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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1939)
'PAGE NINE Sale: for Buying, Selling, Kentin The OREGON STATESMAN Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, August 30, 1939 g? Statesman -Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Adrertislag Single Insertion per tine lfte Three Insertions per line 20c Six Insertions per line SOe One month per line 00 Minimum charge ..2e ' Jopy for this pae accented an 29the evening before publtca-' Uoa for classification Copy re ceived after this time wtll be ran under the heading - "Too Late' to Classify." " Tb Statesman invmti as flnan- alal responsibility for errors srhlcb may appear In advert Wrment iub llshed In tU columns. : and In rase where this paper Is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement in which the typogTaphtral mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questions bis advertising It further reserves ths right to place all advert tains under the proper classification. i A "Blind" Ad an ad cootalnlne a Statesman bos number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore -be answered by letter The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge In forma tloa aa to the Identity of as adver tiser twins a "Blind" ad. 1 Livestock HORSES FOR sal. Also 1 wka old mar Diss Hayes Iranian rarm Brooks. Ore on DEAD AND worthless horses, row picked up free Ph. collect C411 Salem Montgomery Rend vvga EXTRA GOOD young Jersey cow. K W. Bradley, Fratujn, ore. "Hop Pickers START P1CK1NU early hops at WU Hams and Tharker Aug. I. 4 mile west of Salem Tel. MM. HOP PICKING starts Fri morning at Hartley A Craig farm on Minto'r I aland. Few more nickers wanted : reg ister 2CC N. Capitol St. Ph. S028 or HOP PICKING commences on nil- he hoo ranch Friday. September 1. 2 miles east of Salem. Big crop. Roy Hardman. foreman; phone farmer's line. 100FS. Help Wanted 120 WEEKLY O ROW mushroom cellar, shed. We buy. 0e lb World- largest company FRRB BOOK. Mnrti rooms lots Second Seattle Wash START HOP-PICKING Monday Sent. 4th. Gilbert Hoo Co.. Kola. B. O Schucktng, Phone S730. PRUNE PICKERS: bring lent F. A Muller. Kt. 1. Box J9. Ph. SK4. MEN OR women wishing to build profitable - business of their own full or part time. Two additional in Salem. one west Baiem, one in earn town sur rourxllnr. Pioneer Sales Supply. 2C4 N. Cottage. Salem calls 1 to 4 p. ra. WILL START Picking hops Sept. S old Brophy yard on edge of West Sa lem, fft. 853a, ., ... , Help Wanted Female IjEPEND A BLEv WOMAN for tious wora ana neip witn roomer ana mow. Tel. V GIRL. FOR hsewrk- care of 1 child ren, gd. wages. Call eves, at 457 N. 17 WANTED. GIRL, for general house work, rail (038 WOMAN FOR general housework. Must have references. Box IMS. Statesman. Salesmen Wanted SALESMAN FOR A-t sales stimu lator. 214 N. Cottage. 9 to 11 a. m. SALESMAN PREFER some of fie exoertenre with accounts anci collec tions 214 N. Cottage. 11 to 12 a. m. Situation Wanted nitKSSMAK M HS ArtRltt lh ?6S RAMSEVKR TRUCK service. Gen eral hauling, reasonable rates. P. 235 1 - J.--.--J.-saia sanaa EXP.-WOMAN wants restaurant or notei worn, sag. iwn, For , Sale Misrellaneons HSEHOLD. FURN.. 210 E. Lincoln ixnjT-ruuuiiri -iCc-c j 23-25 CARBINE. DIAL 6063. nnnn ritppt.y of Crawfords for a few dars. 60c up. 4 blocks north of viaduct on Portland highway. YOUR CHOICE of 20 beautiful .ca naries, deep color, $2.00. Pure orange. $?50; orange hens. 8!.0r linnet hens. 50c. Kt. 6. BOX 335. rtl. 73S9. - 14 MfYVTHS OT.T) Irish Setter. Good homo dog A pet. $15. Call G. H. Grab-I enlrorst Jr. Phone mbs. , noon CANNING pears. 50c bu C B. Sargent. Ph. S1F3. " GD. USED furnace, cheap. Ph. S20. N. H.: fryer, alive, dressed. 108 Fll IMPROVED ELBERT A peaches. Crawfords and Charlottes now read v Gravensteln apples (no worms 3 bushel nd UP. Fresb apple luiceoauy. Bring container. Puritan Cider Works West Salem. ' fn.i i n.ri.n. -r. - - BUT A PIANO through Tallman's deferred rental Bale plan investigate See Tallman's and save. 4 state m. 9ivr lint ON new 1938 Duo- Therm oil burning circulator. S to room capacity, only $59.50. Easy terms. uood Houseaeeping inc.. uwn si. aasaakaBa CRAWFORDS. IMPROVED Elber- tas. Hale A Clings. Town send orch ards. Mission wot torn. . FLAT TOP oftic desk- Cast Iron stove, bed. 232 Water St. LUNCH TRATI.EM on wheels. Fur nished. Must sell. Real bargnlna. 819 Front .' - ARMY WALL tent. 31 8. 14tn. ADVERTISING Western Adrertlslnt RepresenUtlvcn Reore O Cloaa. I no. Saa Francisco. Lo Angeles. .Seattle Eastern Ad vertlln RepresenUUrea - BryssL Urifflth A Branson, In. Chicago. New Tork. Detroit. . t Boston. Atlanta ster4 t taa Posfote at Salem Orxoom .au Btoond Clttf UatlT. Pus Hiked mrv uni aaccst If osdas Bulxr(.omc til South CommtrvUn Street. SDBSCR1ETION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates la Advance. Within Oregon; uauy ana oumjj Hi to cents: 1 Mo. $1 it : Ma S3 50 1 rear 85 OA Elaewhcr SOU pet M. or $8.0 tor 1 year in advaace. Per copy 8 cents. Newsstands cents Br City carrier: cois a bwib 7.2 year ta ad ta Maxioa Ad 'll MIMlUe For Sale Miscellaneous PKAfHER IMPROVED A standard I Elbertas are ready. Hales soon, at rei- tey's orchard on Wallace Ttd. CUCUM. A -corn. R. Wltsel. Turner. Klkr ftn lUmiuVn MS Ub KKHUILI AND ruaranteed J J ; era All makes from SI an. Spea. May taa 121 Hogg Bros CASH KM used rum Ph II 10 RA Wt.KIUH t;OOf health products K W Millet Stayion Ore. TeL 1X1 BUR BOOKKPG - - 17 col mn motor A stand. Is. 4 -drawer gal steel file, roller suspension, auto- matlc lock. SIS Wert made desk Ilk new dnmlcnm top 2 pedestals re tit value. $38. Trlner postal scale. $7 .ine-n-tltne- copy holder SS. K.lecrrv heck: writer ne'-fWt i-nnd.. 12. Prk j 'i.r.Mte. $15. Nat cash register wl'r $166 capacity. $25. Tatom pnstlm fav 87 Riir t cnl. adder. $25 Roen &C Ccurt sSMliWNsSMM.asVWS' NEW 4 ELEMENT I. A H. electric 'nw onfv tsa.SO. easy terms. Good 'lni'i'ki' in tnc 4S2 Court St. USED WOOD, electric and gas ranges, hnnestlv nriced See them at TEATER A RUSH CO. Westlnghnuse Hdqtrs. Next Power Co (II. TtR.. S2.SO. win. 11 Chemefceta END OF MONTH SALE TODAY ONLY RADIO. USED -Majestic" 7-tube. beautiful cabinet, nlaying order. co todav JS.So. 60 suit fi inters, all Kinds, your choice. 10c doz. Almost new davenport, beautiful i wine color, "cut velour." Cost $0.M. todav ISl.&o. "Dinette" set. slightly used, beauti ful walnut, chairs are ladder-back. This is the finest set we've ever hat. cost $55.00. today $22.50. Radio RCA . small table mooeL playinc order. Sneclnl S4.2S. dalkm auction mulsh; 20 N. High Opposite City Hall Cash for furniture A antiques. "Note": We do not have auction a.les at any time, but we sell at less than auction prices. BERKEY A GAY solid mahogany dining set. Tapestry davenport - A chair. Ice box. elec. range. lawn mow er. Hose, sand box. wringer, odds A ends. I960 N. Capitol. Apt. 7. SWEET CORX. Order your canning corn now. M. K. FtndieT. one. mile east of Rirkreall. phone 424. . WRECKING BIG building next Cherry Cltv garaze. 170 S. 12th. Lum ber for sale oitrade for good 2-wheel trailer. twtT"mm. sss s. unerty. BOY"S BLLOOV-TIRE h I c r c 1 e. tool condition, phone 6238. 255T Le Street Wan led Misrel lanron W AM 1 1 UMKti um !h III asaesssaMSWMa j r Wool mttrw T-i fu WANTED TO buv for cash. 1st 2nd mortgnses real estate contract- A merchandise discount proper. HTATE FINANCE CO $44 Slate Street Satem Oregon WANTED TO buv drne naw. Write nor loss, t Stntesman. BOARD AND. pleasant heated room. close in. wanted by business woman. box 705. statesman. Wntl- Furniture WANTED. r FTRN. R. Forgey. Ph 7445. , Miscrmneons DENTAL PI -A TICS REPAIRED TWO HOUR SERVICE DR. HARRT SEMI.ER DENTIST Corner State A Commercial Ph 121 1 CHIMNEY CLEANED PIPES. FURNACES, stoves, gutters. Get ready for winter, avoid chimney urea, rwo soot or dirt. Kay L. Farnwr Hardware Co. Ph. 5005. For Rent- Rooms SLKKPIN'U RMS, near schools anc capital 492 N. Summer. Ph. 4498. NICELY FURN. rm, 660 N. Cot tage. KM., water, bent. prl. ent. P. 6825. ROOMS FOR girls. 63 N. Cottage. aweessa, I SL. RMS.. 368 N. 13th. Ph. 8497. LADY TO share my home. Ph. 8229. FURN. RM.. rear. $. 44$ S. Cottage. SLP. RM. Call eve. 732 Chemeketa. Room and Board TBI- BOARD, exc food. Si Mnrlon EX RM and bd. 16 M I2tb PRI. HOME, excel, food. Ph. 791. RM. RD. A gar.. $?5. 1040 N. 17th. ROOM AND board. 1149 Union. sailwaieAeNeVVVWVWVWMVVVVVVVMWe R A B. 1090 N. Summer. Ph. 4814. Fredrh-kson rm. 215 S. Winter aAaaNasesyaM ROOM A BOARD. $20. Ph; 433$. For Rent Apartments I TO 4-RM. aptA. cheap f it nf up untldren welcome. . 1 11 e i istd. NICELY FURNISHKH close m..837 N Commercial St. sSsaasaMNeWjejeWaeaeteSaaas t-RIL FURN.. bath. 1440 Waller. FURN. AIT and ionehceplng room rensnnnltle 2AS4 N. Capitol, apt 8 A 8 R AITS rum A unfurn $2f to $40 Roval Court Ph 8912 ryvni ist rim l rm ftK rrrr v - - - ---- - aNferfasewseeNja PATTON APT8. 822 Wat. Fur aiahcd. Adults only Ph. 8244 I RM. apt., bus. wotru 1S53 Court. 4aWea4jSjv SMALL 3 RM fum. apt.. prL bath. lights, water, garage. 2455 State. FURN. APT., prt bath. 545 Court SL STRICTLY MOD. The Devereant. 2 ROOM FURNISHED a part menu reasonable. 841 N. IJberty St. ROOM AND apt.. 3S Ferry. 1 RM. FURN. apu t159 Center. APT. $10 MO. 285 S. Commercial St 2 R.. FIRST FIjOOR. 422 Marion. S ROOMS NICELY turn. Bath, gar. Close in. Adults. 815 N. Winter. 1. 2 A 2 RM. APTS. 25 S. Cottage, JTTTWN2 9 TM anfl . 444 K HfaTh. SEE THE Fisher Apt, before you decid. Large Y Airy, Kocawoof jh solsted against heat A cold. Venetian Bltnda throughout. S. tomi. ibi eta 1 BM. FURNISHED apt. heat irtchta. water, bath A refrigerator, for adults. $25 a month. i0 N. Summer SL Fbone 4494. FURN. HEATED apt 480 N. 13th. vxrjru'xrujsfirv'TOsfv i, I B. FURN, bath. 205 N. Capitot aa,f8ssA1kagay FURN, 1 ROOM apt. 1$0- Division. CLEAN FRONT turn, bakpg. rootn. ITvsnrtViinr - flirn. Includ. SESS. elec. 1 I washer tu. rsaa, 79 N. cotmner-1 aiaL Money to Loan .' Bloney to Loan We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO ITT TOUR INCOME No Endorsees No Comakers Yonx Signature Only REPAY ANY DAY TO REOUCB COST. AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YOUR NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE. General Finance Corp. 128 So. Commercial St. Uc, First Door South of Ladd Buaa BanK OBTAIN TOUR CASH LOAN the first day you call at PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. FOR BUST people who can't afford time off from their Jobs, do this: Write for application blank. Or. phone 4441. and give lust enough Information to establish your credit. Well have the cash ready, waiting, when you com ta t. Reasonable credit requirements. 2 People with modest salaries arc es pecially Invited to apply. It'a the accepted and approved way to borrow. PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. Rm. 201. First Natl. Bank Bids. Salem. Oregon Phone 4441 S-212 Stat License M-2Z0 AUTO LOANS REFINANCING BORROW MONEY ON YOUR CAR OR REFINANCE YOUR PRESENT BALANCE BAST TERMS - NO DELAY TRI-STATB ACCEPTANCE CORP. M-22 MERRILL D. OHLING INSURANCE Phon 8484 275 Stat Street Salem. Oegoo GET SPOT CASH This "PERSONAL Way WHEN AT HOMES A "Personal" Loan $28 to $200. Easy Terma WHEN A WAT: USB A "PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good at $70 offices. Coast to Coast SIMPLE TO QUAIJFT : Com In. GUARANTEED BT GOOD . HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE (As advertised therein.) PERSONAL Finance Co. Second Floor. New Rllga Bldg. 118 Stat Street Salem. Oregon Stat License Numbers S 122 M-18 LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONET TO buy new or used earn Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red tap. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY Roy H. Simmons 12C South CBRimenai Street Phon 9 ICS Lie. No. M-1SS FHA LOANS 8 also private loan Abrams A Ellis Inc. Masonic Bldg AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. Stb FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-1S8 Financial 42? WE HAVE nvr paid lee than this rata en aavlng and Investment Insured 25000. Mutual Federal Savings A Loan Asn Phon 4944 142 S. Liberty St Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED on farm and city property. Refer borrowing Inquire at Hawkins A Roberts WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay interest W. H. QRABENHnnST REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Phone If 83 For Rent Apartments 2 RM. NEWLY fum. Heat, water, refrig., bath, adults. 991 .N. Cottage.. 8 R. APT.. BATH, heat elec. wash. Frig.. 778 N. Com'l. 2-ROOM FURN. apt, 722 N. Church ONEHOOM, 432 Marlon. jfrn. apt bath,5aduits. S90 union. 2 FURNISHED APARTMENTS. R. A. FORKNER R T. UEBER 1853 North Capitol ..... PflMFORT A RLE. HOME- LIKE. reasonable, Hawthorne Court, 1000 N Capitol St 3 R. Lt. HAC W, gar. $18.50. 711$. For RentHouses 8 ROOM HOUSE. Inq. 925 B. 21st RM. MODERN house, near Leslie njs rilUl inunr. BKa I school f2S. IfKjulr l2d N. CapitoL FURNISHED and unfurn. houses. a P. GRANT. I2 Court Ph. 8744 1 RM. NEWLY fum. Heat, wate refrig.. bath, adults. 991 N. : Cottage. BUNGALOW AND caraae. Modern turn, or infurn. Very reasonable. Call 3282 or see 1383 S. Com'L FOR RENT We have homes fur nished and unfurnished from 4 to l rooms, priced from $20.00 to $40.00. See Larsen witn " '-. HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. 5 ROOM HOUSE. $15 mnoth. 1723 N. Summer. Tel.. SIFli. CABINS. WATER, phon. lights, $9, 5 mo. Ph. 873L S ROOM HOUSE. 1 acre. gree& house, near bus 105 Silver ton Road. ROOM HOUSE. 2 acts., west of Marlon Square. Inquire 175 Marion. $30.00, S rm. mod. I bse., $40.00, i rm. apt. elec.. refrig- automatic beat (2C--00, 355 S. I4tn. 2none eesz, evenings K ROOM HOUSE. 822.50. t room turn, houses. $35.00 a hadi mod. v I Ke 830.0ft. X acres, 4 room bouse, new, $20.00. P. IL BELL, Pnone 8121 1 'TTTITTiy MOD. 5 RM. house within walking distance of Alga school. Fbon 751 wwvwwMWMeAeeaweA f RM. TARTLY furnished bouse, E. Chemeketa St, $1850. Also 1 room nous tmfurnUbed, Falrmount Bill. phon 4419. Ivan u. Martin. L 4 TO I RMS, 111 to 15. Ph. VllS. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDEST Ntt. S-188 Phone I1C8 Convenient Ground Floor Location. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. S8I State Street Inquire room 200 Tsl 8718. GARAGE FOR rent near Garfield school Sept. 1. Call 5848. FO R LEASE Room space on ground floor In best of Salem business districts for beauty shop, barber shop. tailor shop or shoe space, for men or laaiea, or botn. in answer state una oi business. Statesman Box 1081. Wanted to Rent BUSINESS WOMAN wants nice small ant. or housekeeping arrange ment In private home. Box 75, States- BY SEPT. 5. small house In country with some acreage, for $15 mo. . Ph. 8258. WANTED TO lease suburban house A small acreage. H. T. White, States man. 3 OR 4 BDRM. bse. with bath, coun try achL, city bus ser, for $15. P. 711$. For Sale Real Estate S R. MOD. HOOSB, tesemesnt. Bftr. bltt. from Safeway EL til 8flirlnaw WE HAVE TUB PROSPECT IF YOU want to sen exchange lease, rent see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins A Roberta. TRADE C1T1 property for farm homes. Opportunities In exchangee. HAWKINS RO HERTS. INC. MUST SELL 4 acres, small house and barn, z springs, year around creek and 1500 cords wood for $750.00 cash. L1I 54 S. zitt St BEAUTIFUL MONEREY ColoniaL fully carpeted air-conditioned, auto matic heat See owner at 95 N. Cap- uoi anytime alter Thursday noon, Aug. Tf"yl iVVijV'rjnj-i 5 ROOM HOUSE, excellent condi tion, close in tl00.0 down and 820.00 a mo. owner. raone 7854. NEW . HOUSE suburban essv terma Modern brick house close to capital. Redecorated house In good condition well worth the price asked easy terma Unfinished house, $50.00 down and $15.00 per month. ABRAMS ELLIS. INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone $155 insurance Money to Loan. 2 BEAUTIFUL-CREEK lota excel lent location, east front, basement dug partially, landscaped. No agents. Call owner. I31 or 943L YouH look gay and sweet as lit tle sister in this 'adorable dress with its bib-shaped yoke and live ly, young lines. A perfect "try- first" frock, Anne Adams' Pattern 4209. tor as youTl see in the Ulnt - uiuoDi m we accviutHuiyjus sew ing Instructor, there's nothing to its making. The skirt that swirls and flares so beguiling, is circular in style, with only a single front seam! Think of it no seams to fuss with at sides or back! The pockets are set on a novel angle. You'll like either of the two sleeves the puffed style with the well-shaped, stitched bands, or the slashed, short flared sleeves. For extra snap, make the yoke, sleeve bands, pockets and sash all in bril liant contrast. Pattern 4209 is available in misses sizes 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20. Size IS takes S yards 59 Inch fabric. Send riFTEEH CISTS (15e) ta coins for tkis Asae Aesma pattern. Writs plainly SIZE. NAMS, AD- dKebS sad oXIJLK aUHItlL What to do I Active saner dsn stretch for ahead sad year sot-weath er wsrdrobe Is wilted sod weary. Lies Abbs. Adams' PATTERS BOOK help freshen vosr asid-sesaoa wardrobe. with pate after sags wt olck-te-aew I hocks lor Bigot asa say . . . wont aad play. Lots at bright ideas for vs estiosiata es how to look clsaioroasi aad cool. Clothes for every type sad . age trm sluasUnf saedes (or taa tress to spirited eiethes forTooaj people. Bend today I BW riFTKES vEnTa PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS. BOOK AND PATTERS TOGETHER, TWEJf TT-nvaT Cfc.T8. Send year - order te taa Ores Ststesawa, Fsttera Ospartsaeat. Sal . Pattern I - m I S p tjJ For Sale Real Estate NEW HOME 19 N. l$Ut Street OPEN rooms, and lam attic Ideal floor plan best of materials aad workmanship; extra, large bedrooms and closets. Easy terma Ptaon S50C. HAVE INCOME property that will net over 10 on your la vestment. This apartment bouse with all new hirh i class furniture la In very fin condi tion ana tn good location, rnca 118, 00 Will take some trade. Let us tell you about this bargain. JT. F. ULRICH COMPANY. Realtors 1(2 Stat Street Pboo 8(72. aeaasasi HOME SACRIFICED THIS STRIKING 7 rm. CoL home on high ground near achla. and bus. Is onerea ak bjslow VALUE. Never been occupied atace completed, finish ing insiae ana out Venetian blinds several nut trees, doub. gar., dooh. : plumbing, IMMEDIATE: POSSESSION. ONLX $4750. Call R. A. Johnson with. W. II. GRABENHORST A CO. 114 S. Liberty St Phone S4C$. eeeaaee!! FINE MODERN S room home with large basement newly renovated in side and out on paved street 1$ blocks from city center. In good residential district and clos to schools. $250.00 down. Da lance like rent A real bargain for quick sale. See Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS ROBERTS. INC ieAeAeeAAeVAeWWWM FIVE ROOM homes lust finished. corner of 18tb A Madison Streets. Term very reasonable. Builder A owner. W. A. Cladek. Ph. 4277. 7 R.. 4 BEDRM modern. 2-csr gar. In Hollywood dist $2900, $500 casK zs mo. v. fjiriepentrog, Z155 Mill SL Ph. 4954. CLOSE-IN HOME ONLY 4 BLKS. from shopping and business dist. attractive cor. lot in bus iness gone, furnace, gar, 5 rms good root REAL OPPORTUNITY. UN LIMITED FUTURE POSSIBILITIES $2850. THIS WON'T LAST. Call R. A. JOHNSON with. W. IL GRABENHORST A CO. 124 S. Liberty St Phone 6488 2-5-ROOM HOUSES on N. Fifth St rents tor 3 5.00. 83300 $1200 down Frank Stoddard at Rlalto. - -- - 1- r jn.rLn.rxi $1250200 DOWN. 4 ROOM house. 11 pearoomi. very close In. $2100 $500 down, for take a-nnd tot), on mis 6 room home with base ment Close state bldgs. MUST BE SOLD This 5 room house, base.. fur fire place, east front, plenty shade, large garage, alley paved. 10 blocks north. Price $320). Submit any reasonable of fer. C. H. SANDERS 118 S. High 5131. eaaaeJiraaaa BEST BUY in 2 new amaU houtes tor income. Priced right inn.r.rLi-LrLru-ij-Ln FOR RALE LOVELY SIX ROOM HOME EXCELLENT CONDITION NEAR BOTH grade and hi eh schools 3 bedrooms. large living room, breakfast nook, fireplace, basement lurnace. price 83900.00, on terms. O. E. RAE, 1855 N. Cottage, Ph. 781 $2900. 7 RM. HOME, hnndwood noor in llvlmr a dlninf rmi. basement. furnace, fireplace. $500 down. u&o. rm. plastered house In En- giewood district, raraare. nice lot sev erai Trees, szuo down. I MONEY TO LOAN AT PER CENT MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court Street Phone 2723. APT. HOUSE, barber shoo In eon nectlon, all furnished, income $100 per mo., ana living quarters lor own I ex, $7000, MELVIN JOHNSON. 725 Court Street ii Mjivvinriinru'Tjnjnru'i NEW 6 RM. bse. with V. A. 83200 $200 dn., bat easy monthly payments. Modern 8 rm. A nook. 2 bedrooma. iszuw, o. satem, terms. RICH L. REIMANN. 187 a High St I v none bbsz LOOK THIS over mod. hse. on Ev ergreen Ave. After inspection make me an oner. 34 A. nr. Monmouth. Out of state owner wants a proposition. m. u. snieida, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902. J"'''' iiiJV-V-ynj"VXAjXJXt FOR SALE Lots owned by City $125. to $800. See any real estate man or call 832 1(7 S. High Street .... - - - - - - - 8100 DOWN. 320 PER MONTH BRAND NEW well-built hednn r.ome, nice bath. Ex. loca. $1750, I BUUKUW-K.ASMIK REAL ESTATE 1 IX ldd Bush Bldg. Phone 595 4 K. BATH, 31400. essy terma Furn. 5 Rim, N. E.. $2500. $400 dn. 5 dn. new mod. hse. Sac. pr.. $4800. iii souin Lioeay pnone 7 113, Exchange Real Estate EXCHANGE FOR Salem 30 r farm 12 miles east. 10 acres walnuts, f acres filberts. New 5 rm. home with water system and bath. Barn and poul try house. Priced st $4,500. trade for Salem home up to $3,500. 25 acres 6 miles out. 9 acres straw berries. 2H A. cherries, other fruit Remodeled house. 4 rma with elertri- I city and water system. Price 32.750; might assume some on Salem residen tial property. See Mr. Collins with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC S ROOM HOUSE Mid t Inta In Al. Ibsny. Trade for Salem home and pay cash difference. 2 ACRES with a modern 7 room modern home, large chicken house. In Crabtree. Trade for Salem home. Large bouse with S-3-room aota. 7 blocks from Ladd A Bush bank. Trade for small farm. ROSTEIN A ADOLPH. INC. 110 North Commercial Street NICE ACREAGE tract near Salem. all in treea Ideal for development. Will take cltr property. K. A. FOKKNER H. T. UEBEK 1853 North Capitol Business Cards ia this dlrrrtory oa a monthly basis only. Rale: ft per lis per month. Auctioneers I mSEU jm SUth st ,n. Auto Brakes Mike Panel. 27$ Sooth Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned' Harry wTSeott 147 & CMt P. 451$ Carpenters Carpenters. L t. Mickey a Sons. 1F$ Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450 R B. Northness Chiropractors DR. a. L, SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor 2i N. High. TeL Raa tilt Excavating SIXCAVATINQ OF ah kinds. Pase- tnents dua. Dirt hauled or moved. Din for sal. Salen Sand aa oravet u Phono S4SA-. -, Florists I Breftbanpra, 44t Court. Pbeee MM Laandrie THSJ NEW SALEM LAUNDRY ' THB WEIXEB LAUNDRT '111 . Bih TeL 1121 For Sale Used Cart J Visit Our . Used Car Super Market for Money Saving Buys 37 Dodge DeLuxe Tudor Tour truly beautiful, low mileage. It's a honey . $575.00 37 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Sedan radio, heater, dual equipment very dean : ; , . . 355.00 '3$ Dodge DeLuxe Tudor Sedan. Very finish '35 Plymouth Std. Sedan. Reconditioned, -zs irymoutn ueLuxe it. Jseoan. ini ia one or our very zamous models 84a.oo 37 Chrysler Royal Tr. Sedan, overdrive, dual equipped, very clean '3 Ford DeLxCoupe radio, beater, runs like :new , , $25.00 31 Ford Coach runs very good 3i tfuica xr. seoan, raaio, neater, '37 DeSoto Tr. Sedan. Radio, overdrive, SEE THESE MANY SALEM AUTO CO. CHRYSLER (35 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET PLYMOUTH OPEN EVENINGS 1932 PA PLYMOUTH Sedan, good condition, for cash. Inquire Smith's Bar-B-Q. Portland Road. S5 FORD SEDAN delivery. Call 2177 S. Cottage. EQUITF IN "37 Ford 85 Coupe, per feet shape. Will take older model, easy payments, box 1079, statesman. For Sale Farms DIVERSIFIED FARM: 175 A. 11 miles from Salem. 105 A. In cult with fin soil that produced up to $30.00 per acre In crops this year, t rm. plas tered house with water piped to kitch en. Barn and other outbuildings. Due to illness of owner, I am offering this at $25.00 per acre, on easy terms. See air. Collins witn HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. SACRIFICE SALE 40 A. WITH GOOD barn and house, S ml. out Only $2250 terms. a H. SANDERS 118 S. High 5121. Acreage 20 A. ALL IN clover, good unfin ished houae, ($500 will complete). Elec. 9 miles out Price 22500 terma Take city property in trade. C. H. SANDERS 118 S. High 5131. Suburban ALL MODERN suburban home. 1 acres fruits A nuts, $3800. 3 acres, 4 room house outbuild logs. Paved road. $1900. R. A. FORKNER H T. UEBER 1353 North Capitol Resort Property OCEAN VIEW LOTS AS LOW aa $15. Drive to Seal Rock post office. Ask for J. Seely. Business Opportunities IF INTERESTED in conducting a growing, worth-while private kinder garten, call 3282 or see 1363 . com 1. FURNACE A CHIMNEY cleaning roof repair business.. V, or whole Int Includ. car A vacuum. Kennedy. 1925 Center. SALE COMMUNITY store, house A 3 acres across from Swede school. E. Salem. J. Whitehead. 10$ W. 30th, Vancouver, vvaan. APARTMENT HOUSE. $115 reven ue, mtg. $2500 at $34.50 mo. Price 1C500. Consider aome trade. C. H. SANDERS 113 & High 6131. SERVICE STATION with camp ground (8 units). 35250.00. 23000 cash. RICH I REIMANN. 1S7 S. HlgD St Phone 8632 For Sale Wood SUMMER PRICES, old fir 18" at only $4.75 per cord. Order for now e- later del. Phone 4 1 66. Oregon Fuel Co 747. DRT I-ln. old fir. 84 . INVESTIOATE BUDGET plan on wood. Ph. 5270. W. L Graen. 412 N. 21 4seeasasaaea 1C-IN. OLD fir. 35: knots. $4.6 4 -ft 2nd. $3.75. Phon 9468. Lost and Found FOUND CAR keys, two General Motors, at 12th A Mill. Owner may ob tain at Statesman office, pay for ad. Personal LONEI.TT -WORTHWHILE" sweet heart, husband, wife for you. Box 71, Los Angeles. Schools COMPLETE TOUR high school at home. Diploma. Texts furn. Write for catalogue. Am. School. P. O. Box 4500 Portland. Transportation COLLEGE GIRL and boy want ride to Chicago about Sept. 11th, Both good drivers. Share expensea Ph. 5405, P. O. Box 189. " vasjii-sn "ii""si i iLru!rxrirxrxrxr AM DRIVING to LaGrande over La- boi day room for two passengers. Share expense basis. Paul Heath. Fhone 6848. N -u ii i 1 1 ij i ii jin rinruLn STUDENT WANTS ride to Omaha or vicinity this week TeL 5974. Directory Mattresses SALEM TUJrW RUO and Mat trees factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade: carpet eleaatnic slalnt: flofl rag weavlns. & 12th A Wilbur. TeL 1441. OTTO t. ZWICK ER Est Itll CAP1TOI REDDINQ CO. Pboee IMS Narnropalhie Physician DR W R. ROCKWELL Naturopath ic Physician, ITS Fairgrounds RA TeL 4202. Office Hoars 1 1 a. tn. to ( : p. m. FREE EXAM A CONSULT A TION. Painting Paper hanging NEAT WORK. L Johnson. Ph. till. Printing POR STATION ERT carda pasnphlota prosrama bosks or any kind of print ing eaD The Ptatesmaa Printing De partment, 111 S Commercial Tele phone tL Transfer rOR LOCAL'S dtstart transfer, stor sga brner ett. cah lilt, larmei Transfer Co. Tracks te Portlaffd dally Vacuum Cleaner Service MR WALL, Ph. tin free eaC. lab pticea. Rebunt machines aad reatala Well nrillins R. A, WEST. rt. . bos 441. Ph. WVTX Cheater J. Fogh, Sill Myrtie. Ph. ISSt, For Sale Used Cars clean throughout flawless black .. $445.00 new tires, aa economical car $325.00 1 4 J.tO- low mileage. lou U like it . 65.oe new paint A tires . $815.00 BARGAINS AT BEST DEAL IN TOWN ON USED CARS MAKE US PROVE IT! 38 Pontiac DeLnxe 6-Cyl. Coupe. 38 Packard 120 Tourins DeLuxe Sedan. 37 Dodge 6-Cyl. DeLuxe Coupe. 37 Packard 6-Cyl. Tour ing DeLuxe Sedan. 36 Pontiac DeLuxe 6-Cyl. Coupe. . 36 Hudson Custom Tour ing Sedan. 36 Oldsmobile 6-Cyl. Tour. DeLuxe Sedan. 36 Terraplane Touring DeLuxe Sedan. , 37 Ford Model 85 DeLuxe Sedan. 37 Plymouth DeLuxe Coach, over hauled completely; 25 Hudson Custom DeLuxe Sedan RADIO-HEATER - FENDER WELLS - - - MANY OTHERS We Give the BEST TERMS - TRADES STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON - PACKARD High at Chemeketa . . Phone 8400. CARTER MOTOR CO. 1$37 Nash Lafayette DeLuxe 2 - uour. seaan- drnr Overdrive, radio A htr. 4PDVD 1930 Chevrolet Sedan $85 1928 Olds Sedan ..$45 1929 Chrysler Coup ..$3 192$ Pontiac Coupe .$23 1928 Chevrolet Sedan $25 Used Car Lot 240 Center Ph. $734 EQUITY IN ' Plymouth Sedan. Will take older car. Call 948 Norway. '3$ V-8 FORD PICKUP, perfect con dition. Don Madison, dial 6SC3. 1929 PACKARD ROADSTER. In very good condition, $50.00; or will trade for light truck. Phone iZ3fZ3. Cross Word Puzzle I 2 3 H 5 6 1 & ffll lO II (6 " nT" io 21 22 W2 ' WW . alc6l 7H 25 2S 27 !!!! 22 -1 1 wr 11 wr 11 HORIZONTAL 1 committee of experts 5 Italian seaport 9 tai ls sheltered side 13 fetid 14 note of the Goido scale 15 obscure 17 perfect 19 man's name s 20 enclosed 21 piece of turf 23 golf dab . (Pi.) 24 afresh 25 brag 26 Court of Appeal (abbr.) 28 pine-family tree 29 fabric resemblini; satin 30 male -descendant 31 symbol for r . tantalnn 32 to set firmly 33 tannt 34 MTere spaa nodie pain in the abdomea 35 South Africans of - Dutch descent 86 rouse from sleep 88 tempo 3d sign 40 West Indian aquatic mammal 43 coin of Norway 44 snare 46 rend 47 footlike organ Herewith is the solution to yes terdaya puzzle. 0-30 - OlDlOlSANAiVER1 tbaeef i LEGAL NOTICE "u U .NOTICE OF HEARING OF OB-,, JECTIONS TO FINAL ACCOUNT :'j f- ., i NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVKN O that MART LACHELE, as th(T duly appointed, qualified and actr J. ins administratrix with the will annexed ot the estate of CHRIS- TIAN LACHELE. deceased, hasn duly rendered and presented for settlement and filed In the Count j', Court ot the County of Marion. ) State of Oregon, a final account : of her administration of said es- . tate: and that Tuesday, the twelfth day of September, 1929, atf the hour of ten o'clock in the fore-, noon of said day, at the courtroom of said court in the Marion County r; Courthouse in the City of Salem, Marion County, Oregon, have been duly fixed and appointed by said court as the time and place for ' the hearing of objections to said final account and -the settlement thereof. Dated and first 'published the; ninth day of August, 1939. MARY LACHELE. as Ad ministratrix With the Will Annexed ot the Estate ot CHRISTIAN LACHELE. Deceased. CARSON A CARSON, Attorneys for Administratrix With the Will Annexed. A9-16-23-30-S6. NOTICE ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the undersigned, Ronald J. Frizzell, Administrator of the Es tate e B. Frizzell. deceased, has filed in the County Court of the Sta' of Oregon for Marioa county his Final Account, and that said Court has, by an Order there of, designated Friday, the 16th day ot F ptember, 1939, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the County Court Room in the Court House at Sa lem. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said Fi nal Account and the settlement of &aid estate, at which said time and place al1 persons so objecting shall appear and sh cause. If any there be, why said Account should not, in all things, be allowed and approve, the said e-tate settled and closed, and the Administrator disc' - -d. RONALD J. FRIZZELL, As Administrator of the Es tate of Alice B. Frizzell, de ceased. ROSS & FORD, Attorneys for the Estate, Salem, Oregon. Aug. 16-23-3 0-S. 6-13 Chungking Planes Fend off Bombers HONGKONG, Aug. 2.9 (Tues day )-jip)-Three Japanese bomb ing formations were reported scat tered and one Japanese plane shot down in flames last night in a moon-lit battle over Chungking, with a soviet Russian-equipped defense squadron. Chinese sources said the few bombs the attackers succeeded in releasing over the frequently bombed Chinese provisional cap ital caused only slight damage. Foreign newspapermen at Chungking have not mentioned the recent arrival of Russian air assistance for Generalissimo Chi ang Kai-Shek, but authoritative neutral persons arriving from Chungking have told ot the pres ence of Russian planes, airmen and ground crews. 48 opera whoso locale is 49 worthless ' leavings VERTICAL 1 punch 2 Mexican tree 3 regain health 4 bright golden color 6 puff of hair (Fr.) 6 aged 7 Chinese coin 8 fatty thirteenth to nineteenth year 16 wings 11 destitute - of hair 16 cereal plant 18 notch 20 praying v figniw 21 insane 22 genus of -cetaceans 23 style of type-face 25 bowl 26 cord from cocoanut fibers 27 insects .29 pudding made of flour of : maize. 30 more sugary 32 thrust . 53 fieshy vegetable -34 pastries - 85 compart- -; ment 86 on the top ' 87 had on 38 Polynesian , cloth 40 crazy 41 dine 42 bitter vetch 45 Rhode Island (abbr.) .