business Opportunities IF INTERESTED In conducting a growing, worth-while private kinder garten, call 3282 or see 1363 S. Com'l. FURNACE A CHIMNEY cleaning. roof repair business. Vi or whole lnt includ. car A vacuum. Kennedy. 193 Center. SALE COMMUNITY store, house A S acres across from Sweat school. E. saiem. j. wnitenead. 108 w. SDin. Vancouver, Wash. APARTMENT HOUSE. 6115 reven ue, mtg. $2500 at - $34.60 mo. Price itoo. consider some trade. C. H. SANDERS 118 a High 513L FOR SALE or trade Fully eouinoed restaurant and confectionery located down town, may assume some. See Larsen witn HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. For Sale Wood SUMMER PRICES, old fir If at only $4.76 per cord. Order for now or later deL Phon 41SS. Oregon Fuel co. $747. DRY I Sin. old fir $4 SS. 'eat'es,tj,fc INVESTIGATE BUDGET plan ot wood. Ph. SS70. W L Graen. 413 N. St 16-IN. OLD fir. $5: knots. $4.6 4-ft. 2nd. $3.75. Phone 9466. GOOD DRY wood. Ph. 9560. Lost and Found FOUND CAR keys, two General Motors, at 12th A Mill Owner may ob tain at Statesman office, pay for ad. LOST BLACK water spaniel, male. 965 Madison St rn. SS7. Reward. , Personal LONELTT -WORTHWHILE" sweet heart, husband, wife for you. - Box 71. ut Angeie. DESIRE TO ret in touch with some member of the family of one Win. Wilson who .lived In or near Salem in 187L Fleas writ W, A. Wilson, supt of schools, Jackson, cam. ' JOIN THE lonesome correspondence club, fo box 927, Portland. Schools COMPLETE YOUR high school at bom. 'Diploma. Texts furn. Write for catalogue. Am. JScnooi. f. ix uox taws Portland, , , . :- Transportation - ' COLLEGE GIRL and boy want ride to Chicago about Sept 11th. Both good drivers. Share expenses, fn. 4P, r. U BOX 189. AM DRIVING to" LaGrand overLa- bot day room for two passengers. Scare expanse basis, fam neain. Fhone 6848. iwwmwmwwwwwwwwwwm STUDENT WANTS rid to OmaAa or vicinity this week Tel. 1974. For Sale Used Cart Visit Our Used for Money '37 Dodge DeLuxe Tudor low mileage, it's a honey.:. ... $575 '37 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Sedan radio, , heater, dual equipment, very clean 565 '36 Dodge DeLuxe Tudor Sedan. Very clean throughout, flawless black finish 445 '35 Plymouth Std. Sedan. Reconditioned, new tires, an economical car 325 '36 Plymouth DeLuxe Tr. Sedan. This is one of our very famous models 465 '37 Chrysler Royal Tr. Sedan, overdrive, dual equipped, very clean 695 '36 Ford DeL. Coupe radio, heaters, runs like new r. 365 '31 Ford Coach runs very good 145 '37Buick (40) Tr. Sedan, radio, heater, low mileage. You'll like it 695 '37DeSoto Tr. Sedan. 'Radio, overdrive, new paint and tires 645 SEE THESE MANY BARGAINS AT SALEM AUTO CO. CHRYSLER 435 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET PLYMOUTH OPEN EVENINGS CARTER MOTOR CO. 1937 Nash Lafayette DeLux 2 -dr. Tour. Sedan Overdrive, radio A htr. $595 1930 Chevrolet Sedan $$5 192$ Olds Sedan $45 ..$35 1929 Chrysler Coupe 1928 Pontiac Coupe 192$ Chevrolet Sedan .$35 ....$25 Used Car Lot 240 Center Ph. $734. Used Packards STATE Motors, Inc. 38 Packard DeLnxe Tour ing Sedan Model "120." Extra special equipment white sldewall tires, heater. 37 Packard DeLuxe Tour- ing Sedan 6-cyL This car has been recondi tioned In our shop and guaran teed! Extra Special Buys! 39 Packard 6-Cyl. DeLuxe Touring Sedan Never run a mile. Will sell at a discount ! 39 Packard 6-Cyl. DeL. Touring Sedan Has heater, overdrive, and hill hold. Only 3500 actual miles. Will sell at A BIG DISCOUNT. Packard & Hudson Dealer High at Chemeketa Phone 8400 OPEN EVENINGS aAeaAVMWVMWWVWeatVS 36 V- 8 FORD PICKUP, tier feet con dition. Don Madison, dial 6663. 1932 PA PLYMOUTH Sedan, good condition, for cash. Inquire Smith's Bar-B-Q. Portland Road. $S FORD SEDAN delivtry. 2177 a Cottage. Call EQUIT T IN '37 Ford 85 Coupe, per fect shape. Will take older modal, easy payments. Box 1079, statesman. Business Cards tn this directory ma ots a monthly basis only. Ratet fl per line per month. Auctioneers RAY HIS EL, 1289 Sixth St. Ph. 7IS2. Auto Brakes Mike ranak, S7S South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry wTseotl 14T & CooVl. P. 4I1C Carpenters Carpenters, U L Mickey A Bona. ITS Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE -445S. It B. Northaeas Chiropractors DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor SIS H. Hlth,TeJ. Rea. SBAr . Excavatiog EXCAVATING or an lnda- Pas menu diiev Dirt hauled or' moved. Dirt for sale. Salem Sand and Gravel Co Pbbaa ttOS. Florists. Breilhanpt's, 44T CouH Phne 1104 Laundries THE NEW in.LEMLAUNDRT THE WElDSa LAUNDRY ail S. High Tel. 1111 For Sale Used Cars Cai 3uper Market Saving Buys Tour., truly beautiful, CAR SPECIALS Sacrifice Prices 19 S7 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR TOURING SEDAN $490 1936 V-8 2-DOOR TOURING SEDAN, reconditioned motor, radio and heater $395 Hatfield's Used Car Mkt. 351 North Liberty No Sales on Sunday "The Lord's Day" EQUITY IN '39 Plymouth sedan. Will take older car. Prefer '35 Ford coupe. Call 693 Center. 1937 GMC pickup, long bed. A-l condition. John Tolmsoff. star route, Silverton. Drake's Crossing. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Administratrix of the estate ot Milton Miles Cox by the County Court of the State of Oregon for tiie County of Marion and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same to me at Room 214. United States Nat. Bk. Bldg, Salem, Oregon, with vouchers And duly verified, within six months from the date hereof. First publication August 3rd, 1939. Last publication August 31st, 1939. FRANKYE HALLIER Administratrix of the estate of Milton Miles Cox, deceased. V7. Tu. MULVEY, Room- 7 Barclay Building Oregon City, Oregon Attorney for Administratrix. A 3-10-17-24-31 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notlcels hereby given that the undersigned hare been duly ap pointed by the County Court ot the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, as Executrix and Executor, respectively, of the estate of Dora L. Leighton, de ceased, and that they hare duly qualified as such Executrix and Executor; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are notified to present the same, duly verified, to as, at the oftice of Walter S. Lam kin, our atorney, 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. i Dated at Salem, Oregon; this Directory Mattresses SALEM rLUP-r RUO and Mattress factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, eld remade: carpet eleantn. slslna: fluff rag wearies. & Itth Wilbur. Tel. S441 OTTO T. ZWICK ER Est 1SI1. - CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone Naturopathic Physician DR. W. H, ROCKWELL. Naturopath te Phrslclan. 1TSS fatrvrounda HA Tat SS. Offtca Honrs 11 a. n. toS:SS P. m. FREE EXAM A CONSULT A TION. Painting Paperhanging NEAT WORK. U Johnson. Ph. 111! Printing (TOR STATION E R T carta oamnhlMa orograma boaks ar any kind ef prtnt Inc can The Stalesmaa Printing De partment SU S. ComtaeretaL Tak ohone Slf L . Transfer U " 111 ,. - . PQR LOCAL or distant transfer, tar sal, burner aft. can S1SL Larroer Transfer Co. Track te Portland dally Vacuum Cleaner Service MR. WALL. Ph. IJP1 rree est fab prlcea - Rebuilt .machines and rtntala Well Drniinj? R, A. WEST, rt s. bos 4 4 1 Ph. Ullt Chester a. Push, U2I Mjrrtls, Pb, ISSS. Dewey Vacations With Mother v.-. v.- , t ' t.v.v.v.-.v .v...-. -,"-,v.v.t.-.v.'. - .".jj'.v.-.v.v.v-- - t- v. i ' It u v . . ' nonufl Dewey and mother Vacationing in Tola old home town, Owosso, Miclt, New York's dis trict attorney, Thomas EL Dewey, is shown with his mother, who lives in Owosso. Dewey dodged talk of politics. He is considered on of the Republican possibilities for the presidential nomination. Stayton Pension Club Plans Rally STAYTON. Committees have been apopintei for the Townsend rally to be held here on Satur day, September 16. hese commit tees are to look after the grounds and build a speakers Btand In the center of town. Those appointed were Frank Lesley, Albert Frank, Frank Fost er and George Brown. The com mittee appointed on membership includes Mrs. Mary Mueller, Mrs. W. A. Rlggs, Clarence Overholtz, Dick Bone and Dell Harrington. The Slater family, entertainers. will present a full program for the rally. Annual Peebler Reunion Is Held STAYTON. Fifteen members were present at the Stayton city park recently when the peebler clan held its annual reunion. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McKlnnon. Susie Kearns, Stayton; Mr. and Mrs, L. C. Peebler, Seattle, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Peebler, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bartow; George Peebler, Miss Mary Peebler, Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. J. r, Kearns of Salem. 24th day of August, 1939. CORNELE STUTTAFORD, EDWARD M. LEIGHTON, Executrix and Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Dora L. Leigh ton. Deceased. WALTER S. LAMKIN, Attorney for Executors, Salem, Oregon. A 24-31 S 7-14-21 Cross Word Puzzle 12 3 'A 15 ie 21 22 23 25 2t 27 32 33 3W 36 37 HO Ml 5 'A 50 5H V77777A i35 57 HOaiZOMTaL 1 Strflus Mchtlr -j. S-ity ta MaiM : SJapaasis coin IS Inland sea sf Kasria IS WiM a . 14 Misat before a hoUdsy 15 Waate was the Srst settles! ef flte AsMrkaa KaveJatisat IT At taie tisse at wesS lSSasaB SI What Aahtle nntn atessaa tat the watMt S4 Pessiaa fairy hi the UdMst t Bihlteal IS UaHs ta Oshf ttk mmm Batltta S4 The wH a af wtsst BtiMkai caaractsr Se - casss a s4Uar af sattr SS Estates SS Variety ef csslceseny ST eqaal U Beasts af ' 44 Laa4 sasssere--- -t- ---, , 4S Past . , . , . .. 4S What saaat Is the sitrsaaai af W ' sWntleefi r (S EartlMa pat SS Galas as clear arott , S atmis miihii at area' S .Import . - e Glide , . S Pooches ' " . a poker playarlf stake' ? f Asa - .. S A aMreasat gaJU. as ef a Sswa S Caaras - -ItCry of Tssecaeaals -. 11 TUinss IS Hart ssaTlsd frafts ' f -'v:-'v. obc-:. To "Re-Discover" r0 'l . Capt Paul BsAUBoraA - Led by a Harvard university pro fessor, an expedition that will re trace the route taken by Christo pher Columbus In his discovery of America In 1492 is being readied for departure at Oyster Bay, L. L CapL Paul Hammond, interna tional yachtsman, is shown pre paring final details at Oyster Bay. The trip will be made in the bar ken tins Capltana, IO II 17 1 it 2W 2a 2f 30 31 35 3 3r H2 W3 46 M7 5i 52 53 56 51 SS u a has It Scottish i SS Stsatal iasMn SS What actor a4ayJ wtth Lev pa as vaBiaa Dr. Miwsssri - 14 Top f the haaS tS fish ana se-Oee ef tae gnat Lake) 11 Plaeea IshlBarS. 44 Te nath It Bats far eaahaaaiaf sasaas 44 KJaa wh lauTMd tiadraa 47 Small tsJk So Win ;. (V Aacor SS WaaUss Eerewith is the solution to yester day's puxxla. , e31 NsHuii oubi fpli Akj Arsraga ttsM af tn IsrSCIat ' , Lv-.-X-.-: llf'ri)maSrl,,ln JL JU 111111 "lrrrT1"1 1 5 - - :'"'v J6 f S PanaiM SS Pa al 41 What faatees race ciatsi shire, Basiaaar tt EarwasaSac -I