The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon Wednesday Morning, August 30, 1939 PAGE THREE Traffic Deaths up Long Slump Improvement Which Began '..V. Late in 1937 Ended; l Warning rVoiced . CHICAGO, Aug.- 2 9-(jA new Increase la tralilc deaths altera : 1 9-month tlnmp flashed the , red light of .warning to American mo torist! today. .-v .-is . The national safety council re- ported fatalities rose one per cent In Julj in the wake of a two per cent upturn in June, --n It stated the upward trend, in . those two months broke a' record oi sustained improvement "which . began in November, -1937, and confirmed the ' "fear that Amer ica's most successful traffic safety ' drive definitely has stalled." r Daring Jnly the council counted 2,760 deaths on the streets and highways compared with 2,720 in Jnly, 1938. During the first ser- . en months of 1939 it recorded 16,- 250 fatalities four per cent few er than the 11,880 who died dur ing similar period last year; ' . Y- " Rural Deaths Gain ' , ., Deaths in rural areas increased for the fourth successive month, offsetting gains . that - had been made in the cities.' . The safety leaders in the var ious . urban : groups, f with death rates for the first seven months, were listed thus: , ; Group 1 (over. 500,000 popula tion) Boston 7.8; Milwaukee 8.3; Pittsburgh 8.8. " v Group 2 (250,000-500,000) . Providence, Rl, 4.7; KanBas City. Mo.. ,7.9 f Rochester, NT, 9.3. Group 3 (100,000- 250,000) New Bedford, Mass., 3 : Duluth, Minn., 3.4; Des Moines, la., 3.5 Hidden Firearms Held BnimfieldPs SEATTLE, Aug. 29-yP)-Om-cers unearthed a firearms cache near Renton today, and Supt. George W. Roup of the state re formatory said burial of the four - pistols and ammunition was at trioutea to Alien Brumiield, re cently wounded at, Portland and accused or Killing a nurse in hospital escape attempt. - Brumfield escaped . from duty outside the walls of the state pri son at Walla Walla, where he was serving a term for a Seattle rob bery. Roup said the buried "arsenal1 was found on a. tip from a re formatory inmate who said Brum field had led him to the firearms when they planned a Portland holdup. Roup said the informant told him he later lost his nerve and left Brumfield. . Lulu Due in Debut t i i f. ' - - i f" ),!3L I Depoe Diver Hurt ' In 25-Foot Leap . NEWPORT, Ore., Aug. -Ted Kendall, Depoe Bay, was in a. critical 'condition at a hospital at Toledo today, his skull frac tured in a dive at the Newport natatorium. Disregarding warnings, witness es said, Kendall dived 25 feet Into the plunge yesterday and his head struck the bottom. Lulu, world's premier woman clown who'll make her Salem debut IbnndaT as one of the lOO clowns with the Rlmgling Bros, and Bar- nam & Bailey circus. The "Greatest Show on Earth1 restyled ana air conditioned, brings to town 1,600 people. Nine hundred of them re performers. Lulu, who hails from the Olympta circus, London, KrurLand. Is makinc her first American tour. Her brand of fun- making is said to stack up well with the big show's other funsters. Grctis Due Here Early Tomorrow At new Grounds in North Salem Hey, fellers T Better practice up with those water bucket arms. The circus is coming Thursday. Where? To a new stand in Salem, at Baker and Market streets, east of the Southern Pacific tracks, City Treasurer Paul H. Hauser was advised yesterday. O The big show, the combined Auto Gets m Way Of Police Bullet PORTLAND, Aug. 2-flVCitJ officials listened with sympathy today but declined to do anything about the bullethole in E. A. Schanen's automobile. Tbe car was damaged during a police fight with Allen Brum field. alias Hulen Presley, a con vict who later killed a nurse ana wounded a doctor at Good Sa maritan hospital. Deputy City At torney Alexander G. Brown said the oficers acted in the line of duty. Local Banks Following Discount Rate Increase PORTLAND, Aug. 29-flP-Fol-lowing the trend of other coast financial firms, Portland banks increased the discount rate on Canadian money today because of the international , situation. The rates ranged from 1 to S per cent. : Lane Rites Thursday SILVERTON The funeral senr Ices for O. E. Lane will be held at the Larson and son chapel here Thursday at 2 p.m.,-wlth burial in the Belle Pass! cemetery at Wood- burn. Twenty-Thirtians Open Convention SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 29.-UP) The seventeenth annual conven tion of the 20-30 clubs opened here today with a meeting of the board of trustees,, an afternoon golf tournament and an evening entertainment with a play lea turing Sally Rand of fan dance fame. Tomorrow the convention will elect officers. Pat Emmons of Sa lem, Ore., and M. Abbe Strunk of San Antonio are candidates for president. Hero of Jailbreak Try Dies at Age 80 Years MEDFORD, Aug. 29-i!p)-Eighty year old Edward D. Collins or Goldhlll, who foiled a jail break here in 1920, died at his home fonr davs aro but the body was not found until last night. Twenty years ago Collins, al though slugged with a window weight, rushed a prisoner back into a celL He locked the jail and collapsed. His widow is visiting in Minne apolis. Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey affair, will roll into town early Thursday morning from Portland on four trains of double- length steel cars carrying 1800 troupers and roustabouts, 50 ele phants, 1009 other menagerie an lmals and hundreds of horses, the circus' advance man said yester day. i Unloading animals and erection of the show's air-conditioned "big top ' will get under way at day light, if advance schedule is fol lowed. Forty one tents, nine elec tric light plants and eight air con ditioning plants will dot the grounds. Gargantua the Great, giant gor illa, is the big show's "super feat ure" this year. Opening spectacle will be "The World Comes to the World's Fair," reputed to include in its cast 2000 people and ani mals. The circus will present two per formances, one at 2:15 p. m. and the other at 8:15. Reserved seats will go on sale downtown at the Central pharmacy at 9 a. m. Thursday. Eastern Oregon's Fire Makes Gain ... t 9 Over Thousand Men in Malheur and Whitman : ' . National Forests . PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 19-tJPi More than 17,000 acres In' brash and timber were afire tonight in eastern Oregon's. 'Malheur and Whitman national forests. - . The fire, increasing its size 10,- 000 acres since the last survey. taxed the efforts of 700 men on the Whitman side and 400 to 500 on the Malheor sector. Days of 'constant fighting con trolled the 2000-acre Medical Springs . fire near Baker. The Chicken Hill and Cornucopia biases were also extinguished. ' The first casualty among the 00 men employed on na tional forest lines occurred today when Carol Dill, Days Creek, suf fered a fractured skulL He was In the path Of a falling snag. Improv ed weather conditions permitted release of 400 fighters last, night and another 100 wUl be discharg ed tonight. . Baker, the coolest spot on the weather map, forgot summer and prepared for autumn' after the temperature dropped to 33 degrees at 4:30 a.m. It was only 34 at Bend. Even Alaska was warmer than Oregon, Barrow reporting 34 degrees. Bonneville Calls For Bids on 100 Snake Bite Kits Call for 100 snake bite kits has been issued by the Bonneville project. Recent start of new survey and land clearing operations east of the Cascades, where the anti social attltnde of the reptilian population is universally respect ed, has brought about the op portunity for medical and drug supply houses to obtain a slice of Bonneville's 128,000,000 busi ness. Bids will be opened on Wednes day, August 30, at the BonneviUe administration offices. The invi tation is the 600th call for bid- contracts on supplies, materials and equipment to be issued by Bonneville's procurement division since the project's organisation. The snake bite kits consist of knife, suction tube, ammonia ampoule, and iodine, ac cording to Logan C. Stewart, Bonneville's procurement officer Europe's 475fl00J)00 Await Fate as Drums Roll j GERMAN SOLDnSSWIoM of 'oi'UMIMli I WT n Y-iV?-7 ALLIES' MAN-POWER, UNDER ARMS France .... 2,000,000 Poland ...........V........; 1,000,000 Great Britain 600,000 Lincoln County is Host To "Barefoot Burglar PORTLAND, Aug. 29-0(p)-Port. land s good-fortune in getting lid of a youthful barefoot burglar apparently is Lincoln county's tough luck. Tom Burns, Portland architect, reported to the sheriff a shoeless lad robbed his Nelscott beach home of $75. 1 The Invader is believed the same one who has sneaked through homes here for more than a year. ! " . Named Mill Manager MARSHFIELD, Aug. 29-4P-The Inman Poulson Lumber com pany, Portland, announced today the employment of Henry Leaf, Coos Bay Lumber company pro duction manager, as general man ager. Leaf has been here 17 years. Poland's "Big Three" inEurope's Present Crisis gd AXIS MAN-POWER, UKDER ARMS rfp h w !f!f2 . F-H ilai Total .....100.000 MS llTAHAN AfiMT-ver tenth Italian mate U in U I J L m 1 lijLlaitt ULAll -POLISH INFANTRY A big army protecU a small country ; si Total 3,600,000 r tMHSJSl v. rv,ii ISL BRITISH TROOPS Empire's mENCH FIGHTERS Two mil-' fuaxdlans, ready for doty again lion march t tune of "Marseillea. New OSC Plant Set for Opening OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Aug. 29 Work on the big PWA chemistry building is rapidly Hear ing completion so that plans of this department of the school of science are to begin moving in soon after Labor day. This will permit having everything in rea diness by the opening of Fresh man week, September 25, and start classes October 2. Rebuilding the interior of the old "chem shack" is In progress but will not be completed before the second term. ' 34 Counties Have 4H Qubs Entered In Various Competitions During Fair Thirty four of Oregon's 36 counties will be represented In the 4H competition at the Ore gon state fair which opens in Sa lem Labor day, state 4H leaders said when they appeared on the fairgrounds this week to open the 4H buildings. Grant and Jeffer son are not represented to date. Livestock entries will total about 750 head, 50 more than the 1938 record, and will include the first full carload of stock from Klamath county, and also a full canoaa eacn irom .i season coast points will also make large entries, and smaller shipments will be made from other sections of the state. Clubs Register Sunday Club activities on the fair grounds will begin Monday, with delegates to register Sunday af ternoon. Highlights In the pro gram will Include two new events, the club livestock auction sale Friday morning in the club barns. with Ben Sudtell of Albany as auctioneer; and the dairy cattle judging contest to select the Ore- tional Dairy Show on Treasure Island this falL Sixteen counties) are entered in this judging eon- test, slated for Monday, Septem ber 4. Also three demonstration team to represent Oregon at this na tional show will be selected. and Union counties. Valley and gon team to compete at the Na- Eugene Valley District 3 For Power Setup Urged EUGENE, Aug. 29-(ff)-Allen P, Wheeler, county grange master, said today petitions were in tire lation proposing a people's vtilltx district for the valley area. All sections served by the Eugene mu nicipal plant were excluded. Put a Standard Guardsman in charge of your car -he's - i i 7 : l : v Si?- :v t :. : ... V. - i - , i . rv ! '''! I- v::." isV-. ' - i OoL Josef Beck ilarshal Edward Smljly-lSyda' . President Ijnace Motckld Hers are three Polish leaders fax the current crisis. the army and "stronr man" in the nation, CoV SnaeTioscickl Is the president of Poland. Mar- J Josef Beck Is the foreign minister, key man m u fhi Edward Smixly-Ryds.U taapector-enerai of present crisi. u - 0 "Attention I" cries the Guardsman true, 'Trust me! Ym looking out for you! Tm h"Fz 'neath your motor's hood Aid brothers, is my memory good! fre got your number, and I know When you changed oil how long ago You 'had 'er greased.' Depend on me To keep books on your battery ! "Relax! No need to stew or fret For fear some day you might forget And for such service, what's the fee? Just skip it, pal! The treat's on meF' USE OUR NATIONAL CREDIT CARD GOOD M YOUt NEIGHBORHOOD AND ROM COAST TO COAST HE'S NOT on the tax rolls. You don't pay him a cent in wages but no one protects your interests more tire lessly man the Standard Guardsman tacked under the hood of your car. True, he's just a slip of paper just a record of your car's lubrication needs ....BUT he guards your pocketbook! This hawk-eyed little "Guardsman" enables Standard Service Men to watch and accurately report when Safety First is shomt"g for any one of a dozen ur gently needed attentions. It is truly the guardian of your motorcar investment. a guardian against needless failure of parts, against cosdy repair bills and de preciation. If you haven't one. already, ask your Standard Service Man to put a Standard Guardsman in charge of your car the next time you have it lubricated or the oil changed. From then on, youll drive a sweeter running car and youll be armed to the teeth against trouble! mi ww m 2W BUS The popu'ar .Is f r tA'." '"':'T" , . For lHos motdrisrs wfo ttul c':::.-3 o Pennsylvcr.ia Oil -we VS1 (()