PAGE SCC The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, August 30, 1939 puss DcLTtzer is Honored at Shower " Miss Joy Cooler and Mrs. E. W. Cooley will be hostesses at a mis cellaneous shower given tonight at the Cooler home. Miss Dorothy Barker, whose marriage to Mr. Paul Brandon ia an event of Oc tober 1; la the Inspiration for the Blimr, - Guests will hem towels for the "Fall flowers axe to be used by me nosiesses, ana a coior ecneme of pink and white will be nsed. Guest will be; " - Miss Dorothy Barker. Miss Mar- -Jory Barker, Miss Vll ma. Bran don. Miss Gladys Ross, Mis'Kath erlne Sharpnack, Miss Mary Bark er, Miss Jean Seacat. Miss Rath Herbert," Miss Dorothy Duncan, Miss Dorothy Lee Jones, Mrs. 'John Barker. Mrs.. Gladys Bran ' don, Mrs. Sidney Jory, Mrs, Wil liam McMorris, Mrs. D. B. Simp son, Mrs. Byron Cooley, Mrs. Bruce Cooley, Miss Joy Cooley . and Mrs. E. W. Cooley. ' - . ' a . Rebekahs Making Plans For Festival Salem Rebekah lodge met in rep-nla aeaalnn Mnnrtv n!?ht with- Mrs. Hannah Beard presid ing. A question . and spelling contest was conducted by Mrs. Anna Hunsaker and Mrs. Lola MeFarlane. Plans were made for the home festival night which will be September 25 to which the members wil bring their con tributions. Entertalnmen for the evening will be in charge of Mrs. Hunsaker and Mrs. MeFar lane; Mrs. Almeds Beckman as chairman for the birthday com mittee will be in charge of enter tainment and refreshments. Those on the committee are: Mr. Jim Smith, Mrs. Sylvia " Daly, Mrs. Charlotte Jones, Mrs. Pearl Sand ers, Miss Phoebe McAdams. Mrs. Ida Steele. Mrs. Hannah Beard, Mrs. "Ella Cort. Mrs. Cora Smith, - Mrs. Lenora Kriesel, Mrs. Sophia Heckman, Mr. J. E. Kirkpatrick, Mr. George Henderson, Mr. Roy MeFarlane and Miss Amie Mills. a Carolyn Deckebach Birthday Hostess Little Carolyn D eekebach. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deckebach was hostess to a group of neighborhood children n her fifth birthday last Saturday. Guests were "entertained by a puppet, who presented them with favors. Those enjoying the afternoon were; Jeff Walton, Bob and Nor ma n Luther, Ann Marie and Larry Reiling. Jimmy and John nie Humphrey, Dickie Chapman, Barbara Bonesteele, Susanne Per ry, John and Josephine Caugbell. Bobby Ladd. Wally Carson, Pat ty and Michael Deaney, and Caro lyn Deckebach. a a a Miss Margaret Barham, daugh ter of-Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bar ham will leave Friday forIone, where she has been elected to teach at the lone grade school. Miss Barham graduated from the Oregon College of Education last June. v a a Mr. and Mrs. Roy ChJsholm of Ft. Worth, Texas, have been the guests of Miss Olive Dahl for the past week. They are returning home by way of San Francisco. Miss Dahl and Mrs. Chisholm are sisters. . . Mrs. James A. McDonald of Nel- 'WMf vv a b,mw 5UVOI1 ua uci UaiIgUw ters. Miss Lillian McDonald and Miss Jess McDonald at the Salem General hospital. She will remain for another week. ' a a ra Sirs. GroTfr Hllltnan and daughters, Ruth and Collene, have just - returned from Rock-: away, where they have been va cationing for the past three weeks. ' . Mrs. Ralph Bejutler and daugh ter. Miss Sharon Lee, are spend ing two weeks in Nyssa as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thompson. Join the O Gas heat is so superior because it burns ciean without dirt or soot. You don't order it or pay for it in advance. You don't store or handle it! s You simply enjoy its. even, carefree warmth: Gas is your cheapest form" of automatic heat because rates for' 'Pertand 'gas are so low. And when you heat with gas, you get all your gas at lowest cost." Gas heating equipment costs less and lasts longer, too! Decide to install gas heat now I Ask us today for a list of approved dealers in gas house heating equipment. : Ask for FREE estimate I Ltt out expert heating eagiaecrs give you a ' aentific ertimate of the ctwt of pi beatinr for ; your pretest home or the home you pUa to build. No charg-e or oWigitioo J. . . SEE ANY DEALER OR : 7i PonTLAnb 136 S. High ; II II r, - I CLUB CALENDAR- Friday, September 1. Englewood Community club .with Mrs. W. A. Reeves. 1085 North Hth stret, 1 p. m. Friday, September 1 Hal ' Hibbard auxiliary, ar mory 1 p.m. . Miss Query Is Honored at Dinner Miss Jnlia Query was compli mented at a no-host buffet 'sup per laat night at the home of , Mrs. Deibert Schawbbauer on East Superior street, with Miss Rose Marie Kroneberg assisting - Mrs. Schawabbauer as hostess. Tables were decorated with zinnias and other bright early fall flowers, the colors were re peated in the candles and pottery dishes. . - - - Miss Query Is leaving on Satur day for Bend, where she will be on the faculty of the elementary school. She is a past president of the MacDowell club, and a former grade school teacher here. Guests at the affair last night were: Mrs. Frank Shafer, Mrs. Ray Warner, Mrs. Clinton Stand ish, Mrs. Joseph Felton, Mrs. Wynn Grier, Mia Rose Anne Kroneberg, Miss Edna Kugel, Miss Edna Kugel, Miss Irene Heath of Reno, Miss Query and Mrs. Schwabbaner. , Mrs. Reider Entertains For Miss Downs Mrs. Robert E. Rleder enter tained yesterday afternoon with a handkerchief shower in honor of Miss Flavia Downs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Downs. Miss Downs will leave for New York September 11, where she will 6pend the winter season con tinuing her study of music. Miss Downs will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Owen in Man hattan. Mr. Owen is the tenor soloist with Fred Waring's glee club. The afternoon was spent in formally and at the tea hour Mrs. Rieder was assited by Miss Bob be Shinn and Miss Sally McLel lan. Those bidden were: Miss Alice Unruh, Miss Norma Jean Gilbert son, Miss Barbara Miller, Miss Ruth Jean Garnjobst, Miss Bar bara Pierce, Miss Shirley Even son, Miss Shirley Cronemiller, Miss Margaret Ann Kells, Miss Edith Morehouse. Miss Emlyn Griggs of Portland, Miss Lois Bur ton, Miss Dorothy Kibbe, Mrs. Howard Dletrick, Mrs. William Bush of Portland, Mrs. Francis Smith. Mrs. Terrance King, a a a Wedding Anniversary Is Honored Mrs. Alke Muncy entertained honoring her" parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Holmes, who celebrat ed their 52nd wedding anniver sary on Friday. Mrs. Holmes is a graduate of Willamette in the class of 1817. Guests for the evening were Mrs. Holmes sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swafford, and brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sanders. Grandchil dren, Miss Freda Muneey and Mr. Joseph Muncey were also present. . Motoring; to Portland Thurs day for the Chi Omega lunch eon are Miss Betty Hamilton, Miss Jean Hurley. Miss Claire Hurley, Miss Barbara Williams, Mrs. John Ritchie and Mrs. Wil liam M. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker of Los Angeles were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fehler last week. Mr. and Mrs. ' Becker are on their way home from Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Standish have just returned from San Francisco where they have been spending the last ten days, a a a Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller have as their guest Mrs. C. DeBolt of Glenndale, Calif. There have been several parties planned in honor of Mrs. DeBolt swing to Gas a Coke Co. Street Phone 5919 Bride-Elect to Be Feted on Thursday Mlai Helen Way Is to be host- esa at a party on Thursday night at the home of Mrs. "-nn-li Martin on South High street, for the pleasure of Miss Irene Wind or, bride-elect of Mr. Leighton Taylor Holler. The party Is to be a crystal shower for. the bride-to-be. . Invited are; Miss Ida Jo Eaton, Miss Maeelle DeMytt, Mrs. JOhn Cattrall, Mrs. Wayne Page of: Dallas, Mrs. Ray Rhoten, . Mrs. ' Clinton Standish, .Mrs. Sam Han namun, Mrs. Joseph Felton, -Mrs.) Vera Robb, .' Miss Jessie Cooper, Mrs. Dei bert Schwabbaner, - Mrs. William Ames, Mrs. James Thompkins, Mrs. Raymond Warner, Mrs. Ray Lafky, Mrs. Charlotte Kallender, Mrs. Joseph Carlon, Miss Hattie Bratzel, Miss Hazel Shutt, Mrs.' Martin and Miss Way. . a a a Fifth Symphony on Recorded Program The fifth symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven will be among the compositions heard on the regular weekly program of recorded mu sic in the music room of the Salem public library this afternoon from 3 to 4 o'clock. The program in the order of numbers is as follows: Peer Gynt Suite No. 1 Grieg Morning Death of Ase Anitra's Dance In the Hall of the Mountain King Symphony Orchestra, John Barbirolli, Conductor Symphony No. 5 In C Minor, Opus 67 Beethoven First Movement Allegro c o n brio Second Movement A n d a n te con moto Third Movement Alloc (Scherzo) Fourth Movement Allegro Presto Symphony Orchestra World's Greatest Music Series - - The Missionary society of the First Christian church is meeting ai me pariors oi tne cnurch on Thursday at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Alice Moth s group will be in charge of devotions with Mrs. Liston Parrish leading. Mrs. J. C. Perry is direct- lng the program. The speaker will be Miss Ruth Field, a missionary from India, In the SALEM HEIGHTS Mr. and Mrs Ben Doerksen entertained on Wednesday evening with a sur- prise lawJ party honoring K Ben Frlesen. the former Miss Ros- ella Hiebert, of Salem, who was married on Friday. Those present were: Rosella HIebtrt, Ben Friesen, Johnny Tlannlann U... rr l .i and Harvey Nickel, Mrs. Lee Doerksen, Hulda Nickel. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kliewer, Waldo Hie- bert, Albert Kliewer, MIsses'Anna and Edna Funk, WUma Wlens, Helen Aldinger. Ann Thieesen, Edna Thiessen. Arnold Wall, Mrs. A. P. Voth, Florence and Vernon Voth Alfred Thiessen, Mr. and Mrs H. W. Wall. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Thiessen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Toews, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Friesen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Friesen, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beier, Mr. and Mrs. David Hamm, Mr. and Mrs. David Doerksen, nl;u friesen Mrs Francis , rWkn' ).na 'nLi" dl nT . 5: , ora Ka?! V uSd ieJ: iVa Trfr iJrVl ' w . r7 ' w?' S7W8 , SISbSvJSS1: aH i A-i-. rViiw r.;T --i end Annie Dick. Waldo and Henry Wall, John Friesen, Sarah Dick, and - the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Doerksen. a I VOV? Vra p.:..,. ,,,. iJl m-rUi ik ? Crab tree and Mrs. Albert Baso was hostess to the Afternoon Card eins heM ti.. phvi. v.,, club held at the Rebekah hall Wednesday, beginning with a desert luncheon. Present were: Mrs. Hugo Hal lin. Mrs. E. E, Miller, Mrs. Or ville Downing, Miss Maxine Hu ber, Mrs. Floyd Bassett. Mrs. W. E. Beveire, Mrs. Rlbert Ring. miss zeta Prichard, Mrs. George Hnffmnn a-. char-Mo iotMnn Mrs. Frank Kinsman. Mrs. John OU8in' Raymond Jungwirth of Kunkle. Mrs. Pat Lyons, Mrs. Ar- Newberg- thur Vaughn, Mrs. Alva .Wise, ' A wedding dinner was served Mrs. Seth Crook, Miss Juanita at the home of the groom's par Downing, Mrs. Ed Rupp from Mill ents in Lyons at 12 o'clock. City, Mrs. Crabtree and Mrs. t -The couple were hosts to a Bas- , ; : . wedding dance in Stay ton . Wednesday evening. - HAZEL - GREEN. Mr. and I : They will honeymoon at dif Mrs. Lawrence Vice, Sr., are an- ferent coast beaches after which nonncing the 'marriage of their thT will be at home In Lyons, son, Albert Vice, to Miss Ruth 5 : - . t - : Thornhlll. daughter of Rev. and ROSEDALE. Friends of Mrs Mrs. H. R. Thornhlll of Salem Carrie Spark surprised her with The marriage service was read bT ;a birthday party at the home of the bride's father in. Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hamilton' Frl The young couple will live in day night.- Those present were a new cottage being built In the Mrs.- Sparks,. Ray Glenn, Christo Auburn community after short pber.: Clara, .Wayne and" Billy honeymoon at Oceanside. Friends Sparks. Mr.-and. Mrs.- Milton BIng; surprised the couple with a mis- Mr an Mrs. R. Ladd, Mr. -and cellaneous shower Sunday. j Mre. Mart.-Shemer-and'danghter. Albert Vice Is wejl known in Marjorle of Tnrner," Mr, and Mrs. this district baring lived at the Walter ; Cook and Mildred Marie Looney home daring two years 'Cook, Mary , Commack.- Miss Of his high school course. Last Wanda . Allen, and the host and winter he took a course in Deisel hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hsmll englneering In Los Angeles. - ! r'l ton and children. Shirley, Alan. . a a a ' -".i Margaret, Carol, - Jane' and Lil- ' SILVERTON. -Mrs. -1 Wattiee' l1' 4m- -.J w Cochran . was honored at - a nartv i - i. ' - Friday afternoon at the Mrs. Al- t IBANON. Thdi principal so fred Cootes home,, when group ir,al eTen of. the eoming week of friends fathered for a fare- 1 Iv11 06 ar: tea honorlas; well party. Mr. and Mrs. Coch- J8? Clsralee " jCheadle, .popular raB will leave In a, few days for bride-elect, for which Mrs. 8. X. Ketchikan, Alaska, where. he will :swart and-Mrs. Joel C.-Mayer teach. - - t iwill be hostesses.. It will be an Present at the "nartv-wer. Ur. eTent t Thursday afternoon.. Cochran, Mrs. R. D. Drake, Mrs. Alfred Cootes, Mrs. Ed GIvens, Mrs. Edward Ekman, Mrs. Ed ward Terry, Mrr. W. P. Scarth. Mrs. ; Fred Raker. Mrs. Samuel Jeck. Mrs. W.-E. Satchwel. Mrs. J. P. Ballantyne - Mrs. George Jaeschke, Mrs.- Lee Haskins and Mrs. J. Werle.' - . ... mm o o -MAXINE BUREN GOING AWAY Miss Julia Query, who will leave on Saturday for Bend, where she will teach this winter. .. Mrs. Phillips Hostess . , 1 At Birthday Party Mrs. William Phillips entertain ed last Sunday In honor of her son Donald, who was celebrating hia tenth birthday. Games were play- ed before the refreshments were served. Those bidden to honor Donald were Polly Wallace, Mari- an uarson, Mary Ann Bonesteel, Mary Jane Croisan, Sarah Jane Backstran, Alice Lou Ohllng, Ma- dellne King, Charlotte Alexander, Martha Steusloff, Frances Baum, Caroline Robertson, Crystal Hun- ington, Ivan Steusloff, Jack Mill- er. Stephen Benson. Whittnev Benson, Donald Young, Ervin Smith, Don Simons and Jimmy Phillips. Valley Social STAYTON, Aug. 28. Mrs. Kenton Thompson and Mrs Har- ,, UB air' Pendleton enterUined honor of Miss Germaine Smith,' bride-elect, at the Thompson home Thursday evening. Present were: Misses Berdeen Yeoman and Bula Waddle of Portlanf Uh rta-l Ch-1fnn n Eugene, Miss Maxine Huber of ins. and Mesdames Lawrence Smith, Merle Telefson. V. D. Bry- "t. Lyle Shelton. Perry Keyes. Herman Darly and Misses Jean Inglia, l Delphia Brenner, Zelpha Smith and Irene Fischer. Miss Mildred Marie Schu- macher and Frances John Jung- wlrth, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jungwirth of Lyons were united in marriage at the St. Boniface church in Sublimity. Wednesday night. Rev. Joseph Scherbring read the nuptial mass tn the pres- ence of a large gathering of rela- tives and friends. Tne br,de' Sow wa ot white embossed satin with full train, Be TelI wa Moulder length, caP sty,e th net and lace and was trimmed with rows of pleated : She carried a bouquet of WMte asters, pink and white snapdragons and ferns. The bridesmaids were Miss Joan Jungwirth of Salem, who wore ankle length' peach chiffon "Jin punea aeTes ana : nower trimmed neckline and carried ti, a ,...r L, zr Su8barer of InMlmC an8Daner of sublimity who wore aqua Diue cmtfon trimmed - in peach, and also carried pink susp dragons. Both girls wore flowers in their hair. Little Miss Roseann Minden carried the bride's train. The groom's attendants were the bride's brother, Leonard Schu- macher of Sublimity, and his Potted Ivy Cut Flowers Fresh 'Jama and Jellies - EOLA ACRES 1 Mrs. B. O. Schncklni; - Phone 5730 5e o o Women's Editor- '4 BSB Teachers en Route From England Friends in Salem received word on Tuesday that Miss Gale Currv and Miss Marian Morange sailed from Liverpool on August 25 aboard the SS Antonio. The two members of Willamette faculty had passage on a ship wnicn was to nave sailed on Sep- tember 6, but this was cancelled, In being fortunate enough to ob- tain a reservation on the Antonio, they missed seeing Scotland, which was on their itinerary, a a a ters Alice Louise and Sarah Ann returned to their summer nla at rm, Ra,v rn Kealm JEFFERSON. A pre-nnptial shower for Miss Doris Roland. bride-elect of riev H.mntnn a 55S-1 2?lSi Fontaine Thursday night for which Miss Marjorle Fontaine was hostess. Invited were: Miss Agatha Roschewskl, Mrs. Maurice Mangis. Ifra T fl Vnntolno T.. Stewart, Mrs. Fred Wied. Miss Myrtle Myers, Mrs. Guy Roland and daughters, Shirley and Shiela Roland, Miss Helen Hins. Mrs. Joe Madams, Mrs. Robert Har- ris and Mlas Doris Roland. DALLAS. Miss Rosella Hie- bert. daughter of Rev. and Mrs. N. N,. Hiebert of West Salem. became the bride of Mr. Ben Friesen, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Friesen of Dallas at a candlelight service at the Grace Mennonite church in Dallas on Friday at 8 o'clock. The altar in front of which the vow were exchanged was decorated with white gladioli and Palms and white tapers in tall candelabra. The impressive cere- mony was read by Rev. F. S. Wall. ne onae wore a oeautlfnl -(.. I 4 X , v T J - '"-in L ' ' f - u f .1, i in -rs--.-:-x :vr-:v:.y,V. 11 Even when you are at your busiest, the pause that . : ' refreshes with ice-cold Coca-Cola helps ta get , things done. 'For everybody works better.' feels -: bette r, when refreshed. Try it yourself today ' Gideon JFaixo&d Buffet Supper Is Event of Tonight Miss PegfT Mlnklewlti Is enter taining this evening with a bnffet upper at her noma on Chemeketa Street. The Mexican Idea will be carried out, with the tables set in bright eolored pottery and small -Mexican dolls making np the cen ter pieces. Miss Minkiewlts will be assisted by Miss Betty Hamilton and Miss Audrey Fehler. Guests include M I s s Dorothy McCloud, Miss Ruth Sawyer, Miss Betty Hamilton, Miss Mary Yea ger. Miss Mildred Meaney, Miss Lucy Fisher, Miss Barbara Wil liams, Miss Audrey Fehler, Mrs. John Ritchie and Miss Peggy Minklewitz. Jnnior Women's Club To Have Party The membership committee of the Salem Junior Women's club is to be host at a no-host buffet sup per at Schneider's on Friday night. The dinner will begin at 7:30 o'clock and Mrs. Allan Hub bard at $547 is in charge of re servations. The committee includes Miss Helen Way, chairman, Miss Ruth Melson, Miss Helen Johnson, Miss Edna Ficklin, Miss Helen Pike, Miss Hattie Ramp and Mrs. Hub bard. Members of the Junior Wom en's club and prospective members are being asked to the supper. This is the second of these affairs, The last one was in the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kyle and their daughter, Miss Frances Kyle are vacationing In the south and will visit the San Francisco fair before returning home. a a a Wednesday Willamette aerie 2081 of Eagles was entertained by the ladies' auxiliary with a musical program. Pat Melsinger, EUfn Moore, Herman Domagalla "'"cu participated wedding gown of white net over satin with a bodice of Imported lace. She wore a finger trip Tell and carried a bouquet of lines Miss Lydla Hiebert of Dallas and Miss Katherlne Rempel of Salem were the bride's attend ants. Miss Hiebert wore a frock of auamrlne blne and carried no8eay ' rosebuds and sweet P"- Mis Rempel wore a frock of pink net and wore a coro net of forget-me-nots and rose buds in her hair The Misses Rozella and Viola Hiebert of Dallas lit the tapers. Alvln Hiebert, brother of the hr,l "d was 5mPa- led b. AJeDf D,?miner,ot Salem. who Jo played a piano pre- ""V J"1 JS - J0"n Frlesen ot Dallas was est man and ber were Abe Friesen of Salem, Nick Martens, X!!' oth of Dallas, and waaao Hieoert of Salem. A reception ZOUOwed in the fY EIL ViIl -5 l" i 11 " . . v " o u 0.r0p;, vftl --TLt? .? "'Me iifab, fffr,8' Ji168 .Erna rI!8n 1 " fl' J, L" r a rta Jt anT Mrs P?ter' Friesen The couple left on a weddinr trln following the reception Fo? SReltoi the bride wre i sultof barrandy with Wu7 accessories Mr. Friesen was emnloved at the state house at Salem Mr Friesen is connected wTth the Dallas Machine and Locomotive work(J. m make theIr home In Dallas. MILL CITY. The ladles of the Presbyterian church sponsored a bridal shower at the home of Mrs. James Swan In honor of Mrs. Albert Smeek of Portland, form. eriy Miss Blanch Swan. Stolz Coca - Cola Bottling Co.1 Take Advantage Of Peach Crop This Week Fresh peaches will be only, a sweet memory mighty soon, so it's wise to till the family on he tlFSLi. nensive and locally grown Of course It isn't practical, but look at this menu tor the peach season Iced fruit soup Peach and 'cotage cheese salad Pork roast Broiled fresh peaches Peach pickles Hot biscuits, peach conserve Green vegetable Each item that includes peaches, should be served on a menu before the season is over. Try fruit soup, made with fresh peaches, a bit of tapioca, some raisins and other dried fruit. Serve.elther hot or chilled as an appetizer. PahOB HfnnArf rnavAnnAlsa and rolled in chopped nuts or cocoanut, may be filled with a mWure of pimiento cheese, mixed 2 Cha.i0 mmai,tt!ala- C!t mfr,h Wiln make I milnJ f7r til 5 iifJrrS P Salved peaches are put under the broiler, a bit of butter, clnna- mon and sugar added and they !rbJIled Dnt11 Wel1 beated and glazed. Peach pickles should be found un every canning ciusei. Peach and pineapple conserve is just as much of a favorite as is pinapple and apricot. Com- bine five pounds of sliced peaches with 10 cups sugar and the con- tents of a good size can of pine- apple, and cook for about 20 en. then add half cup of nuts and continue cooking until the latter are cooked through- As for the dessert, there are many recipes, here is only one PEACH ICE CREAM (A tasting-test kitchen en dorsed recipe.) 1 teaspoon gelatin 1 tablepsoon water 2 cups sliced raw peaches 1 cup sugar 1-16 teaspoon salt 2 cups heavy cream 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Soften gelatin in th cold water. Cook peaches until Just soft (about 3 minutes); mash while cooking. Add sugar and salt and stfr until dissolved. Cool slightly and add softened gela- tine. Chill. Whip cream until stiff, add vanilla, and fold in peach mixture. Freeze in freez ing tray until firm. Serves 8 to 10. a a a Dressy Salad Container Is Cabbage We've stuffed watermelon net curtains find delightful sur salad, and orange basket salad prises clever new patterns, many and a meal's beginnig packed light beige tones, many soft and delicately in a cantaloupe half, light textures, many 'dainty types but now we sport now popular for bedrooms, and CABBAGE-NUT-FRTJIT SALAD some fresh beauties in rayon Remove outside leaves of cab- weaves, in addition to the classie bage. Cut off top. With sharp styles that dress up windows sea knife, cut out center, leaving son after season, outside as a "shell." Chop this There's loads of eye-appeal to center cabbage fine, crisp, and these open weave" curtains but drain. Mix with sliced ripe buying-wise women will realize bananas (yellow peel flecked how many practical qualities are with brown) chopped nuts, in them, too made-in-America chopped red-skinned apple (un- virtues that every lace net cur peeled) and a few raisins. Mix tain possesses, with French dressing. To serve, pile salad .mixture back into cab- bare "shell". Mavonmia De passea. Trip to Coast Yields New Product Coast trips yield more than a sunburned nose and a breath of salt air, they often unearth some new and interesting food. Such is smoked or kippered herrinr that one couple found at a home smoking plant on the coast. These new tuna runs are doinc things for Oregon housewive's menus. -Although we are said to be slow in these parts, yet the is to slowly poach it in milk or and we can buy it here. Advice is to slowly peach it In milk or water untjl hot through, serve warm with toast for breakfast lift. ML 'i M rs ' v - ; i v " i - , Today's Menu Fresh pears are to be dessert for tonight, served with a choco late sauce just for variety's sake. Cantaloupe-grape salad Beefsteak Stuffed onions S"te4 peTr. with" chocate Baked potatoes 5 tauM SAUTED PEARS WITH CHOCOLATE SAUCBfr Pare 4 Bartlett pears, cat lengthwise In fourth, saute la butter nntU brown. Serve with a thin chocolate sauce made by boiling; 1 cup sugar. hi cup water Pew grains cream tartar For 5 minutes, then Dourine ,l0w Jer 8iare8 chocolate mel,te 0Ter hot water and adding A teaspoon vanilla. A t t AWCriCa fiVCODS . DfiCOTatine Styles America is not only becoming dependent of European coun- trIe matter of commodities, but 8he 18 developing a styled her 0wn ,n "uch important things " w? leintfrrtT to rtgSS on certain styles, we make our own Either do we depend upon whai European households choose, to make our own interior decoration selections m , , , W.e are developing decorating I?1011' t?81 re a11 ur own- ;'e 8ee l0 uthe gradual changes tb,a come about ,n the designing f furniture in this country, not fnlf. in mdern styles but in the adaptations that are made of, traditional furniture that M in overseas. In the showings of lace net curtains for fall are a great and attractive variety of new styles all designed and produced in the mills of the United States. Curtain fashions are keyed to our schemes of decorating be cause designers here know what is liked in our homes. There are classic types, true period pat terns, new modern styles, to suit all homes. And there's far more than good looks tne curtains. Ameri- tou uirers how mat w,omen t th's country, expect high standards of quality in Tins; they buy. So the lneih?,ds, f dei8iKninS' weaving and "aiding these curtains are 811 he Tery be8t that can b usea. These curtains will wear well, they can be washed again and again, they have well tailored and well matched hems. Every detail is given expert care by American craftsmen. Women Rhnnnlnv tnr upw 1n r fVV- 1 L.OCKtail nOW tor Winter Menus Canning fruit cocktail now is a happy thought for next winter's dinner menus. Combine cubed fresh pears, cubed peaches, con tents Of a can of aliroif ntno. apple and seedless grapes for the cocktail mixture. Add a small bottle of maraschino eherrlaa anil the inice comhlnoit with that from tha nineannie win miv the liquid for the jars. Very little, if anv mnr win be needed for the fruit mixture which should h anite irt r no fa- In a hot water bath for 25 minutes, countinr time after the liquid starts to boil around the Jars. Any combination of fruits Is good, some cooks even add melon balls. if